10 The Canadien Statpsmari, Bowmeanville, Sept. 4, 11 - ~ TDVt"n1T a.m. Mr. Crawford wili be BLURKETONIJL in charge of the service on. Sunday, Sept. 8th. "'Ir. and Mrs. E.M, Adam,- Mrs. I. Argue is spending a JÈowmanvile, called on friends few days with her daughter, (ni the village on Tuesda > . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde, Mrs. B. Hubbard was a re- Toronto. tent guest of Mrs. Ruth Keen- The U.C.W. will meet in the bii and family, Oshawa. cuc alo ensa. A nuber rom ereat- evening, September lta tended the charivari forMr 8 p.m. A cordial invitation i AndI Mrs. Wiilie Johnson Of'l'extended to ail ladies. Saturday evening. i Congratulations to Mr. Le- Plans have been made to lie Tayor on wnnhng our Thank-Offering Ser-l lie aylr onwining viesat 2:30 and 7:30 on Sun- Mfany prizes ttfis re- dav, October 27th, with a centiy. Re. . . ud o Pte-guest speaker and special borough delivered a fine mes- mse sage pertaining to The Bible We are holding a Varietvl Society, on Sunday morning. Concert in the church on Mrs. J. A. Turnbuil and Miss Mondav, September 23, with E4rnice Grace delighted us ail outside talent taking part with a lovely duet. in the program. Choir practice will take Mis-s June Turobuil hias re-' 'Place in the church at 8 p.m. turned home from Memoriali on Thursday evening. Hospital, Bowmanville. after Sunday School will resume undergoîng plastic surger.v. ngain at the hour of 10:15 a.*m.' Mrs. Rari Edwards. Mrs.: and church worship at 11:1,5 Riddell and Mary Milverton spe t rw Ud.' s ii.Ii VIs. R. Davev. Mr. Archie Winegard, Tor- onto, spent a few tidays witb., bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- seli Fowler. Mrs. Jack Peeling, anti girls, Mrs. Skitch and Brian, Osh- awa, were Sunda.v guests o! Mrs. Greta Bailev Mr. and Mrs. Fi-et Carter, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. A. Carter. Mrs. M. Lavelle, Toroxnto, Mr. William Jarmin, Oshawa, were recent guests o! lr.. Florence Caughill anti famiil. A number fxom here a,- trndeti Port Perrv Fair on Monda'y. Mrs. Ethel Wilson andl fri- On Saturday, August 17, 196:3, an historical plaque commemorating the historie old "Bluestone House" Nvas ujnveiled on its grounds in Port Hope. This plaque is one of a series being erected throughout the province by the Depart- ment of Travel and Publicity, acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario. ParU;cipants in the ceremony sbown left to right included: His Worship James IR. Caxrr, Mýax or of Port Hope: M\r. Albert T?. Schtultz, Jr., a membocr of the East Duxrhamn Iistorical Society; the Rev. Gerald E. Moffatt, Rector of St. Max-k's AtIicain Chtxrch, Port Hope; Professor T. F. Mliwýraith, a member of the pro-iîxce's H-istorie Sites Board; Dr. Ross F. Rich- ardson, the present owner of the house; Mr. Michael Wiad 'vka, president of the East Durham Historical SocietY; Mr. El as Peter Smith, of Brampton, a direct descendant of the original owxner of the house, and Mr. H. Earl Walkey, Warden of the United Counties of Northumber'and and Durham. end, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bel] and family. Orhawa, wercr and tamil.-,, Oshawa, were Monda.% gucsts o! Mr. and. Averdy guests of _Mrs. Pearl 'Mi n r p y a e Avery. . ~~~~rs. George Allison and fam- n i T o hR a e -2 FULL DAYS -« r n r. rn lio Wedding belîs are ringing A M osp r , S t r a of excîtîngr entertainment FINE QUALITY in this communit '.A t MNMNSADSchool opened 'on Tuesday prt atra wlth many new features MNUMETS N with Mrs. J. Abrams teacher1 Th, Britisb Empire Motor combîned xkth an open ali added to, nur:MRKERSof the Junior Room and Mr.Cuprsrtte ni Smbaeceig tthMool added-4 tee mour: s". f eD. Graham of Orillia for th,,Club rphvRasen s t danSumorbeu ihttteMso o. . ,~,n~ ~ 1 ciTopvRcsatMsottrack, so drivers and theii LIVESTOCK SHOWS oo,.ft..of .o..c Senior Rxoom. ion Satuirda.\, September 7dthi. ýfinsgte on h i 0Fw STAFFORD This event lias become the foreds gather round teir FARM IMPLEMENT BROS. LTD. favourite o! the season. ,vitht eev hi wrs N o orm r ail its tradilional featUres.ý There Is another fcaturc DIS PLAY 4'Sports cars, touring cars and this year which will ensur< i 1111 uhorhd In at week's elassified motorcycles ail take their lurn the best entries. for the first - and -Dealer section, the Fditor whose on the programme, even the-three in each class race will e-sidecars have a race, and the be invited to race at the MAM OT MDWA SafordBrlhknowledge of farming lis ex 10 events givee widest Canadian Grand Prix ]ater in MA MOHMIWA tafodBriers tremely îimited, make a possible range of classes and'the month- *LIMITED mistake. He took an ad- -%eiles.i One rider, who has beer vertisenient for "'Oat straw"[ It is lpot en]\ the races very successful at Mosport is M 'onuments for sale, but misunderstood which have made the Inidian Ivor Lloyd, but despite ailI ii Loo fr dtaledprgrai ox 33the first word and it was Sommer Trophy Races so pop- attempts he bas neyer won the L ' nk fr deaild prggra Box133printed "Old straw" for sale, lular. for the' seasons most Indlian Head-dress. H1el be I last week's Statesman. 318 Dundas St. E. lVhitby whieh eonfused many of the souit after trophies are the there, trying his bardest. The Phone Whltby readers, and didn't make Indian head-dresses prcscnted Comstock racing teami woulc MOhawk 8-3552 1 the straw seller too happy. 10I the winners of the 1wo main like John Cannon to make a __________Our apologies for ignorance. events. This yea r, the bead- repeat win, but Ludwig Heim- dresses are being made at the rath hias his eyes on the brighl REPEAT OFFER 1 REPEAT OFFER 1 REPEAT OFFER 1 Cbîrve Lake Reservation near feathers. So spectators cani be Peterborough, an d Chie! Jac- sure of excellent races, greal r obs bas promised the best bis variety,, and the relaxed at- verv skiilful tribe cati make.i mosphere of the Indian Sum- ;a The trophy-giving even de- mer Trophy Races at Mosport, mE'XHIBITION SPECIAL M at si sSpebr ui fore Decemiber 3lst, 1963. Mrs. Tom McGuirk and fm Guardsman Roger Leetooze, ily. I Petawawa, spent the weekend. Rev. Fred Laird, Burks with his mother, Mrs. Olive' Falls, s-o of Mr. and Mrs. Leetooze, and also visited Mr. Normýan Laird, Toronto, calleci U, ~~and Mrs. Russel Gimblett. on his aunt, Mrs. A. Lid FR E ;o Miss Donna and Master cousins Miss Susie Laird, Mr. M David Gilbank, Orono, Miss and Mrs. Wm. Laird and boys, LU UA Gladys and Master Calvin one evening last week. U.~~VmAun ecsi, pn o- The Institute wiii meet on >p day with their grandiparents, Monday evening, September Yiou have a chance to win a beautiful - ,Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freemnan. 9th, in the church basement !- Mr and Mrs. Clarence at 8 p.m. Topic. "Irish Ctis- LU" H L P " PORTABLE TVniwr onyMradM-.Ms C P. Swallow's group. IDEA FO ROO BEROn Cari Graham, Scugog IslandI, Ail ladies weicome. W IDAL FR RCREA ION ROOM OR EDRO M WMr. and Mrs. 1. Traveli, Mrs.' Visitors last week with Mr. RECEAIONORR. Rodman, Mr, and Mrs. Ted and Mrs. Stuart Mor-ton on Virgfin and son Je!!. Oshawa, Tuesdav evening, Mr. and - WHEN YOU PURCHASE - were Stinday visitors with Mrs. Clare Allun, Prividence, 'Mr and Mrs. Gordon Beech. ýMr. and Mrs. Wm. Mornison, The two Maple GroveMr. Herb Rogers, Mr. Jim -. hools opencd on TuesdaV1 Henrv, Bowmanviiie: and on PHILIPS with a large enroiment. West Satur'dav evening, Mr. and W'm'Sehool teachers: Principal, Mrs. A:* H. Creighton, Toron-i ~[ I ST V S E T "0Mr ews Ms Jobnson, Miss to, Mr. and Mrs. AlfredI Allun,1 M ThmasMrs. Barr. E a s t Base Line, Mr. and Ms-s. Char-! >Ocol r oe Principal; lie Rundie, Oshawa, Mr. andi O R Ms oftM oe Miss Mrs. Wm. Munroe, Baltimore. c)Biakrly and Miss Loyse. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi St- «n~ Mr. and Mrs. Meli Holmes yevns and familv spent theý W. -I, n ti familv have retiirned1 weekend with Mr. and M rS. CL - ~M homr, a!tr* spendine thceir Jack Morton andi family aU! Mr. andMrs. Ce il M s Mr. andi Mrs. Haroldi Coon-ý FOR EXANMPLE andi familv. Mr. Bruce Milis, , MissMainCoead Enniskillcn. Mr. Barr,\,Cierm- frienti, Mr. John Clark, were> 'l'Ut ~/TCI~~Cr Hamion :Fridav andi Satordav callers ..... C62te Milîs, Oshawa. enIO on the former's mother, Mrs. * 2XcarPitue TbeWarat~ mcd the \veelkcxid ati lead j Lak- Bianch Cooney, Panda Villa III~~~M r and Mrs. J. f-Itrrie andiRs oeTetn LL MM.r.Bil Hurie pentthe Miss Lornia Wallace, Miss 0Service >field. atercotaOshiawak, weroe hvisitorsý M * Yer Warany onailSmal Pats ad mMx-.Bih Hoire snt t e e Pa Mr, and Mr. Pa Ear. andi Mrs. Lawrenc- CoIaLiactt*S and Mr. and Mrs. *_ 23" Es to Cican Scalcd Picture Tubhe 0Wliitc have 1-etitrned homi ed î 'd . W -n!li'sei îdi x:o tage 'o ii akes Mr. aid Mis. Haroldi Coon- IMM, o i L Wod .Caini th ot ldVM Mr~. a nd Mis. J. MlacNeil evand ftm il\-,acconpan ied LIChassis. PO andi daxgiei fexi spent b-v Mr. and Mis. Mick Dow- the weekend at the Provincial son, Zion, Mr'. and Mrs. Dow- *2 Fuit Range D)ual Cone 6" Speakers Park, Picton. son. Bowmanville, spent Sun- (I.E. 4 Cones> )c andi Mis orile1v Bx -! Caesarea.th ordrmiv t COMEIltweasllr,,and iMrs. H-. à. MFG. SUGGESTED LIST $379.95 $ OM TO Folpv wcre Stundav visifors, Trad-in-~ 'PN!' .9 5l Ii'nth Mr. andi Mrs. L. C. Col- Trd-nAllowance tmp te $100.00oTHE A IR! 81 lacottand Mr. andi Mrs. Ted 7>M > Hoar andi girls. PyOnIy. .* L9.o *BIGGER FROMAs Lw Asand Mrs. J. Boux-ke, Boxvman- ~L199.95EI$2.O5:1-E As lo y THAN EVER! ville, were Sundav visitors ai FM SIIJLTLV 19. T RM S Wel*Mr~. andi Mrs. J. Pott<. Tr Annua PortHope onto, speni a daY wiîh Mr. BUY NOW AND SAVE - PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN Misi oie~ shin MMcLaughli-.. M Blackstock, visîted 'Mr. andi A PORTABLE TV SET 0UI Mrs. Ross Ashton and familv. Por M&rs. E111101nà,aNgMc-aug-- .in ERowmanvilie, were Wedneiz- ing nt 7:30l. Mr. J. Morrison, Milton Sanderson. g u f- Mrs. Cordon Might, MIII1- day evening callers: Mrs. F. Toronto, will be taking the speaker. brook, on Sunday. Toms, Enniskillen, and Mrs.i service. U.C.W. Sept. Meetinz Mr. and Mrs. W. -Ikackburn Lloyd Siemon were Saturday There was a verv gond at- be held it thr zn-rt a couple of ciae in the eve ning cailers. tendance ai church'iservice on -io\-d Ashton; Mrs. J. Joncs Xnsî! district las, week. Mrs. Arthur Read received Sunday afternoon. It was nice and groun :r "iic. M. K. Cowiing accom- word of the passing of hefrj that ,ve had the church ser- Mr. an~d Mrs. LloydSmn nanied Mrs. Aked and Miss aunt, Mrs. S'an Woolings.i ce in our church, having'attended Decoration Servic-, Ailern Aked to Janetville re- Toronto . SYmpathv: is extend- had no service here for sev- at Nestleton CemneterY <'r rentiv. Miss, Aked drove ini ed to the relatives in their eral Sundays. Sunda.v, and werc tea gursl- :he antique car tour. bereavemnent. Bethesda 'Cemetery Decora- of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SarI- Master Glen Ashton spe n Sunday Scbool on Sundax- tion service and dedication 1er, Caesarea. a few da *vs with Mr. and Mm morning ai 10:30 o'clock,. of the new chapel and vaultl Mr. and MrF. Ross Ashto:r Harold McLaughlin, Black- Church service Sunday eve.-. on Suindav Pt 3 p.m.; Rev.1 and -famil.v. callerI on Mr. anc stock. 'I A&P SKIM MILK, POWDEFI Reg. Price pkg 75e-SAVE fic INSTANT MILK 3-1pg 69C SIG "' CEREALS R eg. Prie@ pkg 35c-SAVE 4o Wheaties, Frostyos, Cheerios, Twinkles pkg 31C ROSE BRAND, COLOURED Reg. Price 4-lb: 95e-SAVE 6e MARGARINE 4 1.6pk989C SALADA, ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS Reg. Prie@ pkg 860-SAVE %o >kg of 60 7 9 C ÀA&P NiwuIIes OnIy hMeuts Purchused from federulfy Inspecte J Pucking flouses "CANADA'S FIN EST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" STEAKS PORTERNOUSE OR' OR ROASIS WING FRE8H SHOULDER CUTS GROUND CHUCK SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLL PORK SHOULDERS lbi l59( lb 39( Shopsy's Allgood - Smnoked, Sliced, Rindlets -lb pkg $1.23 S 12-ozE SALAMI (HUBe 6b9 SIDE BACON 1.bpkg 67c Choice Qualtiy, Slcd kîimcs Seriidsr s Vac Pac BEEF LIVER "' 39c COOKED HAM 6ozpkg 571' Burnis. Vac Pa Super-Right, Vac Pac, Mock BOLOGNA RINGS 1649c CHICKEN LOAF 6.ozpkg 23C Fresh fruits and Vegetuhies ONTARIO GROWN, CEE GRADE, WEALTHY A&PPLES BESI FOR COOKING AND EATING 3-lb cello bag 35c Choice, Red Pitted Reg. Prie. 2 tins 49e-SAVE Oc A&P CHERRIES 415-f2zlns89C CASE 0F 24 TINS $5.34 - SAVE 340 Dar@, Chnice Quality SPECIAL 1 APPLE JUICE 34o1n.0O Crosse & Blackwell Reg. Prie tin 29c-SAVE 46c NUl ROLL 5 .n99C (Chocolate-Nut, Date-Nut, Fruit.Nut) Vero (Wsth Mleat Balis) SPECIAL I SPAGHETTI 3 15noztis49C York Homogenized Reg. Pi-ice jar 47c-SAVE 4 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6o -- - -- .aaja Bradford MArsi, Grown, Pascal, Crisp, Tender, Ne. 1 Grade Johnson'% Klear i,'c Off Deal' CELERY Rep. rice tin $1.05-SAVE AN EXTRA 6c *STALKS £ for 19 cLIQUID WAX 21oli9 ( OntArio Grown, YelIow, Sweilt, Hydre.Celed, Ne. 1 Grade Low Low Prices! doenSki,î Creamn Reg. Prie. jar 93c-SAVE 10e CORN 29c NOXZEMA 4oz ja43C Ontario Grown, Yellow, Bruslied & Polished, No. 1 Grade Gleem Reg. Price tube 69e-SAVE 10e COOKING 5-lb2 TOOTH PASTE giant size tube 5 9t ONIONS cello bog L Y - -- un - - u- THÉC GFAT ATANtMC PACICA COMPANY M. Ail Pries lmi This Ad Guaranteed Throuch gaturday, September 7th, 1963. irozen iFoodi Ieaturest Ponnywise Reg. Price pkg 55e--SAVE 16. BEEF BURGERS 21lbpkgs 959 A&P Frencio Fried POTATOES 29e pkgs 31C PLAN NOw.. to attend ORONO FAI R SEPT. 5 -6 -7 JANE PARKER JELLY or LEMON ROLL I *ach 29C Reg. Price enth 39e-SAVE 10e 0à WIÀ à ÀÀ 1