Eddie Shack, the popular Maple Leaf hockey .layer was one of the busiest of the NHL Ail Star ,,ftball players at the Kinsmen Carnival on Saturday. Chartran's Hurlers Here, he is surrounded by youngsters trying to his autograph. obtaini Fran k's Pitchinci Staff tsl Nc wca that will veiled a on the erounds, h.. noon saying~ of the Co»- Mate 1orihdýqicholson, left, and Harold Michelson have! their name. 1g the pitching duties for Chartran's entryý honour". ior -softball league, now ah tied up at one lntrixlucede with Frank's in the semni final playdowns.1 1tf Port HopeM'evTerr-'v rprsr- wu- cdnt ai the Royal Canadian life, so aur young en an'sweqrl Loegion, Brig. Carr answered the country's caîl and dedi-j the question 'Why are wars cate themselves ta a causel necessary?", saying that aur th(my believe is righ-t." He farelathers "battled a wilder- went on ta say that we are ness and harsh nature ta pro- really fartunate the wars have vide for themsel#es a iand .been sa far away because aur and a homo that was theirs, sacrifices have been few in a irre way afi lue, living as camparisan ta other war tamn men should". Thaugh theircauntries. - - -He said in overseas action, ,Canadian units had no equal N O IC in fighting qualities or efc iency and the name Canada T H Ewas known and respected by M E M ORI A L adian units were made up of RY aIl classes of men who livedi L 1 B A RYand fought together like bro- hhWILL CLOSE thers and when one fell he r ugust 2nd was moufned by ail. at 9:00 p.m. . "Through the Grace ai God, AND WLL REOFEN he said, we were victorlous, so ANDWL EOE the sacrifice ai many young August 20th men fram your community at 4:00 p.m. and around haîf ai the woid By Order of was riat in vain. Through their The Library Board ýsacrifices, we are able ta be C. R. Carveth. ýhere today, living as we want Chairman. ta live in a country full of praspcrity and apportunity". Corne and Enjoy the Liberal Picnic WALTONÀA PARK N e wcast le Saiturday July I7th 2:30> p.m. RACES - GAMES - CONTESTS- PRIZES Swimming and Pony Rides Fr-ee for Children Bring Vour Lunch DURIIANT LIBERAL ASSOCIATION NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB Annual (aruîlival -in - WALTONA PARK -Saturday, July 2.7th Fea ttring Peterboroumgh Ornaiental Swinuning Club in a Water Pantomime et 7:00 p.rn. BINGO AND OTHER GAMES 50 - 50 DRAW NEW MERRY-GO-ROUND IL - - f or the Kiddies Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cowieson of Keswick and Mr. and Mr. Charles Rye af Newmark:t spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. Tamblyn and at- tended the Gaheen wedding i Bowmanville an Saturday. Mr. Jack Craga is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, where he had nase sumgery the beginning of the week. Mrs. Leta Oliver and Bobby of Buffalo spent a few days visiting with Mrs. George Smith. Mrs. H. S. Britton. Mi'a. Majorie Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap and~ Mns. George Smith visitedî with Mrs. Hattie Bradley in Oshawa on Satunday.7 Mr. and Mns. Donald Josel of Brampton spent Sunday! visiting wlth relatives andi friends in thevillage._ Village Wili <'t Frank Britton's team in the Junior playoffs ran into trouble on Monday, after taking the first playof f game from Chartran's. Frank's pitchers are Ken Baker, lef t and Taullie Thompson.____ mittee withthhNnin7g d y the Royal Canadan Leglon Glee Club. The names af the fallen, engraved on the Cenc- taph, were read by Fred Adair and Fred Couch, as fallaws: 1914-18- W. E. Lork- hart, D. W. Parker, G. N. Noden, P. C. Gomme, A. B. Bloom, F. W. Gibson, D. M. McDonald, W. W. Jase, E. A. Couison, G. E. Howard, G. E. Simmons, D. G. Law; 1939-45 -D. A. Alldread, M. A. But- ler. G. W. Brooks, S. D. Pow- ell Korea -J. E. Belsey. Prayers were said by the Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. George's Church and the Rev. Basil Long of Orono repre- senting the Rev. E. C. Wood- land ai the local United Church. The foliowing representa- tîves of Gavernmnent and local organizations were on the platiorm and spoke briefly, The Federal Gavemnment - susse1 C. Honey, M.P., Pro- vincilGvernment - Alex Carrýuthers, M.P.P., Counties ai Northumnberland and Dur- ham- Warden Earl Walkey, ýVillage of Newcastle- Reeve Douglas J. Cunningham, and the iollowing, Ted. Sheehan. President ai Branch 178 Rayai Canadian Legion; Mrs. Audrey. Kids Go Back to School This week, the first contingent of about 600 youngsters checked in and started back to school, complete with blackboard. But this school was different. The teachers were Dick Gamble and Don Simmons, pro hockey players who were teaching the attentive scholars the fundamentals of hockey. The school was made possible Iby a$6,000 loan from Bowmanville Lions enabling the Arena Com- mission to purchase an auxiliary compressor to handie the summer ice-making chore. The machine will also be of great assistance in providing extra economy for the winter's operation. It will take over during cold weather instead of the huge main compressor. Theeadian statemn,neowmnvfle, MTuy 24, SM0 - An d They Love It! Hockey School! This group was in action Monday afternoon and included: Front Row, lef t to right, Nick Ferri, Narval; Ron Webb, Bob I{owes, Mike Cawker, Randy Donoghue, Kim Rogers, Bowmanville; Russ Carney, Rochester. Second Row: Dick Gamble, head coach; Gary Van Dam, Pontypool; Gary Valby, Dave Stebbins and Dan Gold- stein, Rochester; Joe Hircock, John Qyler, Don Ilutton and Gleri Finney, Bowmanville; Don Simmons, instructor. Third Row: Joa Ferri, Norval; John Van Weirgen, George Van Dam, Pontypool; Dave Becker, Allan Cox, Ralph Cox, Rochester; John Worden, Bow. manville, and John Wareham, Rochester. 'Pee Wees Clobber Newcastle Upsetis McQueen's Girls C obourg R oyals For the first time this ye.ar,I ning runs or, base with two Brock waged a Close pitcher'u iMcQueen's Motors, who aren't out. Both runs scampered duel, before the collision de- July 15Sth at Cobourg, the ionaires won their hail of the'u.wd ta losing, dropped their across the plate as short-stop cided the issue. McQueen'a Bowmanville Legionaires stag- semi-finals by defauit and. second straight game. After Mary Aitken and left-fielder were able ta niuster only three ed a come-from-behind rally now await the outeome of the' bowing ta Port Hope in a first Annabelle Stephens collided, hits off Adams, while Brock, ta knot the score in the sev- other semi-final which must place battie, last Friday, Bow- going after a fly bail, which eciuai]y effective, gave up enth and go on ta triumph in be finished by July 3l.st. manville last a close 3-2 de- would have ended the game. four safeties. the f irst extra inning for a Dates for' the Lakoshore cisian ta Newcastle, Wedne.:- The visitors counted bath__________ final 5 ta 3 count. League final round, 2 out tf day night in Newcastle. their markers in the third, Cobourg started off witli 2 3 series. wiil be announced McQueen's led 2-1 heading Newcastle camlng back with We work not only ta pro runs in the first inning be- when available and must bo into the seventh, when New- a single in the bottom haif.l duce but to give value to time. fore Nowlan settled away ta conciuded by August lo'th. aslgoth tyn anwn BabA ms ndSiey -Eugene Delacroix. biank them tili the 6th when cstegttetlgadwn abAasadSil the Rayais garnered their final run and brough't in Bothwell . in relief for Bowmanville ~ The Legionaires picked up a single run in the 2nd and'..... 5th innings and again in the e.~. 4 .~.. seventh to even the caunt atl... . 3 runs each and force the! game into avertime. In the eighth inning Bow- manville shelled the mound with 2 triples and a double ta bring in 2 big runs, while Bothwell struck out the side in the bottom of the eighth to preserve the win at 5 ta 3. Devitt with 2 doubles and a single, and Calver with a tri- pie and 2 singles paced the Legionaires. Robson with a triple and a single, Cawkeri with 2 singles, Pan-y with a' ipinch-hit double, Howes with a triple, Rogers with a du ble, Nowian and Bothweli__ with singles ail cantributed ~ to the Legionaires offence, ,z while Briscoe, Harp and Gut teridge led the Rayais. Thampson for C oboau rg!~ struck out only 3 and waiked but 1, while' Nowlan and Bothwell combined for 14 e.: , .......... The lune scores show Bow- I.~~~. . . . . . . . .. manville 5 runs, 15 hits, 1 . . . waik, 2 errars; Cobourg 3 .~ ~ I~~~~ runs, 3 hits, 6 walks and 1 eror, in a very exriting bal..< ~ game, out'come of whirh hung . final out. 12BRN o. Produce U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Ideal for Picnirs By virtue of having finish- ti R R ed in first place in the Lake- P R rS A 8 shore League regular sche- AAON ATLUE dule, the Bowmanville Legion RMO T1/ size Pee Wee Ail-Stars arned firs UIIE tinsAfc in the semi-final piayoff and-- l iaccordingly chose Kendal, IGA f tal .,. 1I1 7. leaving. Cobourg and Part libosz 2 " IHope ta battie it out for the, v poraieu M ILK 6 tins 88C m'-. other haif of the final round.1 Kendal elected not ta tackle! STAFFORDSI 12 oz.AIIE II III' fthc powerful Bawmanvill f CALIF fIEf VALENCIA iiIC crew and therefore the Leg.KD IU as8 c ~ ~ L~IIE >ii~.ii~I'i lL ABEU SAC 4_ m. - * 88 Ram Rscue JELLO POWDERS 8pks 88C O shawa From ý REGULAR OR CIBB Leciion Teami1 KLEENEX 6 pkgs. 88C - I Bate ~~$2 ) ofLQo Lde'Au-C 11 Iu l In the Legion Zone Finalsý iliary, Harold Gibson, Presi-~ nWat Uxbridge on Juiy 2th, theý dent of Newcastle Lions Club, Boxvmanville Legionaîres had' i Mrs. Helen Carveth, Presî- Newcastle- The Ganaraska already knocked one Oshawa' dlent ai the Newcastle Lion- Conservation Authority was pitcher off the maund andi ettes Club and E. Richard awarded a claim ai $200 by1 were well on the way ta seni-' Lovekin, President of the Judge J. C. N. Currelly on, ing the second ta the showers, Newcastle Chamber af Corn- Friday, the result of the civil! whcn the showers really came.: mierce. court action heard 1 PariTeuprswr ocdt The following wreaths were Hope Town Hall an April th ical the gaine na rontest when 1 laid onthe ceotaph t oIt collect the 1962 assessmen 1 the ramn came down in tam-, cls f h evie ilaent adb tevlage. rents for 20 minutes with noý .of Newcastle by Councillor J. Newcastle's defence w~ ina n c-p hsgm ,T. Brown, Newcastle Ex-Ser- based on a claim that it hadi wi aef erpae n vicemen by Lloyd Alldread, ltlgal en napr t st entirety at a datr and site:, Royal Canadian Legion, Baw- as part ai the autharity whirhl!t0 be announced latter. :manville Branch, by Presi- was expanded lest year. Telcaswrraiyu dent Ted Sheehan;, Ladies' for thîs one, as they happed, Auxiliary by Mrs. Audrey E. R. Lovekin, acting ýor ý on the Oshawa offerings in' Bate Oshwa ranc by re-the village, said that âection1 the first inning for 2 runs andý sidtentOsharra Bran.hb P six af the Conservation Au4h-i again loaded the bases in the ___________oritieýs Act required that pje serond ta bring in the secondý minister of planning and 4j Oshawa hurler who queliedý Time past and time present, velapment fix a time aMIthe fire this time. But in therl bath, may pain us. but tiîneiplace for the meeting ta con- top ai the third Bowmanviile irnproved is eloquent in God'slsider the enlargement. Mr. put tagether a walk and 2 pralse.-Mary Baker Eddy. Lovrkin claimerd the fiuthor.., singles good for 2 more runsý before the ains escued Osh- awa. ýPetrborugh Swim ersOshawa, meanwhile, man-I Peterb rough Swimm rs--- aged ta put 3 men on base in -Ï the second, aiter the first bat- e tojter had strurk out, but thel 'W ate Pant mim 1lied in fine style ta eut down1 thmaw out the last unnerl stealing second. on runson 5 hits, and 6 walks! with3 errars; Oshawa no: Newcastle-Those who wit- speciai attempt ta 5se thi* Un for Bowmanville struck out 2.! nessed the water pantomime believeable show on Batit Unfortunateiy, ail the aboyer presented by the Peterborough day evening. There Is no ad- will have to be erased from r Ornamental Swimming Club mission charge ta the p«- ~t.he records, as this game willi et te LonsCamnvallas forthi gaa waer bdwhave ta be repiayed from the] iat he ionsCarivallas forthi gal waer sdwl beginnin g sametime before yeem will certainly be present though it is expected a& t1 eendoÎJiy n t 7 p.m. et the Waltona Park lection wlll be taken ta deith n o uy Pool when the club is sched- the transportation roasmcf. ~ ulcd Ia present its 1963 pani- awimmersA tamime. Those who did miss Fallowlng the watcr h it last year should make a there wil be fun and gd I ORANGIES doz. size' 3 180's 8 8 c SUPPORT "NATIONAL SALAD WEEK" Available From Soutliern Ontario Fields TOMATOES - GREEN ONIONS - CRISP LETTUCE - CELERY - CUCUMBERS and GREEN PEPPERS 88C Special Combination Offer 1 avke. WI ENER S o tt tl AND Pr i _X f l Af S I c e bLitoa PuJ~ rIdesO 88 lb o. Pkg. f ~ TrableRite SSIIaed es 8 MWaple Leaf Skinfess,MSort Shanks whole f C Snioked Hamso hall J79lb Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE in Bonus Tapçs Youn g Acimirers Flock- Around Colorful Shack 1\~ Mr. and Mns. LArr Cark and Mr. and Mns. Ken Bobinson and iamily of Toronto were Sunday visitons. wlth Mrs. Fred Couch Sr., Mns. Norman' Samis and Mr. Leslie Allun.l KRAFT CRACKER BARREL 12 OZ. 8C MILD CHEESE cuts c TULIF COLOURED 1I 8 MARGARINE 4pkg.88 JOHN SON & JOHNSON cnm BABY POWDER econorn88 FROZEN 6 Oz. O SUNKISI PUNCH 7 tins88 Lemonade - Pink Lemonade - Citrus - Grape and Lemon Raspberry and Lemon - Strawberry and Lemon - Pine- apple and Lemon FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 24, 25, 26, 27 We Reserve the Rlght to Limit Quantities A EXTRA Total$3490OO Recelve $6.0 hn Bonus Tapes with Peanut Butter Yo'6os- Detergent Sulight 24oz Larn i.ui4 Lion Snap On Bags pkg. of 20 LDUetIIsS S.nOcP. SI Receive $4.00 iln Bonus Tapes with BRIGHT'S APPLE JUICE 48 et.ti Recelve $2.0 ln Bonus Tapes with Frezen Chocolat* and manaina Ontauio No. 1 Grade NeBw Farhoue CKES g.J POTATOESio lb. bug POTATO SALAD or COLE SLAW 1,2h-' Bowmanville IGA 1