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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 8

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3 The Cndien Stateuman, Bowmanvflle, M1uy 24, 1963 SPORTropiCs,' By Frank Mohun 623-7234~ BIG WEEKEND FOR MeQUEEN'S LADIES Last week McQueen's Motors lost two successive games for the first time this season, to faîl six points off the Dur- harn Ladies' sGftbalI pace. Since then the starry locals have played three times in six days and coach Reg Willatts feels confident the team bas regained thie toucli for a couple of, big exhibition contests this weekend. 1 Friday night, the strong Oshawa Flyers will playl McQueen's, 6:30 p.rn., at the Central School diamond andi Baturday afternoon an ail-star aggregation will nieet Bow- mnanville in a feature attraction of the Liberal Picnic at Wal-' tona Park In Newcastle, Game time is four o'clock. i. i. i. t t t SAIN HELPS COURSES BUT NOT SOFTBALL The recent rainfal belped bath local golf courses last week, giving Erinli's new grass a much-needed boost, whlle keeplng Southview's fairways green. Both clubs are forging ahead. Ken Nicks has bad the construction crews busy building a swîmming pool and the Soutbview members continue to go ail out to steadily frnprove the course. Perhaps the best news is that work will commence this faîl on the second fine. Meanwbile John Fowler bas set up a handicap rack, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rundie, "Doc" Sisson and Charlie Biekeli have been doing the "gardening" and Harold "Fibber" Mc- *Gee is conducting a draw for a set of clubs. There are others pitchlng in too as everyone bas taken a tremendous interest in the course. i.t t i t .L'ERS VS. JUNIORS The afore-mentioned ramn wasn't too welcome at the Idemorial Park Saturday evening, but it neither failed toi stop the game froin getting underway, nor prevented a buge -crowd from being in att.endance. We thought the juniors gave a good accaunt of them- muelves, they have pitching, bitting, fielding and reserve a-trengtb-. and should be tough to beat. Eddie Shack and Co. also did their best to entertain, although the failure of Billy Harris, Bob Pulford, Bob Ne- vin and Rod Seiling to show, disappointed niany fans. The Harris group encountered a heavy downpour on the eastern limits of Toronto, and attempted to find out how the weather was in Bowmanville. Eventually it wound up wlth Harris talking via telephone to Jim Shaw, wbo in turn contacted this scribe, and we attempted to contact Art Hooper, the game 's arranger. Four guys on four phones- and we cauldn't find Art. Well twasn't raining here then-but how could we cal off the game or tell theni to corne. (At this tume the editor -was under the impression the entire N.H.L. club was stili i Toronto, however, eight of them were already here.) Whi]e we were worried about what to do, the game --was starting, amidst a sudden down-pour. You might Say the scribe was surprised to iearn the game was on, and by the time we got in touch with Billy, it wvas too late for them to corne. "Hinky" asked us to express bis regrets at missingý the game to tbe local fans. We're sorry he couldn't make it to0. -NICHOLS' ON ROPES IN MEN'S SOFTBALL Veteran George Stephen and young Jim Coyle com- bined ta ilead third place Stephen Fuels to a double win -~last week aver Nichois' Motors as the Men's Town League playoffs got underway. Ia another upset Ken's Mens' Wear defending champions, dropped a bigh scoring 11-10 decision to 3Bill'& Biliards. The Fuels were really up for the series opener, after Coyie clouted a grand-slam borne run in the top of the first. Stephen exhibiting great contrai beld the heavy-bitting pennant-winners ia check the rest of the way.I * In tbe second game Bill Osborne tossed a tbree-hitter and ciaimed 15 strike-out victinis, but Coyle's two-run triple wasz the big blow,as Stephen gave up four safeties for a 3-0 For the first time in manv years, Bowmanville shutut in.will be represented in the Ontariîo Junior Softball Wednesday's tilt wasn't mucb like playoff play, bits and Iplaydowns this year. Because they did not play in a errors. predomlnating in the 21 run affair. Biil's bounced league, they bav-e drawn a b'>e into the plat off s that back from a 10-6 deficit to finaily pull out the wvin on anstrinA us.Tecmismdupoplesudr *rror by usualiy sure-banded shortstop John Twist. 121 recruited f rom the Alcn's and Junior softball league These twa clubs went at it again Tuesday night and here, and with the exception oftwt\o or thrce players, mneet again Thursday. Tonigbt (Wed.> Nichais, with their is virtually the samne tcamn thait a few vents ago, won backs to the wall, play Stepben's. a juvenile basebail provincial title. £hey saxv their t t t t t JIISTORY REPEATS "Sonny" Liston said he'd duplicate bis feat wben be N w T p a e al F won te hevyweiht camNewshType koBasebautFloH Patterson in the first round. Once again the ex-champ put up a ftutile dispiay as Liston came witbin secondLs of makiag it an exact repetition. The crowd was with Floyd, but flot i the ring, and he probably could have used some of theni ta bit "Sonny" over ~ the head witb a siot-machine or sometbing.-. Is Patterson that bad or Liston sa good? Perbaps aur boy Cassius Clay bad better wrap bis poems ia a iead pipe when be climbs into tbe ring against the awesome champ. MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING / FRIDAY, JULY 26th 8 pa.~ ADMISSION - Chlldren - 35c Adults -50t BRING THIS ~ SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS To the FRIDAY, JULY 26th KINSMI a PETEIBOROI Over $7,A 1913 CAR or $2, 11,500 Big Snoi Snowbali (51 nc FREE Dou't forget to bi ai EN SUPER CAR INGO AT THEz UON MEMORIAL CENTRE X"c 800 ini Prizes including, 000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. ,wball (56 nos.) $1,000 Small >.) Plus 600 regular games. 0 speclal gam es. $ '0 m l DOOR PRIZS uy the economy pack for value nd lave mouey. KIN8E]EN League-leading Nichols Motor Sales dropped their second game of the Town League Softball playoffs to Stephen Fuels on Thursday. They just couldn't get untracked while the Fuelers, led by George Stephens superb hurling clicked on every break. This photo shows Terry Black scoring, on a pass bail play that ended a second later in a huge cloud of dust as he slid into the plate. Pitcher Enter Junior SoftbaII Team in Bill Osborne bas rushed in to take the throw from catcher Lar Piper who has the bail in his hand and is diving to interceptt runner, batter Ted Dadson steps back to give them room. Int field., Ron Stewart is commn-g in to give aid and Alex Wiseman covering third. O. A. S. Playdowns§ t. first action against the NHL Ail Stars on Saturday at the Kinsn-en Carnival. The team includes, front row, left to right, Alex Wiseman, Don Bagneli, Terry iBlack, Jim Coyle, Bill Osborne; back row, coach Tom Pear-, son, John Twist, Ray Crombie, Coach Dan Girardi, Larry Piper, Managaer Georg Stephen, John James,, Grant Wright, Dave Werry and Coach Fred "Buck"! Cowle. eadgear ......... ChrlCooper, lef t, and Marie Hooey of Orono may have started a new trend in hcadgear for baseball players w hen they appeared at their game with McQueen's Bowmnanville teamn on Mýondav, dressed in these attractive outfits. Unfortunately, there was no tirne for our photographer to learn if the head cov- erings are useful or ornamentai. Certainly, they wouldn't keep the sun out of a player's eyes. but thcy mighit keep the curis in place. It will be interesting to watch the men's softbail teamns to see if any of the men follow the lead given by these two players. McQueen's Win High Scoring Tilt, McQueen's Motors got back tagte. closing the gap to 14-10,1 belle Stephens was right In' on the winning traekTur.lhry Brock came on in ie.! step also with three, two of day night, taking a high-sco- lie f to put out the fire for! themn triples. Brock and Ha- ing 20-17 xvin over Newto l -1 ville, in Durham Ladies' Soft- winner Marg Pickard. !zel Donaghue each collected a! bail action at Newtonville. Pelcgv Ha,,,ncs led McQueen'.3 pair of base knocks. After building up a huge, 17 hi, assault. snacking four1 Jean Cameron was Newton 14-0 lead b *v the thirc iinn..setu, i Delores Davev ville's best, clouting a horne the Bowma 1v"ille crew asŽI rckc three hits. includingj mn and triple and Shirley up, and the losers took advaa- la hoine tun and triple. Anna- Woods bit safely twice. Pee Wees Win I In Semi-Final On Saturday, July 20, at the, Uxbrîdge Training S ch aoo Grounds, the BowmanvilUel Legion Ail-Stars walloped aý bhapless Uxbridge crew to theý tune of 25 ta 3 in a ramn-de- laye<l semi-final for the zonci cbampionship. Bowmanville started aut inI typical fashion with 3 runs ini the first inning and were1 neyer beaded, as tbey addedi 3 in the second and third, 6 in the fourtb, 7 in the fifthý and 3 more in the sixtb inn- ing. Uxbridge managred aý I small rally ia the sêventh,, Worried about the Future? Sun Lire insurance wiII guarantec you a retirement income which you cannot outlive and wiII pro- vide for your family if you die at an early age. LAf insurance can case rnany of your financial worries. May 1 show you how? BANNER PASSANT Phone 623-3258 14 Rebder Ave., Bowmanvllleý CANADA ilii Up andi Comning One of the key players in the playoff bat between Nichols and Stephen's softball teams lias be a newcomer to the league, Jim Coyle. He hit a grai slam homer in the opening game and last Thurs came through with a triple. He also lias been doing rry extremely effective field job on second base the Stephen Fuels. the goodfor3 rus oly.Despite a down-pour at' The N.H.L. club Urap goodfor3 rns nly garne tume and Ilght intermit- up, scoring five times Bothwell, Rogers and Pres-1 tent rainfaîl throughout, a second on three bases o I ton shared the mound duties>huge crowd saw the N.H.L. Shack's second singl' for the winners, cîaiming a' Ail-Stars defeat Bownianville base-clearing two-bag total of 9 strikeouts, while an Juniors 7-2 in an exhibition Conacher. endless array of Uxbridgeý softball attraction, Saturday Both pîtchers were in hurlers claimcd a total of 31 night at the Memorial Park. mand the rest of the sho strikeouts.The N.H.L.'ers played withedf eight players, when a drivrng bo epitningeaffir, s Falkner with a double, Bal- rain forced the îast car-loal1 bone g p ith h'ls linger, McTavîsh and Kellard to pull off the highway. Bil idngu ihfn eg S with singles led the locals at Harris attempted to find out outs, and AI Stllivang the plate. Bothwell xith a wb*at the weather was like in two more bits, while fa homer, triple and a single Bowmanville, (see Sportopiecs seven. and Randv Donoghue with 3 Column for details), but after Centre-fielderGrtW singles paccd the Bowman- a baîf-hour delay it was too pulled off the fie]ding gem ville crew. Rogers with a late to make an appearance. the night, racing to deep 1e double and a single. Parry Missing from the line-up were centre to haul in Conache and Robson with 2 singles HarrisBob Pulford, Bob Ne- prodiguous fifth înning pok each and Preston, Devitt, Vin and R.d Seiling. First-sacker Bob Baun mad Obrien and Cawker with sin- The Stars opened the scor- the big play for the N.H.L.'ers, gletons rounded out the Leg- ing with a pair of first inning when he flagged down Dave lonaires attack. markers on Eddie Shack's Werry's bid for a base-bit. The line scores show Bow- lead -off single, walks to Tirn As expected, Shack provld. manville 25 runs on 16 bits, arnd adPt oahre h comedy relief. -d il walks and no errors; Ux- n a single by Charlie Burns. figui-ed he should take overa bridge 3 ruas, 4 bits, 2 walks Terry Black opened the bot- first, after Baun had booted ' and 4 errors. tom baîf witb a triple but was one, and when bis throw froni c ut down at the plate. Rav ieft-fielder was off the tar- The victory earncd tbe rightICromlyie and Bill Osborne get, quipped "I thought I did for Bowmanville ta advance followed with singles and af- pretty good just catcbing the to tbe final round to meet~ ter a walk to Jim Coyle, Alex bail." You did Ed - didn't Oshawa, who had prev!ousIy1 Wiseman daublecl to tie the even knock anyone over subdued Whitby. sr. pit"n GOODWILL 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DR. Guaranteed original 5,248 miles, previous owners name on request This car cannot be told froni new. 100% warranty. 1962 CORVAIR 700 Series COUPE Big 102 h.p. motor, 3-speed stick on the floor, custonm radio, white wall tires. Ebony black finish with custom red trim. A local, one owner car. 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP ~ Spotless ermine white finish with beautiful red trini. Accessories include: automatie transmission, customi radio, white wall tires and a hast of other coniplementary equipment. 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatie, power steering, custom radio. Glcaming black finish, spotless condition. 1961 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic with power steering and brakes, padded dash, custom radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, windshield washers. Ebony black with red and white triin. Real sharp! Finished in beautiful sapphire blue with niatching-trim, auto- matie transmission, custom radio. FulIy inspected by our service dcpartment and ready for your sumnier fun! 1960 CHEV. IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOP Automatie, customi radio, padded dash. Ermine white with custonm red trini. New white wall tires. 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8 engine, automatie transmission, custom, radio, power brakes and power steering. A sharp, locally owned good automobile. See this car! 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Automatic, custom, radio, windshield washers. Real sharp, clean car! 1955 CHEVROLETS AND PONTIACS Several te choose from at varlous prices. TIRE SPECIAL' Special purchase of new tires enables us to offer at ridiculous prices 750 x 14 or 670xl5 Tubetcss Narrow Whitewall Tires at the Iow, low price of only_______L WHILE THEY LAST ----.$12 .,95 (ne6tadeNG necesary Rookîe NichoIs' Lose Second Game in Semi -Final Playoffs With Fuelers 1 I. .5 i 't, LA L :>ý) NHL"ers Defeat

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