Hampton SwimmersJ WMT Red Cross Awards, Durham Coninty Recreation Followii1g is a list of the Association, in conjuniction graduates and theïr new clas- rh the Canadian Red Cross,: sification: ' ented swimming achieve- Senior Swiimmrer's Award- 'înt awards to 219> voung Susan Wearn, Ginger Balsor., swimmers a-, Cedar Park in Debbie Reynolds, Donna Ter-ý O ampton, reccntl "v. rill, Stanley Yen. SCh ildrcn in the four Rd Iitermediate - Pcggv Mill- Cross classifications : Senior, son, Ruth Mlîson. Scolt Eak- Intermcdiate. Junior and Be- jn11. Brian Monntjov, Ailene ginners, had already been Yen. Brenda Terril!. Rohi"- tested on Wednesday b, Paul Tremble, Ted Wiggins. Timn Meldrum of Toronto, the di-_ Barton. trict supervisor o! Red Cro~S!,Jin:nr- - Ste'.e ReYn:odz. Swimminz Courses. Bo.d *Jeveil, Walter Pinglo. The aw.ard nighî nrkc Glen Mllîson. Robin Stu3rt, the conclusion of six and one Jimn Robson. Jennifer Be 1 ' hait weeks o! inten<ývetr- Joan Rogers. Teresa Borek. ing under the teaching of i, Penn'. Stuart, Carol i, structors Shirley Rcvnoldz Latinie L.ambeirt. Kar-en Ye!- Annlle lute a Dbbk' Io% lee eather Gifrin. L,1-. Revnolds. i~ Pa2e, Linda Motnntjo., The graduates pr-e:zcntt-cl Rnth Sha,-k!eton., Marianne their own awards to their i- Farnuer. Laiînie Siainton and structors in appreciation he- Susan Craig. fore thporremoies official:,,- BcegCinnrci - Gary Pliayne. began.Alan Argue, Tammv ,Seo-t, began. -Dong Stainlon. Diane Bara- ga'-, Debbie Baragar, Bob' "For QUALITY Cars Jolles. Alice Jones, Robertaý and Service" Ccaig, Arlene Hall, Beverl 'v Hall. Glen Ashlon. Chiristi:ue -SEE - Brent, Richard Molenar, Day-' id Deele.v, Jimn Ok, Lu Stableford, Albert S a mis,ý Alan Adcock, Douglas Smitii,' M c QUEEN HesraMeDo n Brookse- G ernt MaugonnaBo, Y'.onn OTOR SALE Feddema, Cail Bonnetta.ý MOTOR SALE Guy Bonnetta, Neil McLaugh- - LIMIED - lin, Micluele Head. Neffissal - LIITED - Head, Gordon Malcolm, Briani, EarI MeQueen, Pres. Lee. Arthur Snock, Richardý Borek, Stanle ' Reid, AI Main-" 219 KING ST. E. prize and DannY Lambert. BOW31AN VILLE Auithorizcd Dealer for Rambler Cars Phone 623-33156 ~emronstrator ONLY 7 LEFI' 6 cyl. and 8 cyl. These 1963 cars carry approximatciy 20,000 mile va rranty. 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 2-Dr. Hardtop 4-speed transmission. V-8 engine. custom radio. Local, one owner car. 1961 Rambler American 4-Dr. 6 cyl.. standard transmis- sion. Excellent condition. 1960 Morris Oxf ord 4-Dr. One owner economy car ln A-i condition. 1957 Cadillac 4-Dr. Hardtop SFu IIy power rquipped. ocal car in gond condition. 1957 Pontiac 4-Dr. Deluxe 6 eyl., standard transmis- sion. Good automobile. EnJoy on-tiue-spot. rellable Traders' Iow cost Financing. "The oldest ail-Canadian finance company". SERVICE STATION c l n and let lischeck yM-tires for trouble-free summer driving! Open fromn 7 a.m. tîntil 12 midnight 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 Af 1er Hours 623l-2083 Meniher of N.A.L. CONTACT: Earl McQuren Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jim Cronîbie Jack Miller Sales Does Weil in First Time Out NESTLETUN .,l, Z' . Rouent visit1on.s wxith c "-&' anud Mrs. Bruce Heaslîp '.xere Mr'. Robent Halboran, Ponty- ' pool, Mm'. and Mms. Clufft Oh -i . ....... '.er, Toronto, Mn. anud Mrs. Ewart Blight, Bm'ookliuu, Mnrs. Carolyne Piper', 17, daughter o! Mr daid Mis. George Piper, Ontario St., Iîugb Tay'loc. Liudsa.v, Mmt.: rode a horse at Bîackstock Faim fiat liad nieue been cntered in show competition and Mrs. Russel Morden., dan-ý before. This was her- first experience in ffront of a large crowd, too. She and Boldi. StMargaries nd. Td"olyond e Flint, Maple Grove, came third. Carolyne learned ber Rev. R. Merle Thornpson, r id ing frorn an expert horscwomnan, Mirs. T. WeleyCawerManvers Road. Now adOooFi lcfloigStîdy vse a~r >0 S t e l m i i h fl I ...41 John and Ruth, of Melfort, that she lias started, Miss Piper will be showing at Port Ferry Fair on Monday Nw i h i e I i i h t a 'Mc. and Mns. Donald Thomp-,__-_______-_________ II son and other relatives. Thev iand Suzanne have -one fol Street, Toronto, anud Marshali joincd Mrs. Thompson at the Kentncky for a short liolida'.'-lCrues, 90 Varna Roadi, To- ýI home of hier parents. Mr. anud visiting enroute îvith li'r sis- 010 osal .Bre, Oliver f orfthe ght Mndy Mc.and fMiyis.WindClement Accident ibo. Cnstabie . Barb 11> S URO O M or RECREA TIO N RO OM0 1 lef fo te wston ondyMr.an Mr. Wi.CleeH A pon >v was killed on No. 2 anding and famnilY, Oshawa, have l~Iff Highway. a short distance ii 1 Mrs Frnk ynuns moved into the foi-nier Dr est of Bowmanville, at 2:10: daughters, Boxvmanville, visit-R. P. Bowîes home on the d*cock on Satnnday mornin- ed lier motheir, Mrs. Nelsori: Caesa rea road. At 4:42 o*' 101 ismon-bv hue unknown driv.er of hoiPywt hcE etk>CUL S Marlow. Naîuc v remained forBr Bowýei's cenov.ed a ing thei e '.as a colsori0 It and run car. Constableilii ahldvwtlirgrandcmin-'pb Wiîip No, 401 hligh '. Murray Jovnî, OPP, is invcs- mot her. 1capngtip__Wnipg Mi. an MKe lasgonl, spending somne linie 'ith his Newcastle, betweell tvo nin)- tigatiig. The poi'.' had been î>- !o~~~~~ Oia.a oa paîetbrother Jerry o! Kenio r . l.oi' transports, and the crai p jidi feda.oining 'r K for Oshaow eatoharr Police. resulîrd ini extensive danuage the noad arnd lhad wandered FRO N T 1 Mns.Ale Agew uovd 1 Fneîîs wll e peasd btn oUîveh-icles. Luicien La- outo the hîgluwav. To'oî bs. xAnwcck Ted Ag- lenha M'willi lam TayIo casse, 693 Green Street, Mon-' ---- Toroto tis \eck. Th A.- ]car tht Mr Wiliam Tav real. '.as thre driveIr or one ncwv place i s sld but new.v or, who lias bren confined to o!flhe velîlcles iiuvolveci. anud O Mrs. Howard Lee and CIiff, lime, is cxpected Io return TrnEor.DAL k' .oono. Limited Quantity Mis. J. McCalden anîd Mi, home laler in the '.eek. SIILaandort. Lmitod, Tnouito. Neil Le visite ArthurHul-'îConîstable K. Sniddard, OPP, S/or nd rs Docnt CIîsild fibL A Neil~ ~ ~ ~~~~r Le iie nhnHl iGeorge Boweus to (*Ii îvestigated. "ihhcanMs .Mr- bert iii Civic IHospital, Pete' - sclooI bus opeî atoi is itie On Snîlder at 6:25 p.îW... r ci boroLngh.l and report bis con- prond ovwner o! a 78-asen ar' drii b'. Leslie Robent .m9ronhreto 1as~r>. M H G N ditioîî s about the sanie. e owr oto ieB ideoî,2 lde od iisCria tBwman-EA UNFXNISHE!) Mr. and Mis. Edson Tbomp- 1school bus, b begin iubs non ,Eforonto î,nit out of contrali.LinsC 1111at B soir, C;innington, wene Sun-loti Septenîher 3rd <'mu County Road 57. the Scni'.îîvile on Saturday evenmng and ilbg day visitons withî Mr. and ____________and____________repota__ Ilime BUY NOW AND SAVE Mnrs. Grant Tluompson. ogRaadcrsid M r W reporca god, ime.d4 x7 Mn Mlvle re.' ii' t~hue ditclu. The driver '.as ti-, Ms-W$e3.33idyd________________ onto, is spendiîug a few da\à injunred, but bis cal' sntie»o'afwdy ihbrduh lt iii the village. C ouiderable damnage. Con.!ten, Mrs. Vance Allen at their99 Fode as ~ ifla stable A. Vi Alen. aairdid MsHA M MRS - 4 x8' $3.71 Ms lyTaylor-, Blackstock. Residents of 'Solina Nvho Neil Yen. age 16, a passengerialso there. wereER Mn. and Mns. Oliver Robrhare okngfrte o-iii the Middleton car, was sec-ý Mrs. Mary Luxon left Sat-' and Warr'en wei'e in Tilson-rsonecthsek iousivv mmmcrd. lie is a pa- ucday to spend a week at Lake ii .bur andbl'OIghthotientod, i0spTorontoths Geuuera .l llos-Kushog with Miss Margaret REDWOOD.. ofnr eandbnh t oms.la find it on page five mnder a pitl wheî'e lie was coîiveyed'Patterson and Mn. and Mrs.11. Mr.s. Carl Pethuerick 1% Pontypool heading. hv bthc Bowîuuauville Arean Grav. spending somte time with ber ________________Ambulanc'e Service. i M.adMr.Rs ElIi<'tt F L. v . parents iii Peterborough. AI.ocrcliin~41o! Ottawa spent a few daysi 11h>L'. 316 -GOVE OTR Mr. and Mns. Allan Wilson 11ihalast weekeîud with Mn. and! jl iTilay ai Lamba Road on1 Mrs. Reg. Elliott. PET1ITTKITTTPM 'undav ule no nsi 9h A baby shower was lueld ait LUA S * ~.LJLLJJLJ abe danag 1i o cheh es tie bomîe o! Mrs. Eddie Cou-i able Suamdav visitons o!lM 'ouxo%%olieneMltedOovaldceat1 dP L A N U E R S MAHOGAN Mn. anîd Mrs. Jeu. 'lri rivercs volved xverc ox lenMs.Ox'lZeln iwas tic recipient of many 1h Limited Quantity were Sundav visitors ocm .Feiaid ILefebvr e,526 CIII'lih ovely anîd useftlgifts. Games I AOR 0 INNERTHE? ATIE anîd Mns. Jolîîî Muir, Brechiii.' STR 'S and contests were played and rniL J KE UCEITO LEA OR ~T /4kORANT Mm. and Mrs. Leonardi dD a delicions lunch. was served 1111,,_________________________4' $42 4 IIj DÀaA Y, WE1L s T YL E night with Mn. and Mns. F. W.' bYST À '. berasbostess t .Ge. ___________________________ VOUR HA/R 7HE Wernyv, befone Ieaving for l'lic U.C.W. picnic nieetingl 11 onSndv I,.*I was held at the home of Mx'.1 4 '$ 8 LR.QMr.R VY a d mily, '.ynier rity Foods anîd Mns. 'Tom Stevens on l»i IPLRýOjr%£c and Mrs. Rayrovaid uee c WUIGA R EN O O Sunday rvidsa eeFREEDELIVER Wednesday and was a perfect ARE> O L visitns atK. Mc PHONE 623-3~541 atternoon for the outing. TheIWhlThyLi Gmlls. ______________________,meeting was iii charge o! Mrs. Mn. anud Mns. F. V'erduîn anîd Stevenus and Miss C. W. Stew- rviii, Oshaw.'a, '.'.ce Sudav arlNdt. 'llic devotiomual \vas gi R RIE A AR E dinner guests of% C. Avenyýs T * b' Mrs. Stevenus ho spoke on A L P IE S M R E and Miss E. Knapp. "oao~ Ie The lindrances to Prayer" o at JucNe . . i Mr andMrs.Ealaund gave the prayer for wivesý Mn. and Mc.eaî'iveeMaes,48 07. Fins -save 12c and also the praycr flor r mm-STANLEY tea guests o! R. Vintlue's. T[le ' ber's of a meeting. MsStcew-111 LT A W L 'WMasters childrnn ebirnced art gave an unteresting ac-! NVR AP home atten spendiuug Iolidiays ou.nt of bientrip Ibis suntimer U I ~~e EE HIK Mr. and Mrs. larence Pet-muniity in Maine. They wcre *N PITR ick Mn Ge. Ptluck.'l'noutoNIBI ETS oîganized in England and cameSe .Mah _____Mr.______________Toronto,1tothe U.S. about 1774 aîîdl ji Set of 4 $ .00Nmi ooue setSundav 'vtîMn. anud NisMilre o ac Corn fome _______________________________ Mms. S. R. Petluick. K re Con te pnopertv %vas lieîd in com- 4eX7$35 1Ver. sor'ny b report Ncil noiri and ail tookz part in the SICE Yeo lias beeuî taken uul ielabour and(ladministration, j 4' "XICOE"$4.10 General Hlospital, Toronito, due C 5 I ey live veî'y plainly, a' ito a very bad car accident 2 ns 7tluîifîy anid capable anîd didtn > ( MI A I N. 'X8 _-$ 1 south of the xvillage; Neil lias ___________________ i c nauufctnng hee '.ery bac] bead injuries. lis I ~arc uuIlv a fcw settlements left f or furwnIEAN hi> many friends hope lier thue U.S. About 15 sat dw best. o(L1 a weil laden picuuic Ial )utý) te awDO O RSjoed Miss Lois Ashtîon is spend- PoIft ChoDs tauth lwi ad njye E R S O N A 'I. ng this weck '.s'th Miss Judy a milicious repast anîd socialý 11 Greenî, Kigstonî. c houîc. The ladies expresscdîi WITH ALUMINUM INSERTS MOE'IFL Mn. auud Mis. M. Staiîuîuîuu apreiaIofrsueh a fny 6 1 laai feno er 11 4m 1ZSF p(lin o)taI gor Miss ILav.erne Orchuard \wecc, O I pcsautatemontothirITE)11)SIE here gels1pcson Suiidav Ioa guests ai. Mr. anîd host and bostcss. WieTe ~s agh Mns.tpron hleTe Ls 4 WOOnDDcsB'vaî LA OL Ls.Sna Ms .Tnp Élivyn Dicky'ýsI _____________________________C._____p- ialattention f r o mn ville, son anud Arthur and Mrs. G.'>PRCD RM along the way. Try us! Norval Wotten. Solina: Mms. H m Steaks Bunwash and Miss McBride onilu FOLDING DOORS Chapini (nce Ireuue Argue>, itheir return to Cobourg. They i iiu1 PAY US A VISIT . . EXR SEC L Long Islaund. Newv York, '.vCne ad been visiting their sister'A U xisitors at Mr. and Mns. N. E. Ix, fMns. Thompsou. bas IAT OUR Wriht'. O ly 71b Mrs. Chyrreli Coatbam lua A Wmighî's. lb benî with lher-grandmother. owU j Mr. anîd Mus. C. Feg -HuL îsfrM'. .Mrcrfr opl5f were with Mn. anîd Mrs. Ken FRESH IOLMD r.W ecrfracul IS LYA 2 * Herrnîgton, Oshuaw..a. eksI ~~kv - ie.Joan Aveu'y, Bownilan-Sasae Ir.bavndJM. Normn l'iîer- vile olilay cd '.vitb Mis, e]ha e rtrnd t iieir>i Diane AvQrv aund Miss Linud' sunier cottage beme. With tiîe tlis eekend were Mrs. M 'HlnAery, Bo\,wnians .ille. Is-'>ORONO FAIR' Aer hl id A ed witbMis 99Lena Kenby and Dr. John........... Bob Scot, Kedm'ou. was a ___________ Kerby.I SEPTEMBER5-6-7 Sunday visitor of Rodncy ir- Cgations b Mn. and luIlu Mr. nd rs. lla) Wer.vIsobel Pembecton> who wcre A anud fanuil'. wene callens at Mn. IRE FSTONE No. 1 married on Saturday, August lî,m anud Mrs. R. Lce's. Kediron. 11 tS.Jh' St. Tiomas Mn. uîd Ms. F Chuurch ini Port Hope. They va-~u n SatenSheSithLie W. Wermy, Jackie and David are îigo the Hoy Fanm Ill Oshawa Office and Showroom - LIMIIELI-Mi fiead hwom4hl' JLaLsman Veale. Mr. and Mns. H. J. Mc-X i o coaî putîs OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE e 10CUTC Gill were Sundav visitons at Oniy cRyMDnl pn a1 Telephones le CUTE '728-16h Mn. anîd Mrs. F. À. Werrv's. 89.vcck with bis grand motherIlll Phone: 728-1617 ROWMANVILLE iMr. and Mrs. Allant Wcry\ a 9 qt. basket Mrs. Selleck, at Omcmre and AJAX - Y i auîd amiî w'ee SatumdH diu- .. . ccurno hombIbi SunAyJAXBO- AVILLi- 7 216 . 1 I- is1 PE 1:%er. throî. indiv' rniasti step; BUSINESS FORIMS SALES LITERATURE LETTERHEADS TAGS and LABELS Cali us for ati estiniate on your next job. The (anadiai 06S KING ST. IV. PHONEM rMr. and Mrs. tddIL- Cnuroux,1 The Canadfan Statemmaii, Iowmanville, Aug. 28, 1988 Marie and Lynn and Mr. andn Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Linda and 4u ' Dehbie spent Sunday at Vance !nU Allen's cottage at- Mink Lake) 'Boad Ànnouces4. A good number of support- ers attended the sixth game N of th-O andaw A ll o c atio n s f o r enile series at Courtice when' eA lo a i nf r the series, four gamnes to tvo. On Saturdax- evening, Aug-ý List 17 the Kendal. - Little Se Darlington Pupils Britain Juvenile playoffs be- gan with the Little Britain teamn visiting Kendat for first It was decided at a recent are on the south Ride or convenienre this mar cause game of the best 1%Vo out Of special meeting of the South Hlghway No. 2. wllI attend Io parents in any o'f theis three. It was a good closeDarlington Township Area South Courtice School. areas but request s that ths game with Kendal wvinning b'. School Board, the Public Ail those pupils on the inconvenicncrs be condonèt a 10 to 9 score. School Inspector, Mr. Earle west side of TrullUs Road ifor thc cominir year. . On Tuesday evening. Augusi Webster, and the new Super- North and those on Nash Arrangemets have beei 20 the Kendal Juveniles trav.- vising Principal, Mr. David, Road west of TruIEsq Road ýmade for the nc'w Stupervisili: elled to Little Britain for the Powell, that the ratepavers of In grades five and s'ix Wili Principal, Mr. David Powell second garne and were defeat-: the area would be asked 10 g,) attend the WNest Courtice ýto have his office in tlit ed 3to 2. It was a close gamealong with some iîecessarv! Sehool. Hiampton School with Mr.M as it went 1 to 1 until the changes in allocation of corne West Courtice School WYl1,J .Hobbs,, who, will continue k! ninth inniing whien Kendal of the pupils of the area. remain as a six grade sehool, Scrtr-Treasurer and Art wentahed 2to bu Litle The following changes will, grades one to six inclusive.,niinistrator for the Board. Britain got two runs in the be made: land as in former years the[ The Are-a Board will m4rý bottomn of the 9th to win. ANIl those puplils from grade seven and eight pupilsý with aIl teachers of the are>~ Kendal had 2 runs on 3 bits, gae oet egtIndu- of tle West, Courtice area willItUc peco.adteSpr gave up 7 walks and had oneý sive, whose homes do not attend North Courtice School. vising Principal on Wednes, 'error; 11 went down by strike-1 front on Hlghway No. 2 andi The Board regrets any in- 'day, September 4, at, Hamiip outs. Little Britain had 3' ton Hall. runs on 5 bits, walked one and bt ofigo uut1tTenx pLlrmeii byd streous. nni wntch- OBTU RY119,5. He was a member of oft the Board is Septcmnber .1 er ws Te ae tt a. W n d te Rssl AeanerM en Trinitv United Church, aiidl in Hampton School. lo sînptcer Ral eann tedy. selAlxndr ee belonged to Florence Nightia-i ----- loigpice RlnKend.gale Lodge No. 66. Air, Rail or Steamnshlp On Saturday. August 24th. Russell Alexander MeLean' Many floral tribtites testi- T 1 (, K E T S Little Britain was at KendallI died in Memorial Hospital' fi2d to the high cstecm inl TO EVERYWHERE for the third and decidingl after a four months illness.' whichi Mr. MeLeani was held game and wvon bv a score of on TuesdaY, August l2th. A'bv aIl who knew him. Amongr Consuit 8-4. Kendal got 4 runs in the resident of Bowrnanville forj the beautiful offerings were' J.11 R Y & L 0ONI E 1, L, first iinning, Little Britain 2 in more than 30 vears, Mr. Mc- those frcom Florence Nightin-' 2 King SC. E. 623-336f' the 4th and 6 runs ini the 7tEan a ihy regarded by gale Lodge No. 66, the Cania- Rowmanvllle inning. Little Britain hbad 8: his rnany friends. He wa-S dian Statesman, the Goodycar __________ runs off 8 bits and 4 walks, empîoyed by the Goodveai' Tirean ubrCm nyo committed 3 errorsad a Tire and Rubber Company, and.Rubbcr dComrp y o 7mnstrike out. KnalhdLimited for 32 years. Wood Products, Jnrv and 1,o- l ESULTS COUNTI 4 runs on 7 bits and 2 walked,~ Mr. MeLean is survived bY x'ell, and Thomson-Kcraghan committed 3 errors and had i s wife, three daughters,ý and Comnpany. 9 men strike ont. The winnîng Betty, Mrs. Donald Bishop,i Rev. W. K. Hlouslander o!-ý pitcher was Ted lHallett and Bowmianville, Doreen. Mrsý1 ficiatcd aIt.the service hield, the losing pitcher John Quan- Stanley St. Louis, Oshawa, iii the Morris Eunneral Chapel tri]]. This winds up the base- adMs oc cen o- nTusa feiutMt- bal] for the Kenldal Juveniles otand biss J oy cn, or- onLit Th aernonAllerr!MUTPELSTN EVC for this year. otadb w os oadt4 1W h aierr UTPELSIGSR C M.cLean. R.R. 3, Bowmanville,, were Michael Murph. Ever-, Consult a Me1mber f the When speaking to somne of and William McLean, Bow- cIl 'Hai-ne- -, Tom HarnessDsrc them afler the gai-ne they stili, manville. Jack Fau.kner, Ken Paîmer: Oshawya & Dsrc think that they aie the better'1 A native of Lindsay, Mr. and H-orace Hall. Interment tearn but that the breaks went MeLean was educated there. was in Bowmanville Ceme< Real Estate Board. against themi. :lie married Miss Mary Elizd-iter. 1