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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 15

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Iusing enough care. The case f*rLT1TTT Tlie aidi;n gtt~ ii~il.Ji1~2,I3 was dismissed. (/EI.tILDJ_ _-________ f , I + f + Cwas charged on the 23rd June. David visited with Mr. ad See c F Mie tte s Cu tTownship of Clarke, with fail- Swimmlng Awardx Ba.ntam SoftbaI1 Mrs R. Hartman.Fnterprise. ."d1ing to yield the ih of a. LstFiythcilrnn The first. round of plavoffs01 Suri~ w u l r IHe pleaded nlot guilty. James first swimming classes for the Bantamn Boys Softball Miss Judy Lee ha5 îetur Fo r BctOf riela in Do'wmanvllle Allaii Clarke, stated the acci- tok e rRdCosTss îlb ednx ody !hm fe nîga ufedv dent look place two or threeýto hi e rs et.wl ehl etMnathtn fersedn e Jî.Iy '31963 mirophone hich Miburîî oprat~g amotor ~'l~îe b'miles south of Leskard afterl On Friday, July 26th, ail 6:30 Vincent Mise ~v ihhrcuis r Jully '2, 1963 mcrophon which Mlburii rerathegacameoo eercthei bre caeofvarcandidates ajwhoddsuccessfullyesf diay', i ndo whenhe thth Rebels ndnd rMr a\ id id andeeeandriKe- The se10 fTynarl venuer'.wed* At hi. tiefBarni-esf te sevedays. h.l ill. The Schoep car was ii1passed their Beginners. Jtîrh play the Soxs in a sudden ly, Blackwater.Athe saaBadSilfln -i.Lr oio- -Letter 00 now vnua. asked. thtos top which Thomfau seen dam.Nwcss . terrd1 fteintersectioni lors, Intermediate and Senior death plaloff game. The Bears r.CAtlv o-reeîvthe O haratnaedb r.,. .MNl Johny Sobreo wa con Ihy di momntaily.He Ta- has he ca e edigantlShep Caedveiethecseed Coss test, iIl be Pl'2 and Cardinals will have play- e.Mrln adaadCa-Lsisprore hi aewnb r.SlyTae3 JonySobora onto, idmmnarl.Hesa askIed hre nigadSheptaed eid n Theseene with their awards ai cd their gaine bv press time. les, Dartford. and Mr. Larrv1 Drill (with Captl inn a? tinued today. The defense was 'tled hie did nlot see Barnes se for a adjourroment .1 was dismissed. Cream of Barley Pool at 11:45 Ie e ow ege Hsig rm atns,,r:h,\)lla a represented by Patrick Duffy, fighting. He saw Milburn with Agut27th. lHe has the priv- arn. Ice e onall e llaigstm as thns e.W r Shw th aiao ~ea n -lc tmesSe Toronto. This case arose from a club. iAugu stt u f or.Listed below are the limes aeaiSna ussa h .W rpisl aaaadNwstîg oac vteMjr adisturbanoe on Tooley's l'he next witness Peter Edge Louis Laskaris, Temperance ,ý,eerkle n sirrin cu - Canshd ulx rea .Bued o hs ova hm.ork hst alnTctePcn sscitnw Roa, ay26t. t prvîusstated lhe xwas fightiîng wil S.,Bowmanville xvs carg±Li23---e. ek a neaes vs Lions,: MrthBruneio amn ated Then BavtoTrlshae1 r.LuaBokO- l'earing, 10 witnezses for theMilburn and Rockburn. Bar cd by the Dog Coutrol Office:' CREAM 0F BAR LE YJuv2 YakevsIindth JnirFrrs ie enintdbtkeptina. Crown and twvo for defense nes was fighting with about foi- allowing his dog 10 runi Leaders of Vacation Sclijul POOL- Tuesdav-. Thursday Memnorial Park Dav at Peterborough on Sat-'an initei-nationialPaen at r1 Sto rnNo-l wcre heard. The defense call- four people and I was trying without a tag. Mr. Laskaris met ai the home of Mrs. .aîd Friday. Jul.v 25- Tigers vs Braves. 1,r a..veed opiier~Ag-Dl.duîdlvM~ .T ed six further witnesses today. to get te hlm. Whien aske d if produced the tag and stated Hamilton to plan for Vaca-19:00 a.m.- Intermediate, Sen- 'Vincent Masse\ . Mr. aud Mis. Edgar Prescoitt, the past e wekSixoubMssLza- Defense witness William Barnes was involved with Mil- the dog could not wear it. He tion Sehool which will be helcli or, pnd Royal Life Saving. JuIY 3 Losv iats e'Sua tageî ihthe Majorettes hv e brn saa Vanke, Toronto, stated he was burn, Edge said "I would say was lined $2 and costs $7.00 .a! Tyrone United Church from 9:50 a.-11- Juno.Memorial Park.M.adMs.Jh Cria.bsvaingnoefrtrs- bh-Babaldnîdb ai mcmber of the Black Dia-;no." 1 think March hil. Mil- Miss Dornthy Evelyn Joli,- August 5th to gUi; tlime 1:15 10:40 a.m.- Beginners. Aug. 1- Brav es vs Yankees, IHampton, and were Suniday,,portaItion yslig rffeEtiso CndBsb rnond Motorcycle Club and buntoscagdo Jl 8hwî ..1 4 p.m.; age 4 years B.T.S. POOL- Mondas' and Memorial Park. evening gîiests with mr. and tickets etc. la oar "Ms .W c lok ar i te ra rce uo m.wscîîduO uy 8hwiiPm The leagtîe plavoffs will gel es Mr1 Gilrov, Enni s- Tle MajorettePiîtsA- al:.xo v ?r. ehe Mok art ithe.rane c de of Edward Leslie. a nmember consuming liquor under the Ii ans ldoe 0ave SaW nsay sc9t:00outd h piîsPrstn Pic orslh Ma 6h ak lie i fthe Vagabonds, stated lhe a ' i 21 aîîdpladed '-t il- s- o c5111.yo adS:n:0 .. Bo' erubiîdewyte eko Ags ile.sdPrsdn won the race and asked Mil- ae . e inc please take note. Swim. Me. and Mrs. L'es Cochrane. rsdn e.Cluoîms'ikes BcîaHu humforbi trph atwhch hihad been watchinges theonsabe Jyn sraces :o amy"GilsConstIablea GrisSJfhaln'tinstatrgaed luim fr histroph, at hMch îîd ws hitxvithaahamer. lcbita calid a hn accdent Ann 1\vaslon an Heattei'u0:30 rn.- Girl LAnniHamilton ;irandfibai Mr.sud Ms. H.Adrmsaadd1eunin ofia.7Adams drw. uinDnBwniauulic lie giehr uato u aid everyone was shout- in Darlington Township. Miss.McLaggaii of Explorers speîît l'hlrntkgpatli Gmscieudfo teJa.Bwavleacn-fi he adC ase aie. Arn aqaruete-îg gtSmrr" oc a rae ttehs atwe tCm rtrj i hlenkn at o Ol"1baanesofctheded r phie Joan . LoyBowmnilcrn orn'cBu oiet rwbcgrs'vol ie h sued and he was hît with the Frederic March, a îoemberpita] for head injuries. Mag- Ohwashe ld e ain to swi classes blaui'25- o th yea,s ia pianidMorripLloyd unoclîrîeOntepîe 'îriuglkesanitioexiuIcpdbyu- of the Black Diamonds for . strate Baxter imposed a fine M.c .Wolv hudb II eir pick u ly ,9--obsiioii vs Kibbs. ainore t ii 10Dunir l istcktssu M. cg Mr ~ M .C .Wolealotigpoints at least rifteenmi-aind 9Croitouv ibs her hy visited hei 11r i oraengigIh rw "Fo QULJT' Crs four Nears, stated in bis festi. 'of S]5 aîîd rosts $3.00 w\vitn witib Mes. N. WoodleY, Bow-lutes ahead of time. League Standing ubeiîsndadfm. WESLEY)VL EtMs rui lrc non mony that Milburn and Rock- a warning she will be sent lu' manville, aîîd Mrs. Ma.v Benî Tennis instruction 1N , Pis r. Bviit e. theLesîda iid, Eve'.one was pea d'~î~~dbiiSt( rr h p~ and Serviuce" bumu had Mr. Edge on the 'jail if she cornes back again.lson of Saskatoon visited M rs. BinvstdteLsCc-~aiu îcso ls ~ i rbl i lrCide' ground. Crown Counsel asked' R. L.. Hoy xvas cbaeged on Dave Hicks, Hareiston. Me ereMnfed h iaïs~raîîe home on SudaY. aucavndei - SEE - March if he sa w Barnes. Juîv îgîh, Township of Cîseku. Miss Jeanî Mallette, Lit' ennspo eivdi o Rotar,\-:3 2 6 Miss Be.verlv Sutton hsba urday and t e iijydapo s uts a- x'l e îe March stated Milburn felI tiita leu afî-etrd l eaut. i. îmanville lasttThursday alter- Bobsofi 3 ? 6 been a weekend guest i -tv mok ad e clis'lle eod ~i aîpiîto o L te goud wenI h! hmI hus ofMu-. sabl attu.soendîng a %veekillonand had a wonderful Coroiiatiîiu 3 3 6 LesCchranedomekym\ade l le St îcoî arniTile aî .car M CQU LE fl nee rouat n 1 t imewBmnes 1-e ofeded ot gIsblatn. 'uwith Mes. James WodIey.1:!time showing a large number Gibbs 2 4 1 Mi- ad Mrs.Doituwiei u sLeeoraloiru hpii frsoi pi'f d M c U Einvolved w ith Milburn. case, w as adjour'ned . toJuly Darleuie and Kerr e lciof younigsters the noble art orf'limeckudni Field wunda. oî d t ioîîsMr. atonipiat\,oui task. othr dfene itnss,3Ot. owianile, lîolidayed withIracquet wielding. "rMkad idSidygusswibM.S-d fai y aig.lrp bl Ante eec ins,3t.Pat, Dianne and Susan Wood-1 Mr. Mansfield was assisted A geoup of' cbildreii wlo Ms.HoarIBlllDwu-s raspbev ik MOTOR SALES Rnl oguGanene oronappeaed WilliCoplsalumsletby local instructors, David have beeu traininig uîîder tevOt . lbiSchoand Resuits L ITD - of teBakDaodCu ootapae nacag h ope lbwl etHiggon and Janette Marsden., direction of Bruce Colweill, Mt. aud Mes.Fîed Samis piie su ee rda l oî poI - EMTDsaid lhe saw Rockburn swing of committing peejuey un thebde ' lsesaehîld' il i te a track, meet nOh-dianil iiedWt es re brd nti ettug somelhing at Yanke and hlm- local court on Juîy l6th. W il-ai e home of Jini and NMat,- Calre'sclsssnre e icinesdbrowned b tC.he proecssrea onSU Ear Mcuce, Pes. sel. -Jestaed e dd nt se iam ased 0 b trcd y aret Coombes, Julv 27tb. , aievery ruesdav sud 'rhursday aao WdedaJl '!1h. C.nPetes CesareaMr.ond ou-Clrk saw agis plead- Pai k ayesud lisited with M. sudnRtbyuî Cîseke su Pub S.S. %tr 10 Clare Bamnesfightng. bo lie t rat Baxte. He k3tb.afternnon at the Lions Centre at 1:30 pii ai Aiexaiid Ms erg ube.Pot1Nictîois retur'iedfonCau<arvle Barned Peeev, SabutuedaawevagiingleiBaQur.îHeMo-Lac ouark.îuedaGeoagerlu oarrade i9Q-iTedo-Ltaion. 219 KING ST. E. Milburn with a club. He did ed guilty te the charge. On --coiurts. - Rr GStr'ff ttdd bue1Cheryl Clarke wcnio:h 3ie Tii oi od ROWMANVILLE not know if Yanke had bee;î Julv lfith, he gave eviden ce 9- k Ir I I ~ IMes. R.- un il.s'ended speîd ftie ruext heutasbîe. T i'd an f hit accidently or not by 'Rock- in the Martin-Borden case 'e- Vý ils 21 Wedding Anniveî'sarvlLs ekw Ramblr l-enry Paul B amues, fleic ast at Glen Rae Dairy. Chief Ki'- 1.- dM li nervot ongai .7eong lake, tsood av 'loGri 'e r luk R m lrCars witness for the defense, saidiîîey gave evidence that flic i Wr5 V aud av eveîiiig WaS tit' 1. randMiS. *'ol 'kn Mr. and Mes. Elmer Iee2 read g L. 1-olaa' li ti.Rtd'W ega H. P ne 2-:36 Bîack ia mn rd for h eigi ticsecd sfated a camera fouuîd id 5 ea rs dLe.a th olmunaYHalylir,'.-Olliiiuîg ah tue lîcuude th Kig-Le r.- Blc imod oejl o a party fo horrour two baud anud Clare Jr.., Truro, ding ai St. Mar'k-, U,,ited a'l'oSrad 6 Drus art Phone 623-.3356 e'ghtl~~in the car a! the lime Martut Ou Satuieday vnug Ji local young people on their N.S.. vei-e Saturdav tea "uesisICii(h hty nStidý,8tibrlca" years, sud was well kuown un aud Bordcuî xveecpicked ip, 9tb, 93y, R v . . is-rcn r.rigeM.Chse i esdMe. as C:e. hty o surd T 4hirtldayeove the IUnited States anîd Cauî- b9o38,edf0 lu Wand.dy iii - St.PacufsBow- ride, M.Cesei M.adM-s. losShr*.jLliv 2bth. Teexee da51aiSuu loiXo bblne ehs aday1i el'O i. of 'Chut-ch, Bw Milîs sud bis bietflii- Me. aud M . .Aveu"y, dy Scbool on ui od' uou- " ero5 her 19Â3 BEL AIR ada He stated when he got , Tloronto. Chief Kitney checked m ' lue u itdi marriage met, Barbara Hughes of Maple Misses Shirley sud Doniuu'tq'.a ou, a miotor trip for a uîg: Jas. Eydeii neadPesep cugi (i.fegcJcsn 190 CH V ELAR th 'le fight- everybody seem- ýwith tic lauîdladv aud sie :Maejou-ie Eilleuî Adams, dan- Gi-ove. and Me. sud Mu's. Sani Marie Avec'. atteided tih'ý lew davs las! '.eek.. escilohtu iitaiirR'pta<i.BoinJko, 4-R. cd lu be fighting with clubsIneyer îîwned a camera, "lîetlitei5of r.James Aas(nec id Yo.Th l- Aer wddnc i :llt houesdlh NIobl i rao I- amn 6 ec'l., standard transm' sudbrkn1i elibs acue aredwilî Cio f Eiuuiskillen, sud eveniiîg's entertaiumeuit be- SahLiîdav ai t Fr sd es Ieua orne ut Illie leadro';cClii.akou(e. sion. Like new.only 4.000> defendiug myseif aidifferent Kitnev htleddmk ai a ,aSnO igr ihabifse ,eilnFls titn aladDrswiePiiýti hi' original miles. fivesdifei, gais waourormistake. tHea i id ake a iýdavu a ea.snu ie aîw abifsechSP'e Mu'. and Mu-s. J.Ashtou iid!witli Mr. sud Mu-s. R. ulope. 1u[;tng aterui.A lui oG'd odnRh fimes hfere fn.A our0'Hesi h irî'daud Mu-s. Robert GraY of New- dwthuorudooad oadM.acMe RusPeuc AbeoiSudyIeaiial uîa" cio T (îad 2 SsaSak lime duringthuis fight did 1 l'le xas doing the mein a favoriî castieed athtumor'ad tod d-,davaldSMrboo Mr. RtuisPrncuAl.rtan un-x'.thJackson. Sin 1962 HEV. -DR. ec Mlbuî-î sur Roc bhy Iviuîg for them. Magistrahe . vice, by genial chairmau M-'. Ashtoni sud fauîilv. lav-dor,. Gai uemained for- lîolidays. picihe as piauuenons-(lt.CtyWbna(t 19a2ie' fouîîd WilIiaillîsan Ruiltvr, Oui1Saturida\' eveîîitug.,lil' A. J. Werrv. Two toe-hap1piou. uidM es ,a. Saeanii iMe. and Mu-. C. Averyv weu'e uedv, il'. ?u îAsli aucnieW.Seatcec- !Bxte foo chooseas froni. ci6i-yl., BaSaruies saidrdaIhnes271.1 S tandard t ranmsion . Bth leh ksa I id ntb- 1and remnanded Ihlm nout of'(cis- 1 31h, 1963,Mi. anud Mus. David iuurbers weu'e played by Mus. da aud Janîet were Suudav' (,alles a! Me. aud Mes. C. Beach. Luuda Thioudke'~c. sadrtrnmsin o humIev e ws1pried bt it' fody tuntil Sephember 101h auîdl Geav b eld open flouise for i-e- Fred Gî'iffiuî (piano) aud Ml'. iincu' guests of Mrlî. sud Mi-s.1Avery'.s Sr..t Lindsay. orgaîist l'or tue miii.Piewiues efc t are local trade-ins and inhm assrrsdwheuî I' aiefinsadnilbr e titn(amnc excllntcoditon ws haecdwih hisfiht. will ask for a prec-seuîenci ilaiveR.iuîdJsd nigibrs enSthîiou (hrmniahed . J Omitou, uitru.orandu- aîd es livhu Cok nv.C.ookna' pok oi cuiaM.'c Buc TrmTe exeletcndto. a h eDGaiag hr becausereport, ýai their farm home west of banjo). Mis. Cu'awfomd pro- siouî or' MesW. iViîieta's asud Scaeboîough, weu'e receuit cal!- hIe ife iiuuiistrv f<vr tDoi aI oisn 1961 CHEV. 4-DR. hy Doni! me. Milbu e as u' .Gordon Roiiald Kininerlýv -Newcastle, on bbc occasion or voked mruch laughter as sbC lVis. 1. Sharp's bid". ess!iMe. sud Mes. C. Avemy's. Cheistian, whosc-di'ewr aiy îii 16 HV 4- tebi e ibeurd n o avs .uioapaîe n uvl6 nthehe 2Mb weddiug suinivet'- eecited a humourous selectioui Mru. anîd Musriai Wr' u. sud Mrs. Bovd Wermvy, may be dano1 legoyo oitc a'ir rm STATION WAGON 5"Vfîu-nfu wtt.o charges, one oh' dangerorus and v.Plie wethee xas per-ndhe Fi-e Ba-gadje"ncleal cy.,standrd trnsmision. '.gbtiîg nerrue ou' 'lvit divingoui JuIIY 15th sud ano-![ eci auîd a lovely evenhuîg of'pai'odv vocal drue! bv- vMisse sud lngcîlcî a M. renweSuiday - .oiuî,%te, Bouîn sdayJenMi igoiad. Sth'ie walblie vi- Scabo RudyW 6iuue fllowsanpdsud rtraismgiasion..bî Slenuui su Bettnieiiui- ahieus I Me. uineIVis. bu, ete Sandedaeeeenigug ng auîdIbe folo'.vingSuandavbeui"a Thswgnv nexeto-te ith driviuig wbile bisi, Har-old l"or-deu-*s, Pou-t Peres. calies ai Me. sud Mrs. R. Ji noring, tl, vill be ncag -ihs.Peetg er This godcniin.cetin- know whîo 1 was swinîg al. 1 fp a Lersser x -on.' old scîooi chîums was en- Jauîe Weruy '.itliMiss Lots> 1 Omso's .attndi .te o'th UntedRtu Tuehenfgil ting sud seam- I-He appeared wifhî counsel suri josved by al '.vbo calied dLîr- Ashton at jtie piano was mICi M-.sdbeS.lani ud iWerry pîcuic a! Haimptoun. sud on Auugust,]litb crwil Sein-Truy tak - 1961 TIUMPH uîgth e e ghigadrea ou- asked for a uemauîd I o jl'v ii thue 1eveuiing. 'enjoyed. Messr's, Glen Ash- faiihly were gîîests On SLuundaylMs .Mea,"rutb on srieo'fi nbi paig .P 1961rd 'vTueeîRadI3Ohii rdrbuscuu Ha The giests weurc '.elcomed ton, Robert Slemon, Lawrence a! M"~dî u. LmsM. aid Mes. R.JD.riso cuu-heshldamMubib Mre olusn aiute door bv Mes. Hlenu-y Wuright sud. Char-les Aslîfouî,' Bailiebou-o.ýatfended the Werey picule ah Gloria Nichols sdBabt r' CONVERTIBLE ine-cluub tr'ouble before." iliesses. Adms owaville, a sister- the sons of flic maie qutarte,, Mur. aud Mu-s. S. Kersey, . M.Hmtu ak inuasse i h e'ueR S L SC U Loral trade-in. Real shdî p, Magistrale Baxter recalled, Claude Bissotîebhc, Divis'iounu-law. iVIs. George Kirnbah siole a march on thei dads -ud Mus. Jack .l, ouiaud faun-' Miss Kathy Shar'p is hoi -' of song at the Prshft1a rcd with radio. the plaintiff Milburuu sudSti'ee1, Bownsnville, apea suaid Mes. N'orman Rudman, vilueîi thev were aunouuced i'- were Suria tea guests a! daying in Toronto with D. B. Church, Port Hopelu:Sui esked what hie thouguit oi cd oui two charges, une oh'f en- iotu oh' New.castle. Miss Joan by appeari-ng on stage in plug Me. sud Mes. Il. Ashtoîi's. and Bill Kay's. day moruing. Tbey sug"Hl 1960 PONTIAC 2-DR. Barnes sayiuug "I honesfly be- feriug 1Higgon Electrie, Januu-; Adams oh' Bowmanville, a bats sitnging "Oi Top Of Spag' Miss Rets Diekie, H-ampton. Miss, Laura Griffin spent Thon --M.y Hand". 1 Custom radio, tvo-tnne lieve he kuows I did not bit ary 8th, and one of ililegai pois- 1 niece, was ini charge of h' bleli AIl Covercd with sud Mes. L. Lamb were ielu the weekend with Miss Don- pait.Aboe u'rag hm" Mîîbmurepie, ie eso. A eeirs ia-guIeSt book. Clicese." When flue fathers. '.isifors al, Mr. aud Mes. C. ns Yellowlees, Oshawa. i Air, Rail or Stahi codtin oudot rmote eoi ig isoete hd be1Mu-s. Lloyd Hatîeock, Bow- Me, Ross Ashton, J. Slernon Pcthick's. Mur. Aihan Diekie Mr~. sud Mes. John 'Kirby. T 1 C K E TSumTa~I~IP EVC tODSLCIN0 elliuig hirn who bit him. ibound guiify of' illegal psmauîville, snd M r. Alfree:l ad O. C. Ashton îuru'ied ouf c»ailed in the cveuinîg for h 131'Brampton, Mi-. aud Mis. W. l'O EVERYIVIREuuLL GOOD SELCTION li Defeîuse corînsel Duffy pre- scssuouu. The case was adioLueuu- Ce av, Newcastle, attendants to scueu-y their boys off, tluey Sister. Banuks sud hamily, Wesfoti onu senbed bis case auîd said tfluecd f0 Septembcî' l7tlî. 'l'bc(Lu- Consuit a lflember of theisiers N steuck the fu-ce ws reasn- i Ie abov date eceived with Me. sud Mrs. ceeded lu, gaiuiug tue spob- ton, Oshawa, weî-e receuit eall.John Griffin. JuR~&T sa~ &Dsrc AIl Makes and Models 'buru. Shoruld you fiud he wasiformei learing was ifhed b :Gea". Also receiviuug were light ta hiarmonize in an oi a .Wrys oetS(.i-o.i oia- ig LE 1955 HEV.1-TON abltinder the ircuustrane. ihaoe Huges,16 us îhe rdarîglîter, Miss Carol favorite "Clemeufine,' aftee1 iss ElsG. ereys.oer! Slemon is holiday- David King Sof. Tor6 ReaoEtat na St955 body. dal o fa ble Miss ermtnesaid bbc acrs- beeMicharlghxities, 'a6iî i Anut sud son Allen, witlî thelu' whhh the Je. quartet escorted corusins fromManitoba, b 0ft- onto. _____________ Stke od.Ida frfamsh i f' otrvelcl vihspeedgrauidmothei' NIes. James Ad- tbc foure guests of hauîouîrto -__ ______________ - r renerallie cour'se the girl hriend of' a c'ontraey 1te fthe Higlî fBwavle h pafr.Ms .Wa; t <ilancer. Mr. Dufly further Tratfic Act on ui ie l7h. Cor- 1Mes. (Rev.) E. C. Woodlsuîd read an address composed in stated sonue crown witnesses stable Barber stsfed lie was i su is .F ieadpe.e'ch'r aM.sdM Enjny on-the-spot. reliable 1could be mistakeîu. He also caiied te an overfuurued ca'sed vrte -tbedr CetrMls n r.K Traders' lnw cost Financing. said the Crown has flot proved on 401. cas! of Newtoîvilc I 1iiig th fie-s! part of the eveii- Cryderman read the address «'The oidest ali-Canadian ibeyond reasonabie doubt that He was advised the car had i 'hg, sud Mes. E. L. Marjerri- f0 Me. sud Mî's. Samn Adams. finance conipany". I Bamnes had hi! Milburuî. "I been stolen from Lloyd Day- iSon oh' Bowmanvilbe, sistei' of Corsages sud bouîtaîîîiemes YuF ai yOi SERVICE STATION benefi!." Pou'! Hope. Magstrate Raxter bell presîded the latter' ps-f weds by Misses Lois Ashton Cornc In and let is check 'FlicCeowuî Attorney stated rcserved judgmcnt uuuitil HLU- of h' e eveuiing. The lovelv sud Cheryl Rowan, 1Vessr. your tires for trouble-free some defeuise witnesses hadi ghes cames up in Put! hope, 1turce-tier weddiuig cake that Gerant sud Ted Werry. Misses 'rvîg beeîu a waste of lime. He sta- Auguist 12, on Ille further:nadorned the centre of the tes Kathi'yn Slernon, Betty Jane sîutil 12 midnght tbewa ae yanicWeMMess Duls e- sume Ta. *ted March's story was cooked 1 charge of' stealiug a car. al aYmdoyanicWu'y ess DulsF" ()Pen fronn 7p u e aaryn.tma _.ilimPatn, 'p-eed Mis. Lloyd Haucock. of Bow- gusoju andJim Rowanu pre- * .. 1 *mdngh the blame for Barnes. Magis- ýby '. Kelly, Oshawa, appeau.- j inille, sud Mes. Nou'man seiufed tlîe gifts on behaîf oh' *', 4 triste Baxter adjourucd the c d before Magistrale Baxter1 Rudmau oh' Newcastle did the the community. Mu'. sud Mrs. 24-HOUR case lu Septemober 17tlu, and i oui a crimiuual negligence 1 i'iisfic job oh' decorafiîug. Mills recceived a coffee table, TOWING SERVICEri the other charges arusung out charge, arising out oh' a motor 'l'hose lielpiug to serve dur- fwa table lamrps sud orna'-_ n of tire same case Io Septern- accidentitnl Darliuîgtouî Towni- iuug the evcuing weee Mes. D. ment. Me. aud Mî's. S. Adams N & hone 623-3401 ber 24tb.'sluip ouu July 21sf. lHe wass îe- olofBwavleMr. vt genaciaHm 9 Alie ,r otis 63-083 ioIvanî Martel, 445 Du'cw Si.,.1nîanded ou bail to appese J. Wilson oh' Oshawa, Mu's, . table sud oruaiment. Th2 Ane Hors6232081 shaxys, wlîo appeared pre Septembeu' î7th. F'aliis oh' Burketon, Mes. A.1 four youîîîg people expressid d chr -NA -voul o-.-îu--ofcîs-iChreU-,epesîueb 1 'M'.- 1'. 1Ad--dM'.1 bue.ul appiehat-on foe -bu ii .-. [i houou- oh' ilîcir-251h-wed. ',Ine s- z. sessin iv . ,Mossi ONl";OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PlA H-ere we are continuing: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, diuîg ati'.'eesai"-.. Aslitoi was ac ting suiperin - Dtirng he venig al j* itendenit drue 10 the absence oh' ELECTRIC HEATING, ISSUING MOTOR lu mEPRMT, dinrati' games planied hi Mu's. M. McDonald oh' Bow-i Misses Veu'îa aund Leah Dal-1 HEARING AID BATTERY SERVICE niativilie. b on, Master Bob Daltont, Teun- oslat erewehr. Mes. Jinu Fallis anîd daugiî- pleton, Que., were receuif vbsh- Three Coslat o sreyou aa _______________teu' Linda enteitaiuîed wth tfocs with their cousiuus, Loisi man 'V bumorous eecitatious and Charles Ashtou, sîso Mr. isz diintiyu oe an buis! weree îeally enjoved sud sud Mes. J. Bernardrorot'OO ice . rabsmn erain ro.Ltcpr gave a]agodlui.Dur- r.0C.A'-kice..oribsrn trcet i ing the eveuiug man « vpichurues toi.È% :were haken, these to be cher- Me. sud Mes. Geo. IrwiiîXT CLEARANCE SALE iisbed inYears to com. sud Rodiiey were Suniday visi- Craftsmen do the job. .. call Oshaw vo.Pout THURSDAY - FRIDAY- SATURDAY 0F THIS WEEKpae 'ssesudi!es-KmeLteBiai. sula ad included a lovely Mes. Roy Avery, Ponina dy Our store stock wilI b. soîd at below cost. AIl Sales decoraicd cake for tbe OCCS- Marie aud Carlyle, Tilbury, cash ~beantiful r e v c r s lble bed- Donnua Marie rernaiuued for1 E FRY PANS, CLOCKS, RADIOS, RECORD PLAYERS, RECORDS, s pread sud a case oh' stainiess holidays with her cousinus. D A iht eB S n LAMPS, MIXERS, TRANSISTORS, ETC. steel Iableware for eight w:sMe uM'sEelreiî LAMP, MIERSTRASISTRS, TC.made by two uieces, Joan Ad., M.and sud DoalMe. sud amos of Bowi-nanville sud Lin- oenadD alM. n, ~stomnes are irequ.ested Io pick up. by Saturday, aîîy appliances os Faîlis of Bu'keton: sud aMscC,.Hou shw, w left for repai rs. o roolouh'and Mrs. Roy Trewiîu, Mimico. HW ODPOUI sasivreatfîosvevwe'SndyvitswihMclose frieuud. Mes. W. oc,*( SW OD p of Oono.Mr. sud Mes. Roy MeGill,. Marjoeie sud David bhîsuk-' Me. sud Mes. Milton Stainton' IAý~-Mi lieadSoro edaifrsucli a lovely si:-' '.vere Sundav calIes at Me.ý Oshawa Office and ShowNroomi - LIIIEU LE C T R I C LT ~ priseanid the privilege tha& aiid Mi's. Donald Lamb's, Ba;-;iv îTlehne H I G N E EwRC L O ,as theiu's 10 be able to share!liebor-o. 10 T' HOelephCNTE OUTIE e78-61 withther agin tis tme r; M .sud Mis. Be'.. Vealeý Phone: 728-1617 PHONE 623- 3305 heloship bogether. Mes. . have returued homie t u BOWIMANVILLE- 728-1611 To Serve YouAAX-Znih26O b16 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE Adams. Mes. Grav«s unotheir,îbec since spendiug bnlidavai f Tfed lui grace sati l jouned in!with ber patents, the F. W * loely social boni'. Weira ( t, 1/'

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