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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1963, p. 17

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Il fand Mr- N. F ierFRTOE a b opee o ccpnyi 0dy Tauton, anid M rs. Frank WTýesthlake w-cp Sunday 1Ira SUPER VALVE p rak est iakeMr.rand Mr-, BREAKFAST Parkway Cresc n lFrak Wetlak Jr.andfam- Mr. and Mis~. D. F'htt and' A O Linda visited on Sunday wîth SBDVSO Mc. and Mrs. C. LangmaidcLietSreSoh m mu ~~ -~ -- and family. E.okaa Only69LbrtSreSoh owmnie Il Il * *11 I nddaugtnsannds Sd _____________mu I TYO ! vran:d:: fmiyMPodcsDpt AS 2HO SS O E T RTD M EDATL MI Il LU li LU IV LU ~~~~~~~~~~~Hockadax' visited Mr. and Mr___________________________________________________________ erborongh, on Sunday. 4 Now B-A Solar Heat home îîeating oil customers Mr. and Mns. Rae Pascoe RED-GRAPES SAVE $500 ON WINTER BUL0H M rup~î k-~~~k+tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tk datg f6/'%NHA receive these adiuioflî LJeflitS... Dxver, Oshawa. Later in the evening they were ontertained2 Is'~ aeavnaeo ¼ ...Mrgg FREANA ODTOICat a partv in honor of theo b 9 FREE ANNUAL CONDITIONINC teath wedding annuversary atAR NG OMEWIH URBLDG Mr. AnRANGE.TO.MEET WITH OUROBUoLDtNG CONSULTANTSE FREE MID-WINTER INSPECTION Mis a n.anders. TWO for theS T CHOS FREE EMERGENCY SERVICEJessie Chester, Osbawa, visi SNACK-TIME MN O S L N OC O S R M an SundaN-. B-A also provides a iow-cost parts insurance plan Mc. and ivs. N. C. Wotten RUSK were recent dinner gc ests o ýMrs. L. B Williams, Bowman to cover the cost of replacement parts! ville. pkgODsP r_~M. and Mrs. Russeli Rob-Ohw fieadSoro IIE bins, Bowmanvie, were Sun- Save 21cOhwlfieadSoroe IMTD-Mi fieadSoro y*ft*~~~~~ & ~day gnests of Mr. Nelson Rob- ________ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE . r Es-eV RT ESO bînsand Miss Thelma Rab- *0I10 IelepnonesCURCE-7-11 PHONE 263-2431 bîns. Open Thurs. and Fri. PoWMNe L 728-161 1 TYOEOTRO Mi-ç. Barr-Cowling, Boux- BOWMANVILLE - 928a6.1To Serve You AA Eih290 TYRONE ONTARIO ~~nanvi:c. aund Miss Hel-i its il9p.. b iBakcr. Toronto, visited on,______________ 1Sundar with Mr. and Mr rr~TIh ad StBwnnil c.216 CLASSIFIED Cf tTom Baker and family. _ ND L1 MAPLE uGiuVE Me aalan aS an _______________ AI.Little Miss Catherine Bakeri For Rent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wa an overnight guest on -Miss Carol Little. who Unit 3 of Maple Grave spent the weekendwt hi.te n vfM.adMs Fo etMg s r t sFia with hier sister, Mrs. teaches in Scarborough, was U.C.W. mta the home of daughter and s(ni-aM.îv Dveadfml.o FIV'E-room bouse in New- ' Barry Cowling. Bowmanville. homf for the weekend. Mrs. Fred Stevens on Mondav, and Mvrs. Roy op'g ndSnvv castie rea. Pone 416. 40-1W~!~Ip _____Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Sept. 23rd. Hymn 168 was boy s. Barrie.Mr.W avdnadso caIVe rom buonea4ow,.cit-1 H*aa in Bowmanvil Orono, were Wednesda., ex-en- Marie and Lynn, and Mr. and read in unison. as a praver, Mrs. L. C. Sndn.M.Pu. Vto pntafv convnieces Cai Nwcatl in usso r. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Linda to open the meeting. WorshpH .Fly r n r.L.dv atwc ihhrsse 2450 aftne r lNewcstl held Ortober lst, 1963 16 Divis~ion St. Bowmanville, laide Avenue W Oshaxwa.Don Tavlor and famîIv. and Debbie, spent the week- service was condutedbN- Mr . C . Colacut wr e Stral d bohri-aw M. an a Gener l Mator sm proee plead d guîlthto a c argewof M iss Pat K nox \a s a w eek- end in Cache B ay visiting the! H . C ooney and M rs. *H . R . e xening d n e g e t f ltrs R n R ge s adWa i v R.Gent uitalng oandstor e L mwek thBrge es hawawas charged xwth obtainingicarless drivng September71h end guest of Mi,,s Jox'Ken- Couroux, families.i at Folev. The chapiter entitled and Mrs. Cecil Pso. O h M ais n c m o n o entutbe for07. storag. mn, im ndBurgess Donald monev by false pretenses H' n cnumbiacho lne'ndva .Bocgeon. The W. I. meeting was held 'Are Missions Oitdated" from'awa. Fia.Hswf n o e Doad ean onuin lohlw ev tBoev h'the book "Journev Into Un- Mr, and Mis.DolaTretrndhm ihi. i~ n e 6 3-5 9 0 7w39-tf C o n vi a d 0 e ~ y t , a d m tte d p re se n tin g A lex P a t-lu n d e r ag e. T h e seco n d c ag e a Md .s nd rsh.wa ,reit a g T u s a e e i g a h e d r t n i g " w sm a ized , M r. a n d M rs. S ta i y S a s h r x n a S f O o d 0 -MECA uligon wr ovce f assault on terson wîth two worthlessiwas a second offense.H a n os saa iie nhm fMs .W twr lvMer Street.iPhongpro onhaeofMitC.W.Srwr bv Mrs. Wm. Laird. Mrs. H.'Kingston, Mrs. Hera es.sosrdb al rv IeStetPhn WatrMrilMcDonaldoeao cheques totalling $41.08. They convîcted on Mav 9lst on a Sundav with Mr. an d Mrs. E. .vith the Pres. Mrs. Art Low: Brooks took charge of thelConsecon, were 1atwe îi ocrtawswnb h ank, Realtor, 623-3,39-3. 27-tf of "Doc's" Garage, and Roeibuee.sîmilar charge. Both mattrs.rdrman. in the chair. The Imstiuebsns n aesvrla-tr v h TýH-REE Rooms, bath, sun-ithev appeared for sentence. Acsdva fnd$ 8n er utvrutîhcoe r.adMs a mihOeadte aySeat esandheaclosev h era a- t!.owt heltes itr vrÇnpp rn r room, self-contained. unheat-ý Burgess stated hie thoughtý costs or 5 davs. He was order- 8thand children, Scarborough. Colleet were followed bv the cmns uc a e-adhsad r n c.H r.I .Flvxa ed: Middle Road. Abstainers, his problem was aicohol. He ed ta p)av Mc. Patterson theý John Terhune, 19. Bowman- were Saturda, visitais-s w'îji reading of the minutes and in ndascilose %a n i.adMs amout el hini- b cas,:vileofteltaedDmeil JnesMr. nd ds. San ndisn te upresrndene. th onfkM- ' _________________________26.____201,5. v sý iaedvar s iest-' not cheque. 17, Hunt Street, Bowmanville,ý and sons. Swr eevdfomM-jydb i.and famil 'v lwereSndvVSOha flo-smkes. ali26-205. s ahedlwas wacig to mnt wn l x ah ileHtl n ailJnsM.adMs tr io thecrespnece T h a n kr. ing ad aocial tie hagen- i. an Nii\r. CciBro ac a.CrlsC emn RES~~LTS COUN t! er. He asked for anotheri Dennis Clark. R.R. 3, Osh-iboth pleaded guiity ta publicý Mrs. Wes His and chiid- Chas. Cooper and Mî-s. G . tim t fo tthe uchaneviefBto s ihMrandws.r Mi. aieBc'-,acm chance to make go;d.awa. w-as convicted of carie- itxcto etme 25.rnvstd.aind Mr s CthcateMssCd.thei ewatî e f-the Chucndorhe Serxe ton saa îne "Ms ayBt _____icHane wto mk od.toasanta esdi-igadfnd$0ad-Constable L. Phillips testi- Mearreliat Omiemee on Sa~ t atte Orn the raa Fst n ex îdx-d o-the nelvlxb :3 .m rlthMs.T MG anMisd omaxi set aura cot.Constable K. C. Laton, fîed lie was infocmed that twOý urda,. Kah aicohol and not ta leave hisl -t vmnwr duki foto:al nd o rsn St uda - it ead ofxvii1e2:0 0 am. iap nd Ba wekrbaaMGiki eebruhadvst 1 1ridne itothis ifOPP. to]d the court that lMisDnaMLclnTo-ti pilprz.lobeW ld Cmuo' wifeecewitou ten wece drnk i font of - ad a reent h di-sesad f1:0no.I v pn tthe end i uih.'ihM.tnhr.Hense !Hancock R ad fie amiClarwc ermeeekenn aiol rdreot gotrcDn-ePsstd tec sgt8ota90 so Sret.Osaw, a dnnr n atî-dW1 Od ooles reaai b hiaat1045am.retiar Dvdn aId, apo]ogize. find out thelmiles an hour and another Car e said as le turned of day with Mc. and Mrs. Ralphhbesentind'are ..xitos ihhr aet.M. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE !amount or expense incurred!on a curve. ;King Street, the two youthsýD vis. be ief at M rs.E o r u ' W m nsI ti te wl Il e B b Sn d n w COsha a & Ditriofthe an onhirpld a rkcY nd thlithd e mneistggefrot o hlm e stoped'nRober-t and John Allun, by the ]ast week of Octor.on Mondav evening, Octoberlevening dinner gessoMr MrndM.HrvLamr H d h and sad he Maryonotg w- the fud andsuppaiihthe toricalResearchf" wth Hems. Mrs L.aC.tS8owdîi and Mc. noters Cccii illigan. Min Oshtion fortri t wo'ar. urn no the desk. Magistrate R. them and questioned Terhune. Miss Nan Allia and Miss Jit was decided ta send $10 taoi.a ..Pes oeth n r.W.Mrio.Bw R e a l s t a t e B o a r d th e fi t w oy e a h lr e paD r t . B x e r o d r d l o e a w i e .J n s w n t a o n , M c. aryl e s t o m e , T o o n o , b u y a c o u p o n t a a id in r a is in g ' c h a n g e o f d a te . T o p i , « H is*a v i eS uM n g a , x e e S n mnonth thcceaftec. He was or- as avec in the afternoon xvest.The contable McsargGO'of Beeh. Mrs deced fot ta leave Oshawa Douglas Wannan, Newcastie foliowed on folot adbroughtiCale, BamsColt, Cosecon, on Sa- MîsseonJance Thd Bonn- obsp wen erv a vll, rd obldikiNn- irstopped them. Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs.: the pins foc the pupils wha Qcite a rîumbci- of ocîr lad-,- wthrM.annMrs arrvAsh wok n t osrv 9vil, re obldikNýA-"'t 1 hat iap lDon Thompson arnd chiidren, passed into Grade 9. ies fcom the U.C.W. joined and M. Brs le~t0Ohw o'lc ufw h odwscastie, and Gien Jacklin, R.R.ý Terhu ne had d-Courtice, wxere recent visitors The rail cali was answeî-ed with Ebenezer U.C.W. ladi 'zOtawa,'n c DnBon pia(-ed at $1000. 4 Bowmanvilie, wece charged The officer stated lie tak, xith Mc. and Ms. Wes Yel- bxr naming aur fax-ourîte dish. ta hear Mî-s Galbr-aith or Osh-.GuclpliAgricclnra olee AfvIMtinAteBLtE-s'iintlv with damaging a mo-ý Jones ta the police station andi lowlees and sons. Somne of the ladies also iii- awa give an accounit of hec eknristr iI aretae sif.osad Hs oritcfehci beoninitdJhn1ioe hmonrheceis.Heicudd owitbesmae.Th tp a IonrKngpoarentsansMc Mr.~~ ship, Just Say- sa and 1 wil Wat.son, Newcastle. They al, said lhe went back and search- prdd ogrm was madTe Eoo is da eHng n gep on6lThccs- I. Brown.adMs seni yu t jal."eleî-tcd triai by magistrate ed the area without finding -e asows rdrdtand ail pleaed'giit].hi. UI J.UAflI :n charge of Mcs. G. Cathcart a veî- enjovable lex-cing was Mi-. and Mrs m Aht, Heas wsodee oan l peddguly ihm and Mcs. Luxon. Mcs. Cath- spent by ail. Cacsarea,- Mrs. LnGom US D CA S apologize ta MeDonaid and Constable B. Tilson, OPp, Next mai-ning hie said lie cr aea ntecesting talk Mc. and Mrs. H. G. Fc e Mr McLean MissMc hsFl O1 USED CtARdSftheex n es.tstified lhe had been called' iearined that Techune %vas ALLEN ('ATHCART onrai-t gave an il Odýacomni bM-a g Prce Fr pagneisreoR.theBaxtcr September 15th ta investi- staying at the Bowmanvill'e Mc. Allen Cathcaît passped and then gave a demonstia- Mcs Roy Van Camp, 'Base, andv Toronto, vee una PieFoBugs ht htteplcRate damage toa 1958 truck. r otel. He asked Jones who ýaway September 16, 1963, af-lin on making anc of Our es- Line, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1H and Monayvsios ih cC.ENHU EP.EROE CLEARANCE a a ve, hîow opinion f ieom~l He found it had four head- x\vas being released ta t014, ter an iliness of two ntl sentiai foods, deliciaus who!e!Snowdciî and Miss Ethel Ax-1 M- .~Saix'(% r omc esto and that 'he had no doubitif! lighits broken, a dent on theý Techune ta came ta the sta-' in Memorial Hospital, Bow- wheat muffins. She also inadel fard, Oshawa, wcrc Mondav Mr. and Mi-s.EgaBsh - Owing (o the popularity of Contabie H. R. Corneli wereifender and clutch damage es-'tian or a warrant would heormanville. a topping of jell, srwe-eeigdne usso r'.Csltn r our 1964 models Ixe must asýkcd %what should be done timated at $70. îssued for his arrest. Bath Hestbr lrh:,186 isadwipd ca Saxb - dnnergessofMOshw.tet ic n maire roomfor tradeins - wit him the fficer woldi He w-asthharouMarc-h :l iu1866.okries and whipMo-do creamafocrtSammSnowdentheOsita aaythcair nicceedandr. ndhcwsMc.rcteliinoff'more aboCecilt s0 following ist of t'-sed Trwhmi aladhdgie h we 1.Telr.MllbV Mrs. Luxon. The tpig PRCETOLE~R sa%-."Tho i aluadhdgxenteonc$0 h os notat c-nart homeadtewie ae-ck poie and M rs. PeeccndY sFiiffa dirs. el ls. PIE OCE thraw awaY the kev.' ficst thi-e named are already Techcîne was fined $50 and WnoevCth f enai xw vhe.. l l b s toP0n11 aiydreeSndveWdin ei aeii-ii1 JRY & LV C arsW eseareth acynoi l iv s. CO ul lspeeîcd t ress; f r n rs n t i C M L n t Whx-îe vas remanded n on probation and Jacklin d oss Jons $75 and COssHo was the son f the laie up a stale cake tha t van have pe> geMsofM. and Ms. inti omîIAvti ek RVL A EC 1963 frwýo ýtoa.appeai- one xeek mittcd a eareless driving sneh adacnitonfc m athcart and Ann Jane rOO hand. Toe m uffn nhEi-MrahdM, sa. M- adMn.Watr oi, omavSt 23 193fo oa.charge hece last vear. the same kind of offense Jc1ilY Olixer Cathicart. lio was one cake wce sred ovlnh McindMsFie Sc Rchvalc, calicdanh bo D e ontraor Nea KcrR.. t BthayHis Worship ordcred ea(-h 2lst. of a famiiv of 15 childrnnand were pronounced excec-- PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 22 and mnanried, elected trialo h cue apy$5t seven aider and seven yocîng-';lent. A heacty vote of thankst 4-D., utniaie ~ bnagstreon heindc-Coanstable Tilson ta be passei eci, ail of whom pnedeceased was extonded ta Mcs. Cath-! 4-D., utoati. 6cyl ' v mgisratoo theidcont*le owner of the truck.'S LN him. carit and also aur hastess Mis Onyoel ablt offns9-eaofidegirl.aHe Thev weî-c ordeced ta stav Asa oug oanhodrveStewart for a mast intecest- Only onaî9 ' eao indHe as-. r1o n eveiV IIWe wr1Ipeas wa ungcilt.v and romand--separate and apaan te MrvMlayk foe and appeared! 1959 Plymouth wd n obo" gjai cntil Octa- noxt Tciosdav for sentence. Foui te ik yk foe n laed îohveing. Wilwcre pleas-, 4-r er inhCoowirg bexai n-TJlp ac Cac ,mîs" met wîth their leaders Itihe pimeval fonest fromn part, T. Stevens and Mrs. J. Car- laeth -n a gvNpm9fa 4D.br1t.H ilb xmn JoehRul aet.mloft he farm now owncd by Mr.aetekn la gv -yj9ttxins i7e b . The ocooefon d hv Dr. Cor-mack, psYchiat- Taunton, a lvpewriter service- in Sauina Comnmunity Hall on Mri adrsuýo scaddenpeeta iios maîî, xx-s c-harge with im-Saturday afternoan, Septem- MaotinaMandonsssouthaoion Pi-osentuasrvisitons cyl., eustom radio, wheel rîsi. berel. Lois Ashto,31 Kendal. is f atheriRnelS pe 1na is rsd .rriho~faq3 paired drix-ingbeSep.temberAs0.onpresi-1 h(itnCale* îMrs -Fastert-anîd Gale Scott of Gar-: dises, windshirId washers. Tliv Crown caiied threc He w-as fiîîed $50 and costs or ýdent, oaened the meeting bv John Mallbcv) was three year ns Hill who wci-e marrîedi :iraintaîn retî tan.ue to g u.oo io» dcotda Al cean cars. witiiesses- the doctor w-lia 7 days. His license was Scis-! asking the group ta repeat theý 1- Satcîndas- evening at Canton, cxamiroed the chiid and gave!pndd 4-H pledge in unison.Je'od 0ormx-yasnThvviieidinNdo- clnclevidence of assauît, Ha ncock, secretary, rea dthelped povidetoratheyaung 1958 PlymouthCosalJ.Br etid clinica he niother of the child and Coinuabee .ofithetestiied -etoi-s extra hanse. 4-D. heinesigtin ufier Cn-acctised was proceeding east minuts of he fi-stfmeting.garhiieeoi R 4.,c Dtmrado thestahestG.Eans offiie, on Bs Ln oa ndddEach girl answored the coIl In 1892) he pu-c-hased the [h t7d2n inlgaeoT&_____ dise s, l adiod wher stablerr.vas, - ont stop for the stop sign atcal i by telling heu- avergeRobt. Cowan fai-m on the, emIodiaiFen wc anani 7ExtaBES lu nerwa epresented bv J. tscore for mi Ik for one eksit lino. In 1896 he mac- te snowapavcEtr18F E .des, ndhedwhe. Clakeortyg. StrseeMt.snHeade, ned Mry nn cKeiey hp daiSatnrday afternoon 67Vlu -Fo- I with a car southbocund on Lib _ rs ilsnç le, ri p-rodecaryed hiM 3! scor AUlo Bruce Nigel Staphes, Osli- ertx-Street, dciven b ' v e theo vau!o il; -Jnuda infa_._._._._._... 1957 Pymouth awa, w-as chacged with having McCracken, Part Hope. told the variaus forms of miikl 1943. His bai-n bîutned anch pivci r fKenal Mclu-1 197 ly ouh aicohol in an illegal placel The officer stated that Car- and gave mothods ta assurel 1921, then hie punchasd the'vepîcedfc ewiku-, 144lus 4-r uut24th. Ho was fined $lCNt'sees wcre bloodshot.i safo ik nth om.b e Henry farm and ived' tiI hie was relieved by Day- 1cyl., <'ustorn radio %%.ith and casts on 5 days and the 1 xv as very taikative and un_- niethod of home pasteuriza-~ there the rest of is life. Tîîan lathe sevnth inins. iJUR î.t m4. Etra0.87E back seat speaker. White 'wine canfiscatcd. isteady on is foot and tmle ion was demonstrated by 1 Mi. Cathcaî-t s scîrvived bv ak n cmitd4 ro1 PLE NAXIMNS -éandi green. Constable G. Evans, OPP,strongly of ah-ohol. Ho had Gldys Yellowhees, ln the kit-l'his son Garland of Kendai. Barry Lane pitched the whoie fixVIAMIN li, ,. 196plMtt estified hoe had checked a carýbeen in the ceils avernight. chen. Here, too, Phyllis An, Among the manvi\ ovellVgme foi- Kendal, and struck ýýI SPR LEAMN 1956 Plniouths outside Caesarea dance halll When asked if he hartany- Wsadn em ow taaer ethIler 1cs te i i àc-hte d-daofmi:d, rrîsKn Weslae ad ennfe Bst loal rt s vdne ouot 8, allowed 6 waiks. Ken-'.As valbefr hlie d emonstrated hwtin eteeteii hc h e Three teo ehoose from, bath and focînd a part bottle of1 thiuîg ta say, aCCcused stated da ,mite rrr- e- O cl. nd cy. A! ae wîne. Two occupants of thoihe was from Mnea ad cocaa. Peggy Milison and ceased w-as field, wxece thasedltmgaehepterx-. -" car were dinking il from! had iived ln the Oshawa areal Ruth Traviss shnwed how ta' from Kendal L.O.L. No. 405 of' clenut backing ail through C cîr.~y,1d7 good dean cars. pae cp.fti-eyas make Dandy Candy. Lateni which hoe was a member for:the game aîîd are to ho con-1 sl iplVtdy i ~ ord -Dr ifardCîtspotpo, 1hv oer beenio the group enjayed this, with180 years: also thiose from thec-gratnlated on thiei- catching, 196 or 2Dr haid charge , of carless civ- h v e bere, ho si ntrou-'the cacoa. The noxt meetinglsixth lino neighibo-s and froni' whic-hheiped ta koep Feu- liad a chahe of crls rvýbebfr, i ad TeO-iwill bhoan October sth at 1:30ithe Kendal friends. wicks score ta 1. Fenwick got' Avai.qbI, --l tyU e WDi V-. Good dean car. ig dismissed. His consel! ficer did his job well, but I o'clock. Pallbearei-s wecie Messs.teiloeaU-lth frs 1953 Pymouth the ivestigting oficenlyn QtaryostHorneservicDrugHStorei Specal ix-i Belami Oln. ft-- manville, apriearod foc son-,13 at 2:09.m.RvrîdT oi onMKi-yad An-'the 4th, 2 iii the Sth, and 2 laniL Special ~~~~~~~~~4-Dr. sAblvi e njiCook, ri-tenon tthihargs.hncfoc30 a total of 8. Ko *ohn - -le a . ea ~ cltrade-in. Gond run- mer, twa miles east of Pcntl Januce ondwo aH Fieetham of Greonwoodihcir Thamasan.te6h oratlo . il-, - nlng car in decent condition. pool, testified hie was No1naY2dwe o e-wasl h ehognest minister. 1,I[n the Icineral serv-ice, which> dal goes into the final Ban-i J R YMU in at on Cocînty Ra -No 1hrged with bneakîng and, "Declaring the Good News" was hield from the Bai-loWtam piay-offs 1OW, but ai PALME l6Agus 6.Hos ai o een on endin andwas the therne of the RaJiY!Funeral Home, Gi-ana, on' teote 2 King St. E. Bw av PA M Rwsdiigatractor hacîlinQg ocît of co rt. o as i1-' a eriefil o un Wedncsday, September l9th,! ormavl Phono 23.336 cobine when a car came OtO r ewsplaced:Rev W. H. Crawford af Eii-!Rev. R. C. White referred ta: enaie ta play off. river the hili toward him. on suspended sentence fori aiskillen condncted the ser' his gîeat age of 97 yoars and, - VUYK ALE aHosaid the driver of t liaon-cvar, and xvanned hoe wal vice- The serioture passage isixmonths, haoi0oneyear be-1 UHRSLR PLMOTH car applied bis brakes and bct 4Ncr nPntn was cead by Peggy Milîsonl,lfore Confederation, and ta his-' ý r'51 r0skissi~es'os>:, '-<-- ALAT -DDE skidded avec auto the wrang, taY. and Mes. Charles Larigmaidlaat y ta his mnothîcu-s faitbý VALIAT - ODGE sude of the raad. A head-an! The second c-bai-gow-as for ipresented the story :'From tb O and love of bis home. Inter-" 20 King Street East colso cscte witr$0ilga possession of alcohtýl.'Jaws of the Tiger."metasiiOnaCmev Phone 623-5487 damage ta the tracton and Il brocîgbt a fine o! $20 and Ncxt Snnday, October fith, - U, $400 damage ta the car. casts on 7 days. we wili ho obscrving the aii- ~ Frederic-k Eugene Chai-k. 25,' Gai-y Dean Barncum, Ad!- nal Worhd Wide Communion Snnday with communion ser-e ks xice in Eldad Church a t 12 y s r s oc lo-k. 2 Foliawiniz thesrc i ec,xt Cop o esundy, Ocher6, ee ilI Va riety metig hEladCunh aDEIVR Lii J)

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