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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 13

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"Red Ho' Blankc Nichols 3 By Ted Falrey o I 'rFi Pý(tý - advanve > Th e rud-110, . pe Fue-.ît the leag-ue finals. haVe now pushed Ipennar* Tllw ie . . m c Wirning Nichois' Motors back1 i nre tenî i to the wall and now rîeed o;crteobilied tb gîte Ste(phri'i.s a Back on the Beam McQueen's Swamp Orono 13-01 f F lyrlhe'i he walked andeoredf i n three vild pitches Bli! , 0 'O-one de served a be tt or 'd'leasli e uitched a thi ee-h:iï- bw Ihis team mates failed produce ainv runs. - ~But, the -:orv of the tv i anîes so far cati be surnrnel nû onl ee nanie. Mr. Ste- -o .xî"u Ili;s coiitrolied pilching Al abiiii > lu niove the bal, îî:"Iid and. teasýe the powe"- i iîniî. .'r 2-l î' i n '.. , i ,.r t roni Nichols' is of~ o! 1. ' c El1i'(2 x .-.e ' :e* ,a ou t ha: Wednedav -!-,in- afir F3h Aho tx i.or' eason for *the Niehols* i~fp onai i eror a-id "j""' ead. \\!) u t ofîg -::îd llo'Ius: t a>' 11:d off PoIîIls 'reýnru S-xin on fh'nuouc *Fori Pearson repor ts that 1,11C -_ -pe bur-E do» n sud on.' sve- oo.I a:ýox> ed tvo o il-r L eh t dac sxer od aci, lie savs il shouid have Terr ' Blackri: ad o: x'e(n Ste- >oe:! i ,e ýarne way al!vear. nien ~ a f"st 2iCsr'Se x'u faîî e' > r' > P i ~AfL pjj. (oeru~ f 'e emnacian Si tatemni, Ee:atv l 3! 24, 11018 'S m' FoodsDN WENjtD' WEffles> 9 3T Mi or the other îwc' markers. Billis lakKe ens Mel Burgess tossed a six- B' Bill Nicholson Vraiik's camee up %>ilhoh l: rne r b> hotspHai od lter, whiie fatining seven Sarm s F'ine Foods. led t),-t,*--ru us :in itop0of *li th : ckisoiB:11Ni hoon. !L& dad givinig up only two walku Larrv Pei-ris %%;Iih h leh.-.:,u *?ake a lead the-um pî kTuue>ay fligflL foi-the win. un MKnîht'sîworu ' 'e erle-. ar t n' u~etw a *o B' eco d u i B s collerted inine safet!es liorner. higiighlted thie x cague ocunant x:unrs -1n.le losŽe: kili vouand .0foi- he fonds men w,o ) i r -aine of Ili seies For Second VinIII 1ted un their seri-finai e: îes with the ýhoe leain a*. carne apiece. John Coriine: ed the Ellis' tearn \viîh a *'.'. i r*! hornerl Ted Brovn iail Bruce Adarns eachi haci twi ts for the losers. -WiliÀ" Villewvdaie wa-q thexini. uitcher givinrigun ehip walking two and strikî ng ouît i.:ne. Harvey WXebster îook the loss for the shne e nî iio - - ,ýmnn suimort at ail. Duui ?'cMn:"iei and Da v- Srlxvdeu led Ille 'vu er s a omere iu ap:ecc. Keti Balt,, t h Ile nound for Fak uam ne iii) xitîh !hs uet gauie of : lie xea r as lie shoxm- P-d f:ue conrtoiamd sva!terci fu)ir 1îl and truci, Co. * ,. i i - *ea1nîrealix' gax e lm ifine --pport iuiiIlle fielo. .-iirneti g i-Chiartranis dii nloi VOUi' e xon truv. 'lie on iv 1-, Chartrauis xvas a soi') -e crnes hack teobamiît 'i 011. Bils Billiards grabbed a 'S0 n.!,() cse 1 xvas JUSt et-i2-I l ead over defendinimen's; iut',ci dbv Baker on lus dax ,Softbali champion Ken's Men'sý hidi i realxx\%as. as i'vea l onda.\- igtaite ls- excellent ini a wiinng I' ,!jo1bschool grounîds. .ax Paced bx' John Mason's two, Foo*trnotes: iirie x%\il! be a "orne'ruimS. a two mun shot i, .ýare on Stîndax' at 3 &'clock tihe first and a bases empt\'! octw\een ie .1Jnnîor Meii*s1blastinii the third. BiII's wrap-! Le.ague Ail-Stars and Ken'siped up a 6-2 victor. Mýen's Wear of the towîî lea- Doubles b>' George Joneýs P1 anîd Don 'Masters accounted: Marg Pickard tus~sed a n:iîy a ' zte n~MCet- u2L':. - >M tors walinped Omono 13-t>in a Durhamn Ladies, Softba.1 contest. Morîdrx îî:gh'. il* Bowrnville Central Schou! diamond. The orais mîadle ie va .N*i, set ci big inîs n tbc fenLrii, as Delores Date>' ce, .ectcd for -the gamc's oil 'v ex- Ira base knnock - a big lhomie î i.g Pie' . M a 1-i i1ivil iI.îeex alloxxwrd uine.'aei. (hartran's Roar Back To Defeat Frank's 8-m4 By Bill Nicholson th lîe.,,aie a tnfine id ig Chartranis c a nuie ioaruîg Kein Baker inade the faia' back n ?vîndav ughî i .îstake of tryiirg te cone their series aIt 1-1I With 1-oaci- two davs in a rov and> 8-4 win over Franks Variety was bit fairi1y hard. He chu Store. Haroid Miekeison tvcnt net have the uisuaiiv stcadr- ail the way for the winners iies he shows as lie was a bi" and picked up the wii. off par ini this outirîg. Si> For once, the Chartran's ocre xve are. beth seiies a'. team played like a bail club U-ed uan. and îiow it's a '2 ou:, and gave their pitchers somne of :3 series in each round. support. Maybe the sponsor Footnotes: The ail-stai- teani being on the hili and watch- rroi this league liopes tî) ing the game made a differ- inake a good account of them-' ence, but it sure was a differ- ,,elx'es against Kcn's Meil's ent team out there as they' Wear on SundaY, se let*s turi-,' almost played air-tight hall, ont anîd support thern. Hereý Harold Kenett, Harold Ilc- are a few of the pia* er's %wi, kelsmj.4nd Bill Nicholson led within a x'ear or two should the Pl'ftiers in the iitting de-. miake it to the town league partment. The Frank's teani Dave Snoxvdeîî. Don MeMur-ý played poor bal] in the field let-. Jerry Falls, Doug Laiie,1 and really looked bad as Lis-I airt Revis-and Stevie Burn- Stephen's Upset Nichols' Opening of Semi -Finals * By Ted Fairey i!e tliiî'd on a base lni bv. uesLar'ry Piper after Ferguson': High flyving Stephens .. 'ue îýad sirgled, They mnade the- tipset the pennant winning score 4-2 lu flic fouî'th on Toni mnotormen froni Nicluols' 7-3 Pear 'son'.s; single anîd Bob Wil- Et the higli schooi gr-oulidi iams' double. Tlîree costi last Tuesday night. This was cirors iin tle fourth aind fîflh, the opening game of Serres eut tlue gaine out of reach fO!, ,,tA"l betwveen these two clubs, Nichles'. Ted Dadson circied ) 'jvhi1e Ken's MVens We'ar andid te bases wiicîî Piper' tirext, y fÇill's Billiards are fighting it xiîd îrYing a pick-off pla. 16ôut in Serbes "B". Fer-guson let Wright's lin-~ The Fuelers, who eîîded tlic hot single get by hlm fer a, eason in third position. toetc .iiiee base error xx'rtl Job:>i an earl v fout' lun lead in the Staiiitori. wluo uad 4'ixd lirst inning off hue ieaguc's ýcorî)g alead of bui. Nicluol -, top pitclîer, Bill Osborne. final 'cii camie iii the fi fth: Grant Wright aîîd Beb Ab-'-tll Piper driviîg lhonte AIe.s» bott bunted safely ard "JîgIgs' \\'iseiiuarîfor lus secoind R1B.1 Cowling drew a waik. With PiaYoff Ponits. An old ve*- the sacks loadcd. Jirn Coyice tran of the softbaii %vars i!:' unleased a drivi, te deep, 'le pcrsoii of George StepIlicii xight centre. Clirrt Fer*gusei îS uyehirîsoine of the bho eemned to have a Ue orn il b.J f bis long car-cel.-, but the bail was well ovî'r l.hi- iI the big bats of Niche -'ý ( ?ad and went for a hornte Meteî.s 10 eiglthils airdou u%,This big- blow seerncd te xalked oîîe batteu. lncicîît, siin the Nichols' crew and aIlv. Nichols' luad the besi' they tever recovered. baittbg average dcîrîng Liic Nichols' scor'ed en(e run in i;c-hedu1e. BilI's Edge Ken's Men By Ted Fairey ' .lasoîî laslied a triple to hb: Wednesday night at the: uoposbte field, scoring Cr'osse * High School groundis saw, 10puit the tying mimner'01,r Ken's Men's Wear and Bili's .Bl. Aclutcb sne hi Billiards plav a wide opeiui"uk ole eee b type of softball irt vhich 211 -core after six irings. 'lie runs were scored and 16 hits- winning ruri foi' Bill's xvas uni- pourcie ou. Payof bse-earied as John Twvist booteil bUis supposed to be a tighSCCrosse5, al 'i "Slip" Rowe who lhad xx'l k-ý iow-scoring affaîr. but soméc-Icd. Soi-e excellenît fedl cneý,,,rget 10 tell these txvu dý1odptcigkep e« tearf that now is %xxuen the~ froîn the score shecet ini th-1 chips are down aînd they ýex'enthî. ghould ail tigbten Lip. Kens took a three runri Plax'-eff Poinits: XViIIî tue Inning lead on bits b'> Davc euto usa'adWd Werry and Jack Parker and rsa îgî are u an errot' byfirst basenia n looks i ike serree n psots roui 1' ~Arcie"Crosey Dohie b"be forthcorng as betlî Nich i John Mason and Ray Crombiel n e' teefxoe .were good for two runs in the te ',oepeat in the finais. second for BillEs to make the; score 3-2. Keni's scorcd thr'el in the second inoing and foui !iýth furh.Don Bagne,>! 1occer Hi -Lites this year's batting champion,;, Now filat Bewirua tiv ilirI and "Butch" Cole, playvinP, Hjoope s Jeweileî-s scheduledi manager. botiî bit i'ui-produc- grisaebrî eaie.' ing shots in the second, xvhilý î' gineari senîetlg. tl the fourth irining xvas hîgi- Lol na ontigI h lighted by Johnu James' base-; teanîs babtbiiîg for a playof ookstioiî. Tvî'ore picked Lipa loaded triple. :u-ucl-nveeed \vini> liat \o'uý Whilp. Ken's wer'e hnne'-l w xeek to :îioxe xvtbii two' ing Mel Burgess, Bill's balý- inso ihplc M didn't remain sulent. TheY Gjorus0fffh iîe ip countered with 2 î'uns iin t he second, one iii the thi'rd. anid [t \x-Ls a big xx cek fui thii two in the fouith. 50. after ig-lig Hîîîî -e" the dust had settled front'tie 'lvho edged Saleni 2-1. aieiug barrage of extra base hits af- >vth a defanît decision. ter four complete renings .: league'ieadiiîg C 0eLnr tic' score stood 10-6 for Ker.'s. i tiosted a 2-t) vicbr'v Wedrîes Losing pitciier James r'ouidj dzîx' îiglt oxer Solia. bu' ,not contain Bill's in the tapI SatUrday rigb-lt Zien upset tc of the sixth as they cainîroiecese' 2-1. to take ove1 to lie things up. Don Masters -ýolie osesîeru of econd' started things off by drawving dlace. four points back. a >alk. Burgess followed xithl'1.1iii rlr action. Thtirsdaý, PHONE 623-3303 'Mapie <,iorve Zion Soilra IHamptron P. t' i 'Il' iii h ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING 16-fi- oz jar Regular Price 3 Sr British Columbia, Lambert Variety, No. 1 Grade, Sweet Eating, Black Califormna Salmoni Flesh, No, 1 Grade, Jurnbo Size 36's CANTALOUPE eoach 3 5c Oný,r io Giov.n. Ncw Crop. Weit Matured, No. 1 Gy-ade, Tender SWEET CORN do5n9c Ntive StnoilVWhite Large Heads CAULIFLOWER each 19C Bradifordc Grow~n. Nc. 1Lrzurlr. Tender. Pascal CELERY STALKS 1015i APRIVING FRESH DAILY, STAKED AND FIELD TOMATOES, RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS. LETTUCE. CARROTS & CABBAGE. BUY BY THE CASE AE AP FANLY WI1,OLE Reg. Price 2 tfti:3c-AV 176 7 14-fl-oztns 99 CASE OF 24 TINS $3.39 SAVE 57c! A&P FANCY "NEW PACK" Reg. Prie tili 39e-SAVE 9e Califa n a Seedlessa No. GRAPES 1 Grade. Sweet Eating LARGE CLUSTERS 11Sc REGULAR PRICE 59e SAVE 20C -Il '1 I I A&P Handies OnIy Meats Purchased mINCED BEF FRESHLY GROUND ALL BEEF HAMBURG lb Reg. Prica pkg 35e-BAVE Se pkg 29c o "CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" STEAKS SIJPER-RIGHT BRAND. VAC PAC. MOCK ASPARAGUS TIPS 22-v.o*z n56s9c CHICKEN LOAF CASE 0F 24 TINS $8.28 - SAVE $1 .0R SHOPSYS COLE SLAW OR CI-'OICE WHOLE WHITE, "NEW PACK" A&PPOTATES CASE 0F 24 TINS $3 HENLEY. CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins' 35e-BAVE 24. P T O SA D 7 20-fi oztfnx 99C BURNS SLICED MACARONI AND 3.3 - AV Bi - CHEESE LOAF Reg. Prie* tin 31e--SAVE 3. SX BRAND. VAC PAC FRUIT COCKTAIL 22oozn59C COOKED HAM CASE 0F 24 TINS $7.08 - SAVE 36c COOKED AND BREAOED WHITE SWAN. WHITE & COLOURED TOILET TISSUE SKîM MILK POWDER PET INSTANT MILK VITALIS KEEPS HAîR NEAT ALL DAY 7-oz bottie 1.07 Reg. Prie. pk% 49e-- SAVE 4a COD PORTIONS pkgo14 rois 4 5 c fI Reg. Priepf09 7O-SAVE 4o . .Jýb pkg 75 C E.D. SMITH u'Uji ANS BLACK CURRMtf JAM SEEDLESS RED RtAtP«rnY JAM RASPBERRY JAM, SLUIE 8RRY JAM 39'll-oz jars 10 Ait Prîces lm This Ad Guaranteect Throtigh Saturday, Ju 1y ~k~U EXCELLENT ':.n FOR BAR-B-QUE 59J TENDER, JUC 6oz pkgI3c CUBE STEAKS 1699c BCHNEIDER'S BEEF Il TO 2-LB, l2oz cn29c BOLOGNA SQUARES 145c MAPLE LEAF 1-lb pkg 49( 1-lb celle pkg 49C SUPER.RIGHT - SMOKIED, SLICIED. RINDLESS 6Aoz pkg 49c SIDE BACON 1-Ibkç;9C 4NOWBIRD BRAND lb 49 C FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Fan>' Wto.e Reg. Prie. bag 49c.-SAVE te A&P KERNEL CORN 2lb poly bag 43e Ckicken, Turkey, Beef Reg. Prie pkg 63e--SAVE Se BANQUET DINNERS . 1-oz pkg515< N Tilt CetAl AFIANtiC& PACIFiC TtA rimpÀàuv unr FODI TOE I. ______________________________________________ 'I Second Win Fuelers SA VE 6c Get Your Price For Your Liveslock through 8 T A T E 8 M A N C LA 8SS1FI1ED 8 Phone 623-3303 CHERRIES Finest for Eating, No. 1 Grade, South African, Size 150 ORANGES l39c doxen49c ANGEL CAKE eh39C Boaud Oil from Corn Reg. Prie. btl g91o--SAVE M. MAZOLA OIL 32cbt 895C 'New Pack", Colour & Pectin Added Reg, Prie* jar 55c-BAVE 60 IONA JAM Strawberry, 241-zar 49( (30e Off Deal Reg. Prie* box $i.29-SAVE AN EXTRA 10à KING SIZE TIDE box1,19 Geisha Fancy, Bauid White Meat Reg. Price tim 41c-SAVE 13a TUNA FISH 217-czns 69( JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE teirge 24-cz pie4 5 c Reg. Prie@ ech M 5e - BAVE loi Jane Parker, 600% Whol. Wheat Reg. Prie louf 25e-SAVE Ils SANDWICH BREAD 224-oz 1oaveS39c A&P FANCY QUALITY I TOMATO JUICE REG. PRICE 2 TINS 25e - SAVE 5. 4 20-FL- r OZ TINS45 CASE 0F 24 TINS $2.70 - SAVE 30e Jane Parker c. H,, OC.urES From Federally Inspected Packing Houses WIENERS i45< SOLE FILLETS I (? A&P LOW, LOW PRICES liit Dressing Reg. Price tube 45c-SAVE 6c BRYLCREEM reg tube 39( Stl'ln Reg. Prie. bt 7Bc-SAVE 6c SHAMPOO --g bti 69C Dentai Cîream Reg. Prie* tub. 64c-SAVE bc C OLGATE giant sile tube 5 9( Br orn,, Reg. Pric. bti 6e-SAVE 10e S ELrZER regular siz. bottie 59C 0 ý A J uý1 g1j J'ùICLý ýr -Il BLAUEý

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