STUDY TIME-DO'S AND DON'TS! 'hy t othsea fprvinces 1 themn trailirig in the vaniguard ýof progress. Too many unin-I R p r s f o - ' economy of the Atlantic pro- vinces depends entirelv on l I.I a 4 ..j, fish and forests. that becauýe W o mlT en s I st tu e of today's extensive use of ail, their coal mines have ail beeni SOLINA W. L HAMPTON W. 1. abandaned and that their The August meeting of the manufacturing potential - h uut meeting of So- W. 1. was held in th CE confined ta tartans and hook- iaW . a;edonAgs*Building with President Mrs. ed rugWa. ws ed n ugs ed urig te nx eer 8 t81 in the Community1 L. Allun in charge of the meet- Hall. iing. It being Grandmothers weeks I hope ta be able t&Hl.meig ahmme a purj tandpictur to th of Mrs. Ralph Davis, president,1 requested to wear their oldest this, the oldest part o! Can- presided for the business. Mr$.! hat. This wvas quite interest-, ada: its potential in this W. Ashton, secretary-treasur-,îg 1 . Meeting opened by singing country's economnic future andler, read the communications the Ode and repeating the, at the same time, capture in and the financial repart.! Lord's Prayer and Mary Stew- words the legends, romance There were 33 present. art Collect. Minutes of thcî The Perfect Picture of Study Two Things Wrong Here superstitions and faith con- former meeting were read,' N OU frt ay bc t shol bfoeYO lar nyhigstantly expressed in the lives A child ten years o! age iSsotesrrseptwhc T NoORfrtdy akt col eoeyulanayhn f these individualists. being sponsored by the In- as raue' eotwih Jelse, learn haw ta study. These words of wisdorn are nlot onîy Varied Undertskings stitute. The top layer of the stated good returns from the' appove byedcatrsbu thy wllbe recognized immedlately 1 Where else, but in these 6th anniversary cake hasatron ea tMs.C by ahl students as baving the ring af good, common sense. Atlantic provinces, wauld you been sent to Bilton Institute rick's, also 60th annual ban-1 Thee ae igh an wongway t stdyasJeanieBech-ilhear o! the proprietar o! j in England. A short course, quet. Thee re lgt ad ron wys o tud, s Janie eah. snack bar seîîing bis recipe "What's New in Home Fur- There will be a Needlecraft, arn,Holwd stande demonstrates In these pictures. $or0f00e0;ams fr ng000 wiîî be held on Course on Oct. l6th, l7th and forlyfooddnclamsgfor 18th, in the C. E. Building.ý The picture at the desk shows Jeannie is violating two cc hr telged f n1 March il, 1964. The rail cali The 'members responded wellý the proper way ta td.Temn-es ue o studyln dian God are creating an in-~ was weil answered by "Far-,to the sale o! tickets for tiiï roo aôud e el vnt-aeThe llght l esry paon-m fa dustry for the Mic Mac ra.ze thezt away place I have visit- Golden Plough Lodge Luc and there sbauld be as few dis- the book Is In a shadow-and ttlngapyolo îo ad.Mr.G reoxav1 Draw on Oct. 19th. Corr tractions as Possible. The she l1 mnth; where thnee or more' suitable camments on thelpondence was nead, also rny phngabJanebsbsiesconced In an ayair. thousand tons of coal are ot Finspi henl phenrap e an nie h eshde ood siudyndeasncen-. ind daily at Princess Co,. cernent that can hold the' cards o! thanks. j ler fontunertheoca£ wonld together." The W. 1. will hold a Tea.! takes a break between study tration and It la up ta the stu- at SydneyMie and where,ý Mrs. Murray Vice, convenor, 1 al o BngctApron and7:CandyI ulbje tbewie Iraf the rlghrah e t amouiplnt o! sep et among other contracta, 12,000 took the chair for the pro-1 A bus trip is beiîig plannedl' would e othrwisedistrct- te rigt adont ofsep,ànt rails are being produced from gram. Miss Rosa Lee Parr: for Sept. I 7th ta Kitchener to Irig, It ahould be removed. overeat, conslder study as an the open heantbs of Dosco's sang a solo, accompanied at visit many points o! interest.1 The tudent's position should adventure In learnlng. It also steel plant at Sydney, for the the piano by her mother, Mrs. Program was in charge of, flot be toococmfortable, but It belps if the student uses the Mexican National Railways? B. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry North group as follows: Lyn-ý should not be strained. But the same desk or table In the same It was at Moncton, New Jose, Newcastle, showed pic- da Killens played a pianol lighting Is very Important ac- place in bis home night after Brunswick, that the first CN tures cf their trip to Europe. solo; Motta was a poemn on hump yard for faciitating the This waa much enjoyed bv guanding and honouring auri cording ta the M urine Com - night as lit will be easy ta get m k - p o r i h r i s w s e e y n . M s l d s Y l e i a e y M s m l ; T p cý pany research service and set for studylng and It will be mput o! fprtig h trea wa ee nd Ms Gladys Yey- ei tage by Mrs. SmaereToic ehould fnot shine directly Into easier ta keep the mmnd frorn espa pertio n. the cgnry et lowlees iano e et r-wthe nby rs. rsey onp the eye or be seen from the wandenlng. i lc their sulphur fumes and in their usuai pleasing man-Iton; closing with the second corner of the eye. Neither Remember that good study la spew their pulp from great ner.1 piano solo by Lynda Killens ehould there be a glare on the related closely ta doing away vats onto he nolling machines Tenx etn ilbe and National Anthem. page you are readlng. with ail distractions, and to that whiz seeming endless Th netm tng il The tables were sr't for! In the pIcture wth the sofa study a pleasant habit. miles of paper destined for September l4th and wil lunh ! sadiceir the Press o! the continent, or cov1db rs onKo.cneam and cake. 'forconainrs or he atin'sThe 4-H girls are expected ta' for contaiers for teetatignsMrs. A. Macklin then had: domestic supplîies.beaths etig charge o! the presentation of, 1 travelled thousands o! A very enjoyable bus trip gifts ta some lucky grand-1 fimiles over tracks, highways ta Hamilton took the place o! mothers, as follows: Grand-' j!and sea ta find the stories 1 the regular meeting on July mother with the most grand-' ihlhave ta relate. Not once was il lth. Dundurn Castle was children, Mrs. J. B ai1 s on;' LW1M Ufisappointed, my andour visited and lunch was enjoy- Grandmother with the near- Vdulleed or my anticipation ed here. A guide touned the est birthday, Mrs. L. Cryder- ____________ city with the ladies showing man; Youngest grandmother, places of lnterest such as the Mrs. J. MacNab; Grandmother Botanical Gandens, MeMaster with the youngest grandchild, Mïantan, ndStoney Creek with the smallest waistline, DOOH AKRA record low score for a where a plaque was seen in- Mrs. T. Chant. SY D ROTH BARER Softball game was chalked up dicating where the first In- The September meeting in That's For Sure prcssmlg their loyalty and' here an Monday night when stitute meeting was held. charge o! the West, Group. The people o! the Atlantic love cf this land,-than'a senînetnany tOOl< the Win- 0V provinces have an idiom al tenc-e describing its virtues Cavan visitors 2-1 in thi their own. I found them la-' that inevitably ends with O! the North Durham quaciaus, fiendly and usually that's for sure". play-off senies. The tean completely uninhibited. Theyl Maritimers and the people veny evenly matched and seldom waste a conversation who populate Newfoundland petition is keen for the on few words when many will are neyer hurnied, flurried, Oulette Trophy. do, but their manner o! dc- pessimistic or easy ta anger.obah adshul ý 'tai1ing or praising their par- Thev are staunch in their Ialal the way for the ticular part o! this country 1S !amily relationships, devout any team and bis hon appealing and sincere. One 0oif herrliiu btes hn ae fifth inning tied ul their most descriptive phrases honest ta a fault. aeGabre has become slang by usage, i on the neceiving end, SBeing among tbem as 1 bave For Cavan, Norman yet where could one hear a been for the past several wvas on the mound with1 more convincing tnibute, ex-, weeks, this assessment cf my Smith receiving. fellow Canadians bas not Teams: Cavan: Jini changed from one easterin nedy. Paul Winslow, province to another. Tt can- Hodgson, Norman Scott, not be the sea that influences Kinsman, Glenn Smith, their nature for the sea is aid Morton, Jim Morden, 623-3303 restîess, dernanding, cruel and lip Winslow. tor ever-changing. For the most Bethany: Bill Snelt, tOr part, those whom I have met Smelt, Casey Glasbergen, SE yM CE i a were ra dius uafte lacde dunfd , DRoy S ot. ARN U settled in their caees witi- Staples, Ken. Wilson, T. SERICEwhere te were born. Those Umpines: Edwin Ch who seek farther fields neyer and Alex Ruth. lose their hankering to return The second game in1 "down east". out o! 5 series will be p, This contentment with their in Cavan, own area couid be one reason Miss Dianne Bigelow ceived rnany iovely gifl a miscellaneous comm sbawer in St. Paui's P For Election Information her forthcorning ari JonEarl o! London, v Contact wîll take place in St.1 Church bere on Septemi A ~ Miss Muriel Neals rea( --i caddness of congratula ing appreciation o! Miss: Conseratîvelow's work in the Be' ConserativeGirls 4-H Club in whicb OOM S had obtained Provincial ors, ber membership ir C OMMITTEE ROOMSn aorte, ec BOWMANVILLE HOTEL member of the choir. Miss Ann Hawkins and L - Richard Sutton o! Pete: P no e ~ - ~101ough assisted members o: Phore 6 3 m.2014-H Club in pnesentîng Insered bygifts. Insered byThe Hall was decorated Bowmnvlle rogessve onsrvaiveAssciaion pink and white strea: Bowmnvile Pogresiv ConervtiveAssciaton wedding belîs and baske' pink and whitè summer1 siCHOOL OPENING Bowmanville High School TUES... SEPT. 3rd - GRADE 9 only -GRADES 10, il only -GRADES 12, 13 only REGULAR CLASSES WILL BEGIN AT 1:20 P.M. BUSES WILL TRAVEL TO REACI4 SCHOOL AT 9:00 A.M. CAFETERIA WILL PROVIDE REGULAR MEALS BEGINNING TUESDAY er the- ie finst ifinal ns are BLACKSTOCK d com- A large number of people families. on Thursday, Mn.' Home attended Blackstock Fair on Bob Ferguson, Donna, Lorna, Saturday. The weather wa.s Barbara, Doi-ig. and Brenda, 1good ideal, the exhibits of hîgli o! Gornie, and on Sunday Rev. Beth- quality, and altogethen it ,ys and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson Don ner in considered a real good fair. Milis. ip the Mr. Keith Crozier, Scugog Mns. W. Cobbledick, Orono, n was Island, won the 50-50 Draw. spent the weekend with Mr. Sttand Mn. Fred Stacev. Yelver- and Mrs. Lonne Thom'pson. Sotton, got the pnize for selling Mn. and Mrs. Norton Van Glenn the lucky ticket. The baking Camp, Listowel, spent Friday Ken biscuit competitian sponsored nig'ht and Saturday with Mr. Jon by the O.N.O., for girls 12-16, and Mrs. Stanford VanCamp. Joher caused much interest and was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawk- Pete won by Carol Wotten, Eliza- ins, Port Perry, were Satur- Ronl- beth Thompson and Janice day guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Pi-Byers. There was a wonden- Leith Byers. Bob fui class in the 4-H Club Mrs. Ida Taylor spent a BbAchievement Day for beef few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bobidrai! raising and shawman- Wilbert Malcolm, Yelverton. Mar- ship. But why mention more. Mnr. and Mns. John Smith, We hope ta have a complete Fenelon Falls, were weekend ailice 'ist next week. The excellent guests of Mns. W. W. Van 3upper in the United Church Camp. the 3 was well patronized, and the Mrs. Rosa Curtis, Orillia, is )iayed day finished off with a dance spending a couple o! weeks in t'he Recreation Centre ta with her- sîsten, Mrs. Gardon ne- music provided by The ROY Stnong and family. Mr. Curtis 'ta at Godfrey Orchestra froni Osh- spent the weekend. .unity awa. Mr. and Mns. Arthur Bailey, Parish Sunday morning. C a n a n Mn. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and ior o! Ashmore conducted the ser- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Me- ýge ta vice in St. John's Church and Quade o! Cartwright, as well which delivered an excellent ser- as Mrs. Velva, Miss Cather- Paul's mon from thie subject, "The ine, Mn. and Mns. Neil Bailey ber 7. Potter's Wheel, the WÏeb o! who had sipent the week with id the Life".1 Merlin, were among the ations In the United Church Rev. guests at the wedding o! Mer- press- H. G. Crozier, Whitby, was in lin Baîley and Joan Hauch, Bige- charge o! the service, and the In Montreal, Saturday. thany theme o! bis fine sermon was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar~- h she "The Secret o! Happiness" tyn and boys returned Friday hon- Mr. Dalton Donrell, accorn- evening !nom a pleasant rp ithe panied by Mrs. Lamne Thomp- ta the East Coast and rcnev-, er in son at the ongan, sang the solo ed acquaintances with a num- Sand "Ho'w Great Thou Art", ber of Hanold's army friends.ý Glad ta report Mrs. Gardon Mn. and Mns. Norman Mc-1 Mns. Strong able ta be home franm Nally. Coîbonne. wene Satur-1 rbor hospitai and convalescing fav- day guesta of Mr .and Mrs.' )f the orably. Also giad ta say Mn. Carl Wright. the Bill Taylor in Oshawa andc. Mr. and Mns. Russel Mount- Mn. Bert Gibson in Pont Per- JOY and Mns. Wilbert Archer with ry are prognessing nicely. visited Mrs. Cecil Fengusoný ýmers, Mn. and Mns. Walter Wright and called an Mrs. T. Bow-: 'ts cf called on Miss Eva Brow-n in mari in the rest home, New-' !low- hospital, and an Mr. and Mrs. castle, Thursday. Benson Dunn at thein homeMr. and Mrs. V. Cain, Tar-, in Oshawa, Sunday. onto, spent the weekend with! Saturday callers with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris andi Lewis Hem-n en n.adMn. and Mrs, Albert Wrightý Mrs. Bill Marnison, Orono, and the Fred Trewins. i Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn Visitons %wsth Mn.-and Mrs. and Jim, Toronta, Mn. and Chas. Smith and Oliver aveni Mrs. Merrili Henry and fam- 'the weekend wene Mn. and i ilyBowmanille.Mrs. Albert Abbott, Otta, jMn. and Mrs. Harold Cnaw- Mrs. M. P. Philp, West Hill, fard, Janice and Kenny en- and Mn. Bob Smith, Toronto. joyed a trip ta New Bruns- Mn. and Mrs. Murray Webb,j wick and visited his aunt, Etobicoke, spent a few da 'ysi Mrs. Dally Harvey and fam- with Mn. and Mns. John Bal-I ily. adMs on rd lingal and family.. Mr.andMr. Lrn Brd.Mn. Andy Holmes, Bow-1 burn and Jim, Toronto, visit- manville, spent the weekendý ed Mn. and Mrs. Joe Bnadbu-n with bis sister, Mns. G. Fowl- andfamlySaturday night en. and Sunday, Wendy and Wayne Archer.' Vistons with '-Nrs. CecilI HL Cobou.rg. 3pent last iwec-k, andý and MnroyFrusna iMn and Mrs, Ro-s; ,Archer, were Sunday guests o! Mn.' ers aphand Mrs. Harold Crawford.ý Mrs RaphPreston was in' Janice and Kenneth.i charge of the pnognam and Denise and aKthy Dunhar,l gave a reading #'Happiness In Scarborough, spent last week,i ýMarriage". Mrs. Harny Ryley and Mr. and Mns. George Dun- directed a îively aing-song ban and Eddie were Saturday' with Mrs. Rosa Canr as pianist. noon guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Miss Heathen Sisson gave a Lloyd Wright and family. piano instrumental. Miss Kath- Mn. and Mns. Bill Cox, leen Morton directed a con- Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. test "The Alphabet Journey". Ken Reeson, Claremont, visit-ý A hucky birtbday pnize was ed Mr. and Mrs. Onr Venning,l w~on by Mrs. Charles Reynolds. Satunda. Miss Bigelow expressed lier Mn. Bruce Clark and son sincere thanks for the gîfts Raymond, Durham, visited with special thanks to the Mn - and Mrs. Kenneth Duns- members o! the 4-H Club wbo moor, Sunday. had arranged the evening, Brian Dunsmoor spent hast tbe Misses Muriel Neals. week holidaying in Oshawa. Sheila Wood, Dianne Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Wan-ý Shanon Bigelow, Heather Sis- non, St, Catharines, visîted' son, Patsy Bigelow, Kathleen Mn. and Mrs. I-van Mountjoy' Morton, Eleanor Ponteous, and !amily Saturday night and jMarguerite Been, Barbara An- Sunday. giers. and their leaders, Mns. Mr. and Mns. Ernest Belyea Raipb Preston and Mrs. Har-iand Nancy, Brante. visited nry Ryley. She also extendedMn and Mnrs. Frank Hoskin an invitation toalal ta attend Saturdav evening, ber Trousseau Tea to be hehd Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- on Satunday. low spent last week with Dr. Lunch was served hy thej and Mrs. Jack Marhow and; - 4-.H Club girl&s . fanuly, Liveiy. Oranges D010 CANTALOUPE 2 *GUARANTEED Q UALITY MEATS * 1PRESSWOODS COMPASS BRAND WHOLE OR HALF - SMOKED Pork Shoulder 1 LB. 39 c RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF BONELESS- EASY TO CARVE ROUND STEAK or ROASI ONLY AT DOMINION RICHMELLO INSTANT COFFEE JarZ 99c Frozen Food Specials PINK OR WHITE DOMINION LEMONADE 6 61/i oz.c Tins 89C POLAR KING CHIP STEAKS 4 rPkg. $1 OVEN READY - PRE..DRESSED GRADE "A" 5. 10 Lb. Average TURKEYS LB. ci LB. STOCK UP AND SAVE GEISHA - SOLID WHITE TUNA FISH 2 7 oz. Tins 69C 5 Colours to Choose From - SCOTT TOILET 6 Roll Oc. TISSUE Pack 59J TULIP - REGULAR - COLOURED Margarine 1 Lb.4 5c HUNT'S* BRAND- TOMATO018 Oc CATSUP Botti 29i eCOUNT Pkgs. f ofC: 12ws79 Values effective in Bowmanville until. closing time Sat., Aug. 31, 6 p.m. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A-Me DOMINO LYON'S - DIS( Potato r2z. > T EA Pops j j BAIS G S a