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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 2

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-2 Tlir CaîiadiaîîSat:îan Tvmn il*ly 24. 1983 Accident Round Up Winner of 'Drag' Trophiesý Refurns from Holidays To Find Hîs Car a Wreck Barry Ollý-er. Xing Si. ELa-t rEnie on Saturdav, there oria& Hospital and released bolder of rnanv drag -ýIrp ro- wastv'o-('ar crash *on Kinglater with no injuries other! Shies, camne Ïhomne [ro hi, Si. W.. in front of Bowman- 'lIhan bruises. olidiaYs ibis 1 veck Io [mcl hi-x'io le Iarirs. bctween Ve- Also on Saturdayv, Sandra f.ieand o% a n).5 hp Clic,.'. hîcles rven by Robert Wil- paa nfi grga0ot la ilees ..4 n Strikwerda, two-yeacs-old, 24, pal, i th gdag aioatlîa Valires R.. 4 an rO'DeIl St., and daughter ofi _R complete rc. Damlgu Davffl Il. Brown, Orchard - ,Mr. and Mrs. T. Strikwerdai Was estimnated t i1,00 et vo'w. Therc e re no injuries. was bit when she ran out frorn more. Danî.îge in cars ws oc Barry ri!dli t ak' i' ý!.*S0.masoe behind a parked car. The car' car %vith him foir a ho] fla Dýi OiiSiudav nmorn ing. Bov- driver, Lawrence Adams, 113i Grad Bnd.hi'lîorovî ih nan' ui ao Aia AbulnceHigh St., applied brakes, but' was unable to stop completely. l friend Xillis Fowicr'. '; riç double dut.Y. It had been r'The girl was taken [o hospital. Chev and tonk t n îgh- il 1" îo a homie on Divisionl exa mined and sent home. Sheý with Fowlcr. st 1')la tke a heart patient toý OnStud' wam -Io piual. On the way, they suffered oniy a bump on hevc On SturiH,, rl- unieLipo ai a i head and sonne bruises. Ing the rain. FoývIrr va' dri'.'- nn pna ccident involv-1 ing out ScuiggSt. 1 t, ' 111,mn Kcrry HIorstcn. who b'al 1 Veiceles driven by Kei *- dama b-1ws et of h rîVunhis bicycle mb [bthencth Daniel Parks, 7 Annte enoherca. le scaed ff su(Ic(,fINMr:. George Wcbstec'.s St., and Gordon Walter, 60ý mail box in front of ox-rnaxo cii,:' ît thoecorner of Centre Scugog St., were invoived in; Wilfid arrthrr hoe. t id Lowe Sts. le also waa r an accident on Sunday, with vVihyrd ir polo a* nie. hif i nau-iilicheambulance and 'damages amounting [o over dow a fot ai o lt la keo for t cent mon t tri Mem- $100, but nuo injuries. west side of thie rond. ]le if fered only a mal:it cnt) o ! hibut [he cat- ,vasoci sh w Jr A Ge ra i away bv MýeQueco MOt h w r e eas Sales and piaccd oi thet ;ar age until thlic-orprn Ift isundcrstorrd tit ri Oliver and ;orne fri-rnds ' e e Iay Home Games Hr PMPIOYC-nl, lie bs 'crl vm annotcemeni gîte providiiug excitemnent ga-, rloycd at Goodcxar hirr, i<'ani" ont of fhe Memnorial lorp. t-ecently, Cot-mmîsaton [bis wcek' This is the first, limne flit At about Ilirte s fionir tue hoihoc, ffcct thaf the Jniior! Bowmanvilîe bas been file ebove accident %v"'a h'ppý,n-"A Oshaiwa Generals wili beI home of a Junior "A" Citub.1 ing, Saturday ovei1iug . plyIWthOrhoegamnes ' Last .\ear, a Junior 'B"u' Bowinanvill1c me, t'..-, . Bowan'.iie this vinter. wssosre yTn's a;idi Whatmough. RRt1.. nd Ruiv \ Negotiatioiis weî-e compief-imade their headquartetýs het'e., Vrgesc. Qiiecii St.. fon iiri cdriicîilv bv the Commissioný: but WitbOUt too Mucb scîcces.a themnselves in an o'.erîuî-r.'.i t Wren Riait- of the Bos- in attracting sizeable attend- car on tile Eql 13nach Road. IOnBrin HckeY Club. ance. Howcver, a Junior- 'A" VJ1atmougb lîad heen rlriv- WIcdotaîls of the exact club of the stature of Oshawa ing Vrgoec's car on f lie slip- ou:uiîhcr of gaines to bu pla- Geinetals should di-aw \,frotut .pery road v-hcneu ho bt con- cri he:'e ha xc no ef hui eleas-lthe entit-e surroctnding at-ca tohit a lîydî'o polo'. r.Vif cri, local hockcv fanls ri t-sf nPnd the arena shouîld bu pack-1 ,the car flipping ontol its top. as' 'urcd Ithaf they wilf suecd on many occasions. -Injuries ,\*ei'e flot sot ins buf. clentra or fast. top notch hoc-' il is expected tilat, ptacficvs dcam age In the '63 car '.vs kcx' .ifh t ar il, the P 'ovill- \vil] begin for the Gene r-a sý :erourd S.50). cu-ll OuIA. Junuior "A" lea-ilaie in September or earfv' DO UT NOW -=== IOct ober. a a 0 und SAVE $150 INSTALL CGAS HEATING NO PAYMENTS UNTIL SEPT. Clore Hecla Forced Air Furnace IVITII 24) VXX~GI. XRANTf[[L ALSO GAS DRYERS - WATER TANKS STO VES Now on Display at Cowan Equipment Company PHIONE. 623 -718 1131 KINC, S'T. E. BOINIANVI LLE Ixusv A gents foi- ICONSOLI DATED [HEATING AND AIR (ONDITIONING I) Eil BÀ I"Li frcol 'PECIAL LOW * ON NATIONAL BRANDS * t Your Local Druiggist's - TI 'LEENEX TISSUE REST Tooth Paste LD SPICE After Shave Lotio 'RIG Men's -Deodorant AND-AID Plastic Strip! AMPAX ----- NO FRUIT SL LY TOX lnsect Bomb ,ARBASOL Br'.ushiless ANACANE Cream - WATCH FOR THIS AD EA, B()W1A N V IL LE 1WLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSI .EX McGREGOR, DRUGS JURY & LOVELL STUI Newcastle's New Cenotaph A lare cr~towd of vitllage citizens, vu 'il orts anod VX ci us "Ialp usun i on SatIL rtd a loi' the tn\'eiling cerernonv of flis l v.c'. It ipil)lllt '."kT he lii mu'ncî-ial is situated w&"st of ihie Ccmmutîtt\, Ilaii ni n Ilo 'til u!l'i\'e aruttili4. flaoed y iwo huge spitîce n-ces. Speaker s v.c til Itli lin hilteteplas ofit work dlo ne b v the cenota pl commit tele i n ciecti n g thellc nu in eli I v lu icias lacen paid fot' b cntr'ibuttions. Cross Country Racing Kinsmen !Motorbikes al Mos port a - 'FROM PAGE ONE' show, but when the skies cicar- or S am l on Sd y cd and several thousatid people itBrt-ilîpr oo'tocit'1alili'.lea t VuS'rci" t,. r' wet-e stîli on the gr'ounds, [bey i l r'.' If rt o'.'. îî1p i f e It huuî'ks a ik r"' li'r' l h' tr o i ' î decided tri bave a stab at, îi"uhîI'.rsiiîc'ossuf iiiteî'tiatioli- iitgh grouutd. The niacina'th i\rtli'unri ic iorr eunning te booths, wlieels, ai raIl'alpieparotibfi'. iion Suirtîluix . .1 lx 2buon ,merry-go-couind and other aia road rac iMsoi llirts osui vey aitenfirer.' li ff'ev f hîîf x'crv '.it ites with deep treacis InTo "ta " ; h(' r' '!rcli \-. i ii' tractions. And [bey did iir it ti .g k i ici cf tioioec 'l rp b te ai d o th i liail-pinta, ý.ilfu ~r '51 "ou' 'xveli. considering the adverse lauilr lii oi :: wcathcr. sport -sc'cnailing Stidr<grs.The course %viliibucflaid x'roi uatx i re ofn'l n About m idnight,[tie 1'.voJiul'.r28 at t soo lie ouf alttite suîutierîî uiid of tiWi thiisý. cro-seî utr racersal a i tot IVIosport pt'opect> , antcdsp nmaitn dcaws took place foi' the besIili I e t lt>îta ru)> Graic atî i nuis a I's vr. ixv'uli depreeand bhîe pig whichl Nahtuil. at tbis tbe of etit. lWoodbine A'.e., 'Toronto, 'w.tii", r 'Plig ttasd-- Te B.V.M.C. p i o ti ececrc-d ibhe draw bcing made by Janiet n ie"u zd ns ilt oitlis, for rsatîtfin OtnQtaiOro, lifut 'îCA1rfo Lamrcence, Oslhawa. The sec-' quiri's a griaf doaf of skili ulog c'.ents eveut beforete [i O rI- r' ond cdeaw foir a iawn set wcîît [ornuof'lthesport hecani ýIitto i'.fît o i,: . e prix ti r tri Alan Osborne, 21 Second popufai' as ili s tiow. 17uY< tr ' iittt ' St., Bowmanviile. This \,a-s aud ge QOntario rideis tra'.el lontg d' uickI i'ltuenf)r]! clrawni bvRonîtie Allis>n <if lancies ici gel good sci'nmbfiil-The""IL rViîtsîuîIi S0011rrriti' iJaeiçson's Point.. ..d g lm , competifiotu, a pnî-tY beirîg a ofi't1whilîr itIr' . riuuilg. The Kixismen lbad quit ea Cu re lM MV Grafton. Ver'montf, lasI 'r.îei ' t11-ti1'11i t 'Qo riu" large amounit of prizes for v'ar- eud for a hig- challenge maeiof0 ItWi t«iri'r) uNo, :1 1ii glu1'w'a'.. jiots boobbs Ieft o'.rewl ici RMOCI0Er be1 w e e 1) Eisfecui Câadia.. Qîci Nco. 1: 'ut -tia' [bey probably wiii store until Eitgeludn cîc' ii caîîd Basi Coat U.S.A. î'icli'r. 1il", illon')' i 'tcru i 'a'cIIe:':1 [bhey decîde dcfinîtely or niot' rlgl a neddtr-a-ai xvheher [bey will liaV.e ar cusatîoî, strikttîg oii Biie- Mari\-.'fcf ile eter kir .t ii PtIr' :') rlrix' 1 carnîval inii September. '.vI nt i ntiof îcp Vlzîîîît i r i tr oicftror tc la i t'..t t'r trtin ,'ec - 1Carnivai Chaiumaîî Lioiilrvb[iiec oai e t . u src, hit or'oult f0 u u ip ';)diit)I uing i Paîker cxpressed s i îî eer e Amouîg Wednesdn'."s oc.itierss- lias a goont shar t oo. lctIttn r lrir ~,c thanks on bchaif of [bu ciub es '.vue so'.eral \'.lîc sa' .'. ii- Hunt, RaY Bonsni. l"ernaidoi' i ~ ~ i [o flic hardy souls '.ho ce-!lor a hterI'ile fi ci'- as ett-Pistoîto..Mi ke Bîîikle * v, ail loid r mi'nted tbroughout the even-l guisiieci. 'lrs "oi tihbrsr"' iotlîc'us. .1 l ici ncl u ing and patronized flue ga mcsadioios o i umi- Seh have Ficetu w iiru un our (]-rOf 'r "'e:....r. des;pite [lie inclementt'vcatbeî xviIlelutirle dupait mîtil. Necfgb- sistett N ciii i g fii e au i ti j .r tr til:x "r \, The Knsrnen's Club main ,bors mil seîî l'ar's ou i[le, 'irottilisof[li xc'r. lo.."' rt'i iî rrr i irth project at the moment is the pi-oe' . ndysp'c'hii lu E U i" ' u ln oor, li>'. ri r i' ' tut l ic. ,provisionu of equipment for hie f e u 'ui o av[itotfrsne iiugnli ei 'Ittr'l""r ,oh therapeutic waî-d at the Mm-~Yo tas u ir. ' <if tli'ti 'reiif aiere ra iuiga ic'..'k t d i i r fro!rli li;Cu orial IHospital. Karlie, tlîey t d\r.'.a î'd D "'io . buts du-i '.eu'of atc. ancit h is ira v clîi i nir'.i r t.. il r.; ' . lraised about $40,t00)over a for 1Bn -CiV BuIs ia irs.sanid lu- lirle orier oft ii tgs. t tuaI cad lO0-year period to wipe ouf. the'caîricd Tiayflo' t' pat Illte cf na"r'Iutc-lu" saie' "lic'cc tIli' dcbt incurred by [lie inistalla-i Black Caf i itti ouiotie cfa. h)buteigi tics n c'rerotuiiig a tuid : ion cf ai-t ificiarl ice ai [bu oncrcoss exa ui<ti outiiiutod tidor stunnidlilug flicii' u Iîtrit:l 0 A rena. lite .'as itot stu'r 'l e wh ih dat . i odtif[<oct -"I Mn s"u ~ t' t - - -- ~ ' ~îj iDonald - Bt i sou. agentl foi' stat ' ill .jfIlie ita)lut- Schfied -Aker Inuotanicu of Iliots,. 'J'lie machi1hua r.'.' tI b Nhe%; ýOshawva saint lie '.'.'tt .'.ittjiibinent up nuithefî ridcrsu a r'.t 'îîvj ;i'îîvf iu' e u.îstlnto HIe put'- Iaiuit 210 fi-i-I ack. W iiiî ti' rir. '..t'î tir' rrr' ri' i [rp P R I% E S m~~~rises. bt it ntf ertîte[iefla. dîrps, titi'. 'v'.rll rpFumir'-ua rtlu rt.trtiiiiur'; ocs'. lit,' met' .ulcl 'a'.ci their main eiui. atî.l fi ut t'aiar' ir itru ' ir' i u n -r P R IC S $9000potîcra '.'ich'tîlic <'<un -,rtfî cht'fauic'anuit tari t ofbt:'rt itrr'r' irI :,I) wi ' "i 'uNo Application k ickla Sit> rIllo 'hurs. - Fir. - Sot. ' So>iI - St rong 1 hiosbe 211)'s C14 ii LI)valtie97c'iii nl 1.50> vainie 1.34 *I 1.25 %,aliue 1.1 3 ili S 49c vaItie 44C 11 51 %allie 46C 'i 1.39 value 1.13 i Shav.e reg 98e 8 7C-il 1.35 size 1.17 îI ýCH WEEK N EWCASTLE ýON'S DRUG STORE I ORONO 11 'T'S PHA 1RMACY " Xale Runirhe. a tii'hr5iO cile' in Dît thzin (Jotuil '. -said .le liant 'ier't'i'Iutc iappf tini frcpIermissionîi fiopenîîa utuîirc] oi th [i' promises. '.'.'li (i 'iiid ha\ '.e iiniîirl t' eiitîiig'einIllc zurnlitg b 'l a'."w 'l'a.. 1r liant hocîglîl lii'pt'opit >\to ic-liii tu l i lie î'ell tbu dia'.'r.'.as IohntiE. liaccis rtf Dsaim'.wa, "aInaits 1 ia'w *'ver'. f iai-iis gar. e inuainecs of sunie s'eîî en Oopli"Il 0'hi' îîa i - tuioptedto tii h fe property o'.'uc t i' past fer.'. 'a 's. lMri. Bonneî'.'lleic , 'i5 egustoret cvii- e foi'r ie past [t '.'cou'six racaus. btabnci îmo doit cf owrqvichitp. Ilart s cletuiatded l a d1eîd bc'foi'e eon'pletiîg Illue cidi , ru'.hîfeî N'I r. Bonnievilîle rcfcîsed. ti1 us telaiiug lthe tratusactilonti<iut il Nn'.'embPr, some tIircc tîotîruts a fter I lic firie. Bcnttu'.î Ic'e preferuet to sei bits agietuieit for sale, but <-oulci ha'.'c eiaîidud a ded v.'buut lire '.r'tt tît t . ShortIl'.'before [lie fi ce '\Il,. Bonîîe'.iIIe retic.'.ed liaiîsîtr- ance ou thte propccty' [ o a total of S 10,0001. 10 cri' r lus "in- terest as lailord." Wbeii lue sold [lie, p'opert.v in 1959 [o Jobtu Sohico. the price vas $18,000; but lue soId it to Ta. - loi' two xears later for $7,500. The prope-tylitas alwaYs beeu etitumhcred xr.'tliiuortgages. At one point tut tie proceed- iîîigs. Judge Cueirelly asked Me, llart'is. "Was [bure atiy [bhing tegîtlar abolit titis traits- action'.'*'Wîin prusenting bis case for !Iic dulense Charles Dubiu rcu'arked. 'Tbere la rsomeiluiig suspiciotis about titis Itratisaction. butt it <'erbainlv w.asn't niî*v clietit's fault." Attortie y % frethle defeîtci, and for tlhe cotprcacritcd tbeir cases, anîd Judge Currelly ht'outin <t lis '.er'dict a ftcr 0 niinuites of defiberatioti. lit n' t tt r f;t!,r î'ououit r. '..'lu "r' r> i irr w, t.riiml) tics lr t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l lr r i'itu '. t'rtim lii tr r' 11~ tu u i l ).'rl \ ii S ir i rrt rc Si.u i 'u i r n ut u1 ur) I g tt.'u il t't iiî in r" ' ' truîrur' î i irP i ulur l i tnt t'.mr' r ti f)ui e 10 Th i lu r i r 'o !r nl ' iiiii o i r ty ai'itirrnI t t". ci rl <ii r'r' rrt 'riii1 - ti fll li 'î r' t) J i; r<u c toIcus (i' Ath r i î'îiuisessa tli (,<i rt ru . tr i r 'i r. '.'i t l L'h tL 1 ,' ' 'r i utt- i'rt n e t tr i i rn r r ri-ruiut r' e \t c Il'u t . îir.' i rt ut bolrc it ther i rh' i ir'. it mu rr r t.'r i 'it11i'e'. hî.:tr ltt tut ixe r - 'inui à. ,i l f i' l u la iîusDiios uî cnir riri r' u i ,lu. i c hî courses will be chosen fromi this iist: Commercial': shorthand, hbo- okeeping, business machines. Technical: auto machines, architectural anîd mechanical drafting. blueprint reading. njelectrical construction, mach- mie shop practice, sheet metal work. weld (arc and acetylenie). bricklaying. carpentry* and ,woodworking, painting and de- corating, sewing, cooking. iGeneral: English. mathenia- tics (teehnical and commer- caXindustrial chemnistry. rhe other four schools in ilie Durhaîn County district highi school board are expected Io continue night courses, pos- sibly with minor changes. in typing. home e,onomic-, and industria I. Nighit school pupils %vil] be arcepted ini Port Hope fi-om) throughout the cownty. CORRECTION Oià page 7. under the photo of McQueen's bail team, there are errors. Il. should read: Peggy Haines. Barbara Brown and Chris Cohrs. Sorry these errors %lipped through. STARKVILLE Nîr. and Mrs. .Jack Wark. Owen Sound, spent a week witb Miss Norma Hallowell. iVr. and Mrs. Hales, Eng- land, are spending a six-wceek holiday vitb their daughtec Mrs. John Murphy-, Mr. Mu"!- phy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mat'- liin and familv. Blackstock, spent Sîtnday at Mr. Orme FalIls. Mr. and Mis. i-rPd Todd ,visited Mr. and MVrs. R. Me- Gahey, Oshawa. iVr. and Mcs. Brian Ca-- weil attended a pdit'. Satur- day *c vening at Mr. Golhueti's, Port Hope. Mrs. Fîed Falls. Peferbo- ouigh. is '.isitiîîg Mr. atnd Mrt,. Luit Falls. Mi-. and Mis. Don Hart anîd son. oono '.e dinnrî- guests wif b Mr. atnd Mrs. L.lew. 1la il oweilI. MVr. arîd IVrs. Chai-les Pînro, Toronto, woi-e w'eekend guesîs xvîtl' Mr. Ar-thuîr McKay. Sunday even i n g dinuier guests with 'Miss Norma Hallo- w-cilJ xere Mr. and Mrs. Sid llalloweIl, Mr. and Mcs. Maur- ice Halloweli and Michele, Mr.u and Mes. Brian Caswell ;t.nd familvy, Me. and Mrs. 1,1(,w Hal]owell and .Jim. Wednesda.y evenitîg last. 'weck, mainy atierîcled the party nn Ihr lawo of Mr. and Mrs. 'VÇsiîese- in bountir of Miss C. '%. Stem-art on lier rrtirr- ment from teacbing. A varîcty program w-as enjoyed Nvith a choruis by the sehool chilçd- t'en. Miss Stewý,art was pt- sented mwifb an tpioltered chair by the conîrrunil ' and engraved Hvymnal by lier pu.p- ilq. Thanking evrryone, Miss Stewýart spoke of her many hîappy years at St.arkviile and extenrled a %velcomne for ail to \'isit bier at lier homne on *h Si-,th Linie. The committ - or iiie '.'einl served a del1 ous LAST THREE DAYS! Blie Grass T lie is a Sleu"ille! ïA. Sîtiîîirtiîe iri n a iiuîi il . .. and îu i l i <rine lie rotm. dlliii lime o(dBlute lîti -. file Iragiiuiu'i- tial u; 1110" lot cd hY r'nr( rtnt ',r' îe \nulrio%&, yoit rail îi'e il Çi')i-ii. ...l'ci'r i't' aie '-I'aj 1c [liait itînke 1 l IS filt)Ialyca'i lig 1Ici fl itîî- e il liori' SI. 4 o/i. (Hg. <ii 22 ii rj. oh 18i1 I l) Bbour I 'rat,. I .II\ rrv 1III C rIae'l <.4» :iiv 4 b ra~- 1 ,rrrancp Sel, plvI ,))dI I'tIrr -n 2.5<> (11.4- P1','r tr 5.54 , JURY & LOVELL 2 King St. E'. Bn..Vt)anviIIm 1 * Canada'si and ... you'll know why so many people cali for Black Label '-'""rt 'r'. 'a ' say "MABEL, .ý BLACK LABELIf9.' <s' fi ) W~E DELIV'ER I>hotie 623;-3361 Motorcyci e CROSS COUNTRY RACING MOSPORT JULY 28 1:00 P. M. ,Admission -$1.00 ORGANIZEI) BV BRITISIlEMIPIRE MOTOR CLUtB y

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