C.H.S. Princi Role o' In Devi ToId ta "It is the importi the publie schoc.1 develop a iking for ]îsh, good studv good habits in get ~I.J. E. Spc ers, F ",,and best of al CITIES has a great Budget Pla n!" *%.' 'g... Ci~'~'home CoMtod SFRV1rrE N'ow! Free burncer and furruace cooditioning, a mîd- season check, and 24-hour emergency servce-for the low cost cf Ctes Service Premiurn Di) alone! Best of ail, Ctues Service Budget Plan enabtes you to pay for your oil n Iow instalirnents spread over ten tb tweive mionbhs, makes t casier for you la manage vour incorne durîng the wnler moulhs. Cîtues Servuce custorners are abso enttled ta a low- hcost Replacernent Parts Insurance Contract, For further partuculars, phone Oel CITIESr®SERVICE 623-3771 PYE&GRANT OIt Ltd. 6 Mill Lane Bownianville Thanks ..0. We wish to thank ail aur custamer, entered aur A - J Contest, and congratulate Beauty Caunselar Travel Kit. Cantest close, Last Week's Winner : MRS. HELEN BALSON, Hamptan, We alsa wish ta thank thase who took ti life to make the draws Mayor Ivan Habbs Reeve Sidney Litle Councillar Annie Oke Cauncillor Glenhalme Hughe GLEN RAE D PHONE 623-5444 99 KING S-T. W. cd un unisoni M\rs. Canmpbell,. ccii ncx presideuit anîd a formier icach- cm' iii Oshawa schools, felt that xitb those objeets in mind ne could flot bclp but acc'enplisli mpliî, things foi' the scbool cbildnen and ocîscîves. he' grocup are iin charge. Mn. anîd iVrs. Chester King- hemn, \Weod ville; Mn. Roger' Kinghorn, Yor'k Universit. 'Ioronto; Dr'. anîd Mrs. Neul IVIecPhail, Toronto; Mr. and M's. John Kinghorn., Zion, wcrc SatcuudaY suppel' guesi'ý cf Mur. and .Mrs. Farexvell G. iE. T1retiicwey, C.A. -R. F.liglitfool, C.A.___ WILlSON & BUItROIWS Chartci-cd Accocintants 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Paî'tncrs: Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edrnond Bcinrows, C.A. meeting wenc rcad b ' Mrs. Blackburn. _______ Herbent Mackie and appnox'cd. Mr. John Twisît, r o f ' The Treasuren's report shoxw- Univensity', Kingson, speuit C hir p r a ct i c ing a balance on hand cf $13.12 the wcekend at home.- was rcad by' Mrs. Johnî Collier Mi' anîd Mns. Fred Txvist, G. EDWIN 3IIANN, D.C. Whiibv, were Suuîday visitons Chiropractor LO G S U T witl Mi'. anîd Mrs. E. Twvi s t Of fice(: LON SA LT Mn. anîd Mrs. W. Cliatter- 15 Elgin St., c'ou'.of Ilonsey St,' son, Brigbton, wcre vecend Phone 623-55<19 Mir. Janmes Smith, Bniamu anid visitons witli Mn. anîd Mrs. Office hfours: BY Appoinîrneut Jack.v and fricnd RobbY, Ajax, Bob Coîlaeott. --- xvcrc Sondav ' st ofMn. Mn. Roui Welsb R.A.S., Denta aun) Mns. A."J gzt. Rerptvuic. spent bbe weck- -Denfa-1_ Mr.A. J. McLaggani, MuIr- cuîd at home. . DR. IV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. rav anîd Vielon visted Mn. aiird Mis. George Godniard, Mn. 75 Ring St. E. Bowmanville Ms.....Lagpani, Keswic's, anîd Mns. TenI Bonucur wenu' Office Ilours: ou Satundax'.\ Monday x'îsitons witb Mn. and 9 ani, 10 6 p.m. daily Mu'. John Johnson anul Mr. Mî's. L. Welsh. Closrcd Satuirday andl Sunday Mocule. Oshawa. visitrd blir Mn. and Mî's. Bob Davi OfficePhione - 623-5i90 formers parents, Mn. a0id Iadi as their gccst over the Hoise Phouir - Nexcastle 3551 Mns. Ber't Johnson, on Sundav. wcekend, Miss W. Brctt, whn DR. E. IV. SISSON Sou'y nvb report at lime of bas heen scrviug as a mis- L.I).S., I).D.S. writing Mn. Jim Sawdon s in sionary in Ethopia. She is o Office in bis home Oshîawa Hospital foilowing a ber way hou-e 10 AuIstralia, 100 Liberty St. N., Bow'manville car accident Frida 'v nigbt. Ou Saturday eveuîung, she Phone 62:3-5604 (Inteuiderl for last wrek) showed a numben cf slides Office Hours: 1Miss Janet McLaggan an- illustratîng somne of ber w'onk. 9 a.m. to 6 pin. daily rompanicci Mn. and Mrs. She also spoke to hec Aduit. Closeci Wcduicsday - Sumîday, Leonard Cu'aig and Bctb, Co- Bible class au Sunday Sehoci l c7..CATADDS bourg, to Arundel, Que., auîd'telling of some o! ber expen- DOffiF. ceTRN ... spent the wcekend with Mrs. icuces. O5fingSt.e omrv Margaret Ex'ans. ! Office Heurs: Miss Grace Smith auront. 9 arn. 10 6 p.m. daily pokan iMn. auîcl Mnds .,J.CKEDRON Closcul Sabundav and Sunday Cooto uîgewod uîdspeitTelIeplînne(: Office 623-,5459 i eckcnd with Mn. aýid Mns. Gco. Wills, Mn. andl Mrs, (liiteuidcd for last xerclii DR. R. ,%. HESTON-COOK W. E. MeBnide, and werc Moii- The 21si Scout andl Cul) 1.D.S., L1D.S. dav Thauksgiving ci i n n e r Mothers' Auxilianv hcld tbci' Office Orono Medical Centre ,ucsts of Mn. and Mns. C. G. tinst meetinîg ofthIe scason un ___Telephone 189 Cook and rlMs. H. Cooki. tbe Lowcu' Hall ofKrdui--__ Mn. andl Mrs. David Cnaqig Unîted Cliurch witb ai at- Land Surveying_ aund -irls cujoyed holidia-,,. enda ne cof 16 niembeus- Tht'__ mouornng tlîougb bbc Brucepu'csideuît, Mns. Robent Fnascrr.- MERRI.L D. BROWVN Peninsulia and points nonth. openecd the meeting wutlîth(-- P.ENG., O.L.S. Mn. and Mns. W. Varie' -k. Lord's Pray' er. 121 Qucen St. Box 1f.5b Mn. aîîd Mns. Johnî Vaocvký The comiitie neponieul th.ut Bus. and Res Tclephone and famiîx' were among be,' tics lîad hecuî made for t1ie 623-7251l Scundax' dinuer guests o! Mr.' ncw bo 'ys and the leadrs for and Mis. Rosexcan after bhe the chuu'cb par'ade.Lega cbnisteiig service in Tvi'onr Satcîrday, Febncuai'vN 22 n d.L ga United Chuncb. xvas the date ebosco for tbe STitIKE iiiid STRIKE Mn. and Mns. Bert Johnmon, Fatiier and Son Banqcuet, Bannister,, Solicitons Miss Jean Johnîsonu and Mr. wbicb xil be belu at Camp Notaniesq Public John Johnison enjoycd a trio Sarnac agaui. W R. Sîrike, Q.C. nonbb anîd points ,wcsit on Mîs. Wltî'cd Pasc'oc x'as A. A. H. Stnike, B.A, cu-dv.appointedi couivenon cf th- Eclwand C. Wildnîan, oiiiatiuig ccmnîmittee,xvii PB.A., LL.B. xiîl biig ini a uiew slate of 40 King St. W. - Buiwmanville j officens at the Octoben nieei- ___Telephone 623-5791 ing. LAWRENCE C. MIASON, B.A.,1 The special speaker aI Itie Barrister, Solicitor 1 meectinîg was Rex'. Ronald Notary Public Love. Gifts were presemîteul '- Kinîg St. W. - Bowmanville1 Boy Robinson and Bob Hutel. Phones: Office 623-5688 j and riens w ýings for' Ilîin leadenship at Residence 623-5553 rs anibedswote somrmer canmp at Adx'cni- MS PAI OGN ltune Base in Halibunton. The BI-SArnîst1., oritnS ?those wha won a meetinîg elosenl witb the Scout Noritny Pulico Miz.iali beniediction andl lunuchu. 14 F'ranik St. Bowuiauîville1 edOtoe 1t.Th(, 2Ioth Guide Conipan *v -- -- - -c ~d Otobr lth.and Rrow'uiî Packs beth stai-t- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN cd off their vear wiih specia! B.A., LL.B. outungs. The' Guide Company Banuister. Solicitor enjoved a wcckcnd camp f K ing S t. E. Newcastle Camp Adernac, lcaving Fnida\'Poe24 1. Onario.night and neburoimîg Sonda'- Hours: -9-5:30 - Wed,, Sat.1 9-1 a fbei'oon . The Bnowuiies hîc'!d Ontaria.SItudavouting a t Mnr.10o;-- M oritga ge s imne out fram a busy The Doubles' Club cf kcd- SADIE HAMIILTON - ORONO roui Uniibd Cburcb enjoved a Phone 1 r 16N trio b'.'c!iatered buiý tllnuugIi First Morîgage Fonds 1,11u mt, r: nointh of Otax:, Residences - Farms iustead cf 11w: r regrular Oc-. Businîess Properties l ober iveinei . Motgage Loans 'l'lie bcus ieft tlhe c.iurmcu Prompt, courteous service Scudav' afterniooa, 1:30, anîd HAROLD C. PEDWELL t rax'ciled b':- a picioreýqiî'- Real Estate andt ote fîuîaloug back noau'i., Mortgage Broker f bsI Buileigb Falls whene th-" New.castle Phone 3856 uax'&lî'ns took dne ontt:'i- -________________a_ * ,k'or \ýl1t-rnth(, colin s *'KjEIrIl A. BILLETT, O.D.s ýà& 1R i uenîhens to take c'oloned p.ýc'. 141 King Si. E. -Bowmanville lunies on just cnjoy' the scen- Office louns: By appointrnent'a enV Telephone 623-3252 r On bbem'eîurn i tp bv a d'k Mon.- Tues. - Thurs. - Fni.a fet ute, ~uInte group " il a m.tn0 bo.om. ( BOWMANVILLE ped ', sec thie liftiocis ai Thtirsday\ evenings b Peterborouugh. Wc'd. and Sat. - 9 - il governmcnt officiaIs. Income taxes arc 13 per cent of iii- corne, and there are no estate taxes so0ebldren of the nicb iobenit great sums, Clothes ar~e plain and poou'- l.v made. A suit costs $101 and worncn's sboes arc $40 and $50 a pair, Mî's. Asbdown said. She added that living conditions are crowded with no conveniences. Two on thrce families bave to share accom- modation. and while ncw apaî'tmcnts aî'e bcing buLiit conlv people io higb standin- wîib' the Part 'v, and the upperý class eau afford to get a new TYRONE (luilcidcd tfon lasi wcek) Altliougb the United Chucmnr Wornen havec dccidcd not to send oul the usual letter ain- nouncing their intentions to eall for fthc Harvest Home Canvass, lhey do inteîîd raIl- ing however fo ask youn sup- port. You rnay experttIern somietime witbin the ncxt two w eeks. Thee lst Home and Sebiool meeting will be beld Thuirs day, Oct. 17, at 8 pin. Mn. Webster',or sehool ilispector, will be guest speaker. Music will be supplied by t h school cildren. If you have a spare cup to donatc., bring il along with you. Mn.%aand Mî's. Russell Stcw..- art. Centrcton, werc gucsts reccntly of Mrs, Flor'ce Scott. Mn. and Mrs, R. Perfect and Richard, Bowmaiîvillc: Mn. and Mrs. T. Gibbs wcre gcîcsts ot Mn. and Mis. J. Gibbs Miss Alma Madil I. Louîlnhuu; Mn. Brian Annis, Kemptville, spent the holiday wcekcîîd with Mn. and Mrs. Lonne An- is, Mî's. Walter' Rabm accon)- panied Mn. and Mî's. J, E. Gniffin and visitcd tlîein sus- ter Mns. J. W. Herod, Wcs- Ion, and calied on othcî' fricnds and relatives. Mns, Florence Scott is speîîd- ing the wcekend withî leu' sis- ter, Mns. W. Macdonald, Bow- manl le, Mrs. Perey MeCoy speuit sevenal days at the home et Mn. and Mrs. J. Woodward, Downsv iew. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Macluî- Itosh, cbiidnen, Mis, G. Machiî- tosh, Toronito, were Sunday 'Thanksgiving guests of Mn. and Mrs. G. Elliott. Miss May Wright, Toronto, spent tbe holiday weekcnd with Mn. and Mrs. R. Wright, Sunday tea guests were Miss- es Florence and Sybil Lang- maid, Oshawa. Darlene Sellick. Bowman- ville, visited Pat Weodley. Mn. and Mns. R. D. Hodg- kinson are spending a few days with their daughten, Mi'. and Mrs. James Woodley. Mn. anîd Mns. Clcmn Rahm and childnen, Ajax, spent the cveckend wilb bIs parents at Four Mile Lake. Monday evening callens of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rabmn were Mr. and Mrs. T. Spcnuk, Stoney Creek: Mr. and Mis. Gordon Whiltaken, Hamil- ton; Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Grif- fin and Laura, Enniskillen. Exploners met with 21 mcmn- bers. Tbey learned the mean- ,ng o! their cmblcmn. Eaeb girl was given thein secret senior citizen. A stanl was miade oii their Mission Bank. Couples Club are holding amasquerade and Hard Time panty at the home of Ralpb and Judy Hilîs, Satunday. oet. 19, at 8:30. Ladies please bning a box lcunch wnapped in newspaper.M LIIJU 5 1iuMaw JI CASH SAVER: Yeni Save l5ü -7-oz. Jar1 MAXWELL HOU! CASH SAVER! You Save 10e! - Fancy Qit RED SEAt Cohoe CAXSH SAVER! Yotu Sav'e 9c! - Pouch Pal' Monarch CAKE MI CASH SAVER! Yent Save 6c' - Make Taffy BEE HIVE Corn Si CASH SAVER! You Save 12! - Twin Pac MUR Liquid DETEI Save 1;c'! - Swift's - 4c Off Pack Lb. JEWEL Shortening 2 for Save 29c' - Swifts PARD DOG FOOD 15-0z. 9 for Sa% e 10c - Swifts Preiu ii24-oz. BEEF or IRISH STEWS3 SAVE; 17c!~ - DelI Monte 1.5-oz, Fancy (REAM CORN 6 for ýRic h, Luscious, Fancy Grade Snow AppIe! I1 Favourite for 11.1 <ur - No. 1 YeIIow ONIONS 8 3 lb poly bag19( lýi Tanîgy, Nutritious - No. 1 PARSNIPS 24 ozpoly bagl3c 1UI ISun ICE Prices effective at the Iisted Red & V MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNUSH'S MARKET. PORTER'S RED & WHITE ~une >RoYc for the price of 6-oz. INSTANT S E COFFEE 9 C Salmon 39C IXES 4R'69c yApples,%vith 2-lb. Tin yrup 33C -k, 24oz RGENT 79C Pkgs. 5 5C 5 VARIETIES rTis Supremie Brand Fancy !$ BISCUITS ý.Tis pkgs. 8 C SBasketj J l'îesh and Solid Brusseils Sprouts qt box2.5c Swe et and Tastv Fresh DATES bcello bag 39c C69e Bottie 'OMO SELTZER 59C KE'D F'RESIV ton or 'uunbeam Reg. 49e 1ELSEA BUNS 8toPkg 4,5c JPREMEDONUTSDoz.29c I ECREAM pt. brick 27c ntMary's - Fuil 'i4-oz. Loaf ]CED BREAD loaf 21 c White Food Stores only * .Maple Grove *~ ...Orono E _.Newtonville a Tlin d -lý idf Statesmnan. Bowmanville, oct. 23, 193r and seconded by Mrs. Alla NUlP %qe~~ M sS Norm l alwfT- Tamblyri. * arITmn s~ t t s i J ~ <~ARKfVL.La 'onto, spenthewknda Move by rs.Mauian .S ,S R ler home. ipai SpeaksBickle. scconded by Mrs. Keith lntended for last w eek) Ormiston, that the fee be Si.25 The U.C.W tSIo * I E ~~~Mr Gerald Hallowell. Tor- their meetiga h ch. a. pal Speaks ~per faml,\. Cpid.ht cr L e I a ~ t I. ntO, p nt the holiday %with. Wednesday vng1asw* lofti ndvould gincluFde or-Ds r d ,& P S e ssio n I-l owellpleted for tetre uprj fPublic Scnooi Teacher ofthis ndwould i go u ex ot affiliation witb Couincil. Nine mernbers ot the Bow- Regional Advisor, and presi aan ent. TI ce are 12 N ,and Mrs. vIorle,%-Rob-nxmoh. rsE.R isn Mr.Cmbl nrdcdmanville Business and Pro-ident of the Toronto B. and P. o nfr vrv10 in l inson and family wcre Sundav invited the lde ome ~i MresexCatvm be iroduced. fes.sional W ornen*s Club at ,Women's Club. Rus b te pekerad. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mel- bier home inNvjbr *v .. tuArchie Campbellei det tendcd a dini er meeting ait The subject of Mrs. Ash r.Asldown a pv o il Samis. Newtonvile. and, Mr. andMr..Seien . 1elop ng G ood 1H abitideth l en he sa oafusiecnss wes tnp toEurope iniver ftha1t thpeU oiî te ndBrhe an aYswe--Tors.n.t o gesan r.D M rs G. A. Baker. Mr-. Fred 1eOh iavCubrcn don~adrs a e he b ropaganda theBnfUvrsrv ertTronower gvicewthse cWright, Vice-Presidents: Mrs. I lente*, aBsie1swes ti oEuoein16în the I.S;SR.Tepeople are ,mte, Hlerbert Mackie, Sce a i n Professiond W om e n s when she visited 10 countries, led to beiv ra teUie vr. and Mrs. BraiCwi Mrs. . Frow dr JhnCller resue: lu etrtind mebessome behind the Iron Cur- States is the number onie vil- and faînilv spent Suniday with Shutka, 0saa5vstd hi S. C ourtice H . & S. lub 'MrFred Wright, Mrs Garnet fro HBow.manvlle, .Cobourg, tajj the USSR, Poland, East' lain ofthe world 'VMost or th~e Mr. ~anld -MrsAustin FTurner. arets, r n r.M tattask of Courtice IHigh School, when'aspirations, music should be 1. Morton, Mrs. Keith Orm- Lindsayv. Norway, Sweden. Holiand, bave neyer beard of the Ber- Falls. Rev. WoodosDDPr lahrinhe spoke at South Courtice1 fun. If the love of music is iston, Executive Chairmnen. Those froun tbe Bowrnan- West Germany, France, and lin WVall, but thev are infor- Ms .SiradMisL oe ilbetegetsek good Eng- Home and School meeting creatcd then you could go on The room cournt a taken ville club present at the meet- England. ed of ail the details of the Shier. Toronto, spent the boli- er at SbilohfrteAnvr hnrl abit 1drect.b.lapan bon. and Mrs. Lush won the ban- ing wcrc the president, Miss: Mrs. Asbdown spoke înainly least scandalinb the U.S. or dav at Mr. Lloyd Halloweil's. sary. Service t23 ..nx eai s i ' is in Public School that, Thle school music program uner with 26 points. Velma Gav, the past presi-,about the time she spent iii al,. wher'e ini the British Coni- Mî's. 1. Plum, Toronto, spent Suniday, ib uscpode Principal or the student will make import- teaches song interpretation, M's. Campbell had each dent, Mrs'. Victoria Frank,,Leningrad and Moscow. Shienonwealth of Nations, the the weekend at Mr. Arthur bx' Shiloh chi une th ant decisions. lic wvill decidepbrasing, diction and rhythm- niember stand and introduce Miss Helen Crvderman, Mrs.,said that she feels that the speaker pointcd ouit. MceKa.%'s. d .irection eo Ms etesr now far- he hopes to go, and Proper breathing iii very ii- theinselves. Rhoda Anderson, Mrs. Anna Russian people since the serfs __ luou mucbh e hopes to achieve. portant, hie feit that this is Mr Robert Storey introdue- Watson, Mrs. Marion Jeffei'.', were liberated in 1861 haveý Studcuts ai this level develop verv otten ovcnlooked, thus cd the teachers: Miss Kathleen Mrs. Ruth Carrigan. Mrs. Lii- corne a great wax' in educa-, habits of study and an inter- Spoiling the wbole effect. Davey, grades one and twe; hian Diiling, anud Miss Helenition, health care, and the a est and a liking for study. If He stated we should flot get Miss Marina Puffer, grades' Devitt. status of women. I muummu tbc\ do not develop these at narrow-minded regarding mus-'three and four; Mrs. Bruce The gucst speaker was Mrs. "Education in Russia is free . -I t;ins lime, it isnt likcly they ic, ibat ail phases should be Lush, grades five and six; Mr. Margaret Ashidown. Toronto, even for students attending, w"I AV ~Ideveop them later.' studied. Wernay develop'Rbr Storey, grades seven the Provincial President of univcrsity where the promis-! plain the Rubants Plan, a plan conistructive listening and AMrs. Collier prescnted a ten- Buins Cus.Prfe ssa irona ing os ae ai $5erg WCIOUS ANI) TENDER W T dcu eloped hv education Of- thUS StimnUlate oui' interest, tative budget wbich caused a ectou' of the Coleman Larnp courses, Teachers engaines erig;i un.u frC) tme t e- sod tina c ej . MvXCuby Mis. K.Oînuston, month, and tbey receive i velop more of a liking for the Mn. Meteaif said that South seconded by Mrs. John Rom - technical sideat we hot hvwas Businss "Th re e ar1,00 ibane tec nicl ide ofeducalion, an' Darlington Schools bad coin- eri, t a v fo a e candy B s n s i e t r - 1l education iin lcarning 1)\. pelted in nine classes at the sales. Defeated. It a de-___ Mhst0 irais....... ... ... ... MiS ? mrake a living and learning Peterborough Music Festival cided that we migbit selI fruit i Moscow. Every village and ho~to njy ycuî lisue. and were successful in six. He, at sonie, rather than al can . tc u nLt i a n c collective farm biasitow The branches ot the eduica- said lie alxvavs strcssed that it Moved bv Mrs.RosavkeR - libnary. Ahl medical care is tion programme vvere explain- was îetthie prize that was seconded by Mirs. Allaui Tanu - AY J. DILLING free, and dental cane is also MiId (ured - Sweet Pickled Specially Selcctcd cd. the numiber of 'cars necd- important bcut that tbey wcere lyuu thai wve bave a bakeless Cbartered Accountant free except gold rrowns user) ed or ac corsean wht jstto do the best thecy could. b ake sale. Carried. This will 93 Cbcîrcb Street for filling. Among the total VleCe' .each course covei'ed. He ex- It is a wonderful experience be canî'ied eut betoî'c oui next 623-3861___ncmber of dcntists 74 pet-C TA' O L Wiink," plaincd that a number of tests gctting cîp befere an audience meeting. LEONARD JAMES BROOK 9 cent are wvomen. BONELESS 'e bat NNC are given by' the principal and as it develops a personal re- Movcd b.% 1Mis. Fred Wright, Charlered Accointant iWm nii the IJSSR ancelb Ynci Save Twice inpctor dii-ig the grade spoisibility for gooc audience, seconded b.,, Mrs. J. Mor'ton, Accotuntaîîts - Auditors paid eqcial rates witb men, i (ry exac1,.'s b 49c db thTrnm and Pi- c", ýegtterni te belp the sîndent bebaviouî' and teaches tileun huat our November meeting be Trustve i Bankc'uptry bcut thev do wbat wc consider becen Ui decide boxv far' lie cocîld go. If te Icarru to face difficulties aind cii thc 4tb rather than the 1Ilth. Suite 205W 7259953 as men'."s work, succ as min- For L unches and Snacks - By Pice Swvifts Premium -RindIcs Clpk ýgrmenh a student bias the abilitv andidisappoinnients and te sur- Oshaxva Shopping Centre ig okn n riras în- foLir as possible. He feels thalt theeei n- SALEMVICbantered Accountant brick layi ng and plumbing.B OG Ab3 c B C N -giýc UN uN Flo"igbsad's.M' isn btce n is eodForThere is more class distic pecially Selected - W'elI Trimmed IFor M1cals in a .iffy - Tendr at Speers answvcred qcuestionîs scures placed C))oi teachers (Intender) for last xxeek) New Library Building lion in Rcîssia tban Ihere I n OIN BI'E' put forth by the parents. Mnl. lodav. denmands bv grocups anud Cor. Ring & Temiperance Sts Cuaaadte U. F Fred Wrightthiaîuked Mi'. ogniaioi h'icb quichu A Baptismal Service \vasphn623362Cta nd heUS Te Speers for coming to explain frofn hinliîeld at cburcb on Suuida\ Pon 2-332lowest class is that ofil,,P R this tiiely' subject. fnsc etwsasîhveui Heathen Joan, daugbter VL: IIDADR paan e'cnskilled work O K C O S l 9 T A E T S l Mr. Ross Metcaîf. teacher of Mn. Meteaif thanked the cf Mn. and Mns. Bob Davies & COMPANY wbo neceives $50 to $100a I isîc for Souith Darliugtoiu, Home aînd Sebool for giviuuu was presenled for Baptisni I1w Clarterel] Accountant!i montb. The next cf the In we \\a,; inii'oduced bv IVîs. Camp- buthle osaid li w o ld aerRe.C. Dugan. Mr. anid Mrs. Lcne 1rseincome classes is that of go CS\AV W Vi Sî lc S ft -b 'eladl e oeto t11w lpn- bhavle 11w bole auud gidrls pu i aKuloo. hi a sf'n Fred Yates were the god- LenBankî'utrey ernnoient cerkstypists, ad CAHPk1gs. Sv 5c S%.,f' ent cos on the music pnegrai f oi' pt.o preunts. 164 Kngst.prEgrî28-7chou r . on. "h' b$251) a motb Mo $100 cIrnentairv sclbools. a vii icîi il i wth ch i d iiasktio11 w h r i\\o- M M A R G A R INEi 5 $20 mnt. Msto$1h Mn. Metealf quotcd frei an mnusic. île closed with the A akenthecu hurc i\ v-r nOhw, îtaiiemibers ot the Communs artceo 9.35 inwih lpe istrcumienît of od ing meinory cf Mn. Roland MO0N'1'EFITH- MONTEITH Party are in this class. E AGR N stat-cs educalionalists thought Mrs. Arc'bîe Campbell thank- Shackleton b' his famnily. RIEHL & CO. "lIn the upper mniddle ca, CASH SAVER! You Save 10ü! -Sift's -o.Tn L ESTATE tl vasgin ratbeî' Ico fti' o cd Mn. Meteaif for sharing bis 'Fbere will be ne chui'ch 135 Sinieoe St. N., Oshawa ar'e senior' governi-nent ff miake nuiu comipulsory' sub- enthusiasrn andi love of inuioi* u Suindav Scbool service Chartered Accouînlants lcials. novelists, and prote.srý Ini-anville ecet alon.g witii îeading. wnit- Witb Lis. î.exî Scnda.v as il us Tyo 728-7527 .%bo make between $1.(100 andi ing and aritbrnctic'. Mn. Met- Thbe meeting cpenied uili"'O llarvest Tome services. Partnei's: $5,000t per vear, afld compose PE u c e n M Residence calf feit that mcusic' ranked Canada" follo,.ecd bv Mis. Saicm, U.C.W. xill bold Hon. J1. W. Montcith., F.C.A. about 10 per cent of the popli 62-593bgb in importance, bowever, Archie Carnpbell rýeaduuig the ilieii' Ociobet' meeting ai the A. B. Slonteiib, B. Coin., C.A.lain Tefotbcs, h CASH SAVER! You Save 10c! - Fancy Quality 8o.Tn lie saud, bo promete a satisfy- " obes f Home and Scbool" cburc'b Ibis Tbcrsdav, Oct. G. W. Riebl. C.A., R.I.A. verv rich, live iin mansions. uuigoci et f or moions and and Tbe Lords Prayer repeat- -17. Mus. K. Siackî.eloii ancdLenedTute These ar'e scientisîts and higluI !L L ~ T -~-_ DO YOU F INS URAJ PROBLEI The '"Quick As A yet thorough serîic bave given onr poHu ,vver the 3-ears has louhdation for oui ajs an imsurance ag< If you ancloock "Intsiirancc ce îe a uwlltoday. STUART R. JAMES REAIl Bo, MSI-RAN CE Xing St. JE. Office 623-5681 ai SAVE 17c ON FROZEN BROOK PARK MEAT PIES -4 f.,89c S upreme MIXED VEGETABLES 21lb. bag 49c