2l-- The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvile, Aug. 28, 19631 Ayre'1s Ram Judged Best .,,,n 'Ex' Show .-G. M.21fi3, ôwned by Lloyd -Ayre cf 8owmanvllle, was : ,,ýudged best Hampshire Down ..zamn at the Canad.an National -Exhibition Monday. The reserve ram titie went rrAyre Acres, also owned by Ayre. The grand champ1ion ewe -was Ayre Acres I 1T. owned . by Mr. Ayre andf reserve wa-, --Ayre Acres 16U, also owned -by Mr. Ayre. Emnke Bros. owned by Emke Brothers of Elmnwood, OCnt., won the2 grand champion- -jhip Corriedale ram tîtie. --The reserve grand cham- Zionship was taken by Wilson -John 41S, owned by Mrs. A. 'ÎX. Hutchison of Càledon. Toiries Tro Stress provinces. By taking the lead in the pension field, he said, greater mobility willbe provîded for aur work force, resultinoe in more job oppor- tunities and greater security for our people. The pool of vest.ed funds will also pro- vide, he saîd, a source of valu- 1able capital for the further sdevelopment and encourage- iment of new jobs. The legis- 1lation is flot the final answer to the pension problem but it ,is a sound beginning, he sug- gested, and co-operating with the federal government On- tario wjll be able ta take the lead in providing a programn of inestimable value to the People. With a population of 6',, m ill ion people in one af the~ worlds fastest growing reg- jions, Ontario cannot afford ta delay. It is our responsibility, he said, ta provide now as in 1 the past the necessary leader- ship. This responsibilîty the Robarts' Government has as- sumed and is prepared ta fui-î fi ils promise and obliga- tion to the people. Lme0n S e Large Entry in the Caif Club Showmanship Contest Judge Doug Young, Asst. Agr. Rep. for Victoria1 From the display, it would appear that ihe family1 had a tough task selecting the winner in the caif club 1 names connected for many years with top beef cattie' ;howmanship class at Blackstock Fair on Saturday. in this area will continue in this field for many years Crown Attorney rChartran's Tie lSam's Foods iTuesday Night The Junior Town League Softball playoffs are going right down to the wire. Last night. Sam's Finer Foods and Chartran's played to! an eight-alI tie in eight inn iga wlth darkness eloslng In to cail off the contest at that point. At one point, Chartran's led 6-0, but the food men. came through to tie it up and keep It that Nvay untîl the end. This makes the series two tames apiece and one tie, with the next game slated for tomorrow (Thursday) at the Hlgh School grounds. Nicholson and Michelson handled the Chartran pltch- Int dulies, wlth Willowdale on the mound for Sams wilh a speaking engagement in Durham County. This request of the Ontario Liberal Leader is a tribute In, thie Durham Liberal candi-, date, Allan Beer, Bethanyj and indicates the respect and; regard which Mr. Winter-' rneyer and the officiais o! the' provincial Liberal organiza-' FREE NIGHT SCHOOL TO ALI4 Home Sttidy Students Stî,dy nt Home BUT Cor-ne to NIGHT SCHOOI, Twice Weekly - FREE! FROM PAGE ONEýreiiat ctieu i ns nine i 'i8rs8 OLin11 18Lo .core. Ii -a'11'..IUU iCdUcirL>ev '.ra1yIiLUInciIg out - lion have for himM.Hge hasresltedhe ai, b~ r~ ~ U~ UI i from right to ledb, John Allun. Frances Rickard, Walter the awards. PFROM PAGE ONE, pointed out. TeDra vision of cabinet personnel; à Riekard, Donald Rickard, Kerr Wilson and Jean. Baker. the Bell Telephone Company Liberal candidate safre 'PROM PAGE 0NE -o! Canada. Warden of the Uie on revision which has enab.led km was in charge o! the Car. is ei r Fas. - IaAov ng Entertai nrnentOrono, k now living ihl Toron- Whi!e iuPort Hope he was tc.Hi ~t~ gelf with a cabinet o! youn, t.peieto h otHp Beer, MP o vioos n aal ei1The Special D raw for the F s - . ig E t ra m n nStra w eevst Progressive - Association from who is the Parlia ntrAs 'Thisin trn bs reulte, h2 Portable Television Set %von y Jaes Adersn,'*ed by twa teenage gipsy. girls! Ibis year, when he left Port of Agriculture. affirmed, in the introlductîonýwas aninvont fiby peJames AHpendentersoarnes, o!mrepogesieleiia'Coleman Street, Bowmanville, Mainin atào inîIer Hp t etrapatesp1 Among the a2 ibrl tion in the interests o! our1and co!fee tables were won by. This was !reeiy gve.with Miss Apha 1-odginso!xpcdtaten th mc- pol hna n me i by O. K. Osborne, R.R. 4, Bow- In return, the eIder o! the two Bowmanvilie. ing in the Power ShoPr - eolethn t nytiei anville, Mrs. Harold Graygirls askcd permission ta read A native of Winnipeg, Mr.- ope, oni fhursdyenig au hstry Mdcaea rn-210 Church Street and George aur palm; the usual jargon -fol-, Bonnycastle is the son of theI are Mavor Jack HeaCi rnum wage for men and wo- men, portable pensions. ~Dlig in-tySretloe the ante gilstqeickl- Iate Angus Bonnycastle, Judge bourg. Liberal cidtfo creased municipal, education- South. Ralph Kelly was ini îe!t n WM not umoni hefo thheCont Cut of theNotmbrad Rusl C. il, and hospital assistance, charge of the Special Draw, the theft o! a small brass Darhi Judicial District. Honey, M.P. for irhan wene but a part of a program n the wnigtcsfor changeable calendar was dis-1 r Bonnycastle attendedCountv, and Dr. PuieJw cfnw rgrsiv e ithîese prizes were also drawn ~cvrd hswsatesrIrnt olg cool from ett, M.P. foi, Norhmead ton andprousraedivMn.Csar-iby President Russell Oke. dkesk îd .. 1932 ta 1935. He is married ta Coîînty. -~~~~~~~~o ]ohse sered tebradsolthe former Vivian Maulson. Greetings will b xedd acope o the Cnservatve Ad-daughtcr o! the late H. 1. ta the Ontario LieaLadr nspofthetionsnen viIJAd- Several nienbers of MorrishlMaulson, Judge o! the County b adnEr akyo Minister Robants. PieTwo iluieu Church joined with other mnen- Court o! Minniedosa, Manitoba- the United Courteadb j bers o! Welcomc char-ge ini a They have one dauighter. Mavor James R.Car!Po, With reference la the Port- A * Sunday morning worship serv- --Guide Hope. able Pension Legisiation in-1 Inl ,A ccdent ice held oni the church lawn -.- - tnoduced by the Robants Gov- at, Wesleyvilic United Church ermnMn. Carruthers sta-Nnd y at 11:15 a.m. A delightful wav Le ed, that in this field o! im- arOBa elom bc proved opportunities for cur,- tion the Rev. M. Freemani.gi nBIU Y workns, ntain hd0taenMRS. 9ELENALE Twn wili known young ... There was a large attend- the lead aven al other juris-i mnnce; cvcrv cvei i ahair in the semi-ic c dictions. Contrany ta op ens' here ccienv oived i iaSeeaLe, e8 _rcnflic-t with the proposed fed-mfatal ,aciet o Sundy- ai cîrcie was occupied. The' PFRONI PAGE ONE) xcars, died 1n Toot Ws- mornînensianmile east o!leLind1weather was perfect, tie theme e i tlo us ~i eta enin.chmth egSay. .~.of! rsead thks oGod pri-ze. Betty Ann Lidster wa-en oaialo -lation, he stated, was designcd say. - aie an ns o oo for ail the bcauty of t hîs earth the winncr o! the race foc AI foter' n less !twdcef 'tion, be stated, was designed Kim Current, 25, the engin.culdwt teadeso girls, 6 Ia 8 years, and Rose-Afomresdno!B - to, fit in with a fedenal plan, eer who wonked on the BaseteRv.MFrmadrn mary Tice came second. Boys manville, Mrs. Lehalid and indeed, the Fedenal Gov- Line Bridge and the disposai hloreo xihh tes a8 .LnAdig,2 in Toronto for thels ih ernment had pnomised ta foi- plant expansion fan Procton & Ga' ears. low Otarios led in his r- Refernsuffeed afractredcd an ever present God- Cary Carter. leisuvlow Otani's Jad i thi ne-Redfen, s!ferd a ractned ade this Open Air Service! Girls 9 ta 11, 1. Lautrel Sei uvvdb w spect. It had been bis priv;- collanhonte and left hand. Hean logtbeem bedAerth,2LiaBuo. daughters, Beatrice r. ee lege, he said, ta act as chair- was the driver of a car that and trcasurcd by ail prescrit.IBoys, 9 ta 11, 1. Tim Walton, Martin, Englehait n is man of the special committee collided with a west-bound. 2.DgRihdsGrl,1 Alice' Lee, Tonotcgt on portable pensions and had vehicle ia which two people 'lhere xiii be worsliip serv- ta 14, 1. Juani Tice, 2. Carol grandchildrcn, 32 getgad Pndeavouned aven the past from Scarbonough wene kili- ice at Morrish United Chiirvh Ltt children, and oebohr few weeks through the press cd and two othens are in iudn ep.at 0 r. Grs,1 a1 edd~~ Herbert H., Richrseo- ta give the people of the rid- se-u odto h natsr !M.adda et oi Cook, Patty manville. A thir dagtr ing a knowledge o! its im- Gordon Murphy, 21, former M-s. M. Klooster o! Part Hope Fair and Louise Parry lied fo May', Mrs. W. D.Prhus, portance. teller o! the Toronto-Dominion an rnsno r n r.ltpae os 5t 7 as died in 1932, andbrsn If Ontario is ta maintain lts bank bnanch here, and about Jh gs onswsbp a yHwr ar.Harny Lee, waskiednac leadership among the pro- tao join the Tweed bnanch o! tized at Grace Chut-eh Co-, The Ladies Race,18 ta 40 ' ion ovcrseas in144 vinces of Canada, assuming Lombank Finance, was a pas s- bourg, on Stinday marning.' was won by Mickey Gra ',v, Mrs. Lee was hrt ciNw aven 50% of the nation's pro-, enger in the Curnent car. At i AugUst 25th. and the winner o! the Men-, I castle, a daughter !telt duction amounting ta sonelast report, he was stilî un-I _______18 Ia 40, was Don Giihooly.I $12 billion, if this province is iconsciaus, su!fering from a1ý In the Ladies, 40 and over, 1 -ta maintain Uts present cm- fnactuned jaw and head in-I N MJea utnwstewne nloyment level with the 1ow- junies. His brother, James' e e adRiBronsrgtm the nnr -est consistent unemploymeathsP nctnd Cn Bi uL ,. , ad RosWigtwa h in --ilpoyCanada, thenedMr.ieMurphystock air hàs aiways nadaian enviable reputation for keepngfis jPRMPAEen's 40 and avec.S A annd coCnaailarbonen.cllrbne A A fourthmoin. n atray teThessoetiprize n llth forn thePAE N) hepolder heolet Canruthers asserted, ive cant-ipassenger, Daniel Johnstonporm mvn.O audy hr a oehn on naltetei flot wait frfdrllgsa eebnuh ufrdha front of the gnandstand or on the platform alongside the starter's stand. There cd pension plan expressed by; couple present at the pienic i tinwhich ust bave thti injuries.were majorettes fandPotadded hothatrmetheyde aare aolso Cl, iapp. The Ladies Shoe MUKiLca-li _________ the1 cars ~-%were total wrecks.1 hsoano otPrywo efre ievreyo nmes rmesRbrsad ctt r n nkck -ofsethe ndtblcar.g o! Bathoa d tîmer called "Kansas Jones" believed ta be one of the few entertain concerned abotut the harsh ing Contcst was won by Dora-' ______________________________________et-s who can play a f iddle and sing at the sanie tume. AI left, 's insurance taxation demands Made ori the tby Richards. The Base Ball PREMIUMSa O salesman, part time master of ceremonies Ted pney who haîîdled the show federal goverroment bv these Tnw,1 ndoer aCwnsIoo wif gîat kill ashe lwas do~ Sencîeytwa reies.by Bill Bates, Jr. _____________s___lwysdos.prmirs The Threc Legged Race was "Mr. Robarts will have ta won by Glen Virtue and LaorSE KE maisgîve the people o! Ontario Cook. The winncrs o! the 1 for Auto, DinBs V L'ins ~ ~~some details and some cx- Wheei-Barraw Race were Ross i ihS. Bw av ,04 *t e *lt planations betore he cani cx- Wright and Ted Tice. Tire i 1H t P r s C e k W n$5 0 0 peet the.m to even give an.,Ie Eating Cantest was w Rprse - consideratian to bis pica for by Jack Knight, Jr. SHOFED-A N res i IL i ~ i,1' L j~ja mandate reganding the Pro-1 The Mcn's 360 ongtht. M.nO Ifl G ii S ~uggestî01 iflan Mr. Beer declared firmly. ment were George Somer _____________ OshwaAunst23- Apars ocis a pe-rined usne~ sbmiîedtw oterawad- Listen ta the Sr Elizabeth Ardeni beautv box is an - esentials and ex< arations ta keep and clear -... vnu lasheç. And the 3.1 ep by tep in 5 ,JURY King St. E cataloguing cicrk in General1 machine forms that wouid; %winning suggestions warth! Matons o! Canada*s parts and later be uised irn catalogue! avec $2,400, bringing bis total' accessanies department basý page prepanat ion. Trhe plan' aw"acds to avec $7,40)0.1 become the sevcnth winnec o!ý eliminated ty e-settiîîg and Mc. Sandrelli's award of' the maximum awand o! $5.000 paste-up charges as well a.ý $3.000 is the !onrth maximnum of!ened bv G'M's Suggestion the rost of pîreparatian a! dataý award mnade so far this yeaîr. Plan.1 printer's layant sheets and ce-I Since Januar'y, 1963, General1 RicardC.Sanreli ! RR.siîltcd in a saving ta thr! Motorg of Canada bas paid out' No. 3, Elizabeth Crcsccnt, company. $157935.99 for 3,353 accepted' Oshawa, suggcstcd a change c. anieijoined Ci suggestions. This amount us: ia the prepanatian of data for eral Motors o! Canada six, eonsiderabl., higher than thel pars ad ccesorescat- ears aga. but had liai partici- 11total amatint paid oui foc- paosg nuecs. ide wata- pated in the Suggestion Plan suggestions ducing the xvhoieý transcnibp IBM information1 tîntil the company conducted' of 1962. Since January 1, 1963,' concerning parts and acces-1 ils 25tb Annivcrsary Snggcs- 30 GM people have gained i -_-------tboiî Plan campaigli last Apri!. mcernbEi-hip ini GM*s Master! In addition to thc maximum Stugge-stoirs Cluib. cach having! awacd which he snhmitted suggestion winîîîngs totalling Y OURI diîring the camnpaîgii, he al-o 51.000 or more. MORRISH Preacher P ROM PAGE ON E,"lic regulai nmonthlv mneet - This part of ineetiigw ~.'froni overseas wbcn the Rev. 111g o! the U..C.W. was hid on opeiued bvy a i'eadiiig "Ind Her kluo! Uganda is tai Tuecday at 8:15 p.m., August ference. by Mis. Carlus DUi i ~ prachths Sndy a. l an.2tb at Mrs. Dawson Beebe*s.linisoni, !olowed by' a piai .7 preA young man layhisthirties, Nine members and two vis- solo 'Beautiful Isle o! Som Mc.Oklluba let is if ritors were present. whciee and a reading, thie fii and.sx cldrcns et is wiCentaiIT1he President, Mrs. llarrv ý,part o! "Two Brothers" fro Africa ta attend thc World-!Beckett conducted the meetiîîg the book The Waiting Wonl Scminary, U.S.A. which opcned witiî prayer andb ' Mis. D. Beebe. A mia A mmbe o!theLuatrie hmn16, "Fronn Ail That ivas thien made ta Rie dinin o! Kenya he came ta Uganda Dwcll Below the Skies". The roam wxhere coioured fi ta wonk as a raiiwav clerk. scipturc verses were rcad by w'eîr shown o! Mexico Ci Aften training in a iay read- Mrs. Venetta Osborne, mci- and nthcir lovely views iakt er's course he studicd for the tation and prayer by Mrs. Min- hy Mr. and Mrs. D. Becl ministry at considenabie fin. nie McHolm. Hymn 360 "Take duiring a trip ta this part. ancial sacrifice and was or- Up Thy Cross" concludcd thislthe worl eari3' this past wi daîned. <'The average mnonth- devotional part o! the meeting. tel*. ly salary o! Anglican pt-lests The raIl was called by theý Tea was served by oi in Uganda ià unden five dol- Seccntacy, Mt-s. Mottn Hend- hostess and Mcs. Calvin Har lars). Tbree years in change ersan. The minutes o! June.css during the social hal! hou o! a parish was foliowed by,and Juiy werc read and adopt- A vote o! thanks ta Mi twa years on the chut-ch news- 'cd. Beebe and ailiers taking pa paper "New Day". There was vcry littie bus- in tbis meeting was propos( His travel expenises or $1,000 iness. Mention was made cari- by Mrs. Hielen MciIlolm a ta and fcom the Congcess werececcning the clcaning and re-'carried unanimously. T' raised by the teenage Gitls;';decorating of aur chut-ch. This meeting closcd with the M' mirnd of Brairîv anl leana . Auxiliary a! the Diocese o! appears ta be ia the hands o! pah Benediction. Toronto o!fxvhich Mrs. K. J. aur Church Eiders and was Mr. A. Grahamn o! 'roni May to a lifeiîllrrw Toelre~ his Framplt o f St. John's, Bow- lcft for the president ta con- Mr. and Mrs. S. llIallowcll ideal combination of superb basic manville, is chairman. The tact onc or more a! the eid- Starkv-iIie were Satucday vi ,Chi Rho Fcllowship for aduis ers about gctting this most itors witiî Mrs. M. E. McHoIr ui;ilr .cosmirs ... thirteen prep. expect ta sec sonne o! Mc. necessary work started. Mc. E. Symonds o! Welcony yorcmlxo ptlsfresh ,ul' lic !Uanaatr Thc pnaject chosca lfor com- visited fiends at Morcish c vou cmplxin poiIesa carna roast on the folo\wing petition sponsorcd by the Port Satucday, Augusu. 24tb, ir make.up perfect from lips to, Saturday night. H-ope Agricultural Fair Board Miss M. Beckett is visiti 1- 1 3 .p.m. pirîk record guider ->u The visit a!rie(pre'vionsz is -NKtchen Accessories"' from he sisten Mrs. Mary Simpso Congness delegate the Bishop dish toweis ta xindow drapes,iTocanto. for a few days. 'ki cane and make-up! 5.95 iii Iran on August 18111 %\as a ail members to help in ibis Mrs. \tera Anderson, Mi hîghlîght inIllie lire o! St. undertakiîîg. M. E. McHolm accompaniE ~ *~5MMJohn's with a church packed The September meetinîg wiliMn. Neil Anderson ta Pontý ~ W ~ M uli in spite o!thie sommer be beld in the Sunday Sclîool pool an Wednesday, Augu & LVL season and a mnuch appreciat-'oan the I7th at 8.15 p.m. 2lst wlicre an auctian salei WE DELVER e buffet luncheon a fier the The business session ron- furniture and hausehoid effec IV DLIERservice at whicîi mally mcm- cluded, the president turiied o! Miss Stella Penwacdcn w; Phone 623-3361 Bowinanville bers and Iricnds wcre able nat the meeting avec tii MrF. in pragre.ss. Miss Penwarde, nlY ta meci Bishop Debqani Dawson Beebe, con'.enor of is a sistcr of the late Mrs. 1 but also one another. progcami Connish and Mns. C. Tennar PLAN VOUR ý VR NOW! Bezin hy taking thi,% simple step .. perhaps the niost Important you wilI take this Year. Whether you are just finishing school or already worklng, you must recognize the value of specialization. The Canad- !an School of Business train- ing techniques are designed to meet the increasing de- niands of modern business. Every Canadian School of Business course ln tailored to a specific job category - each subject planned to round out an accepted pat- tern of required knowledge. Why Wait - Do It Today! The Canadian School of Business Home Study DI)vslon 521,z Simcoe St. N. OSHWA Phone 728-7091 y' Insurance as $25 per year for )0.00 MORRIS ness, Farm Insurarne lie Phone 623-5406 ntin g (ER LIMITED HAWA 723'-2265 BUY NOW AND BEING PASSED ON TO YOU!a We have purchased several 2-piece Chesterfield Suites and Sleep or Loungers from Star Bedding, the makers of the famous "Serti" Mattress. Originally ordered by a furniture store that declared bankruptcy while tiiese suites were in production . . . we were able to purchase them at à consiclerable discount which we are passing on to you 1 FOR EXAMPLE 2 - pce. SOFA and CHAIR 4-,Seater -.'. Solid foam cushions, in a heavy hrown tweed textured niaterial. Nonnially would sil for $300.00 or more. NOW ONLY. -----$229o50l 1 ONLY SLEEP or LOUNGER In heavy nylon materiai which wilI give years of wear! Normnally wouild seli for $249.50. $ 8 ,5 -- $1 89.5 ,ne F.A.KRAMP ýy- stý 37 41 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-7071 of ts asr*% SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES 4 HI g> .-.2 rcales and Len Aldrich. The Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rtihards. runners-up were M. Little and She mnarried the late Perey R% J. Woodward. Lee on June 24th, 1908. Mrg. The Ladies Horse Shoe Lee was a niemberÀ&t the Old Tournament wax won by Lii Congregational Cliokh, but Hooper and Lola Wright, and sînce taking residence ln Tor- the runners-up were Agnes onto became an ad.herent of Sheehan and Eva Bragg. the Salvation Army. The Special Events Chair- Service was held at the rnan. Ed Rundle, thanked ail Morris Funeral Chape!, Di* the Legionaires and members io Sret on Friday af&* of the Bowmanville Ladies noon, Atigtst 23rd. CapxWi- Auxiliary ta the Royal Can- Baden Marshall of the Fair- adian Legion, who had taken banks Corps of the Salvatione part in arranging the picnle. Arrny, Toronto, officiated. - and ail who hadl contributed ta the success of the program. Tlhe pallbearers were Regi- He also announced that a pair nald Harding, Harold Gi, of childs shoes, size 10, had Carman Barrett, ail of Bo.v- been found in the grounds, andi Imariville. William Parkhurst, the owner may dlaimn th em a+. Gordon 1-anna, Oshawa, and the Legion Hall. Lloyd (Te rr *v) North, Toron- ta. Interment was ini the familv plot in Bovvmanville emeterv. Liberal Ce 11w ,, numerolis lovelv floral tributes were tho,;e forn the Fairbanks Corps irf LendLbr theSalvation Arm ' , Toronto, and Wright Dental Exports, (FROM PAGE ONE) Toronto. SAVE $ MI VU 1 1 mil m ý si ;n u jý sk