Th'fe Canadian Statesmazn, Eowmanville, oct. 23. 1963 z EDITORIAL COMMENT Now's the Time to be Counted 2Behleve it or not, two years will monr have passed since the present wiembers of Town Council wvere elected ~r Boiwm-anville's first two year term r the municipalitys governing body. IThe timnelhas passed quite quickly, there has been a great deal of action of one type and another and a consider- able amauint of excitement around council chambers, culminating in a rather amnazing display on -Monday evenhng To date we have hieard oniy of one or possihiy two memnbers of the present council stepping out of the municipal ring and into retirernent, but even these memibers might, we believe, be persuaded bo stay. Only time will tell if they stick ta their guns. This editoriai is written, nct ta praise present mnembers or condemn any of theni. t is merely an effort ta draw attention ta the fact that there wiil be an oppor- tunity for citîzens to present themn- selves as prospective councillors in the near future. We believe that one of the weaknesses of the two year term system is that citizens quite often be- come sa accustomned ta one councîl that they are cornpletely surprised xvhen an election rails around and indiffereni. as to personnel, achievements or' iack of su ch. Sa, naw is the time for those wha disapprove of present cauncillors, indi- vidually or collectively, ta start work. ing toward their own electiori or the election of a person or persanis they feel would do the job better than those naw ini office. Don't be backward in coming forward if you have political ambitions or feel that. you could make a real contribution ta the town's better- ment. Any cammunity, including Baov. manville, can always use top notch men or wamen as counicil members. The probleni, of course, is ta convince the electorate that you are that top riotch person. Having had some experience ini the field, we knowv that a canscientiaus persan will derive considerable enjoy- ment and satisfaction f rom sîtting onî council There is a great deal of work ta be dane, this tawn is by no means perfect. The work takes a goad deal of time, and considerable study. But it is an education in itself and a job that is one of the most important ini the communitv. Many tl'ousands of dollars in taxes and expenditures are involved. Actually, sitting on couincil is a great challenge for a persan and one that demands the best that anyone can give. You will flot only learn the rules of a new gamc called municipal politics, you will also learn ta handie yourself on your feet, ta do your homewvork before you make a speech and a great many othet' things. Now is the time ta start your cam. paign. Election day is nat far off. On Manday evening, we attended the annual birthday party of the Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Royal Canadian I.egion, Branch 178, Bowmanvilie, and watched with considerable admiration while the president handed ovrer a cheque for' $2.000 ta the men's presi- dent, and later anotheî' sizeable cheque tô men's chair. We couldn't help thinking of the tremendous contributions made to men's organizations by wamen not just ini Bowmanviie but throughout the area. Without the sincere. cnergetic efforts of the ladies, churches, char- itable organizations, hospitals and most other groups wouid find their endeav- ours curtailed considerablv. Unfortun- ately, in many cases, the men take the credit for the resuits wvhile the %vomen do the majorîty of the work. At thîs time of year, wvhen church arganiza- tions ail over the area arc holding turkey suppers. it is the wurnen who do the hard slugging over the hot Merchants and distiibutors on the Prairies ai-e the busiest businessmen in Canada right now as they soi-amble foi' mat-e goods ta take advantage of the potentiai sales boom created by the Russian wheat deal, says J. K. Edmonds in The Fînanciai Post. Implications of the wheat expoît situation for business i Wester-n Canada are just beginning ta sunk in. Moving 750 million bushels of grain out af Western Canada in one crap-year means a cash flow of more than $1,000 million into the hands of farmers in initial payments alone. 0f thîs, about $320 million is extra incarne coming, from the Russian sale. An estimate prepared for the Commit- tee on Mantoba's Ecanomic Future last winteî' indicated that every $1 fromn extra cxports generates an additîonal $1.50 of income in Western Canada (the Can an "amendmenl ta the amend- mnent" reverse the intention of the amiendment? M,/a\r the chair-man vote in favor of a motion on a tic vote? Is the treasurer permnitted ta miake his own report.' These arc typîcal stump- ers faced bv the chairmen of thousands of mneetinîîgs eveix' year in Canada -- and are saine of thie questions discussed in a new hooklet, "How ta Conduet a Meeting.' Issued b" theli Tea Couincil af Canada, the 12-page bookiet is based on extensive researceh into îpaî'iameîî- tary pi-ocedure and di'awvs upon such inteî'natioialt'accepted autîîoîities as Bou-iîîot, Robert. îiso and Sianfai'd. Inquiry previaus ta preparation ai' the text showed that a surprisingly small num ber of people invoîx'ed in meetîîîgs were fulîy aware o!thie accepted miles of proced Lre anîd debate. Sections of the book deai wvth stîch staves .- and wha are responsîble for' raisîng the money. True, 'in mast centres, the men came into the picture foi' cai'ving the birds, collecting the tickets and foi, other odd jobs. But, without the girls, the effort would be a tragic loss. At the Legion Branch, almost anyv maie membeî- realizes the importance of the Ladies' Auxiiiary and would quite fr'anklv admit that without them, the men's branch wvould be Iost. These hard-wvorking gis raise their motnev by catering for banquets, holding bingos and running booths at carilivals . . . and they do verx' well, financiallv. But, ail of their maney raising activities cal] for a consîderab le expenditure of energy, effao't and tume. We take pleasure in saluting' the Legion Ladies' Auxiiiary and other ladies organiza- tions throughout the aî'ea. Bless themn, they are wonderfui! We meni should gix'e them mare credit than we do. 4expari multtiplier"' is 2-5). If that figuie is applied ta the Ruissiari whcat sale income, the extra spend ing money on the Pr'air'ies this winteî- and nexi spring will be close ta $1.000 million. That's why menchants are scrambling for goods. Suppliers who miss the boat this fail and winter may have a chance ta catch it next year. Government spakes- men are cautioning that the Russian deal is just a windfali and shouldn't be regarded as a permanent boost ta the Western economy or' the Canadian balance of payments. That's tî'ue Sa far- as the Canadian balance of pay- ments is coneerned. But the financial impact of a big crop movement on the Wester'n economvy wili carr'y over into next yeaî' al leasi. tapies as duttes of the chairman, vice- chairman, seeretaî-y and treasurer; setting up an agenda. motions and vot- ing proceduî'es, notice of motion, priv- ilege, appeal. minutes, and forma]ity. The duties o! the chairman is the most extensive section, as it is felt that a good chaii'maii is the kecy to a good meeting. "The chair-mati," it -says in paît, "ýmust maiîîtaiîî his (ar i em') good hum- ai' -... must dernonsti'ate chaî'ity, hu- manit ', amiability. friendslîip. consid- ei'ation and tact. The chai'man is the guide only . . , He is not the big wlîeel, but thîe ail fou' the enti'e nmachiner-,-." The boaklet. it states in the pre- fator'v note, us aimed at associaýioiis, clubs, svomen's organizations, students' councils and siimilai' olgaînizations, and is available %vithout char'ge by writing ta the Tea Council of Catnada, 42 Chai-les St. East, Tor'onto 5. Ont. a 01 Report from Otfawa ~ 5 By Russell C. Honey, M. P. The Town of Bowmanville wiII return tb EASTERN STANDARD TIME fit 12:01 &.m. Sunday, October Z7th On this date ail citizelis are reque'hted to turn their cIockt% anid watches BACK one hour and thimi change from DavIighli Saving 'fine go Eastern Standard Tinir. IVAN M. HOBBS, M1ayor. Tow~n of Bowmatnvjlle. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN e.d Joungmnan's Colunn This scribbler suggests that, the putty medal should bt svelded on'to the chest of one i of Durhamn County's meanest cJtizens, wbo, in a coffee dis- pensing joint, puî'loined a lwenty-five cent tip (left for 11wi waitress), used it ta pay : for Ilis awn cup of coffee and pocketed the change. When h is companion remonstrated about such despicable behav- ,oi'. the "tip-nappeî"' argued tuai it didn't belong ta the ,waitress unti] she picked it :up, but, he didn't explain bis questionable "rights". At the apprapriate mom- ent. Saint Peter will pî'abably i'onfront your scribe wîth a iang list of mis-deads, but one sin will not be an the iist, that of snitchîng a hard workîng waitress' largesse. Any one guilty of such lousy, petty thieveî'y aught ta be h-ung bythe heels. and kicked ta death by spiders. Now. foi' saiething nîcer, as we report the tiînely ac- tion of neighibours and tlic Pontypool Volunteer Fire Bri- gade in quickly quellirig a lire in a private Christmas lree plantation, noî'th of!ftic- village last week. This was accomplished in spite of thie Tfact that, the owners of the L property xveipnot present e ýuch action kind oT svarmn ethe cockiles oT the heart. ci t Mwot? * It was lîicky' thalti're ut. ters wei'e pr'escrit on the pro. perty, noticed thec tue and proi'ptly gave Ilic'alari-\vith the irsult that tire dlamage was kepito a minimumI. A' time of'svîiting this article, miost of ibis province is su!' eI'ring iî'orn sevci'e dî'ought, aggi'axated 1)"-uneasonablc lieal: thus, the forestcd ai'eas are more vuinerabie thani us- tial, ta fire, so cveî'yone shouici bcecxtr'a carelul wî tii match- es, cigarcttes anîd canipfir'es. Lianel Affleck, of thc foresi. protection branch dept. of the Lands and Foî'ests, lias stated that the prcsent situation :s the w7orst ini ten ycars. Fi-e a].ýo blames thrce quarteis of the current rash of foiest [ires on caî'eiess hiters. Now, wý,ouldn't you think thait hunt- er's would bcthie mast care- Itui users of the ocit bc- cause if the foi-est îs destroy- ed, there's no place for wild- lite ta thr'îve. thus, nothing l'or the hutnters to hunt. Trees are everybady-s [iiends, as xvas evidenced last Sunday wheîi Trty peuple and tliree dogq belonging ta the Toronto In the Dim and Distant Past F~rom The Statesman 1 ile5 49 Years Ato 25 Years Ago tOct. 29, 1914) bOrt. 27, 1938) Dr. J. C. Devîtt spent Sun- Mm. Sidnîey Casbotîrn spent. day guest o! Chanrcellor- R. P. the weekend wibii relatives at Bowles, Toronta. Lachinie, Qtue. Mr. Waltcr Burden ha: Miss Ileen Filian, cdaugi- ritt Fîttings Lîmîtcd. Osh- ter o! Mr. anrd lMrs. C. S. Fidjai,- awa, ta work for Canada Lîfe mari, lias begun l'ir duties Assurance Ca. witii bhe Bank of Montreal' Mi'. John F. Cole, West Mis loiaWasoiLeh End Barber, lbas purchased b'dgM ita., and 1 a t prLoi, et Mu-s. Jahnî Osborne's residence studyný la bbcan vesita on Ontario St. sTodi', tcdUnveity Mif Mi-s. H. F. Hutcheson arîd Mai'gaî-el McCready oveî Ile children, Toronto, have been ,veekencl' visitiîîg lier latter, Mr'. P. C. Mr. aînd Mn. Alfr'ed Peate. I rebîlcoek. Baltimnore, Marylanîd, arc vis- Miss C. J. Steplîeîs lias rie- ing lus sistei-. Mi's. Janmes tuu'nec froni an cxtended visit H. Daicli, Newvtoîîville aird \vitiî lier' uiece, Mrs, Jas. Ste- bis brotirer', Mm. Fr'ank Peate, pliens, Baicaries, Sask. Oraîîa, and othen, relatives. MrIî. and Mi's. D. M. 'l, M's '. Lt. Dinreiing ira-ý M\isses Ina aîîd Noi'ecn radI 'etui'ned Uiiîi Guelphî wlioi' O>lîaw a. spenît Stiiday >'t h Ie bah bonii staying wii bis brotlîcu. Mr. Thos. Tod. 11er daugirter. Mn-s. J R.1 Mi'>. W. A. Quibeil, 'Tor- Douglas. olit. isguet al Mr W. Six Scottislî Rite Mason,. gest inat Mm. W. B.atiencied bbc ladies' îgit o! ,-eCoii' eceî'ing ianiîert:'tîat Osiîawa Cltub at Caesai-j imiend> in b01'n1on\ednesda '\ niglit \xxhei"1 i lr e'\' xxei'e sc,,\-cd xxit \xild c *rs. C. Ernest Rehder %il ToW>l. Tliîev wci'e accampanied 1 recoe ' Ton' the first time an b, theii' ladies anîd iluLded i Wediîesday, Novenîber 4tti, Coi.L. T. McLaughliii. F. C. 1 .Irani 4 ta 6 and train 8 ta Hoir, Dr. T. A. Partridige, Di'.,( 0p-m. .. CDex'itt, J. .W. .Jc\eel,E Mmraird Ms W. B3.Prnch Rex-. CanîonrC. R. Spencer. anirounice the engagemuent a! Boyd Sienion, xvbo îuayed hei' datîghîer, Ida Mac, aind sucli super basebail al]soie Mi.r William Jciniings Mc -,mer witli the Iîîteî iiediate it Lauglîlîn, Valley'field, Que- RayaIs in tawn, is hîbting the a bec, the weddîng ta take place headlines by saîîîec finie pîg- ' ,n November. ,.kin hanidling svitii the O.A.C. ci Alex. Chirstie ,lirtF new Aggies. On Saturdas', his bakery. "The Home-Made Bak- team trauncedi the Unixversity cr'y," at iusris îsidence on a! Western Ontario Colts ?1 b Churcb St. ta 13 in a tough battît. Sic- M r. T E. Iliîggiinrhutham,i m-ot came ino the brigiîî M .\Iîs. W. F. Dol] anîd Mi-. Ken-; lights wlrcn. necar the end of g dalDol] motored cdownr framithe ist quarten. lcierabbed r Toronta Suniday anîd visited!a lbase bail aîîd ran .55 ardsý friends ii tawiî. tar' a taucbdown.« Mrl. Willaî-d Caldwlxcl of the Mm. and Mrs Ira Prarce k Central Livery, liras ptirchas- spent tbc weekeird ,vitli flîcîr A cri the Jesidence and grounds 'son Gordon in Tlor'onto sý au tlhe corner o! Churclu aid Haydan: Miss Viola Brad' Geor-ge Streets beiongîng ta iey had hiem banils reniaved IL the H-aines Estate and recent-lin Oshawa Hospital on Mon- la P., accupîed by Mrs. Gea. C.,day. R Haines. Orona rioijalcl Altaîî Sîer- Ri Marriage. Hancock - Coucii, wînr. son o! Mi-. and Mirs. \Vil- At tilc residence o! the bride's li-ed Slcrxin, Orono. w-an c parents. Oct. 22, by Rev G. fourbu place ini a kceniy rani- se R. Cidre. Newcastle. Mr. Her: tested habs' show at Rase- al bert Hancock and Miss Lottie. rîeath Faîîirin the froîîr 7 ta a. daughber af Mr. Thos. Couch, 15 months class. vW bath o! Newcastle. Newcastle: Irxs iii Coiw'il. Fi Mrs. Chas. Young us visît I Ro-çi Dickinson and Stanley es îing Mrs. W, Norman Tilley. Grahani are ieaving Novem. hî Toronto. ber 4th for Haliburton on a fa All butteir in packages or cieer hulnt, %vrapped un parchment paper Soîrnia. Congratulatio oiî aW must in future be labelled Mr and Mreý Harold Pascoe in ,-dairy" or 'creamery". &n th-e arrivai of a baby boy. ch t_îlkinig and Conservation is of Toironto. .jour'neyed by 'h Irani their Toronto hoî'm Durbani Forest headquaý wheu'e tbeY leTt their donîîed tlbeîî knapsacks d taining food, drink and hi',fted paraphernalia, and e or a real aid fashioned (if ton Or cieven miles a the foiest liails o! the1 haiii an d Ganaraska For Vaur scr'ibe was askeî artA as leader, which was1 sa pleasure, and a prîv: hecause thîs graup îsc po-Se-JOf people who re appr-eciate nature. They quite keeîi Naturalists, aie Pi'etty sharp observ ând carne iup witb an asi ;,shing amount of uiseful larniation an the local f and faunina. It is a pretty k touî' thati 1dolit leaî'n Saý thing tram the visitai-s, MVrs. Dick Lewis told ai 'tawiî beîng Iound by the Tý jly, ai Jerry Stoî'ey. RE Powassan, Ontario. They t the little orphan homnei ted il until it was big enai ta wandeî' ii the waods itself. It lias a regular i tine worked ot by itse]!. liv~e arn., ilcornes out of woads and Joins the cattie the bar'n-yard. When the.,cc are milked. Bambie reccîvc Aeneraus supply or the1 lic fluid from a large bot and nipple. Then off be gc into the forcst, untilf p.nî. when lie agaîn g throughi the same pî'ocedu The Stoî'ey family aies jously thinking or clos, Bamibi in the stable until1 end o! the CUrrent hunti >eason ti case a hunter gî: him down. Memorial Hospîta Weekly Report For the xv'ck of Onrail 14-20 inclusive: Admliins l 'Brtis. ", male, 3 Tenuale Di sdiariges M\'ajor aperatrorîs.. Minom' aperatoî.ý Eniergeiîcv tîcatnîenbs. VîI.-ting iîouî's 3 - 4I p u. tnof a8.30 p Inu. KEDRON I hîteîîded for lasI v.eek t Scouts and Cubs liati iiîipi-ossive goiuug-L eu'uiaiv. cîglît boys w.c îîî'aîîîated [i fîîtlie ?]i 1Ci Park ta the 2Isb tScotllroc al 'tic Scout meetinîg ini Kcî li Commuiîitv Hall. Foui, ( tliese boys. Ralpiî Bariiol [lailes- Davis, Pab Rose an Lai'i'v HOpIhiîs. xeethe la of the boys wvlo made Lit.) il Park w'liciiil. was ariginiia [oi'mcd tîrec yeaîs aga. Fl tot- othe- new Scouts w'ei G;eorge Taylor', Domg MrLe-n'> Briair Janîîcsoanaîd Gar'- Gr'ant. ATter tire cereînon 'v tire bu' 'iiîos'd severaj pailles an, lic Mothers' Auxîliary àcrveý a lunch of dougbinuts ai, aTot drinks tor the boys an( co!!ee for the parents. At a recent meeting of ti lIst B Ctîb Pack. Athîcte' badges were pî'esented ta Pau Waîken, Andy- Taylor aîîd Pa Waodcock, A Swimmer's bah "e vas won by Br'uce Mac Donrald, Bn'ia Stark. Par Wood ock, Auidy Taylor', Paul Wal :eî'. Bruce MacDonald anc AlIai Bathe werc promoted tc uixers and secanders. Fîve new rhums who havi. ist taincdthe Pack are AI. an Walkei'. Richard Fraser 'at Starr, Dale Maschke anc .obert MacDonald. Mm. Percy Mouitjoy has cil. myed outstanding success this ;a5oniin showing Iris liorse,; it thre !airs. At the last faim )f the season at Norwood, lie von four finIts and a specia. nirst prîze with bbe four bar;>- ýexhibited, One year-old iorse bas wvon 14 firsts ai ià airs. The Kedron United Cburch Vonen are haldjiir a bazaanl Sthe Loxvcr Hall o! th'e îurch. The Ciovc'rnmerit loojk a fil m hand last v. ofk iipii: riig legiation I lu PJ ,IJ dp fi), tiî' placing o! thc M;jjirtie,îr 'rarîk <'onri of a Ho;,rdri! 'I t' Th is art <r, \y, ii va* rrcrnnçnrr'lirt flie' r r r Report intu tiri s'l jinftli f- r hipîpin rioi t ,t J;,1, ar, f. ail aftrrinpf' tri rîhî, à afi?) î, afp ai raivonruif hviet t., exhau,sr dociiti"'d h,i J j. sPs, , '.wa:,aprniîîtefri r 1tlt- j j i f 1 1-11P 1t hviiiîîpirîv un î <j 1 i J1, Carias'i.,anrt etiirg'îî' i : ujat Jolihart tir '/sI.'rîçrr th r'os'i;iJignJ r ni riavigat o. .l! r 'Il)Jppiliîgor tIir i l , ê' Srlawa'i '.v v il à (.. JI-J thr-calIotrilt<i (,frîyo!C;,r. ,,rI;î tii (,i 1);j ;,j ',;, j r p i" rJrir i an'r1 go,,,i i.T'i.rr, r ant-il lit Ilîr, porrt'airl '~<,t In jl il. '~Mr un ir. çýNrjr' ris ascrJbr"rl thit utrjatlor-i t r the' fact 1t hat1 th er] r'mýn rarf, c Pro;;:-rs ib î<:ihri ajjrrar)- tJiiit ra i i'- po-rla 1,i i r)111or,'ý hiavr' ben a vrlr'rl or îînidrr- mi'iJ I o fthe pîrýji ir( pof thp welfare and right!i or! -namPn and the national and piublie- ad.r8ts of Caniada. T hc, R(Port recommendrd that ai ar, întprim meastire the rmaritime, transportation unions 1, C;raa t hpptl' <nder truF- t, p r ~(;o)verriment's tvt o' N'- ippo#,rtrd hv four o!h.v" ujrin Ondirrr'-tly In- /<il Fr)./în h t hç' Canarjliar Ct-9r<o' ý-, 'f h f_. S. I1 T 'içrur;,'-hv.'Helt Ba nk" w-,, lis ori, ) 'rio >withholi * 'r r',' rî h. legJilatio)n. k rr .r, fo i al] Pa rtJpý5 rr ¶î* frîî r) ,'f Com mon E t rJvr rs.d t;n r, g - om i t ln'gý- n a t or P f;,rr g ,~ , Letter to the Editor A Discussion Of Pensions ,a t ior,. 1 Statîrrg that the legslation wa5 drected to the main- tenance of! dean and dema- <'rat"ilJiioflJsmn. the, Labour Mlinîster !said, "A labour union in Canada, whether it is na. tioni! or International, is free Ir) puî.îis" aillezal acts in rirllricting is buSines , in (C an a ri p 1 t ý ? 'v P rO fo lîn d ho)Pe iitI through this legis. lation 'vr' shah "-ra return tr) tir riermocratic, free and çr.on.s*rÀrtîvr liinJanJ>m that ig r"ser.'ta 0the i%.ellbeing or labour in Canada," Thr rgsaîr places the rra;n'-gýrnricntatrd contro] of hct livr Cararlian maritime trm n -ç o r ta t o ni u n i o n s i ¶r~ ~ o ;"'r rprthre Member,ý. ' J . . ' t h i v ' o f Ih r- tr l 'zIJ c e p z r' r n ," s- r l er n the officers o!~ ~ ~ ~~b r"s r,; "ffSb. heir r r n '. .î < , r ,' a " r I b y 'l a w ! . aho"r.r' 'is"' 'it wîd lbe r~ ' '. h' ~ . ne" trjg r 's'~ "i r*' Ba7.ks and ---' nthr hona ':"~ ~ ~ ~ i .-" 'e-etriCan- Sr . e s " n C an ri a n .P "'xpra- Club carI CO)' (COntinurl(d Trmi ast Nwec'k; cd,.it iby virtue of having 'a :" 4raxîcmate ' as- Ci'anting thiat vou accepîta weai' elothes and use food. wriir a ki- t i îîpossible ta %vent tlue definition of pensions as i'egardicss. though the food make contributions arnd bene- hike outlinedi last %veek lei. us take be but mîlk and the clothîng lits balance. Tle 4ne fart that long-1 a look at oui' f;iat rate aid age but thr'ee carnered pants. is inost evaîîgis the dout- Dur'- pension plan. Io qualify the' Il is comrrnon knowledgc hIe teature of tille people,. 'Cats. abox'e definition and make il Ithat ail cîtizens do not live i'i'iie'\ Ilowingp in and out of ci to apply ta persons 70 vears a! ta î-each their end of their the Gox'. Treas. more flawing bath aige and aver we miust tise it 69th veai'. and baving paîd In thaii is fi 1 011g9Out. With loge ln 'ne past tense. the reason their taxes tii] their life's end, thasp c'ontributors that reach colni- is imperative because them' does the Gov. reiniburse their 70 vears of age andi aver it; allY n'amniiîg years are bebind themn. respective estates ta the e.x is a mrîtual gamiblce they pay aî'e Ask vourself \vhat arc the tent of their pairi up pî'em- ini ard the.v livP lu draw somne who oualîficat ions that entitle Can' ium'! I1 can finýd no record of 01 il ouît. but wrth those tlîat 'eri's adian citizens ta rollect aid any such payrnents eveî' hav- die befoi'e reachîîîg 70 -tearS stn' age pension, the answer Is. ing- been made. Looking at oyg. a d t e r en n r vou must submiît proof of your this prablem from the above number. their Payr1hents of, fOaCanad i a ni citizenship. also angle il. is inmperative thai bard earned nmoney flow the bar-' prove that y ou are 70 years o! we shaîl not al) reccive a way o! no returri, just nto me- age. n s significant ta note pension, nom shaîl we ail the Gov. Treasurv. This fea- C-g. lhat undex' this systern pen- share alike in pension bene- ture of itself niust yield the if a sion payments without a lits. some will die early, Gov. much more revenue than a-nieans test begin at, 70 yeaî's some at a mare advanced tbey expend i pension pay- 2of age, and ter'minate with age. in Tact a great number, ments. and wbile it, should took the demise of each pensioner, wiî flot reachi their 69th yea-, strengthen tlhe Gov. as a aîîct so xve know exactly bow much some will be on the pay rail gtîarantoî'. it also should cani- lugh money was paid ta eacb. but a Tew years, and a very:ce] out ail arguments against ry' Lookîng abead we ask who tew %vil] remain on the pav- 'the fînarîcing of pension tare ur prospective ad age ral for what may seem maîýy'funds on a fiai. rate bai ran tepensioners. and the answer is s cars, ail were contributors'ch gd general taxationi. ib te Dominion of Canada hav- standing farts ar'e al] did flot pension systern as being non-& LIaing iesidence in Canada 10 dran' benefits as pensioners, 'cantributory is misleading.e lac'- ycars and over. Are al] citi- the total o! eacb contribution' Ail revenue tb pay old aga tlc ns tax payers? They ceî'- was not the saine, the bene- Canadian pensions is derived c' tain],, are and the medium fils were flot, the same, nor tram taxes,. 3,7 on Incarne. five is through direct and indir- ývould such be possible under 3% aon corporation, 3170o01 "oect taxation, whetber young any sytsem. ýsales. any difference in our , e's oriod, cmployed or unemploy- At best the numbeî- of man's varied pension systems as r jrL'"""-'-- they optrate today us certain- ly not in the area o! soma ih nbeing contributory and soma an- non - cantributory. The only U G A ývisible difference there is may inv 'be seen in the extra money and eollected by the so ca lied con- out of aur ec'onamny. ompel1q a bigher (cast, o! living and SPIC Einfiiets a greater hardship on S PICEour aid age pensianers cluding the unemployed. 'ici Let us fot dodge ouirr Bv ~lISm~ev ponsîbility. lii'Jose sigbt O il XVh&t a difoience a fcw evening witb decent restraînt. wbicb originateçî and sup- ti weeks (rt make in thîs caun- Nobody sang a sonnet ta the parts oid age pensi 'ons is sub- 9:j Iry! It is na wondri- that, Cati- settiog suri. Nobody was ii'n- sistence aiîd rot, âe idea that p dauscriyo ade. i-peiled ta sing a dîrge ta dying retireineni a ri d pens:ions, 'U; gering, lortgue-ticd. love af- summner. Ilt was admitted, .ýýhou1d beai- rclationship to -faim with their' native land. upari the tmiging o! a couple Incarne duriîîg working years, Aiici lhev do, Believe me. of the more flamboyant types, rueithr' the înil]ionaire nor i oev do. alÎliouîgh y.oti'd onee'r hai il sure wsas, a swell nîglit. the bîgh salaricd execultîve know il fi'om castrai observa- be!or'e we gathered the kids shauld at. retirement be given tran. 'rhey may sally to Florida and went home, a higher pension out of the suid Mexiro and Europe. bu.' *Ju>t tbe other îîight we public purse than any other roiosi of them xvould bc sad we'nt back ta fthe same beach. Caniadian citizen. The abilîty heyoiid enîdurance if thev lor' dinner with some friends Ia aco.uîre property and the weestiddeoiy told tbey %vere at their cottage. The air xvas pos5ssion of il, sbould havé ta be bar'ished forevci' fr'om faîr1Y rtirdliîg. Trhe car heater'o bearing relative ta pen- Canacla. JeIt gaod. Whenî sve reachedi sion rights. I do flot for ane ~p Abîout eîpht wr'ek agu. \vE the bttle bridge, tiere were moment believe there is any- r ' roxu' oot tfi isit. iriencis atlian fishei'meo, but we stopped thing wrong wîtb bontest ar- uni t1ieir cnltag('. It was the lush. ta look aithfle late gold stin utiLiat iOtn of Praperty, for op bosomy 'end Of suI1nîmr, and 0o1 ihe littie blatck river. And xith workers being weli paid, ci. the eveiig air was tropical. high. away up. went ovr a but f1r'ontend tbey sbouid be uf We sloied îî cross the bridge. ýwavery V of geese. a lovely productive, if able ta work. t., and the exer-present. ex'er- sigbl. and sinre they are prîvileged ýid rtent angers pereid vitiî Along tire beach tiîeie was Io work. and protected by tLpatuince ailithe black littie nu sign ofT utc. Steeiv wat('r thei r union.,, ino ane sbould v.jie. air n h iîds clirhtled ai'ound grec'-i umiipcd isiarud s. be aliowr'd ta take out a! our ]y' aind the iogs ki-uinplicd. Silver sand. Black and blue ' eoiomt" al, excr'ssive amaourit e Alonîg Iue beach, golden sky. Cottages boaried up andclin a camnouflageu maniner, 'e -ir'is waiked. and bi'owîîitr- blank-fared. Il was ionely whiuli Jo iurîu wîli increase ,. iuns pad'died. and fat ladies and bieak and beautîful. IhP ('aOst a! a product ta the v lumîjeil in rleri chair's, anc When we raîîîe ta the icof- sonsunier. Il s a good ques.' oiokeci sophisti- lage. away dawn the Sluore lion ta ask what will happen catci. and iù4ý ian aver sleep- rnad., and saw thie yellov.rIn the millionus of cash that 1 nI îrîglr genitlemenci. and people light'- sbiîuîng. il was; a good ýou arid voui and you have d xvavec nîdmix ie apped and feeling. Irîside, there was a lîad dedueted ram your pay )r motorF rmari and bot daogs great, glowing ire. a warmi cheques, now in the custodv id ýmelierl go. welconuc. friendly faces, and o! insurance companies? The Wher w r arrîved. n ti r the gooci, mîch smel]s o! rye answcmr (an be found un tbe ie frîeiid. about a dozen of tbem, arnd ttî'key and perfumed c:ompulsory adjustments which s spr-avlcd under a vast, srgh- woîncn. every smaît business orgatu- i îîîng pire troc, dî'înking chilI' And againi, like df-cent Cao- ization bas had ta contend t rd sautei'ne and cating dili adians, nobody made any wîtb in recent years across - pickles. Tiheir' cbidren and crude rernarks about what a this nation, and whicb has cri. ours. frian taddclers ta ban- beautîfual eventing tl was. how tailcd contsiderabîe tinreward- tam dnlînqtients. prawied and Iurk -y we wcî'e ta live in thîs cd sacrifice. Those people ask. J. .quabblIrd aînd begged bites demi- paradîse. or anytbinged many times for assistance. 1of picrk]e anîd dcmanded one as oreign and sentimental as ruone was fortbroming. the ci Iast swim. and laughed and that. We .iust stuf!ed oursel- ooiy atudible respanse was it o cried and wet their diapers s'es vvih food and drink. and is tbe marcb Of pragress and botlîerc'd their moms. went home. I ask you sbould flot the C out aver tlhe lakP, the sun., Maybc w-e ail had toci muciî'h tiraore <'ompanies and their 1- almost gone, bad a moment a! Blîss Carman, William Wîl- clientele make same comnpar- rhystýria, slashing color across ýfred Campbell and Arcbîbaid able sacrifices and adj'u*,%, d the sky wvith the lcracîty a! Lampman, when we were in themseives ta, braader fai r a Vani Gogh, And the water, K-cool maybe wc're .îust un- programmers in the sanie for- -darkening ils bluro, looked up dcmrstrative. But surely there ward marn'h Thus the 64 dol- s iongingiy. and the suni !lurug s no nation on the face of this lar question iF, should we con- ri acroqs it, riisnlairfulîy, a Tes' earth that laves ils c'ountry tinrue ta maîntaîn a waîî of Ài r scarlet and gold streamers. Sao mueh, and sîngs about it extras arotind aur million pri- El And we lounged. in shorts sa uittIe. vate planners who are al- I and bare et. shîrtless and That's why l'm going ta ready reaping the rîch bene. wordless, tao lazy and con- sing out once in a while, how- fîts of weIl paid cmployment, I lent ta get up and go in, even: ever cracked the voie, or or should we marshal ari- iwhen the su ni ook a deep corny the lune, or bored the!itiative in aid o ! the rest 0 t . breath and went dawn like ' audience. Maybe 1 can incite, aur citizens and establish a i bomb. ax.'ay otut a? the end enaugh people to form at lPast plan thait xili Se as broad an rof ttc xvatr'îa quarte?. aur nation 1 thrnk bbe lat *Lîke good Canadliaru-. wr- Torontn Teletram lNP%4a tii ! ,'thrr:iraoi worthy oh- accepted the %nlendor ai the ,Service Jertile.Con--ud nxt -el. PART 2 AWonderful Group of Hard Workers Happy Scramble on the Prairies Amendment to the Amendment ~be ~f~an4ZÎ mn ~t4te~mrn Duram County's Great Famiy Journai Establshed 109 years aga in 1854 Aiso Incorporatint] The Bawmanville News l The Newcastle IndependentL The Orono News "Autiboigod a, .o cnd 3b M., 1, ie pca.i ofice Depi .Ouiv~r and !r rpaymnent e e, raejo inash" Produced every Wedneaday by J'HL JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P-O. Box 190 6.2b6 Kng St. W., Bowncnville, Ontaro JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GLOI P. MORRIS EVÎTOE.PUlBISHEB ADYTr.. MAr;AGEn BusINss MGR. SUESCRIPTION RATES $400 a Year, stnctly in cidvance $5.50 aI Yta'ini the United States Altheugh every precoutien vrflb. taken te Ovoid errer, The enadran Steteâmczn ecrepts advertia lut I ts columzrs on the underairindinq that if wifl not b. iable for tenv errer Ir any odverfisement pui.rlshed hereunder unies& a grofcf sueb advertisment te requested inw ntinq by the advertisey and returned Io The Coadici fteat~an business office duly signed bY the adverlî.a.r and wîth aucb errer or cerreeheir phCiny eated rin 'rrtî.cr ttereerl and in thaf case if crnv errer so noted te, not cerrected by The Cenadiaàn Stafeazuiri ts liuability &hall net exceed such erti rhn et fthe eiatire cst et such 3di-ertissinent ce the ovc:ce occur,îed by fte neted erre: bectrst In the wbale apace ocupied by surit advertrseoeet 44 j-14L 1 À 1