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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 5

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-.........- -. .'-.'.-. -. ...* - ~ ~. - Iqhe Orono News L Mrs. Jamnes E. Richards, Editor frs Bob Gilmer, Tammy, and Margaret attended the Dan and Terry of Carivale, weddng of Mr. and Mrs. Ste- Sask, arrived Sunday even-1 phen Major of Delhi on Sat- ,lIng b'; train to spend a month urday. The groom is the bro., with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. ther of Mrs. Santo. Margaret ]ROY Barrabail. iwas bridesmaid at the wedd- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall!ig Of Agincourt visited ber bro-! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sbak thers, Mr. Wm. Robinson and of Alderwood, Toronto, spent Mr. Cecil Robinson last week. i Sunday with ber parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. LoganIland Mrs. Robt. Hancock. spent Tuesday and Wednes: Mrs. Phyllis Murray and day with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- son Terry of North Bay, spent mnan Allun and daughter Shar- Saturday with her daughter, on, who are at a cottage at Mrs. James Bruton, Mr. Bru- Catchacoma Lake for twolton and son Clifford enroute weeks. home from a motor trip to Mr. Everett Porter of Sher the Pacifie Coast. brooke, Quebec, visited his Mrs. Carman Cornish with father-cn-law, Mr. Wm. Davey ber mother Mrs. Willîs Jones last Wednesday evening. of Newtonville, attended the, Mrs. C. V. Wilson is a pat- Walton-Shaw wedding in Pic- lent in Memorial Hospital, ton United Church on July Bowmanville and Mrs. Herb. 13th. Murray is assisting in Orono Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton' Post Office. visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks Hadder and famiy of Scar- and son Chrîs, Oshawa; Mrs. borough. 1i Chas. Wood spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat1 with Mrs. Geo. Crowther and adduhe laoTr sonsChalesandJame, ew-onto. spent Sunday and Mon- castie. a ihM.W .Dvy Mr. Wm. Miller is a pat- dy~ibM.W.Dvy ient in Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Ed. Dean is a patient Bowmanville, - following an in Memorial Hospital, Bow- accident at bis work Friday manville. morning along No. 401 and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- has lost part of his finger on ton, Enniskillen, and their the one hand. guest Mrs. W. C. Murray of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Toronto, who recently spent Scarborougb, Mr. Cleve Clem- a month in Europe were din- ence, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Powers and cbildren, J. D. Brown, July l4tb. Peterborough, visited Mrs. Mr. H. Partner bas rnoved Cecil Powers. bis office and showroom to Mrs. Cliff Cooper is spend- bis bouse, north of the Town- lng this week witb ber mother, ship Hall, Main Street. Mrs. Alfred Grice, Port Hope. Dr. R. A. Heston-Cook who Mr. Donald Robb, Sunset plans to open a dental office Lodge Rest Home, Bowman- in the Orono Medical Centre ville, formerly of Orono, bas in October, was ini Orono on' returned from Weston, much Monday evening to meet witb lmpr'A d in healtb. representatives from Dental DEie, dau gter of Mr. Equipment Firms preparing and Mrs. Elgin Heard is spend- for installation of same at an Ing this week with ber grand- early date. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs. F. Rbodes returnedi ]Hall, Bowmanville. home by jet on Saturday fromn -Mn.- and -Mrs. Josepb- Santo several weeks visiting ber a son in Victoria. B.C. I Mrs. Hector Bowen return.- I ed home on Friday of last L. J. Skaife c. A. wee.k fo endy istw IChartered Accountant" and Bob, aIt I Camp Petawawa. Whibuu. uýiipman returnedi Whibb ome last Friday from tw'o P. 0. Box 208 weeks visit in Oshawa. S/L. and Mrs. W. Speck and cbildren of R.C.A.F., Cold Phone Lake, Aberta, and ber fathetr, Mr. Stan Seymour, Mrs. Elgin Orono 138 Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Gqr- don Suggitt and granddaug.h- A, Whit]by 668-8197 ter Karen Jarvie of Toront.o, visited Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Miss Pegy Hancock is as-,« WDEMAN'S WLAIR FW148 KING ST. E. WA SUMMER DRESSES ~~7oo SIZES> $1 f 7to 241/a o * $7 EA. 2 fr 1 !%T (LEARANCE . ea. $2.00 GIRDLES AND PANTIE GIRDIES By Warner's __$ 50 Reg. $5.00 - Clearance------- Double "Play Girdie"$ fl Reg. $8.50 - Clearance ------ COTTON NIGHT GOWNS........ $1.39 SKIRTS "Pastel Wools" $ 9 Reg. $13.95 - Clearance ------- Other Clearing Items Not Listed SPECIALS: COLLISS 1The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July '.4, 1963 Announce Engagement Miss Violet Zachanowich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zachanowich, Courtice, and Mr. Edwin Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanville. The marriage to take place Saturday, August 10, at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, at 2:30 p.m. _________________________ sisting at Orono Swimmning Pool for two weeks. Several from Orono andý district attended the funer -I of the late Mr. Harry Rirll--l son in Pontypool United Church on ~ Mrs.. Fred Tamblyn attend- ed the 60th Anniversary Ban- quet of the Hampton Women's Institute last week. Mrs. Tamblyn and Miss Norafl Rorn are the only Charter members living. The late Mrs. M. B. Cryderman of Hamp- ton, mother of Mrs. Tamblyn was the first President. MAPLE GROVE Congratulations to the policE for apprehending some oI those who seemn to think thai No. 2 Highway is part of Mo- sport. Some of these dayý there will be a very seriou. accident, as there are a lot o. children in Maple Grove who live on the highway. Mr. Glenn Topping, Barrie who bas been holidaying witl his grandparents, Mr. anc Mrs. Fred Stevens, returned home recently. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Stevens and Glenn met his parents and brothers al Beaverton, where they ail had lunch together. On the way home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ste- v'ens had supper with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Charlie White, and her son, Eddie White, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Will Coolidge, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frec Coolidge and Connie, of Webb, Sask., Mr. Russ Cool- idge, Swift Current, Sask., were recent callers on Mrs. H. R. Foley. Mrs. A. Laird, Miss Susit Laird, Mrs. A. J. Campbell and Mrs. H. G. Freeman were visitors on Wednesday last al Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gilbank's, Orono. Miss Heather Bennett, Co- bourg, bas been having some holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pickard. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt and Mrs. Norman Mutton in the recen! loss of their brother, Mr. Wm. Weslake, formerl yof Solina, and later of Oshawa, and all other relatives. Svmpathy also is extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. McGuirlk in the passing of her brother, Mr. W. Wilhelm, New Ham- burg. Mrs. T. McGuirk and ELECTRIC PHONE 623 -5901 44 King St. W. Bowmanville f t s s f I t t Celebrates Second B jrthday ý Little Russell Carruthers, above, celebrated his second birthday last Sunday, July 2lst. Russell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers, R.R. 1, Bow- manville; and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Car- ruthers, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster, Kendal. His great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Bowmanville, Mrs. M. E. Foster, Ken- dal, and Mrs. J. E. Gosney of Danville, Virginia. Photo by Astorl, cMrs. Frank Cbumbley attend- time last week at "Emily ed the funeral of the former's Park." brother. Tbey also called at M.adMr.SurtMro Ramilton and took ber bro- Mr. ndt r.Sur otn therMr. DnaldWi1hem, t on a motor trip on Sun- the, M. onad Wlhlmtoday up around Haliburtor, the funeral. down to Harcourt, and calledý Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis. on the O'Neils, formerly of Misses Barbara andi Joyce, M--' Maple Grove, dow.n to Tw;n Ivan Milîs, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lake, where their son Jack Hope attended the presenta- and wife and family, also Mr. tion at Enniskillen for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Metcalf and Pnd Mrs. Chester Milîs on family were, then home. They Saturday evening. had a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Len Koender- man left on Tuesday for Hol- Mrs. Allan Snowden is, lan tovist teirparnt can spending some time with ber' laterd lto is i H lands.andaughter and son-in-law, Mi. citer elaivs i Holani. and Mrs. Lenard Goodmurphy, Miss Barbara Browr 9yidý Oshawa. Mr. Barry Bleeks, C% ,-va, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ragc- wbo are attending Su, mrer debor.n and family, Plattsville, School at Hamilton, spC i, theweeSnavitos ihbr weekend with the formerswe udyvitrs wt e parnts Mr an Mr. W H.mother, Mrs. Allan Snowden. parnt, M. nd rs W.H.Jimmy Snowden returnedi Brown. with them for the balance of Mr. and Mrs. George Ste- the summer. venson, Toronto, and Missâ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Locke[ Helen Stevenson, Glasgow, and family, Bowmanville R.R.ý Scotland, were Friday evening 4 eeSna iioswt visitors witb their cousin, Mir. and Mrs. Ron Rogers and Mrs Robt. Jarvie. daugbters. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hacksonl h ayfinso h and daughtens Leig and Kim, late Chanlie Smith, Winnipeg,I Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs. were shocked when theyý Wm. Snowden and famlly learned by paper and tele-1 wer Sau.rayardSunayphone that it was the same: callers at their grandparents, one who lived in this com-' Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. munity and worked for Mn.! Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brooks1 Fred R. Stevens for 5 years.ý and family spent a few days He also lived at Frank Wer- last week at Allens Lake iry's before that. While in Mr. and Mns. M. Kennedyv,!this community he was veryý Miss Sylvia Majgose, Mr. John active in the church, Young, Bruce, Campbellville, were Peoples, and also sang in the Tbursday visitons with Mr.I choir. The sympathy of thisý and Mrs. Cecil Milîs. ýcommunity Is extended to bisý Mrs. T. McGuink Sr., Ot- widow and son in their recent tawa, Masters Murray and Da. ýsudden bereavement. visiting the formers son, Mr.i and Mrs. T. McGuirk and' family. Mn. and Mns. Roy Hope and Mr. John Hope, Prince Albert, were Sat urday and Sundayr visitors wîth Mr. and Mns.i-30 Cecil Milîs. John remained 63 30 for a visit with bis cousins. fur Mr. and Mrs. Allan Loney u and family. Windsor, spent WANT-AD 'Sunday night with their aunT, Mrs. H. R. Foley. On Mondayý EVC Mrs. Foley accompanied themn SRiC to visit Mrs. Foley's sister, Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Brooklyn. Pack A Cubs with their eaders, Mr. Mel Shiels, Mr. Cecil Barr and Mr. Dawson Beckett, returned borne on. Sunday after .spending somnel I I [Ii Your last chance f0 'Win $ 100.00 or $500.00 is this corning Saturday, July 27th. If you have been playing 3-IN-A-ROW or speli DOMINO this could be Syour week f0 win! So corne on'in fo DOMINION again this week and get your Free card. The very next card you get, could make you $100.00 or $500.00j richer.E fiet yourFtee' Card at Dominaion \, li"'i CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT.- INSPECTED - RED or BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF eGuaranteed Quality Meats THE KING 0F ROASTS (SHORT CUT) PRIME RIB ROASI 752l THICK AND JUICY PRIME RIB STEAiKS 892b IDEAL FOR BRAISING SHORT RIBS 0F BEEF 39,l SERVE HOT OR COLD DOMINION'S FAMOUS CORN BEEF 451b Swift's Premium Breakfast BACON1 IL.7 c B*ACON pkg. 9 0 Deep (ut Specials 0 SLICED - CRUSHED TlD BITS GOLD REEF Po pi 20 oi Pineappe5 Tins 00 PARAMOUNT FANCY - r PINK 16 oz. c SALMON---Tin 5 More Money Saving Specials SWIFT'S 10c OFF PACK BEEF or IRISH STEWc SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS PINK - WHITE - AQUA BALLET 3c OFF PACK TOILET TISSUE DEL MONTE Pineapple - Grapefruit DRINK or- 24 oz. i c Tin 37 4 fl Roill - pkg.39 48 oz.Oc Tin 39J SWIFT'S PREM LUNCH 1J o. M c MEAT 2T&s8 Golden Dew- Regular Colored Margarine pk. 9C Swift's Premium Skinless WIENERS492b e Frozen Food Specialse YORK Apple Pie k 3 YORK MEAT PIES Beef - Chicken - Turkey - Steak and Kidney 4 8 oz. pkgs. YOR F NCYCf 12 oz. bag 19C PEAS 32 oz. bag4#5 c eFresh Quality Produce e Ontario Grown No. 1 3R2 Ontario Grown No. i NEWN ÇNp!I!5!.3 s29c GREEN NO.1 i CELERYj Sc29c CALIFORNIA GROWN SIZE 150"s SWEET AND JUICY NAVELC ORANGES 59 d eIce Cream Special 0 Sealtest8 9c 3 pt. Cro8 Ail merchandise sold at Values effective in Bowmanville until your -Dominion- Store coigtm a. uy2,6pm Limited is uncondition- coigtm a. uy2,6pm alIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction AMPLE PARKING M NO (ucumbers t 1, '

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