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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1963, p. 12

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12 Th Cnaia SatsmnZwmnvll, ug 2, 98~were at their peak it was an \Vins New Television at Lions Cr nia era of fabulous elegance and,~ luxury. The explorers never Rotarins Se Filmfound gold in Jamaica, but it' Rotarins See Film was discovered that the landor is essential to the manufac - fori ture of auiu.This WiofH. 31-:ng Fe tu es o being extensively mined. The WH.1 *mining companies have un-, is J c ma ca Pa ad sedertaken ta rplace the top-!toPlr ~.graphjc account of th, gether in harnxony. While sugar is stili the! fuirt sA irous diate, tropical Montego Bay and other re- hifgrdutrfniaîa vetaiobeaches, itrs ots in the northern prtionl bananas * rveOn land w i gar vogeatustpitues-or o t s thrngve o w hîch the- qte coutntryside, the excep- of the island have a tutfhnoeolngaows ug~ ti4zZlly good and varied ac- able reputation for luxurY. The island is prosperous, and rn cSurmodation for tourists, and Residential areas throughout the harbor of Port Antonio is tl%»many other attractions of the land are attractive, and filled with banana boats, and Ms JÛ48ica was given in a col- there are numerous banafla sugar vessels, ail busy loadrng opnd motion picture at the and spice plantations. Kings- cargoes. ]theon meeting of the Bow- ton the capital, in the south Produce is transported to a mâàille Rotary Club held at is a charming city. the ports down Jamaica'ehoi the. Flying Dutchman Motor Tourists are given a wide many rivers and streams byMs H2te onFriay.choice of accommodation, and rafts. Pleasure raftinig is also -A. H. Strike received an~ they are enabled to lîve either popular and offers the thrills hm EfgtYsPret Attend- in great luxury- or modest oif shooting rapids as well as aPin. Art Ribey, the At- comfort. But wherever they the opportunity of quiet tra- t~ce chairman, made the stay they are near the sea. vel through peaceful waters Miss,~ prqMentation. White sandy beaches rim this lined on cither side with ro- pi 2luncheon meeting of the tropical paradise. mantic scenery. Thur IÇ4ngston Rotary Club was Palm trees are plentiful, and sqpwn in the first scene, and and there are mnany oth itIr'WYMi1~~ Its& president voîced greetings1 kinds of leafy shade trees. Irom the Jamaican Rotarians The lush green foliage serves LJNf11S1LLLJN Osha tir Rotary Clubs throughout as an effective background e(nendd onlsiwe) r tlà world. He explained thst for exquisite blossoms, a nd Itnefola wk)Ms tii. film, "Jamaica, No Place colorful flowcrs are every- Mr. Young of Oshawa, our Mi~ LeHmha benpowhr.guest speaker for the Sunday phi, drtced through the efforts o!l Jamaica is 144 miles long, moring srie av e avrvvsi tii. Kingston Rotary Club's, n tourists can sec a greatgig ad rasrnMs Infternational Service Com-1 deal of it with a minimum oifmessage even in our time of othE nMtee, and that it would bel effort. Each villag has its axiey.Mr.C.Avr ws u seat to Rotary Clubs in theri own personality and the gar- in chag e r Churchifl- cetintries to depfict the Jama1-1dens are amazing. miiga neesigcid a cD Rotarians' homeland. During the three centuries ren's story by Mr. Young. ,T'he beautiful island of Ja-ý that Jamaica was a Spanish Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton,ni nMica, set in the blue waters' possession, Spanish Town wa Lois and Charles, Mr. R. Ko- Fricf or.the Caribbean, is a place the capital, and many sou zak attended the Ashton -an wêiere the joy of living! yven irs o! its historic past are Moore wedding at Blackstock alYounds. Visitors neyer for-f still on view there, încluding United Church. M gi4 the wonderful times the v; a magnificent central square. Miss Bertty Page, Honolulutn erkjoyed there, and the popu-J There is also an outstanding Mrs. E. Page were recent is I.Ition oif the country compos- memorial to Admiral Rodney, visitors with Mrs. F. Toms. One of the most sought after draw prizes at the Anderson, 9 Coleman St., Bowmanville. Others in the even, ecT of people of various back- who routed the French and Mr. and Mrs. LeonardiLions Carnival on Saturday evening was this beauti- photo are, from left to right: President Russell "Bud" Mrs. gwounds and races live to- Spanish, and drove the pir- Stainton and family attended fui portable television set. It was won by Jim Oke, Carnival Chairmen Lloyd Clifton and Fred Cole. It ates from Port Royal. the Staînton picnic at Cem_______- -were FINE QUALITY The people oif Jamaîca are of Barley Camp on Sunday. ýday dinner guests orf Miss e eepeene ih iGran MNMNSALND working.out their own des- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- WnirClWjlodae * toaeycffe eetae, w ith Osha - ~~t ON ENStnadtey seem to have ton were Sunday afternoon' Ii i.n(1-caseI * a inae wsdm.While na- callers at J. Tamblyn's and Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. andI tableto lamips and a floor lamp.1g, 4Lkf « kMits sw tional aimrs are supported, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. j. Mrs. Frank Dorland were j rs. Lionel Hughes read an1 aumne of P.rmoioc.. they have a great pride in D. Brown, Orono. guests on Saturday at the address by the charivari gang M frtIL~ SAFOD being part o! the British Com- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton lAshton - Moore wcdding. 1 Accounts for the month tif, 31,569.75, and road, $35,588.72,,and they were presented with onta, BROS. LTD. mowatadtecutysadby tedd the Ash-1 Miss Lois Hope, Prince Ai- July, totalling $64,644.70, were:as well as general and special two fold-up chairs. LunchRy poacls y and prongressieyt nitdbrc. ai t inodn. wh Mispetingo! Darlinton Townthe, un.was served. Guests were from gol6r ig atandtn- Moore wedding at Black- br, oidyn ih misepsedig forlymntonatow the ns.Bowmanville, Port Hope, Shi- TrII' uhrie Kingston is a thriving city Mr. and Mrs. Dan Van-, Mrs. F. Toms attended the1 ship HoclHemdtono hr-nve the on- Dp taRcete H.fC.omui onther lcs dUthOrlul 'D and the modemn buildings clicaf, Creighton Mines. were Toms family picnic at Caes- fsiiHlHmtn nTus nvdta etrfo h On Thursday evening thei 7 have been designed to blend last week visitors with Mr raPr nSna.dy atron hs wsOtroDprmn !Hg-U.C.W. met at Mrs. E. White's - - - Pr o Snay moved by Councillor Carl ways concerning the assuming Ms with the architecture of the andi Mrs. Ei. McNair. Ms mE.RiOoo onsend bCuclorfasrvera oth tof 401 nomne with 14 members.Ms .:Stafflord Brothers past. Motor traffic is heavy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coombsi Ms. Wm. a E. e iOrono, Donrysecda.Te byCouncsilor tif ay ervicerd sot cm rwoedtemeigad - ~~~~~but horse drawn vehicles can and girls, Miss Clama Page,lhsbe eetvstra ayBdi h consi-Hgwyb eerdt o-Te pndtemeigad LIIE .fMrs. F. Toms'.. cluded welfame amountin tolinittetof the whole council Mrs. Thickson took the second L1TDbe seen. A tail palm fond Toronto, were weekend visit- MriadMr.Lon Lm for further study. This was chapter o! The Word and Theý wain in the breeze is the ors of Mms. E. Page.Mran s.Lne am seconded by Councillor Rich- Way. The minutes weme read, MontumHetst tl ere ge sai r.anud VfKTfr Gbsad are. n omîtewa u n tradiional sgnc .rie by r. . O.C. *Ashton..and Char- ge r m.t ok vrteneso h Box 133 each coconut camt, which selis les are visiting this week with Allan Wray's, Bowmanville. On NEa otio n byC oucilof huchatr and acmitewsputhase 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby its wares along the thomougli- relalives in Ottawa and Temp-f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb Mr. an Mms.K Hary and Gibs scode b Cunilor Phone Whltby fames. leton, Que. is holidaying at Mr. and Mr--. M. n MsEalPrs o wfl, it was decided to eoeorfw upm Mohawk 8-3552 Indications oif bygone years1 Mr. and Mms. Grant Wry Clifford Hetz, Fairview, Penn.[~ Sna ihM nite yLw omte et Final business oif the wedding' - are eveywhere. When the'Susan and Scott were Sun-, Mrs. J. Kinsman and Lisa,Mr.Rem Morsnd r.teT nhpsSoitrAH! reception was settled. We are - Courtice, setth ekn r.Rbr o rsaM. the onhpsSlctoA .t aeour odr o hit REPEAT OFFER * REP AT OFF R I * EPEAT OFFER pent w ekendand Mrs. Colin Williams týStrike, to give directions for'ti hv rer o hit REEA FFR EPATO FE 1 RPET FER1 at R. McGill's. their cottage on Pigeon River.1 the Ontarioi Municipal Board mas cards in by October. I. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton d ougmnl8 earding an melondmtoernt Cch wsserves wcre: E XI I I NMr. and Mrs. . Stainton. dýMr. and Mms. A. Yuga 8H earding onbe e d n O ter uch edý 2 C D E IA ~ onpicnic at Cream oif Bar-lMrs. Jack Storey at their cot.-ithat the Planning Board be being before church services.1 M; LeIMCaMr. tage on Cameron Lake. 'asked to send a representative.i Miss Darlene Thickson finish- anLrsUet.RaM Jerry Hardy is staying with' Councillor Gibbs, seconded1 cd up the flannelgraph storyý Gre.cnbank, were Sunday tea Ted Skinner at the Exhibition.1by Deputy Reeve Muir, movediat Sunday School.1 :get f isEsi n I Mr. and Mms. Ethan Davisthat the Township Clerk, Wal- Mr. Gary Morris, son of Mr.!' 9: gucsbet s.fMs li n I and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lter Rundle, be instructed tand Mrs. G. Morris, has beený Rowan and family, Toront, repare a By-Law to establUsh visitflg friends in Ports-1 T1'isied ithI.M. ad Ms. emy and authomity of the Cemeterie Mrs. Hie, Cobourg, visited, Wige htN'n .M. n rs ee Werry. !Act, with the following mem- wt e agtr r.Mi Wright's. ~~~Mr. Gordon White eturned estftebord: Gamnet Bwt irduheMs i- LU» Miss Sandra Wermy shl home from Bowmanville M,'- Riekard, chairman; W. White, Sunday. idaying at Mm. and Mrs. Ross moilHsia ls hmdvPiekelil, F. G. Smith, E. F. G. Mr. and Mrs. R. White and! I * Lee'sHKedron. much impmoved ."Vice, F. G. Leask and, Fred Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty visited, Me', rs.Lodeo n, Hay- LittiBrbar d ersn , 1 Ciffin. This was carmîed. with Mr. and Mrs. C. WiI- MrsF. o lm were ay t-tnle steps, indersong br] liams, Nestleton, and motomed don;'r.F oswr a-dw oeses nuighr through Caesarea and otherf urday callers at Mrs. William collarbone. tT 7 D"'fT T t places, Sunday. Forcrs, lakstck Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor,'Mrs. W. Beattyf 8: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mavin frns .an tyfamily Sundy si m nd BiaOsaawreland family, Bowm a n v 11r' (Intended for last week) afternoon. YoUaeacanet.i eatflSna dinner guests at C. were recent supper guests ifý On Tuesday evcning a large1 r.R Poot ..Averf's. fMrr.ndars.A. ood crwdRathredat m. nd' Hl Aevehnemyna r.A.Wo. crw ahee tMr nielleville, spethewknd IlpMiss** f PO TA LE T\/len igvryBow- Mrs. J. Perry and datighte.r,!Mms. Harold Sowden's home a lc prntt e M e.end W IDEAL FOR RECREATION ROM OR BEDROOM viE. eCook Tomono, adMsfe Tronto ps tarfe udav, atcd aesnc himn. The pro-spnSaudywtMmad - W EN OU PURHAS -sm, tMissl ia Avery, alm. Mrshawa dTops. A A g irls, Beatuty ilsMr. Thac-'0.Mr. Bi Sat Bat- spntth wekndatR.Vi- ttwaOsetRheAekeLEMr. cATite.rsr. ndent t E . weekenda 'n issShileyAvry pen tWhit. eeahite, adess nd hikso's CL M Shoe rg, d we r. aura .andMs. . Cark ad ascara.Tepo!pntSudy ihM.n! IDEA FOR RERETINmOO V BDOM MEveniok, Tisito ad th en ail n bowlng geek-fga a b r imrad .SmMorTrno n Dian Avry s wih ler ou- rand. uMrs., heE.lkKmemer, Col-e ome j, S T E RO, Thront M r .nd9nds. o otoksn Mss . right. visitedeler ndMm.orand MMrse.okHenmyis * M. nd Mrs. Mendat R i cOtt atwek nurstngea brkenMs elitr Ms.Htopn hewkn a tueMm. adMm.N E rgh'. hens randpaweilsoon b he e ad -teadrs ndTiko. m a t &V l 9pin-g _At Mrs. E.1a d The pc~ BASE LINE !ntended for last week) )n Wednesday evening Mrs. fford Wilson was hostess a stork shower in honor hem daughter-in-law, Mms. Wilson. Twelve »'o! Mrs. lson's friends had gathered present hem with gifts. Fol- ing the opening o! the .els, Mrs. Wilson thanked Sladies for their thought- ness and then aIl played les for prizes supplied by Shostess. A tastefully ar- iged lunch brought a very isant evening ta a close. ,Rex Fowler was the cy winner of a prize for ;essing a marked cup. Irs. George Dobbins, who ;been spending a week'c Jdays . with hem mother, s.M. Bennett, at thc ange, has returned ta hem ne in Leamington. 4r. and Mms. Tom Lodgc 1daughtem Heather, and ss Virginia Bliven, Silver rings, Maryland, w er e umsday dinner guests of Mm. 1Mrs. Roy VanCamp. Jr. and Mms. Don. Lànsing, awa, wcre Wednesday ev- ng callers with Mr. and sC. Wilson. Ers. Sidney Lodge and hem iMr. Sidney Lodge, Adel- ý,Maryland, have been ting hem brother, Mm. and sGordon VanCamp, and 'r relatives in this com- nity. diss Lînda Swerdfeger, Os- )ruck Centre, and Mm. Ron- Brownell, Ingleside, weme [ay dinner guests o! Mr, 1Mms. Neil Bmownell and gr. and Mrs. Michael Stan- Sand Mm. and Mms. H. son, Oshawa, wcre Sunday ning callers with Mm. and sClifford Wilson. tis with regret that we re informed that Mrs. int Bennett is a patient in iawa Genemal Hospital. Our twishes for better health .o hem. r. William Carley, Tom- t, called on Mr. and Mrs. iVanCamp on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bushel and daughter Ruth, Niagara Fails, have been visiting her parents, Mm. and MrUrthur Gibson, and were ggèts af. the Bleeks-Brown wedding at Maple Grove United Churcli on Saturday, Aug. l7th. Mr. George Coombs attend. ed the wedding o! his nieceâ. Miss Jean Coombs to Mm. Herp' bert Smith o! Peterborough. in Lindsay, on Saturday. Mm. and Mrs. Herbert Wright, Janice and Linda. Toronto, and Mm. and Mms. Norman Wright, Enniskillen, weme Sunday afternoon visi- toms with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and family. Mm. Ross Vondracek and Mr. Jack Woodward visited fi. ends in Lindsay on Saturdav. M is s Mildmed Vondracelc and Mm. E. Vondracek have returned fmom visiting friends and relatives in Ozechoslova- kia duing the past sevemal weeks. ELEICTRIC LTD.( CNTRACTING REPAIES 16 Temperance St. 12ýjÈf:e For Family Entertainment At Uts Best rhe ORONO FAIR SEPT. 5-6m7 FRIDAY, SEPT. 6th HOLSTEIN SHOW - HEAVY HORSE SHOW 4-H CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY 1:00 p.m. ------- SCHOOL PARADE 2:30 p.m. -------------- ---- FAT CALF SHOW TUG-OF-WAR COMPETITION Six Teams ln Test of Brute Strength 6:30 p.m. -- FAT CALF AUCTION 7:30 p.m. TOBACCO QUEEN and TIEING CONTEST 9:30 p.m.---------------FAIR DANCE Fisher's Orchestra- Town Hall SATURDAY, SEPT. 7th REGIONAL GUERNSEY SHOW IÀGHT HORSE SHOW - BEEF CATTLE SHOW 1HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST 1:00 p.m.-------------- HARNESS RACING - 8 Heatu Special $500.00 Free for Ail Face Pari-Mutuel Wagering :00 p.m. OUTSTANDING GRANDSTAND SHOW Slim McClary, well known TV and Radio Personality, and Entertainers wlth Big Variety Show Mr. McClary is sponsored by Robson Motors and Durham Central Agrieultural Board BOTH - ' - - Mammoth New Midway Home Ecoîjomicà and Agricultural Implements Display Adults ADMISSION Public Sehool Chlldren FREE on Friday Saturday - 25e 75e - Cars 50e - Grandstai Lnd 50c @- M. and Ms. J. L. Switer,f onto, is our ýnew teacter for pGates Milîs, Ohîi; were week- the Senior Room and is stay- DOMINION STORE PJ IF.SUGGESTED LIST $379.95 9 5 0 end visitors o! Mm. and Mms. nwihMsF.SotMs.; King Street, E *M S. R. Pethick, Mm. and Mms. Pat Knox, Solina, is our ncwý Trad-inAlloanc up o $00.0 «CFloyd Pethick and Robin, To- teacher for the Junior Room.1 Trae-i Alowaceup o $00.0 MfM ronto, wvere Sunday guests o! Mrs. Leon Moore accnm-1 SA TU RDA Y , #1 pu>the Pethick's. panied Mm. and Mrs. A.' Mi -. 5Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick son and children to visitM. FEATURING ... Pay O nlyweme Mondav visitors at Mm. and Mms. T. A. Wannamaker,ý 2 7 9 and Mrs. Milton Kimba1l'ý,ý Wellington, last week "SIim" Gordon T1 Newtonville, and Mr. and Mms. V. E. Milîson and hs Ty e'Mrs. Arthur Redknapp's, o! at the home oif Mm and Mrý.f n hsOId yn Di M Newcastle. 'H. E. Milîson, Omono.1 FROM As ow A Dr. and Mrs. Clark Do-' Mr and Mms. S. Gobie an.-! SQUARE DANCING FRMA o s land, La Peer. Michigan; Dm.iBruce accompanied Miss Jean £ FM STEREO- 199.95 :1ER M S $250 Weekly Jon . Clark W:rmv and fBaker and stckr aces igo- G m sofU h BUY N W ANDSAVE PLUSA CHACE TOWIN la'pnt SunaycwtgMe . ast wek ithMr. F So McClaren's Beach, Scugog Is- 'Mms. Arthur Barber spett M' and Mrs. E. A. Wemmy. 1 returning home on Sunday A PORTABLE TV SET «C Mm. and Mrs. Bert Luke,!with Mr. Barber who spent MMiss Olive Luke, Toronto; Mm.!the weekend with them. , * >Wilfred Wemmy, Montreal; M.1 Mm. Lorae Phare and Mm. and Mms. H. J. McGill were Lance Phare spent a few daY'ý Su7:rs. evening callers at with Mr. and Ms ec 0Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's.f Phillips, Essex, eun g H AR LCE V« Recent visitors with Mm.lfhome on Monday. .M M. and Mms. Clifford Curtis, at Hall's Lake with Miss Flor- Ph-aone 62-212Mm. W. Pinkey, Peterborough, ence Gardiner and brother st. W. Bowmanville Ri and Enil. rs~. M. Smiley and child- JMr. and Mms. John Slemon ,en retumned home on Sundav L REPEAT OFFER I.REPEAT OFFER IBM REPEAT OFFER!s spent the weekend with Mm., aftem spending three wee'-s and Mms. D. Hall at hi cot- with hem parents, Mr. and i tage, William'a Point Mrs. W. Rahm. 4l,

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