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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1963, p. 3

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MILLSON - ELLIS Miss Pat Ellis, sister of thel bride, Oshawa. was tire maid A pret'tv wedding took placeltof ironor, and tire bridesmnaidsz ln Westmount United Cirurch, were Miss Marie -Millson, Ty- O aw.on Saturda.v after-p rone. and Miss Maryv Lou inaon, Ju]v 27tir. 196,3, w ircr Milîszon, Toronto. sisters cf Brenda Leigir Ellis. dau irtr he groom. Patti Gettins. Cae-' of Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Eli.sarea, a niece of tire bride, Oshawa, became tire bride )f was tire flower girl. Donald Lewis Milîson, Bol.\- Tire maid of honor and thp Manville. son of Mr. Alfred bridesmaids w e r e guowned Milson, Tvrone. and tire late alike in pale blue peau de soie Mrs. Mary Milîson. with white accessories. Tire'. Rex'. Frank Ward officiated wore matciring pale blue hatsAý &it tire ceremonv iecrri formcd of roses witir short was decorated attractivelx' for b lue veils, and tirev carried the occasion wtrpn n cascade bouqutofpn ad white carnations s. i-whrite carnatios iefoe liamr Taylor was the organist. gilsfoc?;sonln r wasgiengandv in a deeper sirade af The bride, wiro wsgvnblue'and sire wore a small ira' ln marniage by irer fatirer , composed of blue and wiitek1 chfon agaeflgw o iieflowcrs. Sire carried pink andie cifn witir lace appliquewhtcanios over white taffeta. A crown Lyle Milîson. Tyrone, xvas of Pearls and crystals ireld irer hiis brotrers best man. Tirer elbow lengtir Frencir Illusion usirers were Keitir Ellis. Oshr- Veil, and sire carried a bou- awa, brother of tire bride, and quet of pink roses and whrite Reg Robinson, Bowmanville. chrysanthemums_______ Date Milison, R.R. 2, Orono,,l a nepirew of tire groom, was Use MECCA for tire ringbearer. y After tire ceremon at tire SCRAPS e eception ireld ln Westm otnt BRUISES Hall tire motrer of the bride, received, wearing a gow,ýn ou INFECIONSpink embroidered Serrano, Pecca, a favouite iamlty witir white accessories. Hcr tintmerrt for over 60 Yeatsosg a f ikadwrt ckly heals minor wouods.cosg aofpnadwht nif ..tng carnations. Sire was assîsted It oin ai,,ail .b.v tire groom's stepmotirer *wg~,# cower ho wore blue linen with RE E 5 0,o pink accessories. 1-er corsage puy Mecca * was composed of pink camna- ln lin or tube o'OCtOIions.v lFollowing tire reception. Mr. and Mrs. Milîson left forr a wedding trip to NortirerIi éA9GANT Etc Ontario. Tire bride wore a I - -becoming two piece ensembleP Setting Was Trinity United Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis Milison are shown signirig the register following their marriage in Witest- mount United Churcir, Oshawa, on Saturday after-4 noon, July 27, 1963. Formerly Brenda Leigh Ellis, the bride is the daugirter of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Ellis of . . .... ....'.. .. Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Alfred ............ Milîson, Tyrone, and the late Mrs. Mary Millson. --Piroto bv Ireland Studio *.. of blup Serrano witir wiite ville Higir Scirool. She is emn-1 accessories and a corsage or ployed in tire office of Gen- wirite carnations. On tirei1r eral Motors of Canada, Osir- Follo\viing their mati age in Trinity United returr tire« voung couple wl! awa. Tire groom was educat- Cirurch, Bo\wmt-an iic on Saturdav, August. 17, 1963, reside in Osirawa. ed at tire Ontario Street Pub-1 Mr. and Mrs. Erie James Barr weore caugirt by thre Tire bride was educatc'd a! lic Seirool irere and at Bow-: ý tire lniskillcn and HaYdon manville Higir Scirool. F-e ai-, photographer as tirey eut thoir \vedding cake at thre Public Scirools and Bowman- so works ai General Motors.1 reception whicir followed thre ccremonyý,. The bride ithe former Beverley Pirvilis Sinclair, daughter of Mr. a Ild Mrs. Gordon Strong, Blackstock, and'tire groom is tire son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barr, BowmanvilIc. -Photo by lireland Studio A special message to ail parents of boys and girls now in high school Yo u c an guarantee your youngster's College Education in partnership with 'My HANHI? 10 3MIUI( /11 /A0# BANK OF'MONTRIEAL, UNIVERSITY EDUCATION PROGRAMME A comprchensive, lifc-insitocd plan for financing a coulrge crlii<al/07t foi boyts and gis nowv in high sehool i f you are like most parents with children in high scirool, you are probably Nvondering hoNx' you are going to meet tire costs of financ- ing your youngster's college edu- cation. To lielp parents solve tis problem, thre Bank of Montreal liras introduced its lnvist'Edtuca- tion Progcrainme-t lie firist life- insured plan of its Lkiîd ini Canada. tJnder tiris com preluensive pr'o- gramme, parents. guai'dians and sponsors of b gb-se hool st udents can spread tlire eost of a university education over periods of Up ta nine yeaî's, thus keepiîig monthly payrnents to amounts tirey can af- ford witliout hardshiip. A4nd thp cost ta fhF" paýrnmiiS' Ofll?/ a f at7fion of the intrrrst pair? on a sîraîqîur Ioanp og va ni mc(. HOW THE PROGRAMME WORKS Under tire basic plan, tire parent agrees ta mnake niontirly payments ta the Bank starting, say, two years be- fore the student enters tiversity, and terminating one yeai after grad. uation. In return, tire parent receives annual sum from thre Bank at tire '5 art of each of the four university years. VARIANTS 0F THE PLAN Several optional plans are availablp under the programme, and these varv as to the number of vears in w'hich the parent wishes to make monthly payments, as well as to the amount required annually for university ex- penses. Plans are based on objectives ranging from $1,00 0 o$8,000 pay- able to tire parent in four animal iiistalnwnts. Jle,#' is ait exaniple o f hlin' oe o f th e basi~c pla ns van 1w varirid to Saýit lioun ned.î: OBJECTIVE: $4,000 Te l rie altit tprnat in four annual anuoroni il 0 r ach OPTIONS YOU PAY PERIODS OF VOUR PAYMENTS MONTHLY PAYMENT BEGIN Plan A $49.55 7 years 2 vear s Plan B 42.78 9 years 3 vears Plan C 3756 9yv'ars 4 years LIFE-INSURANCE FEATURE If thre paient concerned should die after the start of the programme, thre fundi for educat ion speci- fied in the agreement will bc advanced by thre Bank each yearwithout any fur- ther payments being made by the family or thre est ate. n - --n -- FIOW TO JOIN THE PROGRAMME See tire people at your neighbour- irood B of M branch. You wilI re- ceive a warm welcome from a staff xvho w'ill be pleased to give you further details anid ta belp you select a plan suited to your ,,.... ineeds. Ask for yoiur copy , of the Bank of Mon fr<al /1n irr,'rs fJity duca tion Pr'ogra mmne folder. PS. If you îîeed irelp in financing a student already in University-or planning to regîster this year-talk ta your B of M Manager. Chances arp he can arrange a tuition loan with cxtended payments adapted ta your cir u ms tances. * * e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e BANK OF MONTRLEAL eU444 54 ýc ta" WORI<IN 0 WITH CA NAD IANSa IN E VUER WALK 0F LI FÉ SIN CE 1 Etl7 AQUARIUM ENTRY Is.o. at RIZE AT r. , . Wht an ik gdoi Bowmaniville andc District formcd the setting in Trinity' Aquarium Soriety\, being a Cirrhi, Bowmanville. on Sat-, mnember of Canadian Associa- uirda 'v, Augîrst 17. 1963, for' tion of Aquarium Clubs. was tire wedding of Eric Jamesý invited to enter thre Canadian Barr and Beverley Phyllisi National Exhribition in tire, Sinclair. Tire bride is a dau-, Aquarium Beautifut Class. I girter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, was announced at tire lao.t Strone, Blackstock, and tire! meeting of tire Socictv tirat groom is a son of Mr. and: they irad won first prize. Mrs. William J. Barr, Bow-1 Tis is a forr'runner for tire manville. show heing held ini Bowmian- Rex. Wm. K. Houslander ville, October 19 and 20, af, officiatedc for tire double ring tire Badminton Club. Tirerei ceremon 'v. Circhei organist are 60 aquarium Beautiful Mr. Arthrur Cottison played besides an equal number of tire wedding mnusic and also' tanks containing individual accompanied tire soloist, Mrs. fîisires. Tis Tropical fisir Lloyd Ayre, who sang "Tire sowis being sponsored byý Wedding Prayer" before tire Tire Bownianville, Osirawa, ceremoiw and "O Perfect and Port Hope Aquarium Soc- Love" ',.tiring tire signing of BARR - SINC'LAIR Phone 728-7081 I ~ - -~ icties. tire reu~tcr. i The bride waq given In The Cariadfan Statesman, Bowmnanville, Sept. 4, 1983 marniage b.v her brother, Mr. Ralph Strong, and wore a bride, who wvore a gzreen their honev.'moon trip ta th@ f]oor length gown of ice blue printcd silk drcss with white!East Coast. the bride wras peau de soie. designed with accessories and corsage of wearing a beige knitted suit rounded neckline. lilY point xxhi~e carnations. She was coiagh ofbrownzaces's. â sleeves and bell-shaped skîrt craeo rne'us with tailored bow at the back assisted by the groom*s mo-. Both bride and groom ar@ of tire waistline. Her shouldeŽr her. who chose a dusty rose teachers in South Derlingtoen length tulle veil was cauglît suit with wvhite accessories Townsirip School Area.* They to ble pau e sie îlbox and cor-sage of white 'mums. are residing at 16 Rehder 1 headpiece. and sire carried a When tire couple ]eft on . Ave., Bowmanville. Ontario. cascade of white carnations and pink roses. Her onl v attendant xvas he sister, Miss Betir Strong, who I T RS peau de soie and hcaddress: 47 King St. E. QUAL1TY MEATS 623-5081 identical to the bride's exceot' FREE HOME DELIVERY for three quarter lengthi sîceves and street lengtir skirit. and sire carried a cascade of [ BACK.TO..SCHOOL SPECIALS white baby 'mumns and pink' Lean, Sweet Pickled, Peamealed Mr. Edward Cornish %vasA I best man and tire ushers were C T À G Ihl rRl RoetSrnROLL 49l Tire reception was hecd in dueit Churcir Hall wirere.Wir pnsrn A I du otire illness of tire ear pnsrn CKLB RA I BINGO bride's motirer. lire guestsi Don't forget to pick up your FREE CARD HERE were received bv YMiss Anna -_____________________________ belle Kelly, a friend of the' Caaked' reUeaie Uc HAM Q~ JBACON lb HAM SlIced or by Piece Store Sliced Lean, Tasty Breakfast 69 C POT 9c BACN q'7lb ROAST 4 1 FOR YOUR FREEZER Swift's Tendcred Beef FRONTS SDES ]HINDS 3lil 63b 9, 51c 6 b fut and IVrapped Free, BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON ALI, FREEZER ORDERS FREE NIGHT SCHOOL TO ALL Hoime Study Sttudelnts Study at Home BUT Corne ta NIGHT SCHOOL Twice Weekly - FREE! le PLAN VOUR CAREER NOW! Begin by taking this simple ste-p . . . perhaps the niost important you w'ill take this year. lVhether you are just finishing school or already working, you miust recognize the value of specialization. The Canad- ian School or Business train- ing techniques are designed to meet the increasing de- niands of modern busines-s. Every Canadian School of Business course is tailored to a specifie job category - each subjeût planned ta round out, an accepted pat- tern of required knowledge. Why Wait - Do It Today! The Canadian School of Business ]Home Study Divsion 521/2 Simcoe St. N. OSHWA Ory1 Cýiea ners CA l A woman tryinz tan maneuv- er her car out ai' a parking lot banged into the car ahead, then the car hehind, and final- lY. pulling inta the street, strîack a Passing delivery truck. A Policeman tiho had been %%atching approached her. "Let's %ee Your licence," he dcnianded. "J)on't he silI, officer," she, sald. "Who'd give mea CLOTHES CARE BINT: Curtainq and Drapes wiIl disintegrate from atmospherla and! aicid deposits tinless tirey are cleaned at least once every si.x mont hs. KINSMEN FUNORAMA NITE Dominion Store Parking Lot - Saturday, Sept. 7tfi This beinq the end of aur fiscal year . . . We are like the housewif e in Spring and Fali Cleaning! We find we have many end of the lime items we would like to clear at Great Reductions ta, our custamers : DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN' Anumbher of patterns to, choose from, O&Z<-and "Evergiade" 70 Stcmxvare -79fea rrtngiccs ln Sterling Silver by Bond Boyd REDUCED TO 6 9C pair Regular Price $3.0l0-$4.00-$5.00) BONE CHINA by SHELLEY in the faniaus "Begonia" pattern. Many odd pieces ta choose from. WE ARE OFFERING THESE AT MANY, MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TIME is important! and we have samne FINE WATCHES it 'Big -Savings SEE THEM ON DISPLAY- MANY SPECIALS in 4M. 1847 Community and 1881 Rogers Example of silver cbest in 1847 "Spring-Time" Service for 34-piece in chest. Reg. Price $89.50 Chest, allghtly marked YOURS FOR ONL-Y$69*95 JUST IN TIME FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL PEN & PENCIL SETS hy SI-JEAFFER a t Big Reductions *HOOPERS 29 KING ST. E. JEWELLERY & 4e GIfT SHOP - ------VI--- i~~9 -. 1~~ ýl 4 IYMN

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