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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1963, p. 3

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WecI4,nqs GOV'nMPHY - SNOWDEN1 chener. Stadars f pnk laiol 1Given in marrlage by her Stanard of inkgladolieldest brother, Mr. Harry T. and white 'mums formed an Snowden of Bowmanville, the i ttractive setting for the mar-;bride wore a gown of white 'age in Maple Grove United ýorganza over taffeta. The ~hurch on Saturday, Septemn- gown was fashioned with ber 14, 1963, at 2:30 o'clock. shirred cap sleeves, and em- Sof Sandra Gertrude Carole, broidered appliques of Aiea- SSnowden, daughter of Mrs. con lace adorned the scoop Alan T. Snawden, R.R. 3,' neckline. Similar appliques, Bowmanville, and the late Mr.n highlighted t he bouffant Snowden, and Mr. Robertý skirt, centred in front with~ -Lyman Perry Goodmurphv,' large self roses, and accented son nf Mr. an d Mrs. Albert E. in back by a butterfly bow. Coodmurphy o! Sowerby, On-, Her short veil o! tulle illusion tario. lwas held by a rose headdress, Rev. John P. Romeril of- and she carried a white pray- ficiated, assisted by Rev.ý er book crested with pink, Stanley Snawden of Mii!-ý sweetheart roses and white' brook. Organist Mrs. Wm.1 stephanotis. Laird, R.R. 2, Bowmanville,i Miss Gloria Iminer of Kit- played the wedding music andý chener was maid of honor, accompanied the soloist, Missiand the bidesmaids were the Carol Anne Schmuck of Kit-1bride's sister, Mrs. Ronald ~flry Ceaners C/z uciUe luda'e: IlCould the motorlst bave possibly avoided hittlng Injured Pedestrian: "He sure eould have, your Honor. He bad the choice of bitting me or the missus, and he picked mnelo" Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINT: Eb,.k.paage will not occur to your clothes If they are cldaned legcularly. Neyer put soiled clothes away, take themn to your local drycleaner. ST. JOSEPH'S ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER OCTOBER th - 4:30 to 7 P.M. FIRTH BROS. 47 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY PORK SPECIALS Lean, Sweet Only Tasty. Fresh Pork - Only PORI< A9IBUTT lC BUTT 4 lb CHOPS 59b Lean, Fresh Fesh, Tasty SIDE AfC IPORK c PORK 41bHOCKs 29lb Lean, Store Slieed Chrlstle'a Brookside 1~Z01k.kIt L ô l Mite - Sliced - 24-. BACON 69lb BREAD 6 for $ 1.00 i LEAN, FRESH GROUND LEAN, SWEET H AMB U RG BRAIZING RIBS 3 bs. 3 bs. HOME FREEZER SPECIALS Swift's Tendered Beef iTS SIIES Hm lb 51cL Cul and Wrapped Free BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS Don't Forget to Pick Up Youri FREE RADIO BINGO CARD PEON ~41 OF NEW BANQUET & DAN( .NORTH 0F CEDAR PARI (North of Hampton te fith Concession, then east1 Manvers Road te th Concession, then west andj Saturday, OctoL DOOR PRIZES DANI NAME CONTEST Enter Name Contest for a suitable naine Banquet & Dance Hall Contest Closes Sunday, Oct. th - Winner wit and receive grand prize. SUGGESTED NAME Name Address .~Clip and send this coupon - or send as many en Mail to: C. DENTINGER, R.R. 1, Bowmar MORE DETAILS NEXT' This Advertisement Sponsored by: J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE 118 King St. E. Bowmanvillie KIMBLE CONSTRUCTION MASONRY CONTRACTOR Bowmanville CURR4 REAI Slrnce St. S. TRIPP C [NDS I cb Early Fail Wedding at Maple Grove United Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyman Perry Goodmurphy were caught by the photographer as they leave Maple Grave United Church following their wedding on Saturday afternoon, September 14, 1963, at 2:30 o'clock. Formerly Sandra Gertrude Carole Snowden, the bride is the ddtughter of Mrs. Alan T. Snawden, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Snowden. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Goodmurphy of Sowerby, Ont. Married In Oshawa WEBB - KIRK A pretty, early Faîl wed- ding took place in King Street Pentecostal Church, Oshawa, on Saturday afternoon, Sep- tember 14, 1963, at 4 o'clock when Florence May Kirk, Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Kirk o! Toronto, and Mr. Alfred Scott Webb, Bowmanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Webb a! Noel,ý ter chose a blue dress with I _ Nova Scotia, were unlted ln! beige aceessorles. Both wore The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmaavife, ct. 2, loci marriage. White 'mums and. corsages o! pink roses and gladioli formed an attractive' white carnations. setting for the cerernony. As the couple left on their I Rev. J. MacKnight of Belle-1weddîng trip to the Ottawa a éS y ville officiated, assisted by1 Valley, the Maritimes and the Mr ' a Rev. S. F. MeCleary of Tor-'United States, the bride was~ I . onto. Miss Susan Werner of, wearing a twa-piece pale pllki me"ryCh~rn iaffm wl*iia Oshawa plaved the organ linen dress, pink gloves and wedding music and accom-' hat. black shoes and bag. and ~~ panied the soloist, Mr. Georgeý corsage of white carnations. O L J A Bateman o! Oshawa, who. They are residing at R.R. 3, BL V rendered two selections. Bowmanville. the gift- qualiy watch Given in marriage b37 her! Out-of-town guests attend- father, the bride xvore a floor- ed from Pickering, Toronto, length gown of white peau de' Stouffville, Ringwood, Osh- soie fashioned with a bell-' awa, Bowmanville and Mark- . A shaped skirt. Lace appliques1han. $ HOLOS YOI with seed pearl trim edgcdý Several parties honored the M BULOVA'TII. the scoop neckline, and the, bride priar to her marriage. -CHRISTMAS logseves were lily-pointed.: A miscellaneous shower wasi " A graceful chapel train flow- given by the cangregation of ed from a removable cummer- Bowmanville Pen t e c o s t a 1 DIANONU MEAN &qui$"sf veil He w s uhto a rowent Cuc n a da homeof Re. an Mrs R.d lafll olds, bund. Res cuht oader lent Chome nd hel .Shmrigdiaahm~ ,~.Peos ol17 of lace and pearîs, and she! Hutchinson, Bowmanville. A Jewels, ln yeflow «r white. carried a cascade bouquet ofi similar shower was given by JET CLIPPER Rugied as ail white carnations, red roses the congregation of King outdoors - 17 Iewels, soif. and stephanotis. Street Pentecostal C hu r ch, Wiilng, cortlflsd waterprof, Mrs. Garth' Hutchinson o! Oshawa.&barstn $99 Toronto, sister o! the bride, A linen shower, attended by 1 was matron of honor. She relatives o! the brde, was he]d was in street-length pink or- at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. ganza aven taffeta designed D. aseSofvle. The sleeves and bouffant skirt. Baptist Church, Toronto, gave She woea matching hed-a anr shower and as pre- EELR ITSO pice hieshoes and lv etd table lanips ana E L ER & GI S O and her cascade bouquet wasieîectnic toaster. 39 King Street W. Bowmanville of white carnations. Mr. Alex MacDonald, Osh- awa, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Bruce Adams, Bowmanville, and Mr. Allan »Scammeli o! Oshawa. Following the ceremony a0 reception was held at "The Acres" restaurant, Taunton Road. The guests were receiv-j RDAI ed by the bride's mother who wore a two-piece blue dress with pink hat and gloves, R N I black shoes and bag. The groom's mother was unable to SI be present and Mrs. Greta Carpenter, Bowmanville, as- sisted to receive for the groom in her absence. Mrs. Carpen- thrift& ve hape!1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott Webb, above, were married in King Street Pentecastal Church, Oshawa, on Saturday afternaan, September l4th, 1963, at 4 o'cloek. Formerly Florence May Kirk of Taronto, the bride is the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Kirk, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Webb of Noel, Nova Scotia. -Photo by Ireland Studio Beaumont Sport Deluxe Sport Coupe Rogers o! R.R. 3, Bowman- pieces. Ail carried cascade1/'..*...........II Ku u Ivinecm eeî ne ville, and Miss Ellen Gaod- bouquets o! pink and white ~~'4 A AD AN B A murphy o! Oshawa, sister of carnations .w '*' the groom. Miss Patsy Snow- Mn. Merl Bolton o! Thessa- .... '64 ACA IA.BEA MON den o! Bowmanville, niece of Ion, cousin o! the groom, was «'. the bride, was flowen gi rl.I best man and the ushers were ..... They v7ere in identical !rocksithe bride's brother, Mr. David The most exciting car of the new car year is here 1 o! white arganza with pink Snowden o! Bowmanville, and ' Sto ane 15"heAaar tnim and designed with short the groom's brother, Mr. Man- '~.* ~ '~welae full skirts and scoop neck-1 ford Goadmurphy, R.R. 3, ~ _ Beaumont is Jean, clean and elegant to look at lines. Their headpieces wera'Bowvmanvi]le. ThilnadtrfyadivwthVor6c d o! pink arganza in rose farmil A recention was held at thegyne cented ith inypeals. rifýCurch Th gusts erere-powver. Inside, 6 aduits enjoy an abundance cetrd ih in eanîs Bnc Church the bgues veils fel !romn the roseheai'cic h rdsmte of relaxing space. Smooth full coil suspension ffýwho wore a txvo-nicce blue ad opsegr'o n brocade 'sheath, bIne organza dstpaen r' peace ofmid.An the ow picture hat, and white acces- Beaumont price is as wvelcome as a wvindfall. See 10 sories. She was assisted by Custom Convertible mdl n3sre t"u cda elrsnw the graom's mother who chose oesnsreayuA didal'nwI a brown lace dress with beige hat and acc2,ssories. Bath wore corsa.ges cf pink roses and white carnaticns. As the ceunIoe loft on theirý wecding trio ta Eastern i~ I Df ..points, the bride was vearinct ffOM TING the jVW I VMEadE AN O ESE a three-piece pink and w hit e l , L W D W 5_ _ _ _ _ _ white accessories, and corsage . o iecarnations ,nd pirk 7E ALLswecthcart 711<jng They wl Apt. 4, Bowmainvilc. GrvubiKeho n The bride attended Mapie ~ 11/ mies r nrthOfl Bawmanville Higih School. An north of Cedar Park) apprentice mechanie at Rab- son Motors, Bowvmanville, the groomn attendcd Daymill Pub- lic School and Thessalon High )e 12 t School. were1I 2d1o Seda The new Invader and Canso series are t tebride priar ta ber mar- ana of three new Invaders set toladnvluagn!Neystll' ýCE PRIZES riage. A miscellaneaus show- fo vr îw they offryuati er was held at the home o!ffenie-a peppy 90 h.p. 4, a zesty the groom's sister-in-law, Mns. 10hp6or for the very f irst time, an Floyd Goodmurphy, Thessa- 1.20 .....:hi. 6 C )e pinl15hp 8 for our new Ion, Ont. o reter salet19wih.bigger Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mrs. Ter' e g -et vih ig Steve Doyle e hostesses » '~~bae a e olors adatrO for a communitv miscellan- bae!Gyre ld Il be announced cous shawer held at Maple trim! plus superufmlcmot Grve United Church. A sim- of a ride, and even more ways to save. latives, was given by Mrs.Cno4d Sea. See the '64 nvader and Carso soon ! Metcalf o! Oshawa. ... .Co f t ree e ans wThebardem scales ntd oe'ofj a I'a Il lA.s -- - gift a! money bv her employ- er and staff of The Mutual riris s oulie.Life Assurance Co. Dramatic new beauty fromf General Motors AX-164D ýnvi1le, Ontario A stag party wvas held Jn licaor of the groom at the tep;/ M Y~ 'home o! Cecil Goodmurphy, WEEK SowcrbY. Ont., when he was presented with a gift o! mon- sented with two electrie cpa ty u c da ,P nlc AN & BRIGGS dlocks by bis employer and DY-MIX LTD. staff at Robson Matons Ltd. Oshawa Out-of-town guests attended f r o m Kichener, Thessalon,ou wI . 1U Port Perry Plat:svile, Stauffville, Hamp- tonick, ein, onvillnd166 K n St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-3396 Minn., US. ____________________________

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