12 The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmnanville, Oct. 23, 1963 ' B. H. S.. Senior Football Squad Showing Improvement as Season Draws to CloseLN AL Council Doi orettheSoia e Several ChangesiscmnfrmTotot To Traffic, Zoning adx~Bonfmle By-Law to amend the wMr.handdMrs.e Robt. Camero4 Traffie By-Law was passed at ted to the Ontario Municipal adM.adMs .O~ the meeting of Bowmanvîic- Board for approval.Osa.enoealoev o Town Councîl held in the A letter from the Bowman-tp Couneil Chamrber on Monday, ville School Board informedto toOe Son ad Oct. 7th. It provides for a counicil of its decision to abid&Cligodoe h hn change of Yeld Right of Wav by its policy of not providing gvn ekn n a signs at Thîrd and High transportation for p u bl1i ice ist ihfrnd il Slreets to Stop signs. High school children because of nOenSud Street becomes a through the extra financial burden sor.T aretatne the ravad allowance of First ers. It added that if it is thethfinalfhe Street. Queen Street becornes wish of counicil that such lat-M-----. Lvio-tt9 a through street from the east transportation be provided, if os.Pr ery eeSn siest ierySrett h Day and Mra.eandl Mrs. M. wetside of St. George Street, the purpose of transport for and Prince Street was made' all children in similar cr- Ms y isn r n a through street from Liberty, cumstances within the towns ydne usso r n Street to Simpson Avenue. !boundaries. not iust for the spnlaIeewthera. The council also passed a' children o! the beaches. Xrs..N. avis and.e.nif. Dy-Law to amend No. 1587, Councillor Ken Hooper mov- h A teReGisnefr the Zoning By-Law. This pro-i ed that the School Board'sroigt otpo nSt vides for the building of gar- letter be received and filed.' * jA .Ai ages within two feet of the This was seconded by Coun- '. Lot Line on any block that cillor Wesley Fice, and ca- cd. Ity asa rgivsadfnto einfo esidents ýef Bowmanville High School Seniors have been Bate, George Moore, Larry Samis, Lloyd Moore, John Jeffery, Bih Crombie, Grant Thompson, Peter Wry edy hfas agaresagefsonAc- red. nfonrsiet fhvngafi er adaesoi considerable Dpe Jim Groen, Dave Werry, an eit back Larry Simpson, Hans Strikwerda and Coac ,~ U* Wy. of the word "frontage" as re-' the locality asked for a side- hvn aryaan r hwn ee, an ext . comrnended by the Bowman- walk on the west side of On- improvement each gamne They are, front row,1 row, John Kilpatrick, Dave Presson, Walter Riekard, Brunt. S O LI /f vile Plannin .g Board. An- ;tario Street frorn Nelson to! left to right: Ted Watson, Gerhard Aalbers, Ted Doug Nichols, Doug Ferris, Don Kerr, Stephen iA other By-Law was passed to Liberty Street. This was re- -o ic 98hv ehdsc ogwita tesRn ree1a l oigB-aforedclafcationthas ttonwe- E I I N __ __ __ reeaa od onngByLa, eredbak o hepeiton rýSub-Div ision. h was explain- truth," Councillor Fice accus- t I a c 1958 a v e ing thsuh a lu clioke dont tei forclaifcaton s o we-ed that the tank would hoid, ed Mr. Knapp. Councillor FINUENTSUANDTYorterth oe wnt te siLecalk 15,000 gallons of oil andIFice said that when the new, sîze. Sorne 30 huge turkeys, 'mux paies without grayde _______ MONUMNTS ND cot tocorneunde Loca Im-would serve that sub-division,I culvert was put in not enough (Intended for last week) Mrs. Nettie Moore and Ver- 3 or, 4 bags of potatoes, sev- 0aem rrygvyf- MARKERS provement, or on the General1 and another one 10 the north. 1gravel had been used. He: r n r.Ji hl nn or !Trnt eeea useso unps ee-mandthmoat the a2 epe Rate, and also the type o! rad- i pipo o oreo oot ee ea uhl ftunpsvr n, n httels 4 ~ pavîng wanted. Councillor Hooper, seconded, pointed out that lie had told Detrot spn th ween Moayalrsite Balfour, ai cartons of peas, 10-12 gai- hd10b arnivorousrte OJeme fflt "e ... A written request from the lby Counillor RoyW.' iehoStwasprt tintledent T.o K.with the Wilbert Malcolrns Moore's. Ions of gravy (flot enuff- than vcgetarian as trnp i Executive Council o! Branchi moved that the request be re-Stwrthtihe oldg and family. Mr. Fred Philp, Miss Lenore Adamns spent more next year), 2 or 3 and peas disappeare - CanadianOR ferred to the Bowmanvillet and -et two buekets of crush- M.adMs onyWryawc eety wi e wheelbarrow loads of dress- r eadv the ladies are mkn AFOD 178 o! the Royal Cnda ed gravel from the supply, hel r Ian Msd onn eryawekreel h lie 1îng- fragmented to the con- plans 10 speed up serican g \!1~~IBROS. LTD. Lq in1 hl h annual Planning Board for considera-1i we also Sunday visitorsiaunt oyce - te Murray 1itnyadtxueo a-ices upis fr nx Poppy CapinonFia ion, and for a recommenda-~ ol u ldw isl nwî the Malcolms. Malcolms, while bier motheridust (we like ours somewhat 'year's 'fiesta". Hope( 0 e evening, Novombe r iancyin h etmein !ietw rprythere, and Mr. and Mrs. Ber iswas in hospital. A speedyl ,luthoried Stra,1oebr twS Town Council on October 21. that hie did se. and could SO0 were Sunday visitors with convalesence te Lois. 1closter 1(1 ie o rmMryoua back! E i Deaùr aturdayNovembe 9almosai everyr.variety. GfromiMr.n.and aMrs.s.EarlpMMaGcol Daa received by the counicil. Per- Herb Knapp was at the pM.adMs.Go isn M.adMs RlîMîonta sty fruit pies 10 the more'of Toronto were weed-- q eigad resentedj Mr. Ken Wilson with Mr. and family spent the weekenci :mission was granted to do so counicîl mei~a rn e r hm Cu-wt rltvsinIi itict sipid filling pies, 40 bo 50 guests ai tbe WilbrtMl Stlafford Brothiers i on a motion by Councillor a request asking for the towniGatYoaeDra on ihrltvsi hsdsrc.cak<es, some 350 - 450 taris. coîms and renexved aqan LIMIED lenolm Huhes seondd baspaittheappoac 10his BASE UNE ty's 4-H Beef Club represent- Many Ye]vertonians spcnî t GlehomeHuhe, ecndd o spal te ppoah o s! 1atives at the livestock judg a i h nenational I'elli--s of every degree o! 'tance -s at the Turkeyupe LI TDby Councillor Hooper. Liberty Street property, and On Wednesday evening, Oct. îgcmeiini ulbIis PlowaîngatctheInts ee an trnth and colourpclsEETI v. A delegation of officiaIs of also to make a ramp-likel î6îb Mrs. K. C. Hopkins xvas week. Best o! îuck lads! ýreport it bigger and better cranberries and collection o!f I oxument the Domestic Oil Transmis- asphait coverage of the curb1hos îess a t a Toy Demonsira- Mr. Ernest Stacey, Mr. and l ent city and number o! ecx- odds and ends. G el Cash TodaOTATNGRPIS- Box Duda 33E hîb sion Company appeared be- there. He said that Counciller!lion in aid o! the Base Line Mrs. Charlie Cutts, Judy,. hibits. A bswse onwt for Ton Cuncl 1 as pe- Fee ad sedsom ton ga-Good Neighbor Club. Every- Linda, Charlie Jr., o! Scar-ý Yelverîon's Aniual Thanks- sonme 1500 cups o! tea. On be- F or Old Appliane 6Tmeac t Phone Whltby mission for the installation o! vel for the cernent in his gar- one reports a nice evnn oog eeSnday visit- giving, supper was quite a liai! o! the communiy, through I- MOaw 8352 anunegrun olreeroiýage floor. and tbc president was muchlIors with the Fred Stacey's. 'success -numerically spea,- :express our tbanks to those STATESM __________________tank on Lot 42 o! the Schleiss "You are not telling th,,: pleased witb the proceeds.1 Mr. Harry Johnson o! Be-ing ai. any rate. Over 705 paid who attended from hîther 10 C L A S S 1 F 1 1DS i The hostess served a deliclous1thany was a Sunday visitor admission for iheir stîpper yon. Phone 623-3303 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD lunch aI ihecoe !te e ib h ora ilo' grossing sorne $975 for UCW. Outjr regrets tha t some bd____________ 1Mrs. Charles Samuels, To:- onto, were Saturday guests o! !Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. IMrs. A. Wemyss who bas been visiting with the Van Camp NOT CE amily returned home wt Mrs.C. LkeMrs. Llovd To Owners of Property in the Mtaf Mrs. John Huband, Oshawa, were Monday visitors.. witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Town of Bowmanville CarnD. Rober....Graham.. bourg, was a Monday luncbeon................ ...... guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur NOTICE 1Barnes. 1Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcaît, To O nersof P opery in the Oshawa, were Thursday visi-1 To O ner of Pro ert in thetors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy: Township of DarlingtonVaCmp ABUTTING ON THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE seRrieoShan TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Bow- gingwsedaI1:5a. on Sunday, October 121h. Sev-. manville has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the Provisions eral members o! Zion United, of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 1888 Church were preseant ta juin passed on the 7th day of October, 1963, the full text of which is given hereunder. i in Ibis well planned service. Any person interested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, 'Tbe Rev. M. Freernan offic- W hether youre looucung for Iow cost ana 6*cylind r co oy . file with the Clerk of the Town of Bownxanville notice of his objection to approval iating. of the said by-law together with a statement o! the grounds of such objection. The Iheme o! Ibis service was Giving Thanks, net only The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before te God for His bountif ul bIcs- doing so lb may appoint a tîme and place when any objections bo the by-law wilI sings- but 10 give thanks and--- be considered. show appreciation to those wbo by Thoughi, Word and DATED at Toronto this 23rd day of October, 1963. Deed give se mucb pleasure: B. VICKERS, Secretary. ;and bappiness te aur daîly life and wbich we so ofien------ THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE take for granted. The cbureh was decorated ç BYwLAW ness, Bobby and Don Beck- BYL W N m e 8 8ett ihrsligpese A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1587 and appreciation, using te.-n- te te m niu front yard depth requir-ed for the lot by the provisions and son, Mr. and Mrs. George o! ibis By-Law 1587. Harness and !amily. We are j.*~Pr'RgPaali 7.SV i REA afîstan scod im Ibs tbda o Otoer193.sorry 10 bave Ibem go and (or sonletnunu DtwOOflti RA&ISIN BRA21zov43 REDafrtadscn ieti t a fOtbr!6.extend wîshes for continued M.a~< ..Pm.jr~e-AE4 success and much happiness -Lrm' READ a third lime andl finatly passed this 7th day o! October 1963. in a new home. sd"VNM OB"Mrs. William Hamnilton and CORN RELS for3 sd~ NM.oBr S daughiter. Mrs. Milton Brima-Ne DrHorF Mayor ~~~~combe visited Mr. and Mrs. Rg re ,t 9--SV O sd "JCK L.REID"Harold Caswell recently * sd"AC . ED"Ms.HrodBest and Mrs. tnere's an oxciting new 1964 Rambler Oîassic that wiII $W'ýëùV,..gsaote9 CekM. E. McHolm visted Mrs.~ 1 EXPLAN TION 0 THE PRPOSE ND EFFCT 0FCecil Joncs, Mrs. Don Stev- What are you leoking formin a car? Econ- If, on the other hacd yeu're thinking range ot medelc and options, the 1964 colnbte u re EX LA A IO F H P RPS A D EFET Fens and Mrs. Francis Cowani, omy? Luxury? A lttie bit of bath? Suit about luxunous interir,sand Ieave-'em- Rambler Classic can becomr » xactly the or3,0-4- sao200 BY-LAW 188 0F THE OWN 0F BO MANVILLEOrono, recent]y. yeurself-wmith a popular-sized, pepular- behicd performance . .. if you want such car you have me mmcd. * ,....-rea.slf BYL W 18 FT ET W FBW A VLEMrs. Mary Simpson o! Toc- prced 1964 Rambler Classic. optmonal extras as reclmerng buc ket seats And ce matir., which 1964 Clas$ c yeu adutgOaftbrksadre Paragraph 1, concernlng the erection of garages and accessory buildings onto, spent the long holiday Lets suppose that you want a relativelyv wrîh a center console or Rambers nevw choose.you gel ail et thesefamous Rambler Ingsi. %iithin 2 feet of a lot line lis self -explanatory. weekend with ber sister, Miss Beckett. mexpensmve car. You want it ie a family- power-lmft sîde wîcdow contro15 ,... then features: the worids mest corrplete rusi- Sethenmelcof16Rabe Paragraph 2 o! By-Law 1888 defines the word *'frontage" to mean a line Our U.C.W. operated a srnaîî isze. wvith plenty of room and comfort. You the '64 Sermes 770 Cldssic. vvith the cew prooficg. guaracteed CeramcArrcoured Clsmsa orcrbRabeDeer drawn paralleil to a straight lune jolning <he front corners of a lob and ait a distance re!resbrnent bootb on Satur-' wacit t te look good'. operate economically. 198 hp V8 is the car 'or youi. muffler system, guaranteed b.ziery and sa.Ht ega eso o xcl therefrom equal to the front yard depth requiremient under the original zoning day, October l2tb. aithIe perferm well. keep its value. The 1964 MAany people, of course. w:lI',ant awhtouavemcd By-Law. The purpose of this paragraph is to permit the erection of houses on lots auction sale o! ivestock and Series 550 Classic equmppedwmîih Ramblers ltile of both: a combînaton of lkîxury and whlch are narrower than the frontage requiremnents of the By-Law at the actual machiinery. Hot cof!ee, assort- famous-for-depecdabmlity 6-cylindier e- ecorcmy. Wih ote a 6-cylinder engrne street line but which have adequate width at the rear o! the front yard require- ed oies and sandwiches found gîce, is the perfect answer. and the powerfl roi', V8, w.îh da vide ment. This %vlll authorize the building o! bouses on the end of crescents %where a quck sale. The returs'C A S C 6 o S- lot frontages at, the street Une are les& than the requirements o! the By-Law. from ibhis adventure were APOUTO MRCNM Both paragrapheis and Z o! By-Law 1888 affect ail lands 'ithin the Town sA i act Su. nPOOCTayA ScCN OTRS CA4ser-MT et Bomanvlle.vice '%as held at Zion United DATED this 23rd day o! October. 1963. Church on Sunday, Oct. 201h,' after wvorship service. Sun- SEE THE POPULAR CLASSIC 6 OR VBGTHE ECONOMICAL RAMBLER AMERICAN 6-THE LUXURIOUS AMBASSADRVA ORDAE' O JACK L. REID, Clerk, day Scbool wvill bc beld at Town of Bowmanville. Morrisb on Sunda'. October 27th, aI 10 arn. Please note McQU EEN MOTOR SALES LID. 219 KING STREET, EAS 2 -35 change QI turne.