nWE1I)DING CG4MLANE - GOULD) A wédding of interest toa Wide circle of friends in Bow- mnanville and the surrounding districts was solemnized ii S 1. Paul's United Church. Wen Donna Marilyn Gould, .;ughter of Mr. and Mr.ý fcy Gould, became the bride of Roger Mervin Cochrane, Sson o! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corn- rafle, on Saturday afternoon. JUly 27th. Rev. Harold Turner offic- lated, and the church was ef fectively decorated with pink and white gladioli. M. L. Beaton was the organist, and the soloist was Miss Sharon Stainton. The bride Who was giveil In marriage by ber eldest brotiier, Thomas Gould. look- cd lovely in a beautiful full- Iength gown of white Chan- tilly lace over taffeta. The fitted bodice had a round jewelled neckline, and long lily point sleeves. The ful bouffant skirt was gracefully draped with lace, which was caught at the sides with clus- ters of lace roses. The neck- lace of pearis worn by the bride was the gift of the groom. Her shoulder length veil of silk illusion was held, by a crown of pearîs and rhinestones. She carried a bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. Miss Beth McGill, Oshawa. was the maid of honor, and the bridesmaid was Miss Nelda Gould. sister o! the bride. Their becoming and identical' BEL LI 4yJohn W. Loy your telephone manager DEATH BY Accordlng ta a U.S. on 201 youngsters aged1 &tors, freezers and ice even when equlpped wi Into a refrigerator-like out as soon as the door *five cblidren MADE Ni even though the door m mechanlsm. Observedt for up ta ten minutes, happlly; some lay down 1 b&n the door wlthout afl others slmply cried. Pl alert your littie people tî sure that ail abandoned erafors, etc., have had f] are so tightly bound tih Itta them. This ls Cspi and wlser brothers and and tinter types musftni * e FACTS The tragedy o! a chi freezer makes me wish there with him. Imprac But take another emerge: have access ta a 'phone. tay ta him, or would he help? Few parents perr with the 'phone, since th: But I wonder how mar instrument it is and how needed? From seeing ad, a child know ta wait for d. stand that if he pulls the( if return freely, he can gE the one he wants? I dou 'nre carefully explained ti -, assuring voice o! tbe heip quickly. NUMBEE Since we seem ta hi here'. a puzzle they probal may remember ItL And be for any budding mathemnal your telephone numbera multlply by 50; then add number of days ln a ye2 If ail went welI, yaur tot telephone number and yo to rlghf. But niake sure start wlth! gowns of pink taffeta wers made with three - quarter~ 1celb ae D a o d n ie s length sleeves and had match-eeb ae D am d An i rs y ing lace jackets. Their tiny: crown shaped hats were form- a ed of small feathers in the same pretty shade o! pink 9as their gowns. They carried nbouquets o!f pink tinted chrysanthemums. Vern McGill was the best 1 man. The ushers were Josp Cochrane, brother ofth ther of the bride. At the reception In the' *Acres Restaurant following *the ceremony the guests were creceived by the mother of the bride. Mrs. Gould wore ai 1beigre lace sheath with match- iing hat and slippers. Her cor- sage was of pir.k carnations. iThe mother o! the groom, who assisted in receiving, wore a smart green jersey dress with white accessories, and a cor-ý sage o! white carnations. Aftcrwards the happy couple left for a wedding trip to Nor- thern Ontario. For travelling. the bride wore an attractive I suit of pink linen with white! accessories, and ber corsage' was of *white carnations. Oni their return, Mr. and Mrs Cochrane will reside in Ennis- killen. îThe bride was educated at: Ontario Street School and. Bowmanville High School, and Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon the groom attended Bradley's Public School and Bowman- On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.I McKinnon, Cleveland, Ohio; Also presenit were ail theiri ville High School. Both Mr. James MeKinnon celebrated1 Mrs. James Turnbull, Peter- grandchildren and gr e at- and Mrs. Cochrane are ern-,their Diamond Wedding Afl!borough. and Mrs. Walter grandchildren, Mrs. Fr an k! ployed by the Goodyear Tire' Neals, Bethany. Serving re- Price, Powell River, B.C.; Mrs.ý andRuberCopan o C ninversary at their home in freshments were Mrs. Thomas Chester Termini, Miss Sandra!' ada, Limited, Bowmanville.-Behn.Alatron ad Jennings, Mrs. Carl Porteous, Abren, Toronto; Terrence Sta-1 evenîng a steady flow of visi- Mrs. Harold Sanderson, Mrs. pies, Montreal, Que.; Mrs. tors attended their reception lHarry Ryley, Mrs. Clarence James Walmsley, Kingston;: ta offer their congratulations., Rowan, Mrs. l11illiard Bristow, Harry Ryley, Robert Ryley,l The wedding ceremony of Mrs. Gladys Malcolmson, Mrs. Ronald Jackson, ail of Beth- sixty years ago was a quietiEarl Weatherîlt, Mrs. H. Mc-lany, and Pte. John Jackson,ý L one and took place at the'Donald, Mrs. A. Scott, Mrs. H.lCamp Borden. The great-' hoeoftebrd'sprntlCoppins. Irncide r ol ae Mr. nd Ms. ohn mith in Their family of six daugh-land Steven Price, Patty and* Ingesoll wit theRev.Jters were all home for thîs Catherine Termini, Marlene Hutt officiating.hapocainndoktus and Susan Ryley. .4N../Mr. McKinnon who iS in charge o! the guest book Many lovely gifts werere years of age bas lived n--st and receivîng the guests - ceived from their family, fri-ý Arry of his lifetime at Bethan:',. Mrs. Cecil McGill (Jean), Mrs. ends and local arganizations,! His parents, the late Mr. and, Muriel Ahren, bath of Tor- as well as hundreds of carde.1 Mr. ucan McKinnon, came anta: Mrs. Gerald Staples Especially treasured are the ta the village from Beaverton (Marlon), Lakefield; M is s good wi:shes receîved fromý in 1874 purchasing the Hotel Evelyn McKinnon, Montreal, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth,! formerly owned by Francis-Que.; Mrs. Bruce Ryley (Hel- Premier Robarts, Prime Min-ý Hamilton. James continued in en) and Mrs. Vincent Jackson ister Lester Pearson, Russelli business in "The MeKinnon (Fraînces), both of Bethany. Honey, M.P., Bruce Beer, M.P. SUFFOCATION House" until, with the coin- ing o! the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1911-12, this large 1. gvermen tet cndutta M arried in St. Paulls rail-ing.wastor- down . boxes remain death trapi road. The liotel stood almost ith safety devices. Induced wbère the C.P.R. station is: plahoue ad tld a crnenow and contained about 20 plaboue ad tld o crne roams. The commercial tra-, was closed, two out of every vellers used ta bring their' O0 ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE, large sample cases there ta was provlded wlth a release display their wares for the through an invisible viewer local stores. somecood an plyed Mrs. McKinnon, the former Grace Smith, came ta Betbany ta go to sleep; sanie pounded from Ingersaîl ta teach in the, tempting ta push It open; public schoal in 1902 and re- -LEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE calîs that she received a sal-ý o this danger and help make ary o! $275.00 per year! A 1or temporarlly idie refrîg- number af ber pupils still liv- ing in the district speak very~ Lheir doors removed, or else hgyo!tertcer .at no child could ever geL hntehae a a eially true now that aider down, the family moved toa a sisters are back at school farm one mile west f! the mire most of their own fun. village where they lived for five years. They later moved *and operated the grist mill a' "The Pond". Farmers fori miles around brougbt theïi FOR LIFE grain to be ground into feed and Mr. McKinnon worked long hours tai satisfy bis cus- ild locked in an abandoned tomers. In 1937 they soli a tlepon ba ben flThe Pond property and re- ictical? Unfortunately, yes. turned ta live in the village ncy where a youngster does adfrsvrlyasM.M Would it be just anotherKnonwstelclPt know enough ta use it forKno a h oa -mit their children ta play master. M his can put it out o! order. Although now retired, bath ny explain how serious are remarkably active far, w ta use it in case help is their years. Mrs. McKinnoný dults use the 'phone, would at 88 still does ber own bouse- dial tone? Would he under- work. Mr. McKinnon's largeï dial back, instead o! letting vegetable garden is one of the ,et a different numnber from best kept in the village. His ubt It. But if these tbings flawer garden holds somei ta him, he will hear the rare specimens and gi-ves him-ý operatar if he ever needs self as well as the neighbors': continued pleasure. He is ai-ý Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mervin Cochrane are pictured, ways giving away bouquets of, *beautiful blooms, slips, sed-! above signing the register following their wedding in lings and bulbs. St. Paul's United Church. The bride is a daughter of sal should consist af your our age, readlng from left you have lots of paper ta Their home was decorated with a profusion o!sme flowers. The dining, table was' covered with a lace c]oth withý a charming floral centrepiecel flanked with pink candies in, silver candlesticks and silverý tea services at eitber ed Pouring tea were Mrs. Wil- liam Bailey o! Ingersoll (sis-1 ter of the-bride): Mns. SI'dneyi Ver-non Keith Chiles and his bride, the former Marylin Louise Armstrong, are shown following their wedding in St. Andrew's Church, Peterborough. The, bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrongý of Janetville and has been on the teaching' staff of the Newcastle Public School for the past two ycars. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chiles of Peterborough. They will reside in Sarnia. i WALKERS Saltilnes 1 lb. Box Guaranfeed Qualif y Meats CHOICE - IMPORTED - (Whole or Haif) LAMB LEGS TENDER, JUICY - SHOULDERc LAMB CHOPS 491b GRADE A-EISCERATED (Over 5 Ibs.) CAPONS 49c1! PRESSWOOD'S - BURNS - MAPLE LEAF MILD CURED - Cryovac -1/s Cottage Rolis 552l SHOPSYS - ALLBEEF 1I SAUSAGE u;g. 49c PRESSWOOD'S COMPASS BRAND WIENERS îIb. 45c Fresh Produce Specials BRAZILIAN - JUICE - Size 216"sD 0 Oranges 2z 69 ONTARIO GROW - No. 1 PruneNPlums 6Qît. Bsk. California Grown - Red Ribier GRAPES 2 bs 39 c Frozen Food Specials "W" BRAND Cookd Smits16 oz. L (okdSmlsp -kg. 29j DOMINO FANCY - Romano. J Green Beans A"' 7C Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is uncondean- alIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction AMPLE PARKING E' I Stock Up and Save LIBBY DEEP BROWNED BEANS With PORK .00 GARDEN PATCH CHOICE Whole Kernel CORN 7 14 oz. i Tins $ .00- Hilltop Biscuit Feature Village 16 oz. Wafers Pkg.2LYc Chocolate Delights 40 Biscuit Package 33C Il The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvMfe, Sept 11, 190 FOR YOUR FAMILY'S MNOYMENT THIS To . =eedly ;snîoyabl..a . c Lm aicîd b. tocide. , a1c... th. &. YOU can serve your tarniy if you ahop Ibi wosù at Dmbd=cn. C,..ln lcdar andi lot lb. Mn ibeblind tLe meat coyunteo hoyw yo.zth b. Lani obhaa pezÎoay preparsd for jour atijoymenL 5 Only at Dominion RICHMELLO Angel Food1 CAKE Large 12 oz. Size The Canadian Club of West Durhiam 1963 - 1964 Season BEGINS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25th at 8:15 p.m. in thie Lions Centre, Bowmanville Opening Speaker - MR. CHARLES B. LYNCH, Chief of Ottawa Bureau of the Southam News Service Topic: "THE OTTAWA SCENE" Other Speakers for the Season: Wednesday, October 23-H. E. BARON G. D. De La CHEVALERIE "Facing a New World" Wednesday, Noveniber 20-COMMODORE ROBERTSON "The Search for the North West Passage" ,rnday, January 20-COUNTESS 0F LISTOWEL 1 "International Situation in Europe" February-To be Announced March-To be Announced Wednesday, April 15-DR. PHILIP KETCHUM - "Keyna" MEMBERSHIP - $4.00 per aduit, $3.50 for each succeeding member of the same family; $1,00 per student. Subscriptions available at the door or from any member of the executive, ror Phone Mrs. E. Samuel, 623-2473; Mrs. W. Werry, Newcastle 2114; Mn. H. Barlow, Orono 2182; Mr. Russell Best, Hampton 263-2216. Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time Sat., Sept. l4th, 6 p.m. m