10 The Canadian Statennafl, 1owmanvllle, Aug. 28, 1908 Four Prize Winning P( Victor Cookson ot Mvaple Grove is a busy farmer and horseman at this time of year. He shows these gpatiful Percherons ail over the country at fairs of xarious sizes, including the Canadian National Excibition and the Royal Winter Fair. Stella, at lef t, bas in fact been the Grand Champion of the Royal -Diary of A Wins Vagabond 7 Authentie Replica -.Sooner or later it was baund tp7-happen. Someane was sure! tev realize the commercial! vilue of another Bluenosel ÊrIoat off the shores of Nova~ Scotia. Col. Vctor Oland, ai 1rwer who uses the Bluenose a.an embiem on the label of. one of his brands, lias let -coentract ta Smith and Rbu- land, builders of tbe original ~1luenose. ta construet anotber iailing ship from the samei. plans. This companv becm famous beyond our borders ? recently as builders of the . $hip used in the latest version of "Mutiny on the BountY" Col. Oland plans ta use tbe1 reproduction of the famousý old fishing vessel as a cruisel ship carrying passengers along; the Eastern Coast on pleasurel jaunts. The need for shipping facîl- I ities during the last world: war induced Captain Angus' VJalters, wbo had skipperedi the original Bluenose through- <lut ber 17-ycar racing caneer. la seli ber as a cargo ship TDivested of ber glories as a saltbanker, this histonical old . ..2. ship, then owned by the West . Indies Trading Company, w-as Iost in a storm and a little bit, of Canadian pride and bis- . tory went ta the bottom of- tbe ercherons Put on Show i OBITUARY MRS. RETA E. DUGAN .*.. . . Reta Ethel Dugan, B.A., didsudden]y on August l3tb, at Island Lake, Quebec. She '~had been ilI less than a day. SShe is survived by her bus- Sband, James Lennox Dugan, and one son, Rev. Christopher James Dugan. aMrs. Dugan was known as a grat umaitaran itha deep interest in others. She carried this interest into ber daily work, at home, and in the work of the church. Her Interest and understanding won ber many ]asting friend- ships ,and she will be great..v * missed by al who knew ber. She was born in Aurora, a î daughter ot Louis A. Willson, D.V.S., and his wife Emmaline Boynton Willson. She was educated at Riverdale Col- legiate, Toronto, Montreai High School for Girls, and McGiil University. rs. DgnwsaHigh Scbool teacher for rnany years, and served on the staffs of the Montreal High School for Girls, Baro Byng High * *~ 4.5School, Montreal, and the Eastern High School of Com- merce, Toronto. j ~ She was a member of Tv-, rone United C'burch. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan have lived in Ty- rone for a year, and prior t- ~, that time were residents of! i.~. ~ Toronto for a considerabl-1 -~period. Mrs. Dugan and ber Perceronand er poudhusband belonged to Simpson more times than any otherPecro an br ou Avenue United Church there. owner is holding her halter rope with considerable Mrs. Dugan was a past prc- csteem; Connie is next in the Cookson string, held by sident of both the W.A. and Dennis Tobin, then Princess, with Bob Robertson and Of the W.M.S. of Simpson Flor wih Pecy ountoy.Avenue United Church, and Flor wi h P e ey o u nt oy .i had beld office as the lst ________ ____ -Vice-Presiclent of tbe Torontoý io ~ I.jRev. A. W. Harding fiat Fi rsi vvirn r-s ruliets ed at the service held in thce Morris Funeral Chape], Divi-1 ~~ ion Street, on Saturday a- Smusic included "O Master Let1 . Me WaIk With Tbee," "Take, Time to be Holy" and the' 23rd Psalm arranged by Cri-ý The palibearers were Ar- thur Hamilton, Albert Huis, Walter Vaneyk, Percy Werry, Wilbur Blackburn, Wilbert Craig and Rowland Coombes. Interment in Aurora Cerne- Among thie many beautiful floral offerings were tbose from th e Tyrone United Cburch Congregation, Tyrone U.C.W., Tyrone Hi-C., Salem United Cburcb Congregation, Salem U.C.W., Salem Y.P.U., Haydon United Cburch Con- gregation, Haydon U ni te d Church U.C.W., Club 50, Long Sault, L.O.B.A. No. 1244, L.O.L. No 764, R.B.T. No. 398, the Simpson Avenue Unitedý Churcb Women, Toronto, and! Mrs. O'Neill's Group of tb, Simpson Avenue U n i t e d Cburcb. I OIBOITUARY PREMUM TBLEBrian Bradley, Bowmanville, again won first prize with bis pullets at PREMIU TABLE Blackstock Fair on Saturday. Hie is shown here with 4-H Poultry Club leader, SRob Brooks and two of bis prize birds. ocean with hes-. E G S Bluenose Visited Toronto SOLD AT 1I can well remember whenur mD .Ii(.L ALLIN'S MEATS no. It xvas during the de-i BOWEN'S GROCERY bad capitulated to a proposali Achievement a 65 Scugog Rd. ta sail lier ta Chicago ta gai-! DAVIS GROCERY ner shekels framn sightseer Blackstock Fair, August 24th, 1963 125 King Street F. and charter sailings. Captai i DYSTA' Walters is rcputed ta bavp e DYKSTRA'S enjayed tbe adulation paid, VARIETYFOODS is vessel, but ta have bittes-]\; 77 King Street W. Iresented the commercialism t ê '.E FARA ODMRE netkn.g~' . ~ -44 King Street E. My sons, n0w gs-awn. have p~t FIRTH BROS. neyer forgatten ous- visit ta Z ~< O Speclalty Meats the sbip. After having sai1cdý Gary Jeffcs-v 2001 258 11)0 96 92 180 926 7.001 47 King Street E. with their fathes- in a dingvi NEIGHBOU-RHOOD STORE an Lake Simcoe, theyes' e LYnn Brown 198 267 100 88 9.1 1712 918 6.00 87 Ontario Street IFompietelyv overcame by t1eý Walter Rickaî-d 193 270 100 88 82 177 q10 .5.00 OR SERVED AT immensity of the Bluenose.ý BOWMANVILLE HOTEI, Thougb it can ncx-er be . Brian Bradley 195 249 100 84 88 185 901 4.00 RETUATromantic as the original. Il Sharon Las-mer 200 2.58 100 72 94 167 891 3.ý50: RESTARANTcuite agree with tbe projc! CORONATION RESTAURANT Col. Oland bas in mid. IBrian Knax, 192 243 100 1<) < R-)8 183 860) 3.501 FLYING DUTCHMAN have dined aboard three shipsý Ken Knox 190) 243 80 'd6 92 170 851 3.0 RESTAURANT which bave been groundced inPer ry 19 23 go 6 95 6 OLYMPIA RESTAURANT Victoria, Vancouver and an PtrWe-- 9 3 0 6 515 837 3,50 HIGH SCIHOOL CAFETERIA!Cape Breton Island. Canada Winnei- W. Il. Brown Tropby - Gary Icffery MEMORAL HOPITAL necds mare tounist attraction, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL of this nature.,___________________________ are the frcshest table eggs Another Bluenose on th maret -Ten s'ears aftes- the sinking produced by of the ariginal Bluenose, th(, i Canadian National Railway-s W. K. NowakS car ferry. M. V. Bluenose, va Achievement Day C.sent an hber maiden run. Tlit- Chocken Farm CN ship, which serves main~. Winnens of four Silver Cup ors traffic between Ya D rar-H B ef Cu Trophies an ayispi eslinu N.S., and Bar Has-baor. D r - e f Cu fo te es egsatCN. Mecarnies on the farnauis Blackstock Fair, August 24th, 196:3 name. By no means a neplica Phone 263-2567 of the welI-known schooner, . R.R. IBoi~mavlIIethe M. V. Bluenase nevertl- We specialize in producing iess is as sleek and as can(,- ac only table eggs of uniform!fully designed a sbip as her ' * quliy n hemost hygenicifamous predecessor. Te:4~ t 13 W E and sanitary way in totally foat car ferry. witb a capacitv c4el N e., mnechanized ben bouses. Weof 600 passengers and 150 cars >1Z; ..& produce white egg shells oniy,i and trucks, wiil naw sha ne graded under Canadian Gov-itbe Bluenose name when the Don Rickard 100 92 100 88 91 378 94 943 9.00, erriment supervision. ýlife-size copy of the aigina' Ron Baker 95 92 100 94 96 376 89 942 8.001' l5is auncbcd. Walter ,'lkard 7 9 n.) R G71(- R n l PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1963 HORSE RACES- LIVESTOCI< MIDWAY LADIES' WORK BALL GAME DR. D. C. CHRISTIE, President BAND F. LAMB, Secretary MRS. LYDIA VAN DAM The death o! Mrs. Lydia' Van Dam, 114 High Street,I after a short illness of four days, came as a sbock ta her relatives and friends oni Tbursda.y, August I Stb. She was 72 years o! age. She is survîved by ber hus -~ band, Jacob Van Dam, two.1 daugbters, Nellie, Mrs. Jobhn! Noyes, Courtice, and Annie,ý Ms-s. Charles Fee, Blackstock1 and four sons, William Bran'i ford, George, Pontypool, Cor- nelius, Bunketon, and Jacob, Millbnaok. Mrs. Van Dam was born in the Netberiands and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit De Kruif. She was educated in Holland, and married Jacob Van Dam on May 2Otb, 1914. They carne ta take up residence in Canada many yeai-s ago, and lived at R.R. 1, Nestieton until tbey moved ta Bowmanville iast year. Rev. John C. Verbrugge, pastor o! tbe Rehobotb Chris- tian Reformed Cburch, Bon- manville, of wbicb Mrs. Van Dam was a member, officiated at the funeral service beld 'n the chus-ch at Burketon. Amongr the floral tributes was one' from the Yelverton W.A. Tbe palîbearers were Bes-t Demsey, Simon Feddema, Ja- cob Kapteyn, Joseph Mole- naas-, Walter Vaneyk and Kl<aas Viieger. Interment was in the Hampton Cemetery. 11A I .JUL' Ms-. and Ms-s. Jim Mas-tyiî and family, Dunbarton, wei-el weekend visitas-s at Ms-. andi Ms-s. A. Trewin's. Mr. and Ms-s. Ian Thurstoný and familv. Dunsfard, were, recent visitons o! Mr. andý Ms-s. A. Trewin and William. Ms-s. Les Taylor and farn- ily, Bus-keton, visited Ms- andý Mrs. Leslie Graham on Thurs- I iay. Mr. and Ms-s. Bî-awn, Rn-, chester. N.Y., Ms-. and Mss A\. W. Glove-. Whitby, visited' Ms-s. J. Aikenhead at hes- cot- tagr. Ms-. and Ms-s. Fred Ashtoi,i Mn. and Ms-s. Jim Madone, Tronto, spent Sunday at thein cojtt 2e Mrs. F. Osmond and Vis-- Ken Wlson 1010 90 100 88 97 369 93 937 6.00, ginia, Ms-s. E. Thompson andý John D. Allin 100) 92 100 85 92 368 97 934 4.501 Cindy. Bowmanviile, were Jean Baker 95 93 100 92 88 374 92 934 4.501 Thunsdav visitors at Mrs- Jim Allib 1001 92 100 92 86 3-43 88 931 4.00WAice Tbompson's. Frances Rickard 10X 95 10(1-,71 89 .379 96 93 0 4.00 Ms-. and Mrs. J. Potts, Lyn- da, Mary and Billie, visited, IGrant Yea 98 95 100 81 97 368 86 92.9 4.00! relatives at Collingwood on, iHugh Allia 95 90 100 88 89 374 76 912 4.00: Sunday. Marilyn Vîvian 96 89 100 88 84 368 84 9)09) ..50 Several fsrn Haydon at-1 Joh Slte 9491 0088 9 30 6 98 350tended Blackstock Fais- an JohnSlaer 4 9 10 88 9 30 7 90 3.0 ýSatus-dav. Neil Alibi 95 91 100 84 80).17.5 76 9f)1 .3.501 Maste r Glen Ashton spent Carol Gilbank 100< 90 100 71 84 375 81 901 3.501i last week with bis grandpar- Fred Taylor 95 89 100 71 93 362 90 900 3.0 ents, Ms-. and Ms-s. Lloyd! Sheila Slater 96 91 100 71 84 370 87 899 3.50 Ashton. Alice aylorMn. Kenneth Graham visit-' 10ceTyl0 o 89 100 74 81 365 83 892 31.50 ed his fathes-, Ms-. J. Grabam,ý Mike Rosseau 93 92 80 61 93 372 85 876 .1.50! at Memonial Hospital, Bow- Ron Vivian 95 89 100 60 86 365 76 871 3.50 manville, on Sunday. Mitch Frew 8 8 4 27 6 683 35 Miss Ina Benyl Read is in, 85 8 4072 7 36 76 03 .50Toronto. She will spend threce Winnes- of Bey Gr.ay Trophy - Don Rickas-d months training at the Sick' Winner of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commence, Port Pers-y, Cr.idns HspiBtal ton Pen and Pend]l Set - John Allun and Lea, Toronto, at their col-1 ___________________________________________tage on Sunday and Monday. Miss Sheryl Ashton passed' her Junior swimrnling lessons, Mr. and Mmg W. Blackburn, at Newcastle on Tuesday. Carol. Douglas, Dale and Neil Mr .and Mrs. Don Cameron a nd Mrs. Cowling are enjoy- were successful exhibitors ing a motor trip to Upper with tbeir gladioli at tbei Canada Village and tbe St. Blackstock Fair on Saturday. Lawrence Seaway. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton Mr. Peter Boshan Wvas cati- and family called on Mrs. ing in the village on Wedncs- Edna McLaugblin at Mr. and day, baving returned from Mrs. Russell McLauglblin's,l Ottawa whcre be bas beeti Caesarea, on Sunda.v. . akim.g a course duning the Mrs. A. Read and lynne stimmer holidays. spent a few daYs with Mr.! Witb the sumrnier holidaYs and Mrs. Bert Asbton and nearly over, the cbildrcn wiil family. Toronto, and attended go back to scbool on Tues- the C.N.E. idaY, Sept. 3rd. A falr crowd attended the Decoration service _Beb corn raast held in the chu rch esda Cemetery will 1 shed on Friday evening. Mrs. Sunday, Sept. 8tb. Rev. Mi'- A. Read ledf In community ton Sanderson will be taking singing; solo. Miss Sheryl the service. Asbton; reading, Mrs. Jones. Time of Tbank - Offering Mr. C. W. Woodley sbowed Service bas been cbanged- slides be had taken an his from Sept. 22nd ' ta Oct. 5tbl. 4 trip to the West, after wbich We will be baving the Men'01- aIl enjoyed the corn, tomatoes, Legion Choir of Bowmanville and otber goodies. on Udis occasion. Rev. C. Dugan is hav'ingj Sorr to bear of tbe sudden the montb of September off. passin of Miss Vera Sander. Mr. J. Morrison wili be tak- son, Toronto. Sympathv j, ing the church service ut extended to the relatives in liaydon Churcb on Sunday. itheir bereavement. CROSS & BLACKWELL NUl ROLL FRUIT, DATE OR CHOCOLATE Reg. Prie tim 29c-SAVE 4Ue 5 8oz ns 99C Reg. Prie ench 69c-SAVE 20. large 24-oz size 49 C Mou. Prie* loaf 22c-SAVE 'Fe 2 24-z Iavs 3 7c BOKAR COFFEE SALE 3-LB BAG SAVE 12c 1.83 A&P Han dies OuIy Meuts Purchused From federully Inspected Pucking Houses FRESH KILLED - LEGS, THIGHS, BREASIS CHICKEN (UTS CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF - SUPER-RIGHT TRIM SIRLOIN STEAK SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC COTTAGE ROLLS Shopsy's Instant Corned Beef Sandwich CORNED BEEF 2 2oz pkgs 39( Smol<ed, Cooked, Picriic Style PORK SHOULDERS 143c Allgood - Smnoked, Sliced, Rindiess 2-lb pleg $1.23 COOKED - READY TO SERVE SMOKED HAMS SHÂNK PORTION B UTT PORTION SIDE BACON 1lb pkg67< f 7 Stiper-Pliglit Brand, Ail Meât WIENERS 1bpkg49C 216pkg 89c CENTRE CUIS or SLICES 'b79c ANN PAGE m'KETCHUP 21 OU ~LES 35C Reg. Price 2 btls 39c-SAVE 4c Alimintim Foil, Heàvy Duty Reg. Price roli 6c-SAVE 4é REYNOLDS WRAP 18" wide roll 59C Bicl(S, Yum Yumn Reg. Price jar 4gc-SAVE 4t SWEET WAFERS 32-fi-oz lar 45( Popular Brandi SAVE 51c CIGARETTES carton of 200309 &l 'vei Brard Reg. Price 93c-SAVE 14c I CE CREAM haîf gallon carton 79< IÉ ý THFGRFAT AII»m Ffi AC1FC TFA COMPAW qYLD. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1»3 IFRES/I FRUITS & VECE TAIES Hydro Cooled for Freshmois, No. 1 Grade CORN DOZIN 3 9C Ontario Grown, New Crop, Excellent Cookng, CEE Grade APPLES WEALTHY 31b colla bag 39c Ontario Grown. White Table Stock, Hand Selected Pu½~OM MaES 10-b bag 3 9c GcIUen Ripe, No. 1 Grade, Thé. Famous Chiquita Brand BANANAS 2bs 29c Brmdfzrd Growvn, Tender, Coreos, Waahed, No. 1 Grade CARROTS 23-lb colla bagi 29< Ontario Grown, Now At Their Peak, Golden Jubiles Variety, No. 1 Grade PEACHES 6-quart basket 8 5 lb49 Ib99C 1h49 c m'-il JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY PIE JANE PARKER BREADWHL HA Jane Parker, Oronge or Lemon Chiffon Cakeà och49C Reg. Price each 59c 1 -LB BAG SAVE 4e 63c »«.i OELSEY (2c OFF DEAL) Reg. Prie pkg I1.-SAVE AN EXT TOILET TISSUE 3 pkgso2ros 7 ï 1 m 1