Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor' mound for Bowman v 11I1 e and famniiy, Mn. and Mrs. stnuck out the side in the Bruce Montgomery attended bottom of the fiftb to win the Montgomnery family pic-!the game 9 runs f0 5. nic at Emnily Park, Omemee, Barber and Hurst led the on Sunday. Bees at the plate while Calver Mr. and Mns. Don McLaren and Donagbue with 2 singles and Launue. Miss K. Crone, each led the Bowmanville at- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. tack and Parry, Bothwell, De- Hoar. Onono: Mn. and Mns. vitf and Cawker ail contni- Lionel Hanlock. Miss Iva Bou- buted singletons. tillier. New Toronto, recently The Newmarket huniers visit2d Mn. and Mns. E. R. claimed 5 strîkeouts while Onie more round in the con- set the new ightweight re- outfit which holds the sidecar Taylor. .0VtIIWen ior boIwmnie tinual friendlv battle between cord to delight the crowd in course record wil be racing 'M rf. George Mutton, Bow noTched ho Bw U.S.A. and Canadian road to beat the Canadla outfils. manville; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Teuesoe hwBw July, myb bet akeam manvifle 9 runs, 8 hits, Il may be able toke p'make sTo date Candv and du PontCook and Shelley. Chatham was2errsNwart raer wl tkepaeat 'Mo-'double win if his ambitions r h on ...sieait. r n rs .R o k 6 rrrs wak d £Port on August 17. This tîme are any guide. aefuhel do f goo.. sderacIngBo anvll sited.RC. 5d ,2 hits, ak n the National Open Champion- Afl 5vo go arunsomnvle vstd r n Ehip titie is at stake, and the' And those sidecars! Thpv practice in the rnrn:ng. race-, Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and error. Canadians are hot to avenge provide one of the most thril-at 12:30 and vou can bc ssu:e family. Pee Wees Edge Penetang the International titles takrili ing spectacles as bhey power our Canadian riders xiii do Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr., 2-1 in Tlght Ganie bv Jim Varnes and Jess Pround the Mosport* circuit. their best to be first to the lias rEturned home after visit- Bowmanville Legion Pee Thomas of the U.S.A. last The famous Candy/du Pontifagj ing Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice, Wees claimed their second vic- inonth. Taunton.1 tory of the tournament at Ivor Lloyd is now holder of I k A Mrs. Clarence Redman and'Newmarket, August lth, as the course record at Mosport, SL N grandson, Robert Sherwood, they squeezed out a 2-1 win Seti it at 1 min. 46.1 secs., Hamilton; Mr. John Broome ve Penetang in a very hot- an average of over 8.3 mn Mr. Wesley Powell and Miss dishes and sxraealng and family, Tyrone, visitedly cortested game from start Ris machine il; again well Mabel Powell of Oshawa; Mr.,with your picnic basket. on Suria at Mr. and Mrs. to finish. luned, and hecxifl he anxiou- Norman Stinson of Enfiel Evervone welcome. Lloyd Broome's.i Bowmanville started out in t0 repent his 1962 win of thlc visited Mr. and Mrs. N. C' Mr. and MNrs. Tony Cor- Tedly Philip and Dennis:typical fashion as they platied Expert Natýional Champin Wotten. hishley and daughiter, Tich- Broome holidayed last week single runs in the first and 1,hip. He xill have a hard Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten mond Hill. were tea guist of at Jlohn Broome's, Tyrone. second innings while Pene-1 ride, however, against Ken were Thursday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yelîoxvîeps Mr. and Mrs. John Flett, tang registered their only run Xing of Hamilton and Roger of Dr. Will Bentham and Miss and sons on Civic Holiday, Canclace and Julie, Brockville, in the thîrd inning. Beaumnont of St. Hubert, Que.. Alta Bentham, Bowmanville. Mondwy. wcrc Wednesday visitors with Gregoire, Stewart, Dubeau1 While Ed. La Belle of Phila- MIsâ Jean Baker spent sev- Misses Donna McLaclîlin, the formers brother, Doug and MacDonald with singles cicîphia. Tonx' Woodman ol eral days wjth Mr. and Mrs. a~Ms abr Flett and family. claimed Penetni onlv his N~ew Jerse, and a host of Barry Cowling, Bowmanville. Toronto, adMs Braa Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice ac- while Howes and Robson wit hý U.S.A. riders would like toi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms Evcniss, Oshawa,. were Wed- companied by Mr. and Mrs. doubles and Parry and Dona- add the National title to their ýand Mr. John Grooms, Tor-, nesd ay tiea guests of Mr. and Harry Knox enjoyed a pleas- ghue wth singles paced the Eist. onto, visited the Werrys at Mrs. Ilalph Davis and Miss Pai. ant itortrip over Civic Bowmanville attack. In the lightweighlt class, Roselandvale. Davis. Holiday weekend to the Thou- MacDonald in the hili for Chanlie Ingram of Scarbon- Miss Anne Werry spent lastI Miss Phyllis Ann Westlake sand Islands, Upper Canada !Penetang claimed 5 strikeouts cugh and his Honda are ight!week with ber cousin Carolyn was a bridesmaid at the Cook- Village and Ottawa.i while Bothwell claimed 9 for Ijack at the top of thein form,!Werry, Oshawa. 'Zachanowich wedd i n g in, Mr. and Mns. George Gib- Bowmanville. bout Tom Waterfield from St. 1 The Surdi School wiîl Trinity United Church, Bow- son, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. The line scores show Bow- Petersburg, Florida bas a veryý have a picnic dinner at the manville, on Saturday. Hec' George Harper, Faye and manville 2 runs, 4 hits, 1 walk, fast Yamaha, and CharIIe Community Hall on August parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sharon, Utica, were Sundiy1 error; Penetang 1 run, 4 bits, Andrews of Rochester's Ducati' 18, Sunday. It is requested that, Westlake and sistcr Joan, and dinner guests of Mr. and! 1 walk and 2 errors. is very well Ivor everyone be assembled at 11:30 ,Mr. Ron Broomne were guests Mrs. Russell Vice and Mr. 1 e esOecm Lloyd of Scarborough, who o'clock. Please bring yurate edig Everett Vice. 7t yAa John Larmen, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryder-7t yAa ]is holidaying with bis cousins, mani and Mrs. A. Balson were- In their third contest of the L'Karen and Janice Yclloxvlecs. Sunra tea guests of Mr. and tounnament day at Newmar- Brenda and Dennis Yellow- Mrs. George Bittner, Oshawa. ket on Saturday. August loth, leare blidaying witb their: Mrs. Ella Taylor and San- the Bowmanvîlle Ilinle, grandparcnis, Mr. and Mrs. dra, Toronto. visited relatives Wees finally ran out of gasi E. Lrmer Blckstck. astweeknd.and succumbed to a hattling "Coun ry H oiday r. and Mrs. Bruco Rey- Mr. and Mns. Bill Carr and Ajax crew 7 f0 5. nolds. ide.reclyVg hlrn ogSut iitd Gigit h ato h ited Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis Sunda ex'ening with Mn. and t'ourth Bowmanville were and Mrs. J1. YeoI]wýIces and Mns. Stan Milîson and sons. traiIing 7 to 1 but the lol Stage Show and Dance Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks, rallicd wîth some pet anc Mr. and Mr-. Bruce Tink and Scarborough; Mr. Wes Allun base-running to post 2 more family and Mrs. I.LFE. Tink and Mr. Charles Allin, Bow- runs in the fourth to set thp, - at the - attended tlie Tink famrily re- manville. were Sunday din- stage for the last ditcb stand union nt Hampton Park on ner guests of Mn. and Mrs. MWe-z b the fifth. Saturday. Yellowlecs and sons. Bowmanville plated 2 more E LReverend and Mns. Ed Tink, Mis;s Jov Kennedy, Bob- runs in the fifth and hiad the R DBARN, Os aw Miss Joanne Clark. Travers ('avIgeon, was a weekend guest tying run on second base when Cîty, Mich., were Fnidax' tea of Miss Pat Knox. they ran out of steam, mucb gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ___________ f the relief of the Ajax sup- Country Music presented by Top Radio I Tink and family. porters. 1Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Cope with 3 bingles and and Recording Stars: îNeil and Herbie visited Mr. Pee W ees Down Donaldson with a homer werc and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard at the big men at the plate for DON GIBSON, MAC WISEMAN, GRAHAM their cottage at Caelaeon 11 a n Ajax, Desnoach and McCosh TOWNEND GORIE APPANDSundy. eWmakeL Ifl connected for singles. Mc. and Mrs. Chas. LNDaurilNg-i alerwiba rilean TOMMY HUNTER. maid and familv. Mr. and Mrs. il single, and Parry with a D. Flctt and Linda spent Sun- Tou rname t' double and a single paced the' day at Pine Tret' Lodgn-. l attack, Nowlan and Show Time - 8:30 Mrs. G. Heal, Toronto. vis- Saturday, August 10tb, at Robson punched out triples. ited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang- Ne x market Fair Grounds theliwhile Bothwell and Howesj maid on Tuesda,. Bo\x tînanviîle Legion P e le' contributed singles. Mrs. E. Hocka day and Ev- Wces thou cd Newmarket The Ajax hurler claimed 3 TUE DAY A GUS 2O h l n pent last ,weekend wif h Becs q to .5 to begin the day strikeouts, whilc Robson andI TU S A , U U T 0 h Mr. and Mrs. Jlames Walker on the' r cht foot. Bothwvell combined on the adBarry at Hepworth. Tie-e tIwo teamq battled mound for Bowmanville f0 Mn, andý Mrs. Charles Grant on even termi wîtb the score dlaim 7 stnikeouts. This Show tb be Broadcast and son, Miss Dianna Stoney, 5 nuns apicce going intn thei The line scores show Ajax Englebart; Miss Mary Gýi-ant, fiefuil fifth wbich by reason î runs. 6 bits, 8 walks, 2 ecr- Coast to Coast on CBCRadio Ajax; Mr. Andy Hlarkness, of a curfew was scheduled rocs; Bowmahville 5 runs, R Wbitb 'y: Mrs. Agnes Harkncss,'f0 bq tht' final inning. bits, 1 walk, 1 error. Englcliart; Mr. and Mns. Intheli top of the fiftb. Bow- Ajax were edged out by 1 ADULITS - $1.50 CHILDREN- 75ec Plante Maylîcw and son, Pic-* manville buncbed togethen 3 run in the tournament finals, 1ton, w ere Sunday visitons with walks and 3 singles good for under the ligbts, by a scrappy J; Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser. A runs wlîile Bothwell on the'Owen Sound crew. GIAN .T of ail stock f rom OSBORNE'S SPORTS & TOYS Everything Must Be SoldI SALE STARTS m ar.. J DONT MISS THIS SALE 0F A LIFETIME The Canadiari Statesmnan, Bowmmanvffle, Aug. 14, IDU -petumte r' N W. oe painit,'dthisrire .of at ypic-1 M-r vwthr otprépar.e adeli. rxc'edN~ ord,'Th, rcînMy scoop nIHcyrIofr eam ,oreed w-th sfarouie truil r, ,res,.i,bie. mit, Ci nr ot evry irekin the year tey -o n nothe pick ofthe CFOP' M-- rtiio ortShA'. leasinq Ser !milnd ett-ikirq alle, het budclet t00. r --tnladly h,%,, Dominion'R mo1,- ei, trCrearrIlti, far Irer piru rur mt branc. is ee.y bil ar CO ýi-r pîtteMon' No- t yoi; iltua nplease ynur lsmîly! Conte inca', *GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS* FULL CUT - TENDER AND MEATY - (Whole or Haif) 5Oà LMB LEGS A THREE-MEAL VARIETY - ROASTS, CHOPS AND STEWc LAMBIn a BASKET_ 23c1b MATY, WELL TRIMMED IýB LOIN LAMB CHOPS 4 lb MAPLE LEAF OR PRESSWOOD'S COMPASS BRAND (1/2 Vac. Sweet Pickled1 COTTAGE ROLLS PRESSWOOD'S COMPASS BRAND Rilndless BACON Lb. Pkg. * STOCK UP and SAVE DOIJuice 4Y48 OZ.$00 Tins PINK SEAL FANCY Pink SALMON 8 oz. Tin YORK CHOICE .ASSORTED PEAS 35Tins 49c 1,.00 YORK CHOICE DESSERT PEARS CHU-2c OFF DOG FOOD 15 oz. 6Tins 59c *FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS* SERVE WITH RICHMELLO ICE CREAM- U.S.A. GROWN JLJ CANTALOUPE ONTARIO GROWN CELERY HEARTS CALIFORNIA GROWN ORAh $1000 Girand Prize Winner "3-IN-A-RO W" or speil "DOMINO" MRS. F. E. SMITH 293 lWest 2nd St. HAMILTON, ONTARIO SIZE 180's UNKIST IGES Ail mercha is uncondit Values effg IMBO E A H2 Lge.I Bunch doz andise sold at your Dominion Store Limited tionally uaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Ample FREE PARKING ective ini Bowmanville until 6 P.m., Aug. 17. National Motorcycle Titie atStake !Nendy U.S. m (anadia'n Rivalry "jTo HIt Peak at Mosport Saturday :. v THURSDAY> AUG. 1lSth at the former IGA store - 23 King St. W. Open Thursday - Friday Evenings until 9 O'clock [FISHING ~3TAC -KLE PRICES SLASHED FbINKY TOYSI «. Haif Price BELOW COST Hl rc