414 The Canadlau Statesman, Bowmanvffle, Aug. 28, 1983 ffirtiis ards of Thanks Commng Events Articles for Sale -1 Articles for Sale 1 Help Wanted JRecd Estate for Sale Reatl EstatefrSliotae IBICKLE - Bob and Shirleyl I wish to thank everyone for Monster Bingo, ThursdayiBALED straw. Cail 263-2320. APPLES - Melbas, LittliWAITRESS wanted for steadY NEW N.H.A. Homne in PakMOTAEm eyaaabe (nee Bate) are very happy to'evry kindness showii me dur- night at 8 o'clock, sosrd 35-2 Mac. Mrs. K. Werry Nw-employment. AppIy Fireside way Crescent, modern styling, e rPtrFdd a. eao.ca announce the arrivai of a son, ing'.my stay in hospîtal, on by the Junior ChpnsredIINgo odton hnlate21.3511BrBQe ih 115, Nw-ail conveniences, low down REATOI6-01~1 Donald Bruce, 8 lbs. 6 ozs., on coming home and since my e- Commerce Red Barn, Northl263..2512. 35-1* GOOD clean baled oat srw astle. 3- payment, easy monthly terms. E ED a Mrgg on PYriday, August 16, 1963, at turn to hospital. Your kind Oshawa. 45-tfi CLEAN oat straw, baled. Gray Brothers. Phone New-iYOUNG man - Full time Contact D. Beers, 22 Parkway HAMPTON OT.Piaeprytinstnlt Memorial Hospital, Bowman- thoughts are greatly appreciat- Lîberal Meeting, Orono Corn- Cale a, on castle 3556. 3l'stock work - retail selling. Re- Crescent, Bowmanville, or BowmanvileR. ad2dmrtgegee nt ,vle rte o ine.munity Centre, 8 p.m., Mon-35.MO ATeccrag, coun-t-iuGe chauffeur's licence and Phone 623-2263. 20-tf ai2-01foslendmrggsp- ,Kathy, Sharon and BobbY. Frak Denby. 35-1* day. September 9th. Speaker, chased. Low rates.- YodurorXI WiteAder1 aI Z 35-1 Bruce Beer, M.P., Parliamen- ONE Lloyd stroiler, excellentler top "Debutante". Priced IFrade X or Xbrik Write Adver-I- Iwish to express my sincere tary Assistant to the Federa odto.Poe6 3-39.5 esnal1 hn 35-il man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- bungalow, dining-room, living- small stream adtopns.cse.N feno aiig are appy eto announcerle thanks to Dr. Ewert, Dr. H. B. Minister of Agriculture. 35-2' 51______________-ville. 3-mrodm icniencesho, uil Pe Nwcs$ e-4toewih0i0.25239 1 Rudi adDr Tkaahi Btesa emtryDeo a IY of oat straw. Har- 1,000 BALES of No. 1 oat MIDDLE -AGED man with __________________full_____Necastl birth of a son on August 24th, nurses and staff of Memorial tion and Dedication of theld i Cston2K licence to drive delivery truck,x24etrbuligotwhEayems 1963, at Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville, also to new chapel and vault, _______35-1AustiTurnr,_Necastl 3891 n oki ealsoe 4 xr uligltwt aytrs 1_____________5-1 ok nrtilsoe no 150' frontage. On Preston Orono - 1½ ce ihLs BowmailVlU. A brother for mymnyfied and neigh- ber 8th, 1963, at 3 p.m. iRev. xUTHIS boea witn spring- seln experience necessary.: Road, Maple Grove area. Will stream, 4-roomhosedsCT siergynuee Ann=, Cathryn and Beverley. bors for cards and fruit sent to Milton Sanderson, Toronto, filied mattress. Phone 623-2376. 80 BAE ofatta,25 Write Advertiser 406, c/o The tracte for farm. Phone 623-2539. repair. Only $50dw. metuyta.62-7. 35-* e drig m say hee. guet peaer Brngyou 3-1per bale. Cali 623-3908. 35-1* Canadian Statesman, P.0. Boxi _34-________ 35~1* e dumng mystay here. guest peake. Brig you 35-1STRAW for sale. Caîl after 4.1190, Bowmanville. 35-1---emn _______________ Wm. . Maley. 35- law chars. 5-1FIVEiec chome itch__26-270. ,Sa35-1n BILL - Harry and Dorothy Wm1.Mle. 3- ancar. FIEpee crm ice~621 __35-1* -- PROPERTY LISTINGS C. R. Lovekln-Neesle24 (ne ate) Trne re ws t hakmyfied Woodview Commuzuty Centre suite, gray. Phone 623-3287. i __- CASHIER - Part time, 9 a.iii INVITED 3- ___ tae nhappy ter)annonee , Ibirth or crds angi ftsrcied-Monster B i n g o. Twenty iA frsaeaa 35-11LADY'S bicycle, figure skates, 1 p.m., 5 days - local store. Our prospective buyers far KJ TAEnsibakHl hap oanuc h it o ad n it eevdgamnes-twenty dollars; fVTE eiverei size 41à, red velvet saig yigesential. Shoi'thand1 hepoeteowlseneiefo Lt4,C. -f a son, Kevin Henr,8bs while I was a patient in Me- games-thirty dollars; $150 Caîl Cliff Pethick 263-2131.- outfit with white fur trim, helpful for occasional c~or-*have listed for sale, partic- 6PDrengonehoe 63254 osbonA us21193atmorial Hospital. Also apprecia- jackpot, and two jackpots at _______2_Pon_ 23223_3-1_______.WrteAvetie 8z. onAgs2119, t32-t ie 2 hne63223 51 epndnj rieAvetsrarly modern and older Memorial Hospital, Bowman-io., to Dr. Ewert, Dorothy $20 orpie. Nx - --19,coCnda ttsahomes in the low to medium REALTR______________ vile.A r efo DavidIBrooking and nurses and staff Moniday, 8 p.m.. Red Barn, QAT straw for sale, 20c perjDUCHESS and Melba apples,1P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, price range. and GENERALI SUAC Jms 51ath opa. Oshawa. 46-tf bale. Roy Van Camp, 623-5351.1.0 and $1.50 bushel, rn ulig qualifications and ex- Our experienced staff cov- Member of Oshaw itit___ (Mrs.) Bernice Buday. Pre-Natal Education Classes.' __________ 5i n otners. Vin Cerefrst perience. 3- esth_____owavil - RalEt MARSHALL-Jack and Mar- 35-1 The Fal Series of Pre-Natal QAT straw, 20e bale; pigs and house nrhofGu'KCresing_ 3 Sr heetr Bwavli et.Ett BadHUS raW.mn ret üy (eeLas_ r hppow fesei35-1. usi APPLICATION will be receiv- Oshawa - Whitby area so, for 52KigS.W62-43yrqurdfocupe it ilyannnee tLesk) re happy iClasses will start at the Lions cWodres6 eing2so. 3AustiN VESO ollrerfred in own handwriting by Dr. courteous and speedy service. 100dw daughter Shari Lee, 8 lbs. 5 cere thanks to Dr. Takahashi, ville, at 2 p.m., Wednesday, USED Washer Parts, ail makes; furnace, automatic controls, position of dental receptionist, while the good weather lasts per month wiiigvlyua3 ozs., on Thursday, August 22'the nurses and staff of Me- September 25, 1963. For furth-11/4 h. p. motors Paddy's 200 gal. tank, good condition, at the Qrono Medical Centre and the demand is brisk. bedroom bungao n aFrR n Nospital. A sister for Patti. ness to me, also to friends who Northumberland - D u r h ai 11-52 623-2963.351 training essAntial, peiu hn e orsa 2-46$5,800.00. Aot. ulpieGRG,3 351called to see me, and for the Heaîth Unit, 623-5661. 35-1*. * dental experience helpful. $3h8s0love w-eronace IXro osalcn many cards and flowems I e- _______________LLOYD baby carrnagelrCR, 25c dozen; Spanish Write P.O. Box 63, trig ti oey 4 35-1 Brbplyuy pin rcirgnons, 5 ah p o own, Oro._______ AkrLdwith garagean wakotvnecs PheNease METCALF-Don and Doreen ceived while in hospital. cib3la pn srigrokigOnos,5cech pc lntro.'- krLd ~e apy o anonc te Ms.W.F.Par. 5~'Wanted to Bu horse. Cail Orono 1623J. bring containers. W. Eyrnann, - basement. Real ienih 41 5t arthofapp s on on uguth24eHOSE rgn. e.ehoe._________________512j/2 mile east of Nichols' Gar- YOUNG woman with pleasant "More than a ure-nty ______ofasonon_______24e_________ quarter-century *iObourhood, closetoshosndCM E IA bulng n 1963, at Memorial Hospital, I wish to express my sinceme 623-5762. 35-1* KEYS eut automnaticaily, whilelage, Courtice, go noth to firstjpersonality to work in modemn of experience" parks. Ideal fo1 rwn1Sle Sre.PoeWle isowmanvilie. A brother forthnstDmMKnzeteTW-aerfig cbe, you wait, at McMuilen Hard- corner. 35-tf stores as sales clerk. Fulîtime 360 King St. W. - Oshawa' famity. PavidDeanDale nd xcetlent frinDr.ge bnzee nheTWfidat S.in35-1inet1ware03downg forE.thisman -bedEcellank,_Rge bitore, i6t3-3393.$1,27-tow Daîd Dan al ad a.35-4* nurses and staff of Memoiai used. Caîl 623-3200 after 6. viare 6KîgS. . B a-f Carsfo Sale ISuitable applicants will be room 1%"-storey bik o N-eromaatet et __________________ Hospital for their kindness, 35-if vle 3t o ____notified by Sept. 14. Apply, Georgie Bleve Queen St. Pullpic$9o.edwahrdyesvfrg aiso to my family and friends LV WHEAT and oat straw: in-BLEValiant sdan, statf age and previous ex- i Pon 5- Deaiths who called, and for the many ticks. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Beth-'lay Ovai cookstove; dining- 111,000. 18 Concession St. W.! perience to Advertisem 401, c/o REALTOR Chticetbuilinloto ihe2-61 BOSLEY-At Memoial Hos- cards I receîved during my any. Phone 7 r 13 coilect. oom table. Telephone 1802'Phne62-564.351 Cnaia Sttema, PO.Bo Cal 23530 qi__y pital, Bowmanville, on Mon- stay in hospital. _________________35-1i-- 190, Bowxnanville. 35-1 -bdom bnawquckty. _and________ci___ day, August 26th, 1963, Alvina Rowena Dean, Orono. 28-tfMG SorsCovetbC,__iarke.ror bnalw 35-i HOUSE in Bowmanville, goocBUINGorseiling fumnitume '8 Goo orts Conertibe, 1 th garage, oa i o. ulthe etimed coul stî ocs aîdpspiti tu wife of Norma77Bosley, R.R.v4, cash payment. Write Adver- or appliances, cati Elmer, good condition. Phone New-onveng lot. Fuît p - EngalowP wioey mad 77 ym, RRb4eiove03c/d ____Stte-Haptnbsies_63294_castie 3916. 35-11 y semnt, nve ience50s. ruoo bnglow fbik o-sak neop ihprc it Bowmanviile; dear mother of 1 wish to express my sincere tiser 403, c/o6Canadian State- Hampton: business 263-2294 -OPPORTUNITY dw.tn t oe Cameron, Michael, James and thanks to Dm. John Diamond, man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- residence263-2695. tfTHREE orfour-bedro _____3-1 ____________nd_ inin_____ ml ordisricuse- hrebdown. hme wt omn dem o unc.$10.Mi re et - Kathleen (Mrs. Wmn. McCabe). Dr. Mclntyre, the nurses ac il.3-1AUIU rand Wi n nBossnible. . or itithwla s ccandusof oefiedsfand- Tree-eonornerhom ith.om aFseutslauy$9,500.e C. Bx 1 Rsigat the Morris Funeral staff of Port Perry Commun- CEDAR posts. 8" top lnMos otctMMle ard onagr aspsilke.J.toel, hosus an uex0f îe for grae $,9on0crneth,0 ot. Pulln$ral0. -1-u Chapel, Bowmanviile. Service ity Hospital for their kindness, Don Stainton, 941 Dundas ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Maagr Wlkr Sor, ipatesnancexderancesfor on, -ic inS.Joseph's Roman Cath- also to my relatives, friends Highway, West Cooksvilie. ville. Phone 623-5408. __34-tf1 625-545 1. 35-omantenace a n serv e o Give us an offer.rom,4pcebt.Lvy BETTnougorhrdSot.. C Maple Giove - 3-bedroomikitchen and sacoslvn InteCh rm n thBowan- tand neighbours for the rnany Phone EMpire 2-3731, evenings B AsTYWashers, new,' a THEE rafurom aar- GvrHighland Grove, Ont, bungalow ith breezeway andtlroom with dininre.trmMA L G O E 1illea.m eY35-1 ceived dcuring mystay i o-WANTED to buy-good quÏai- Beatty appliances. PFa d d y' s' st by young couple wt 2 agcmiwithithw o ad scr eCno ebito hscmui ville CemetryMapktatyHinphos- e6Chr2st1aschiidren. Pono1 -08,ýSTOP woryîng about debts- shop. Lot can be extended for~dYa h o rc f Smah COAN Volt var- ud Msp Nrmn he. 35i ____________Christmas ____ 623es;Pay them by giving Rawleigh V.L.A. House must be se 1,500. Goodtem.t seendtoheeeae CWNViltMr-u-MsNomnRhe.3lfadCrsmstmee proper- 11-52levenings. ____________ ervice in established routes. to be appreciated. Asking price We Need Your oeNw n eaivsl te lcs deniy, in hem resîdence, 62 ws otakm red ties. Write, giving full parIRS picked sweet corn.l 1960 FORD 1/2-ton, long Easy to start. No money re- $12,500 with $2,500 down, and Evenins r.L .Sodnadfm Liberty St. S., Bowmanvilie, ý reis o cards, flow-n ticutars, to Advertisem 404, c/o Orderfor your comrn 'oast and wvheei base; 1960 GMC 1/2 -ton,1 quircd. Write Rawteigh's, one mortgage for the balance. -H0 on Tuesday, August 27th, 1963,!and rela senstor ameflw Canadian Statesman, F0O. Box freezer. Gemald Brown, High- short wheel base; 1960 Jeep, Dept. H-140-815, 4005 Riche- Nicely decorated two-bed- A. L. o ey 6376 i f h oso e itr Violet Mary Cowan, belovediers and.gfsen omwhl 190, omnleOt 35-2iway 2, East, Bowmanvitle. 4-wheei drive; 1957 Fargo lieu, Montreat. 35-1 room bungalow with atceP.Kowal - 62568MsS.D elHmonMr wife of the late Percy Cnwan in Memorial Hospital. A kind 34-_______________ and dear mother of Mary (Mrs. thank you to ail nurses and POAOE,10ls-33 Tractor, air brakes; 1957 Chv WAITRESS, days, permanentigarage and sunpomch on 1/a2i hels fhe Ltr Leo Cnnrs ad om gan. saf wo er s wndrfl uction Sale OA ES10ls 45c; 5013-ton dump. Cowan Equipmen position, experience not neces.-1 acre lot. Pull basement and W FakRa saeMs wnNcoaBw Leon onnos) an Tom grad-Istff wo wee 50 ondeful bs. 1.75, 75 lbs. 2.35. Toma- Co., 134 King St. E., Bowman-1samy. Appiy Mosport Rsjl conveniences. Must beW.maviteFrsatnM.ankMs1- - mother of Margaret, Barbara, to me. A special thank YOU WEEKLY toes. Edwin Staub, 1 mile ville. Phone 623-5689. 35-1 taurant, Highway 115 and 35,iseen to be appreciated. Ask- LTD.W.Lid m.adMsdI7 Elle, Lri ad Tms. Rest- to Dr. Anfossi, D. HubbardLVET C SA SeatoMllt.Bse ie,___________ Eln a teLorthutimt and Dr Taahahi Orono. Phone 13 r 7. 35-1' ing price $11,000 with sub-17 urhSBomnleP.waow iiteios f Fueml om, 3 ivision St., Marguerite Bradley. Newcastle.- 35-tf VVork Wanted YOUNG man with some auto- stntaldwnpamet Fuea on,5 iat Durham County Sales Arena CARFETS and D R A F E S- mobile mechanic expemience or 6339 hi osn mC .Gig N. omavHe Fnrlat3- rsn e ateverys, 7C30ves,(Samples taken to the homne). COMBINING grain. Edwin intemested in apprenticing i iings, ptes 90 Ae dro fntgM.ad rsH.GFe- 9:3sephs Conur f or euimt. efaiy fth at rse 1 ortruck pickup PhoeFree estimates. F. A. Kramp Staub,R. R. 3, Newcastle. saine. Apply Frank's Garage REALTOR - 728-7328 stileam, Trno ikcntataanvnem.adMs.Lsi Josehs hurh fo Reuie ItefamIy ftte.,ae37s. Kingor St. piE., hBnowt., 3nKig SPhoneBoin2139.ne 139 35* aadaSrvService o, 7 Stationm Too72 Mass at 10 a.m. Intermernt Jacob van Dam wish to ex-' Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of ville. 63-7071.-2-tfMUNJY akoeSrvc, SAYt owbaysivighteen1103LingSE.GA OEshaa onl 3000.O . i,000 ter rterad ate- Bowmanville Cemetemy. Reci- press their appreciation to the sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales vile 62-77._______________SevieLDY______ 3eghen IBRT AREN Ol $0,000 tatonifo te ofa thep..,ReltivsyriedsanPneih-,anger.l5-tfTvATs, adfptaoes1dteacesndrins fondtio'Mmnthogewrle othr her wil b sveri nwadwndta, M. ad ms.E. . Fee 35-1 boums or theidracnsof kind-andot l hl ohrTeewl esvrlnw 20Ar t Thursday. 351_____orhiracof smaty Te nemind utine daiiy except Sunday. Corner' and septic tanks, dugan works, Monday to Fiday. Live homes stated immediately in 20Ar tc am rc aS.Ctaiels ness, messages o yptY Teudrindacine Mapie Grove Rd. and Highway1 backfilied. Ivan Mount~juy,ln or out. Write Advertisem this development and we will house, large bam.EcletWdedy DEWELL-At Memoriai Hos- and floral tributes. Special will seil by public auction, No. 2. J. Rekker and Sons.' phone 986-4737, Blackstock.'405, c/o Canadian Statesman, have plans and prices availabie soit. Widow mtse.Loa- M.Oi Pthranso pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- thanks to Rev. J. C. Verbrugge livestock owned by Ossie Phone 623-2768. __ 34-2 21-tf P.0. Box 190, Bowmanvilie. for you. If you have your ed 20 miles Bowmnie.AkJoMaoc, etth day, Aug. 22, 1963, Vera Baker, for bis consoîing womds, the Mitchell, Concession 6, Man- BOOKS for Teachers' Colmain- 35-i own plans, we will be gîact to ing $28,000 - exclett:s ekedwt e ohr beloved wife of Samuel Dew- Morris Funeral Chapel, during vers Township, off Highwaylhockey shouider pads, 12-14'GREIGWel an ut o apiefracr-Oe o i e ehl. Rested at Northcutt and our recent bereavement of a 35, 15 miles South of Lindsay, yeams; pînk spindie double bed tenance, fences built, trees and quALyuaprcEfraco-e n fo Aresilreanbeofr.MsL .Sodn rte~ Smith Funeral Home, Bow- loving wife and mother. 16 miles North of Newcastle, wîth spring and mattress. Tele- srispnne trtoîîig, FsA E E P îtey iisedhmeîoaed 10 crs eellndwhiBossseransub-e-i~ nanvilie. Service was held Mm. Jacob van Dam from Highway 401: 200 head phone 623-3939. 35-1 patios. sod, seed. fertilizers, FOR division has compiete prepaid 5 miles south o ida nbnl n loatne h in the chopel on Monday, Aug- and famiiy. 35-4* stocker and feeder cattle, ___AiOboîn eh evergeens, flowering shrubs. LIGHT FACTORY WORK services. paved road. Riveis 0,wd.fnmlc e ut r.S ut 26th at 2:30 p.m. Inter- Heefords, Herefords Cross-ISLTObigmt- Free landscape design and $8,300.00 - $1,200 on . Excellent valueat$500. mient Hampton Cemetery. In On behaif of the Baker fam- bred, Angus yearling steers, od, with rock wooî. Womk- estimates. Darliagton Garden Permanent Empînyment. room brick, $60.00 per ont , 12 Acres in Kendlhi îhDw],Hmtn e o lieu of fiowers donations may1 ily and my own I would like to be sold in lots îmom 6 to manship guaranteed. Free esti- Service, 623-3905, Bowman- Apply in person iocated in monthlle trout . Faul be made to the Ontario Heart to thank ahi those who sent 12, aiso Heeford cows wîth mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- ville. 28-tf $8,000 - Compact bnao Very scenie propry 400 t hm Foundation. 35.1*1cards and letters to my wife calves at foot and rebmed. Hol- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SPECIALTY PAPER in'Nwate utb enTrs IVema during hem illness. Also stein spingem heifers. SellingIGLADIOLUS cut flowers, con- J BROUGH TD UTTC Sc LTD. Cati Bob Johnson 728-2548 or Lake fontage Chm g Ms.HR.Fey as e GREENFIELD, Percy E.-Sud- to those who sent Cards and on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 1:00 tainer arrangements, town and PLUMBING & HEATING PR - n Hetherington 623-3637. Lake, 500' chicesoeietundhm fom vsin denly, in Bowmanville, on Sat- fiowers in sympathy. I wish p.m. Ternis cash. No e- hospitai delivery. Cal Fass- "Dura Pumps and Softeners" 3TEPRNC T Bb-Gooct rond to proet.Es icsadnpes m urday, August 24, 1963, Fercy to thank those who gave to the serve. Ted Jackson, auction- ant's, 122 Duke St., Bowman- 63 TEMPERAtrm. rs.Jon teen adTa. E. Greenfield, beloved husband Heart Foundation. I wish to eer. 35.2* ville. FPhone 623-3527. 29-tf Phonie U623-5B615NVLLE 35-i Joe Crawford - 623-3672 Cottage On ChmnLke yodnM.adMsOr cf Elva Bragg, dear father of thank Drs. Ferguson and An- ALUMINUM do o rs a nd Division St, ______________________-_23363_3bedoos, 4, Ja MsH.CAnesnfossi for their kindness and Teners W nted ~windows. Cali us today for Bwmnile- o Hternga -63-67 rons 4500 i00in aladfmlWs h Beaureparie, Quebec. Rested considemation. I vwi to thank TEBwavll iefree estimate. Ternis aA AA Livestock For S leRon Drapak - 725-5253 2 Acronesd em ioef lsaEv at the Nothcutt and Smith tmorHspian taf f ofeiMkin- THooBowadreultndrsed. Cowan Equipment, King A. BAARS -PRiINGERS anct pajj cows,-__35-1_ _________lliswithbtroutlsraiad2 ekn iioswt r Funemal Home, 53 Division St. moilHsia o hi id colBadrqet edr t. E., Bowmanviile. Phonel rd orsl.SmB a North, Bowmanvilie. Service ness and came of my wife. I on Liglit Industriai Fuel Oul 623-5689. 45-tf'P mb & . trceo sî.Sa Bma John F. DeWith $2,0 bnalw $,00.00 - ndMsoEgnwDbstas was held in the chapel on wish to thank M. Nothcutt (ASTM Specs No. 2) for its --,Pum ig& etn Livestock Dealer. Tetephone 50 Acres of hadodbsMsRdeyFyBar a- 'ruesctay, August 27, at 2:30 anct M. Carson Elliott for the scbools for the~ present heat- TYPEWRITERS, adding nia- PHONE 623-7127 Omono 5 r 5. 34-.22 REALTOR North of Tyrone. ny$,0.îy p.m InermritBowmanviile kind and heipful, as well as ing season. Delîveries of 4,000 chines, supplies, sales, service t;em.ete men 35-i the very efficient manner in gallons or over. Repiy in and rentals. AR machines 35 Nelson St. Bawmanville Rear Baiimanville - 14 Frank St. r100 aAcresrdwthCmsas M .d rsRyKae _______ which they and their staff took writing to S. R. James, Sec'y- guaanteca. '.ook's Office 46-' elvisio t26 ceDia IRY23-A950Fontypool. $6,C0.0-$.0 h a enhldyn il NICOLA - t Mmoraicame of each and every detail. Treas., P.O. Box 1030, Bow- Equipment, 10 Richmonct E., S P'CTA Kra eic e, i n aes. 60exclentbidAings. Aking ono eion m.GereRcNrhB Hospital, Bowmanville, on Fmi- These tbings all help in a tume manville, by Saturday, Sep saa 78803-2 Teievision Service Co. Phone $47,000. Temmns. large double garaesl,0 isrtunho. dy uut2,16,Drtyof trouble. Sincereiy, tember 7th, 1963, stating fixed TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash- PUMPING 623-3883. 52-tf day Auust23 193, omohySami Dewell. 35-1* or fluctuating price per galloniers, duplicators, chequewrit- VIEAHN TBE AI n eiin- 120 Acre DAIRY FARM with Newcastle - 4 b1roihm, Ms aiBokBw Plummer Nicholas, beloved _____ epis.godbiligs tal cene,$600.0- 100.STonAaviBLrESarec Mi wife of Owen Nicholas and and specîfications. 34-2crs, comptometers, thmee hund-RAIan evio eprsgodbligstlelae,$60.0-$10 dea notercfGlny (rs.Wewih o xpes or LESE md new and used. We buy,BE TT M IN Prompt service. Pick-up and etc. Asking $45,000. Terms. Bowmanville -4bdon om adduhcsBni G. Clark), Oshawa, in ber 56tbltbanks and appreciation to ou r C,. SE me seli ent, service. Hamilton PHONE CLARKE 4721 delivery. George's, 14 Centre 13yceDIYFR 0 rc oe eycnrl n are etcowr vear. Service was held in thelmaay friends in the Tyrone, Nursing H m Office Equipment, 137 Brock ETNIL St. Phone 623-5713. 41-tf îbs. niulk quota. Going 'con- $18 000 0 - excellntem. TscavsiosihM.ad MorriisFunmalChaelBow SaeniandHayon ongegaSoalemhityndO 8849yNETONILL UTi.. D' cen.Snoyth,000dow. Snse TeMOc Sudivsio,9.s. . Cltautt an Mm an ninvll, n ona Auust, tins :for their ac-ts of lindiness LYTONHURST Manor h a s 10-tf 3-fIvaLch RLeflalrlcT construction to sata ne m.Te oradduhes and Amnot. 35-1rrits - assports 2 ISIGErorgntea, hrg f2e Weddtngs. Anniversaries Dr. Anfossi's office will be vtr on mube, okshutt ______- Ut IGErognlmn $8,200. Ternis.Achqeo 5wil *vr HARRIS, Thomas Herbert- a Speclalty closed from September 7th ta Fertilizer Distributor, 18 ft. WAYNE'S prefcmably with board. P.O. 7 Roomed home, Betbany,I off__replaies directe>IUB In loving memory of a dea ASTOR 22nd inclusive. 35-4 King Wyse Elevator, trough MAINTENANCE SERVICE Box 761, Bownianvilie. 354* with new oil furnace. Onlyl siRTEna<AEUUMs oyeMls n ati Ian ndg mandyf aear oSTDOtype; Fleury 4-wheel Spread- Rugs Sapod es.f.$1,000 down. MARRIAGES ETS BhaiRlhMleçmte assd wa Auus 3th,197. Phonie 623-2502 Anyone wishing ta bowl cm, 3-sections of Flexible Har- Ail types of Venetian Blmnds Cs on$h1po.50orndbuglo paeNDCrSM.adMm.Grn hk who ioveyusadly miss57 20-2 with the Ladies Fiday Ater- bows, 32 ft. Pipe Elevator, Cleaned and Repaired for Dead or Crippled Farmi Bowmanvillc Hospital. Ex- NOTICES - oMN cc Vewoldyou, dl icpto noon League at 2 p.m., please $99.00. Cowan Equipient C> IDW AHD Sok lkdu rmty cellent state of repair. Asking Se a word withamnmpM.ndM.e.. alo As it dawns another yeamcaîl Win Brown at 623-2610) or 134 King Street East. Phone Hardwood and Tile Floars Telephone collect 263-2721 $12,000. Terrns. 125lt5 odOtJU an e ohr r.Fe A i aurlnybs othinkingi1 eepton Marlon Gibson at 623-3972 J'y 623-5689. 35-1 Refinished Maglewlageroomed bungalow rM uaMm.s stnwr afeslatSn i Mm a nd Ms James H.Me- Stbe 7th. 35-21 Chcsterfields and Chairs M rw Fur Farm wt ag stream, on 2 acres, [8.5pu 0 ielt~dyo m n r.Sa Thoughts of you are ever . . M, etan. H pey,____ SAMSON Shampooed TYRONE nortb of Bowmanvîile. Onîy.Ga ~tândM -Lovingl rernembred hometa theirrhlative, friend AnPHONEis255g tRONOl LIPeONce25o-.O245-CicenceNo.0245-o63n$5a0minimum nch .iand mMrs. Yar. r mmbigedoKnnonnBthanw e casintheMxdMjrLau o- TV T- RS34-tf 19-tf 5Roomed, nwbrick bna dioalCaefin» 175p~min iale~we n tdaughters, sons-in-îaw and n ei1orsWdinonf-dynîb,9t'lck eehone EOOYad< Dasoklow in Oshawa. Vcry wel- game rt1 m RnHgra grnchlre.35-1 0 heim 6th WdigAn-dyngt 'l ,tlp EOOYadDELUXE& gradcblden. ____ ..versary, aSatumday, Septeni- Liberty Bowl or Bernice Bu- BARNES & BYAVCash or Da t constructed. Nicely iandscap- sAiasslIle deme b aMisDoenMicele MEMO~ALS ber 7th, frai 2 to 5 'and frait day, 725-4945 by 6 o'clock Ruy now for the best price ed. Only $2,500 down. this office no ate hn Snaapa DlnlIedMAdRsint 7 tu 10 p.m. 35-.î* Tuesday, September 3rd. 35-1 Flnancing Arranged PLUMBING & REATING Deai with the driver - he will 20 Acres on Lake Ontario. 4:30 pDm. Telys usewt MEMr.and Ms. Emest Tmney BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA S 2LE-& SRVIE cordini ta size and condition. odrads DgiidadDsiciewill be at home ta their NURSERY SCHOOL TV SUPPLY LTD. Ou Burner Sevc BrrtFuFam Atrbuscî:Cp h5oiltanyefrc vstng ihheganpa indsgefor ayneed. occasion of their Golden Wed- (Lieensed) 31GBO T ETCPAK N hn fieTERoRODstace Doald smauf-tOron- 62-4 Moa 8 houh0FldC Bwmftvl 152 Sinîea Si. S., Oshawa ding Anniversary at the Lions Opening, MONDAY, SEPT. 16 IE ES hne iceLog isaceId550rsa,-rno 16arte):30 *.m. ta u 7omunity Centre, Bowman- Phone 728-8180 PHONE Zeih o6r n cag)Ross Davidson - Bethany 30W3 igDreevime 723402 72862 ville, r " ta 9:30 p..on FrIfraInm nomn Day or Night HAMPTON 263-2288 Peterborough collect, 742-43301John M. Sandy - The Canadianstaemnwm is~wt 01f Eveningu 11,fr Dial MArk.3-03'Ç Ofc vuueFriday, Septemnbe th, 1963. Phone MES. ALAN OSBORNE BILL LEASK, Prop. TYRLONE 263-266 Collectar'. Licence Ne. 226-C-63 Omemoe 5589' for ClasuiiedAder.. 5wJ,1 85-t 8-1 13-28 3-l -tI 10-tif 18-ttf' 85-il