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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 2. 1963 meeting and reports were! ____ ___ __________ eard from the District Com- missioner, Luther Welsh: the Badge secretary. Harry Cooke; Boy Scouts IAfiii HearB rtvDMois The chairman oi the Papen Report of Jambo,~ree lannounced that the next drive At Annual Meeting meeting af the District Couî:i- cil of the Bowmanville Bayý Scouts Association held in the board room at the Lions Cen- tre on Tuesday, Sept. l7th, the date of Oct. 22nd was seti for the Annual Meeting for the Election of Officers for the coming year. A feature of this year's An- fluai Meeting will be a repart, and pictures tram Queen's Scout Steven Jeffery on hisi Just for the orle of the oit, you MORE satisfaction-Over 20,000 fam Home Heat Service. un0r..: %.. flnana ..,.t. MURESerVIL.O MORE value-, ,Free 24-hour MORE--Esso s AND EYENMOI terms en new1 CALL ES. A.*H. STURROCK1 IMPERI 200 tu,000 free lUir 1964 OLDSMOBILE JETSTAR 88 %vilbehedOtl2h The meeting was chaired by President John Bain. Honor IFROM I'AGÉ ONE) ,continued ta work in that capacit.y until she becarne the Registrar af Deeds in 19,59. Th is afternoon lawvers and sur- surveyors af Durham and Oshawa, clerks of municipali- recent trip ta the World Jam- Cryderman's Associates have boree of Scouting held il gathered ta honor her," Mi. Greece. q Uu O c 5 1i Strike said. Membcrs of the Conc P Deputy Reeve Ross.ý Stevens hope that those citizens inter - Hbl Mis We aorsi avor abs nceo eedin the Scouting mave- HsWrhp a-rla ment and the vouth af ouie (FROM PAGE ONEHbs. oke in praise af Miss community wil su ppoart would be impossible if pro- sriesehsrnee h Scouting by attending this, vincial rights were exploited The new Jetstar 88 series for 1964 utilizes Oldsmobile's fuil-size bodyv service he asrenee 0t h meeting ta be held at the, ta the point where wealth and on a special 123-inch wheelbase. The Celebi-ity sedan, shown above, is one o A letter from Mayor Hlohbs Lions Centre on Oct. 22nd at weli-being is increasingly cen- four models in this new Oldsmobile series. A 'new lightweight, cast-iron Jet- ta, Miss Cryderman %vas read 8p.m. Itralized in certain areaý while ieR keV8egndlvrn 22 ..ada pinl20hpvrsoreb teDpuy ev.Hs Other business of a routine others rail behind with their fr oktV nie eieig25hp n notoa 6 p esoaeh h euyRee i nature was deait with at the! epe na aeilwy teamed with an entirely new transmission, Jetawav, available at extra cost. WýorS.hip Wrate of bis regret 'peope, i a maeriatwab The speaker also discussed This new transmission combines the performance of gears and the smoothness at teing unable ta be present atte event and reierred ta Canada's great British heni-, of a torque converter with a torque amplif-ving feature which permits extra ber long records as a devnted tage from wbich has came so, performance without downshifting and conscientiaus public Imany ai the country's hest-9...... officialinb the Bowmanville traditions and the develop-,dyatnon h rvîsocok Jsp .Crte ra ~ment of niost of its free in- da fenor.Tedier"lC. oehR arte ra F stituiansshewurged thaty iwa and Terence R. Thomp- :he Base Line and B Neville pressed his and the oi r A HOM f t R ralson, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Con- MeCracken, Port Hope, was Council's officiaI appreciation worthy i hy he waytbcv ~ Str~~I CÇ,IIstabhie P. Ballant.yne, OPP, in-: driving south on Liberty t. a h sriesseha1ed manage their own affairs, na o Be S re s d vestigated. wben the accident dapeedofa a job \voitl(doil. CAN'T tionally, and internationall. Da mage ta the Iwo ca .1s He extended the muniicilpalit.Ns This provides a measuring, There was a three car cal- moetae$t0hst xwishes for hcalth and hap- S I THSstick, Mr. Lynch contended. I n ' .rono Fri., lision on Manvers Road Narth amounted tomoeta$10'pnsin ay arofc- SKI THS ýbewee vllilesdrvenbyConstable Tracy Davis invcs - jpin e i mn er. a n for the concessions that the eten ehcesdrvn y oabe eirmet federal government may hý (Corporal Rob!. J. Callaghan, D. A. Robin. Scarborougb, tgtd Bar Association President ISEMENT prepared ta make Quebec on Ontario Provincial Police, Michael John Kingstan, Tor-- Strike extended the congratu-, the ground that it is a pro-iTononto, will be the guestionto, and Barry Parker,' atians ai Wanden Earl Walkev vince dfferent froni the oth- speaker at the Rural Safety Woadstock, Ont. Cons ta hie e.ofa the UJnited Counties ta Miss ers, and the motherland ai Night Rally sponsoned by the' Peter Den-Hoed, OPP, wras the:A iu Cryderman on her- long tenure French speaking Canadiaris: Durham County Rural SaietylIinvestigating officer. Ail thre ofa office. "Northumberland living in other parts of Can-' Council in Orono, Friday, Oct, cars sustained a fair amounit and Durhami have been fortun- ada. ' 4th at 8 o'clock. i damage in the accident. ca e r ate ta have bad a Registran ai A liveiy question and ans- Exhibits on highway safety A car driven bY Douglas your calibre and it will bc wer period followed. The pre- have been enteîed by variaus Truil, Toronto, and another (FROM PAGE ONE) .dîfwin ut or a sucesta ol sident Mrs. Samuel, on bebaîf axganizations in the cauntyiane driven 1w' CarIa Stanil, thoii- entrv "A Good Womnan ,lw i yu-iattp"h ai the large audience, thank-,and these will be on OsaaicliedashecrlTepagasfo h tresaid, and expi-essed best .vish- ed Mn. Lnchfor hisisi-adwill be judged by diplray! as oontherTcantonuaddbaani E FOR YOU IN e res.ync erais inspinad Corporalvers a heTaonSandan-,,evenings were aîî-anged by es ing ddrss.Aftrwads bcCliahai. vrs aad onSatrda atMns. Edward Samuel and Mis. Alex Carruthers. M.P.P. far executive ai the club enter-ý The childien xwba were 1:50 p.m. Bath drivers escaP- Taggart. The ather twa 1n- Durham Couintv, statcd that he tained Mr. Lynch at the resi-1winnens in the poster campe- ed injurv, but the tva cars tares! ing pîays entered in the xvas indeed bappy ta take part dence cf Mn. and Mrs. Wilhert'titian Ihis year will be pre-; sustained extensive damg.OaoDaaFsia eei h vn aaig Ms Teeple, Wellington Street. sented xwîth their safety award! Contable Iloward Wight, OPP, SinWogNm r"bCydra.'a hve ee Mrs. Samuel, the president, pins as well as prize moe.ivsiad W n.,Nm r bCyemn 'ouhe el annonce tht te net _____O0~. îvesigaed.the Oronc> Hi-C production, a bulwark ta the lawyers in Twn cars collided at Lih- and Oshawa Little Theatne's this region. and have given meeting of the Canadian Club' erty Street and the Base Line "The Stranger" hy August them valuable advice and as- of West Durham, when the, A on MondaY evening- at 7:30 Strindberg. sistanca. You have had a rnost speaker will he Baron Gu.y! &ccidentL_ De La Chevalerie, the BelgianriI Ambassador ta Canada, willt be held at the Lions Centre'mCun u on Wednesday evening, Octo- ~ u u Eber 23rd. His subleet wiil h n'1uzda t5 7e i Facing a New Worid." Baron O usa t54 De La Chevalerie has ha :a there was a two car collision outstanding cancer in the Dip- attecre1a ue n lomatie Corps of Belgium, HeLambent Streets. The driversý gel- lias previously served a oBe ra the vehicles involvred were' iies have at eady switched to Esso gian Minister ta the United ThomasEdadSaeR. States and later as the Am- Bw nilanHuhA riace conditioningsnPowcompleted. bassador af Belgium ta Paki-, Allison, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. re no heaso ec ree n ser i e ck -î----.- lisons car, his two sons, David ir "o heU' mergncyservce!and Hugh William Allison, service men,flnest in Canada, are hand-picked by 1 mperial. m i an d Paul Mintz, Hamilton, ne- DRE-ask about our low cost parts insurance-and easy Nurses rioia (eived minar injuries. TheY heating equipment. were taken to Mem-orial Hos- SQ HME HAT ERVIE TOAY ' ~ L.' pîtal where Mn. Mintz neceiv- ;SOHOM HAT ERVCETODY S le of Bi~ ng ed tneatment in the Out-Pa- f L U .. ~ The sale of Home Baking'tet eathentfion r oafa-i ~E ro K ~ O l held by the Bowmanvilie !ed nib, andte LIMITED Nurses' Associationi in the tesfrarsos LIMITEDIP.U.C. office.«K'ing Streetarr Bath cars were damaged in! F'iday afternoon, was a decid- tured nib, and the Allison bra- PHO E 23556 d success. The presdeiPbillips was the investigating ROAD ROWMAN VILLE Mrs5. Thomas Buttei-v, Miss, afii(er. Velmna Gay. Mrs.. Harlaidi Two cris naceivcd considen-ý I A O L LI IIi TE D Truli, and Mns. Helen Petens:able damage in an accident on IA I -L M Irb eei charge. Liberty Street North on Sun- I NOW.... ANEW WORLD 0F CASUAL LIVING SUNSET TERRACE SUB DIVISION LIBERTY STREET N. BOWMANVILLE (formerly Wes. Cawker Property) BRONZE MEDALLION HOMES NOW BEING CONSTRUCTED ON 1"SUNSET ROAD"i by LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. "Your Guarantee of Quality Construction" $500 DISCOUNT ON WINTER BUILI HOMES S PECIAL FEATIJRES: * Large N.H.A. Approved Lots. 0 Paved Streets and Sidewalks. *Sanitary and Stormi Sewers. 'Front Lawn Sodded. *Rear Yard Graded and Top Soiled. *Gravelled Drive. *Clay Brick Construction AS LOW AS $ 163O DOWN EASY N. H.A. TERMS SPECIAL FEATURES: * Stained Triin Throughout. * Aluminuin Storiins and Screens. *Garage or Carpnrt Optional *Ultra-modern Kitchen with Extras. Modern Batbrnom with Vanity. *Choice cf Color of Ceramic Tule. eALL HOUSES ARE MORE THAN 1,100 SQ. FT.e This beautiftil, architect-planned sub-division is north on Liberty particulars and plans contact . - Street . . . or for further EXCLUSIVE BOW3MANVILLE AGENT W. FR AN KREÀAL ESTATE We IR NK LIMITED PH~ONE 823-3393 177 CHURCH ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I nteresting career, and vvill! The President of the Ontario have pleasant memories ta County.Law Association, Z. T. laok back on throughout yourîSalmers, voiced the grjde many vears of dedicated serv- af the members of th s ofln - ice," he said and extended his ýization for help given by Niss hast wishes Io Miss Cryder- Cryderman. "If a de5ckýt,.in man. passed Miss Cryderman h wns R. E. Priddle, Assistant In- considered the same as a rer- spector of Legal Offices for tfct yaMatro iÀ, Ontrio sttedtha th puliche said. On behaif of the 's- Ontaro, stted tat th Pubic50 iot01 he offered best wish- appreciates the important work of the Registry Offices, and, es for her future. the treniendous responsibility' W. T. Harris, Port Perâm of the Registrar in -keeping lawyer. on behaif of the gath- records and land titles. He eriing presented Miss Cryder- lauded Miss Cryderman's work* man w'ith a beautiful oil paint- and on behaif of the depart- ing of a lakeside autumn land- ment offered congratulations scape by Arthur Drummond, and best wishcs ta her. a farnous Canadian artist. (Wi cJiiii~. We wish to thank ail our friends and customners who attended our Auto Show last week, your response was overwhelm- If you were unable to attend the special showing, drop in this weekend, and you wilI also see the ... 1964 OLDSMOBILE NOW ON DISPLAY AUTO SHOW PRIZE WINNERS WILL, BE ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK ROY W. -NICHOLS CHEVROLET BOWMANVILLE SHO) OLDSMOBI L4E WROOM l'il I 2-r A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ~!Now its easier than ever ta awn %O/ an OIds! This new 88 series fea- tures a brand-new Jetfire Racket V8 engine, a new optional Jetaway* transmis- sion-and the same bumper-to-bumper reli- ability as every OIds. Whats mare, it's priced to put yau in an Oldsmabile saaner than you thin kl *Oplana/ a! extra cost JETSTAR 88 CELEBRII1Y SEDAN THE PRICE SURPRISE OF'64 j nnr SVDeDDIIDLEaaé4%ocie0m ROY W. COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 OX-164-D ] NIC OWVL - Phono 623-3350L

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