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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1963, p. 6

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S - TheCanadian Stateamazi, 3ownanvlle, Oct, . I.Ist ENTER c ,Jetter Io t/wé<Sctor More on The Beach! .557 Waburn Axe, Taronto. 12. Sept. 24th, 1963. CONTEST today! FREE 9 TRAVEL KIT given in this areci every day Vay in ... day out, throughout the yearthousands upon thousandÉ of peppIe just like you save 2é a çuart on every quart of milk they buy, The annual savingis substan- tial. And the quatity is JERSEY ÇUALITY. As our grandparents knew . . . and as we still know JIERSEY QUALITY bas flot changed. JIERSEY is traditionaiiy better! 2% Puti-Jersey partly skhmmied mihk is 2é a quart iess oiy because it is partIy skimmed. Oniy butter fat has been removed. The JERSEY QUALITY remaîns. WIN ~a Beauty Counselor Holiday TRAVEL KIT We want to thank those who use 2%1 Ai-Jersey partiy skhimmed inilk and at the samne timne enice stiII more people to try 2% Al- Jersey. That is whY, once a yeari we conduct a simple contest with numerous prizes for people in this orea. EVERY DAY starthig Septem- ber 23r 2% Ali-Jersey are giviag ' a BEAUTY COUNSELOR Holiday Travel Kit, valued at $1750 and containîng a variety of cosmetics. §end your naîne, address and telephone number with bettie cap or trademark from 2% AIl-jersey and enter the GLEN RAE, DAIRY 2%-ý A . J CONTEST SEPT. 23rd fa OCT.. tFth Youa may wlni a Beauty Counselor Holiday Travel Kit, Weekly winner î% li 1 ail iiounced each Saturdav at 11:09) a.m. in the Gien Rsc Duire-. Ta the Editor: Time toi, Reabon- secms to have drawn sonie interest- ing comiments, and ý feel as a summier resident in the Beaich arca, that I would like b. add another few word. along the same vein. The problern of the bus s iiatioîî that sounrcid off the editorial. does not affect inc personally. bcause I1 an oL blessed wîith school age child- inn. but the statement thai ihie bcach area is deteriorating docs. Tile authior li respoîlsi bl ,,emrs ta be crcating "A Tale of Two Cities-, anceîîorth of -101. one south of 401. North of 401, we have by standards a good town, boast- 'ng thrce elel known groce- icrias, a good motel, nurser- ies, a fine hospital, gas sta- tions, and miany other good stores in tact ail the facil- Ïtties that arce neccssarv -toa town*s vlfare as a whIole. South of 401, there are gooct farniands, and tamnis that are a credit to anyv community, but as we reachi the beachi area. the scene changes rapid- ]y. particuiarly at the East, Beach, where one is contrant- ed wvth a dilapicltd lookîng abject once known as the 'Bootl«, bearing a coîider-nnedi Isîgn, and adornied Nvith xveeii, and debris, and is no aKset to any corniunity. *Siirrounding properties vary in value and condition. and are the responsibiit ' of the iridividuai owncr, and beai out their living standards in consequence. but before any- one uan pass judgmcnt in this direction lct an example be -et by oui Counicil, 1a0 wliîch romparisoris can be drawn, becausr if Ibis ai-ca deprec- iates, il \vil] affect Bownian- ville as a whoie, flot lusI 1the srnall part of the conmunit.y that occupies the beach areas now, Many of us are oid estab- lished famîlies ini this area. and avec the years have con- tributed to Bowmanvi]ie tax- wîse, and many have put a considerable arnount into their property as an invcstrnent, and with every anticipation of continuing ta do so. We recently added a furtlier improvement to our piopc.rties by paying toward thce facil- 2-Way Savings for SaeDrivers Oiw Economy Auto hricy offers you worthwhile sav- ings by "packaging" yoir protection to g'e you mnore value for less m-oney. lI addition, it can provide ad-. ditional savings if you have a good drfving record. Call or office for details withcnt obligation. Winner of Beails &fn,.oî kit ivas AIRS. .1. COLVILLE. STUART R u 179 Churvii St. - Bowmianv'hlle fitc yomi1 aobe awinner. JAMES à -. -e 'I i -> - -.--- -J ILNSURANCE Kilng St. E. Office, 623-5681 REAL ES-ATE Bowmanville ]Reudence 623-5493 -Anus Elberg ALSO - t'ri. & Sat., 7 p.m. Last complete, 8:45 SUN., MON., TUES., WED. - 7:30 p.m. ' BEST PIC TUREIM Winnof 0f A A wardsl1 Aduit entertahnment 1964 ACADIAN 1 over to the District Commis-, ,tioneî. Fixve B row n e5. J udxv L.N uu Sîsson.'M arx v Pat Bradîr-' ;ties of main water. and if thîs was not .;orne asset 10 Bowmanvillc as mwelI as ta eacb of Lus indiduciiails - then wve ail wastedt a gi-cal deai of imionte v. Let us turti tflic pages of our "Centennial NMagaznie', and compare the beach areas, through thiat ciittim'y and îîoxv. and let us ask aur Counicil wlîx un bis great era of oppor- iiiitv xx'carc stanidîig scli, x-hilýst saiian *v of aur nîm-ed- iaie coiriniîuiities are makiiig ,iucli strîdes alîead. We are part of ;; gîtcal Cauiaduan Demnocra'. let uis insure aur place ini it naxv, bc- fome xve lose ftie chance. Yaurs trîulx, Mrs. 'T. R. Spercc, YELVERTON (liitended for- last xx erN Little Miss Shmaron Kcrmrn, d ýotuigcst daughte- of N.aîîd MI-S. Russell Kcrr xxi s luch x iiidecd lta cailne oaitvxxil1h0o1i c vuts sud bruisces \'iîclî Illiel-i-r iii xviii heeaas nuduin it i>i lier txxo cousins.,xvas sI iuck, troni theue iai bx a iastcr I iîoviîg xcîc cauisiug iltaI *leaxe Itie noad anudroll oxcu tTbectai îredlr'ss to a\i, was badx l aiiuîgccl A spccd1v iia iat nMrs. 0 Baltour Mooie ,w-io s con- xi vlcacing ini Ross Mcuîîoria I Hiospital, L 1il isa \ . fol10\lowig o u operauion. duîius .;ttualcd it the 5Islcuîiî' v\Var d[no les-. v iMr. Hoxwarid Malcoliii coiin- 1binent busines anid îlcastire elasI xvcek na stxro-day bus- r naiî's holidla * tale Jackson, 1Michigan. in ai]u ffrttolkeep abrcaýýt of uricinnoavat ions iii 1t he sviîe îuîclust r\ý Aîothler 2of ium mnore up ta uhale swiiie 1 ïlcnMr. A, Roxxaii, bas 1 istslIed a sýet-ui. aexv taI -lat t lnu -ý or eta i iiiiiste flic «îmore lahorioîs sud I ess ap- petiziiig aspect othIe hog pro- duîctioni enterise.Arthur be- licx'es in pîuttiuîg thuar rai ta xxorkikn ardcn ta 1conserve v.liai uitile "bnsx\vnti ieclos po.Ssn'ss anîd us la ha,<ongrat- iai ci foi, lus loresuglît and crnterprise -hflicearîîîark of a successtui lainier. E'niends <if Uir. \cV ii ti c- Mulleîi af Boxvm-auix i\c. lfor~- mers' of tis coiiiui ity. are sorv ta0 lcalr Ilial hh îd a (ail fîom ascsaffold, bmeakiiig bonies ia s vuhst. Mu-s ýElizabaii i oxrsuî i s atlcîîduîg Tcaclîcr's Coilegr Petr-borougli. Anlotiuci school- marin in the miaktig' On Tues,.. Sct, 1.110,-auîd 200 fricîds and uieigbboui a relatives anid uîuSt pis i u cii ionsý,, ese rr maior, uithiereci ai, yrIx'atoii ('IunuliHil ta honour Mr. anid -Mm. Lawrence Stapies 0ou)Ithr occasion ai thîeiî'251h Wedchiîg Aniiivcms- arx Tihe ex-euung w-as pleas- âriiiy passed inh dragging tiî-ed tootsies avenilite niai itonslip- pery vcameni floor or îîîdulg-'; ung îin a bit of lîarnîless gos- --îp xvlile xvatchiîîg store- mentîoned fioom-sbow." MVusic for the sde-k siiifflf', xwas ablv snppîied by Ilaii :te (tis tIavi Wilsonî. Mn. Bei' Sniuih of Oshawxa, Mr., fot-Si-saii xxith assistance as taller bv Momioîî Davis for tlîe squarea dancing. The pro- gr'aiun xas brief- a take-off on the hoaoiîrcd gîlests as sup-4 rposçdly focuîii linthe anîîals of a local xx'ckly '25 veans ago. a-ý 11)tenprrtrCI -d li 'led Spi- telex i itl-s owuu iiiiulablr, nli aliiue c Muse,s Pails St iwu.oi sud .Vlti u Mlaluxi llfavoumcl xvîth a couple of tap nIanci-eîuîîîbeî s wutli Bob Sissoîi at tlîe piano Ted Spciiceir*v iuîvutcd Ilic, lîoîouuncd guesis ta 1th-plat tomai xvbere as uoiigiatu ltotr Rddress xvasirca-I *bvPercy Prestonu aunha iaitel uiha 3-tuer xxceddiiîg cake sud sex- ci-ai pieces of cli uiaxvai cwene prescilemi ota il'.lu-îxiw.clc af 25 van-'lha xrn 'os flic, iecipieuits otf s large hîauu. qîuc, af floxa eus traîî the Dîur hiîs uCouuuiy Medicai Ca-On presciteh hI.\.Mis ý.Clarnec Page andh David Wilsaun. Dur. clons. Lawrniie si-d Vers bath îîmadce uuflilr un-plies s-, thcy exprcsserl t lic-un ilisu r) ithue gai lin.'ile bide- of 25 \,ais nt--u-r agoldi xxedml ng ring inscix\\Ab dua- inuou-nI. il tîîhie gu oouui. anîd thme gu ni l)u uuui uua grulci inig tram lws bride as I lîey me iîewcd thoun coul rau-t fanrI li next 25. Rev. Reg Rose of Betliany, abiy cxprcsm-d Ii"ý feeing <if t hese cominîuiîltes as negardis the un-spct n ui xhi I lutlte îe faîîulY veue ld her. Liici vi x t i c'rdl) i ig ca ke. coacitudeci a pîcasant eeu îîîg dedinateci la hoaouring thiic popuuuin111idbhiy nespeeted couitiuî. Thie cauînittec fil çharpu of t lie sîiniditt xeme Mxi. andfilm - rcuc. McGili, McIr aurimilNMr.,. Percy Prestoni, Mur sud M i:- ei Spenceley [r' r anduit Mn-, FloxNci Sluî- 1 ;u i- xee prescu i fi uurom .uaxa Boxvuanv'ile, ý,a andiîcii lier îîîcuî e local cen- ie i a Conigrtuîlatuonin aic rBe I liai îîaPer We(,tcuiin whiîchî wxonî Ile cî>îilîme ax'cek inia aîlezui ii fi lue Cavailtieaux. Scv'ms Yrx ebu lacIs arc ouis lus ilnanî sd dicl t hiir fnil -haie Ii iilhîexuuug tie xîu- tara . Ou Sat nu das a-\cii iii . uiobs of \'elxeniouiai leudelfilue pre- scîîiatuauî hic-d Iii .tsetville C 0F' hall uin humour of îîea- lyxxeds Mm. andclMri s Garr - MeMuileai. ice Bethu Chsp- muanî af Pouihypoal. Mcusiunfor dancinîg %vr aaly stlplîid iv Bah Siscnonu uuî uiua sud WalY Reci nuuii rauix Tl'he comniittee c onmpu smag-- Donna Englisb - wbo nead the ad- dmess. Bob Moxan and Oram Moore presented the hîappy couple wuith a Lazy-Bo 'v stvle chair and crîd-lahlc. xx th ser- eral sinalîci ~taon behaîf cl theïr mâny IrîEnd. Aicaaian for.1964 întroauces an aii-new automobile as the top ibi-ce serres in the line. The new car- - the Beaumont - cornes in a ncw size, 10 inches longer- than other Acadians - and a new pî-ice range. Ini a trim overall size that is shor-tei-, narrower and Iowei than r-egular sîze carýs, Acadian Beaumont <ffcr-s vir-tually full-size luxury car- roominess plus smooth, level r-ide anîd fine- car- tee!. Most Acadian Beaumont inter-iot- dimensions are wcll witlîin one inch of r-egular models. The long, low, unclutter-ed look is stressed and the new sciies is identified as a member cof the Pontiac famiiv bY the duvidcd îi. The top three in Acadian ai-e now Beaumont, Spoî't leluxe, shown hoi-e in the coupe which is equipped with bucket seats and f'loor--mounîtted shift,the Beau- matît Custonm anîd the Beaumont. OBITUARY i Business Directory i ls ýe e ,e it 9 NoricultI &Snitb I"uneral Partners: -- Hiome. Boxvinanvillc, ami Mon- Hon. .J. W. Moîîtcih, F.('A. daa , Septciîhcri 16, snd wa!s A. B. Mouîtih, B3 Coin, C.A. Coaducled hb rRnv.1h.A.Tcur- G. W. Riclîh. C.A., RI.A. oct of St. PauuEs United (Licensed Tlruster) Chcumclî. tutennîeuîî was ini G E. Trielirwey, C.A. Bowmnanuip e rCcietev.R. F. Lîglfoot. C.A.. Pallbcamcms axnue Messis. N. WILSON-& -BL:1IROWS Muttoa, W Calu-rctlîcrs. RR. Chartercd .Aucotîntauits Lunc.W Malle-, R. rn 114 Kinîg St. Eait, Oshaxwa, Ont. ad J.Abei-nellia- .Partners: - - Ronald F.r). \Wilson, C.A. S TA K VLLEG. Edmnd 1BurrowF, C.A. Mu r-aidr> sir Auudv G - ____ Kingstonm. cpauîî î î1iî5icla r:; C h i r op r a ci i c Mu. Sud 1-aliiwel*s. -- M. and Mrs. diiiShrteni- G. EDIVIN MTANN, D.C. tert'auîued fnîcuide Salirdav Chiropractor cvening. o1ffît: Mn-.A. I. Srîucliu1hasý beer 15 Elginl SI i-au ai11r,ny St. la Mamau-ial Hospital for ;cv- Plhone 62,3-5.50q ceral xa-ccks. -Off-jce- Houes: Rv Appolutairitt Mu su ad ME. Sliir, l'au- onto, ai Mu. Lloyd HaIiowel ID e ni t ai .Mme. t. Plum., Toronto, spein - a fcw davs with Mm- Arthuir DR. W. N1. RUDELL, D.D.S. VcKaa. 75 King SI. E. Bowvnanvillr' Muss Norma ialowýell, 'l'au Office Hours. onto, sprnithIle wvekead ai 9 a.mi. 0af6 p.ia. daily home andi eniemtauîîed Mr- anidCiosed Saturdéay and Sîmda'ý- Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Nancy, Office Phone 623-579(j Mm-. andi Mrs. Leir Hallowell.H-ouse Phanr. - Newcastie 3,551 andi 'ini ai Stiiday evening -DR.ÉE. IV.-SISSON dianer. L.D.S.,, .D.S. Mrs. Walden andi datuglite:,. Office un is haine H-amimltonx'îsîted lieu- siste:-- 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville Mrs. Fr-ed Tocdd and M Todd Piîouî 623-5604 lli services ai Skuloh are Offi-e lours: a:i Ilie îîstal liouun of 2:30, viii- 9 a.m.Iot 6 p.m. dailv the( anaiversarxr service on'Closed Weinecday - Sur iday Oct. -'l ai Ille saine ieIolli'. D.c. - Mi'-sud Ms Paîul Nimigori. Office BowÀmaiivill. al Mme. Vic'to: 75 Kinig Si. E. Boxa manville Faruaw's Office lionne: M1n. aud Mi M .Suiitkýi 9 a.n. ho 6 j-îuî. daiy 'fieut hule Wxxaend wvith Mc Closed Saturda), and Suildsy sud (tis. A. Roger.,. Osha\&a. Telaliiuiin Office 623-5459 Bus.RenuTii ad MusDR-.-R. - FESTON-COOK ,lin Stamk hliaci a plaque demn- R .S. nS. onstu atioual Illie seliaul. Moii- office: Ouauuuu Jiledw;i c n 11ii dav ex'eniig last wcck, witil TI bu 8 about 30> ladies in ltiendance p hînroighu, .pit iluFalsxxreekcu M s Mar t I FliPe- - ri Land Surveying wýithi ier paucuits. Mi ndaui-;-__D BOV Orme FalLe MERRILL D RW Mi.Giauk vsteihcP.ENG., O.L.S. sistin, Ms. Johil. Stark IL,1 Qucen SI. Box 1I(;59 M aud msAax mc- Bus. and Re:ý Telephone Kuigstoan, Mil. andchMme. Luîcueî - ___fi_2__3_-__-125 __1 Lauiibieu' aud sons, Brhghtoiî Mnr. and i Mu. B. Casxveliuic Lîugo laisuulx a-uiet îai Mn.LcaLeg i Hailix nlEs eceuuixSTRIKE and STRIKE OBITUARY MRS. %VILBERT J. MOAR The death cf Ma.Wilbemi .1 hloa loucummec suiddeily ai, lienr cuhea King St. Ea>:. Bowuiaaville. aun Wcdiiesdax aftcu-uoon. Septeinher 18, 1963. Bora iii Bowmanville, dan- ghlen of the laie Robert Wul- .uauuî Scobel sud Eleanor Huit u-iiuuî.-cin Scohel. t he tfoi- uî-ueu Ethel Victoria Scobel" Wxall s lfe-Iong esdent of thisý laxir la 1916 ebe niai- rîrd Wulbemt .1, Hast xxho pre- decuiszcdIl hmr Eva1a a a go. 'Mr - Itoar had re-udrmh a 109 Kiung St, Eset fou 25 yearF Shie %xa'; sniembai- of St AJhui nglicanî C'lurch and aui ealhusiaslic memnber or the Churchî Guild. Tueee a s u.~sivcixeibN -e-rI iu -cs sud iepliav.. H-leuci E. Geikue., Fort Wiluiaau ('loid Sioheli1. Moltr-ea ' Olixe T'ruuem Suobeli. Moulu-cal Loti Scoheil1, Nexa York: ai-d Eleanor- Murdoch, Bowniaiu- a i le A'Nee-ii -laxa.Mi-S..1. IL. Su-obelu or Oltaxas. sic AmmV i VOS Mi- ' 1mai'd mIli the ulîspel of the Nomîheuti &P. Siimilth Fuieral Home. Serv'ice xra- lîildinruSt. John's Ang.i- us i Cii ui-hi, Boxvnanxille oni Satindax - Septcuîîben 21, an(! wxas c-nîductemh h '-Rex- 1F. T Framptouî Internment was n Bowmanviîe Cemctery. Palibearers we me Messms 1, M. Rathbun, E. V Hoa: - T t; Dui5laii. W. -L1EE OrIinu 'aru. R, L.Mitcheli and XM.L 4Fonuk -alrser.i, Solicio-r-s Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Qf. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edmard C. Wildnîan, B.A.. LL.B. 40 King St. \V. - Bnovranville Tclephonc' 62:,'-5791 'LAWRENCE C. M~ASON, B.A. Barî'istrr. Solicitor Notary Public King St.. W. - Bowrnativlle Phones: Offic-e 623-5688 __ Reidenr' 623-5553 m iS AP 11 J.Il -0) C 1IS, Bar sor Slicitor Notai-y Pti hli 14 Frîank St BRîi-mnile B.A., IL.B. Barr-istcr. Solicîtar Kirîg St. E Newcastle Phione ?246 Haus: -5:0 -Wed., Sal.., 9-1 M o r g a g e s SADIE HAM1ILf'ON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 1'irst i\ortgare Fundsý Residences -Farms Business Properties Mortgage Loans Promipt, courteaus service HAROLD C. PEDIELl, Real Estale and Mortgage Brokc'î NewcastIr Phone 3856 Optomet rist 141 Kinn St. E.-Bowmianville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tules. - Thurs. - Frt q am. ta 5 p.m. Thur,-didvevenirip3 Wed. a.nd Sat. - 9 là1 OBITUARY Mr%. (George I'. iAbrabam and a'ill W . à Opentthepaý",M7The dealli of M. -.George J]Wood pn heps . Abraham occurrcd ur. Osh- weekend at Camp Samac, Osh-a enrlHsia1o awa. in campain wutiî te aa Gnrl Hsia " members of thie Fim5l Goruîî- Monday. September 16, 19V>î ley Pack. Mmc. Noei Wood %%as A.few davs pitamIo hem death houe mthe ani asisantMrs. Abrahani suffered a fa'.. .housok. an sisatbreaking hem bin. The fa'l was belicved ta have resultcd Assýistance for the Browiuuc fmoîîî an hecami attack . Sle %va, Pack ai is Moiher and Dau- in hem 84',h a cm. ghter banquet ia Ocl:ober Dauiglîter of the late Heu: v\- marking the first annîversar,' vi. Nolan and Angeline Ani 'of the organization xxas pron- dersan Nolan. the former Gem- lsed. 'rude Mable Nolan xxas boira Duriiîg ihi social ba:. M at Teeuiiiseh. rcar Tottenhaini S. L. Speller, thie etimîng pre- Ont. She receix'ed hem educa- sideni who xvill bie noving ta tuon at Toîtenhani and Toi- Peteî-borougîh i ,le rnear fu- anta At Winninpeg. b 1904, tuc.ias presciîted with a she nîamu-ed George W. Abrà-i cup and saucer and thaîîks cx- lîsîn wlîapedcccascd lier ini prcssed for hiem leadership. 1947. 1 1efère eoing te o oenon ville five x'ears aga. throle- ceased resided ai Hamnîiotavfor 20 years. Slip.xvas a mlenul- hr. af Harmon ' Un i t e di Churcli b"forv moving * Bownianville. Nlrs. Abraham is sixîîvixeui bY a s-on. Harve.,\W. Abrahani, Bowmaîîville. and twxo dauigi ters. Ex-e (Mme. W. K. Riple' of Bowmnaiîvillp,. sud Mab. (Mm'z. W. B. Matlicxson) W;Ildz,,or. Ont. Tîne fuîirali ser\i ir xx , lîeld frani the Morris Funeral Horne. Bown-ailvulle, an ei nesday. Scptemben 18, si- ixvas ýoinduc:c-.d by Rev. L. Nui\- on of Port Perr 'v.Intornieuit was iii Hanmpton Cenieter'. PalIbearers xve î- eMessi a;. Geo. James. Johin. Jamîes. Nom- mari) Jamecs. Rav Barreit. a.1 of Oshaxwa. W. k. RipIcv andc Eric .Johnîson, Boxvrnanvhllc. h _______________________'j OBITUAHY ITempting - Flavourful - Nutritiaus anaa Il Ontario F îîîest -F anc'. Mlîîtosb i e iAPPLES basket 69c Bri "inox', Bal No. 1Mlild CAULIFLOWER 33c Y< Ontarn No. I 6 quart basket Bras Blue GRAPES 99c CE BEST BUY! - You Save 12c!'- 4c Off Pacl MIRACLE WHIP si BEST BUY" - You Sav'e 6c! - Coloured GOOD LUCK Marc BEST BLX'! - Yoit Save 6ec! - Tomate, Ve LIPTON SOUPS DESTI BUV! - VoiSaxNe 9c - Boston Bmo AYLMER BEANS BES'I RUY~' - Voti Save 5r! OGI1LVI E Minute or Inst, BIEST U - You Sav'e 32c! - 2c Off Twi DELSEY TISSUE BEST BUY! - You Sav'e 10c! - Get Yeur JAVEX Liquid BIe BEST BUY'! - You Save 56c! - 40e Off Pa KING SIZE FAB, MRS. GEORGE WEBSTER Accounianc y Thee doath of Mrs. Groi-g- Webster accuînued ai Stî-at- RAY J. 1DILLING liaveri Nusing Home. B3oa%- Chartered Accouîîtant inanville, oui Saturdav. Sep- 93 Chînru-liSirept tomber t-t, 1963. Thec deccased -- 61-13 -38 -1 axas iii lieur 351h acar andi lîad LEONARD JAM1ES BROOKS beeuu ilI fan sever mauiouîths. Cliaiterecl Accourîtait, DaLiihtcn of thc late ,Johru Acountilts, - Acîditors andc MÂandilIJaReai, itie fou- Trustceriii Bankruptcy nier Aîînie M.vntle Rear was Suite 205W 7-25-9953 bornalat Uxbiudge, aud rmcccix-- Oshawa Shîoppinig Centre ed hem aciccaluou at Hacasige. WM. .1 . n.COG CiINS Ont. Oui Juîe 12, 1901, she Charter-ci Avcountant unarricd George Webster wl-o scau-d Floor predeceascd hemý New Librarv Building The laie Mi-. Xveb.Lder bad Cor. King & Tumr-uc i resudcilin 3oxxîiiaiivlile for '30 Phonie 623-:)612 vemuns suicl lier laie nepsideace YLFIELNE xvas ai 65 Conucession St. East. . COIPANY Befome coung ta Boxsmain ville \IFF. Vv'em luvcd in Charteref Aceauntantig Toronito. Licensed 'rrusterçi The doccascd xx'as à niembei in Bankruptey of Si. Paul's Unitrd Church 64 King St. E. 728-1371 anîd xva.s a lita member of the Oshawa, Oiulario Mm-ssuonamx' Societ v. MOiNTEITH - !MONTEITU Mrs. Webster s aura uveci bv RIEHI ,& fCO. a sisten. Mn-S. .1. 1-1. MeQuarri", 135 Sirnîcoe St. N., Osha&a Tîhe fuincual servhce wa s Chartered Ariaunrtants ieid lrmîilir chapel of the 728-7527 MR$. JOHN A. GLNX J"oiiowung anil 1îc o nr 11101111on1S. the dcath of M s. fohin A. Gui a ccu rrdc at Rcxdale, Ont Tuîesda 1 Septemiber 17. 1963. She was in lirr 3rd Yvar. Daugitci anf the laie Raigr Cawkcu' and Mary Gilbert Cawkcr. Iihi'former Gcrtriidfr avCawkcr xvas lior in Bowrianivîl]e and1rLc-ccved 1lP.1 rdîtration here. S1ePxvas prr- deceasci hv lier husband, MNr. John iA. (Suiiiu foi (,0( 'rai-ý, aim1ori the -whoir of hci ufr, Mi - Gcfiln acd .\irs Gîin xx a a iiîieriiheiý nf StI.jai Anglican Clitur-h, BowiaicîI e.and was tIlle h-ititrch organ is' for 28 vcasrs Puo ai ta hccanîîng organlisi at Si. Jrliii':z sile wa ;, ai o11P 1illr hu . ag u t Ai Triiii' 1 Unît cd ('h niclifoi I15 ý carl*s. Trhe dcicasr'd i7 ýý,rxivced h\ a datîgilîlcriIlei(Mrs. VincentEcut of Rexcia :c, Ontl.. and a son. Leoti A. Guini of Oshaxx a.2A ier, LaIiteý N Rsf . .Joncs) of Baxv- inanivîJll. also survivpe-u The tîîneî'al ýeivîce xvi. licici fioni St.-Jahn's Anglican tluILIIrCh. Boxx ranvilic, oui Etu- da\x. Sepieni ber 20. and %va.; condîtiterI b ,,Rcv. F. V Franipioni, asSisted bv Bey. 1IL H. Lcnax of Rexdla]e. Inite- iiit .x a 7, un Bnwvnian v ilie lie alid C.Mciei ra oî~1 i hit , mu]iPice C) !lie e'sire'mini xxlic-1h lledc- euised 11.i was hli. vr'i r t lîaý f rOi Si. .1 (flul n A i'rN i gi-an <liuiîi-lu. St loh Guiulri, ani 1'Ehe Onîtario Mallealr Iran, Co., sa . BETHANY Rrevf, Hianry Nl akemari aind Mrcc lakt-nian h' rc- furined home fî'om Ilîcir tmup ta thîe Wr'st Coast. Mcc I-fugh DeGerr i-, a pa- lient in Civ ic Hospital. Prter- horougal. I Ici manv fricuîd5- 'Ire wislîuîug lîira;; peedY uc- Mr. ai-id Miýs. Robertoicîhrt al-d thleur aihtr iSlîaron utf O-lia xx a wv',î f p ierSis lazs' mvenkecirI ut h Mis. Pi a PIii auiMNlss DIuuur'Po- cr'. O11 Saîjurriax a part.s was; idfr:Sua mu i Ir0 as cr'.e hratling hcr birilida v Mis. fiua PaIiî iu s hou" agaiti, baing psprnt r-n ia'\i-uig xvuth Mr. and Mus. Georewake lu St.caillia;- uc sri xvuI-i Mi anîd N ilalIv '.McMaiîoa in Peteuha:- Mr alid N I re tas 1cr- iluiiigs spcn tliIle xx-cclxciîd 3 Peterborough visîjtung xxith Mr. and M-sLionel Moînk M. BaRbcrt Gilmouir is ýa patient iun Civcr HaSpital. Mr. snd N'ra, 1ljuEau e liai- reftlci frorn thrir hine'vnaau trip ta Baiff. Ai-a.. snd speit a fwdax s ast wrek Wl tIi lir pamen's. Mr, and Mme. Morgarn Bigeloxx before niox-ing ta t heir nexx lionir' in Landau. A!lai Becu . tIe dcfeat-'d l,î lin-rat icanid~ate for- fln -- uai. sudIlisxrite'. cietui ii frueîick auud suipportersý xxuit i a î-nftee part 'XY di~ dav iu]tIi- flowxillHall at Bellia i-id ihiankerf eveix aný .ýl ic a liad iicd dili-iiig :!if- a nîaigî alidci cr> mu iru,. cil Haux.M.P. for Ditiiliaiiîi .poke h-rir'flx mndnrsuîg 'Mr Rers: good ramnpa igi and rx- are.ssed thp hope that ina 1h' 1iext electuoti ha clr vnulid av aiappie ertidinc. Knoxi r ,s a; 'irictiv Toi-v ;elllemciîi. Belithauîx' gve MmBrrr godl Support.Ilie policci 12 ratesý hiere agaînst Alex Cruhr 194 foi- the Progissive oi 'savi pr - fluh Irre lox lar 'VUI PEANUT BUTTER 44c Ret Sve 4r! Mîixed - Oatmeal - Rici, 16-Or,. Pkg. Regu Pablum Baby Cereal 43c 1Mc Clioice - Young Tender - ImI LLEG O' tAN F or I rying or Broifing Ilr ('hoice. Thick <ut - LOIN Roas LAMB (HOPS lb69c Lai STEAKETTES Ib5Sc Wl NpNe -.%-ri! - upreme Brand F'rrh Baked F adi Apple or Raisin PIES 49c v Ne%!- Netý! . upremp, Brand DONUTS doz. 29c ""( Ba-e Frs!- %Weton or Sunbeam si Regular 35e 15 ta Package Oatmeal Cookies 31c av Prices effective at the listed Red & MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET. PORTER'S RED & WHITE White Food Stores onlyj * .Maple Grove * . . .Oroho ~*Oe Newton villeI BOWIMANV1LLE THIS THURS., FR1. & SAT., OCT. 3 - 5 '(ail Me Bwana' Rob Holie 'Boy and the Pirates' Excellent AiI-color Entertainment Thurs.. 7:30 p.m, GOLD SEAI. TUNA FISH 7n. i ctcd Hand-jaackted Q Box 'ussels Sprouts 29c., d, well cured No. 1 Smal -. l)-Ibs. ellow Onions 49c f ford -Mardj - No. 1 Juno ta1k LERY 2 for 29c A 32-0z. Jar àlad Dressing 6 3 c 1 -lb.Packaget jarine 21'51c iegetahie, Chicken Noodie 3 35c 4i'87c Large, 1,'jlige tant OATS 44C vnPack Rofis 8 roils $ -Playing Wxth Plastic" Bookiet Bach J ug 79~j eack 5-1b. package 99C DISCOUNT PRICES' ular 7.9e! 4-07-. BU. italis Haîr Dressing 69c lar 79c! Large Tin Ilfsofls POWDER 5 9c lar 51.r! 12 in Pkg. odess- reguIar 39c, ~Id451b t,. Fry or Stew à il,

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