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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 16

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18The Canadian Statesman, Eowmnanv!fle, ,TuI 24, 1963 1 Manvers Twp. CouncilI The regular monthly meet- Ing for Jiily was held on July 2nd, wth all members pre- sent and Reeve H. M. Jake- man presiding, The minutes of the June meeting were read and ap- proved on motion of Malcolm and McG;ill. <A special meet- Jng -held on June 1th, 1963. was also read and approved in the same motion). The following coilnmunica- tions were received and read: Blackstock Fair, Secretary, requesting a grant for 1963 Fair; Dent. of Municipal Af- f airs enclosing Unconditional Grant for lst instalment in the arnount 'of $3,197.65; Re- port of School Attendance 0f- ficer for June 1963; Estimate for repairing piano by A. En- gli; Township of Emily re Development Roadt; Dept. of Highways requesting that a section of the fth Concession In lot 25 be closed; Peterbor- ough Canvas Co. re curtain in Township Hall; Frank Cowan Ca. Ltd. re Road damage dlaim; Manvers portion of Franklin School Section re- çuesting thet the Union be dissolved; Boardi of Transport Commissioners re C.P.R. cres- sing in Pontypool; South Ca- van School Area re proposed rew school and Union School Section No. 19 Manvers which attends school in Cavan Town- sghip; 3 sheep dlaims and sev- eral accounts. Moved by McMaster, sec. onded by Porter that the quo. tation received from A. Engl ta repair Township Piano foi $34.00 be accepted on condi. tion that the charges are nol ta exceed the quotation. Car- ried. Moved by MeMaster, sec. onded by Porter, that no ac. tion be taken on the requesi from the Dept. of Highway. Io authorize the c4osing of parl of the Road Allowance in tlii Bth Concession opposite lot 25, *Carried. * Mr. John H. Milxnan, Sect.- Treas. of the Ontario Munici- pal Employees Pension Fund, addressed the meeting and outlined in dertail1 the opera- tion of the pension fund whicl has been in effect for over one year. A delegation of -Ratepayers from Pontypool interviewed the Council regardin.g the matter of installing an up to date flasher signal at the C.P.R. Crossing in Pontypool Village. Moved by McGilI, seconded by McMaster, that a letter be written to the South Cavar School Area in response ta sa letter received to the effect that Manvers Council are of the opinion that the Portion of Manvers Township in No. 19 Union School Section should pay the same rate as the South Cavan Sehool Ares as long as the pupils front Manvers are using the facili- ties but Manvei's should not be committed to assume any part of the Debenture debt for a 20 year period, as there Is a possibility that a Sohool Area may be formed in the Southern part of Manvers Township within the next year or so. Carried. On motion of Malcolm and Porter, Cartwright Agr. So- ciety is to receive a $10.00 grant for the 1963 Fair. Car- ried. On motion of MoMaster and Malcolm, a letter 15 to be written to the Dept. of High.. ways urging that a sign in- dicating 'Bethany" be erected Q BITUÂRY MWRS. DAVID L. BENNETT Following an illness of tbree months, the death of Mrs. David Leonard Bennett, Newcastle, a United Empire Loyalist descendant, occurred at Memorial Hospital, Bow- nianville, on Monday, July 15, 1963. She was in her 70th 3'ear. Born at Havelock, Ont., the deceased was the former Grace Winnifred Maidens, daughter of the late John and Jennie Maidens. She attended Albert College, Belleville, and on Juno 29, 1916, married Major David Leonard Bennett who survives. Major and, Mrs. Bennett nioved from Toronto to New- castle 18 years ago, residing in their home, "The H-ollows," since that time. Thp deceasel Mrs. Bennett, as well as taking part in local women's the United Empire Loyali;ts The late Mrs. Bennett is survived by her husband, Major D. L. Bennett, Newcas- tto, dUite C aurch Woen, NeastPale, Saff an Student Clarke Goddar),.c&ofandr- oraenoteote.orno wi the funelservicselwa weedtfeomantheaoriFuneflral nrbes, Juy 1,nd wa con-e ofuctariobThReE C. Wood Iand, OrNwAt, asastPdrt Hoe.AMrse GoDarAssst- anntyPrtof aS. Simn he Tonto. Unte hrentWas is Clarke HMldeS hoand Douglas Jrdan.ClefaeTrno C. t es rt id à- .at the Juntion of No. 35 and r 7A Highways. Aiso a letter wrltten to the United Coun- ties Road Commission urging that a sign be erected on No. *115 Hlghway where the Coun- ty Road No. 60 intersects in- dicating '"County Road." Car. ried. On motion of MeMster and 1McGill, a By-law was intre- duoed to supplernent the pre- sent Road budget by $8,000.00 for 1963. Carr'ied. Atter the said Supplemen. 1tary Ey-law received the fira, .second and third reading, it 1was duly passed, signed, seal- ied and numbered 1397. Moved by MceMaster, sec- onded by Porter, that the foi- lowing accounts be paid: Road Account, -Voucher No. 7, $4,- 271.65; City of Peterborough, welfare charge-back, $44.41; Bernard Neals, oil office stove, $37.37; Alfred Johnston, on Assessor's sal., $300.00; C. Curtis, sheep dlaimis, $52.00; R. Rossi, sheep dlaims, $17.00; Fairweather Nursing Home, nursing home care, $94.75; James Publlshlng Co. Ltd., 1963 financial statement, $57.- 20; Treas. S.S. No. 7, school money, $1000.00; James Webb, painting Twp. Hall, $462.0, Registrar of Deeds, East Dur- ham, list of transfers, $5.10; Durham County Federation of Agr., 1962 levy, $568.47; Dur- ham Couinty Farmers Union, 1962 levy, $30.00; Bruce Fiskc, Pontypool fire area, $48.00; Thos. Whlite, postage re tire literàture, $7.51; Cartwright Society, grant, $10.00; H. M. Jakeman, Reeve haîf- year sal., $105.00; H. Malcolm, Deputy-Reeve haîf year sal., $92.50; L. McGill, Councillor sal., $87.50; R. Porter, Coun- cillor sal., $87.50; H. A. Mc- Master, Counillor sal, $87.50; Ryley & Son, 1963 warble fly pwd., $107.58. Moved by McGili, seconded by Malcolm, that the meeting adjourn to August 6th, 1963, at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Many Attend Yellowlees Family Picnic About 60 members of the Yellowlees family gathered together at Orono Park on July 14th. A sumptuous din- ner was enjoyed by ail. The waistlines sure took a beating. President Jessie Ellicott of Peterborough called the group to order for a business period. Ada Yellowlees, secretary, read the minutes -of the last picnic. Discussion followed on dec- erating the graves of aur for- bears- buried in Ha m pt on Cemetery. Moved by Isobel Davis and seconded by Don Tbompson, that the presidenit see that this is done each year. The'date and place for next year are to be left te the new executive, although early in July seems te, be suitable to mnost. The following is the new executive: Past Pres., Jessie Ellicott; Pres., Frank Wright; Vice Pres., Francis Thompson; Sec., Jean Glas- peUl; Treas., Gladys Yeilow- lees; Sports Com., Susie and George Grahanm, Ron and Bea Whyte, and Ralph and Isobel Davis. By this time, rami descend- ed. As it was se badly need- ed no one was downcast. Grace Wright invited thc whole group ta move to her home in Bowmanville. With a large recreation reom, patio and double garage, room was fprovided for ail. Pat Davis fpCyedthe piano and aIl join- ednatvely sing-song. Soon It stopped and a pro- 1gram of sports was conducted -by Don and Helen Thompson, Ernest and Normna Hockaday, 1and Ron and Gladys White. The following were the eprize winners: 5 years and ?under, D en n is Yellowlees, rBrian White, Wayne Yellow- lees; 6 and 7 years, Donald tPowell, Beverly Thompson, 1Janice Yellowlees; 7-10 years, rBrenda Yellowlees, MDo n aId >Powell, Beverly Thompson;, 11-13 years, Janice Moses, tDonna Thompson, Li nd a Clark; 14 and over, Norman Thompsan, Murray Yellow- lees, Robert Powell. Wheelbarrow Race, Donna 1Thompson and Norman Thompson, Janice Moses and Linda Clark, and Beverly Thompson and Rtobert Powell; LChildrens Lucky Spot, Rab- ert Powell; Shoe Kick, Donna Thompson; Bail Throw, Mur- ray Yellowlees, Jean Hoeka- day, Brian White; Lady's Luc- ky Spot, Jean Glaspell; Wad- dle te the Bottle Face, Alice Hodgson, Grace Wright; Pass the Parcel, Ruby Yellowlees; Lucky Guess for Candy, Lois Yellowlees; Thread & Needie, Lois and Harvey Yellowlees, Jean Glaspeil - and Frank Wright; Youngest Person Pre- sent, Lori Ellen White, two weeks; Men's Bahl Threw. Stan Hodgson, Murray Yel-' lowlees. This concluded the sports Pregram. Grace Wright made coffee for ail, and along wîth mnany good.ies left frem din- ner, we had a delicious treat bef are going home. We all enjoyed the gathering te the full and hope next year aI members may be with us. Es- peclally do we thank Frankc and Grace Wright for theïr hospltallty when the ramn came. Jessie Ellicott had addedi much to a family tree beok. This was reprinted and avail- able toa ah. The book dates back to the 1300's in the reign of Robert Il of Scotland. It makes very lnteresting read- Ing te ail connected to the. farnlly who were truc Scottlsli Loyangs.1 rýw * - i. - - s k

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