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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1963, p. 1

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I Tiny Mother, Big Babies _la be rn1bxrnt Durham County's Great Familv Journal ViOLIJME-1O9 14 Pags BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,_WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1963 10e Per Copy NUMBER 33 Accident Roundup Toronto Man Kîlled In 3 Car Collision Tuesday Af ternoon Young Swimmers Receive Their First Awards Richard Sutton Hodgins. age 45, 76 Castlefield Avenue,' Toronto. was instantly killed on 115 Highway, onc tenth off a mile south of Tricky's Cor-: ners, ' esterday afternoon a' 3:35 o'clock. H-is death was a! resuit of a three car collision.iý The bodv was brought ta theýý ýMorris Funeral Chapel and! later taken to Lucan for buri al. Robert M. Reid, Preston, adbeen driving north on No..ý 35 Highxvay followed by acr driven bY Sergîo Pellegrini,i Peterborough. when Mr'. HodI-: gins' southbound car sudden-1, ly crossed into the northboundi lane and met Mr. Reids prac-1 ticali.v head on. The Pelle-: grini car squeezed past. There was approximately $1.500 damage ta the Reid car,ý and about $900 ta the Hod- gins vehicle. Mr. Pellegrini'sý car sustained o nly minai'; damiage amiounting ta uitile ,more than $10. Constable K.' C. Laton. OPP, investigatcd. On Tuesda "v at 1:45 pin.ý there was a two car collision on No. -) High\vay,, a quarter of a mile easi of the Bowman- ville Detachmnent of the On- One of the top Legion Parade groups on Friday. The littie one ail dressed up ini the centre is supposed ta be the mother, surrounded by her three babies who somehow have grown mucli larger than thclr female parent. What also struck our photographer's eye was the cast on the mother's hînken ankie. tarin Provincial Police Head- q uarters. The drivers of the cars in-, volved were Doris Patterson,I R.R. 4, and Jean C. Vim et,! Beauharnois, Que. Damage taý the Patterson car was approx-' imately $150, and there wasf about $200 darnage ta lMr.j Vimet's. Constable J. P. Mc-! Donald, OPP, was the investi-ý gating officer. Two cars sustained about! $250 damage eachi as a resultl of a collision on Saturday on' Truli's Road at the Secondý Concession of Darlingion. The drivers wcre Alan J. Honess. R.R. 3, Bowmanville, ai-d! Garyv H. Gifford, 643 Alberti Street. Oshawa. Con s t a b 1 e: Howard Wight, OPP, investi- gated. On Sunday afternoon ai, 3:40 o'clock on No. 2 Highway at the Darlington lith Lin e a car driven by Andrew Prak- ken, King Street, and another driven b v William McLean.ý 36 Quecn Street, coilided.' Tlere xvas about S.500 damage to Mr. McLeani's car, and ap- proximatel 'y $300 ta Mi'. Prak- lcen's. Constable J. Forbes. 'OPP, investigatecl. Ray Dudley Joins Music Depf. Faculty Cowle, Mary Tigheand Nola Reb.~ __ ___ Ca GestaCaifrna----- -___ -O f S. Florida College, _______Lakeland, Fia. - A widely-,quested a recording for th'e( knowvn vnung concert pianisi. quecen, who later invited hirm' Rav Duidle.. vili jain the ta Ica ai Buckingham Palace. nusic departrntn faculty of Dudlev was born and rear- Excifi g Kîd ïes" aradeFlorida Southern Collegae 1thiÀ cd in Bowmanville. Ontario, E x i in id i s' P ra erfall. U\\ws anouced b,' Dr. Caada, hee s iother 'Opens Legion's Carnival ievlz. c ao atth colle ge, and use Lakeland asý hase for continuing his per- 1odiC tusofteUnited ' States and Europe. 5 is an f r o mi Indiana Universitv's UN1DENTIFIED - JtidgE The outstandingly success-i it was led by the Bowm-ani-1 Judges for the CostumeSchool of Music. the wvorl*d*s are stili looking for one fui Cernival held by Branchlville Legion Pipe Band. Ail Contcst w'ere the Mavor and inil nS i c institution., ern ~' ed 178 of th oalCndsn long the route spectators Mrs. Ivan HbsM.and i where he has scrved on the rmvdteha m e LeinI eoia ako teed the youngstcrs I~Mrs. Robert Kent, and Mr. ýfacuIty since 1957. en F'riday' evening attracted ai their arrav of" attractive or and Mrs. Glenhornie Hughes.ý He was the second piaiiis*t1 and disappeared. Contact *\Iat crowd of people rom lfantasticcostumes,_ __ __ TcRN TO PAGE TWo) nv te t give a concert a! xearing the outit. Also, àile onnaitrickws the Brih"- - the new Lincoln Center n rapher saw a cute youngst 4 Newpatrick was the CarnivaU IAN -'Chairman. He was assisted'NwYkwhniopedat the parade route and cou' am ~more than 500 concerts in this' photo. Unfortunately, wR Kenneth (Jim) Niekerson and'i ritz:I heprnsaeitrs ,Art Sheehan. r"o1 JcutyfrClmi rtss fteprnsaeitrs Mr.Kilatrck as lsoG Ia.O io li A w ards and has toured Europe eight, of their child waiting for Mr.Kilatrck as lso!nitimes. He has piayed with, office. charge of the Car Draw, and, oto h edn ypoy the 196most of th leading symphonyt t -t In Sow H re atu day rchstras. by Gordon T. Gibson, 6650 nS: InaE ca 1952, while in London, NEW ENTRANCE -- Lor Park, alîforna. Tha nombea The successful Oshawa end1 points and the Grand Cham- hce comrposed "A Coronat!ioi process of instailing a nevw of the winning ticket wasr Distrýict Gladioli Society Shovilpionship of the Show. He r'e-Mrc drngteooain As soon as it is completc 2o65, and Mrs. Gordon Mont-! sponsoi'ed by Branch 178 oficeived the EaoneorCna of heenEiabtr l.Amo goey enr teer-the Royal Canadian Leg-ion iPi'ize for the Champiotisip. be fieryal farnilv' îe-; the building by the Temr goeed, eth e S reeas,îie and hcid at the Legion Hall.ý The winner or the CUard ofN OR VST a on King Street. seler. Qucen Street. on Saturdav Champioîuship S p i k e waý Aftcr a six-5 car absence,' His Wor.ship May'or Ivar; altractî'd large crowds of peo- Hugh Samis. Lambert' Street. Mi. and M's. Don Camieron CHANGE IN WEATHER Hobbs drew ail the winning pic. Thore weî'c many cntî'iec.-Le receivedi the Robert Sîmip- and their four daughters. rain on Tuesday, the lern tickpK. Mr-. Rena Bathgate ifl al classs. andi :1w excep- son Prize for the Outsiandlng Gîviiis, Leslie, Jennifci' and w . harge of thue Bow- trni; rutiful fi xliibit. D inc Milalu. Eloise cf Jonquierc, Quebec. eai rp drn U SLadies Aîîxiliarv b eî'cnuMLuL1 adrfi. Oshawa, won the Reserv'arc îoldaying lure, visitiîug weathei' feeling ail too *theV,,'ôaI Canadian Legiori President Frank Santis, Oui- ChamPiolusIip. relatives and friends thî'ough- winter this morning. 1 Draw, and thue winners xere: tario Street, wvon the miost!' TURN TO PAGE TWO) ýoui thear. received of frost damnage, 1. Shirley Bickeii, Newton- cil etn u fbd ville, chaise longue: 2. Grace hiiygetngou o bd Couch. Ncwcastle, bridge ta- Ihree Attr~ativ Be tnik - ble and chairs; 3. Mrs. Fia'l'oru~I ~ ~ III~ . COMING UP - Provincla' Marini Lskadthemo ce*. ,ation members are in thi ence Knight, quilt; -i. Mrs. C " ' ae rigt oeatj cooler. The prizes in the auxiliarv's ' JonR arsvilclap second draw wcre woni by: beiieve the date wili be ii Gloria Staplctoiî. 188 Kinîg ber. while others are cal Stretriol ad wrdrbe: of the month. However, i Lenora Harper. R.R. 4. Bow-, ' .xvi be an election sc nianville, fisling rod an-il tackle. Mis. Ililda Humphreyý Incidental. Liberai Ci was in charge of thil draw. Oshawa, has announced f The tailored ta measure , vinciai candidate ini that suit, the prize in the Legion 'ute a biow ta the Libg Glee Club Draw, was wonu b-výbcueh wscnie Dan King, 15 Dcurhamu Street., t.bcueh xa osd Don Wright xas in charge of.~ the Gîce Club Draw. Tht HOLIDAYS OVER - Ge winner of the handsome cesk' opetdter w ek donatcd by Carl Weyrichl' andoml et red tr o wek Newcastle, was Bea Glan- reoand m ianyrturetaweo ville, Newcastle. Doug Xa-reot niaettthc ton was iin charge of this piling up and it is expeci dra w. get underway i n the not ýThe Children's C o s t u nu e ' r Parade before the Carnival HL VR- h an was really xvanderful. and z.pHeLD toER the î'ns there was a wide assortnient, oe'eta h en of marvelous costumes iin al loight. Many of the f lo categories. The parade march- xvili have ta be re-coveî-ed ed from Bownanvilie Higrh. eeovfrtenwG Sehool to Mernorial Par'k, and cerovfr h e over until Thursdavý noon Rained Out Softball Game Goes Thursday The Men's Softbali League pl"'Yof game scheduled for Tuelda! evefling and post- poned due to raim. will be beld tomorrow (Thursday) at the Hlgh School grounds X..s Billards wil meet en Fuels for mwhat Mi oeCthe decidng gaine. Stpnies ae toigth - e mserles. Last Tbursday, SBils came te lite iwith a Vengeance, pled UP several muas and dominated I CIplay to win their first Zyomorrow's battie slîould &.an cxclting one a-,Bili'i tai te wiU a second one and mâmdm'u attemp t towrap Duiring the Legron Caî'nîxai's Pa rade, Fri dav. these three attractive young ladies turned up in beatnik outfîts that di'ew c<uîsideî'able attention from the large crowd of spectators. They are, from left to right. Diane Cavanaugh, Judy Rand and Patsy Nowian. At the Cream of Barley Camp pool last Nweek, this gl'oup of young swimmers passed their tests and received Red Cross Awards for their efforts. Instruc- tors fromn left ta right are W. W. Bagneil, head of the Red Cross Water Safety Prograrn here for several years; Paul Meldrum af Toronto, the Red Cross Exam- iner; inistructors, Lorna Caverly, Irwin Colwell. and, DISCUSS CARNIVAL Letter ta the Editor [O BE HELD.AUG. 24 At he dinner meeting o0, the Bowmnanvillc Lions Club Centre on Monda «N evening, lans for the great Lions Ca nival ta be held on August l direction of the current CarCO nival Chairman I lo vd CI> f on. and his sttccc ,soi, Fred Cole.l 1, fLeces ,es a! the Legion Parade prize winncr who was Apparently, he or she ciatciy after the judging tDoug Rigg, if you were )the Statesman photog- ter in a go-kart alongside ldn't resist snapping his 'e can t recaîl who he is. ;ed, there is a nice photo rthem, at the Statesman . t . mbank Finance is in the v entrance to theii' office. ,d. customers will enter ýperance St. door instead -Foilo\ving the aIl day nperatuî'e took a consîd- esday night, with the )close ta approaching No repoî-ts have been but il certainly was al politicians and organiz- e process of a guessing ust whert Prime Minister )rovincial election. Some ýn the middle of Septem- ing it for the last week [t does appear that there ometime in September. andidate Bob Stroud, his S'tirement as a pro- triding. This xviii be eral organization there, ýd a stî'ong candidate. t 'neî'aI Motorýs empioyees s' holidays last weekend -k on Monday. Advance orders for 1964 autos ar'e ed that production will too distant future. so n Tuesday forýced posi- Fait- that wili be held )ats weî-e drenched and d. Also, the sod-turning 'oodyear plant was held tt STARTS FRIDAY - Sumnmer is certainly' on the wvane. The Canadian National Exhibition starts on Fi'iday, with Warî'iors' Day on Saturday when mnany from the Legion. inciuding the Pipe Band, xviii be participating. Next xiii camne Biackstock Fair and then Oî'ono Fair. So, the summer is just about over. t t- 1 + 1 SYIMPATHY -The staff bias been feeling sad for Statesmani Advertising Manager' Geo. W. Graham and his famiiv who have been camping on their hoiidax's at Madoc. The xeather has flot been the best for such activitv. Y r t f t GAG CALL - About Il p.m. TuesdaY. the Editor received ail unusuai 'phune cati f rom a chap who enquired about an adx'î. in the paper some weeks ago. He couidn't remember- who to 'phone and had misiaid bis paper. The advt. xvas supposed to be offering for sale. xvater from the middle of Lake Ontario. Ih doesn't freezý- out there and the caller thiouClht the \wat"'î' xould be ideal f'or blis radiaior this xvinter. Foîtunateiy, we don't îrun into such ingenious gagsters too often since we got out of poitici. Brian Hancock. Lined up fur their certificates are, f rom front ta back, Dick Vandergast, Erie Wiggans, Daxvn Stevens, Donna Il1ilditch, Cheryl Evans, Lori lVeIc'alf, Mari]vni Stackaruk, Linda Stevens, Johin Spî'x:, Glen Jackýman, George Kewenga, Nicky Oegema, Joaný Browning, Bill Hockstra, Doug Brock, Bobby McDonald. Gary Murphy and Ann Marie Downry. 1Board Replies in, Hooper' Charge !nd Squanderin g" Dear Sir: of thue own and a;pparcntlvý ~Muclu as we detest a publc had thic apiuîoval of the tax- argaument wiih Coulucil - wv,' uY crs at the 1Urne of tlue la3i cc l we cannot iet Conucilfor efeciion. Thuc% act- on liii' Hooersremi'k. a quu ~Board wvithout rernurneration: In the lasi issue ofthue Shate.s- ,i ieai cnrvseto nia, o naswrtu e Boîr'd's tfi.iisat ithcir niango uaîuswred.owvîîpersonal To digress frorn tiue quez- The aiuoxe outline of 1h' tioîu at lîand for a minute, ici Boar'd is given to show the us examinîe the personnel of the Public Sehool Boar'd. It is 0 made up of a foundry antîcal- ing aven operator, purcluasing dentist, retail hardware mer - chant, mnechanical engneerfl4 and veterinarian. Each Board t ein vitaliv inteî'ested in theta r rate. Each nember was dcii, ýeete ooffice at tlue laI m ing lý letio b aclaatintwo ieîiubers l'or tIhe first lime ta This Suîîday, Aug". 131h, xvi replace retirhug- mernbers, anud be a great day for the Angli- flue othex- four members hav- ('an Ciiui'cl and lfor St. John'si ing scrved on the Board pre- Chcrrch, Bowmaniville, in par-( viouslî'. ticular. At Il .:01J a.^n. theie Froîuu the above inîformation,. we hope vou ill agrec thar thue Boar'd is composed of an intelligenut, edcîcated. consci- cîîtious gî'oup of m'en (we say this rnodcý;lv ai-ud hcîmbl.y wlîo represent a cross section Bisluop ini Iranu, the Rt. Rcv. Hlassan Dchgani-Taftr. Bisliop Talti is in Tor'onto for t lin xorci-widle Anllcai Congrcss. Aug î3th ta 93i-d, with 1005 allier riclegales from ,menbers are responible cil- zens %vhio are giving of tlîeir best abifities ta cnnduci 1h'! affairs of the Public Schiools ini Bowrnaîiville. To return ho Ilue qutestioni of L.aN'iiig x'in ile floors ov-r the existing liardWMorl floot', we would state iluat il k ý;vinyl > TURN TO PAGE TWO) m Iran Con gress St. John'.s 18 independ e n t Anglicart Churches in 7~3 couîutries. AI- nuost every ane of thue 344 din- ceses except those in Commun- ist China have ,ent a dele- gation of a Bishop. a priest and a lay persou. cxcept where tluero was iiîsuffic1cntrtnuomey to send al] three Bishop Tafti, a Mcilîn uv birth, became a Chr'istian ;n rTURN TO PAGE TWO) Anyone Like Some Ice Cream? Virst I)h'ze in the decorated bicycle class went to Carolyn Rigg with lier Good Humor ice cream cart, complete xith coies with coiored top;!,ý, wore a littie bonnet that was donned just as the parade moved off. -à 1

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