10 Thse Canadhn atesmass, Eawmanvffle, Atig. 7, 1983 In Memoriam Notices IRuth THOMPSON-In loving -me- L. C. Mason Law Office IQUJ lie birth mary ai aur brother and son, closed August 7 - 8 - 9. Back 623- le, July Pte. Norman E. Tbampson who August 12. 32-1w - Hospital, was killed in active service in --- HIG 32-1 France, August 9th, 1944. Dr. Dinniwell's Office will al - Without a warning, God called be clased from July 27 ta Sept.WA you home, 2nd inclusive. 32-1*iCal] We miss you, but God knows ne - At best;1 Dr. K. W. Slemon's office' August You warked for Hini, yau gavelwill be closed irom Juiy 5 to CHI Le Pen- your aIl, August il inclusive. 32-1 new ai the You have earned God's 163 h, dear heavenly rest.j Dr. A. B. Sylvesten's office s. Wa- 1-Always remembened by DadIwill be closed fromn August TW( aygean;1brathers and_ sisters. 32-1lf6th ta, August 23rd inclusive, coné Gerald, TRI 32-2 casi] Ie ai LÂ'iL L Dr. C. F. Cattran's office wiîî FA:' n (Mrs. MEMOJ.1/lRIALSi be clased for holîdays fromn two tchenen; Dignified and Distinctive Saturday, August 10 until Wl e; Mrs. Monuments - Fiat MakrflnaAgs 26. 32-2 WH] eterbor- in designs for any need.' Phci Thuns- 152 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa The Bowmanville Medical 9 P. Bryan lAssociation have aranged ta btehen- 723-1002 - 728-6627have a ncsident doctor at Me- 16' t-s. Carl Office Evenings morial Hospital through the er, id Miss 26-tf sumrmer. He will be working New Lonanto. ____________. each day except Manday and iFO he Ross Cartds of ThankS iTuesday. 26-8wClr onSt., As of July 24, 1963, I w ill Cox- August We wish ta express a.urino longer be responsîble for FR1( ýt Orono sincere thanks and apprecia-:debts incurred in my name by exce 32-1 tion ta aur friends, relativesim ieBvre abr and neighbaurs for the lavely - îeBeelyLabr.Lloy ts shower held for us necentîy in W33re Lamb aer, G- Biackstock. 3 ab ae O .Stan- Don and Marjanie Green. Bowmanville. - lent n -i_ _ _ _ 32-1 3o-3* Balsc Barbar As ai this date, I wilI natUS 1c ~ wish ta thank friends and'be nespansibie for debts in- 1/ Idc S relatives, Doctors Ewert and cuirred in my name by my Marl .dMrs. Hallett, nurses and staff ai lwife Stella Karp. Dwman- ill take Memorial Hospital for their, Cecil Karp, DAV )tember kindness during my recent iii- 107 King St.W, chair in St. ncss. Bowmanvil. Eveî -atol* j32-1 1- JACKMAN-Ross and <fiee Cole) announce th of their son Wayne Ccl JU, 1963, at Memorial H 13owmnanville. - Deaths CORNISH, Hazel Jar Port Hope, on Friday, mnd, 1963, Hazel JanE warden, beloved wife late Frederick Cornisi mother oi Lenora (Mr. lace Thurston), Bobcî Jack, Port Hope, and Kitchener, grandmotl Marion <Mrs. Gordon irth>, Toronto; Daureer Gerry Conrath), Kit Itay Cornish, Port HoP4 lCtÙd Montgomery, Pe ough; Erie and Morley ton, Bobcaygeon; Lee, and Gwaine Cornish, K er sister of Mabel (Mr Tennant) of Orono, ari Stella Penwarden, TJ Service was heid at th Funeral Chapel, Waitc Port Hope, on Sunday,. 4th at 2 p.m. Interment Cemetery. *Engagemeni Mr. and Mrs. John C. ley of Oshawa, wish1 riounce the engageme their only daughter, B Lorraine, ta Mr. Lai Damant, son of Mr. ani A Irod Damant oi Bc, Ville. The wedding wi p lace on Saturday, Sept 7th, 1963, at 3 o'clock George's Ukranian Ci Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. M. wish to announce the ei ment ai their only dat Jae MuryGuiJoan Allison McNair,t &on, son of Mr. and Goudie Laurenson ofiLL The marriage will take on August 31, 1963, al o'clock, at St. John's An Church, Bowmanvile. _,Mr. and Mrs. Erie Coombes, Oaicville, wish flounce the engagemei their daughter Mary C( to Mr. David John Z Marsden, son of Mr. and ]Çlward Marsden, Westor wedding to take placeP ,31, 1963, at St. John's An Church, Bowmanville. Auction Sale - The undemsigned auctioneer wii seli by public auction thel farn implements, il head ai cattie, for Stephen Doyle, Lot 19, Con. 3, Dariingtan Tawn- ship, nc mile noth af Maple Grave Church, on Wednesday, August 21. List ai articles in KEÎ yau ,warE ville ALI 66,1 er, 753-, 21"Y visio roon 623,- 700, cold size .1 'I *1 Master Larry Bishop wouid NIIoxreserve.5 Terms cash. Sale like ta say thank you ta. his at 1:30. Clifford Pethick, auc- * many Ikiends and relatives tioneer. 32-1 who sent cards, gifts and good wishes during bis stay WEEKLY in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Special thanks to;LIVESTOCK SALES Drs. Takahashi and Anfossi, 32-if 'at Durham Caunty Sales Arena, _______Orona - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. I wish ta thank ai] my Horses, Cattle, Swin, Calves, neighbours, relatives a n d, Frtuc iku hn friends for cards and flowersl Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of sent ta me while I was in sale.J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Memorial Hospital. SpecialMages52t thanks ta Dactors Anfossi and Ugray and ta ail nurses and Tenders Wanted staff fon their wondemful came. Fred G. Smith. For Sale by Tender 32-1 Tenders wili be received by the undemsigned Solicitar up 1 wish ta express my sînceme ta 12:00 a'clock noon on thanks and appreciation ta Thursday, the lStb day ai Doctors Sylvester and Taka- August, 1963, for the pur- hashi, the nurses and staff ai 1 chase ai propety ai the Es- the Memoial Hospital, Bow-' tate of the late WILLIAM manville, and ta my many ' JOHN WATSON consisting ai friends in Tyrone. Salem and' house, two pancels ai land Haydon congregations duningi and other buildings on the my recent illness. west side ai Main Street in Chris' Dugan. the Village ai Orano. 32-1 With this property is in- cludcd a driveshed and stable, Womds eau hardly express diiied ~well and cistern. The my sincere thanks ta ail mybouse is suitable and adapt- neighbors, fiends and relatives'ý able for apartments and bas1 for the many nets oi kindness aluminum famed windowsî shown me in this boum afj installed on the front there-t beeavement. To ail who oai There is a large garden1 helped me out s0 well in so~ and the property is centrally many ways I can neyer fonget located in the Village and and I say thank you fan evcry- close ta Village services. thing. Terms: 10% ai pnice with Vema M. Mountjoy. 32-1 tender; Balance ta be paid in cash on ciosing; Clasing date We wish ta express sincene ta be arranged. thanks ta Dr. Dymond, nurses Highest or any tender not and staff af Part Ferry hos- Inecessarily acceptcd. pital; ta Rev. David Romeril j Inspection ai the pmaperty for cansoling messages; alsai may be aranged by contact- ail fiends and neighbors forling William Gardon Watson, floral tibutes and kindnessesl Phone 146, Orano, or Aima at the time ai the deatb af Watson, Phone 13218, Orono. husband and father Lewisi W. K. Lycett, Henry. Orono, Ontario. Arvella and family.Soitr for the Estate. 32.1* 31-2E I wauld like ta thank ail Repairs those who sent mie cards,i flowcrs and letters duning my 'GUARANTEED televisian and stay in Memoniai Hospital, radia service, ta ail makes. Bowmanville, when I parted Têlevision Service Ca. Phone company with mny appendix. 623-3883. 52-t_______ Thanks also ta Mrs. Howardl Faley, Dr. Hubband and ail thejRADIO and Television Repairs. nurses and staff ofý the baos-!Prompt service. Pick-up and1 pîtal, wha gave me sucb ex-idelivery. George's, 14 Centrec cellent came. St. Phone 623-5713. 41-tf Donna Gilbank, Omono. --___________ ___32-1 * Watch Repairing I wish ta thank ail mny Certif led Watchmaker off friands and neighbours, alsaý Canadian Jeweller's Assn. i my relatives for the manyl cards, flowers, fruit and giîts1 Marr's Jewellery which were sent ta me during my stay in the Toronto Gen-1 39Kinlg St. W. f cmal Hospital. Special thanks 16-tfn ta Dr. McKenzie, Dm. Hallett, Reri-eirtèr Dm. Hu.mphries and ail the erg ato1 other doctors too numeraus taý andc mention. Also special thanks1 Appliance Service ta the Newcastle Rovers, G.9 M. Body Shop (south plant), Commercial and Domestie Mr. Jack Morley and for the Refrigeration prayers wbicb weme said for Phone BERT SYER me at the Newcastle United Churcli, S.S. rooni. For your Days- 623-5774 thoughtfulness I am vemy grate- Nights- 623-3177 fui. a d rH rw e Mm. George Kozub and LnirH rw r iamily, Newcastle. 32.1*ý and ELECTRIC Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plain sealcd envelape with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept.' T-28,l Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91,. Hamilton. Ont. 15 Mis. May Reader Advisoî ýON ALL AFFAIRS 0F IE The engagement is announc- ed of Barbara Elizabeth, eldest daughter ai Mrs. Mary Baker d the late James Hume Cer of Ida, Ont., to Ernest Charles, eldest son ai Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkes of New- <astie. The marriage will take place in Newcastle United Church on Saturday, August, 4,1963. 32-1 Photographly PHOTOGRAPHY Change of Address - 161 King st. B., Bowxnanville 1portraîts -Pasajiorts Weddings Anniversarles a Specialty ASTOR STUDIO Phone 62.3-2502 20-2 Coming Events 'Monster Bingo, Thursday uight at 8 o'clock, sponsored bY the Junior Chaniber ai Commece Rd Ban, North 4Cshawa. 45-tf 'Woodview Communlty Centre n-Monster B i n g o. Twenty gamnes-twenty dollars. five games-thirtY dollars; $15o lac-kpot, and two jackpots at L 50. Door prizes. Next ionday, 8 p.m., Red 'Barn, Pshawa. 46-tf LICENSED Nursing Home LYONHURST Manor h a s accommodation ior ladies and p ntiemen. reasonable rates. Fhone Orono 1308. 26-14*. «THE- Lodge" Nursing Home en Highway 2. Licensed. Ac- commodation available. Kind care. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitors welcome. Phone Mrs. Wm. Westover, Newcastle 2701. 21-tf SOUTH Haven Nursing Home -Accommodation for private *nd semi-private patients, lounge TV. FuIly licensed, *mew building, modern. Visitors, YWelcomne. Reasonable rates., Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf Rotice ta Creditorsi * AND OTHERS 1 In the estate oi Edwin San- dercock: Al daims against the *state oi Edwin Sandercock. Late of the Township ai Clarke, in the County ai Dur- bamn, who died on the 2lst ai April, 1963, mnust be iiled wîth the undersigned Solicitor for the estate on or before the I9th ofAiugust, 1963, aiter which date the Estate will be distributed. . Dated at Newcastle this 26th day of July, 1963. E. Richard Lovekin. Solicitor for the .,dministratrix ai the Estate oi Edwin Sandercock. 31-3 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS AUildaims agalnst the estate SZGeorge Trenwith; late ei Vewcastle, Ontario, who died en the iirst of May, 1963, must te filed with the undersigned1 àolicitox's for the estate on or before the 17 August. 1963, eter which date the estate >iII be distributed. .. Dated at Newcastle this 23 day oi July, 1963. E. Richard Lavekin,i Solicitor for the Executor of the Estate, Box 9, Newcastle, O)nt. Wanted 6t1 Cash on the Spot for Dead or Crippled Farrn Stock. Plcked up promptly. Telephone collect 263-2721 1Margwill Fur Faim, TYRONE Licence No. 245-C-63 Cash for Deadstock Deal with the driver - lie wil pay top price on the spot ac- cording to size and condition. Burrett Fur Faim R.R. 7 PETERBOROUGH Phone Office Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge> 0F Peterborough coilect, 742-4330 Coilector's Licence No. Z26-C-63I '8-ti Smithî engage- tughter, ta Mr. ,auren- 1 Mrs,l indsay. e placel t four ,nglican 32-1* Ivor ita an- ut af 7olleen, 4 dwardl id Mrs. )n. The August nglican 32-1, Love - Marriage - Business ALL EADNGSPRIVATE 1572 Olive Ave. Oshawa POEFOR APITET 725-8113 Beurm: S &.= ,t 10:30 p.m. 82-21 UANTITY of oat straw. 3-2646. IGH school books, somE 1grades. 263-2721. I.TER for sale anmi Oelivo ll Cliii Pethick 263-212 IAMPION oat roUler, n( w; Ford pulley. Telepl -7249. V0-piece chesterfield, dition, reasonable.D stle 4136.2 LR white wall tires, 7.50 oiloor lamps. Apply llington St. EAT straw, 30e per one Arthur Branston .m., 728-6865. FIBERGLASS boat, t 45 h.p. Mercury outbo wcast1e 2354. ýR your Watkins needs tke and Hope cali VW K623-2267. GIDAIRE electric dr elet condition. 1 >d Ayre, 623-2830. 3 K-ART, McCulloch, ex tcondition, $100. C [on, Phone 263-2295. iD Washer Parts, ail ma« h. p. motors. Fac rket, Hampton, 263-224 JENPORT chesterfield r, good condition. AI ýrett Stapleton, 3 r 4, Or ýS cut automatically, w iwait, at MeMullen M re, 36 King St. E., Bowîr LIS-CHALMERS coml pick up and straw sprE ready ta, go. Welc 2519. 3 GENERAL Electric [n, suitable for recrew m or cottage. Telepi -5008. APPLE boxes, suitable 1storage; 60 thirty-sixp raspberry crates. Phý 263-2204. ALSCO aluminum siding, 'clusive Acrylic finish. Dc windows, awnings. L o:i Allin, 1 Prince St. BUYING or selling furnil or appliances, cail El]. fHampton: business 263-2M residence 263-2695. ALUMINUM Doors and 'V dows. Contact McMullen H ware, 36 King St. E., Bownr ville. Phone 623-5408. BEATTY Washers, new, le Cars for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale OBITUARY Caîl '54 BUICK Speciai, good con-e NEW N.H.A. Home in Park-W.FakR a Esae Lrnooh Mutjy 32-1 dition, new tires, radio. Tele-1 George Diyleven way Crescent, modemn styling,IW rn elEti oez onMuto iefrphone 623-2124. 32-1* REALTOR hal conveniences, law down LTD. The death of Lorenzo Johsi 32-1 55 CHEV. truck, 3-ton stake. Caîl 623-5300 Ipayment, easy monthly terms. 177 Churcli St., BowmanvilleiMountjoy, aged 71 years, oc* Contact D. Bcers, 22 Parkway 623-3393 curred at Fart Perry Hospital vered. Price $850. Cali 725-8288. W. Bowmanville centrally la- ICrescent, Bowmanvllle, or 31 ymn, ortc. 32-tf cated 4 bedroom family home Phone 623-2263. 20-tf 189 Acre stock farm, 7 room oe n ionayJulo 221963y.a- 32- 'T R E 192 C RS'th extra 5tool5 and shower j Ke- Ptes home has all conveniences, traS llesa 1 as early TH E 92 Cin basement. Akn prîce K ih Ptr large barn. Excellent sal. nSonfa the late John and ihnTO$11,900 with $1,000 down. stream. Port Hope area. Louise Mountjay, the deceas. poYiTOThree bedroom; home close REALTOR - 728-7328 $26,000, Ternis. ed wras born in Darlingtoft. 32-1 Chevrolets ta sehool, new ail furnace on 103 King St. E. Oshawa 190 Acre dairy fanm, Toron- He attended Cadmus Sehool. good corner lot. Asking price NEWCASTLE - Special ta milk contract. Modernized In 19310 he married the former Newi ONE$9.900 with $1.000 down. small home in perfect con- home. Large dairy barn, Vera M. Siemon who survives. 32-1*1 Two ero bungalow, dition, many extras inciuded stream, paved road frontage. A farmer, Mr. Mauntjoy had i.r4 ontilac4 full basement. ail conven-1 for a quick sale. 8 miles Bowmanvilie. Excel- resided at Nestleton for 33 oj ences on big lot. Priced at BO M VLL -Sml lent value at $30,000. Terms.' vears and had carried oit 32-1i utmtc it utm$830wt $5 on home on Scugog St. at $8,500. 100 Acre dairy farmn near farming operations there un. bale. s wa he dinesownie ars, bunapleow with bre his place is worth seeing. Bowmanviile. Valuable road tii his decease. He attended bae.wahes. Oe wnr ar, ugaowwih rezway ad frontage. G o o d buildings.th elto Prsyril garge n wll anded BRICK - 2-storey home on Asking $45,000. Terins. Church. aftergarage on wellOnenblcapedola 32-1 lieg.Oebak n!ot which can be extended for! lrge lot, Queen St., new furn- 15Ar blue, onie azure aqua. V.L.A. Priced at $12,500 with jace, double drive and garage, scenicr stock farm. Very Surviving besides his wiie trail-$250dw.Blneolon$8000.sni property, near Tyrone. are a sister, Rose (Mrs. C. oad; Sec thcm today at $,0 on aac nyoe$~û.0 Stream, house and barn. Ask- Briggs), and a brother, Clar. Sr.imortgage. LIBERTY GARDENS on ing oniy $12,000. $3,000 down. ence. 32-1 ROYHOL built niceiy decorated! Lberty St., Bowmanville. Work 65 Acres with stream, near Th fuea srvc ws IsiW. I two ebedroomgbungalow withI rgsn nthis oeTyoe 40 Acres workable, held frc.m the Chapel ai Mc- V.T.lBowvmanville Phone 63333attached grgead * nplchaearindc amp etione home,5 bal$1n500 bush. Only $7,500. Dermoti. - Panabaker Funeral 32-1 Courtice Phone 728-6206 jon l ½ acre lot. Askmng price Ceaî us for npletion t$Also- $50 down. Home, Port Ferry, an Wed. Iryer, 32-i11$11,000-.eaeitrse nbidn 12 Acres in Kendal Hilîs with nesday, July 24th, and was _________________ 32-i1 veore .Iterest e i bulin trout stream. Good pond site, conducted by Rev. Geraid 32-1-' see us for a price. $4,000. Tri.Gaano ilro.Itr =el- 1 Livestock For Sale Fri ent 18 Southway Drive . Storey Newcastle - $7,000 buys mod- ment a in Union Cemetery, xcl and half brick home, 3 bed- ern centrally located bunga-' Cadmus. gee EVNpigs, seven weeks aid.CMOTBE om rooms. Rec, raom and stormslo.Ecletems The m.any lovely floral tri- 32-1 Phone 263-2628. 32-1* Prince Street. Phone 623-3165.jand screens. Orono - $6,500 buys 3-bed- butes attested ta the esteeni ikes TE eiht-wek id igs;als - _____________ 32-1*j akes TE eigt-wek ld pgs;als 90 ACRE FARM about 41/2 room home. $1,000 down. in which the deceased was ddy's some baled wheat straw. Ern-NEWCASTLE, six room hause, miles from Bowmanville, gaod Bowmanville - 4 Bedroom, held. 41- est Hockaday, 263-2708. 32-1!heated, ail conveniences. Teie- bar'n, about 70 acres workable. central, brick. Large lot. This Palîbearers w ere Messrs. L15 adphone_2491. 32-tf $i5,OOO.OO. For information is anc ai Bowmanville's better Harry McLaughlin, Howard GOOD Hoitei hefer cal 78-728.homes. $18,000. Terms. Lee, Donald Thompson, R. and springer and fail cows. Tele- COMMERCIAL building onBob Johnson - 72>8-2548 Centre St. - 3 Bedroom Davison, Cecii Wilson and PPlY phone Orono 5 r 5, Sam Buma, Silver Street. Phone Walter' brick, $14,000. $2,000 down. Arnold Williams. roO0. Livestock Dealer. 32-2*iFrank, Reaitor, 623-3393. 27-tfIJoe Crawford - 623-3672 SutayDie-Mdm 3 ~2~1IHOTEî hefer, t irshei ~-~ Ron Hetherington - 623-3637 bedroom bungalow, garage.TTI while August and September; sev- aoTTG , stbfor fourRonDraak 725-5253 Asking $14,000. $2,500 down. ard- eral purebred heifer caîves. aduits, hydro,2- boat, fishinSudiviionENF..aJJ. mlan- Murray atyn Kosh Lake. Phone Orono321 Sne TraeSudvso FanClarke 2811. 138a1-t TP ~ J -Bowrnanvi1le's best sub- M.adMs .B ipo 3-f32-1I- eter .isowaî t hm, aue 13sqaeattended ichurch at Ebenezer bine. THE ,ssfrsl n HE-roy aeetaat oe Clay brick construc- THRE hasesfor ale- Oe TREE-oombasmen apat- n Snday an d were dinner ead- pinta mare, 4-year-old bay ment wîth private bathroom REALTOR tion, ail services. $14,200. onguswihMm ndMs.H omne gelding; 3-year-old strawberry and entrance. Central. No and GENERAL INSURANCE $1,600> down. gMack i hr and amily. 2-l* roan stallian. Phone (i23-2910, chiidmen. Phone 623-2453. Member ai Oshawa & District Cali 623-3393 Mr.ki and fMrs. BbSi tele- Bowmanville. 32-1* 32-tf Real Estate Board Aiten hours: Scarborough, were Wednes- ationSELF-CONTAINED apartmentj52 King St. W. 623-2453 JIack Ricard - - 623-3154 day guests witb Mrs. T. Tay- ýhPets 3 rooms and bath, heated.1 Here is the best buy in town. Andy McGilI - Orono 1407 lor. -32-1 __Pets__ Central location. Sept. sitel 2-storey home with Joe Barnoski - Clarke 2202 Mr. anid Mrs. Franklin ~j§X-week oId maie puppies, possession. Apply Charcoal'attached carpant and pavedGrdn rov Tamblyn, Linda, Biily and pinti GordentarowndEPhoneBurgers, 32 Misdrive. ainc frewcatle o home. Phne2î ges 14 Division S. 2lrv. Locatcd in a desirabie Hampton 263-2365EaieHmion Mss y- ,,oe ecate 71.3-1 -oocotge urihe not ed neîghbaurhood. 3-1tic Tamblyri, Toronto, visited ____1____________TWO-room cottage,3furishedi r end 32-1Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman 31-2 Orono, ___________.large lat, .$2512 b 3 oosp acg ivnb-roomeii and familî',. Linda remained ex- Help W anted monthy.O Write Advertiser with mnantel and book sheives, Guide Rea yLtd. for holidays. rnejFENSIONER gentleman, ta P.O. Box 190, Bawmanviii,cn. Full basement; with ail visitîng ber cousin, Miss Judy 32-2ilive in. Apply BowmanvilleOnt. 32-1fumnace. This home is priccd FARMS - LINDSAY AREA Tarnblyn, Orona. [ture Hotel, 63_07._2- for immediate sale. Ail we 133 Acres, 8 room brick, 2- M.anMs.JW.Bwa zier, YOUNG meVrVoena anted to Rent need is $3,500 down. N.H.A. storey home and 2 barns, and family were Monday dii. 94 - dish washens. Apply Ontario YOUNG couple desires smallTri.PgenRvroîpoet x ner guests with Mn. and Mrs. 6-fTrading Post Orono10 r 19. house or apartment, unfurn Qee Sret Soiid 6-roomn cellent buy at only $19,00. M J ambyn Oon. Win- 32rik4om*fr.h growîng 20 cres, 9 raom brick * 'lO 32rd- iTshed. Needed by Oct. 15. îamily. 011 furnace. Quite home, large barn, good )d M.adMs m a 32-1 ed. Gould Heal Plumbing, Newcastb as 4331. ceu prefer- ting and Je. Phone low as $99.00. Fulll une o-e Beatty appliances. P a d d y 's WAITRESSES wanted, Market, Hampton 263-2241. employmeîît. Royal 11-52 Highway 115. Phone CARPETS and DRAPES astic 456 1. (Sampies taken ta the borme). HIOUSEKEEPER_, ive in.' Free estimates. F. A. Kramp Adventiscr 398, c/a Ca: Ltd., 37 King St. E., Bowinan- Statesmaîî, P.O. Box 190, ville. 623-7071. 20-tf rnanVilie, Ont. INSULATION, blawîng meth- TOE lerk, girl or od, with rock wool. Womk- woman with good appt manship guaranteed. Free esti- with at least Grade X, t mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- August 26. Tnuii's Groc phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf West Courtice. Dial 72: GLADIOLUS cut flowers, con -________ tainer arrangements, town and XNCREAKSE Your Income bospital delivery. Onu FPass- can carn $2 per hour ant's, 122 Duke St., Bowman- Rawieigh Fmoducts ful ville. Phone 623-3527. 29-tf time. Write Rnwieigh's, NEW patataes, 6 qt. basket, H-140-AA, 4005 Rit, 45c; sweet corn, 4 doz. $1, pick Montreal. your awn; brîng containers. CARETAKER wanted Edwin Staub, 1 mile east off Lockhnrt's Sehool. Dui Miii St. on Base Line, New- commence Sept. 2. castle. 32-tf $50 manthly for 10 yr ALUMINUM do ors a-n d Applications ta be receli windows. Caîl us today for August 13. Mrs. Viole free estimate. Terms arrang-î mer, Sec'y-Treas., Newto cd. Cowan Equipment, King Ont. St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone CARETAKE] 623-5689. 45-tf TYPEWRITERS, addcrs, cash- OPPORTUNI7 iems, duplicatans, chequewnit-1 Occupancy ai modernized ers, comptometers, thme bund- hause and use af fieldi red new and used. We buy, pastures in exchange seli, rent, service. Hamilton maintenance and servie Office Equipmnent, 137 Brack young orchard. John M South, Whitby. MO 8-5849. Govemn, Highland Grove 10-tf COMBINE. model 82, self- WOMAN wbo can drivi prapelled, Massey Harris with you wouid enjay worl 10' table, used 4 seasans; One or 4 hours a day callirý used Dion tbreshing machine ularly each month on. a complete with shredden and ai Studio Girl casmctic drive beit. Massey Ferguson on a route ta be establis] dealer. Little Britain. Phone and around Bowmnnviil 37.___ 31-2 are willing ta make lig] blawer - livenies, etc., write Studi GEHL forage bowrwitb 50 Cosmetics, Dept. CW-3E feet ai piping, elbows, flexiblecLaFicur Ave., Montreî hood, pipe clamps, drive belt,,Route wiil pay up ta $5A etc. Three combination for-, boum. age boxes, with sides and faise - ____ iront, can be quickiy dis-- WANTED URGENTI mnntled and used as flat bat- BA - tom with end ladders fan baies. BA --Q CHE: Thmee Otaco wagons, 5-ton ORONO cnpncity, late model. Equip- CHAMBER 0F COMME ment almost new condition, for their 6th Annual StFee Murray Byers, BlackstockThbigsaitsidi 986-4796. 32-1* Tebgeto t idi Shop Here for Full Line of WED., AUGUST Long haurs, no pay, CAMPING Must suppiy own unili EQUIPMENT Corne anyway if you canl BAR-B-Q SETS LAWN CHAIRS 85 King St. W. Bowmanvlliel Phone 623-3134, 21 SAMSON TV TOWERS ECONOMY and DELUXE Buy now for the best pries Flnancing Arranged OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBON ST. Phone 728-8180 Day or Niglit RILLl LEASK, Prop. I-ti eTOWN 0F BOWMANV IVritten applications w 1received by the. unders - until 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1963 to f111 Two VacanciE on the Bowmanville Fire Departme Caunciilor Wes Fice Chairman Fire Comi Mortgages MORTGAGE money avai Peter Feddema, Realtor. 1263-2021. steady Lunch, New- 32-2ý Write anadian 0, Bow- 32-1*1 yaung1 earance ta stant )ceteria, 3-3051.( 32-tf1 Le-You selling or part , Dept. chelieu,e 32-1 1fo ri ities tai Saiary nonths. ived by rnoe jnn- r'z-z"'.. "'1nice thmoughaut. $1,500 down. Room forRent cc3iBcdroom brick bungalow, ________ for___________trally located. Ail modemn LARGE, bnight room, gentle-19onveniences, including aium- î $num storms and scrcens. man. 205 King E. Phne1 3,5'00fulpie ,623-3186. ?rfuipc. ____________-6 Room bungalow with at- tachied garage on a nicely WNork VVanted landscaped lot in a quiet __________neighbourhood. $3,800 down. MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service, Cozy 4-raam bungalow on trenches, drains, faundations Wellington Street. New ail and septie tanks, dug and furnace. Just right for the backfilled. Ivan MountJOY, retired couple. phone 986-4737, Blackstock. $1,000 down and $75 per 2-f month wvill buy 6-room 11/2 - GARDNIN-Weeiy ainsto'ey bouse on 11/ acres. Act tenance, fences buiit, trees andinaw. shmubs pmuned, ratotilling, Eveninga: patios, sod, seed, fertilizens, A. L. Hooey - 623-7264 evergeens, ilowering shmubs. P. Kom,,l - 623-5868 Free iandscape desigîî and 3- estimates. Dariington Garden ______3- 'jService, 623-3905, Bowman-e )j J. BROUGH REALTOR PLUMBING & HEATING Bow~manvilie - 14 Frank St.. "Dura Pumps and Softeners" il 2-35 et -Gii- l.rnone bz;.i3OI31 j 400 Acre farm, stream, ;onvilie, Division St. BowmanviilelIhouse and bann. Frite and' 32-1 18-tf ternis arranged. A..B.A.A.R. 140 Acre farm, 15 miles ta R A. B ARS Osawa. House and barn. l'y sï ...- r ..~- Asking $27,500. Terms. ry Pum.uing & Âeatlng 50 Acres with bouse and d farm- ds and PHONE 623-7127 land barns. Only $4,500. Ternis. j10 Acres with brick home, Sfor 35 Nelson St. Bawmanvilleiail modemn canveniences. La- [ces oc- 46-tii cated West Bowmanviile. Only ,e. Ont. SEPTIC TANK $4000Acren with bouse and 32-4 br.Pic 650oih$,0 ve - If PUMPING idown. Pie$.0 ih$,0 king3 WHITEWASHING STABLES j .32 Acres with bouse and- îg reg- BE TT MP IS barn, near Newtonville. Frite igmoupBE TT M KN $6,500. Terrns. clients PHONE CLARKE 4721 5 Roomed bungalow, al hed in NEWTONVILLE Imodemn conveniences. Liberty le andi 38-tf 1Street. Frite $12,000 with ghtn PaserngReais $2,,50) down. &CES lio irl laserin Rep irs COLD ST ORAGE &CES ý8, 840 QUICK SERVICE FACTORY. Good cernent ai 32. STUCCO AND NEW WORK black building. Ail equipment .00 per linc'uded. Price $15,000. 32-3 R . L . T A F T i1 COME HOME, Taunton 'LY 54 King St. E. 623-5031road. Excellent repain. Elec- ________16-tf tically heated. Askîng $16.000.1 ACKERMAN 2Courtie.oemnhome,north ERCE EXCAVATING - LOADING Asking $8,200. Tenms. ýet Fair SAND, GRAVEL and FILL 5 Roomed, new, ranch style, in Ont. Four-wheel drive Taw Truck with nttached garage. Many with Heavy Winch. extna's on 23/ acres. Onlyý r' 14 REASNABLE RATES $3.500 down. Y'. 1 Roomed bungalow with Phame 623-5756î basement apntment. Excel-1 1t cook BOWMANVIILLE 26-tf lent repair. Fnice $13.750 withý 32-1 TTT~T~'F~'DT~TP" $3,000 down. .321 PHLLIL ±'4¼. GARAGE, SERVICE STA- Save Dollars! Have your chest- TION on highway. Excellent erfield and chairs re-upholst- building. Fon health forces ered. Free estimates, sample5jsdiliflg. taken ta the home. 7 Roomcd home in Bethany. Budget Terms Arranged New ail fumnace. Only $1.000' RON'S UPHOLSTERING down. 102 King W. Phone 623-5252 New, 5 roomed bungalow in VILLE 2-f Oshawa. Well constnucted. viii bie - Nicely lnndscaped. Only $2.500 rsigned 1BARNES & BYAM jdow.vamdhm nBtay r.l6th, PLTJMBING & HEATING Ail mod e rn conveniences. SALES & SERVICE Fnice and ternis arranged. es 24-HOUR ORCHARD HEIGHT, Nw Oil B rnerServ c astle. Construction Walterý Ou urnr ervceScbleiss develapmcnt. Close, z ~ SEPTIC TANKS AND ta school, shopping ae.Gaod 1TULE BEDS workmanship guaranteed. e qnt PHONE plans at aur office,. eHAMPTON 263-2288 Aftem hours cali: imittce TYRONE 263-2650 Donald MountJoy - 623-3950 31-2 _________________ Idso Wiersma- Orono 1649 - W anted to Buy Ross Davidson- Bethany 30r3 - LIVE pouitry, oid iea*F-erJohn M. Sandy - ilabie. ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- Omemee 799-5589 rCaîl any. Phone 7 r 13 colleet. Newcastle 3341 '8 l-tif 28-ti 4 2-il excellent area forthe sports. man. Fniced at $16.500. 141 Acres, 3 miles cast o: Lindsay on Na, 7 Highwa3 with fmontage ai 112 nads; < rooa home and large 45x7l barn. Ownen anxious ta seil Scugog St., Bowmanville - Just the spot for the largE famiiy or someone wbo nccdsý 4 bednooms. Well kept 8-room brick home on a lange lot with pnîvate drive and garage. Truils Rd. - Woodcd lot with 232 ft. mrontage couid be divid- cd into two building lots. Jusi nomth ai Highway No. 2. Fui] price $4,500. SACRIFICE ý- Restaurant on main corner ai Newcastle. Must be sold. Also two du- plexes and anc unfinished building on the main street. Owner leaving the country and has reduccd the prîce. If yau are thinkîng ai buy- ing or seliing give us a eall. We have inquinies for ail types ai properties in this amen and would be glad ta talk aven your Real Estate needs with yau. Open daily 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. For full particulars caîl 723-1121 Leon Manitius - Tony Siblock Roy Flintoif - Jean Peacack Steve Engiert- Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock- Dick Young Guide Realiy Lid. REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont., Read and Use S tatesman Classified Advertising CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective Match 1, 1982 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE FOR RENT . HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOB? . FOUND AUCTION SALES - ETC. Cash Bat*.- *.5Scpur Word with a minimum of 75c Mubl. paid by date of insertion, If chorrjed. an additional 25e wjll b. added. A charge of 25c will be made ftu ail repliesa directed to this office. S111THS * ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATHS AND CARDS Or THANLS S1.50 per insertion NtOTICES COMING EVEMT Sc a word wlth a minimum of $1.25 for 25 words or le». IN MEMORIAMS 81.25 plus loi:acgi"0 fortVers Disla Classified at $1.75 pet i tha minimum cf one.inch. Addjtional insertion& at thec came rate$. AU Classified Adi must h. in this office not lofer thont 4:30 p.m. Tuesday Bond cash. stomps or money Ciorder and sove money. Clthis out lot handy referene OFFICE ROURS Monday throuqh Frldoy 8:30 cirn. ta 5 p.m. Saturdoy 8:30 rx.m. ici 12 Noon The cCanadian Statesonan Dia] MArket 3.3303 for alassified Ad Service T, L. ic beca aund rian, LongSaujt; wene Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Les CochraneaaUJ rfemuiy. IMaster flennIs and Miss Ban:nie Lycett have returnt-4 home aiter holidaying witla Mr. and Mrs. Len Stepbenson, Miss Evellyne Cunningham Brantford, v-isited for a i4' days at the 'W. Fascoe home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray. 'Z f Will Gray, Toronto, weneq Wednesdav dinner guests with Mn. and Mrs. C. G. Bowman. Mr. and Mas. Edgar Prescott have heen leisiting relatives near Mount ]Forest and Dun. dalk. Miss Linda Harris bas ne- turned borne aften bolidaying with the E. élnd D. Prescotts. Mr. and 1%&s. Elxiier Les and Judy werc Wednesday visitors with Mn. and Mrs, Elgin Cowling and family, Peterborough. Zion (Hope Townshp) Mrs. Jos. Segar and cTild- ren are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Segalr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elsivorth CasweUl, before leaving for their home at North Bay. Calling on -Mirs. W. J. Me- Cullough this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Meneiliey and IDean, Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Raby. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ger- ow, David, and !M'rs. R. Gerow left to spend the weekend with relatives at Wellington. Mrs. Harold C'aswell has re. turried home irom, the Port Hope Hospital. Sympathy of this cýommun. ity is extended the relatives of the laie Mrs. F. Cornish of Port Hope, who passedý awax' suddenly ai the Port Hope Hospital. The funerai was held Sundîiy afternoon. services aitIhe Ross Funeral Chapel, and intewment at Or,' ono Cemetery. Worship service at Zioxi Uýnited Church, Sunday, July 28th, at 10 a.m., was under the auspices of the U.C.W. af both Zion and M4rrish church. The following is the order of service and those who assist. ed. The Invitation and Call te W o r s h i p, Invocation and Lord's Frayer, through the responsive rcading of Psali» 121, was taken by Mrs. Men- eilley. At this pCint the Mor« ,rish choir, acco>mpanied by Mrs. N. McHolm at the piano, gave a very beazitiful selec- tion, "How Great Thou Art.'# The seripture neading, St Math. Ch. 5, verseis 1-16, was read by Mrs. Morxrn Hender- son. The pastoral p rayer waà by Mrs. M. Mefloini. Mns. Dawson Beebe and Mrs M lrwin received the ofiering. Mrs. Chas. Rabv~ gave a very inspiring message on "The Stewardship of Tit' and followed with prayer1a~ benediction. With Missfi Raby at the organ4 the foi. :aowing hymns were sung, NO. ,7, "Praise My Soul the Km51â of Heaven," No. 609 "Wet Mothers ai Salemr," No. 681 'Unto the His." There Va$ a good attendance and pretfr arrangements of s u m m1 flowers added to the gbauil of the service. The family of the late Wil- liarn Savry wish ta express their sinceme appreciatian ta their relatives, friends and, neighboums, for the* many actsi aif kindness and expressions afi sympathy, extendcd ta them, during their recent bereave- Iment. 32-11 .1- ri,