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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 3

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frecelved by the bride's roth- r'f I er. For the occasion she wore L t u e C o e o :a dress of white ribbon lacetL e u e no n r r over nile green taffetaan white accessories. The groom's mother assisted and she chose W eddings j turquoise organza over lace wore corsages of yellow sweet- heart roses. k. When the bride and groom left on their honeymoon motor 4 - ~ I trip to eastern and northern ý Ontario. the bride wore a white wool ensemble, lipsticki red Baku hat, matching red, accessories and corsage of red and white carnations. They BROMELL GRAY 'Patterson of Oshawa. Their will reside in Toronto. street length dressesoci- Many beautiful and useful The Bant st Church, Bow- fon over taffeta were deni-wedding gifts were received rnanville, decorated with pink cally fashioned with full by the bride and groom in- and white peonies, and r2ii skirts and short sleeves. The cluding several cheques. rc;7ds rnarkir the guest pews, maid of honor was in mnint The bride was guest of hon- was the setting for he mal'- green and the bridesmaids in or at many showers and par- riage of Joan Mariln G73 -Pink. Ail wore white wedding ties prior to her marriage. Mrs. ý daughter of Mr. and M s. ring headpieces with veils and Angus McLeod gave a miscel- liarold Gray, and Mr. Gary carried nosegays of pink car- laneous shower at her home, ]Elçin Bromne] .soe f Mr. and nations and white 'mums. Bayview, Toronto, and Mrs. e PIVs. Elriin Brome i.a1i of Mr. Wm. Bromell, Bowman- Alexander Ashenhurst, a din- Bowmanville. on Saturdav, ville, was best man for hi.s ner and kitchen showen at her Te.E .Boe a h brother and the ushers were home, High Park Ave., Tor- offiain cer~mn.tih bide's abrother, Mr. onto. Mrs. George Snell en- - Mrs. Stella Beech of Maple bride's brother - in - law, Mr the Bayview Golf & Country Grove played the weddiin!zGeorge Bryans, Courtice, and Club. Toronto. music and allso accompanied Mr. Theighn Bromeil, Bow- Mrs. Art Luscombe, Mrs. the sloist, Miss Vivian Sad- manvilie, another brother of Reg Bristow, Mrs. J. A. Mac- ler of Bowmanville. the groom. farlane and Mrs. H. A. Mann .,. Givenl in marriage by her Followîng the ceremony a were hostesses for a luncheon................... father, the bride was attired reception was held at the and presentationi at the Can- in a floor length gown of E Memorial Park Club House, adiana Motel, Toronto. Mrs. Chantillv lace and nylon net ~xmnie i G. A. Henry gave a bathroom over satin. The bouffant skirt* hwra e Knsa oe guests wvere received by thelsoe thrKnsa oe fell from a fitted bodice with bride's mother who wore blue' Toronto. Mrs. Nelson Os- sequin trimmed Sabrina neck- lace over taffeta with white borne, assisted by her daugh- line and short sleeves. A se- bat and accessories. She w0asIter, Miss Mary Ruth Osborne, quin trimmed crown caught, assisted by the groom's mo- held a cup and saucer shower her elbow length veil, and shýte h a npn aein Bowmanville. A miscellan- carried a white Bible sh the r hows n ik aeoushowr was also given creed taffeta, also with whitecos e with red roses. ine ,Bwal1 byMrs. Jack Miss ariln Prot, ~ hat and accessories. Both ~omni wore corsages of pînk canna-SpfodadermteMs ranvilie, was maid of honon, tions with wie'us Samis. and the bndesmads were the Tebiesprnsetr b-ide'F sister, Mrs. George As the happy couple left for Thiebide's areenn s ete- ]Bryans, Courtice, the brides a honeymoon in New York ied wityathanevenying up- "" sister-in-law, Mrs. Creighton' State, the bride was weaning r aMrateo the lori Dtc- Gnay, Courtice, and a cousin a two-piece suit o! woven, da, party following the wed-Mran Mr.DnsFnciGgesh ni o! the bride, Miss Carol Ann beige linen, beige accessonies M.adMs ei rnosGcesoni -and corsage of red roses. They ding rehearsal. married in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bci ar residing at 210 Church St., Jurie 29, 1963, at il a.m. Formerly Miss Laura El Bcowmanvi1le. ESSERY - ORMISTON is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Eldridg-e -~ te rie bfoeMnypatie wrehed On Saturday, June 1, 1963, bridegroom is the son of MVr. and Mrs. Albert Gagne marriage. A personal shower KnnEaOmsoduh 10N vas given by Mrs. Genaid ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith f.~ ~"\ Gray, sisten-in-îaw of the Ormiston R.R. 2,a:Iani -~are bride. Another sisten-in-law, vil, and Mn. Robent Scott Recently a re Mrs. Creighton Gray, was hos-' EsseI3T, son o! Mn. and Mrs, tess f or a miscellaneous show- Eldon Essery o! Courtice,, MisMarilyn Prout held a! Ebenezer United Church. For!E linen shower, and a pantry the occasion, the church wasl ihwrws given by Mrs. decorated with standards ofi Robent Buban. white 'mums. Rev. John Ro menil officiated. /.a d OUTAIMBLYN -IRELAND ganist andethePslickell a or St. Paul's United Church, Clifford Rundie. an b a Bowmanville, prettîly decona- The bride, who was ve Can UV ted with white shasta , mums in marniage by e fahr and yeliow gladiolus, was the wore a floor-length gown of -- setting for the marniage on white organza over taffeta' i Saturclay, July 6, 1963, at 2 with lace oak leaves on the 'r o'ciock of Patricia Muriel Ire- bodice and skirt. Sequins out- IB U L Oland, only daughten of Dr. lined the round neckiine of __£ r and Mrs. P. E. Ireiand, Ton- the short-sleeved bodice and onto. and Mr. Edward Char- a butter!ly ow accented the out o your les Tamblyn, son o! Mn. and back waistline. Long onganza ïf Mns. Roy Tamblyn o! Can- gloves were worn by the bride. a Ilovv n c !" ningtoîî. Rev. H. A. Turner Her shoulder length, bouffant allow ncel, officiated. veil feli from an organza bow Church organist, Mn. M. encircled by white stephano- Beaton, played the wedding tis. Pale pink and white car- music and also accompanied nations formed ber cascade MassAineica the soioist, Mn. Ross Metcall oqut * Youth and beauty are o! Bowmanville. Miss Rosemary Ormiston , -.*captured ln this 17 The bride was given in man- sister of the bride, was maîd tifly ahed expan. i age b ie ahec and wore! f o honor and the bidesmaids s'nbaelet. $39.75 !a white gown o! nylon or-lwere the grooms sisten, Miss ganza over peau de soie de- 'Marlon Essery, and Miss Jean- signed with a floor-length full ne Therteil. They wene ln> *-skirt. The Basque bodice was street length dresses of deep highlighted by appliqued AI- pink organza oven taffeta * .*.~,.~encon lace at the neckline and with lace undenset in the bu- had fingertip sleeves. Her dice to the hipline, and three I bouffant, waist-length veil quarter length sîceves. Thein! was caught to a white peau 1headpieces were a deep pinikj #. de soie ring headdress andI bow on a band, with net circ- i~ she carnied a cascade bouquet ling the band, and they car- o seand yllwsweet- ied cascade bouquets o! paie Sonfloigtermrig nEeee heat rsesandwhite canna- pink and white carnations. Sonfloigtermrig nEeee MARINER 'tioncttes. 1Uie hrho audy ui ,16, - Rugged good looks, 15. Mrs. Jack Spafford o! Ton- The groomsman was Mr.UnitedRoberconttusrdy, Juhe 1,i1963, are formern jewels, waterproo ionto was mnatron o! honor andAr Esebrte o!te rsRoriSotEsr.Th bid ishefmr shckretsan. ad' -the bridesmaids were Miss Di- groom, and the ushers were Karen Eva Ormiston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith somie matching expan. acSeesn taa n the brides brother, Mn. Bnian! Ormiston. R.R. 2, Bowmanville, and the groom is theý sion band. $29.75 MieSevenson, ttawabo nd o Ormiston, and Mn. John Muir. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery of Courtice. --- Bowmanville, They were in The reception was heid inl -Photo by Sneyd P~exp el free to corne in and talk identically styled strcet-length the Sunday Schooi Room o!f______________________________ aba4%cj~ng a new Bulova on terms frocks of powder bluetise bnzrUtdChc.Te ou~1 like. Remember, youre wel- shantung wîth controllcd bell brides mother neceîved the, skirts, cap siceves and boat guests weaning a street lengtrid i P t r o o L.ko fore antheULOVabdifereel fLt - i,".werslhe A-- -ssisted +by Ath Sevecal parties honored the *- bride prior to her marniage. " Mrs. Gordon McKnight, th& ý ibrides aunt, gave a linen' - shower, and a miscellaneousi shower was held by Mrs. Wm. i ý>C Henry, attended by neighbors.~ iWorkens at General Motors'C held a presentation showen at the home of Mns. A. Worsley,; and a miscellaneous showen. was given by Ebenezer com-: DRESSES nuiy SUMME wasaÏsoheld by the gnoom'ss aunt, Mrs. Bob Barnabaîl..c $ 0 8 SALE Mns. John Muir was hostest~ 1when membens o! the basebal] RFN~LINFDUSFD C AT~team attcnded. -E G L N - - --- S--.E - nCÀ& .Ç 'M usic Resuits. ,' - i The following pupils o! Mrs. -"- C Stanley Payne, A.T.C.M. havep been successful in the Roaa]5~ , Consc-rvalfory Examinations.b Grade 1- Grant Milîson, 74 marks. .%'r. and 7Mrs. Rudolph Frederick Trosin are'fI Grade 1- Christine Chyb, pcue bv olwn hi araei t uesl 81 marks; Eileen McQuarrie, pcue bv olwn hi araei t uke's, t 78 marks; Victoria Nortbcy, i Anglican Church, Peterborough, on Saturday, Jul ,78 marks: Olga Nowosad, 18' 1,96. The bride is the former Marearet Stocrie. tr m1arks; Irene Lytwyn, 74 daughter of Mr~. anxd M John IL1 Storrie, Peter- t, Garads. -Dine a borough, and the groom is the son of McI. and Mrs. P' GridgeIIImrks. ilandidPats Edward Trosin ofc Harwood. The bride taught at were successfuL i Tyrone SchooL -Photo by Roy Studio Il. pmiel Insets on each aide, end- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Muy 17, 190 W eddinging with a large bow at the1 back, caught up with a cab- -bath enjoy good bealth. Winnipeg, Mrs. D. Byers, PRot bage rose. Her tiara of sequins and rbinestones was caught Ail four membens o! theiri Mound, Mrs. W. Rourke, Treng S with a shouider length veil family, Clarence and Lorne ton, Ont., Anlene Alldread ci S of tuile trimmed with sequins, O! Carman, Mns. W. Tennant. Carman; and two great-grand. "s- and lien cascade bouquet was o! Saskatoon and Mrs. W. Mc-' children, Lianne and Norman o! red sweetheant roses andRobbie o! Winnipeg, wereý Rounke Of Trenton. S stephanotis. al ob ihte nte Pouring tea during the day Maid o! honon Miss Glenda 1happy occasion, as well as il r were Mrs. F. Harris, Mrs. M.L Honey, sister o! the bridead !ten1 rncide and Swanton. Mns. H. M. Fewster, bidcesmaicis Miss Eleanor Hu- two great - grandchildren. A Mns A. Savage. Mrs. Wallact ghes and Mrs. Jack Green ail daugbtcn passed away in 1920. MilIs, Mns. G. Thompson, Mrs, wore similan dresses o! or- Those taking cane o! the W. VanKoughnet, Mns. F. Hea« ganza oven taffeta in apple guest book were Clarence and man, Mrs. L. R. Skelton, Mrs, green. The sleeves were cl- Lonne Aildread, William Mc- W. Dickinson and Mns. E - . bow length and the bouffant Robbie, William Rounke, Les Mills. skints were accented by ai lie Tennant, Tommy Alldnead. Mr. Cecu il ldread, Bow. rose design on the back. Thein Lanny MeRobbie, Roger Dîck- mnanville, and Mn. and Mns matching rose !onm bats were inson and David Byers. The Harold Ramsbury o! Newcas. caught to small veils and they servers. were the grandchild tIc, Ont., were among those cannîed cascade bouquets of nen: Mrs. R. Dickinson of attending froîîî a distance. white and pink carnations. The groom's brother, Mr.ID S Jack Green, was best man (I r D ~" and the ushers wene Mn. Bill 'Iln rs ý n u U brothers o! the bride. A reception was held at An old gentleman of 75 got' '-' Warkwonth Town Hall where the guests were received by a perfect score on a medical the bride's mother who wore exaniination, and the local a teal blue organza shcath doctor asked hiin how he kept with lace top and match ing lan such good condition. jacket, white accessonies and' corsage o! pink roses. She was "Wel, sir," he replied, "when assited by the groom's mother I was married some 50 years who chose a dusty pink sbeath, with white accessories andlago, my wife and 1 agreed that - corsage o! white carnations, if I lost my temper she would .. Foliowing the reception theiremain sulent, and if she lost x. couple left on a wedding tnip ber temper 1 would leave the to castern points. The bnidc's 'house. I attribute my good travelling ensemble was a hat otewl na three-piece pink. linen suit hat otewl-nw d withwhie acessnie, ad avantages o! an outdoor life!" - gardenia corsage. They will ne- LTE AEHN:E.Lsi side at Nestieton. r- Gest atende frm Mnt-Moth Damage will not occur to your clothes if tbcy are r eal. Kingston, Maynooth, St. cleaned regularly. Neyer put soiled clothes away. Catharines, Brampton, Ton- ~- * onto, Oshawa, Cobourg, Pet- KINSMEN ANNUAL CARNIVAL- Memorial Park enborough, Port Perny, Black- SATURDAY, JULY 2Oth stock and Gore's Landing. he above photo were Wedding Took f "zi owmanville, on Saturday, EiaehEldridge, the bride P a e ;n ~ ~ ______________________ eof Bowmanville, and the Pa e in I1903 e l DIiiUUfl.Rock rFalls. -Photo by Ireland A o t p l F I GAGNE- ELDIDGE Mn. and Mrs. Thomas All- Bouquets o! white 'mums, dnead o! Carman, Man. cele- 47 IN formed a lovcly setting in St. brat.ed their 60th weddingl 7KN Joseph's Roman Catho i c annivcrsany Monday, July 1,1 Church, Bowmanviile, for theý by holding Open House. For-' marniage on Saturday, Junelty-one relatives attended a P 29, 1963, at il a.m. o! Lauraiturkey dinner in the church: Elizabeth Eldcidge, daughter basement, and grace was saidý Lean, Sweet o! Mn. and Mca. Lynwood El- by Elvin Milîs, brother of 1 otag dridge O! Bowmanville, and Mrs. Alldread. Alex Stow' otg Mn. Denis Francois Gagne, pnoposed a toast to the anni- RL son o! Mn. and Mrs. Albert versary couple and the replyl ]R L Gagne o! Smooth Rock Falls. was made by Cecil Alldread. ,HL Rcv. F. K. Malane o!!iciated. Mn. Aildnead, the last o! aý HL An uncle o! the bride, Mr. !amiiy o! seven, was bonn at1 3 te, 7 lb Lesle G.Smit o!Manvers, Ont., August 8th,; played the wedding music~ 1873, and will be 90 next' Lean, Tasty, andthegrom'scouinMiss month. Mrs. Alldread, the for- Diana Cahill o! Toronto, was mer Priscilla Milîs, was born Cooked soîoist. at PontYPOOI and will be 79 HA Givhen i, mathge y er marnied at Pontypool on July I atrte bride wore a 1, 1903, and three years later1 Maple Leaf !loor-length gown o! whitelwn et akn hi e pure silk with overskirto!wetwsain thinw Pem a sil ogaza.Th ftte bdiofhome ia the Carman area o! e m a silkorgnza Th fîtedbodce Manitoba. They netired to the BA O was accented wîth a lace tono!CranAC94OadN______ tnimmed neckline and fashion- onfCam i194ad ed with long liiy-pointed cg siceves. The ovecskirt border- cd the flat pannelled skirt front with appliqued lace on 4S T E À each side, !lowing into a full AI back and chapel train. Her -30 shoulder-length veil fell !rom, 623-30 a band o! mother-of-pearl pet- FO R als and tiny flowers, and ber e bouquet was o! white orchids MATJFOT and stephanotis. ROT Matron o! honor, Mns. Han- c jold Sheridan o! Brockville, n ' and bridesmaid Miss Maureen 3 1 Smith of Ajax, a nursing class- 1mate o! the bride, wcne in BDE identical sheath style gowns BD E of blue taffeta with over- ON skirts and jackets o! embroid- ered blue nylon sheer. They wore matching blue satin1 shoes and matching blue pili-' box bats witii blue nylon cir- cular veils, and cannied nose- gays o! blue and white 'mums.! ;The duties o! the best man M were per!ormed by Mn. Pierre M Chatelain o! Montreal and the' M ML ushens wcne Mr. Gaston Des-i sureult o! Smooth Roc-k Falls and Mn. Pbilip Eldridge, Bowmanville, brother o! the' ~ T L $ $ Z S bride. A reception was held at th;, Lions Community Centre, Bowmanviile. The guests wene l MEN'S CASUALS receivcd by the bnide's moth- ODS& NS er who wore a beige lace dressa DS&ED with beige and brown bat, Values to $8.95 c beige and brown accessories, CLEARING. AT $4__ and corsage o! pink sweet- heant roses. She was assistcd R by the groom's mother who! was in a grey and pink silk' TEEN-AGE FLATS c French drape dress with white R accessories, and corsage o! White - Beige - Green c yelow sweetheart roses. 1oc iFoilowing the reception the $.9 -$39 couple le!t for a honeymoon in Toronto and Stratford, to, CHILDREN'S ,attend the Shakespearean Fes- S D L X O D tival. As they le!t the bride S D L X O D 1wai wearing an aqua linen Blue and White dcess wid matching coat, white Reg. $4.95 ----- - ----- bat and accessories, and cor- sag(, o! white orcbids. They C ID E ' A D L ýwili be residing in Ottawa. HL R N SA D S 1The bride, who attended Red - White - Brown SBowmanville High School, is Reg. $4.45 Sa rcgisteced nurse, a graduate'ý CLEARING __________$39 o! Oshawa Genecal Hospital.: 'The groom is a graduate o! OTHER SANDALS SRouyn College and is now a post-graduate student at the CLEARING - $2.79 University o! Ottawa in Psy-: thology. __ MEN'S CASUALS GREEN - HONEY Leather and Suede Baskets o! white 'mumndioos andOxod pink carnations !ormed the: Reg. $7.95 - $9.95 settingf in Dartford United' $5.99 t $7.99 .burch on Saturday, July 13, t 1963, at 3 o'clock, when Mac- RS UPE jooie May Honey, daugbter o!fGOLFSHOP ES M4r. and Mrs. Percy Honey, G L H E Dart fond. and Mr. Donald Glen WOMEN'S, Reg. $14.95$8 9Si Green, son o! Mn. and Mca. CL8A.9G AT'R NJorman Green o! Blackstock,' LAIGA e wcre unitcd in marniage. Men's Leather Rev. H. H. Lackey o! Wark- GOLF SHOES-$09 vorth was the o!!iciating' Ret. $12.95----$09 clergyman. Miss Sandra Honey played the wedding music and i WOMEN'S CORDS also accompanicd Miss Eliza-, beth Barnum, the soloîst. Odd Colors Given in marniage by berý CLEARING AT_______ $2.49 father, the bride chose a full engtb gown o! organza aven MANY 07HER SUMMER SHC affeta. The rounded neckline aras appliqued with lace and trmmdwihsequin and seed ELI H trimed with sequins and seed L IS H TH BRO*S. QUALITY MEATS ST. E. PHONE 623-5081 F'REE HOME DELIVERY ECIAL SAVINGS Pickled For Tho"e Pliels or Lunches A C BAR-B-Q 491b CHICCENS or HALF ) Average 99C Up Sieed B urns Campfire "cBrafs Afl9c 11 IBACON99b CHRISTIE'S BREAD 6 Loaves $1.00 'OME IN AND TRY OUR Cut to YOUR AKS Choice!1 FTRACTIVELY PRTCED! YOUR FREEZER WIFT'S TENDERED BEEF SIDES HINme 51,b 63L Ctand Wrapped Free TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ALL FREEZER ORDERS NATURALIZER SUMMER SHOES teg. to $15.95$9 9 1LEARING AT -----_ WOMEN'S SANDALS tg. $5.95 - $6.95 'LEARING AT $4.99__ Lg. $3.98 - $4.98$3 4 1LEARING AT -----$3.4 WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESS SHOES Illusion and High Heela White and Beige Reg. $8.95 - $9.95 $4o99 m $7,o99 WOMEN'S WHITE CROSS NATURALIZERS PASSPORT SHOES White - Belge- Tan - Black Reg. $12.95- $15.95 $4.99 ta $8.99 BOYS' LOAFERS AND DESERT BOOTS Black and Green Suede Ies 3 to 7 'g. $6.95- -----------------_____$4.99 CHIILDREN'S TIES AND STRAPS Beige - Brown - Black Reg. $4.95- $7.95 $3.99 -$4.99 :)ES GREATLY REDUCED E STORE Reg. to $19.95 btiMMER SALE ~9 ~UMMER SALE $4.00 OTHER ITEMS REDUCED FOR THIS SALE a,' -M 1 1

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