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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 2

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-2 The Canadi an Statesmnan. Mommanv'ille, July 17, IP63 Open New Day (amp to Tribües ~ Women Dies in Accident irprng for p arents' nîlghlt'Harry Wode's Reforme -rs yhleh bgna :0 Duriîn!,Ithe South will be an ex Are you making the most of ail these Banking Services? Yôur lôcal branch of the Canadian IniperiaI Bank of Commerce offers a camnpIete range oi banking 5erv- ices. Here are a leN, examiples: ®78 9 1 0 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 829 30 31 AUTOMATIC SAVINGS PLAN... .the easy vuay b[ save. Ail you do is authnon:e us to irasIMeran agreed amoun[t te> a spécial Savings Account at regular intervals, Your savings and inierest grow automaticallyl PERSONAL LOANS ... available for an,, good purpose -nsw furniture, a new or used car, a new TV or as a means of consolidating smalI debts. TRAVEL FUNDS ... thé safest îvay to carry funds. For aIl trips, at home or abroad, alvvays carry Travehiers' Cheques purchased at any Bànk 0f Commerce branch, *ANKING BY MAIL... rnakes 8ny Comnmerce branch as claie as flue nearest n'a"I box. A service for cus- tomers who find t dîrficulh ta gelt t the bank, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES... M P safest place for al! vour vauaoes-tor Iezss cFn 1':,é a dav. You can aiea leave\vour oorids or stocks .%itW. :e BanIkof Commerce fer sateeepng. Lrqluîre ýoonl t[esp are .i somne of the rnar.' se',. ces otfre-ed by the B&n;k ot Coiviirc e. i-or oLi era-, \ i; nearest brarnch. Let tne Sa, 1. trdt Bui!os ;jjpjytt.@ busine -.of barnking for cil CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE Ocerl1.260 bra nch es Io ser ve yo m MR. R. G. GROPP, Manager 1 King St. W. 3o wman vi île i fro One of the serýins problins the amnounit of coverage wtc roeinsand advaîîtages X ftn fcn anx' Government today l it npiovide is seriouslx' re- Suc'hI as: tcîng Af i tg t oattempting tb meetIstricted. (a) The liu, 'Act will nI f Clel jten-d -ftopepewih 2 A pension siich as the heconte mandatory outtil the I rsec o sociial egisIation, OId A.-e Security pension c3l beginîîiîtg off 196,9, and with Ip and al the sanie lime make; onvY be paid ut a fixed the tuncertainty off economnie RxOUnd-U certain that such legislatiorî amotint, and d snol reflect conditions the mandatorx' oi Oi t Tiesday aflernoni, lici1 therno thelx paye r. ' lias woi'ked, o the level of beni set alt a niodest was a three rai- collision Oit lit introducing Bill Il) '0ýihis earnings. Iii order to de-'leCCOI. King St. West, invoivingeniac.l-Te Pentsionis Bene fit trietecretlvlof (b)>'l'le ]turger* sax'ingý parkcd cars. It is, belicved a Ade". these factors hid to be. iiîeome ait individual should! wlîjcli Portable pensions wii) youngster sitting itn a car driv- 9given ca re fL consideration. receive on î'etirerneiî bolIl req ui re slîouIld ýassislt t " en by Betty Mac Palmet', Rich- There are aIl te present lime the above factors aie off tIiOctcnîtry's economic condition mond Hill, inadvertently turn- sonie 5010 pensioni plants OP- utmosl importanîce. 'Thle accumunLlated savings wil, cd on the ignition, starting the erating in Ontario aand in ad-ý motor. The car wenl ahead, ditiot, the Old Age Pensioi 3. Most otiier p eiîs i (o n act as a substittute for the for- plants, lîowever, do nieeît Ilitej igii capital Lupon which Cai:- coliiding with a Chev ' pick-cm pioxides a mieascite off seccir- bv reuerntuthvadlisecmsoepdn. truck owned by b. A. Parker if- for alinost everyoîîe from abso ve rqtiî'emeîs, utn-i theSe a li bec Iom sdeee alsohav mI. slFî"omites Thee soifîs70.ocTdhehe9 Kin s Ji,.Totui'n, titis ve tcae f 0.Teqcestion Oeof O îoîsroci of omontribiiîe tbCanada',, 'Iicie bit the one ahead, 'a 54! thcroffore arises as to the îie- te ithlakoprabilenri gi'owîli and helcu Chev. sedan driven by Ken- c'essit *'Vfor' fUrtier extension tPespe is he icgo ff pontbiie.em*peserveOmit ltno a neth Couti, R.R. 2. There wer, of Penîsions atIbuis time. Pplewo agothfrom ofem pen reauiion.nnî a ýno inluris anployerdmageanhetherwsome oacs nnation. na ijuris ao hiedamae Tc f*loxvîîg fact nla hlies iin thilr (c) Theite oitabilitv feature lwas Over $100, most of in to lelp to ilîutsrate the n eed ffoi'~ l~, nlaireai-e cable 'ooftifhie plaît xvii] allow fo! the Palmer vrhicle. siilih legisiationi and its a_-woi-l(itvi' cîiî ill. mr ioi vi 0 fedo Fiv c multiple (cai-accidentsaîtg j0 O e-ioieliu of thie province.r 4. A seconîd shoî'tcoming n aboutr resul in itmore .Job and rne single car crash wec1huhteOd aýhtiaypopewo Opruiie n oefei invcstigated by Ontario Pi-o- ~Atog 0 l g~ta aypol h okopîtiiisaî oefei vincial Police officers dtiriîî gSectiî'ityý Pension offeî's cover- for. anot'gaiiization îna 1-e- bilitv in industrY. the wckcîîd.fl'~-1 0 alnîost evei'v individur.] main onIt Off the Pensioni (lTi t vi rvd Donald Riay Coriiih, 10,18 il dors have limitations. Be- schemne cf theit'ot 'hi" for More Pension Plans and Cedar Street, Oshawa, xas cdiie of ius gr'eat c'051 10 hie but uscîaJilvthe.\ are excluded, more niembemslîip in thes- tracda Mmril ilptl taxpayer, an tîiis cîîivesality, becauise cf t'Uies respectin .L plans with arrangements more Bowwaîlvîlgeperidd, sexsor type ofi certainî, more just, and more Sunday after his car rolied oui Fain îwdsped 'a Highway 3.5 curve at O'o no. Fo ur D n d 5. Aîîother shottconîing is (e) A veî'v important fact A passcngeri n the aubo, that uindeî' present penitohn, s Ihat. the -preseîîî impedi- Alfred Cohrane of ontypoolplans, those, wlîo are hired în ment tho1e mly nto was not in.lumed. I n r s middle or lateî' lire, aie cx-lolder worker ills emplo etlof Athree-cam ear-end col-!I cluded becatîse orf age. lessenied, and as timegeso lsion occurred at 11:55 p.mi.1T .RMPGEOE 6. A vemY real slîortcomn- Ihère xiii be more aîtd big - last nîght north oit Hîghwayý thee arpsege'in ofatth'kid s ie gem incomes on retirement. 115 of the 115-35 intersectioni. xei'e piîîned tder the aver- present complebe lack off pe.t< (fM One of lte citicisms off There were noninjuiries, polie, lîined transport traiter for sion plans bin v raîz- aii hîepc apeei staîcri. more îîîaîîai tir before they tiong, pension planis is thal industrv Drivers off the tlîî'ec vchicles cnuld ho î'emoved. The trait- These aie the disadx'aitage. ini the majority off cases ha s werc: Hubert Fields, 903 Me_ or body' had to be î'aised by that the preselil Act seeks to mrefcised ta make avoulable lo Kay Avenuie, Windsor; john, cables ho alow î'oom for remedy, and in order to pi'e- theit' employees the debails of Fredcrick Spring, 1555 Biî'ch- Norîhcutl & Smith Fuiieral vent any excessive burden oin the pension schemne iii us-c. niaunt Avenue, Sca-ooigh ,Diî'ector-s, assistcd by police, the taxpayer, and al, the sanie This situation is remedied lix Jamnes Eari Pattonî, 2751 Vic- 1 cl u tuhc victims, lime establish thc pritîciples 1 b) ffsection c 1I lanra Park, Agirîcoutr. frmnihie \reckage. off portabiiitv anîd solveruc'v a rteAt whtich requires lit in to reo'st"et teai s;»rt Damage was esimaîed at sct a level off cost in keepiîîg wiL!,t that aîîl' Pension plant filed for- $20 fr tc irls'x'hic'le rrcrlfi ccidrîî i pa -terte off expanlsion in the' registration shah provîdefo and 400ta pî'ng' ca. ort that, hie Vamnvas car was ecouomv, great ('are bas eiep: a %vritten explanationti 10the and$40 toSprng* ca. icading west. Onie driver, necessory in draftiiig the Bill. employeoff the terms aîîdI Triple Car Crash rireccly behind thie Vamvas Il sft ,ta a eut 0 cniitsofhi lnoî n Ait Oshawa driver, Karti vhicle, stated that il had corne Atewll, provida e rnnviîî- me dinsortherelnbo. an Schoenad, 461 F'ainieigh Aveui- onto the highway aI an inter- Atwl rvd nn n-aedet leeo uc, was involvcd in a IhOrre chanige neai' Bowmanviiie, and lit a latet' article I hope tai car iraî'-end crash norlh off !ad passed him at a specd weîî deal with the Central Pension the 115-3,9 intersection on in cxccss off 75 miles an hour. ýAvgic and the m nist ra-c Highway 115 at 10) p.m. Sunî- ThiF sanie wilncss stated thal .aingosteAct. dtiîsr day. Vainvas hart Ocen forccd btîîîof10oc Drivrrs orftheOn othet' car«ý irduce speed hy a car ahcad Off- - - were: Murray Sparks, addrcss him iu the passîog tante. lie'RN E inknown and -James Thoma,-, said theIiiwo vchicles continucd 77 Rathburn Road, lsliiigtoiî. close together for some dist-:O a g There wcre f0 inJutues. aller wl-îeit tOc lcad vehicle ap- Whltby Driver In Crash p>'Llri Io1 swrrvr a bit onto the: shocflder andtd lOn rctti'ncd b IItf f f P a ra d e George V. Hickey, 121 Cctii thietari. EU MK OM AG ON tre Street, North, IWhiibv, was At lOis poUStEbleCVmvS invalved in a thmce-car, rear- rai ilso locok Io 1he shoulder 1O1 X1 nuc illy on Oorsebac'k cmicrshon 1-igiwY 3.t hadiîîg cwii thie middle of hdAyser leade'çîthe Parade whieh tll soutuî of En:îîcîprise HillI aili1,gr,, niediait, bc said. Il Saratoga 4-Dr. t0e baiidshiell just before 2 9:30 p.m. Sunday. pi'ocered alouig this portion ni ..flus lhorse gave some Obher drivers wei'e: .lusrph ,niii ilîbit a ltxx culvemt thati(Customn radion with rear tî'ouble on Bloomsgmove Ave., Lagr,' 27 East i3ili Stî'eeL, tossed the car aîtd its; oc'cupants: speaker. poNver brakes, where il lîad 10 ho dismnitîed., Hamilton. aîidIliughî McDon- A' iu feet into thîe ait'. 0O, pover steeting, 6-%%ay pow- Oanîge auîd bine weiethie aid.114 Par'k Road. TOmrOtto. iaîtding ti headed foi' the cast- er front seats, rear xindow' prex'aiiîg cohouîs, but ea('i Four Car Crash botiîd road wîei'e ilsrniaslied defogger, other extras. Jodg ' xvcuie ils cdistinctive iii- i do 1Iless. 6.56 Christie' inottO 10 'oiîciig i'atspoî't. (GIeamning black finish. sil,îiia. "lite ladies lodges xvib! Street, Oshawa. had $75 votî Il xvuuld appeari ltaIlite (Chaiufur driven. tiicir \%,bite dress aîîd colotîr- off damiage doîîe Io ls cd,. heaMvv a r, at '51) Clîtvsem Irîî- New~ car coni(Itionl. cd parasols cacIgIt itîte eyý' wheii lie was iutvolved iii a pîcrîfli. Strtîck thie cabhi cff te whiile niicti\' tfIlite iUveniie four-car rear-eîîd crash on E.le(-ttolie t ractor-tra iler- ap) 1959 Plymouth jodges were aiso smaî-îiv Highxvoy 35, south off Enter'- pi'oxiiiatelY aItiîe lefI door, tUi'ied OUîI. Baiîîers witli typ-U prise Hill al 8:40 p.m. Suîîday. driviîtg ils way' vtlirocîgh lie 4-Dr. iuai Or'ange slogans and his- Driv'cîs off tue obher cars txveîî te tiactor and traiter i w<> ù choose from. Both toric scenes added t hie ('01- weî'e and damage to îîîiiraiîd tîpseling the traiter on are verv dlean cars. our. ('ars: Roif Barbe. 16 Hollv- top off il. Thle car' frame was The Durhamî hodges weme Io wood Avenîue. Willo%\'dalie stî'îppecdoff ovcrythiig above 1958 Plymnouth bue fore and figured promin- <$100); James Eddington, il aîîd behow, igiî back to the .fyithprzls.Taig Tresillian Road. Dowtisvlir'w recar scat. TOec cîgine was -D.paît' werc iodges lmom Petei'- ($175); anîd George Hermer, 0omît fi'oîiî ils mouîîîings anrd V9 uoai, ut a! boî'ough, Victoria, East, ad Rfl i. Coibomne ($200). Ibs.. cd xx'eli awaV fmom theV ,'-oai, tairai.West Durhiam, Ontarin and Thrr crenojnJris, OUwreckage. Even' thelîuge %vIleel1 dises. White and Northucmbceland Counties. Thne wre ln ninies itl-dual wx'ueeied tranîspor't tractor brown. One nwner car In Sm mle ogsmîO hec tatc. xas pcishech away froni thc 1ov'eI condition. ed with laî'ger orles, making Two Car Crash rest of tlie transport and thea calculaîlon impossible off the Pr'ovinceial Police heelu- cab) xas criîslied conipletly. 1958 Buick 4-Dr. lcLimber off lodges ont parade. vestigobed a 1w0-car accide'nt East-bocuiîd raffic was e- Mondas' on ifigOway 3.5, just duced lo one laîîe for several, Automatlc, custom radio, Order of March south cf the 115-:35 intei'scc- liocîrls as erncrgency crews ar- whvileel dises, 2-tone brown. The tirder of march m'as as lion. rived to rernove the traîîspcrî's Local car In A-i condition. folioxvs: Teewrnoiijii,,p l oad off elecîrical equipmenî, LOL4I. Mtîsketters d ruin ice î'eported. and lî'aîsfer utt b onolhei 1956 Plymouth cor'ps, Poitl Hope Bratîch 301 Drivers off tOc lxvt ca rs x chiche. T'le accident 0ap- lband, Emily bOL, 294. Orne. weePaul Boîîaîtîo, 48 Clame- perd bebxveeîî two and three 2-Dr. meri', LOBA 1034 aîîd bOL ltit Crescent, Torontîo: E\'elx'n o'clock aîd the xxîeckage xvas 'ihree to choose fromn. 3140, Colbou'ue reerea t i o n Mcbarenu, 4 batimer M' ncî,ot vleard cîttil afler 8 o'ciock AUi n A-1 condition I rcrnlîol band, Cobourg aîîd Tor'onto. tt nîglît. Coibou'ue druni majorettes, Co- Damage aîioutihu'dta $3110 h s expected there w'ii l> e 1956 Ford 2-Dr. bourg LOb, 127, JOb 79, Heleut for each car. îîî iquest. atitgli nocldef- Navin Memnorual 151, LOBA Tw a Cahmite decisioîî had been dis- V-8. good runningccar. 351,. Coid Sprinîgs LOb 514, TwoCar('rshciosed Wednesday nînon. Cobourg Legion druni coups. Rowmiaîiviiie Toxvîî Police Invesligating officer %vas Oshawva lodges LOBA 97, loday ueporled thol îiwo cars O.P.. Constable .1. A. Schultz 'O,1,LB 8,LL6ý eoilided aI the intersection off the Boxvnîanxillp delach- p JOb 17 LOBA16 , LeOb 686nd off King ami Liberîy Sîreets on ni pn'-. PALM ER AEnterpripe1ae a doniaband1 Sunday. The accident necurred \vitii- I ~ f Raeboro 820, Lindsay Kavol:j Police slaîed tha thie cars in a mile off 10e spnot %vhere f~ es al efLB .Bw 0vGron Wîi- MsAlinue Bemuhe xvas killed S LE manvilie Train i n gZShn lim Hugg!in. -690f 1.ilte11 iî$c-tmc raho-un-1C-YLR-PLM[T BnO-a-LB55 ik Kinsrmen hrass band. tow. manvilie Pine Ridge 129 1. Pur: pie Guards 2384, Tyrone Unity, LOBA 1244, LOL fife end, drum band and Long Saiilt lodge. From Peterborough LOT, 2440, LOL 457, Green and Whites pipe and drurn L1,01 321, Lakefieid JOL 432, LOBA 631, LOL 122, Wesley Mar- vellettes fife and drum corps,1 LOL 419, North Smith, Busy. Bee JOL 100, LOBQ 244, Ju.- veriffe bOL 136, LOBA 650, LOL 80, LOI 50, Campbell 'lord LTB 45, Cartwright flute band and bOL 43, CGE w'orks On Mônday. wet were tak'-,, the riav' the children made and showed them the forts .,,,, 'forthefirt tme a or nw habads and rehearsed the Then the chiidren presented " day camp site which is on Mr. Departure of Hiawatha which the Departure of Hiawatha. ...... Werry's farmi about seven, they put on for the parents.ý The boys then raided the fort s -mles trom town. After exc- When the parents arrived the;and went for a swim to wash A 1i"uiri camp rules and rt'gu- rurners from each tribe took off the war paint. At about lations, we took the chidren theni on a tour of the camp 8:30 everyone left for home. fin a tour of the camp sitz' 8nd divided them into tuibes. M , Each of these tribes chiA chme iadef, a medieine man and arunne. 1.0rêis HoId Picinic Mohwk, wthDonald Sl "ester as chiel, John Brine a Wlt n n u y 2 mé4ele an and Ron West- lake as runner: the second trîb* wa3 the Anaches with Thp Durham Countv Lîb contcst. La'.t year at the Lb boug FPirth as chief, Eddie' erai Pienic to he held at WaI- eral Picnie the bail garne win- Bons as medicine man and tona Park. Newcastle, on Sat. ners were the members of the John SDVy as runner; the urday atternoon and even- Northern Team, and the South- third tribe was the Cree wit?tiing, July 27th, starting ut ern players have vowed to ~ ~ Gré* Corden as chief, Gordon three o'clock, wiii be the best seek their revenge by captur- ~~. ., Wérry as medicîne man and event ofitis kind heid in the ing the victory this time, *...:. Jim Scott as runner. The area for many years. A won- There will also lie a Girls tribeà then went to the wOndis derful program of entertain- Soltball Game betwecn a Bou&,. end startàd t- -tii1df,ýtz. Wor ment for chiidren, teen-agers, manville Teani and oie frornm' ~ . also bujît a swing bridge and and adults has been arranged. .port Hope. The rivalrv off stearted a dam en NOI~. Ailan Beer, Bethany, thelthese two teans also prominses An inquest has been called into the death of Mrs. Aline Berube, 26, of Tuesday, the tribes foundi Lberal Candidate for Dur- that the game will be good Io O'Connor Drive, Toronto, who was instantly killed wlhen the station wagon in polés and painted them aà ham, in the coming Provincial watch. xxhich she xvas riding collided with a truck and rolled over. The accident totem poes. They also wark-,Election, and his wife, Mar- Swimming in the excellent OCUrred on Ilighxxay 401, Sunday, between Bowmanville and Oshawa. Both éd on téir forts, and thue damlgaret, and their children, will Wualtona Park pool xii be vehicles in the accident were westbound. Police sax' the reai- wheels of the for swimmin. W ednesday w e!be present. M r. Beer's many free for chiidren . The hec hfan sp r r c n h a old d h o i c, t e c *r i t ei s o o l gtitted ta buiid the Indianifrienids wili be giad ta know peanut scramble will aiso b( pr rc n h a clietiuiî h crit uisc oî Council Ring. In the after-îthat lie is making rapid pro- fun, and there v.,il ho races w hich cnded \x]th the station wagon in an îîprighlt position on the eastbound noon we had a scavenger hunt gress toward compiete recový and other contests for thein. lane. Mis. Berube's husband Yves, 30, and eight month old soni, Luc, escaped In the woods. This scavengerery foiiowing the operation There will lie a number of injurv in the mishap, bLît -were detained overnight in Memnorial Hlospital, Bowv- hunt was won by the Apachehe underwent recenlly. He re- rcsadcmeiin tribe; the Crée came second;turned home from hospitul o rcenn cmettos epec- manville, for observation. Driver cf the truck was Leslie Angus, .30, of Victoria andtheMohwksthid. undy.ially for the older teenagersz, Avenue North, Hamilton. O.P.P. Off icer A. V. Alexander investigaîed. Thursday we continued toi RuseIi C. Honey, M.P., his wl etetreegdrc,- Timies Photo work on the councîl ring and wife Anne, and their twO egg and spoon race, and oth -___________________________________________ iuit a refrigerator for fi young daughters, willi also be ers for aduits. stbrage. The chidren aiso at the picnic ta greet every- pca rwwt vn hid a long swim period. Dur- anc. Those attending the e ful pres ill lw i hedoa- ingth ars nd ratsperiad jayabie event wiii ave the iera piePil e je ongt wè dcortedthecounicil ring. opportunity af meeting Johnth ieaPcn.Amgte1 In the evening wehel a intrmeertheProvincial attractive prizes 'aie an cxccî- ep o r r m Qe n s Pr Wiener roast and a sing sang. Leader of the Liberai Party. lent picnic table, a set off six Thé oys henwentla te Te hal gae btwee Ai nesting chairs, a Iawn chair.,I 4 *ré ôs heiwet oth.'Te al am btee A-and two fine jewellery box- by A-lex C.arruth~ers, Mv. P. P. tént to 3pénd the night. 'Ian Becr's Team, the Grits es. Most of Friday was sret from North Durham, and Robert Jibb, Cold Springs, Ontario, paid the second high- est price for a bred heifer $875 this for a daughter of Ottawa Dijax Dode. William F. Moore, Cobourg, bought a inilking female ut $800 as did Fred Stewart off Onix' one btîll was sold, this being -he s e ve i i- r oi t h.j- o 1d, Laykinvexv Scpreme Max, who brouglît $651) on the bld off Auîgencia Gerosilco, Car- acas, Venezuela. 'i'xveuiby-focir- mihkiîîg fe- Miales ax'eragcd $503 each; fifleen bî'ed heîfers, $459 each.' fifteecou cpeni* yeamliugs, $279 each anîd cught lîcifer caivesý .S181 each. Olheî' good pu'ices iîtcluded:, .ý4u5 paud by John Wiîoal offi SI. George. Ontar'io, for o nilkimg feniale; $501) paid liy Daute Hii i Acres, Upte'gu'ove,' Ontario, for a mikiuîg female; $425 paid liy Ailaîî Dowîî,1 Bcwnianvihîe, Ontaria, foi'a a mulking female; $585 paid by Gr'ant Down for a mikuuîg fe- male; $425 paid by Sani Har- rop, Milton, Ontario, foi- a miikiuîg female: $500 paid liy: Sami E. Davidsouî, Cobourg, Ontaio, for a bred heifer; $475 paid liy Jose E.Gri-aa Cooksvilie, Ontario, for a bred heifer; $400 paid liy Esmel Lonswa 'v, Cookslown, Ontar'io, for a mihking female; $675 paid by B. Douglas Moore, Cobourg. Ontario, for a cie ,heifer; $525 paid liy Donald Bcudd, Port Hope, Ontario, for a miikiuîg female. .0ils anÇk(eces TOP BAND --- ongratulationrs te> Tyrone's Fife xi Drurn Band who look first place ini thear cla0_ the Orange Parade in Port Hope, last Saturcry, Band leader Dick Gibbs' chest is way out about. a foot more than usual, they tell us. t it t t t BIG ONE - Mrs. Sid Bond, 135 Scugog, has à giant delphinium in her garden that measures severi and a half feet high. Many of their dew worm customers have been so astonished at the size of the plant, they've almost forgotten their fishing. t t t t t PRO RETURNS - Georîge Mansfield, the trav- elling tennis profesonal, will be i Bowmanville for the second time this year. on Thursday, at the Lions Centre, where he %vill give instruction to local players. t t t t t DIES IN OTTAWA - Memhei-s of the Federation of Agriculture were shocked on the weekend to hear the niews that Dr. Herbert H. Hannam, presi- dent of the organization since 1943, had died suddcnly at bis home in Ottawa. Dr. Ilannamn has given outstanding leadership to the national organization and he wvil1 be a hard man to replace. NEW 1100L - Swirnres will be interested in learning tl1at the Kiwvanians, after several unsuc- cessful attempts, have now completed the damn at their park. The backed up wateî- is providing an excellent swimrning area, up to 5 feet deep. A lifeguaî'd mill be on dluty starting this Saturday fî'om 2 p.rn. until dusk, and ever ' day except Monday anci Tuesday at the same lime. BEACH BAG Regular 1.39 SUMIMER SPECIAL BROMO Reg. 1.09 - VITALIS ALBERTO VOS HAIR SPRAY --Only 88c Now 83c Only 89c Regular GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE BOMB Regular --O I 9 JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Reguilar 98C -1 -------I ------ N ow 73c Regular 79e DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Only 69C .Now 69c~ the per/ect /7inishing touic.. * MNO S. DVJ)SSAIJTERINE! Manor St. Davids sauterne is a white table wine aged in Bright'a wine cellars, and miade from a blend of special grapea C grown in the Niagara Penineula. &.nqIS fINeCANAL)IA N"W nes 3INCE 1874 __ Maaot t.qi.daNd I ba FastUn Dutm ead a alSnos LOfl t), Far vanl SeorLO40 FraserDa. villterLoL 46, MiLBAok0D6, ghlers4o4, Caide LOBA 1(166 poolLO4B4.1P1ide ow Pn-; pol, LegOApipe14ndBowmn- ville oLego pipeand drum POnî102ooL OLA 833, Bthony boLOL 053 LOB 133, llen bm LO 83wih itean dr God adCbug rd. o Gody bud,Conne'g Pite' L'TB 516, Unity File bond, _West Toronto drumn major- ettes LOL 309, Woî'shipful master Gai'ih Harding acted as chariman at the bandshell. Ross McKaY was parade: marshal and counîv master Austin Trotter- led thie EasC Dur'lîarnLodges. -Guide Allan D@wn (FROM PAGE ONEý Now 1.58

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