vfflage Iast Wednesday, cafl- I Ing on friends. Mr'. and Mrs. Peter Glas- Socil & J)erona bergen and baby are on a' Socil e esona holdaytrip to the U.S. t__________________ Misses Kafhy and Cindy El- Phone 623-3303 liott spent several days wifh Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MeGahey, ______________________________________ ort Hope, last week. Mr'. and Mrs. H. G. Darch which he is a niember. Whild r n Ms i. ade of Seaford, Long Island, N1.,ini New York, the feaxn played and his daughter and son-mn- are vlsitinig Mr. and Mrs. Wl several exhibition games. 'law, Mr. and Mis. Raymond toi'Oke Kin St Eas. M. an Mr. DoaldTay Bowman of Chicago, called on ter keKin St Eas. M. ad Ms. Dnal Ta. jMrs. G. W. Joncs on Tuesday. Mis. N. C. Yellowlees, Town,! lor of Lifford were visited 1Mr. Laidley, in his eigbfies, and Mr. A. L. Cation, Tor- last week by Mrs. Taylor's'made the trip fe see the bouse onto, spent two-week's vaca- brother, Mervin Eaton, hiswhrhimoerteomr tion witb Mr. arid Mrs. Ivan wife Ruth arid twiri sons Don- Nawhre icy Jos, was bormer Ellicott, Pet erborough. nie arid Dougie of Seattle, Newtonville girls played in The Canadian Order of For- Wash. They were acconipan- esters, Court Venture, 50-50 ied by their parents, Mr. and Bowmanville last Wednesday Draw for July ini the sum of Mrs. Elwvood Eaton of Toi'-I niglit, losing to the latter 6-3. $17.50 was won by Carol onto. Miss Janice Morton, Centre- Roberts, 26 Duke St., Town. Eighty-six-year-old A. F. ton, is spending this week Mr. nd Ms. lenhlmeCox of Oshawa celebrated his with ber cousins Kathy and Hughes anid family have re- July l2th birtbday at Long CnyElot turned home from Scugog Is- Beach, Sturgeon Lake. Mr. Mr. P. J. Rowe, Janetvifle, land where tliey have been Cox, well known locally, fed was calling on friends bere vacationing at their cottage. the saine morning and was recently. Little Louise Purdy spent rushed to Oshawa General Mr. and Mrs. Bilil Stacey the weekend with ber mater- Hospital, He suffered a frac- and family are spending this nal ranparnts Mi. ai tured pelvis anid is stili in week at Stirling, with Mr'. Mrs. Glenholme Hughes, athsitlndMsCaise Cedar Shores, Scugog Island. Mr-. and Ms. E. J. Rundie Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Han- Miss Audrey P. Spicer is returned home last week froîn cock and Mr'. Morley Han- spendirig a few days witli an enjoyable month's holiday cock, Peterborough,. were out Mis Mailn Rvoi, obalt, in Ojai *Valley, Calif., where this way Friday. before rsing erstuieshey visited the latter's bro- Oui' local boys' teani piayed at Peterboroughi Civic Hospi- te rdsstri-aMr. host to the Janetville teain and Mrs. G. W. Osborne and Thursday night and lost f0 Vicor an family. They were accom- the visitors 11-6. Mr'. and Mrs.VitrHn panied by Mrs. Jessie Ruridlie A family gatherlng was held cock, accompanied by Mr. and and Miss Ruthi Osore. nFiayasatteborneo Mis. Roy Kellett of Oshawa, ess oliRcad n Mriad Ms. C hetomerofn spent a very pleasant week's Msr.Hr ihrsadM.adMs lno rw holiday at Rosedale on Balsam Reg Harding recentîy return- in honor of the lSth wedding Lake. e frorn a fwo-day visit on anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mr ad rs onYelo-the fanm of Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson, who Mres and Micheleo ftalwa, Harry Rose at South Bay were presented with a set of cesadlMrshonleSundawa, near Piet on. Mrs. Rose, the lawn chairs. were cleso udywt former Helen Worden, wished Mi Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees anid to be remembered to ail lier M. Bud Joncs arrived frorn also Mi'. and Mrs. Frank relatives and friends in town Edmonton, Friday, to joi bis ~Wright. and 'the surrounding arca wifc and family bere, af bis Bowmanville Public Library Mr'. anid Mrs. John Killeen ohrs Aduit Section, bas just enrol- and children have returncd Mi'. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- led ifs 1000'th member. Mis. aftcr spcnding two pleasant mer and family, Islingfon, John Rice, No. 1000, reccived weeks af Williams Point, werc Safurday evening visit- an Atlas as a gift from the Lake Scugog. Last Saturday, ors xith Mr'. and MrsQ. F. Gil- Library Board. Mr. and Mrs. Killeen acconi- mer. Weekend guests wifh Mi'. panied lier parents, Mi'. and Messrs Roy Smith and Bart and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King St. Mrs. Harvey Aiken, Tom anid Ton were bofh borne froni con- East, wcre the former's sis- Barbara, Millbrook, to the struction work for the week- *tr and brother-in-law, Mi'. Wyrozub - Vasey wedding in end. Wd Mrs. H. J. Farneil and Oshawa. Saturday evening visitors nmily of Shewsbury, Mass. Mi'. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke ;ith Mi'. and Mrs. Reid Wood Mrs. Howard Foley, Mr. were Sunday guests of Mi'. included Mi'. and Mrs. Jack end Mrs. E. W. Foley, and and Mrs. AI. Elliott and son, Pye-Finch, Scarborougli, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarenice Bell Steven, Whitby. Sunday after- Mr'. and Mi's. George Felgate, and daugliters, Karen and noon ail visitcd Mi'. and Mrs. Unionville. Pafsy, visitcd Mrs. Eva Bart- Norman Gimblett at Colum- Mi'. anid Mrs. Laurie Staple- lett, Brooklin, on Saturday. bus. Saturday guests wif h ton o! Toronto, spent the Mi'. and Mis. Harry Osborne Mr. anid Mrs. Clarke were Mi'. weekerid nt Mi'. George Staple- of Detroit, Midi., are visifing and Mis. Wes Ellîott and ton's. his mother, Mrs. R. E. Os- grandson, ail of Oshawa, and Mr' and Mrs. Phil Gilmer borne, and bis sister Miss Monday guests wcre Mr'. and and -Blaine spent the week- Louise Osborne, Ciurch St., Mrs. Norman Gilbert of Ux-~ end at Ridgeway and Niagara and also other area relatives, bridge. Falls. Holiday visifors witl Mi'. Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Su mers- Churcli service Sun da y anid Mis. Art Marjerrison ford, Bll and Steven attend- morning was in charge o! Mi'. were Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Hock- ed King St. United Churcb, R. Goheen of Newcastle, re- lng of Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, on Sunday morning presenfing flic Gideon Society. ]Ray Lubta and son Bill, and wlicn Mrs. Sumei'sford's ne- Next Sunday the guest speaker Mrs. Andrew, ail of North phcw, M\1. Edward Whitc, will be Mr'. A. H. Sfurrock Bay. conducted fthc service as as- of Bowmanvillc. Miss Tina Kooy, daugliter sistant minister. Mr'. Whitc Decoration Service will be of Mi'. and Mns. Fred Kooy will be pei'form~ing dufies Of beid in the affennoon at 2:30 leff by plane on July 30tli f0 fli churci durîng flic monfi at Lakcvicw Ccrnetery, witli spend a montb's vacation in o! August. Following flic sei'- the Salvation Army Band in the souti o! Roland with ber vice, Mr'. and Mrs. Sumners- attendance. grandmoflicr and other rela- fond werc dinner guests .o! Flowers in the churcli, Sun- tives. ber sister, Mrs. Chas. White, day, were in memory o! the Miss Kafby Gartner, Toi'- and Mr. Edward Whit e. laf e Mi'. Wm. Savery, whose onto, and Miss Roscmary Go- funeral fook place on Wcd- lheen, Town, are on a 17-day ,,,, nesday. conducted train four, traveil- NEWTO NVIiLE Mrs. E. Duncan and Mr. ing as lai' wcst as Victoria, Bill Duncan, Hamilton, wcre B.C., and other points o! f in- Mr'. Bruce Ellioft Jr. and Sunday visif ors with Mr'. terest. Mr'. David Bowen o! Bow-, Wayne.Elliott. Mr'. and Mrs. Harvey Joncs manville, enjoyed a trip te Mr'. Raymond Bruce visit- and famly and Mr'. and Mrs. Atlantic City, last week. ed with Mi'. and Mrs. Hilton IE. A. Joncs bave rctuic isIa ap !Toi'- Avery and family af Balti- froni a deiglifful two-week onto was a recent visitor with mreSunay.r asnTr vacation et Summer lan d ber cusnMiss Olive John- otors ai onieWanoi'-te Lodge on Lake Paradise i the ston otwsawekn iio Highlands o! Haliburton. wif h Miss Bertha Thonipson. Newtonville girls enterfain- Mi'. and Mrs. Don Ellioft Mrs. Jack Childs aftended cd flic Onono team bere onl and girls with Mi'. Dave Den- the wedding o! ber sister, Miss Monday evening with flic re- auit were Suriday visitors ]Donna Malanuck, and Mi. suif 11-10 for fthc locals. witli Mr. and Mis. Ron Bun- Last Sabert. i ndTrsto Mi'. and Mrs. Win. MeLanc ley, Port Hope. Cls atcdcd flir. aeption and family have sold tfil'Mi'. Ai! Graliam o! Toronto Cndsdatnceed Stueraeein-hm at flic wesf end o! tic is spending a week with Mr. ang.ac el auda vn village and moved to New- and Mis. Wilfred Wood. i.anMi.CforMa- cast le. Mrs. Mary O'Neill and liMa and Ba lifrry, Flet Mrs. Ken Ware of Toronto Maurice attcnded tlic fanerai St,, and Mrs. Percy Macklin, spent a few days last week in Port Perry, Monday affer- Fenila spnt n ejoyblewihber mother, Mrs. Lena noon o!flice laf e Mi's. Wm. honlay ipn flic St. Larcne OenO'Neill, grandmotber of Maur- Seaway district, and visiting Master Peter Henderson ac- ice. iior it r relatives in Detroit and Royal companied Mr'. and Mrs. R. and vis rue itowtb i'.d )SkMihian Aldread and famihy o ri dMi'. and Mrs. J. Pender- M chidgan. Ch'fs0t the Seaway last weekanJmeMsE.Nr- Mn. nd Ms. Cianls y' IMi'. and Mrs. Clive Cox -and I gist nJaeMsE.Ns- v-no ssx+vsfc heirfaiy ehoidayîng-, -infic 1worthy, Oshawa, and Miss Little Brother,. Big Sister The charming children shown in the above photo are littie Bruce, il months, and sister Janet, 27 months, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brown, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. They are grandchildren of Mrs. J. T. Brown, Browview, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and Mrs. Harry Pollock, Bowmanville. Proud great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown of Orono. ________________________________________Photo by Astor Studio Started in 1946 History of Local Radio Related ai Rotary Club An informative account o! ced thaf flic O. F. Robson the bistory and operafion of Memnorial Bell had been sent Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa, on by if f0 flic Stneftsvill o and radio in Canada gener- t ary Club. aliy, was given by Gordon The guest speaker was in- Garrison, the president, at flic troduced by Wilfned McMecli- lunclîcon meeting o! tic an. He said fliat Mr. Garri- Bowmanville Rotary Club on son, flic president of CKLB, Friday af the Fhying Duteli- was born and educated ini man Motor Motel. Brandon, Manitoba, and that The birfhday o! Bll Thies- be bad startcd in flic radio burgen, cliairman of flic Crip- business at CKX flicre 20 pied Chihdnens Comînittce, years ago. was celebrated by bis feilow Gord Ganrison canme east f0 Rofarians. Bernard Holden become associatcd with CKER, was in charge o!flice football Kitchener, in 1945, Mr. Mc- draw, and the winner was Mechan said. "In 1948 he join- Wilhis Barrabaîl, Orono. cd CKBO, Oshawa, and bas Gucsts present at flic lunch- since puncbascd this station, con meeting wcre Hub Hoop- which is now CKLB," hie ci', Brantford; Rcv. John Van addcd. Hanmelen, Whitby; Harold Mn.Grio i h a Gully, Toronto; Burt Waters, tional Director o! Public Re- Ajax; Alex Hogg, Woodbnidgc, lations foi' fli Kinsmen Clubs, and Alex Andrcw, Wbitby. The president, Dr. G. Ed- and a past president o!flice win Mann thariked ahi flic Oshawa Kinsmen Club," Mn. members for the work they MeMechan stated, and lie bad accomplislicd on flic Ro- spoke o!flice gucst spcakcr's tary Christ mas trees, and active intcrest in ail phases of stafcd thaf the pruning lias service clubs activities. riow been almost complctcd. Mn. Garnison fold flic Ro- Don Morris, flic seccetary of tarians that radio ini Canada fhe club, fold of a letter ne- sfarfed in 1919, and CFCF, ccived fromn fli Cooksville Monfreal, was flic firsf radiol Rotary Club which announ- station in this country. ln 1920, 12 more radio stations came EInto being, he said. E T'71ZABE T TTT LE "The numben fCnda radio stations continued f0 Suriday sehool and church gnow until at thec oufbrcak ofý services wcre heid as usuai. Woi'ld War II in 1939 there Mi'. Don Whitbred o! Oshawa were 65 privaf e stations ini gave an excellent sermon on operafion in addition to flic building ourselves, using a CBC. foundaf ion o! God witl ipli- After flic wan, tic greaf lars of faifli, hope, love, tam- growtli in fthc total of radio ily circie and prayer, toppcd stations resumced, and now lias witli a roof o! righteousness. risen f0 205 pivate AM sta- Nexf Sunday tlic service wi,j1j ions, plus 30 FM privateiy be at Garden ii. openated. stations, lic stated. On Friday evening flic "Television came on tic comrnunity gatbered af flic Canadian scene 10 yeans ago basernent o!flice churcli to when a T.V. Station in Sud- present oui' recent bridai bury was opened. This caused couple, Mn. and Mrs. Avorys, drastic changes in broadcast- n,, orth ullcrrew uilh ing. The rmairi radio adventis- gi!ts. Rev. Wright acted as cliairman for a prograni of readings and musical nunibers by Misses Barbara and Nancy Walker, Evehyn and Doris Beatty, Joan and Helen Trw son.. An address f0 flic couple ri?.~Yev was rcad by Mis. H.Wht BETHANYand tiey were prcscntcd with a coffee table, a floor lamp Mn. and Mns. Frank Marti- and a large picture. Sharon chenko and !amuhly spent tic Tnew read flic addrcss for thie past week at Timmins visiting charivari gang and tliey wereý with Dr. and Mrs. Bill Marti- pîesenfed with an ironiig' cienko. board. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Reid, Mrs. V. Waifers is vlsiting Rcv. Reginald Rose and Mns. friends and relatives in Owen Rose were at Huntsvile foi' Sound this week and will at- the holiday weckcnd. tend flic Walters picnic on Mi'. and Mns. Thomas Jen- Monday. nings spent flic past week on Mr'. and Mns. M. MeAlister holidays motoring flirougli and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty tic Algonquin Park district. motoned f0 Forestry Falls and ,Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Monk O! visifed with Mi'. and Mrs. H. Peterborough accom p a n ie di Hawfhorn, recently. flier. Miss Muriel White, Toronto, jPte. John Jackson, who lias was home for flic weekend. been wifh flic Canadian Army Mr. John DeKoker, Allis- at Gagefown N.B., was homel ton, spent flic holiday at for the weekcnd witli lis par- 1Tbickson's. ents, Mi'. and Mns. Vincent Mi'. and Mrs. Harold Sow- Jackson. Miss Sandra Aliren den, Osaca, and granddaugi-1 o! Toronto is also flic guesf fer visited with Mi', and Mrs. o! flic Jackson !amily for this C. Beatty on Sunday. weck. Mi'. and Mns. Clarence Beat- Mn. Bill Gerow of Peter-1 ty have been in Port Hope, borougli was flic guest speak-,most o!flice week, cleaningi i' at flic United Churci Sun-! and fixing their house. I day nîorning service. iMi'. and Mns. A. Sfec re-1 Donald Scoftt, Newburgh,ltuiried home from a trip f0 spent the past week with hils Nw York and Piladelphla. parents, Mn. andl Mrs. Addi-J After fie presentafion on son Scott. Frîday evcning, sevenai cars Mrs. Laura Spiers, Toi'onfo,imotored f0 Osaca and cliari-1 was flic guest o! Mi'. and Mrs. varied Mi'. and Mrs. Haroldl [Walten Neals for the lioliday Sowden. weekend. Congratulations arc exfend- Miss E v c 1 y n McKinnon,' cd to Hazel Muhdrew on lier iMont neal, Que., is home for recent marniage f0 Bill Mc- f wo weeks' vacation witi lier Karon. parents, Mn. and Mrs. James Mi'. and Mrs. Don Whitbred MeKinnon. anid baby, Oshawa, witl fiel Mrs. Robent Gilmour and Muldrcws af Sunnyside. lier son Teri'y, Alan Waffing A smalfan pup, male. with o! orotoMi. and Mns. Non- two white front feet was man Neais, Elmvale. visited !ound at Newcastle Beachi on with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cari' Sunday. Ow;ýner pîcase phonie during the weekend. Garden HM 126J11. iing time is riow froinsevefi to nine a.rn. and six to seven p.rn. Prior to TV, seven to il was peak radio tirne. Mr. Garrison spoke of the many farnous radio progranis of bygone years, and rernark- ed that many present day young people have neyer known the fine radio drarna- tic prograrns of the past. He said that the music pro- grams from CKLB have been particularly xell received, and other programns are plan- ned that appeal to people of ail ages. In 1946 an application was made to Ottawa for an A.M. radio station to be set up in Oshawa, and ini October of that year permission was granted. This was CKBO, then a 100 watt station. Mr. Garrison informed thec Rotariaris that the original Oshawa radio station occu- pied the present Corvair Rooni at the Genosha Motel. In 1949 it was moved fo, an old house on Centre Street, and CKBO became CKLB, a 250 watt sta- ttion in 1950. This was increas- ,ed to 5,000 watts with the )Ibuilding of the CKLB trans- mitter near 401 highway and Courtice road in 1955. It was boosted to 10,000 watts in k1959, the speaker declared. )The CKLB F.M. station wvas Cestablished in 1957, and botb CKLB stations now operate 24 ihours a day, Mr. Garrison said. He pointed out that CKLB is a complex organiza- ttion, and bas 24 employees. Forbes Heyland moved a svote of thanks to Mi'. Garrison .for his interesting address. 7President Marin also extended his personal thanks to Mr. 'Garrison and presented liii wvith a copy of "Seven Paflis to Peace," a Rotary Interna- 1tional publication as a sou- -venir of his visit f0 the Bow- -manville Rotary Club. MAPLE GROVE Mi'. and Mrs. Dan Coates BeInap, Belleville. and sons, Byron and Calvin, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Marrie Port Onedit, Mn. and Mrs. B. and boys spent Sunday witli Linfon, Brantford, were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Souci at day caliers on Mrs. L. C. Twin Lake. Snowdcn and Bob. Mn. and Mis. Cliester MMhi Mn. and Mis L. C. White (nec Barbara Hughes) have and Mn. Elwin Wlitc spent moved f0 their ncw home on fthc wcekend af flicir cottage King Street, Oshiawa af Twrin Lake. Mrs. Robf. Jarvie a.nd Mis. Mn, and Mis. John Hopps, Bob Botliwell spent one day Sacramento, Cali!., wcne din- lasf weck in Haliburfon, vi*sit-j ner gucsf s on Satunday witli ing flic forme's son, wifc andi Mr'. and Mrs. F. R. Stevens. !amihy, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon! Mrs. H. R. Foley, in com- Jai'vie. pany witli Mn. and Mrs. Char- Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bell- ence Bell and girls, Mn. and man, Mr. and Mrs. Don Han- Mrs. Ernie Foley, Bowman- nali, Bowmanvilhc. v 1 s i f e d ville, werc Saturday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie wifh flic fornîcr's sister, Mis. Collaeutt and Mi'. and Mns. S. T. Bai'fletf, Bnookliir. Ted Hoan and !amily, one day Mn. and Mis. Orval Ashton, 1 hast week. Enniskilhen, wcne Sanday visi-1 Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Mai'- tors witli Mn. and Mrs. Gor-i tin, accompanied by theirý don Beecli.1 aunt, Mrs. R. L. Worden,ý Mr. and Mis. Cccii Milîs' Borwranville, wcrc Saturday I and family, and !niends, spentI visitons witli Mn. and Mrs. hast weck at Head Lake. 1 Howard Wesley and boys, Miss Helen Stevenson, Glas- Bevnfn gow, Scofland, spent a few: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free- days iasf week mrifli Mrs. R.1 man were dinnen gucsts with' Jarvie. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Allun and; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stevens ifamuly on Sunday. Mn. Free-' spent a !ew days hast week' man was pneaching at flic visifing thein daugliter and United Churdli, Newcastle, or.' son-ia-law, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Sunday monning. Topping and boys, Barrie. Misses Sahly and Debbie[ Tlicy also visited Mn. and Mis: Rice, Mitchell's Square, are, Frank Olliffe, Stouffville. visiflflg with flicir sisten and Mns. Robt. Jarvie visitedhushand, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.ý Mns. Wihmot Prouse and MI' Dubeau.' Charlie Prouse. Newtonvilie,'. Miss Lynda Matin _la cn- last week. Cs Mr. and Mns. Jim Bell and' 1.I oa son Steve, Midiand, Mr. andi etCshT ia Mrs. Reg Dundas, Midland' wifh heir cousins, Mr. and! For utdApplniances Mrs. R. W. Dubeau, last week.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooncyl throuzb were Sunday visitons wifh the' former's brother and wifc, S TA TE SUMA t Mn. and Mrs. Roy Cooney, C L ASSIF 1FDS Trenton, anîd also called to Phone 623-3303 see thei aunt, Mrs. Alicel Joying a camping holiday ln The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanvffle, Aug. 7, 1963 Algonquin Park. 1I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopps,I Sacramento, California, wr Saturday callers on r. andiS o d n F m l i n c Mrs. Stuart Morton. ~wr~n w e a iy Pci Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry and, Once again the Snowden.the picnic at "The Acresm farnily spent last week visit-I Clan met at "The Acres" on!again next year. It was mov- ing relatives at Wasaga Beach,! july 20th, 1963, for tîîeir an- ed by Wesley Down and sec- Parm Soud, orthBay ndýonded by Unele Charlie Snow- Gorrldend, Noth Ba and nual picnic. Althougn the den that we meet on the third Mrs. H. R. Foley accom-1weatherman did flot provide Saturday ini JuIy in 1964. So panied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence suitable weather for such an let's make a date with all the Bell and girls, Boxvmanville, affair, nevertheless arcund 60 Snowdens to nîeet at "The on Sunday to visit Mr. and, relatives sat down to samiple Acres" July 18, 1964. Mrs. Orval Casernent at thleir the culinary skill of the Saow- Becatise of the ineener* cottage in Hastings on the den cooks. Due to the eclipse weather, no sports were ablI Trent River. :and rainy weather, we xxxre oblid.Hwvrehcid .Mr. and IMrs. Bill Smnith 1obliged f0 eat inside. but fliat:to e eld. Howver each chîld and farnily. Golden Valle, did flot dampen the spirits and tre spont scgmite Ariewb are spending this iveek wvithenthusiasrn of this griup. Re- pcaprzswegvnou bis sister and husband. Mr. ilatives were present fr0tor helprs wergien ot andi Mrs. Jim Henrv andlHamilton, Toronto, O naw t te eron guens ing jhr family. Bowmanville. Brooktin. o osAln opewt Wome.n's Institute mesoboron . ov wedding anniversary closest Monday evening, August l2th,,and rno to the date of the picic -- at 2 p.m., in the church base-I After an enjoyable nieal. Greta and Wesley Down; gen- ment. Topic "Tourist Indus-1 President Bill Lewis called tlemnan guessing closest to the try" by speaker from Pine' the gathiering to order and lucky number- Ebcr Snow- Ridge Tourist Home, Cobourg. welcomed ail those who had den. Meeting in charge of Mrs. corne for their annual visit A ieavne eaie Cecil Jeffery's group. Visitors withi other members of the gAS frievned to h r elatives welcorne. !clan. TI the absence )ff telc gtherndftogethe tndheirbe Mrs. Charles Greenham and secretary, Carol logins nd amliis nd eI Carole spent several days at the minutes of Gbs yer's de for homq~, hoping to meet las yar pc-again next year on the third the surnmer festival in Rivi- fnic which were accepted by Saturday in July at "The ere-du-Loup, Quebec, w h en ail those prescrit. It was mov- Acres"i on the Taunton Road. Carole took part in the Maj-I ed by Uncle Charlie Snow- orettes parades. While there deni and seconded by Harry We would rnost certainly, Carole was a guest of Mr. and Freernan that the sanie slate wve1come and appreciate sec- Mrs. Ferniand Raymond, and of officers be re-elected for ing again some of the rela- Mrs. Greenham wvas a guest at another year. Elva Metcalf tives who have flot been able the hotel An Fleuve d' Ar- moved and Lillian Lewis sec. to be with us for the last two gent,_Cacouna. onded the motion that wu- hold1 or three years. Is it a date.' These SPECIAL PRICES end Augitst 10 (RESI Tooth Paste 1.09 value 87C NOXZEMA Suntan Lotin---- 4% oz. 1.25 1.09 6-12 I nsect Repellenit- Liquid or Stick - 79e 63 c BRONZTAN Cream Lotion-___ 43/4oz 1.25 1.0)9 BATH EPSOM SALT.S.- 5Pound bag 39c NIVEA Skin Cream - 4 oz. jar - 1.33 value 1.09 RESDAN Dandruff Lotion- 1.50 value1 .3 9 ALBERTO VO-S Hair Cream--- -. .0 tube 89qc VICEROY BATHINGCA Special 5 9cý MILK of MAGNESIA. -,ID.A. Brand - 16oz 57c 44c Buy By the Carton E XPORT CIGARETTES end SAVE RAID HOUSE &GARDEN 13 BUG KILLER reg.. 1.691lo3 9 KOTEX 12's ail types 1C47 Feminine Naipkins Special4 KLEENEX Tissue2 for .31 c Soft, Strong, Disposable2 IMBRTHER Stops Throat Tickle ~~Chouse from: <~COUGDROPSWild Cherry, Black, .15CC U H.-ROPS Medicated or Smok- ers' Drops. THREE MEALS A DAY, EVERY DAY, O I'(A lix ET LOS£ UP 70 5-10-15 POUNS H RAlds detIN at.aI HONLY 10 SHORT WEEKS Prescriptions *I.D.A. Remedies Alex. McGregor e DRUGSe 5 King st. W. - Phone 623«5792 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B,, L.R.S.M. Sunday, August il 11:00 amiî. - MORNING WORSHIP "When Wrong Seems Sa Strong" The congregation of St. PauI's United Church wilI unite with Trinity in Trixtity United Church A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL REH(OBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D.. Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSRIP SERVICES 9:00 arn. - English t 11:00 arn. - Dutch 7:30 parn. - English Proclalmning the Whole Counsel of God "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.ni. every Sunday 4 f 1- - .. , - , .- ý - f- i ý . , .1 1-