Beach Resùidents Demand Free School Buses Liberal Leader Discusses Policy at Port Hope Meeting _nairn tt~rr _______Durham County's Great Family Journal_ VOLUME 109 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPýTEMBER-4th, 1963 10c Per Copy peas at DBckstoc-k School Bds. Meet Conservative Candidate Leery ofExpect Solution Liberals' Posit"1ion on Pensions in , j,,,PEfil ,,, Alex Carruthers, Progres-i Judy LaMarsh. The public are sive. Conservative Candidate! theerfore given the impres- for Durham, speakîng before sion, Mr. Carruthers said, that a 'irge group of party work- the Federal Pension schemeI ers in Blackstock, expressed is more important than any his regret over the fact that jprogram of the Liberal party , ' Mr. Wintermeyer, in opening for the economic developmenti his campaign at Ottawa, on of Ontario. Aug. 26th, chose ta rmake what By taking the stand he has, should have been the most Mr. Carruthers asserted, Mr'! important speech of his cam- Wintermeyer must prove to! paign almost entirely on the the people of this province that subject of pensions and defin- the federal pension plan pre- tel- allied himself with the sented by Miss LaMarsh, in federal pension scheme of Miss!j great haste and by a minority! government without securitv ol enueis sound and feas- Roy N'chles' e have witnessed a Roy Nicheierydisatem sdefeat, he said, on W aic lm anment at Ottawa except that very important piece of iegis- Beat n Uplation raising the salaries of Beatn Upthe members by some 80%,. If hechosethis uncertain No 'resîs have yet bcen course for his party, if this is, made flcwn îlu t ta be the main plank in his tac bytv; mri astThus-platfc,rm, then he should be, day on 62-year-oldi night serv- ýprepared to give the people Alex Carruthers ice man-watchman John V an- of this province good sound' derkooie, R.R. 4, who was reasons for his choice in view 'troducing, the legislatioii. working at Roy Nichols' Gar- of the fact that Mr. Robarts' Can Mr. Wintermeyer, he age. Courtice. j has given his assurance of full said. give the already over- The attack happened earlyI co-operation in this field. burdened taxpayer of this In the morning when Mr. Van- It is interesting to note, province assurance that the derkooie went to serve the Mr. Carruthers stated, that costs of the federal plan are mnen sorne gas. One of them Miss LaMarsh after the fed- within the ability of the people put a chokehold on him from eral pension scheme, made a to pay. This factor was given behind. They dragged him to three week tour of Europe la very serious consideration iin the west side of the garage. study this type of legisiation. desigîiing the Ontario plan. where thev beat him and stole One is inclined to ask if it It would be interesting to $11 fromhis wallet and pock- would not be more logical ta know how Canada. with a ets. Apparently, they also make this study prior to in-1 VURN TO PAGE TWO) tried to enter the station but weefrightened off by theCim Ban nFre four-year-old German Shep-Ca pBno ie herd, Jasper. Vanderkooie was found m-ome lime Inter by an- 'olierc Her wasakn alMe- polce Hehercs takwhotalMed 4 rnorial .I{aspital, Bowmanville. ITown/f Prohibits (j slnd-treated for facial cuts and a broken nose, returning h om e* Friday evening. A week ago a new metai rom Utilizing Toi door was Installed on the gar- age. Had the old door been Stili in place, the dog probably A By-Lav. to prohibt the use lighting of any fire in the,! would have corne to Vander- of the town dump on Jackman dump area. It also prohibitsi kooies assistance. Unfortun- Road by any person other than the removal of anything from 1 etely, he could not shove the residents was passed at the the dump by any unauthoriz-1 heavier door open. Police are meeting of Bowmanville Town ed persan. This includes alÈ continuing their investigation..Couneil lield- in the Council garbage, household refuse, and. ~Funorama' WiiI Feature 'SIim' Gordon iBowmanville K1ins8m e n wil ha out ln full force on Saturday night for their- second big evenlng af the season. They will present theh- "'Funorama Nlght" at the Dominion Store parking lot starting at 7:30 o'cloek. 'ý,had for the big oc- e~7 wIli be CKLB's «Slrm Gordon and bis old tyme m usic that wiII be broadcast live during the evenlng. Also, in keeping with the theme. the Swing- ln' Bows, Bowmanvllils own square dance group wiII show yoî4ng and aid how the %,arions dances sknuld be done. and then ,will give everyone an op- portunity of trying their skilis. The evenlng il be cap- ped by the draw for a 1963 Pontiac 2-door sedan. Ail proceeds wIII he used for Kinsuien-efare rk EN, Dv'.ý%4E E U#4d4I A total of 96 pupils of local schools, who live at the Bow- Imanville East and West Beaches, are being kept at home this week as their par- ents are demanding free transportation for them be- fore they will allow them. ta attend classes. The students involved are as follows: 84 from the On- tario Street Public School, ad12 fromn Bowmanville Hiagh School. The 12 pupi.s frorn St. Joseoh's Separate School who live at the beach- es are attending school. Last year, bus service for the school pupils from the two beaches was provided by Burley Bus Lines, Limited. at the price of $1 per pupil per week. On Monda.v afternooni. the parents of the étudents' concerned were notified bY the bus compati>v that there will not be transportation for1 pupils to and fromi the beacli-i es this year.1 It was explained that the reason for discontinuing thisi bus service for the childrenc 5at, the beaches is that exceptt during the winter months lasi year only a few of the school pupils frôm the locality used1 the bus, and therefore itt would be poor business for the company to go on witn the servic~e The BowmianvilIc Pubii- Schonl lBoard held a specia! uts iders w'n Dump, meeting last night to discum, the malter. Paul Chant is the: Public School Board Chair- man, and the other memîibers' of this board are: Dr. Ivan Woolsey, Jack Lander, Dr Charles F. Cattran. John Phil- lips, and Frank Blunt. S. R. James is the secretary-treas ) urer, and A. M. Thompson, the Supervisingr Principal of the Bowmanville P ub 1 i c)1 Schools. Tom Cowan. chairman of! SI. Joseph's Separate School Board, and A. H. Strikel member of the Durham Cou.- ty District High School Board, and Walter Reynolds, secre- tary-lreasurer of the Highý School Board, were also pre - sent at the meeting. A delegation of parent S of school pupils from the txvo Bowmanville Beaches wvaited nulside the meeting. and th2ný ]eft through a misundersland- Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer made bis first Hope. Also on the platform was Atlan 13per, right, ing in the belief that the election appearance here on Thursday evening, \vhen Durham Liberal candidate. At, ]eft, is a long f ima meeting was closed to bol' ores ad pbli. Te apro- e addressed a meeting in Dr. Powers' School, Port l Liberal supporter,_HenrySheppardof Elizabethyille, imately 50 people in this __ __ Idelegation then went up tol it m y rS e k to the meeting of Bowman-O ro no Fair W nem yrS ek ville Town Council. The Statesman was in-!s F da formed that the representa-,O e r'URN TO PAGE TWOPOe Friday eiga rn Con servative Medical Plan Teac he r Hurts Ai th te ni v a, Stevens, movedi that trophies ai for the Pee Wee hockey team, to Eastern Ontario Champions, w lie purchased. This xvas ýcar- ried. i F. Konopacki, 43 Third St.. I Chamber on Tuesday evening. industrrial waste. a appoiiited a member of,ýJ The penalty for each violation Counril also passed a By- ithe Bowmanviîîe Volunteer' of this By-Law, No. 1882, will Law ta repeal By-Law Na. Fire Brigade. This was mov- be a fine in an amaunt flot 1683 whirh cancerned sub- ed by Couneilor Wesley Fice. in excess of $300, exclusive of division contrai in an area seconded by Councillor Ken rosIs. which is now covered by aHooper-. In recent weeks the use of registered Sub-Division Agree-, The resignation of Miss the dump by outsiders hias re- ment, Plan 638, for Lots 1 ta Vera Clapp, a member of the sulted in a smoke nuisance 42. !Town Hall clerical staff, was from fires set by these people.t Councillor Annie Oke, sec-Jaccepted with much regret. The By-Law now forbids thelonded by Deputy Reeve Ross1 His Worship, Mayor [van flHobbs stated that Miss Clapp ThisWeeknd had said Ihat she liked lier This____________ civir job, but that she was leaving ta go mbt churrh J ~L Lwork in which she is deeply Ke ro C urh a rks 'nlerested, The Mayor extend- 'U~ E~ y deavor, much as cauncil re- ts 1ILJtf Anniversarv grets lber patr" E A letter from Byron W. Oni Suda Septemnber thidedication service of the nev Brunt. 178 Duke Street, was ~nay.received. This communication Kedron United Churrh is church in 1952. ýstated thal: "Io view of the holding special services ta At 2:00 p.m. there will belfart Ihat a water and sewage celebrate the 1251h Anniver- a mare informiaI service ran-ýdisposa l une lias bren con- sar "v of a churrh in the cam- ducted bv Rev. Hugh Crozier, structed on Duke Street îrun- mnunit. The date happens ta follawed -by a period of rý- 'ning southerly ta a point south rainride with the 1001h An- miniscences of past Years. Af- of Higlhway 401, we, the prap- niversar 'v of the aid churcli fer the service, tea will bel erty owners ta the south of (now used as a Community! erved ia the Lower Hall, andithis point on Duke Street, arc Hall) whirh is arross the road'st is hoped that many former desirous of having these servm- from the present rhurrh. residents and friends of Ked- ires extend'ed ta serve our A morning service is plan- ran. naw living in allier cam- properties. This extension ta ned for 10:00 a.m. aI vhich' munities, will return for ane be paid by us, the property ,the special speaker will bleor bath services ta renew awners affected, on a Local Rev. M. C. Fisher of Fenelonithieir acquaintances and help Improvement basis. Enclosed Falls, lyho as Chairman ofita mark Ihis significant oç> please find (ihe sigard petition' Presbvterx- taok o)art in thecasian. 'TURN TO PAGE TWOý Police Assist Coroner In Determining Cause of Man's Death r ~ The scene of the drowning on Sunday afternoon drowned but the possibility of a heart attack was flot BrSBaillie, 48, of Nev Toronto, is shown bere ruled out. Apparenti., the man had been taken to 4 ihCorner Dr. J. A. MacArthur of Blackstock. andtir li spot fi' taxi 01n Saturday' vtr do som"ý fisbing. He Bowmianvil1e Police trying to determine the cause cf was a ncepliewuof Lott Pointon of Bowmaniville. Baïlie' death. A postmortem indicated that. he Fil nkle On Wednesday aflernoon.j te second day of school, Mrs.1 Mae Blakely, Grades 6 and 7ý (cacher at Maple Grave Pub- c Srhool, was rushed to Me- morial Hospital by Bowman-i ille Area Ambulance. i She slipped while walking, ilong one of the c1assroomn' isIes, fel11 and injured herý ýnkle. The results of x-raysý Lken at hospital were nat available nt press time. Fair promises to be almosi as big an attraction thiý year as the Saturday events In addition ta the custom- ary choosing of a Tobacce Queen and the tieing con- test, there ivili be a calf auction and many other events. On Saturday. liîside and outside displays and per- formances will be going ful! swing. An outstanding pro- gram is ready for the grandstand and track. There should be outstandlng cattle and other livestock in coin- Petition, ae excellent mid- wvay and superb trotting races. ÇL),*ts ari~d £Pieces BUSY TOWN - The town's main street was an exceptionally busy spot on Tuesday as returning school students and their parents scrambled to buy new books, clothes, etc., for the fali and winter season. Parking space xvas at a premnium. and the restaurants did a flourishing business, as did the stores supplying books and other sehool equl pme nt. t t STARTING TO ROLL - GraduallY. the provincial election is moving into high gear. Huge signs are appearing in a wide variety of colors, far removed frorn the traditional ones of past years when the Tories always printed in blue and the Grits in red. Bv Sept. 25th. everyone should definitely know who is running for each party. if they can read at ail. t IN THE NEWS- Bowm-anville hit the headlines on Tuesday with the crisis over providing bus ser-vice to take children from the beach to school. Radios blared details al] day long, but somehow we doubt if many of the voungysters were too put out over the extended holidayý.n t t t *t t CLEAN OUT - Public Utilities staff members have aroused considerable interest Ibis week as they stood over barricaded manholes on King and Silver Streets. They are cleaning out sewers that have accumulatcd Iree roots and other debris, and are working with portable equipment that apparently, does the job quite effectively. JUNIOR BOWLING - Boys and girls wishing to r-egister for the Ontario Junior Bowling Council are invited to do so at Liberty Bowl on Saturday, Sept. 7tb or 141h at 1:30 p.rn. I- + MISSING -- Under the photo of the Pee Wee bail club last week, two players' names were missing, Kim Rogers and Bruce Welsh. NEW STAFF MEMBER - This week, The States- mar welcomes printer Burns MacMillan, Tweed, 22. Heand his wife will be taking up residence here. Incidentally, this bas been a bectic week at the Statesman due ta one printer being on vacation and the Labor Day holiday on Monday. If portions of news are omitted from this issue. they will appear next xveek when things have returned more or less to normal. VIOLIN TEACHER- Information wvas received on Tuesday that Miss Joyce Gundy, well known violin teacher at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, will be devoting one day a week to pro- viding lessons in Bowmanville. Murdoch Beaton bas the details. FIRE AT IMILL- Everybody involved moved faster than usual on Tuesdav afternoon when the f ire horn honked and word spread that Vanstone 's Mill was on fire. Foîtunaîely, the smoke was from an overheated bearing and no damage was jdone. But, there were a few tense moments, until the cause oif the smoke was e stablisbed. TAKE OVER -Whî. le no off-iciai -release bas heen received, it is understood Ihat the Ontario Hydro off ice here bas assumed responsibility for all rural Hvydro operations foi-merl - handled by their nffici-, in Oshaura.This manvex\vas mooted sore limp azn. hbut ai t bat t mie it was not definite which office would carry on. it Called Bare Bones Scheme Liberal Leader John Winter- less of their miedical history ical plans. f meyer at a meeting in Port or state of health. "The Liberal niediral rare r Hope on Thursday evening "I am confident, on the: program wiIl pay, for Ilio ser- contrasted the comprehensive basis of rnany discussions i vices of ail dortors, inrluding medical care program of the with doctors and other ex-~ surgeons and specialists, w-ho Liberal Party with what he_ perts over the past two yeai pri1 at nIepln twl termed the "bare-bones" Con- that this approach will kvorîkJ pay for the services of non. *servative medical policy. Mc.- and that hit,iil not require participating doctors ULp ta Wintermeyer r e cei ve d a anv lax increases. lndeed, thP agreed fee schrdule. standing ovation from the tlere is good reason ta be- '"In addition, prescription enthusiastic audience that lieve that after everyane has drugs will be scipplied witli- filled the Dr. Powers School joined who wants to join, th,-on"t charge to old age pen- auditorium, and Allan Beer, premium level can be sioners, the tunempiov\Icd, and *the Liberal candidate for Dur-, significantl- below Cuirrein-,10aIl persans rcceiving w\V&* hami. also îreceived great ap-: premiums now, charged f(,~ .are and disabiliit illow- iplause. The president Of the.:the most comprehiensive rov- -,,)ces," Mr. Wiitrmiever sti- Ditrhaml Liberal Associatio.n,ý eragae offered bY the non ted. Glenholme Hughes.,, Bowman- profit, doctor sponsored me(!- TURN TO PAG~El'WC) ville, was the chairman. - Reeve Earl Walkey, Clarkeý Township, Warden of the IC United Counties, greetcd Mr. D soad of Brownies Winterme ver on behaîf of the people of Northumberland and Durham. His Wnrship James Vicit Nia gara FalIls R. Carr, Mayor of Port Hope.' welcomed the Liberal LeaderL I I L to the Town. Mayor J. Heec- 11ii'é,hiî ht nan. Cobourg, Liberal candi:-- r m iPr w date for Northumberland. in-' troduced the Liberal leader. Bowmanville Brownies hadi Shoe Falls and the Arnericatn Mr. Wintermeer tld the a wonderful day last Tliuri- Falîs fromi the top floor if mieeting that the ('cr of the day wxhen they' travelled to the Sragram Tower. L.ater Libeî-al medical care programý Niagara Falls k' chartered' they had supper at a restaur- wiil be government purchasebus. They left Bowmanvill9]ant from which they rould sce* of camprehlensive in e di ca 1at eight o'clock in the moroi- the falîs. rare roverage from P.S.I. and ing, and returned here tired' Afterwards the party werit other non-profit. doctor spon-ibut happy at midnighî. The to Indian Village, and nlanvr sored medicai service plans1bus driver xvas Rus Balsun. of the girl.s had snapshotg for ail those who rannot af- Erul oNrgr Falls talken with sonie of tuie . for il Piort\-wii b gienthe party stopped at Queens- dians. They werr ai :ci de«w Io those in urgent need by ton, and lunched in the park. TURN TO PAGE THIRTEEN c insuring immediatel «v ail those Th\ l lswtemn et ovet- 6.5,the unemployed, and ieLE ail saw the monument thoseon xelfar anddisabli- eneîeral Brock there. WhienT.GO ED BWLR thos on welfre nd rernil- e ari-ived at Niagaa Falls' Ialiowances, t thee the famous floral clark was Jack Knight of the Leglois ium paid by the gavernamnýet,.1 triking the hocir, and the Bowling League adviseq that Atthe samne lime, we will Brownies weî-e impressed by hyhaeromfrveea make arrangements with P.lils beauty. They visited Loui, new bowlers in that group. S.I. and the other non-profit, iTtssaud'.s Wax MýU.seum. and There wviIl be a night nt doctor sponsored medical ser-, thoroughlv enjaycd the tour, free bowling for this league vice plans to make comprù- af the exhibits. on September 10th, whlh the hensive raverage avai labie la The youngsters had a mac- regular schedule géttlng ail Ontaro residents regard- velous view of bath the Horselnnderway on Sept. 7th. Two Boys Find Drowned Man aX- On Sunday afternoon, Allan Foran, right, (13) and Harold Edmodstane,. centre (14), took their homemade boat out for a ride on the creek just"east ot the C.N.R. station. A few feet north of the C.N.R. bridge, they saw a mani face down mn the water, wvitb the rest of his bodY lying on> some rocks -near shore. Thr'v headed for shorp and calird Town Constable Don Anderson who WaS MI the Scolie ver.v quicklv. haler, the ladis ere joined by Larry Luxton, Ipft. (15) wxho heiped thprn -'l r î)r nissing ,wearing apparel1. The mari was. later identified as Bruce Bailie of New Toronto. C* lsd I I NUMBER 36 --e-, ý le