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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 7

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*.-. j ' ,,.'..~*. #t. r SociaIl& £ersonal j Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Gilbert 1 Mrs. May Benson, Saska- rt ~wmanville were among toon, has been visiting Mrs. reeuests at The Guild Inn, N. Woodley, Wellington St, Sc8I!b ough. and accompanied Mrs. Wood- .er6ilR.D. Woods of Lon- ley and Mr. C. Woodley of ~.Ont., visited her sister- Tyrone to visit friends at Har- ~Uaw, Mrs. George W. James, riston and Goderich the lat- kiorsey Street, last week. ter part of last week. Mr. Fred Vanstone and Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tucker, Sandra Clarke, Toronto, are ' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. P. holidaying with his mother,, Mingeau of Windsor, and Mr. Mr.Mrley Vanstone, Beech and Mrs. R. G. Hamlyn, Town, Avenue. ýwere Sunday guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Furlong, Ina MacNaughton and her Scarboro0 u g h visited he brother, Mr. Bud Pethick, at MTother, M1.GogeGaa their home, Queen Street. Sr., Second Street. over the 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Berrill weekend.1 of Bowmanville and Mr. Or- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood,1 ville Tripp of Nestieton have Eddie and Maurice spent the'returned from a week's vaca- Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. tion with the former's daugh- Gordon Nichol and famiy.lter and son-in-law, Mr. and London. Ont. Mrs. Raymond Le Blanc and Mr. nd rs.Jac Culychildren, Waltham, Mass. Mor nd s. Jach keCuly, Misses Mary and Ricky Wa- Torto, rspent the woeenver.3veld. 17-year-old twin Mrs. Street, at West Beach. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. K. Bowmanville. Waversveld, Liberty St. S., left by plane last Thursday, Suminer months are holiday July 18, for Holland, Sweden, and "short staff' time, so we Germany and Italy where they would appreciate you phoning will visit relatives and also in items for this column. The a pen pal. number is 623-3303. Miss Barbara and Master Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith Tom Hoar, Willowdale, spent al- -"éiýe Alexis, Oakvllle, the weekend with their grand- were ýSunday guests of Mr. parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith's mother, Mrs. Duncan Hoar, King St. East. They Smith, Lover's Lane. returned home Sunday even. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hooper ing with their parents, Mr. of Brampton, who were at and Mrs Charles V. Hoar wha their cottage, Lake Scugog, were Sunday visitors with his attended the Kinsmen Carni- parents. 'val last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bedford Recent visitors with Mr. and family have just returned and Mrs. Robt. Gill and fam- from a very enjoyable holi- ily were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. day in Western Canada, visit- Lang (Mrs. Gill's sister) and ing their grandmother, Mis. sons Robert and Kenneth of E. Belsey in Vancouver, B.C., Regina. and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Vanstone, Miss Bert Mason in Calgary. While Margaret Vanstone and Mr. in Calgary they attended the Nornman Vanstone are on the Stampede staff of Wjndermere House, Mr. and Mis. H. J. Babcock Windermfé- Muskoka, for the spent last weekend in Tor- suminer months. onto, guests of Mrs. Bab- Sunday visitors with Mr. cock's nephew and his wife, and Mrs. Alan H. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Ashton and Mis. Cecil Osborne were and family. On Saturday they Mr. and Mrs. Les Eagleson, accompanied Mi. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Eagleson Ashton to Guelph where they and their small son, ail of were supper guests of Dr. and Oshawa. Mrs. G. C. Ashton. Mrs. M. S. Dale. Mrs. Hart- From this season's opening ley Lewis, Mrs. Morley Van- date, June lst, up to July 21, stone, Misses Barbara Van- Bowmýanville Museum has had stone and Cheryl Williams 435 visitors. Recent groups were guests last week of Mrs. have been members of Club S. R. James at the James' cot- 50, Tyrone; a Unit of Black- tage, Gooderham. stock United Church Women Mr. John Alexander of Tor. with a number of boys and onto, and formerly of Bow*. girls; and il youngsters from nianville, called on Mrs. Dun- Flett Street playground. In- can Smith and Mrs. E. Flax- dividual visitors have corne man last Saturday. Mr. Alex- from Syracuse, N.Y., Niagara t ý% was enroute to Ottawa Falls, N.Y., Detroit. Mich., #lOehe will vacation.___ Madison, Wisconsin, Durham, - ' N.C., The Netherlands, and in Canada from Winnipeg, Mont- ST. P A U LS eer, Trno cabruh West Hill, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterbor- UN)TEDough, Port Hope, Cobourg, Nestleton, Solma, Newcastle, CHURCH Bowmanville and district. Minister: Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. BURKETON Oigenist: Mr. M. Beaton, Master Terry Lowrey had L. M. A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. his tonsils removed in Mem- 11:09 a.m.- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday. Trinlty and St. Paul'. Sorry to report that Mrs. Congregations worshilp Edna Mcbaughlin Is in Osh- awa Hospital. We hope her In St. Paul's. condition wilI soon be im- Canadian Legion proved. SMr. and Mrs. Curtis Adams Menla Choir iad Bill, Litchfield, Michigan, A ertyWelometo l spent a f ew days with Mr. A HertyWelcme o 1 and Mrs. K. G. Roblin. i Our daily Vacation Bible E .REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN RkfORMtED CHURCH Scugg Sreet, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.m. - English 11:00 a.m. - Dutch 7:30 p.m. - English Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God "Back To Cod Hour" Broadcasîs CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday McQueen 's Girls Determined to Regain Top Spot Although they have been riding in second left to right: Delores Davey, Shirley Brock, Anna-1 place behind Port Hope, Bowmanville's entry in the belle Stephens, Lenore Fowler, Hazel Donaghue, Karen ladies' ball league, is determined to regain top spot White, Paggy Haines, Audrey Fowler, Gwen Holmes, if they can do it. Spsonored by McQueen Motor Sales, Marg Pickard and Gail Piper; absent f rom photo, the girls defeated Orono on Monday and have sev- Barabar Brown, Eleanor Pickard, Marie Dowson, eral other games this week. Their bench strength Eveline Jacobson, Mary Aitchen, Chris Bohrs, Helen was considerably depleted on Monday due to holi- Nicholson, manager Bob Butler and coach Reg. Wil- Idays, but those who were on the job included, from, latts. 1 School was held in the schor' f rom Monday, July lSth, tc Friday, July 19th (9 a.m. t( 11.30 a.m.), which includec Bible stories, missionary ston les and crafts. The staff includefi Mrs. Ab. rams, Rev. W. H. Crawford Mrs. W. H. Crawford, Mrs Allison, Mrs. Argue, Mrs Moore, Mrs. Philip, Mrs Smith, Mrs. Tunnbull, Mrs Mitchell. There was an average at. tendance of 63 children prc sent. On Friday afternoon children and parents gatherec in the school for the Oper House followed by a boN lunch which also had to bE held in the school on accourI o! the rain The ramn alsc spoiled the children's fun fci the swimming sports at thn home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Turnbull. Prizes and treai! were given to the children We are very pleased with oui Vacation Bible Sehool thi year. It's been the best anc most successful one yet helé in Burketon. A very specia thanks is extended to parents, children and staf workers in thîs very fine pro. ject just completed. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblir are soending a few days witf friends in Picton. Mrs. J. Sinclair and Bill ai spending a few days with fri ends in Cobourg. Sorry to report that Mr Norman Glennie is in Memi anial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. B. Lee spent Thursdab with relatives in Uxibridge. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greef and girls, Oshawa, were Sa'. urday guests of Mrs. E. Bryan Mr. Lorne Dean is in Tor. onto Hospital. We hope hi! condition will soon be im. proved. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pederser and family have taken ur residence in Oshawa. Miss Audrey Carnochan, M. Edward Brown, Toronto spent the weekend with Mns E. Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey are holidaying in Eastern Or. tario. Choir practice will be in the church on Thursday even- ing, July 25th, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton have taken up residence ir Bowmanville. Our Sunday marning ehurch service was well attended with a full church o! people, We had an extra special ser- vice when two of our young people became members ci aur chunch on profession ci faith. The two new members are Miss Marion R. Argue and Garry J. Smith. Assistîng at the service for the recep- tion into the church of these two new members was Mr, A. R. Hubbard representing the church. The Junior choir of Nestîcton, under the direc. tion of Mrs. L. Malcolm, fav. ored us with two appropriatl e$I r P"-On behalf of the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville, 1 wish to, sincerely express our thanks to the general public for their support of Kinsmen Carnival on such an unsettled night. Special tharý-'1o Mr. Tom Stewart, Bert Perfect, Elwood Hawaï and Cecil Mutton who prepared the bail diamond ...and to the members and executive of Junior Basebaîl team who put on a fine display for the public. <1w. have missed thanking anyone who assisted, please accept our thanks for your support. ARTHUR HOOPER, Publicity Chairman, Bowmanville Kinsmen Club. o BLACKSTOCK d r' The Anna Unit of the U.C.W. Wesley, and going on to the[to Thee my Goci this nighi asscmbled at 1:30 p.m. Tues- .need for workers, such as he, Mrs J. A. McArthur gave t b- day, July l6th, and drove to today. Following a bnief bs-Bble reading and openi d, Bowmanville. Here thcy tour- ness period, Mrs. Hill closcd prayers. Treasuner gaveh s. cd the museum and the gar- the meeting with prayer. report, in which the rece s. dens in connection with it. Lunch was served and an en- sale of cooking was shown 's- Then over and admired the joyable social hour spent. be vcny profitable. The Si S. Fl etcher Rose Gardens. The Eight membens and two visi- chine secretary had necciv 1 14 ladies and nine children tors attended. Five childien1 several letters of thanks a - report a very pîcasant after- played on the lawn. she rcportcd Mrs. Scott qui cnoon. Most o! the members of the ili optlaan ei n, The Dorcas Unit met at the Esther Unit and some of thein to have ncxt bake sale at Ca ýd Wallace Marlow's cottage on families enjoyed a trip to the sare aÀ The W. A. were1 n Lake Scugog, Wedncsday ai- cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- mi.nded that the gucst speal )X ternoon. The leader opened nold Taylor on Guli Lake, of Aug. l8th will be Mr. e the meeting with a pocm, Wednesday. The hostess, Mrs' G. Denton, executive secreta It "Some one had ryd Hm Tal, served a delicious dn-of the Diocese of Tonganyik O 19 was read in unison. Mrs. ner of barbccued chickeni a cîty of Dodona Tonganyip )r Walter Wih read the srp Mrs. Ken Lee and Mrs. Harold Afnica, who will be attend.i ietrPsa. 34: 1-8, a fine mcdi- Mc'Laughlin conducted a wor-thAnlcnC grsinT &tation an "Hidden Miracles in ship on Psa. 11. The rest o! onto. The meeting closed wi ts, Prayer," andi led in prayer. the afternoon was spent in prayer, after which nefres n. Mrs. Ida Taylor gave the Of- swimming and boat rides. ments were servcd and Mi r fertory prayer. Mrs. tpe Lunch was scrvcd before lcav- Chas. Smith showd colour 's aywllOshawa, gv a veny ing for the drive home. alilpesent. er ejye d initerestîng and inspiratioknal eetnmmbradfi l psn. d addncss, commencing wi~t h Svnte.mmen dfv Mr. King, Lay Reader fro il thoughts from the life of John visitons of the O.N.O. Club Oshawa, conducted service e gathered at Laurel Brook St. John's Church Sund; ff anthems, "Just for Today" and Park Thursday evening and m*orning, and delivered S"Bless This House." We enaoyed a whîle a! swimmîng, splendid sermon on The D. would like to express aur sin- aftcr which ail went to the ferent Attitudes of Depress in cere thanks ta Mis. Malcolm ho me of Mrs. Roy McLaugh- People. Mr. Laurence M 'h andth Juircor M. lin. A short business session Laughlin read a letter frc Cnawford's sermon entitled was held in plans were Canon Ashmore, which he i e "Laying a Right Foundation inshed for a bus trip to sec wrîtten while in hospital, îwas very inspiring to ail. We Front Page Challenge on Mar. "Grcetings ta his flock." were also very pleased to have 24, 1964. Roll caîl was ans- Rev. Erie W. Smalley, Pi r. s0 many visitons present with wered by ,, esilyting I lic Relations Director of 0 us o ths secil srvie. have done.1 A veny înterest- taria Temperance Federatic ~- s o ths secil srvie. ing contcst was held and a conducted the service int Mn. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey deliciaus lunch of fruit breads, United Church and gave 'y and family spent Sunday with fruit salad and coffce brought flades r.L relatives in Toronto. a pîcasant evening ta a close. helpfu drs.Ms o r Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trick,- Thompson sang the loye t" Lindsay, visited relatives in. The regular monthly meet- solo, "O Lord Correct Me." in. the village on Sunday. ing o! St. John's W. A. was Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris a r- held in the Parish Hall, Thurs- Mr. and Mis. Mervyn Graha Mr. and Mns. Robent Carter day, July 18th. With the pre- visited frienfis i.n Fenel an d family, Windsor, spent a sident presiding, the meeting Falls, Sunday. few days with Mrs. A. Carter. opened with the hymnn, "Glory Mrs. Harold McLaughl n Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. cle nMs .MLuh iand church worship at 11:15. c Oaalleoon iaW. Maug This will be Mr. Cîawfand's SALEMdY r. last sermon before going on Miss Betty McArthur leav 0, hlidys n Agus. Srvies nuberfro, hre avethis Thursday for a thrE hS. idays cn ugt. ervic tes ubrfomhr aeweeks' Caribbcan Cruise, a s. îllbeconuctd erean heattended church services at will be visiting the Domii l8th and 25th of August. Mr. Tyrone for the last twa Sun- can Republic and Venezuel ýy J. Young o! Oshawa wil be days whcn-Mi. Morrison, Tar- ,1 aur guest speaker, at the reg- onto, has conducted the ser- Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Tq ulan time o! 11:15 a.m. vices. Best wishes for a speedy Arthur and Ardis spent a fE In Mr .and Mrs. E. M. Adamis, rccaveny ta Rev. C. Dugan, days last week with fnici iBowmanville, Mis, Thelma who is still a patient in Mcm. in Stratfond. Daniels, Florence and Diane, orial Hospital. Sorry ta repart Mn. Le' ýn Bloomington, N.S., visited Don't farget the Couples' Henryr is in Part Penny Hc In with Mrs. A. Carter. Club wienenraast at the home pital. h Mn. and Mrs. C. Van Dam of Jim and Margaret Caom- Mis. A. Graves, Vernc , acompanied by Mn. and Mrs. bes thîs Satunday, July 25, B.C., and Miss Reta Swain ýCharles Fee are holidayîng in at 8:30 p.m. Alma College, St. Thom, e- Ester Ontrio.spent the weckcnd with nel r-atn Otna Several Junior Fan m er tives o! the Swain connectic ýgmembens attended the Junior M )f rcTrTr T Farmen field day at Peter- irs. George Rutherfoi f flLE J £LIU.L borough last Satunday. Oshawa, and Mis. Van All Trenton, visited Mis. Gea:, [e Nestieton U.CW.Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Faley, E owler, Wednesday. ýg Te meigo et Bowmanvillc; Mns. Howard Mr. and Mis. Cecil Hart Ton Junte ethncg om ee Faley, Maple Grave, were ton spent the weckend in To e was Uneid Cuc o Wednesday supper gucsts Of1 onta, and Mn. and Mis. Creig: r. w me o in the church base- Mr. and Mis. E. Twist, ton Dcvitt, o! Bowmanvil July thn Thursday cvening, Mn. and Mis. Ken Shacklc- spent the wcekcnd at the Har ir Jly18hwith 12 ladies and1 ton and family accompanied ilton home. r anc child present. President by Mis. Wm. Allun, Kinby, Mn. and Mis. W. J. Pearc ,.Mis. Emerson apencd thec enjoycd holidays in the Algon- Mis. Gea. Crawford, and iv ýe meeting with prayer after, quin Park district last wcek R Tetlow of Sçugog are spen sung. ws Mn. and Mis. Farewell Heaicy Falls an the Tri iMrs. Jean Adams opened Blackburn and Bnian holiday- River. the devotional period witîî cd last weck at Birch Point Miss Ethel Thompsonr hymn 388. The theme o! the Lodge, Halibuntan. Mn. and turned home Friday fîom devotional was "Let us take Mis. Leslie Wclsh and Mn. week's visit with friends time for all things". Mis. and Mis. Lewis Rundie, Bow- Toronto. Bowcrs gave the scripture and man ville, visited with them Mn. and Mis. Henb Swa hymn 500 was sung, "Take on Tuesday. and Mis. Cecil Hill spent Fr time ta be Holy," cnding the Mn. and Mis. W. Craig en- day with their cousin, i devotional pcniod. joyed holidays ini the Halibun- J. E. Hood, Brampton. The Bible Study was taken ton district last week. They Rcv. and Mrs. David Ri from 2nd chapter o! Acts, also visited with Dr. and mcrii and childien, Delta, a with Mis. Jean Adams read- Mis. Ken Miller at Timber- spcnding a manth in Il ing verses 4 ta 18, 22 ta 24, lane Camp. Manse, Blackstock. and 33 ta 36. Mrs. Jean Wil. Sevenal from this commun- Mn. Wayne McShane, Kitý liams and Mis. Gea. Heaslip ity attendefi the Holstein Twi- ston, spent the wcekend wi also took part in this Bible îight meeting at Howand the Bruce Mauntioys. Study and Mns. M. Emerson Tncwin's. Blackstock, îast M.Rse pns sa followed with a fine paper on Wcdnesday night. visitcd his sintens, Mis. "God and Evil". Mis. Emner- Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue, Sui son divided the ladies into Mr. and Mis. E. Twist and day. three groups and had a ques- familY were Sunday visitons Miss Doris Grîffin, Toront tion and answer pcriod, which with Mn. and Mis. Fred Twist, is home for two weeks' hcl ended thîs paît o! the meet-!IWhitby., days. ing. Misses Robenta, Susan and Mis. Robt. Ford spent tf The minutes wcre then iead1 Cindy Craig, Susan Marchant, weekend in Toronto anda and appnoved and the trcasur- Ruth Shackleton, Dolly Philip tended the marniage o! hi en's report given. Several, and Margaret Mains attended daughter Jean and Mn. Hart thank you cards wceenead,iExplorer Camp at Camp Pre- Smith on Saturday. caivd$1.00itw ateions re-ýtorja, North Oshawa, last Mn. and Mis. Phil Campbe ceied I ws ecdd olweek. and son, Manotick, Ont., wei withdnaw the August meeting. MisKtyT staend; guests o! Mn. and Mis. Ne Ncxt meeting ta be in Sep-' is atyTstttnd Bailcy and Mis. Velva Baile I~ ~ M tebr-Teril caIl was Girl Guide Camp nean Hali- and calicdon_ umeausne !days, and Mrs. Iarry McKee, Norwich, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Mr. Roy Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- ston and girls, Belleville, spent Sunday wit.h Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mrs. Avery and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Van Camp and family, Mr. andý Mrs. Neil Werry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swai-n and family, Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Van Camp, Miss Aileen a.nd Cindy and Barry Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright attended the Werry picnic in Hampton, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy and family attended the Manning reunion in Aurora, Sunday. Miss Bonnie Mountjoy Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning, Woodford. Mr. and Mrs. John Sander- son, Peterborough, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Miss Lorna Wright return- ed home Saturday from two weeks at the Girl Guide Pat- rol Leaders' Camp at Doe Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Visu, Cavan, Sun- day. Mrs. Osmond Wright spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoirnes, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm attendefi the Keller - McKen- 1The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvllle, July 24, 1963 zie wedding ln Columbus, Sat- urday. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Neil Malcolmi and family visited her mother, Mrs. A. J. Cook, Brooklin, on Sunday. Mrs. Dale Gunter and child- ren are staying with her mo- ther, Mrs. Chas. Venning, un- Stil Dale can secure a home ini Fort William to where he has been transferred. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and family en- joyed a trip to Englehart over the weekend, calling at Ot- tawa, North Bay, and the nickel mines in Cobalt en- route. Heather Dorreli and Carol Werry are spending this week with the Roy Turners at their cottage in Coe Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Felstead and family have moved from Ux- bridge into the home owned by Donald Farder at the east e.nd of the village. Mrs. Harold Beacock and brother, Mr. Ernest White, Port Perry, visitefi Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Benson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mîddleton, Claremont, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thompson, Oshawa, were Sun- day callers with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Ése SPECIAL PRICES End July 27 KLEENEX TISSIJE Soft. Strong . Disposable W. Bro. Duvali Dist. Deputy 0f Grand Lodge Worshipful Bro. H. Duvail of the Orono Masonic Lodge was elected to the office of District Deputy Grand Master for Ontario District, A.F. & AM., at Grand Lodge in Tor- onto on Wednesday, July 17th. Worshipful Bro. H. Duvali wvas appoi.nted to his new of. fice on Thursday. Wor. Bro. Duvaîl was nom- inated by the Rt. Wor. Bro. O. W. Rolph of Orono who al- so is a former District Deputv Grand Master, as was the la.9 Wor Bro. C. B. Tyrrell. The Ontario District en- compasses Lodges from Whit- by to Coiborne and north ta Port Perry. Wor. Bro. Duvall bas becti a member o! the Orono Lodge for eighteen years, being its Master in 1957. He is also, serving his fourth term as secretary o fthe Lodge. He is also an Eighteen De- grees Scottish Rite Mason of Perfection Peterborough Val- ley. -Orono TimesA~ 2001S 14c CREST Tooth Paste.-------- -----1.09 value 97c OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion-- 1.50 value 1.34 TRIG Men's Deodorant.- -----.s value 1 .13 BATHING CAP Special 59C IMPORTED SUNGLASSES ------ 4.98 value 2.99 BAN D-AID Plastic Strips..-49e value 44c TAMPAX. 1 valus 46c ENO FRUIT SL 1.19 value 1.09 GOLF BALLS -..-- Canadian Made 2 for 88c F Iy Tox Insect Bomb 1.39 valuel1.23 BARBASOL Shave reg. 98c 87 Lancane Creim 1.35 size 1.27- PUREX 227 Toilet Tissue 2 2 Dettol Spray I4 First - Aid Antiseptic 1.50 valueli*4 I.D.A. English Style Health Saits Aoz tin 69c l.D.A. Brand IDASORB -Diarrhoea Remedy 4 oz. 8 oz. 75c 1.25 SAVE TODAY SUN GLASSES Smart StylesI for eilthe femir SAFI LENSES * TOUR DUS? SUNGLASM vALUEs ~ I'~j ~ 19C to 9.98 rry rei ýey Prescriptions « I.D.A. Remedies a- ýnd an * DRUGS * np 5 King St. W..m Phone 623-5792 .11!i - ---------- ------------------ ýl

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