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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 6

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neCanadian 5tatesmran, Bowmanville, July 24, 1983 I'Walter. Ann Steenburoh. Vic-f Vernon, Pleasant Piiint, on : Mr. and 'M.%~se1~e1.Res ec eehlq~ - - _--- ky Ormstrupp. Sunday. Purpie Hill.Ms.FTo.Enreivgpie.Tikter Running Broad Jump -Gail Mr. and Mrq. Walier Ioe~nsiln -u'W'nsa ie o h al rzMs Walter. Lola Misiak, Margaret rdeadfml t4n eacvening calcu icha cn h uk GYne familv gathering ati Vr. and Ms LodSImnsoe So t o itc . S i I aOver-all Champions - Ist, Mrs.Athur Trewin's:on Sa*-! Mi and South Courtice School pu- Stan d in gBroad Jrnp -Janice Collier, Laure] Metcat,. (tied): 3rd, Lola Misiak. Mr. and ill tiam lWv. agcsso M.atiMsAludgrgtonaeinie t pilacomine wîh te pp I Phîîp omeil.Joh Tabhn Bail Throw Netti Paats,! Following. the athlt] from S. S. No. 4 DarIington Randy Baker. ;Karen Coverl.N. Dianne Rut-lents a presentation of a ham-j Mrs. W. Loveridge and fam-'Garuard Eilnd Brv i ca edteSîdymrigs to hold a field day recentIv. Ru Lin n i n g Broad Jump -, kav. almnm'vatne h rwt i-sioll birthdav Ij The events were supervised Philip Romeril, Dean Meteaif.l ÎHigh Jump - Dianne Rut- w-aI made bv Mrs. Archir fICoin ul I4th. whic-h was M i S Ma!u-Ptt ait' 11 cok by the teachers, assisted b\c Randy Baker. kav, Laurel Metcalf, Nettil Cai-pbeil. President of ti« ht be held at Cedar Par!'ý. Be- tonÀsils uemlovdoFidx 8 members of the Home and Over-al Champions - Philip Pa ats. iHome and School Associatio.B OOH ARKER cueo u.Mmra optt oîa-Oupso.Rv 2 uai h Shool Association. Winners Romeril. John Tamb.vii. Deaai Standjng Broad Jump - Net- Io XMiss Diane Cookman and Earl Trewin inviled then mý ville,. tl ain nMmra IV o the events were presentei Metcaif. ti Paats, Ruth Fint-h. Dianne Mrs. Noua Hornick. two or the TRIBUTE TO A HERO Day in New York". Gordon their home.,M'.\ i .. lMs (opta.Bwmnilc u A it piz rbon. irs.aes6 nd'éyar Rrtay eaching staff who are Ieav- A few short weeks ago1 Cooper was ta face an ava- Mus. Alice Thomipson spent Cuossnxin.M. .Grhit.îprvn Ru nning Broad Jump - Ja- ing the sc-hool. To close,,a xvaý among the several million lacoflC ike tpea i Tuesdav înw u ilirbu.thr, !MIl. and 'Mis..Gam t Boys, aces 6and 7 100YardDasl ah v Ra s-swh ipMater i-caacaetrvle huhir i0 10Yard Dash - Philip R- ertY ard - Ce Sarhon ice Collier, Suzanne Mc e nOsî enjoyable daY ,the ehcid- prosoppedthirfl-avlcdetrAve-ed hrog u nd Mus. B. McDo'nald.tended tfinieua fteu Sne2)mnfcui n Den t Reeus P1y ees hao Wendy Baker. ren were treated to ice creamlger nails ta the quick while Washntn ic and ip.Bowinanville. anti called c,;t cousin, Mirs.GodnUhndttieopaeinheTw xneril, ea Meiaî, John Noble. Over-ali Champion% - Net3 .i 'ndae cups and large slices'a certain human being In or- Broadway during the noon h1eu niiece. Mus. Welsh anti Oshawa, oiiodv fCbug.cpoil bu S Tamblyn. 3-Lgged Race - J ablnPaqt, Janice Collier, Dian;-e1 of waterrneloîî bv the niem-i bit calmly pfljected an in- hou r. f Althoîîgh 1wchewa!10 poe.Pdctni- M meri and DeancetcaPhlf, Paul and PtKim awk, Chritaie atky. bers of the Homneand Sc-hool.l vention of our times back iii- 1 had a great piece of good Mur. and Mis. Bovd Werrv inot <ie best o icncigOt(ne vd ait mei Motnand Dandy Bcakr, C euof adSarnNbl.Bys g 1 n î crs-- < rviKiemiig htifhslukii en ivtd aIn-adfatl. atn.wee St Stîda leuon sîe4dmntssc a oticemc Peortoeand IanvBkerMe--*Netioea nd- J. roln, Noe i10 e1ard Ilh Kennknowledge and neuve failed, cheoil in the Canadian Club. utrday eveîiinv callers at MuI. attenidedti c1om îi\ h-lahr.wa pae n w ereadlav P Rmil, D Rlv . ole:Chrstn Nehaon 100 ba-n.rdon Rob- et0 s, on/~c rg or'the manual nmechanism re- which ha is home in the an d Mus Lloyd Ashton's tui(-held inu1 ahnu._ LG cal! - C.rmrl, . Me,- . KNrobl e: ii NChuistl.j buol-nkido. obrtJonM is .Brg fused to co-operate, this astra- Waldorf Astoria Hotel where R a . akr a ikle . Trb C KmathRoe: -ts. Criti 3-hLegedRce-R nd..naut would be a crisp cooky America's newest hero would R.k aick hri Cr-ath*voberits.- Jnet Hem- ace John aBunho .soon forgotten in the march receive some two thousand ,T ho ic Crs r-,SeKck-Jae Gis a erydon onts ant Stephe tirs rrorfl of progress. Manhatten notables and ai w strupp, P. Romeril, C. Trimbe. Not-ia Metcalf, Diana Christi odavitRoet aId teeL 1 neveu dreamed at the mo- barrage of their congratula- 1w Bail Throw - Dannv Cody,' and Christine Nieuwhof, ie Wul, i t ait n es- S h o tf ment 1 dissolved into tears of tians. With my host, Roland4 B Philip Romeril, Carl Peai-ce.' BaIl Throw - Diana Relav - Jackie Wriet.uwhofStaf ov when "Faith 7" bit the de Grosbois, manager of the High Jump - Philip Romeî-il, Kirn Hawke, Dale Osborne. ýRlv-Jci iuhr waves of the Pacific Ocean Canadian Governument ravel JohnTamblyn, Dean Metcaif., fligh Jmîmp - Cathy Roberts 1 Rober-t' Danti Gor-dont Roberts, Wheîî the scîtool ter-ni endi- ta vol e thisaaigbraJeFutiPb Diana Christ], Kirn Hawke. e son:Jh hlk. eti lest June, the long and1yugmr npro.Rlain fie o h a Stan ding Broad Jump -'Randy Hem-v. fa!h aîciofon o tmsa rii esn.Rfeos fie orteCn Ania ambelNomaMe- ho Kck- ohyB hlsitwns be loftioniset t-ip fw days later a business adian National Railways in in Anta Capbell Norm Met- ShoeKick JohnBuchosk-iil ton's bst lved atookseme-' tripNewk eYork NNwwoIYorew Yok tCitanddLooi caîf. Cathy Roberts. ;Kenny Osborne, Jackie Nletl- ed public school temcelis was!Citv. As my CN tr-ain waîted Pare whiohas .îust opened a ai I et Running Broad JLimp - Jarî-:whOf. hw-Ken teuminateti wîth the retire-to let thice double decker most »pectacular suite of or- aetRiShaon n - brne,aslie riht- eer M nUen of Miss Leta Buagg. commnuter trains rit ahead of lices in Rockefeller Centre Sf Over-ali ~~~~~Champions - Nor-ý High Jump - Gardait Rab:! Miss Bragg's teaching careel' LS,Ileneiro elo frteQebcGvnmt Si ~ ~ i BIi m Mecaf. ath RbeuscrI, Kn sboneJon Bt-Iisa rmakeble and enviable traveller that this was "Hero I watched the progress of the Infle ih oe ne- parade on TV and when the Weîh iana Christi. yer cholski. Jm a.oe le ihlvudr Bectmn a vradw Bos g d*Standing Broad ustanding anti the hîghest of eusiness ulrecioranywe tlidon Roberts, Ken OsbortiE, e ingcpbichs.Sewaewop te balroorn blow ng capabiities. Se was -n thOe r s haing lun49ç price Vags men Spca Svng thsw k ai I 100 Yard Dash - Eddie Ry- Jackie Nieuwhof. raonyawdeuleachei Ccou lC s oeFutiPwt i Serohuk, Clare Penfound, Ken Rn gBradJm 1R-of the "Three R's", but wîthf _______________ InuaieChisti.iunn ra up-R-I <emrlatprta bert Dand, Ken Osborne, Da her fin oa n prta A .VLIGtuitîve appreciation or the CASH SAVER! - Vota 'Save h Ici7c!kd- 5OLbi 3.Legged Race - Eddie Ry- viti Metcaîf. standards shre was also a ml- Chartered Accounitant excitement 1 felt aveu hwhlrxeine anntisw m m a: , iý D rhk n e hrsl a Over-alI Champions - Kený der of character. 93 Church Street ththoe as ain-gtat an ti___ - * *-eO - vid Poole and Clare Penfound, Osborne, John Bucholski. Ro- Forutnate, indeeti, w e r 623-3861 gtam e w ongto tloy tatd S P A U W M wihKerry Noble and Robbie bert Danti. those wha foi, three genea1f0 I mï~SBROSaerloo the baloom wther A SHSV1 o ,t k-Wht i ooad1s Ke~ùeeisy Buce sbone, er-Girls, age 10 and 1l years lnscm udehugi-1 Chartered Accauntant icut e idseeve Caery Henry; Robbie Keyes, 100 Yard Dash - Hla1el adneInderest heî pils A--ontnts - uditor of ibis once -in- a-l1ifetime ev i-jntedwe hypse ruîei akuly*~~2 EL INBradley Trimble; Clare P .Cameron, Esther Cryderman, from heu room, but eatinusedTSutee5 2-93ct W Hn BaW k tU 1%founti David Poole. Anne Walter. Face Value WI ES 9 Theres a et toconsider wbien Shoe Kick - Bruce Osborne, 3-Legged Race - Susan Van through the -ears. Oshawa Shopping Centre 'uyingînsurance.Becauseyou Eddie Ryerchuk, Clare Pen- Camp anti Karen Hawke: Es- On .]nne 22nd Miss Bî-agpg -WM. Ji. H. COGGINS There is anc thing othe r CASH SAVER! - X ar'ave n. I2c! - Iac ult a and your future are invohved, founti. ther Cryderman and Penny'wshnrtib h cio Chartercd Accountant lc aamr wiei h 'the Protection of your fan<ily, BaIl Throw - Eddie Ryer- Biekle; Anne Crago and Bar-ý board with a dinner at thei Second Floor e oUdieEUl i h lioe, arbusnes ar-pe. cuk Brce sboneTery bra rigt.Fiying Dutchman Matou Ho-, New Library Building States. It is the efficicncy, sonal decisions. Wethink-per. Henry. Reiay - Helen Camerontl - makth ocsinsh or. Kn eprneSs oreie ahrcr or-S C E E S onidcsosrqrea Higli Jump - Eddie Ryhor- Penny Bickrie; Esther Cryder was prsented with a silver Phone 623-3612 esy but, nevertheless, intentive6c 1 ersonal touch. We Iufl. Ourchuk, Larry Barber. Bruce man, Susan Van Camp; Paula ra aniYsAaEani mtcîDL--- -- eRoCiypie. oWhe N e CS SAVR - oa'e e6 -Wgtfe-WthPtn-24zJr a uies ihtti Ougta- -EdWorden, Karin Misiak. îi&tuvCOAMPFREDAND e Yr Cirothle Whe n w E uieswt hi huh.a- Sadn ra up-E.Shoe Kick - Helen Cameran,ý Prescrit Io houror the retir-I&CMAY -1~dfa teeeao ~'ays in mmmd. If you WanL a die Ryhorchuk, Ken Christi, Susan Van Camp, Barbara En. ing teacher wei-e the Schoi ChartereilAecoxntanmt' - <le fourîli floor, we were met ape ir balanced protection program KryNol.dicott andi Esther Cryderman, Board Members, chairm an Liccnsed Trustee in Barnkruptcy by a very serious, blue-eycd ~'Vith a Person1al 1tç,kCep US Running Broad Jumnp - Ed- tied. Paul Chant. Dr. C. Cattranyugcowochleetus £ im±ddi Rhorhu, enChist, aI Tro -Carol Down, Du. Ivari W&olsey, Messrs. ý64 King St. E. 728-7371 Mr. Fountain handeti him an____ l lnd;de R h rh k Ke h eit, ln C rn r noae rnwBut ak Lne-,O hw ,O tridentification card which lio Terry Henry. Hln Cm o.KrnFakBtnJc adr saa rtai Ç. ~~~Over-ali Champions - Eddie Hawke. John Phillips; Secretary-Trea- 1MONTEITH- MONT EITH hopeti wauld be an "OpenA6-. t yocuBruce Osborne, High lump - Helen Cam- surer S. R. James; Supervisingr RIEHT4 & CO. Sesarne" but the coa looketi Clare Penfound. eron, Shirley Irwdn, Paula Principal A. M. Thompsan: 135 Simcoc t I sa,,ah adwih ned a ln."hshr' ops, R R uu mGirls, age 8 and 9 years Worden. Principals of the Sohools, Mi:7s Chartereti Accountants statement of facIt. WITH THE PURCHASE F MI D S r T A T B Standing Broad Jump - Hel- Marjarie Couch, Messrs. Tomi 728-7527 c100 Yard Dash - Suzanne en Cameron, Karen -Hawke. Turner, A. A. Mcrkley and M. Partners: The plea that 1 hati corne rMackie, Janice Collier, Dianne Anne Walter. A. Slute;, and Earle Webster, Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A ail the way from Canada to#K N ESS V 4.JAMESL Rutkay.t Running Broad Jump - Hel. Oshawa, Inspectatr of Public A. B. Monteith, B. Com.A. addti t this hero's welcome .4gSt . Bom 3le -Legged 'Race - NetliPaa -9 e:::,mro: BrbraWright, ::aa::s :or West Durham. G. W. Richl, C.A., RJA. aprnlywnteheart of FRKRINLESR S A WIEN ERS 9 INSUANCERLALESTATE and Janice Collier, Cindy Sib- Anne Walter. Miss Bragg's sister, Miss Ruby (Licenseti Trustee) the sergeant. in charge of se-FRFYN RBL EUN hî lap-Gae" lock and Irene Misiak, Wendy Over-all Champions - Helen Bragg af Bowmnanville, was G. E. Trethewey, C.A. curity on that floor. Just asPI ilU lRelay - Suzanne Mackie, Esther Crydermnan. able event. rîï6 ùïoF he beckoned to us, instructetiIIdkNA rg Office Resîdence Karen Coverly; Wendy Baker, Boys M Mu wth sdeofth 235862-43Laurel Metcaif; Janice Collier, Bos age 12 and over In bis presenrtation addre-cs,' Chartcred Accountants ual a eavoroe mthetade o the LI 623-681623-493Netti Paats. 100 Yard Dash - Dean Wor- Chairman Pari] Chant paid 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. offîer fth or uonamomentati- Shoe Kick - Cindy Siblock, dien, Renalti Si-block, Tom Van high tribute ta, Miss Bragg. Parîners: tacle I shahl neyer forget. FRVU OVMNý4,-P Camp. Supervîsing Principal A. M. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Onadithedekhg 3-Legged Race - Dean Wor- Thompson and the four schaol G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. sn a i pesutrounded by i dengjand John Worden; Ken principals each spoke of their Phone 728-7554 teCoter surr atrnde yath cel! a ke Wrgtand Tom Van Camp- long association with Miss - (th ther excep tion aut John in a Don Hutton and John Goyne' Bragg and of their deep re- ChiropraciCGewthoeaexceti on d REHJohn6 z.}I'Dac Relay - Ken Wright, Tom gard, as did Mu, Webster. _Ch_________ f- i Gn h Pacif ti a wife, 1w J A Sum m er C hange Van Camp; Dean Warden,1 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. daughters, the Mayor of New e u C C) E A John Wordeu; Drew Maclean,1 Chiropractor York, the Lieutenant-Gover- r n OK Danny Brown. u BITUAR Office: nor of the State and men at Shoe Kick - Paul Tub. 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. wornen representing billions fo o r C id e ! Drew Maclean, Ken Wrighit. HOWARD R. FOLIiY Phone 623-.5509 of dollars worth o! wealth and SAVE 2c! - Pincapple Grapderuit D1 k48o i for Y our C hildren ! KalkTaow Ken Wright. iranilesoregu Office ilours:, By Appointrt prestige. The scene wasa ~ Iock. eksix a i en inîvebgosnhanmegreaO K ELY 'S PI High Jurnp - Group A, 92Dantinatea teonwens in Bo -_____ _and_______ aud ~ ~ ~ ndltrtowek nBw fluffy b-ats sat an-iti a fortune FAUR!-ED.SthsPe er-2o,-Se4c21o av4c ad13 - Dean Worden, Renaiad mauville 1-lospital, Hao Wfa rdC DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. of flowers. Il had been reek FAUE-E.DSmt'MiFig H O C O L A T E ' ~~~~Sibloclk, John Wrde:GroRussel Dearborn Foley, age Offie St.E. Bowmnanville one~d lthatlthue! ffair would IE FI Cer cA p ? WihDa-nny Brown. uucIwl tei on Jniiy 3rd, 1963. Hle 9 am. to 6 p.m. daily least $30,000. t,. S t la n tiin g Broati Junp - sip a 8h 18,theyoung- Closeti Saturday and Sunday But who wants ta î-eckon a YOtJ SAVEF ý-Solid White Nleat S t ri d n Brad ur£P -shi Ma 81, 186,theyouar-Office Phone - 623-5790 tSA t tosu ia u uin'ol GopA-Dean Wordeu, Uel .st son of Mr, Walter H. antiHanse Phione - Newcastle ý3551true su-ahrondlI * AF atIdSibîock, Jlm Ryhordhuk; ,Ida Gertrude (Farewell) Foi- S SSN nt cetsOIOnl kie GrupB Wyn WigtKe e, nda radsn r woorE.W.SSO th lad with the pearly smile, 'grom - oayerît, Xi y niagatsn0 w fD.S., D.D.S. nerves o! steel anti a know- SAVE 14c!- 8e Off PackintSz i WrightTom Roerîs. the dcari'pcertmiis f Office in his homne how which has launchedtihek Grunnl-Dng Brt i m 10ditrc. Libry St. N., Bowmanville word mb oanollier era sat be i__ Grap A- eanWorie, JniMu. Foley attendedth Ae Na. Phone 623-5604 foem veyecwiha17 ..lRyhore-huk, Jo hn Warde:î; 3 Base Line Public School andt Office Ilours: forunconcer eye apprecav IVR -U Group B - Wayne Wright, Keil Bowmanvilîe High School anti 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiîy u-,cnsrning bapeis akti Wright, Dauny Brown. liveti bis eaulv life on the Closeti Wednesday - Suuaday' a, ska witî h prnis h edF EA T UR ES '49c FEA Wovder-aKe WrChamio, eaW fmihomnestead ail the Base DR CF. CATTRAN, D.D.S.lGooti aid Garda! V,%F( "1<1 Yok I ,tiiy 1J o . Nf 10 1odu e Wright Wayn'e inie,"where he larmneti iiifll - Office -__-GREE PEAS -- 3 for- 49c (utiirr<Ian2 n REFRESHING iWigi.Mayv, 1942. wben lie took P7..Km g s<. W. Bowrnan-,îlle CEM CR o Cuai-euce J. Btell (Loîuise), Mus-. Itesidorîre 623 - 5 55 3 terîdeti the Abbott-Naniss wý&ed- Ross Allun ( Marin), aruti lis ÎII))INS & BONNYCA4T1,E di1g9 in Oshawa an Satiutiay l~,tthm r' iN IRguir4h a - AT - alybî0o11\' , raî s . l'olev. Bauristers. ,SalicilosMir. anti Mus. L .Tilley ait. i i CAULIFLOWER - - - - - B l tl u ' trn a , Mu- cs. M i kNotai-ls Public fam ily have jiL returneti ast.v, risp Ontar io No. 1 Bla kr urn (E-a, p-eicceaed14 Franuk S t. Bow mnaiville,1 from tw a weeck s' hol ida, U U B R hlm ir Jaruu'- 93 i î- --'camping ini Provincial parka ________________________ _______________ -- est ruutidaulte", Mu-s. C.' L. RICHIARD LOVEKIN aLaidOtra Duk Shirlie Crydea-nan), HA., LL.B. rL. Oaruiou.RosAbn CAF VR'- u 1. DRHMtONS'ACI-îk2f 1H L Y Y ~ fl W IIU~Ii ~ 196. Stilbe leaes 1 -,King S t. K Newcasdêtle i niskiln n EEý* ~ ~ ~ -h 3 SELFgi-antichiltiren anti 2 gucal- Phone 2246 jSuntiav D enmo SL-SERVE COIN LAUNDRY r rantichiltiirun. ors -7).o- _. a. .iSna*v _E H V 6tIî. 1963, r ~Ashton's iriotiier, Mus,. Etiria; CASII SA VER! - Yota ra e h - I Ofl k Liri -32o.S e C H U RC ST, tle NathMt & Snith Mv o rfg a g e S MLughin, is a patient ini *~ 8I*e rEtheIa.a ta IT oww uueal Clupel. <1whe ftineal -- - - - - -Oshawa Hospital. C lU~f S. te owr îAîî'îONivi!e(ducei10ftic absenîce Or SADIE HAILgN g0 r. antiMn-s. 1,. Grairari JOIINSON'S 1 E R 9 biq pastor Rev. J. Romeuil or Phonie I r 16 weî-e Sunday calleirs of Mur. C S A E !-~oaS~.b. -I~ia aîL a iîli J Courtice Circuit) was cn- First Martgage Funda ar-rd Mis. C.-Ashtonavewmc, I ticteti b' Rand C.rsgau C.Reidencsn, armu ille Bu.C DIai f Rsines________CANlleA VI,'IEG C Tvrone. The sol,, "How Creat Business Properties Ms .Raiat yn 20ibfOUL LP Ms A ea nd8-o.CA A A I Thou Arýt* xvas nos; beanti- Marîgeage Loans were visiteurfM-.atsis of9 Modni.a. CloBga ' an2cdpakigSen EWLL ebrugo husa.CADE - 2fi 4SOL---------i 10 lb. DOUBLE LOAD full- r~endeîeti it-Mu,.fRose Prompt, courteous service Clayton Reati andt amilPe îar L 2< The Iiite-oti% flo!a ral Real Estate antiLL isab , Lily ao n t hrley C ANIS - - 2fo 49 W ASHER For OnIy -_W_______ _____and_____________________11-oz.Tin 2 5butes andi donations in lieut ar Morîgage Broker visiteti Mr. Leslie Cowling at, ORANGES --- 2 for 45c A-iSUC ----3c floweus expressecith great.Newcastle Phone 386te resl __home,______Newcastle.________ esteerniin whielî Mu. Foley S.ympathyis a extendedti 1 was beld bY' those who kunew 0 P i o m e i r y -Mus. Lorenzo Moun-Ijoy (nec Prices effective at the listedIed&WleooStrsny him best.MA fraDSlemon) i the suMdert SINGLE LOAD - ~~~~~~~~~~~The pa]lbeareusý were bi.KIîf A. BILLETÎ, CO.D.asigo rhubn aPrtLE nv IAKE e rv, SI G E O Dtwo grantisons, Carlos Cîyr-u Optometrist Perry Hospital on Montiay. MAPE GOVEMA man anti Raymond Twist, anti 141 King St. E. - Bowrnanvilie Mu. ant irs. J, Potts, Mary ilour nephews, Etiward Folev. Office Hours: By appointrnent anti Billie were Sondas' visi-ý COR NISH'S MARKET ..... .Orn M AYTAG For OnIy--M Farewell Blackbîurn. Walteu, Telephone 623-3252 tors at Mr. and Mus. A. Tue- 15 Blackburn andi Wilbu Black. Mon. -Tuies. - Thus. - Fi. w i n'i. bura..1 a.. 0 5 p.m. Mu. and Masq. Wa1.ulat e - lliil.!Irlll io R)\Vfl;îf vl hlr sday vnings idgc aidti an.?Iv PtR TiR S R ED &M' iCemetery 'r' family plot. Wrd. anti Sat. - 9 - 12 anti Mrs. Clarcn .ce Avery and I

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