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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1963, p. 11

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n In the tobacco tying contest at Orono Fair on e'riday evening, these three ladies were awarded top pze for speed and qualîty of their work. They are ,from John Hanaka's farm, R.R. 1, Port Hope, and Gordon Agnew, Editor Off Again, On Again King Street' Mess StiIil Unresolved King of Tobacco Realm completed their two sticks in 57 seconds. Ross Gilbart was Master of Ceremonies for the events, including a: prize banana cake auction. The girls are Marie1 Mercer, Ellen Aiken and Marianne Hanaka.i J. Mikula, left, who operates the P. G. Newe'il farni at Kendal was declar- ed the Tobacco King in the competitions at Orono Fair this year. He is shown receiving the trophy from Alex Carruthers, Conservative provincial candidate. At right is Jake Van Dam, R.R. 1, Pont ypool, the reserve champion, who also won several other awards. L iberal Roomsý Letter of Praise O0pen Friday Newcastle- The local Llb-O nm n ral Association expect ta O n Su m m have their l'Allan Beer" Com-mte om n ul5ý , hy Friday of this week ttis pense election information and, Newas *tle-- With the sum- 'literature in support c f -the ir mer rapid]Y drawing toa a Newcastle- At the Septem- matter bad been reconsidered was tram taxpayers. on the caddt4 la eri h close the Newcastle Recrea- ber meeting on Monday even- and the department now plan- east end of King Street e Spt e 5h prvniltien Committee's Red Crossý Ing, the village council was ned to ]et the contract this tioning for the extension of Septioern.h prvicîýswimming classes have corne et a loss ta know what the year. There bas been se many the watermnain on King Street iecto. to an end for this year. We Department of Highways plans changes in plans for this work from Arthur Street east to the,' The committee rooms are (the committee) and we feelý ta do about the agreement the feeling of counicil was that village boundary. Reeve Cun- 'situated on the seuth side of sure the parents also, have signed three years ago te have they would bave to do the best ningham said it would flot be King Street west, opposite the been delighted with the ex- storin sewers installed and tbey could ta put the street possible ta do anything with Cenûtaph, in the former Hol- cellent Instruction the children the street paved from sidewalk in a safe condition and net de- this extension this year and ubenko building next ta the have received at the hands of ta sidewalk. Ipend on the Department. had told the petitioners te Canadian Imperial Bank cf their instructress Mrs. Jeanl Councîl receîved two cern- One woman has already presenit their case next ycar. Commerce. Rice, her assistant Mr. George, munications from the Depart- been hurt (fractured arm) due The second petition was1 Voters are requested ta Hendry and their helper Miss mnent, onc saying the depart- te condition of the read and from a greup cf heusewives phone 3101 for information Linda Eilbeck. We have ben mnent bad cancelled plans te with the high sidewalks and north of the Cemmunity Hall rding ver r n ther i, oIl- particularly pleased with the élo the job this summer and gravelledi ditches, a hazard is on Mill Street whe complain- n or rayorifr- efficient manner in which the tesecond saying that the lcreated for elderly people at ed cf an incînerator being tion wThegard itee om the- isructaesThs earr u the intersections, Plans werc used by the Post Office te tien.bcThenComm ia teReomsthe irs ienw class.Ti seafe discussed by counicillors to burn rubbisb. They said smoke nwillanbeenino nidy aer- hy is ie e ls a have the trouble alleviated from the incinerator makes a no n vnn n vr introduced-tbe Tadpole Class SI BERAL ýby censtructing temporary as- mess of their dlean wash onl aftc" until clection day, Sep-fag deni4c.This6 clas pof iphalt steps on te the sidewalk the line every weck. Reeve tme 5 o r nie g nlsv.Ti ls rv ~~aaaa.vvr the intersections. ICunningham said Mr. Bouma tcî2.Yuaenvedo cd to bc a very successful yen- CUM M ITE E Two sumrners bave pse hdclldhmone day and tth 7niIte ee rturc and it is our hope more sneti okwas satdpitdottepolm h opoe30 o information, parents will take advantage OOMand the business section of Reeve said the wind was of this class ncxt year. RROOM thevillage bas been a tom up carrying the smoke right bno KnstW.mess ever since. A new raised the clethes line. However, th~e A proof cf the popularity MKing t.- W*E sidewalk was built by thp Reeve said this was netarmat- Bg Season and extreme usefulness cf the (poie Cntp) village this summer' according ter for the council, but rathcr RdCosCassfo er (Opposte Ceotaph the levels supplicd by the one for the Hall Board of Man- For ren from Senyers ore, here P HONE 3101 Idepartment te form a curb for agement, and the clcrk xva., o Badm inton te Swim t7 enrs foere TR0 N the expected pavement. instructed te have the petition NccslePasar n ere appreximately 160 child- OPEN 1 ATERNOON AND Nwcs!-ln r n ren enrolled in these classes. EVENING'loTo ettosruhtt tieatninodcvyfoabisesn n To aIl those who were suc- Topetîtions were present- 'that body. ' the local Badminton Court in cessful in their varbaus class- cd te the council. The first, MVr. J. N. Hughes cf J. B. I the local Community Hall aud- es, we offer aur beartiest con- Graham Co. Ltd. and Mr. itorbumn and the club urges gratulations on a job well Richmond cf R. A. Daley Ce., High Scheol students and done. To those who failed may speke te council with regard other teenagers te watch for we point eut that these class- M en's Bowling League to debentures for the* public the announcement cf the open- es aren't ail for fun but, tk schol uilingfinancing and ing meeting cf the club early a good deal cf bard work and each submitted tenders for in October. perseverance and one more selling the debentures. Caun-i It is the hope of the club year in the same class won't £1 IAt.m4 cil, however, did net open thelthat a large influx cf teen- de any harm, because these 1 N ew castle W nbbds and passed a resolution1 agers. wh ethcr students or swîmmers. if they work bard, V W U~stating that ne bids for deben- iworking, will take advantage will gain an extra year cf ex-~ turs wuldbc onsderd a, o th prvelgesoffredt.0perience on those who passed., 1ithis meeting. 'teenagers and make a we_ î-ig th wimn N ew M em bers For ~Pbotostatic copies were re- corne addition te the bird To rig te smin e w M m e s F rceived fromn the solicitor cf chasing sport. clsse aacoe a the deeds ta the parkland on At the epening meeting th-- show was held at Waltona 1 the la kefront wbich ccnsisted early part cf October new Park Pool whcn each class was of several pieces cf land and jofficers will bceclected and repre-en ted hy one or more Tue day ig ~itscillr Tom Brown was author- In get in on this sport should stages were shown ta the ized ta study the deeds, get watch for the announcement many' întereste.d parents andi DON'T WAIT TO BE ASKED - JUST COME! a surveyer (if necessary) andi and be present te hclp elect fricnds. It was nis intrrest- prepare a preper nap cf the the officers who wiîî govern ing te sec bow much smootn- proprty theclu fortheseasn. r a pupil becomes in his il- - ___ __ the club for the seasonr strokes and skills as he pro- - i j gresses on tbrough the clas-' 4!OBITUARY es. the classes had been I dcmonstrated, the Royal Lifc SPECIAL FOWNPRICES Dy redv Fg riIsj respiration. Iii, j various methods cf artificialý ON RD Mfl'Hospital, Bowman villie, al Following the water show' ON NATIONAL *RND Thursday, September 5, 196.i. awards werc presented toe Your thnil frtheýsc esflcniae y l !IF t Y ur ocalDru gis's -Thu s. Fr. Sonof he ate nn ndiionCommittee and Mrs. W.i 'Heny Dnby thedecaseýM-RudelI, representîng the!i was orn n Toontowher- ý Bowmanviîle and District Redi Allile VtmU Faio.O_ýrs Society. When the ONE -A- DAY Multiple-i1amins3 5 9 r ed the former Lillian MoLint-1 hlrnwr ie Local Drugg I2 S 4.49ivalue iee abrn Ifte orfulot cgandas b lemom 2 fo 8 3 sied n Bwmavill fo nieý ecevedby the committee I year. A enciner, r. en-iromthe"Newcastle-on- the- by rtire thre yars gollke"Ratepayers Association: FA E L " 3 " ailTise e.3c o 5 C fo i mlyetwt erM.Brereten: StnarAVin.O behaif of the members IiC Th eesdpssse fteassociation I would lik&l li b X - L A X l e a a n t G e t l e -- --- --- 3 6 ' 8 7 7 ý r e a l o e f r m si c a n d w a s I o c o n g r a tu la te y o u a n d y o u r i bot a ioinit nd ianis. 1comiteeon the excellenti He ws a adhrpn, o HayIsimmng pogrmme con-i do ntdCurh utdtisya.Mn f auri BAYE ASP RIN100' 93c5 9CSurvbvingz besidles hi- witc members childrcn took part BAY R A PIR N.*. Ofl -9~c5 9 ~ are tu"o stepsons, Donald andlin these lessns and al n îiaba (flDI(IIIU v and nine!joyed the instruction and, I *Keith. Laurie, Donna, Susan,iwill benefit themn in later li Kenneth, Wendy and Gregory' ycars. Mountjov. Would you please extend aur IF LSTE INE Antieptc ----- - - 2 oz. 1.9 vlue .19 qil The *funeral service %vas, appreciation te ail those per- held from the chapel ef the sens wbo contributed te the Northcutt & Smith Funeral success of the program. Jt.GERITOL Iron Tonik - ------ 24 oz., Liquid - 5.494 .7 9 ' Home, Bowmanville, on Sat- Yours very truly, iki urdaY, September 7th, and K Awas conducted by Rev. H. A. C. C. Love, K IM ------- .- ie 20 2 o 2)Turner cf St. Paul's United President. 2 for 9 9C Church. Bow,,manville. Inter- K O D K F L M - Sze 12, 17 r 61>~ f r 9 c i~ ment was in B wmarivili- Suc'essfui Participants J5RYLCREEM - ----------- -- Large 79c tube 69c 4 Amoîng Ute ic aî, love'y succéssful participants in the WATCH FORlorSal) EA H WE K il, evideoce o f varbous swim classes. WAT H OR HI AD EA H W EKthe esteem inwbich thedc Learn To Swim: Bosvert 411 ceased was held, were those Cathy, Denny Jamie. Elliott from the Ontario Hydre Staff,!Adrian, Barnes Lynda, Carey BOW ANVLL NE CASLE1211. Kiwanis Club, Bowman- Get Your Price COWLING'S DEUG STORE JGHNSGN'S DEUG STORE "Iville.and Neghbors. np-FrYu ielc AL XN G EG H D U S I~iews, Messrs, Gordon Denbv o o, ietc iEX14 EC R R G ORONO 41 Wm. Denby, Ross Heord. Wal- :hrougb STUT1p1 ter Brummell, aIl of Mark- STATESMAN TS&A EN C aM.Aa hap r- C A I I ther-in-law, Enniskillen, and, Phone 623-3303 Mr. Stewart Hooey 01 Tyronel ____________ Phone 36211 Tobacco Tyers Show Speed at Orono Fair of action to take to keep Ineured Nom Swim lasses LJun EUl If you ehange jobs, follow carefufly tfiinhtuctions Dr SW M Cl sseson the back cf the Certificate cf Paymcnt, Form 1040 CahGorddard Molatir ie, -, Wagar Billy', Witteneen 'which your group is required ta give you. i dcrson Brenda, Haley Bar- Beaudine. MMà mc in bari, Lacombe Karen, La- JUNIOR-. Appleman Lily,MMIm combe Susan, Northrup Bobby, Appleman Margaret. Elliott Oudshoorn David, Perrin Lar-I Denise, Gray Greg, Gray Jen-, i ry, Parkcr Patty, Piersma nifcr, Kimbail Joan, Lovekin 1Aficc, Picrsma Harry, Robin- Kathv, Lovekin Carol, Mi]- Wben you reach your 19th birtMay you are no lonoe -son Her, Staccy Judy, Skeld- hench Allen, Munro Arlene, cvrdb orprnecriiae eitrsprtl ing Betty, Vande Helgden Scr- Paterson Mary Grace, Riekard:cvrdyoraetcriiaeRgseaprtl vas. Van de Hcyden Rosemary, Robin,. Schmid Edith, Tillson: witbin thirty days ta, keep insured. Forms art avallabie Vanderstarre Herbert, Vesser1 Norman~ Walton Geordie, Bt hospitals, banka and Commission ofices. George, Wilson Camer o ri, Walton 'Tirn, Wesselius Alice. Woodland Carolyn, Witteneen! INTERMEDIATE - AllinagC Regina, Wittencen Bcn, Witt- "Kci.i, Deflnoyer Ki filGry enern Maria. Gere oaHahr, Pere BEGINNER: Adair Gayle, Elizabeth, Walton Susan. c ,I J Appleman Mary, Boisvert Pen-1 SENIOR-- Carveth Eliza- ny, Cuffe Sharon, Darling beth, Carey Susan, Eilbeck 'When you mar, the Famffy premlum must bcpald t Darreil, Denny Joe, Embleyi Annc (tunde(r age), Hendry caver husband, 'wife and eligible dependants. Teflyour Tracey, Embley Diane, El-iFrank, Rickard BeverlIe y, ruORify p dectlthComson liott Cathy, Goddard Melanie, 1 Riekard Janice (under age),gouO, fyuayirctlthCmmson HoIst cge Grace, Henderson!Zwier Margaret. Billy, ilender s o n Bohby,1 ROYAL, LIFE, SAVING-- ONTAZXO HOSPITAL SERVICEDS COMMISSION Henclerson Brenda, Milhenc.h Bronze Class, Barron Erlynae, 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontarto Keith. Piersma Betty, Fiers- Carveth Elizabeth, Eilbeck ma Stanley, Paterson Ruth,, Annp, Eilbeck Linda. Riekard____________________________ Rosseau Madeline, Rice Glen, IJanicQ, Riekard Beverley, ' *I' ' A Skclding Betty, Tendam. Di- Rice April, Rice Ken. "Weneeded it now, the bank said yes, so. ..* IMany a hotisphald purchase likec this starts wvith a bank loan. P--nle find that the simple, natural thing te purchase of a car... a new home heating system...a son's or daughter's education ...,a family vacation... do is ta Ut where they save - at the local bank. In Three out cf four bank loans are to individuals for fact the c. .,ered banks are the largest single source their personal credit needs. And the total amount of consumer credit boans, both in number and value. of such loans has almost doubled in the past five Through the years the chartered banks have nmade ,ears. . .further evidence of the way bank customers it inicreasingly easy for people to borrow, at reasoin- are relying more and more on their local branches for able rates, for almost any worthwhile purpose: the borrowing as well as for ail other financial services. THE CIIARTERED BANKS SERVJNG Y()UR COMMUNITY through f ull-range banking responsive Io growing, changing need# neCaadian Statesmnan, flowmanville, Sept 11, 1968 1/lewcast/e Social ana' fkeru-sonal Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt 'in the church. accampanied by Mr. and Mrs. A gift was also presented Leslie Kinneil of Lindsay spent'by members of bis family who. the weekend in Niagara Falls. 'weepeet Mr. and Mrs. William Stroud e psnt of McKellar; Mr. and Mvrs. H.: Mrs. Marie Gartshore and C. Agnew of Havelock and i'Mrs. Helen Bowen and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Agnew,I ter Darlene were Sunit; Philip and David of Thomas- guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clin- burg, were recent visitors with ton Farrow, Newtonville. This Mr. Gordon Agnew. was a special occasion belng The members of St. George's a birthday celebratian for Mr. Church Choir and their friends Stan Bowen Of Bownanville, held a going away party for who celebrated bis eightleth George Hendry prior ta bisbirthday recently. departure for the Royal Miii- A delightful family party tary College in Kingston. Ai took place on Sunday at Mis- hay ride conducted by J5ave'sassaga, the summer home of Gibson an the tractor was their grandmother, Mrs. Mer- much enjoyed and everyane kley Clark in honour of Nancy returned ta the home of Mr. Stephenson and Bertha Clark. and Mrs. Tom Spencer, wherei Bertha left on Monday ta en- corn, hot dogs and beverages ter the Peterborough and were prepared. Nancy left the same day to en- A prsenatin afa biefter a training course at the case was made ta George on Bleil eea optl behaif cf the Rector, Mrs. Mr. and Mrsi. Percy j-Ire Garrod, and the members of; spent the weekend in St. Th o- the chair in recognition of bis1 mas visiting with their son years of service as a chair Dr. J. H. Hare, Mrs. Hare and member and for bis service 'children. x OtITARI 1/&t. /Vewc" /eyot4zeeud 1? -tre-itinn (frrmnmn a.ioe ae 0

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