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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1963, p. 2

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*0 The Canadian Staiesmnan, 13ommariWille, Aug. 7, 1983 iding st 50 Church Street, jrgial been inteddta h hlrnsCsuePr -_______________________ _______ 0wManville. 8 . athe M4usiewn woul ésl d ob hl ncrjnto The *blide, çwho attended Cu rfice H iC Jh* S ch o o l r1 S supporting, and sugsetawt h einCa>Io Sol ina Public anId Bownian- eAEON tèIortsol ;vileMig Shoosis - eg--Yité huseard soul aeti rdy vn .p4t ,stered Nursing Assistant and;11 1D " I itself accordingly rahr t n a py die d by he n villeon th eha fo f M e, is a l ReglG in gt h n ie raion m u e n th t t e c idr nWl1 Hospital, Bowmanville. ThieGradu3 E a e u fs hn$,0 e groom is an employee of th thaFn 1.000anya.Rceto DretorDu Bell Telephone Companv ani The following Grade 13 De- thirds~ and one credit. E.L.,GM.,T.,B.,LA.,L.C.F,'gFiac rup Rg.Fee eo attended Bowmanville Ce ntral partmental Examination re-b Councillor Huhe mvee Public Sehool and Bowman- suits were released this weer xmnto eut teMsu or sfrig vill Hig Shin. for Courtice High School. RAce H Bruce Lush H.acmitet eiemasta h etrb eerdt iville Higo Smaking.tRhArchsruH.selvidthanPolicea Committee witd Prort hrn~riae t'Legend: B- Botan -. Lois M. Ashton E C E L ofamaiMantheEC bride was guest of honor at Agera GA- German'Auth T', ,L ,L A RbetJ eisG supporting. andthtteeIportac.Tisw ar seea rG-Gra opýJo Anne E. Owen EC fore this problem ilbe'ed eealparties. A . ii n e n tos - GermanC ompsi-F.C. E.I, GM., T., Z., H., C., L.A., solved. shwegie b elo nr- inP PyîcGG- Geo-, Gene S. Balson E.C.. E.L., T.LC Complains of Ds :er, as ed a th oell o grap *Hsoy E-n- ai . rn ECEL.C.*Ptre LECG.,Acmlitwsrcie esw ahyComposto, EL-Eng- 1 a., G. reT., .C., . fr _ omplV ar, 158 MITr5. H-. Ormiston, Bowvman-;lish CoLoitionr, ET- Trig- aroi CGmle.EC.ET., B., P., C. ing JE.wV.nviAAe COWLING BAItER Prayer" heforp the cerenionv ,;ville. Mrs. J. Smales, Oshawa. om ert Z - lg L- rl.,GML.eC., FA.. .C., MrlnA icrE.. t Esaigthtcr as Sthandarndsned ofn Ienertine frens ad r]a Latin~ Authors. LC- Latin G.A., G.C. E.L., A., GiM.. T., P., C., F.A., îng on the road in fotu i Stnad o ikgldoiduri-ng the ceremony anri tives of the bride at a per- Composition. FA- French Charlotte M. Courtice Z., F.C. and white shasta 'munis form- when the register was beinig!sonal hoe.uthorswCeFecrCm... .RkkrEC. LA. . orman Ilanstone house stirs up dustad5n al rv eda trciestig osg~,OPerfect Love."' Miss Marjorie Couch. BOw- position, GM- Geometrv. Dav-id L. Cryderma E.C., C.. FAC... -* the verandah of his eîec thle mariage ini Eldad United, Given limrig vhrmnilhl ithn o tdnsicue a-CJames Rogers E.L., H., A.. Ct o cilo looedttdBySot Chueh n Studay Jue 9, athr, hebrie wrea floorshower and Mrs.. Joe Snow- ert Kazak with four first,ý Jane V. De Coe Z. G M., T., P.. C. ia epecudntepc 19M~, at 12 o'clock noon, Of ]ength gown o! white silk or-. den, Enniskillen, a cvp and tee eodi w hrs; Jh .DCeEC.EL,7. R oaEChat a miatter rortedb M&raýax-t Gail Bakcer, daugni- gaxiza over iilk taffeta, fash-, saucer shower. Mrs. Garnet Lois Ashton with two lirsts, Michael J. Dickens E.C., flavid C. Staintoni GG. >. telephonle orn Sunivnih ter of '.4-. and Mrs. Thos. C. .oned with a wide inset scal-'Riekard and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre six seconds, and one credit;' E.L., GM., T., Z., P. Donald Simmons E.C., A.,1 could be cleaired nuo Mn Baker, Hamptoni, and ýMr. ioped band of' Gui-pure lace were hostesses for a dinner Jim Rogers with four firsts,i Allan R. Fraser Z. G M., T. ' .,day morning. BarryEwr oln,.Olotiig te hg squa.-t, party and pantry shelf show- Iwo seconds and one credit;ý Norma L.Gern C.. Gary Tubb E.C., E.L., A., M r. a r honid me or of Mr. Pércy Cowling-, 80w- necklinr of the titted bodice er at Mr~.Rcçr~ oe .Pcr ihtofrtGC GM., T.. P., C., F.A., F.C. ~tesn i m hr mahville, and the laie MrsZ. and extending into long fitted Kingston Rd. E., Bo'wmanville. two seconds, two thirds andý Sherwood K. Kossatz E.C.' William M VaxiBelle E.C., - .Ih d bf Betty Cowling. s!eeves. Guipure lace Motifs; A dinner party and miscel- Ihree credits: C. Liptay, one Robert J. Kazak E.C., E.., E.L., B.. F.A., F.C., GG. . ' I n'en sweflt ntape Thle officiating clergyman also accented the verv bout- laneous shower was given by first, four seconds, two thirds A.. GM., T., P., C.. F.A., F.C. William E. Warburton E.C. ;ne lakthat heRod ad wat Rev. P. Page and th'? tant skirt. A coronet o! crys- Mr.GatDw.RR. ., ad two credits; C. Chumble%,, Ted Lambersky A. GM.,T. James Witidecombe B., Z.' . tereeteartmet h e dn 1 wedding- music was played by tals and seed pearîs caughtiBowmnanvjlle, and the ladietOfrss n second, fix-c CatherineB.Lpa FCFAFC.-'_ Miss Pal- Davis of Haniptol. lher shoulder length biIIowy02f Solina Community a2150;. ~-i' in other plac-es, andta Soloist Mrs. Lloyd Avre, Bow- tulle veil and h are ,hl iclaeu ,so~'rd eut lias been planned ta en h -manville, sang the *Wedding cascade bouquet of miniaturein the Community Hall. g3waetwbteeyhn -ý -1w1tè-arntios ad1cral annot be done litth ae wht antosFollowing the wedding reE -5 sweetheart rosebuds. hearsal, the wedding part - g - . ~"anilrF~rendIhv Miss Bey. Cowling, Bow- was entertained by Mm. andt otred the town sevea îe mnanville, twin sistrai' thei Mrs. Percy Cowling, Bow- nd given a full rep Ti groom, was maid o! honor and! manville. <Eued 'the bridesmaids were the !mee iofee t hjex brîde's sister, Miss Jean Bakeri Grade 13 Resuits Gibson, W.- Eng. Comp. Fng Lit. 11, Hist. Cr. Alg. Cr., 'Stree-ts Committee,an ePe e o! Hampton. and Miss Pat RICKARD - PASCOE Balow, A. - Eng. Camp. Cr. Bot. II, Zoo., 111, Fr. A. C., CIhrIstopher Robinon expet it wiIl then be1 rih VK.nox, also of Hampton. Thevo! hie Chr C., Eng. Lit. Cr. Gilbert, D.- Eng. it. 11 Fr. C. Cr-. edotoc n were li identically style, tnad arbîl -Eg apBo.C. o.C.-DeJon Ja--anie-..dCor.Il1, ,i tadrd f ht cr- araal D ng om.Bt.C.,Zo.C.Murphv, C. -Geog. Cre.g de E., e opL, - . SAVa frocs o sil oranzaove santnemums and gladioli was' Cr., Eng. Lit. Cr., Bot. 111, Greenwood, G.--Eng. Camp. Riekard, W.-PisC. H; K A; P.C; C; B; Z.' pol'~îlberwt lw tafet wih ull gtheedthe setting for the recear Zoo. 111, Geog. III. Cr., Eng. Lit. Cr., Alg. IL. Robinson, R.-- Eng. Camp. DeitWan E.C; ;Awlla'eiiond u, tfla wsirth , scoop n ei marriage in Zian United Barrabalt W.--- Grog. C.' Geom. 11, Trig. Cm., Physies III, Eng. Lit. III, Bat. I, Zoo. G M; C. Caxi-icîllor Ilooper dcae. VA T A E and short sleeves, with match- Church, when Pearl Ada Pas- Clarke, B.- Hist. Cr. Alg. III, Chem. 11, Geog. Cr. 1, Lat. A. Cr., Lat. C. 111, Fr. Elston Catîol- E.C; P; C; B;ý IayorieHabspntc ing self material mittens. coe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cr. Zoo. Cr., Physies Ct-.. Henderson, T. --Eng Camp. A.Cr.. Fr. C. Cr., Geog. Cm. z.- 'Ihteha beniordfrth 1961 Saratoga Th lttefoerglMs Frank H. Pascoe, Hampton, ýLat. A. Cr. Ci-,, Eng. Lit. 1, Hist. III, Bat. Tamblyni, J--- Eng. Lit. Cm,. Foran, Mai-- E.C; EL;Ih:Ilat the Rqad Su Wrennt 4-Dr. Laura Lee Smales, Oshawa, was united in marriage with' Colwell, D.- -Eng Camp.!III, Zoo, 11, Lat. A. III, Lat. Eng. Comp. Cr., Alg. Il, Geom.' F.A; F.C. T. K. Steat lnnd B Y S O T cosi-oDhebrd, asl David Moffatt, son o! Mr. and iCr,., Bot. Cr., Zoo. Cr., Ceog. C. 111, Fr. A. Cr., Fr. C. Cr. 111, Tmig. Cr~., Bot. II, Zoo' Forster, Antan- - A: G C tadosnie of this vokete Autornatie, radio, Powver miniature replica of the sen -ýMrs. W. Franklin Rickard, Cr-. Geog. Il. Ci-., Fr. A. Cr.. Fr.C c Carson, Anthoniy- E.C; E L;:hi wek o next I oud* steerlng, brakes, seats, one ior attendants' dresses, and Newcastle. Cotter, V. - Eng. Camp.! Hendr\-, C. Eng. Camip. Tiamnbly-n, R._-Eng. Lit.iA r ;F.A; F.C; P o)Wner, Iow mileage. Gleam- wore a head bandeau of Their double-ring ceremony ' Cr., Eng. Lit. Cr., Bot. Cr.,!,I11, En' Lit. Cr.. ýAlg. 111, Cir., Alg. 1, Cieom. r . . m, Gibbs, Linda- E.C; Cg; A; nien %vere busy with h ra bnit black. Clean, like new. ý flowers. The maid was eonducted by the Rever- Zoo. Cr., Geog. 111.., Geomn. I1, Trig. 1l, Physies 1, Fr. C. 11I, Physics 1, Chem. Il C. Z. Comuchill or Feemavdt incra ndt~end Percy Page. Mr. Frank Falts, M.- Eng. Camp. r Chemi. 1, Fr. A. 111, Fr. C. Cr., Tui-aisky, D.-- Eng Camp. Graham, Fred - E.C; E.L; ,muleing poram.OLLE TIO 1959% Plymouth bridesrnaids and flower girf Waltérs played the wedding Eng. Lit. 1. Bot. I, Zoo. 1, Lat. ý Geom. Il. 1l, Ejg Lit. Cr., Bot. II, Zo HLA;LC;F; tM.hoas andette erfrrdD T Savoy 4-Dr. 1 in ice green. Matching ,tlmuslc and accampanied Mr.,A. 1, Lat. C. 1, Fr. A. Il, Fr.' Holmes, R. - Eng Coimp. 1l, Chcm. Cr.. Fr. A. Cr., Fr. '1lne.Jy-i;è.teRasadSresCm Svy4D. ,headdresses trimmed with vel-!os Meteali' who sang '40 C. 1, Music I. Cm. Eng Lit. Cr.i' 11 CII eog. ~l ;O~Ci.,Muisic Cr. Hanisen, Barbara- EC; B;!niite This was secoddb cyl., standard, new paint. vet and satin appliqued petalsiPerfect Love" and "The Wed- Gibson. D. - Hist. Cr., Alg., Matai-, S.- Eng. Camp.' Tyccell, M.Eg Cm.C, Z. A letter r om e ltléJ~IfhJi were worn by the senior at.»ding Prayer". Cr., Geom. Cr., Physies Cm., III. Eng. Lit. 111, Hist. Cm., Eng. Lit. Cr., Bot. II, Zoo. Hately, Douig.las.-- E.C; Gg;. Counties Councilreadn 1958 Plmouth 1tendants. The maid o! honori Given in marriage by hiem: Chem. Cr., Geog. Cm. Alg. Cr., I'xig. Cm., Zoo. 111, ?licnei.: If, Lat. A. I1, Lat. C. P. uaieassmn 1958 Plmouth crried acascadeo! whitfather, t-le bride wore a full-! Gibson, G.- Eng. Lit Cr., Bot. Cm., Fr. C. Cr., Fr. à, .:i.' f1l, Fr. A. il, Fr. C. IIIIT-offmarin, KamI - H. eulzdassmn non U U T 1 4-Dr. shasta *mums and the cascade length gown aof white pure Geog. Cm. Mercer, S.--- Eng. C- p. Cr., WestheusrJ.- Bot :il Hughes, Brenton E.C. ethtBwail'sar stckshi'. bouquets o! the rdsas silk arganza with appliquesJonRss 852. Thiss recevdad NXTCLETO V8stcsht. and flower girl were formed o! Alencon lace .iewelled with ScJdoamsKne, orgef---o amoio bDpu. cil vllowshasa 'mnis. sequins and pearî ad e cod Gma-neyGog 1956 Plymouth o clwsat us turing short sleeves andi !F.A; F.C; :C .- .ReeSeesadCucloA. cr 1,16 Y Mr. Jae Markle af tshers' scoopcd neckline. The back sp A erDnl -EC C;P 2-Dr. bst an tewas accented by sel!f Ib rac 18o!te oalCn-830an were the hride's brother, Mc. fallîng into a chapel train. A~E M N Lander. .Iane- E.C: E.L; tht 18 fth Fheet eouefrm,~~C.Ronald Baker. Hampton, and'matchîng crytal tiara hed'i' -g5 -0,-H; Gg; F.A; F.C: B; Z.adnLgineustd . elghts, automatlcs and Mr. Lew Biekle of Bowman- hxbufatvi adseILandier, Richard- E.C; E.L; oiepoeto egvnt atndrd op codiin. vile carried a cascade ai' stephan-, by Ted Faitrey Stephen, on the nound forcouple of' circus catches In H: L.A; L.C; F.A; F.C; C. 1956 Ford2-Dr. ThS reception was heldinotis, camellas and ivy. o! Sehnfesordfu the winncrs ilung a neat two- centre-field ta save the shut-Ia .Du1s EC E;th Tr d b thegust wrc ecivd y te riewasmaro o h n . ýdrùtis in the f îtterandwas norntol ilphcn's, as they bath McDonald, Marilyn---P. Join teT Oethe bride's mother who wore or, and the bridesmaidts weTfe- n and added another run Grnt i ans haîts w ent a anot foraSe oefrxta MsnThm -E.;.L 1955 Chev. 4-Dr. a pawder blue silk crepe Mrs. David McCu11otyh idfl e fourth ta shut-out Bîîî inal ad RIfav Cr n, a se woud h oe foexdgter Msn'hms-- .;EL sheath with lace bodice, pinlj Mrs. Ronald Dickinson. Their' Biu ards 5-0 at the High mtrFat.IBîIs anbs.WehpthdaugltrH;B;B;ZeAlCC 2-tnegren ait. tad- hegrom' sepothm ac tI1&' mflgstThs avethFlir ~troops togetherlo! the Ftîeîer's manager Paull Meeks, Jai'îe - -E.C; etrLvn Belafr, 6 cyl., radio, ncw bat and accessories. To assist dresses, similar tp the brij School grounds Iast Thumsday and gt on the wînning side Cha ît is feeling better as she Osborne, Mary Ruth INSECI TH -t gree hift. ery Sandca. atwgrompiece pastebucm-osiîk rest e t-l !?t y a20Iead Tingaes theFestfrn aerwshul tI \a tuc nt e ceby aF.C. ard shif. Very cran car a two pece pasel blue m- shavehâantuexfefftncoseca esvonanauribail ethat onent bastrayt duringtra Rickamdcka Donaldld-E.C; EEL; broidered inen dress with necklilh , bt si s nîbands. GranRobrngonmCheistopher -' AI UI white accessories. Bath wome bell 1 £jr± ey each wore Playing without the services carnations. Ü_ EàcUva of plhk Cowle and George Joncs, BilI's lPC.NWH OE Pô1 1R A 1 'llowing the recèéti ntlèahW itý itibnjà. couldn't contain the onrush-,! O .P . V ote onl Samis, Larmy -- E.C; E.L; SALES~ happy couple léft b1 lane for Mr. William Rickard, neph- jing mien from Stephen's. i CgA; Gmn; t; P; C. A - i-1~oeyîpon -4a Vancouver, ew of the brîdegroom, was Temmy Black, Grant Wright FO AEOE3 U ~ iR hcltn rc- EC Lu. - PLYMOU.TH -eturninÈ via Banf! and Cal: bcst man and the uÈhers werc1ýand Bob Abbott reachcd base' all the Public Schaols la town 1 Çeep F E.L; H; L.A; L.C; P; B. VÀLJ.AJel' DODGË ger'y for. The Stampede. For Mr. David McCullough and ~err asatteinn.dnring the sumrmer and seel Spammow, Judithana- L.C; 2 0 ik Street Eait tra~velling the bride worc a M. Ronald Dikinson. !lxBack scooted homeanaps what amounts they are pa-- 'OM PAGE ONE) P;Z dress with wvhite accessariesHapo Hlwhr th free pas-, ta laad the basesiwouid bp opened." addta 200sgaue E;A xx .C -DIand corsage oi' white orcli d bride's mother received, weam 'again. ýJiggs" Cowling, who' Councillor Hoxiper said thât S uainciiesae ayobrie EC L ac2dress with matching beige ýthis seies sa far, plated one heating systemn in the new taiacd in favor of sweep- Tomlinson, George - E.C.CH CE0 SEEA PLN accessories and a corsage aornf iha igltnd i 1sho asa oidtoe'stakes.VaNs Kigly-S;NERNHA MOTAE rudlwcmatos sit ng' ige n col a narcodtoeS.C; F.A; F.C. NE was thw ebrierom s mt-hecCoyie -pomptly singled div- which completcly changes tb-ci Wp hope to keep much VntnHln-EC L wstebiero' ohring in two more ruas. "Lefty" air every 10 minutes. "Whei-i.needed prize maney at home 'bVA; FA; Fevii .C; B; .LN;.A prvdLos nPoer dres wit whie acessoies righ's bse ii the fourth wanted the air changed a win-lout o! Canada into other coLiIi E.L; A; Gai; T; F.A; P.C; P; C. ,adacorsage of pink carna- Ia round out the scoring. Me! dow was o>pcned," hie me-1tries. Surely aur own hospi- Vreln onlu .; dvso hc scmltl evcdwt Wtrns.lCass nad, t pt h eway ontf o uncli, aaak d !tu oucls and hrte millins emueCreis .; dvso h W A L L PA PERF Forth honcymoon trip ta recovered after a shaky st-art " ut i ig timne that this[tians cequire these maiinis'Wîes ay P.sres ee n worc a thre-piee white'as his makeshift nteld seem- also, ooked into S h Do l'applicable here- 'charity be-1 Watson, Ted - A; G m; T; -CNA French boucle suit, rose flac- cd ta be ail thiîmbs. George Board spndn. wl 1gnsathme'Mr.Higi']e- F.A; PC; P; C. ai hat, white accessories adsciig îlsup-~Sa O. r gn Werry, David_- E.C: E.L; matcbng stin owpoad- el oard and n og t er aeprthativa the ognzanC; DB E E R a corsage o! mcd rases. The'ue rî-xai.îadtey pr nyn iîigt o 1tsatedtti th oganizaiouBpZ roupie are making their home iiead% t n ywOe the Bowmaaville P u hi1 i c, atWtigt ai up r Wight, Grat- E.C; E.L; inNosatl.s M.from rpeetaie f A; Cm; T; F.A; F.C. D 100 P A T T R N S T O H O O S E F R M in N e castle.i rcsses. A l the attendan ts h ch h ve m un e t id - fede mal g ve com en t. ' n m h m d ey E C L U L E Out o! town guerti weeiwihhv one or - oitBaly-EC S presenit from Sarnia, Petr camid cascaide bouquets a!' culons scims and are decided-' Dcpîiy -Reevte Ross Ste'- 'Cm; T; F.A; P.C r; c. -~baron gh, Kingston, Port Ccc- pale "'ellow and white carna- îy out of hand," Couincillai'; ens, secondcd, by Councillor: Tc. R DUCED Up ,z Telephone 623-22__A16-A- ,3ion, 1 acne thcmssories, an'd corsage aof ý>RiM PAGE ONE, Courci " 'Hoope "'" dby, Councillor Haapeî', second- K tx1X nerklixie and wais t, anid th bî'onze roa:es. Tbev willce-,wider vision o! their pachia- ibat Coauncil endorse Operation ed by Couxîcilior Hughes.200KotEac beil-shaped skirt was -dcsign- side at 45 Wavemtv'Rd., Bow- mentamy duties, ai-d a greaterCnda Septk. hsDpctl ~eenexTiAsSME Pd wit-h hack fullxiess flowing manville. se'ase ai' purpose ia providiîig xvas seccaxded by Couacilior - ar m to! Higbwax%?s giv-i __ __ ~ ~ ~ g . la~ito a chape! train fx'om a A tcac'her ai Centr'al puhIc Ithe citizens ai' Canada wih x nl k xd Cu ictlr xg approval of the Scî1pple- N xe a5m Cen .511 - -',thmee-t-îer bustie at thbe back Se boa . Bowmanville, t-b&!satîd and cealistie admiýaAnis- Wcs e ieaskd uf lor r mentamy RoadH Expendittire oznaS ~ NiW PAINT BRU8K waist-linc. Hem elbow îleagt-b bridp attrnded Bowmaax'ilie'tration. 'corded x'ote. yi amoun once27,250 xi g the Desert FlowerD o .< Vle*10 bouffant veil tlfr11 rm apeau Public and High Sehools, andlThe 1963.eaîî ference, ecoin-i1The voie xxas as foîîows: el amo nd a! $7.250 a moton de soie pilîbox headpiec.e]us a graduate ai' Peterbomoughîmencixig on Aug. 11 th, and exeSdyLtteCucî'ivdadiedo amio Ballet Trollet Tsu 5 9 HETHER IT COSIS ào OR $50. adorned with or-gaxiza rose-:Teachers' College. The groom -iding an Aug. I 7tb, wihl I SdnemLitke, CounHges, by Deputy- Reeve Stevenis, bdad she carried a cas- is a drafisman and is employ-ihave as its headquactecs th orclo opradM scxddb onllrOe ~ 3 I Dnki PantBruti leoercade bouquet ao' deep pink cd ixi Toronto. He attend d bcLgislat-ive Building a t-Regteunava Hb il o-ead Yayor A !ett-er fmom t-be Bowmaa-' Ex-ai roses Pon Buh lanre iaIva bsalvte eDe-iville Museum Board request--'A ai 3 1 rssanid stephanotis. scbool in Holland.« ýwîth t-be Saskat-cbewan Gav- put-y-Rceve Stevens and Coun- 'ing t-bat- catncil t-urn aver t-o dobs nbt restore your old Miss Joanne Tukkec o! Hol- The groomn's parents came.emament acting as hast. clo ievte a.,tb oc' ak acut Aika Seltzer-- - - - 8 6 ]and, sister ai't-be groom, was, fcom Holland t-o attend the, la addition taot-be conter- --- $1,000 o! t-be Museum FundSpa mad !boo adt-b rds eda.Oto-ongestsence ltset!, theme witl be an for t-be use ai' the board at Aiet V 51.9 .O Imaids wcre Mms. Cary Croe- at-ended tram Toronto, Sca-extensive bus tour ai't-be pro- I I AI hIis t-ure was received. A pro- 4ever weakens ... use acai neveld anid Miss Nellie Ver- baraugb, Wbltbv. Blackstock, vince. Points ai' interestin vvna vv ec s ed budget for 1963 hicli Abrov 5S a pc1<~ ~ ind again. Cleans an>' colour both oft owrnanvile. Thcy' Showecs honored the bcid-"1ash mines at Esterhay, t r heII betimaes t-e totl abingte t-a t - OSe 5Lot aid point sinks ta bottom were - in pastel green dresses, prior ta ber marriage. A mis- 1uw ais oe Devet- E ast W all ofr Com the 1 o±to bqe$ ai' silk orgaxiza aver ia!!eta cellaneotis siio\er w'as gix'enopmcnt, Prince Albert Park,,pIstegvrmn à1 Drta Ttb ýt-h ell-shaped skirts and bx' Misses Barbara Keyes plus t-begovemnmePargrnt Dritari Tdbs - 1.25 1.0 ii eceandr eat of P ark amstsn.wa ecod pa hort-seeved lace jackets, Mary Ana Lawsox-,tcces'xdtb itya akton ihw~ urcn Councillor 'Clenbhouî-ue Iu- Dtistan S125 1white acessacies and wh it-e ai Central Sehool. MisSi JO- Some fitteen tapies wilI be gbeF, seranded by Conacillor wxedding ring bat-s with short anne TLIkker and Mrs. G. uxider discussion wit-b Ont-aria The vast xxaH ai' t-be Tie Fiee, moved that t-be Museum Fctsteeth 6eS net xeils. The bcide's sister, Ccoeneveld xxeme hostesses f'or beinc respoasible for twa ai' Pentecostal Clburch, Liberty Boa-d's request be granied. WEILL CLEAN IPÂINT ORUSH FREE! \Miss M a r g a ceP t Vermeulen, a kit-eben sbower attended by these, namely: "~The Rela- Street Saut-b, coliapscd on Sun-1 This was carried. Deput-- Bowxmanville, was junilar !riends au-d relatives, tions o! thbe Pacliamentariari'day aftemnoon at approxirmate-I1Reexe Stevens said t-bat be FRIDAY, AUGUST 9tb - 1 p.m, to 9 pa.. ridesmaid, and t-be ttower. The groom \vas presented t-o the Civ-it Service", and, lY t-ree a'clock due t-o t-be wonders if t-be Museurn Board IW L ATRDAAGSI J rn .n girl was lit-fie Miss Alice Tuk- with a sum of' moaev by bisl"The RaIe o! a Permnanent *weekend's high winds. Estim-ihas given axiy thougbt as t-a SATURDAYAUGUS 10t - 6p.m. ker o! Oshawa, a cousin a! !ellow xorkers ina Toronto, 1Speaker in Our Parliament-ary!lat-ed eost o! ruined mat-ecigli s!how long t-le Museum Fund JR PAIT nd t-be groom. They were in'axid a family part-y was heidlISystem." one tapie, whieh $30)0. 'Iofycar tram itanis caitixi ued$ta000URREXA1,50TOa àALPAP r gaio x'erof a eta i'siko- o he c ouplexi het-ti-hes' e-' should be most timely and in-; Rex'. S. A. Grant, pastor ni hs i 1.0 to$150 rck ! ae eio il r-fr -e opl he ifs teet-n i ie aicecn tb Pn-eota nuc hrIeusdfoIxpose.Head hnefUN3A 33 Kinig st.IV. Bowtmanvillc itb full skirtF, short sex~ Fallowing the weddixig re-:dex'elopmetuts at Ottawa. i.3 said lht h be disappointed, cd t-bai tbe fund nov. inuf,. 2 K,.,u Si. E. and higblight-ed at-t-be back becarsal t-be ucoam's anal and "The 1ndemnity axid Retire- but nt disheaciexied by'vt-bet-o about $20.000. waist-lines by bows. Satin rose, uinele rnîecîaiaed t-béwd-men' Provisions for Pachia- accident, the delay in caxistrue- i t was point-criont hv ihp applique accent-ed t-he neck- ding part-y. mentarians". Lion, and addit-ional costa. Deput-y-Reeve that it had

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