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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 5

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Three-Year-OId Twin Charmers re , kx - ----- Shawn in the above photo are three-year-ald Sharon Lee, left, and Sandra Little Dale Mildred and Debbie Elizabeth will Jane, right, twin daughters af Mr. and MMrs. Harvey Lnney, Bowmanviile. Proud be two years aid on August llth. They are the twinj rs. Harvey Lunney, Bowmanville. Proud Allison and Mr. Bruce Lunney, ail of daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery of Salem. Bowmanville. Their great-grandfather, Mr. Clinton Lunney, alsa resides in Baw- Proud great-aunts and great-uncle are Miss E. Knapp, mnanville, and their maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. M. Gray of Tymemouth, Enniskillen; Mrs. G. Niddery, Hamptan; Mrs. I. West- England. -Photo by Astor Studio lake, Sauina, and Mr. Clarence Avery of Lindsay. Return to God Centred Thinkinç Us World's Most Urgent Need Says Christian Science Head A Âeturn ta "God-centred thin4.'il" is the world's most1 urgent need, said the new President of the Christian Science Church recently. Speaking before the Chur- ch's huge annual meeting throng in Boston, Mrs. Helen 'Wood Bauman warned that the scientific advances taking place in the world today are ln danger af bexng misunder- stood. "Intense interest in techna- logical skills a.nd human ini- ventions is again tending ta divert thought from God," and neglecting "1to give Himi credit for a great release of mental energy," she declared. SInstead af "indifference ta men should be finding lm as "the center and cir-i cumierence af their being, the! source and fulfilîmentý ofi their honest aspirations. Mrs. Bauman caliledS uponj- cburch members "ta help thý!' world in its struggle againstl the atheistic materialism that deifies mortals."l The "seli-centered, human- centered tendencies" m u s t give way ta a "diviner ener- gy," she said - ta an energy that "Christianity holds with- in itself," always drawing men back ta the simple teach- ings that make Dei'ty "the fo- cal point ai lave and interest.'l Such worship "acknowled- ges Gad as the anly source ai intelligence and skill, and in- spires men ta love Him with ail the heart and soul and mind and stre.ngth," she said. "The God-centered thought Is canstantly refreshed at the fount ai intelligence and love. "When Gad is fully under- stood as underlying aIl con- structive developments, when he is seen as sustaining al pnagress," then will aIl men "delight in turning ta Him," declared the new church pre- E sident. "AUl that is worth poss sing, worth pursuing, woi expressing must be lini with the one creator, the c center and circumference being, with the God who mands aur love." The address was preseni in The First Church ai Chr Scientist - knawn as The N~ ther Church - before seve. thousand membens irom over the world. They heard annual repo irom many church depa ments indîcating stronger: ligiaus activity and inter among yaung peaple. Larger numbers ai h: school and college studei are attending church lectur applying i o r membersh subscribing ta The Christi Science Monitor, and sendi in their own articles ta t religlous periodicals, It m related. Among the outstar AT wi - "Wwov% CHILDS LADES" CHLADWESR 37 King St. W. omnil COATS SPORTSWEAR 0~foto 0~toOFFSLIMS - SHORTS - SKIRTS 30clo to500/ OFFSLACKS - ETC. >LLWEATHER COATS 20o ~OFF CAR COATS Regular to $16.95 - CLEARING $8,00 CHURCH ST. -Under the Water Tower 20 IL DOUBLE LOADc ,Xt*4ASHER For Oniv m- 2- >SINGLE LOAD I 1AAYTAG For OnIy - 4W 15c ing spiritual healings reparted Sunday School students. IC u l The establishment aifa'M ark S le Christian Science Society in as one of the latest additions totechrhs oethnA n n iversa ry In* their annual message ta On July 9th, 1938, Rev. W. the meeting, The Christian F. Banister at St. Paul's Uni- Science Board of Directors ted Church, Bawmanville, uni- described the major distresses ted in marriage, Hazel Mar- in the world as "symptams Of are Ann Woodward, eider se-a drying up ai love.' agtro M.adMs cedh They called for a l'compas- Randolph Woodward of Bow- ke ionate, outreaching lave for manville, and Frederick O. 0, mankind" as the basic remedy. Smith~, only son af Mr. and de- The retirin*g president, Ralph Mrs. Frederick Smith ai Long E. Wagers of Chicago, also Sault. tdemphasized the importance Of The 25th Anniversary of itresponding ta the "impulsion this event was celebrated on oft a divine Lave." esi it Saturday, July 6th, with the Wo- would help ta bring the spirit- holding of Open House at ýrai ual climate" in which ail the their residence 104 Elgin St. ahi great problems ai the world Their daughter, Miss Gloria can be solved. Smith, and son, Mr. Robert )rts Smith, received the guests at art- the doar. Master Dennis Fran- re t cis was i charge ai the guest res- ete C uple book in the afternoan. Miss Grace Smith, sister ai igh \A .Aa , rS the groom, who had played ntsW e 25' Y ~J I~ the wedding music, presided rlp, over the tea table ini the aiter- liMr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke, noon. Tea assistants were [an Wilson Road South, Oshawa, Miss Tish Bussanich, Mrs. H. ng were hanored recently at their Francis, Mrs. Harold Bennett, the home an the occasion af their Mrs. Jack Niddery, Mrs. Bern- vas 25th wedding anniversary. ard Reid and Mrs. F. Crowe. nd- Mrs. Clarke îs the former The tea table had as its cen- Bernice Cochrane, daughter trepiece a three-tiered wedd- af the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred ing cake made by Mrs. Henry Cochrane ai Courtîce. Mr. Francis, a friend af the family. Clarke is the son of the late The rooms decorated with Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke blue delphinium and 25 red af Little Britain. The couple roses, the gift af the groom ta were married June 18, 1938, in his bride. Courtice by the Reverend In the evenîng, Mrs. Charles Wesley C. Smith. Taylor, Oshawa, wha was her The party was arranged by sister's maid af honour, pour- their daughter, Miss Carol ed tea. Master Ronald Taylor Clarke, their son and daugh- had charge ai the guest book. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Man- The evening assistants were seil Clarke, and relatives and Mrs. H. Francis, Mrs. Harold friends. Bennett and Mrs. F. Crowe A corsage and boutonniere and Mrs. R. Franklin. were presented by the grand- Among the many callers children, Robert and Cather- were Mr. Walter Murphy, the ine Clarke, and many gits best man and Mr. Jack Cook, and congratulations were re- one ai the ushers. Mrs. George ceived. Brown, bridesmaid, Oshawa, In the early evening a buf- and Mr. Murreil Woodward, fet was served, white candles: usher, the bride's brother, and a three-tier cake center- were unable ta be present. ing the table. I Many beautiful gifts and Mr. Kenneth Clarke, ýneph- cards were received by the ew oi the hanored couple, act- happy couple. Guests were ed as master ai ceremonies present irom Part Hope, Gar-I and later, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke den Hill, Oshawa, Toronto,' entertained their guests atRîchmond Hill, Hamp t o n, Club Loreley.1 Bowmanville, BethanHm Guests were present irom liltan and Orono. Willowdale, Maple G r o v e, 1 tice, NstleanLiGastyandour- Sympathy Is extended to the Bowm nvleo, GL nd inC fîamiîy and iriends of two City. aged citizens who passed away last week, Mr. Edward Arm- strong and Mr. James Me- NESTLETON uln Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Warren and Barbara Rohrer, Ginn are enjoying a motori and Mr. and Mrs. Donald trip ta Winnipeg, visiting en- Thompson motored ta Mit- route in Kenara with Jerry1 cheil ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, a member af the Pro-1 Orland Rohrer and Mr. and vincial Police Detachmenti Mrs. Louis Feltz. there.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClurg, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ir-ý ai Oshawa and seven children1 vine and Mrs. McFadyen of moved into the James Harris Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. house over the weekend. Alvin Bruce and Marjorie of Mr. and Mns. Jas. Hedge of Seagrave called on Mr. and, Oshawa visited friends ini thep Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. village.I Mrs. Carl Petherick's math-1 Mrs. Mabel Duckwonth af er fnomn Peterborough is visit-, SToronto spent the weekend ing her dSaughter and Carl' with her nephew and hîs xife, this week. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Biggs.1 Mrs. Robert Bonney and, We are sorry ta report MrJItwin daughters, Jean andý Lorenzo Mountjoy has not Kathie, ai Gaît, were weekend' been well and hope he soon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. improves. Grant Campbell and Mrs. Sympathy is extended ta Wesley Campbell and attended Mrs. Alex Agnew and the 1 Mr. McMullen's funeral. Agnew family in the passingý On Sunday, July l4th, Mr.ý aif Mr. Alex Agnew, whose and Mrs. Cecil Wilson enter- funeral took place in Toronto1 tained in honor ai their uncle on Tuesday. and cousins, Mn. Bert Akister1 Several local folk attendedl and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Akis-1 the Orange Parade in Part ter, Anne and Edna, af White! Hope on Saturday. Bear, Saskatchewan. Guests, Mrs. Cecil Wilson was bas- included Mr. and Mms. Ken-ý tess for the Julv meeting of neth Lamb, Oakville, Mr. andý * Nestleton Presbytenian Ladies Mrs. Donald Lamb, William! Aid. and Rosella, Bailieboro, Mr.! Mrs. George Wolfe had and Mms. Lamne Lamb, Mr. charge of the Bible Club for and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Ennis-, childnen on Thunsday evenin.- killen, Mr. and Mms. Norman' in the absence ai Rev. F. Lyons and Lori, Uxbridge, Mr.ý Swann. and Mrs. Herman Rodman and! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freer'Karen, Little Britain. The ai-I returned irom holidaying at, ternaon was spent in reminisc- 7 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS t5LhiSS 48 oz. $1000 COLA - GINGER ALE - LEMON LIME ROOT BEER - ORANGE - Mason's Canned Soft Tinso49 c Drilnks 6Tns4 NEW - KRAFT CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR JET PUFF MARSHMALLOWS c 101/2 OZ- Pkg.3 e Bakery Featuree RICHMELLO - PLAIN - SUGARED - CINNAMON 2pkgs. Do-nuts 22'49C M GR.NPEs 29' e Frozen Food Specials 0m FREEZER QUEEN MACARONI and 8~ CHEESE 2Pkg. 39C DOMINION - PINK or WHITE Lemonade 4Tis59C DOMINO FANCY Green Beans Pkg.19C GOOD HUMOUR ICE CREAM NOVELTIES BANANA SPLIT Pkg. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS of StrawberrySHORTCAKE4 ~ Values effective in Bowmanville until Sweaters D R E SESS Foundation G.arments DRASTICALLY REDUCED ONE RACK 20,ý, OFFValues tô $24.95 MANY, MANY MORE$ BARGAINS AT 50 80 CLEARANCE PRICES 1 SP EC IUAL! -AT THE WASIIm.O.mMAT SELF-SERVE COIN LAUNDRY 'q 1 1

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