n Iecft Rose Dickinson :ad of Ma pie Leaf Cîrcle * M:s George Bertrirnaand fam-I'I< Tatinton. Mr. and Mrs We.sley Beritrini ard family. Wind 'or. were Sundax 'v si tors a, Mr. and Mrs M. Ber I trn,,z;.Spo nsors Mr. and NIrz .1 Jone! and wer? ui2 vis;tor- Tlr meeting of the Nomer Chief Coriampanon Ros-- Di-"n Companion Aima Per- par.îon Audrev Baie and Co.n ý x 'h Miss Cora De-eer. -o.spital Auxiliarv, lheld r1lr antd Ts.. Pot:e anci :ne Board Room al Memnori Insol' was re-elected to thLs 'ect %vas aiDoo:nted caterin1ýri;ioî Ber.,-, Hugýhes were Igh Office a- :. . ox'n~ for,' the 'urch. and oDreser.t for 'the mrnrrng and Bile vt.siteci reiativcg a*, Col- Hospital recently. vas openi aple Leaf Circle. Camipi- Conitnanrr.n Annie VWrighi and a~no sesion., on Tiîu--z-.tgvwood on Sunda\. bx the presidenl, Mrs. S. and rs. lloy Aston. wit Mthe AuR l !caeiM.nNr od~lo ompnin a ,0ce Co nâi-,Mi Lca f Coo rc:e d£{umnd arey re th an viaio r. Baktctco mtc n cag Jead n UWood.li î ua iBe i-r - w:.cHusz;hreztan-hos., a nd tramne ng th ob'n-Roian andplayer.de.$15P r . T.M a Jen Int Pa t Ch e Coi;o n- îîC î - OîerG ar hp s~aidtn toi rr an xxh-r-h fic xxofath r b a hen [ t hte nl a e e n . 1 \TN Ci. na, V'inCamr scnddb rhold th imprtan bfic. o 1p rrzt: AOn Corop anan Liton. .rîa ý;e l C ulee. th recRdi instalaton f ut ccr~ .gh ner uarMr.m arnd anouncHathotthe lve»: ook . hedptiodrn oft eeniý nd thOctb ner t [tve!-e mpnîo i Nac,_ Colmder a m autiCiefC N ri h o sonig scea tne Clarkan ompahion( 1G, îan MssEm a er,ý-.ýaeored thas mthe Ne aMi byCopaln ou îe.-.rl a'ie e--tors of ansîsted'bv othr rneM r, andTEr . (Aled GON Gî;î Gusecdc e hav xxrs.te ari conded bx- o mpanioý ui W. oo el . cax 'g C u t ern-Cebesofmp noapl eaf C ric. - d B ry i n r.C a-UtIp the rbr f ueco Convent nd13ef Companionbe.e so hei urîg ie rsunr. lox~~u fepoti"Te if o reortî wa ~nvîtd taatten thi cere Comanîoî Helns P1 ark, Com- ar ul. Sav eeî recev ieda. oac t \as fBta optla hitn foliglite ui Evln-erda MiS rst. a Ms . d ieci in A ltter uiythethas ou- fgavano aceCl-etnhrev Sîck aComm ita -Cio1lopthP.eboog.axlars smah h pah-t. Fallowin\ItPeFbusiness o Saturd. B a-. Octo 2. the-rrnth e M i.J.hW.rgew nie. dceg ,,r ,0 j;-e -cl fo m een a r Cia irclwasCorn- He.an s on N w Yl - dhiechi, s p rtaneiv ec frm M reý, TeasrcrRenj B ',!gaý. a-,c ,vz anieibr- ovet Ju . ani a de 'oelias* lunch Vît'.. hai sn o erat e a rx L.Joewe. . here st a i t Alaaefe,. i 1 er v fNal L iei.tobisGeîo n-i îea etrfo r.V H t 1 . -- ary agn. O He , r. si de n yan kipn.g th e auxiliar Slietha \la ýe t'-id t e -i stalati nNo of- R or k toi mvand K oÇnlus te a n t ase n t a e u i FvelYn Be rd. 1-el Guido. ieaîme ance« ;,vaeiernpîo.Corn-hec recent iv Cire;p Jean~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~HYO Wodxxif-ta- ev ,' li :l'ii tiihe, ,-oe atn Therplretrd usnes $1... AîifosT.j, ro ofth i ntede Arpptleek) Sux ii g are s!f;linwd h spOecet, t l i r aedme tint %vnAaducniThian viSal tisonsoeda f ore icrciSso.aîdalarnemnsae am itewards of tuerrfourchdwhli-on-e daghttingMrs. Cond, foii epteac oud ft JenLno. atC :l Corn- 11 c, nss montluuerFoi-d par.tiaulars g y n xInthe baos - he o patienJ Danon in %ve«oanonComg Even The funcral servitcee was di _____________________________Dickinson,______ U C.W or meetîn icinson lc foi St aîl hi'h e pre..sn, HMry Mc M be hueid tat h e o \- iBthno usdy îh1r.g'% eor nte wlltaepacWrand tmr Lerfuil: omTade -ucex.ReIîîaldRoseofi eteting is o! he Wome eay eveiin. ct.. ihrtosbcîtuî. Brii ws i sl Hspial uxiiaiesA1scV WýNrc Oml l . BlCkbrn omaigoup in aîythemter. o o rDstriNo. Reldta rnve b Cmprio Clieý. ]]le esý1nsoftenCarkase. Pvote reri ALERr .1. reGL N ONrdo S .o.-epiVsH osthe l. Pete geonedbvCoriario Wod da Hgi Cur Cr. dabexsofMarning. fCrcl ev ne x' Smtl, aron Da i ;lso tteidcd ii vis men a that he 1nembrs o Quen Conentiný Cier omparion be withddrawng hesumna ad Cl Smii ilh. Mrs. MeMuvrfffr e t ' a iay a à111ý'CirlePor Hoe. e Dckison aý.o ev nng au aore nt arsfoTronm- iýwe I-.' atr onGen o il epoatns riMemtoti Thank-O.faten therine-ComServicesn arkSuon---,,!HAsiliatris in b M --a---- a,- ernoon a nci eeve . ri1.aIPd 65veasofT t hi.P Wse akî I e l SaRamt uent f -Ilyn B a and îî YTJJLJL l a., clied i r, AIleteof tht' Wom fos-Hos g i av th ix' Comm e -e icHsionl xx'ere uh.ýti xiiares s soiationw polerted lloiii urth uch ,;s n Sturncle c o r si woekl Regiat No . J.vs Whigl co meetLina e oialg. Bra enst He afulboai iavNeawîYoah- tiendeci b r theioranîatio iopp. iant àseon ofMr.uncih he nosxri frohst p Miax e sec'i-eti'M rs. N e ea 'drs eres. Toppe. ws .aecl ener nhs w anajny M r froMe Mr st. .S Sunday eening. xMor'k oran.ouHe retîie thin ceci tam n the auxiliarye fri W~~~~~~~~p MrYorMk ac tarL~ Ec foMot o f ax eio,ý n lno.set 8 , j lieriiîti -uDnc eil. ni i . st b ie d iii tj gaî el sav. B~ mnii, Ln Huî A YDOitiMi nciMs.Dl, k. aba- inc- i rsouH.C.cancoiSt.-or Canieron Gen C\ 1 iarkTe Battedd te irstepl' optl, troog Mr. nci u-s.Sainoit nd . eeigfIue sasicenort ofth p lue sriyCes ar Thosans o bsinsse trouhou fIiln.tandroîto. wee unda held inWelaoe las iteSunhay fomed by ltheeegntin Canaa hve sed1DBan toexpnd to Saed Mu-s. iel oer Mg. cbldr e lsni i atranemntsire singciv or odrnze her aciites . adMofsthe chuThomp-l fater and sonMs. b ianq he'e Se iifed nhrondlolh b(-i CaletonntPlace. r. Rot-oned oPlate ( ihtof itongailand, pita l axîiary thLa *ve R Ifyo hveplnsfè yurbuinssan -ace ThampsaEns. anTpt h , e.al'c te -oisere s vi gon etlatd sgse xxr u nday dinnoer geet of ai sfacti oni fo ati.in fai. Chich Teach îxiiary conrs.M ie reure~anigclci nddsc i aitthomo Mrs. inxe pt. daonTesay iîa',ti g ave oa rs nhp o Mi. a l T hampsrigeor) Thuri- the rev elainaleet. o th e ucsmeeatin inf th e o fn cday veen day calleî- s. ci Ci.. xvascl intheinurhSi. Hos epitalA to choesso iao W . ly Dnban roiMis rvWednesdaye e ing. Oco. u f a icr ic.8 el 7 Mochrge. Bwmnile. well9b.wieabotît u mme rs i ohs i HorerstalecPeter Mr nd Ms.C. Glarrard0.30 dSui - otoviî.Alle rvir-eNOVI W . b Ellih s . ankeci M r t es Mr Jm raan aciba,.ch,-e ! hegrup leob a er, ted i me ti pa INDUS TRIA L a. mrni. Lesieraham was rEnea SithMrt.~ on Daistfcse Bo wm vile. aild n M.Ms .Wbtî- h ctx uonal Chaî. eM rtrmsan, or h Mr.andMrsaJondterettxes Hmitth. ores"!The newporonaOfer DEVELOPMENT BANK ad fami SeMiss eySt- at i.Wbse-ra ofouil64are Ms. A. A. Patn retî, Baptnon, ea nd ayxprssng haîksîvig s Cboug.caimrais.he la 23 BANC OFFCESACRSS CNAD x sîtor tof r.and rs.apiaxewrs SuYiabe iutR:card. y b our te g, v' sie thur Treweingand Wiliam.Er nest pa erletfI a[dby Ms. Kend ab irman: anci Mîe . J. N ew-io TOROTO 20 UN VE SI AENET MissLe.indaant s WhofbMr.Dan c)er ocluderc frths b par 0fta or. Msecretary-ea- EEPOE 68145sEnt st w ed ýa the meetn .I ai, er-Mrs. MMur tte eore c.ithangiv ing Dy t erete r'iSpec lli I-n-iairso tu he"Ms. W.m . teeRelir. thiý hMe. exnning. jaMiturt. Wis Een t nart of vîý; e-prsn . 8,and x-ic ern _______________________ __________________Sue'.and it . R ndMrr son. lbcxmanille asin te rdec Oa a, hed lavie by t î- uclbxM.-ndMs.D.r ba.M ra DiPaner whdro r eeutativ of andpSt. s ýCa meron.G'o r o!lber potion on the fi t-m lu ospa eu ifte orog and Mrs Salmbnar d - eeia f the ow avil leanslopitalthAsericasy per Thosans f bsiieses hroghut a;iil. Troto.Wrr Si Mu euam woi ls una onid b iteresed ign edtinw vi-sitors ofrsiWinemaîi Liocclunteofiagadk book fondr amsct i Canaeduaeuavbuiling. iIDdiae pusicttiou," Ms. Mc !'!!e\.andfanffi ceanta ns etcuba ei te ta l-,the pi-esdent dsusei. u or mdernze heirfaciitis. M. an Mr. Gln T orn fahaîîd sonif.nqt he who detaîlo tedoffelcai oe C o m p letso Pac.Mr Ri-o Moadnah benigitheralltogodofits poal valute aRea If yo hav plan forvour usinss an andThompon, amatn . pein Ithe ons, ho had been unamisng proeet.Sugesals fe e lin gydnnr uet osetifate fr atheerickfitieb that Mauiirs Rundei reuie fi acig clli ad dicss Ms.A.Tofsn.M. t d uiel cotît htre101. xee.anci a chorinbeiwol Mrs.Ear Thopsr.anCThereguacecosatikelf be reque s anfuinctîeatc yIi-s. Wisemawant uinvîte i ex't he fbe a-rt e civ wereSulida U .Wtoabrea lu nte regur cies upe opli meit hoely aretur Mrs. Llv Deby and Mrs. itiWne îd iai-..e ilenirn.o cf.utl a Morgn, Éwmavill, b[o u e theabli 8 essperti. s tJeurtd b tersten i gr S erv ice <a ales t ad w vstosprsnt hp$es ___lClarml, r Mr.an Mr. . d rrrd'. Reaston - t evieîx we mov W. as ist b- Gen Clrk.e auît .ý,1r. JimGraham annbe.visitaharge ofthegou e c lou Cwk ,the hiandiqatettes Bow anill, aled n r.ýA-rs E.estrmeilTh! e srnv, ei e wh v'; a c ha îeirman, ornth MIN USTIALandMrs LeleGraam -n he eua f reqiinA. Fotrd,atistan frc hehad itotiiliter ankisgvivin clg. goie b durjn h e ot r '.\r.an Ms.Jon te rel eportHoea he rndrs" 1Thrksixîew iîolOcrsa DEVELOP ENT BA K a"r, famil, MissBetty t e and ness. ofbster-reda pest o e4 ae rs. A. A. Prat- rettBrampon, wre Sna xpeo sci loThniving iidnd Mis E arvnen aniJ , thr Trwinand illim.ap rto. whîch xveig hed Meoix' of a ro' J.g NeMr 40pounc isluthe absenc-e and Mrs. Don-MeCol. Andrew u r ~~'r ~ fl o iglu il1ne ci!1w 'caladBeverlex- of Don Milîs. El Il Il I I Ilorxenor. Mrs A. Austin, the M, anud Mrs. Peter Clarke o ATi O Cv vO *I esident <-orlLteci the diîz'- iUtterson; Mr. anid Mis. Viii- tion plans for- the coiu-icciri Csabo. Leslie. Jeff andi Presbytet'ial Rally the fol- Mijchael o! Burlîngforî: Nota ro B-A Solar Heat home heating oïl customers irg wcek. antI foi' the fowxl FHoldawa.v a! Toronto, andcill o,ý)er. the xxveek aftei tht' Baii-oxxcloug"h o! Kingston. a Mv heeadtonlbntis..ýrr. Ida Pîtini of Toîontio receve tese dditona benfits.. M~daie~ : ioll Nicholsç. ca.efd at Mr. andi MrFH. 1 rneNichisz .E Barroxv- Ba rrow cloug-i1': on Mna FRE AN UALCON ITININ luOi.il . Barrowx'vciaonug9li,'niamning. anud Carol Greenway FREE RNIIURLMorton.. NI,: anrd Mrs. Jai-k la! Kingston speithte week'- FREE MID-WINTER INSPECTION Walter. John Groenex'eld andienri at the sarne homep Cyr:1l 1': îruuan Aistin attended if-, l.1'Pchurch o! Whitbv ralieci on FREE EMERGENCY SERVICE -ua. vof appreciatioîu civen formier ireighborî-s here on ~o M\: or;Campbcl ut Surîcax afteinoon Wrcîîon Fritlax exen::tg. i and Mrs. Len Ot.gti'edi B-A aiso provides a Iow-cost parts insurance plan j: Caruuibe:ý' atighit the ipet Saturdav in oot I fr ~io 12 4) nluie. er Havder. Mr' Hlayden iu xvii to cover the cost of replacement pOas M é. x fieti' zherre r eoire ce&ebrahrng lher 94"1uhitul- : .-i lier A. shr reccivres the on Octobeî '20hi. A .I ~wcel arneti tributes NIr. ai Mrs. Hectoir Darke f I aoi o:îSun.da- morning. around theni foi-Takgv S-C-reNurhols -ead'n;2 ing Al ehurcît on ind PIr.:'10 ' it1 r r' u-;e-t"t.iu 'hem o-e: e Stiexe TYRON E ON TARIO 'onei r da; i H( 'a nk - o f te r: i g and DebbîE ,Dai-r'. B.un ~were beid ai thcexýen:ng -er- anti Banne Adamion. ail ni vice. The ahurcJ2 hâd beeAz Ioroto. A uxiliary 'Cook Book' I.ie fornu; o Ms. lud lL îs luopeci tuai tht' uonk %-iIL h' ueadY for nre'-Chrî-.t'ruas saI', MIr '. An fosýi nioved i tal, all ar.-on rts be paîci. This xxaF secouîdet b\ Ms. E. W 'tompsoît andi tai riei. Tuie au esident. Nilr<. sc rM 14el-. m th@ tvice.President, Thft Canadian Statesman, zeotmanviUle.ct. 23, 19M 13 Mr W M udell, rean- __ 1_______ Pomiteci delegates to the an- nîîal convention of ,lie Pro- vincial Women's Hospital, A ixiliaries Assoriaton to be hield later ths month in Tor- or!',o. .Ni -. NlCNI1lnter *nld t iî, n,"ithal N!rF.Weslrx -%Caw- kE'r haci officiated aIth,ýe op- e :ng of *,le anial Fiow-er Sî1ox held bv the Cobourg omnsHospital Auxiliîarv 0 her nmenber-. of ',hi(,local a %Ir vho hiad attendied Vou just càn*t bea* *1,;, rîombima*e-'n - fak jUicy uirniees ad me lt- i n-yoUr-mct C r Uat. Try one toclay.1 JANE PARKER A&PPLE PIE LARGE 24-OZ SIZE Reg. Price each 49c - SAVE 10Oc this eveit were MNrs, 1, T. Mc- ber% that %liss Burmaii hadt Laugllii. Mrs. Durican Smitlh, assu med her dluties here iii andi Mi,.s Lawrence C. Mason,ý VlrcNItrter said, July. and that since then ,lie has done splendid %vork in re- A ielitiious lunch ivas SCrIV-iorganizing her department. ini ecd Mr'ý Courînev presicdedithe provision of special diet, oxe! lr i coffer cup. as. and in the: planning of meal. -\ýtossi as~ssled n serving.-Before coniing here Miss But'- Tlhe Hospital Adnînstratoîx. man hatl extensive experience Bcrtiard ilolden., introiuc-ed: as a dieticiari in British Cni- theý hospîtal's nexv dietiîan, tînhbia, England. and al tixn .Niss Gwcn Burmian. !Qucen Elizabeth Hospital in fie told the auxiiaîv mem- IToronto. (NEW PACK) Fancy Whole Kerm«ol Reg. pr16a 2 tins 3ýlr-4SAVE ilc A& P CORN 1-mzl$9 CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.39 - SAVE 37c: De, Mlenfoi. Fancy Quelity Pe.. Pie. tim 49gc-SAVE es Fruit Cocktail 2 24-oz ttu 89c CASE 0F 24 TINS $ 10.68 - SAVE 14.« ANN PAGE KETCHUP SPECIAL BLEND A&P TEA Reg. Prfi. 2 btia 30o-4SAVE -4 I fl-i-o fs3 5 Ras. P,4.. plg 73-B4AVE 4o 1.bpg69C STEAKS -oit - WING ROASTS PTRR QHICE SHOULDER CUS GROUND CHUCK RIB OR LOIN PORK CHOPS Ideal for Brausing BLADE STEAKS P,59e Choies Qualuty PORK HOCKS b23c Schneider's. Vac Pac, Smoked SIDE BACON hnz pk 45C Choi'ýe Quality. Sliced PORK LIVER 1629e 8cmi Seald ,SOLE FILLETS -lb pk53C FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Floruda, White, Marski Sepdle .. Suze 96%, No i1 Grade GRAPEFRUIT 5f«3 9c N e'An1î,j<,we.t -me Ixry, Extrm Fariey Gradm, Ltm-qp iy* PEARS 6w49c ontirv Gr', Extra Feney Gralde, A PPLES "DELICIOUS" 3-16 CONC b6.; 49C Caltform,â Firm, pe, Nn. 1 Grade TOM MT ES G'à1',z c*ilo tube 1 9C Ontarqo GruNn, Firm, rpr ' P'.. rd BRUSSELS SPROUTS q#bo15c Virginia, Lomg en Sl cers, N', 1 Grade (UCUMBERS 21j25< Ontarn Grow, V.elw Cimnçe, ~B ~ri a"f4jd Pc Aighd O NIONS w G c;d. 5 licelle, bag29c Onterin Grow-1 -, 'rtTender.Nmn 1 Grade (ARROTS 13-lb celle bigs 2 9C Tropical. Di*fenbatrq.Ne 1il,'-de RUBBER PLANT lg pf1.49 Super-Rîght, Pure, AUf Ment.8 c'niebe PORK SAUSAGE Burns Sliced BEEF BOLOGNA Siupay's, vile Pac CORNED BEEI AIgodc - Smnoked. Slicad, Rindlest SIDE BACON nc'ewbirdl Branfrt SMOKED FILLETS y.5 9c i69C -lii pkg 43e f n 79c 1-Pb pkgs59e J-b pki43( -1m CHOICE QUALITY, HALVES A&P PEACHES Reg. Price tin 23c - SAVE 1 6c CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.75-SAVE 77e Jnm Parker. Engli,' Reg. Prici. .«eh 39e-&AVE $4 FRUIT CAKE nc 3 3c ,,>MRs Pari.r Re. Prie& lesf 27e---AVE lie RAISIN BREAD 2 16-oz aves43c RAnLars"'%'.R"~. PrFe. jer- 7e--SAVE 4f% CORN RELISH 15-0-07 ar 3 3 New Dry Mi-ar Formule, Lustre tCee, Relg. Prie& b4l 79-SAVE 10o SHAMPOO B'- ips Oult All f.4 Fleyouy A&CCENT %I,îrriff's Imit»nt Mlt,ed POMMTES glari Rtp WAX PAPER TOILET TISSU litrge ixe bottil 6 9c 149. Price 98c-SA&VE I9e 4-oz shaker 8 9c M". Prêt» pko 59e-SAVE 106 12-or pkg 49e $10. Pr-,.. ren Ilo-SAVE 20 100. k roll 2 9c R@4. Prit* pkcg 27*-8SAVE te E *oo2,.fs25c ALPRI!CES IN TH14 AO GUARtANrEES T14ROUOG 8ATLJRDAV, OCTOBER 26tN. iGOS IA&P H'ANDLES ONLY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GRADD MATS CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF 1 1 39C j n> 33e