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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1963, p. 12

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12 'Me Canadian Statesxnan, Bowmanvile, Aug. 7, 1963! The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Graduate Nursing Assistant . Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain diner and daughter Nancyo With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mansfield were week e ni Akey of Bowmanville returned guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harr, home on the Civic Holiday' Rowe. from a motor trip to Cape ý Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Esser3 Cod, Maine. iCourtice; Mr. and Mrs. Rabi Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Barrabaîl, Maple Grove, vis witb Mr. and Mrs. Archie, ited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bar Watson, Betty Ai and Larrylirabali nSudy of Waterdown, returned home, issoine Sunda. scor last week from two weeks MisDaeGlbr'scu ta bk selling for a month at "Roilinj inotor trip Kenneunk Acres Ranch," Varney, nea Beach, Maine, and Rochesteer. 1uhm N.Y.1Duhm Mrs. Harry Rickard of Don'i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowmaz M~ills is visiting her sister-in- Laura and Eric, Enfield, weri law Mrs. Hector Bowen. dînner guests of Mr. anq Congratuîazions ta Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Monda: Mrs. Rowland Iollingsworth 1 evening. Who are celebrating their! Mrs. M. Swain of Taranti Golden Wedding Annivemsaryi'visited Mr. and Mrs. Cha: on Frîday eveninè at their Webber. home., Mrs. Rebecca Hunter, KeanE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sey-, widow of Adam Keane, for mour of Toronto, visited his merly of Orono passed awa, aunt Mrs. Wm. Seymour. lin Oshawa General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snowden Monday, August 5th, in he. of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. 82nd year. Funeral in Oshawý Thorntan Freeman of Oshawa on Wednesday, Interment Or visited their cousins Mr. and ana Cemetery. Mrz. Archie Lunn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Norma: Mrs. J. C. Gamey and her Porter visited cousins in Col sister Mrs. G. Raper o! Tor- lingwaod and at their cattagý enta are holidaying at Cape o erinByls ek Cod, Maine. o erinByls ek Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock Mrs. L. Samîs wîth Mr. anc weme Tuesday overnight guests Mms. Jim Middleton spent las cf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Han- Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs cock and family, Belleville. Bruce Tennant and sons atà Mrs. James E. Richards has cottage at Kinkfield. been ill at hem home since Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bal] Baturday. Bannie and Susan spent las Rev. and Mms. Frank Cmy- Thunsday with Mr. and Mrs derman o! Toronto visited his Gordon Walkem and daughter! aunt Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on o Richmond Hill. Çivic Monday. Mrs. Kenneth Nixon has re . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron turned home from Memoria and son Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Hospital, Bowmanville. Jim Major, and daughters, Miss Patsy Hardy has re Marilyn and Sue just bap- turned home fromn visiting Mr aie o etin Ooo and Mrs. Bruce McAthur anc aine, on their recent trips daughter Nancy, Prestonvake ta the East Coast.(Ohw) Mrs. W. R. Gannon of Cleve-(sh a) land, Ohio; Mm. and Mms. E. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Banrabal J. Davies of Willowdale, weme and their daughter Mrs. Rab. holiday weekend guests o! ert Gilmer and ber thre' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart and children, Tammy, Dean an family. n Tery, and Mrs. Robert Bald. Mrs. Alex Black win of Carievale, Sask., wer( I of Toronto visited Mr. and dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs I4rs. Geo. Wilson last Wednes- Luther Barrabali on Friday cday. Miss Mary Jones, Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mar- ville, spent last week wîtli tin o! -Bowmanville cailed on her cousins, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Hector Bowen, Friday Francis Cawan. evening, Mrs. Jim Bail spent lasi Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fal- Thursday with Mrs. Taiberl lis and Mrs. Charles Porter Findlay, Tbornhill. ef Millbmook were Saturday Miss Sharon Tamblyn, whc oyuests of Mr. and Mrs. W. epresented Clarke H ig t aqrman Porter. School at the Athletie Con- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton ference o! 192 Girls at LakE visited Mrs. Steve Nicholson, Couchiching, returned home Cobourg, îast Thursday and last week. reported an extra heavy rain Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin- and bail storm, flooding thc son spent a few days with railway underpass at west Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, end on No. 2 Highway- that Agincourt. ell tnaffic bad be rerouted. Kendal and Orona district:ý Mm. and Mrs. E. Caswell of were shocked ta learn o! thE Zian and daugbters Mrs. J. sudden passing of Mr. W, Leiger of Deluth, Minnesota, John Patton, busband of the spent Satumday evening with late Elizabeth Lunn-Pattor. M.and Mrs. Cecil Jones. and father o! Roy in bis 79t1i Mm. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, year, due ta a car acciden' Bowmanville, Mr. Tony Mitch- on No. 115, Thursday morn- ell, Keene, spent the weekend ing, August lst. Funeral wa: with Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. from Orono United Chuncir Wendy, daughter of Mr. on Satumday afternoon. Inter- and Mrs Elgin Heard is spend- ment in Orono Cemetery. Rev. ing this week with hem grand- Basil E. Long officiated. parents Mn. and Mms. Roy Hll, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Denny Lynch L1P C1Tr end daughter Shelley ofJ.LONG )kiULa± Brantford and Mrs. G. Gar- All parents and friends arc nvtd to attend "Opei M bouse" Friday afternoon, Aug L. J. Skaife C.A. 9th, at Tyrone Vocational School between the boums i Chartered Accountant 1:15 and 4 p.m., ta watch thc children at their work. WhitbyMms. Kenneth Hardy anc WhitDvlPrsot wr Sn P. .Mrs.28 EaprP estswefe Su P. O. ox 208hsp'Mr. rests ofd th tHsMm Pre scotayvnMm PhoneHad wee uny vnî vizitors. Orono 138Mm. and Mrs. John Vaney1k Orono 138 Pd family visited Mr. I. W. Lammer, Millbroak, Saturday Whitby 668-8197 evening. Mm. Jim Porter and Mis: qJoan Porter, Lindsay, were g?-lt -isue 'a BANK 0F MONTfREAL FamI1 Finance Plan. Plan to Attend BOWMANVILLE LIONS CARNI'Y to be heId SATURDAY, AU MEMORIAL PÀ LIBERTY STREET SOUT DRAW FOR 1963 CHEVRO d ry )t. ri- ig n, e Ld ky ýs. iy 1, ra a.... ..... n t t .1 Miss Doreen Drew, above, was a member of the recent graduating class ýe Of Registered Nursing Assistants of the College of Nurses, Toronto. The gradu- d ation exercises took place on Friday, July l2th. Miss Drew is the daughter 1- :)f Mrs. Alice Drew, Bowmanville. e__ __ _ Sunday visitors of Mr. Robt. *sim. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bakerý Sand Ruth A.nn, Mrs. May Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johns were Tuesday evening land, and Miss Elsie Oke were Lake. ;t guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hot- Mrs. R. Virtue, Tyrone, was .t Truli at their cottage, Wîl- ston, Picton. a recent guest at Mr. and Mrs. liam's Point. Mr. and Mrs. ClIa re n ce Ralph Virtue',s. * Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and Stainton and Beverley were Miss Edna Vance, Toronto, hJudy enjoyed a two-day trip visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Stari Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance, -to Western Ontario. Kearney's, Bowmanville. Port Perry, wcre Monday e Glad to report Mr. Fred G. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore callers at Mrs. F. Toms'. e Smith returned home Wed- and Keith, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- nesday much improved in Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, had man and girls were Sunday -health from a ten-day stay in Sunday dinner with Mr. and tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. L. h Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bailie- Stainton's. ville. boro. Miss Jackie Veale and bro- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stone- Mrs. Jim Kinsman and Lisa, ther David spent holidays 'house, Schomberg, Mrs. Ivan Courtice, spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Saywell e Rowley and Joanie, Paigrave, with her parents, Mr. and and Margaret, Caesarea. . were recent visitors of Mr. Mrs. R. McGill.Mran Ms.CrneA- -and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Both- ery, Linda and John visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson well and Nancy, Maple Grove, Mr. Clarence Avery, Lindsay, a nd Linda, Lifford, were Sun- were Sunday tea guests at and accompanied him and -day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton's. son Vernon to the hospital to sBert Johnson. Miss Laverne Orchard, Bow- visit Mrs. C. Avery who is h Masters Paul Vaneyk and manville, is holidaying with Very il]. -Victor McLaggan exchanged Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. Leonard Bradley, Bow- *holidays at their homes this Mr. Arthur Brunt is i-mnilwsarcn us last week. proving niccly in Bowman- at Mr. A. Sharp's. Schwarz Bros. had a valu- ville Memorial Hospital. Miss Sharon Werry is holi- daying at Mr. and Mrs. Ross able cow instantly killed with Mrs. Clifford Hetz and girls, Lee's, Kedron. Miss Betty lightning last Thursd'ay morn- Fairview, Penn., Mr. and Mrs. Jane Werry spent holidays ing on the south end of F. G. Allan Wray and family, Bow- with Miss Sandra Werry. *Smith's farm. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Ralphi Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeGill * Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Stuar! and Shaun, Port Credit, Mr. 'and family enjoyed a holiday Lamb and girls, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. H. J. McGill were i at Sturgeon Lake recently. Lorne Lamb attended the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. e ____________ Lamb picnic helci at Mr. and and Mrs. R. Virtue. e Mrs. Cecil Wilson's at Nestie- Miss Jean Cole, Bowman- N~ETLTOTN ton, ville, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vickers, Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr.andMrs Hrol Crw-Hamilton, were Saturday din- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp for, Bnd Svenarod MCawl ner guests at Mr. and Mrs. left Thursday for their home fod Bnnoyed va caping tnp taAllan Werry's. in Yorkton, Sask, after a 9Picton and along the St. Law- Miss Doris Wright, Oshawa, pleasant holiday with his bro- rence ta Brockville. Mr. Murray Axford, Hamptorn, ther, A. Sharp and family, Mrs. Ernest Freer is recov- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright and other relatives and fr1- ering nîcely from surgery in were with Mr. and Mrs. E. ends. Toronto's St. Michael's Hospi-_ Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters ;taI. She and Mr. Freer are Next Sunday. Sundlay Schaol and f a m ily, Bowmanville, eholidaying at their cottage will be at 10:30. No church Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, nearColdater serice.were Sunday evening visîtors - nea Col ile r serviceM. RyWry at Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue's. C r.Mlil riead M.RyWrv Saulte Ste. Mrs. T. M. Slemon visited Carol of Lindsay were visitors Marie, was a weckend guest Mrs. Syd Hoar, Tyrone, on with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. Heaslip. F. W. Werry. Mrs. Werry and __________ Mr. and Mrs. Budd Walker girls returned home with hirn and family attended the Walk- after spending holidays with er family picnic at Cameron. F.W. Werry and famnily. O IU R Mr. Harry Freelove of Mill- Rev. and Mrs. J. Plant and1 brook, an army pnal, called on sonMDavi, 1,4i--tn --were IIAM SAVERY 'R Vîsîtors witfl vrs. 1B. Sam- lýin198 ,and--DPôroth-y <(Mrs. elîs were: Mrs. Vera Meron Alex Barclay) in 1951. aid and Beverly of New West- r Surviving are two daugh- Lyons and Lori, Uxbridge, înson) and Grace (Mrs. Chas. and Miss Wilma Woltems. Yule), and two sons, Russel SunayAugst4th, at the Arnong the lovely floral home f Mr andMrs. Cecil tributes, evidence of the es- ýWiso, i hnorofMrs. Clil- teem in which the deceased for Hez, anieFaith and was held, were those from , Christine, of Fairviow, Penn- Starkville Community, Kendal A Lylvania, U.S.A., who are 'va- Friends, Sbiloh United Church I * 2 cationing in the district. The Women, and the Gunners' guests included Mrs. JaeWhit- Club. ney, Conneaut, Ohio, Mr. and The funeral service was Mrs. Lomne Lamb, Mr. and held on Wednesday, July 31, Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Mr. and from the Morris Funeral Cha- Mrs. Stuart Lamb and family pel, Bowmanville, and was & R K of Eniniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. conducted by Rev. R. C. White .H Bowmanville, Mrs. Beatrice in Omono Cemetery. Samelis, Nestieton, Palibearers were Messrs. ,Mrs. Norman Lyons and Lori, John Stone, Llewellyn Hallo-, ILET U~xbridgeM.adMs e- ýwell, John Murphy, Morley mani Rodman and Karen, Lit-î Robinsan. James Stark and fie Britain. John Stark. klUE1 riea 1j mll 1k Ali sajacis ,sji. ne,,.r wltn jttcflftBeno San Dressingi That'à why ft'@ a f avourit. with Dominion shopp.m. l4ow paxilcuiarly. when Dominion Counters are Ioaded wtth uummers delicious Fresh Fruit. yoWul want in keep an extra jar on hand for thase cool tempting fruit Salada your family likes n uchl Richmello Salad Dressing made ta Dominionsa own for- mula in Iower in cost and itts an ideal addition when servedi in sandwiche and in other t.mpt- Inq wayal Buy a jar this weeki * Guaranteed Qualify Meats GRADE A PRE-DRESSED ROASTING OR FRYING 21/7 - 3 lb. AVG. ,ý ili 11 mg Mre

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