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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1963, p. 7

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\&ocia/ Phone i'Mrs. P. E. Greenfield has een Vsiting relatives in Tor- onto Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon mvacNell. Town, are holiday- lflg in Qu ebec. Mrs. Isobel Reynolds. Town. visited in Oshawa with Miss' Bessie Reynolds. Mrs. Frank Rundle, Town, lias been visiting Mrs. A. Stover in Markham. Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger Were weekend guests of Mrs. Eva Young, Dyno Estates. Mrs. Charies E. Wood anc Mrs. W. W. Low, Ottawa, vis- ited Mrs. S. G. Chartran anc tamily. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackharr Visited on Sunday with Mr. anfd Mrs. Earl Gilmore at Le- f roy, Onit. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pow- ell, Kingston, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Cutlcr of Oshawa, were Sunday visit- ors wîth Mr. and Mrs. Tedi Miller, Prince Street. Mr. A. W. Manby of Tor- onto was a wcekcnd gucst with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike, Horsey Street. Mr. Norris Turner, Univers- ity of Toronto, was with bis parents, Rex'. and Mrs. H. A. Turner, over the weekend. Mis. D. J. Cameron, Hay.. don, spent Saturday evening wjth Mrs. Gordon Rice, Sud- bury, who was a visitor here. SDuring the Sjanday morn- ng service at Trinity United Churcb, the Junior Choir sang the spiritual, "Go Down LAS John Phillips, RCAF stationr, yClinton. visited las, week w 'th relatives and friends in . urketon and Bow- Mr. and N rs. C. W. Varcoe, Ruseneath, ýý\were guests on Friday and ýSaturday of Mr. andi Mrs. Sann Black, Janice and Terry. i Mr. E. Saîmuel was in Greensboro and Hiigh Poini. N'orth Carolina, last week at- tending the Southeî'n Furni- ture Market. Constablc a n d Mirs. C. Disley ani family. Bancroft, s pent the weekend with his p arents, rvlr. and Mrs. C. Dis- îey, Mearns Avenue. ~.Mr. dnd Mrs. J. Bowman of T) .21ttnore called on Mrs. Har- i7is, Mrs. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. 4-4T. Stewart and other Town friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Mac- Millan spent the xeekendi with the former's brother and sister'-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacMillan Jr. LAC Rucli Gerber, RCAF Ottawa~, and formerly of Baw-j manville, was in town on Tuesday visiting friends whilei on a seven day leave. . Mrs. Wm. Birdlie, Belle- /ýille, and Mr. and Mis. Orly1 uÇ~rsona/ 623-3303 ýs Glass. Plainfield, visited Mr. r- and Mrs. L. A. MacDougal and family on Monday. ri Messrs. Stuart R. James, *Douglas James. Jack S. Em- mer.,on and Monty Emmer- son spent the weekend at the James cottage, Gooderham. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crouse, of Springfield, Nova Scotia. are vîsiting hier sister a-id brotiler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. -Peter Curtis, Wellington St. S. Mr. and Mrs. S. MeAllister have returned home from dOrangpeville, after spending the past six weeks with hier csiste' who has been illi n hos- pital. Mes. Zack Adams recently attended the Nursing Home -Convention held at Niagara Falls. Wbile in Niagara Faîls she was guest of Mrs. C. W. dSleman. M 1Mr. Garth Tpylor, son of yMr. and Mrs, J. C. Taylor, Dukc Street, is in his fourth ryear, honors course, Arts and Science. at the University of Toron ta. Mei. Douwlas James, son af Me. and Mrs. S. R. James, re- tturnied home last week after spendling four montbs an the staff ai Cleveland House, Muskoka. Mrs. Gardon Rice, Sudbury; Mrs. K. A. Smith and daugh- ter Sally. Kingston, and Miss Bertha Badgley af Toranto spent Tbanksgîving with Mrs. Chas. Rice. Mr. Don Marris attended1 an executive meeting af thei Bay af Quinte Funeral Dir- ectors Association at the Havelock Hotel on Wednes- day, October 16. In the cutlines under the1 Bantam. Girls Basebali team1 in last week's issue, we listcdj the name of an absent player1 Ps Susan Mason. This should have read Susan Mann. A recent visitor with Mr.E and Mrs. S. McMurter and family was Mrs. P. H. Ma 'a-c hay af Toronto. Mr. and Mr. McMeirter and family visitedI in Part Hope on Sunday. î Mr. and Mes. Dan Dudley, Orchardview Blvd., have re-1 turned framn an enjoyableD vacation visiting their child- i ren in Los Angeles. California1 and North Battîciord, Sask.a Mr. and Mes. Crawford of Campbcll v i le, called last Monday on Mrs. S. J. Wil- liam~, Temperance Street.a Thcy were on their way home i from. a motor trip ta the Laur- S Entian Mountains in Qucbcc. ii Mr. and Mes. Patrick Gould,J Bowmanville, Mr. Brian But- son, Whîtby, and Miss Cheryl Smith. Columbus, attendcd the Graphie Arts Show iiin Toronta last Thursday even- d ing.a Mis-, Eileen Hughes, nurse- T in-training at St. Catharines b Genciral Hospital, spent }ý Thanksgiving weekend with lier parents, Mr. and Mes. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minster - Rev. Wrn. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.IR.S.M. Stinday, October 27th, 1963 "MAKE SURE 0F YOUR GOD" 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL ?'iJunior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:45 a.m. 1rin1ary and Kindergarten - 11:20 ar. Beginners - 11:00 a.m. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugo1g Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A.,b D.,Minîster Telephon'e 623-5023 1VORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 - Dutch 11:00 a.m. - English 7:30 pan. - English Proelainiing the Whole Counsci of (od "Back To Godilour" Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sundayu St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BO1VMANV ILLE (Established 1838) Minister - flev. R. Fred Swarin. B.A., B.D. SERVICES OF REDEDICATION OF CHURCH SANCTUARY SUNDAY, OCT. 27th, 1963 ýu Il aan. and 7 p.nî. Guest Minister.- REV. DEREK ALLEN, B.A. jMinister of St. Paul's Presbyterian Chureh, The Secial Oshawxa.' SeilMusic at Both Services TeCongregation of St. Andrew's cordially invites ail fricnds and former members of ISt. Andre%%'s to join thern on this day of Harrv Hughes. Liberty S Nanth. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivison Munda spent an extended Thank, giving w,ýcekend with thei daugntrr and son-in-law. Cp and Mrs. I. C. Matthewv Rici;y and Joanne of S Bruno. Quebec. Mr and Mrs. J. Morriso ard iamily of Hamilton x-isil ed on Sunday witb tbe lai ter's mather. Mrs. J. Rowe an also called on ber uncle, Mi John Tabb. wbo is a patieri in Merarial Hospital.. The congregatian ai Trinit United Cburch joined wit St. Paul's congregafion o Sunday even ing ta observ St. Paul's 129tb anniversar' The guest speaker was Reý S. J. Billier af Brooklin. Mr. and Mes. Gardon Find lay Susan and Sbeilagb Tai onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Gleni Richards. Dale and Danný Oshawa, were Tbanksgivin, vn<,itors witb their parents Me. and Mrs. Melville S Dale. MeI. and Mrs. W. R. Muttoi and Mr. and Mes. C. H. Pa. mier spent Thanksgiving week end with Mr. and Mrs. Pal mer's daughter and son-mn law, Mr. and Mes. M. . Wbelan and Sue Ellen, Sud bury, Ont. Mr. and Mes. J. Schilling Erie, Penn., and daugbter; Chrissy and Connie visitec over the weekend witb taw, feiends, amang whom weri the G. Stureock, A. Booper D. Rundle and R. Lathangut lamilies. Mes. Jean Marshall, Mi and Mes. Jack Marshall, Patt and Shari Lee, and Miss Susai Leask xvere dinner guests oi Mes. M. E. Leask on Sunday Shari Lee was baptised ai the moening service in Bar mony United Cbureb. In celebration ai bis 60t1. bietbday, Mr. Charles Hont gave a family supper part:ý an Satueday evening, Octobei 19th, at Memorial Park ClutL Hou-,e. Nine hblîdren and 2. grandchýld:-en were preseni for the festive occasion. Dr. and Mrs. Kcith Slemoti visited Mrs. Sieman's par- ents, Me. and Mes. J. R Tbompson aof Si. Catharines, on Sunday. Mes. Thompsor is cnecc nicely in Botel Dieu Hlospital iollowing sur- gery for a beoken hip. Among gucsts wbo recent Iv visîted Mes. Chas. Rice werî Mes. Gardon Rice, Sudbury; i\eI. and Mes. Bud Rice, Oeiil lia: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rie and ciaugbfcr Dcbbie, River- side, Ont, and Mr. and Mes. R~oss Rice ai Peterborough. Suaday guests witb Me. and Mes. E. Samuel and fam- ly, King St. East, wvere Me. Samuel's sister and brother- n-laiw, Dr. and Mis. Alur Janis and farnily ai Buffalo, N.Y.. and bis father, Mr. .-arry Samuel ai Toranto. Me. and Mes. Roy Webber spent Thanksgiving with their laiglitcr and son-in-law. Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Beacham and aons Warren and Scott, at Dundas. Me. and Mes. Web- ber also visited their cousins, MIr. and Mes. Sain Webber ai Clifford. Me. Bob Oshorner, son of Mre. ancl Mes. Barry '"Duteliî Osborne, xvhose many iriends rememnber bis participation in basebaîl, hockey and other parts here, bas been in Cal- ga ry since July with the A. & P. stores. basf xveek Bob vas on a bear hunting trip. Congratulations ta Miss Emma Werry ai Mes. Me- )onald's Nursing Home, 344 Spadina Rd., Toronta, xvbo elebeafcd ber 9tst birtbday n Monday, October 21st. AI- bougbh confined ta bcd and awheelcbair. Miss Weeey is verv ebeerful. She enjays eading andl receiving letters. We eecently received a -opy ai the St. Catharines Standard dated Mon d a _y, eptember 30. In the list ai winnees la the Niagara Grape 1 Winc Festival tparade, xvc, aneici Socîet.,y was held in lcLaughlia Hall, Oshawa, an ectober 17, 1963. Those at- ending froîn Bowmaavillc in- uded :vlr. H. Feeman. Pre- rcient. NIrs. Bort 5ye- and ers, Stan Dunn. Mes. Syer as oeaiffour ta be award- id a ceetîfîcate afi ment for îîstanding service ta the ,ancer Saciety. This is the est % car such awards hava? een madie. On SaturdaY ex-coing on the' ccasion ai their 2.5th wedd- -g annîversar, a surprise î it- weas heli at the home fMi. andi Mes, John Ben- erson. Nîcarns Ave. Attend- gwece Mr, and Mes. Joi- .iddahicc. Towii Mr. aid Irs. Barry G race. Bueketon, r. andi Mes. Robert Kent, ,e,.castle. Mr. and riMs. Mel IeCabe. Oshawa. and Me. iri NIes. John Shaw af Mark- am. On Sunday theýIr daugh- r, Mes. GereY Gray. Osh- .a, beld a dinner party for ie immediate iamily. Recently two local lads bave ýce.ved injuries feom flyîng 'cKs at the arena. Wayne evitî. a îpectator ai the Osh-" 'a Generals - Montreal Can- lens junior hockey gamne, Artistry in Baking The communion table of Trinity United was most attractive for Thanksgiving due toaa baking artistey donated by Scvcrn's Bakery. a loaf of bread made up in the foem af as wheaf, beautifully colored and glazed. Be.He.S. NEWS by JUi Ames In football this week we weee very peoud ai aur senior tcam wbo defeated Courtice 13-12 on Thursday. Bahf- backs Dave Weery and Don Kerr seored Bowmanvillc's touchdowns. John Kilpateick's conveet peoveri ta be the win- nîng point. The next senior gamne is Thunsday, when Henry Street plays hast ta B.H.S. Goari luck fellows! In junior football tbis week we xvcne deicateri by Benry St., but we are makiag plans for a victoey aver Courtice on Tues. I hope at flic time ai xritiag my next caluma, we have another wîn beside aur, na me. The junior and senior girls' volîcybal cums were picked Friday and aur girls play1 their f irst exhibition game vs Clarke on Maaday at 3:15.c Ini cross-country: Fniday. ap-1 peaximaiely 15 B.H.S. boysi had a practice rua feom thet1 115 juactian theough fields andi flicBase bine ta the bowling alley- a distance ai about 3.2 miles. This was in peeparatiail for twa eveats. r'ecoived a eut along the sid( of his leit eye which requirec several stitches to close Wayne was standing in th( bacK î.ou, cnstruck. Ina Junior Town League prac- tice game Sunday nig-ht, puck bit David MeFeeters i. the niouth. Nine stitches clos cd the deep eut whieh extend cd feam the autside centre and along the inside. The following from B3owý manville and district aire at tending day :chool at Th( Canadian Sehool af Busines, in Osbawa: Barbara Hansen Diane Turansky, Jane Dul aba, Anna Prîns, Muriel De. boa. Shirley Ibey. Mary Buck Patr'cia Willis. Sharon Ander- soni, Linda Niekerson, Patricia Car t e r, Sharon Coîborne Sandra Dil]ing, Tineke Sier- huis, Lorraine Brock, Judy Henderson, Shirley Tevine, Lola Pring, Ricky Wavers- veld, Suzzane Wbite, Eliza- beth Bartjes, Barbara Sug- den, Patricia MeIntyre, Judy Hadley and Marilyn Glas- pell. Mr. and Mrs. Edward (TedI Faire ' , eturned last weekenc fram an enjoyable xveek's hall- diay. They spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lambe at the Lambe cnt- tage. Kirkland Lake. On Thursday af last weck, ac- (ompanied by Mr. and Mrs Don Gilhooly. thev motored ta Ottawa wbere thev wer-c gucts ai Mr. andl Mrs. Forbes Monroe and family. While ini 0ttaxx a they' visited the Par- lmrrict Buildinýis and had the rleasure af meeting Mr. Lean- zýrd Kelly . M.P.. perbaps bet- ter- known as -Red" Kelly ai The Taronto Maple Leafs, N1Il L. hockey tearn, and Ruýýse1l C. Honey M.P. foi- Duriîam. Accu rate Complete News Co verage 1 Yeor $22 6 Months $11 3 Months $5.50 Clip tliîs odvertisem.unt end return it wifh your check or moeiey order o: The Chrîstion Science Monitor One Norýoy Street Boston, Mo$$. 02115 o e a a o e a s First, the Bruce Col% pby witbin the sehool ondly the Central Meet, Monday at os wil tey ta have the i the latter nexf week, Fr:day at 8:00 p.m. the start ai the Sa Dance ta celebrafe1 passing ni oui- $25 Jane Oliver aur c manager capably acte( lacr the dance. TIi wcri' given aui with dents hifting the $10 These were .Jeanne1 andi Don Masteesor bath ceceiveri goîri rings and Don rece transistor radio for salcsnian. The draws 10 L.P.'s weee macle. were Timia Hughes, Taylor. Dcnay Mc Doug Nichols, Daug John McGuirk and Bet ard. Alfhough I1xvas lorgot ta take notesi in ibis 7 out ai 10: the other fîrc u would caîl me, 1 xi happy ta peint fheir next week. The' draxv for "Miý mnanx-illc' xvas wan b Lauric Little. Eveî: still woaderiag howv rieri it home. Jane Oliver xvas pi wit h a taken ai appui Yau diri a marvello Jane. Witlîaut, you tý paiga could ot ha, the succcss if was. The "Body Snatcîer is just fwo xvceks awa cveryane lias their ready. Thanks ta Dai als andi Archie Hayes1 help witb poster mul It is that time agai students try ta catch those unt'inished not leara the tenms warP ember yau oaly have leit ta learn every not teache- lias aiven u day siuîce sclîoal bej ~fng with Mrq. Thomas Jen-. j ings presiding. Mes. Heeb. Coppins had charge af the worship service ai hymns. pray-ers. seripture lesson. ail with a Thanks- giving theme. The offeeing was received by Mrs. Bruce Ryley. Mes. Rass Davidson gave the financial repart. Min- utes and coreespandence which included thanks from Me. and Mes. James MeKinnon and i Mes. Reg. Edmunds for gits received were read by secret- ary Mes. Addison Scott. Mes. Jenoings reported hav- îng attendcd the Church Of- ficial Board meeting and that a visitation ai ail membees ta create new interest wvas planxxed. It was decided ta forego the usual Fowl Supper and intalettees would be sent ouf askiog for cash dona- tions. Membees were asked1 'ta continue' saving coupons for the purchase ai additional pitchers for the church kitch-, en. 1 Mes. Ralph Preston had1 charge ai the study peeiod1 and told in an interesting1 -.- manner of ife in Hong Kong.j 398 square miles has a 99 %t Chinese population, with ant Engiish Governor. It is anec Church ai the few teeritories in tbey piece of woeld tbat retains bath freet enteeprise and free trade. It's lIt was major industry is textiles andr sheaf of îbey bave up ta date spino-r ing milîs and looms. It is -- -also a sbip building centre., 1 Hong Kong is a place ai con-, teasts with its natural beauty ,oi scenery, witb ifs winding hill roads over-looking dark, and crowded tenements. withi NelI Tro- ifs beehive busyness counter- 1and sec. poinfed by the incessant dlat- Ontario tee ai Mahjong, with its de- lsawa. I lectable foodi and temptiag results ai sbops and its hungey, home- k. less childeen, witb its peren- Lmarked niai teagedy and ifs spontan- alesman's cous gaicfy. Over 3,000,000 the sur- people live ihere and housing 500 is a problem in the lower campaigin class e s. Christian missions d as MC have donc much and yet the le prizes rate ai Christian geawtb is two stu- only esfimatcd al, 13% per 00 mark. vear. Cptradians bave a great Hubbard 'rcspansibility tawards cstab- n. They lishing more Christian tcach- 1school ing. civer a 4-H Clubh the top The Bethlan\, Milkmaîdfs 4-B1 ifor Ilhe Club mel an 'Saturday Pt Ithe Winnoes', home ai Mes. Buery Ryley, Larry wifh Barbara Ann Green act- eFeeters, ing as Secretarv. g Evans, Mes. R. G. Preston led a fty Pick- discussion an the variaus pro- there 1 duels oai milk. Cheese was the eesulfîng special study with 13 kinds ratio! If exhibitcd. winn e r s Tomafocs and celery stuif- vou Id he ed wifb cottage cheese wee er namne3 made and sampleri. Jane Fal- lis and Kathleen Morton made ss Baow- "-Cheese Toastwichcs" which' oy lucky the girls enjoyed for lunch. ryone 's Ncxt Satueday the girls are she car-, gaing ta visit the iarm ai Gar- don Staples ta sec fthe modern rescnted metbad ai milking with a reciatian.« pipe-line milkee andi a bulk ous job tank. feP camn- ive been es Ral'" ay. Hope costume ug Nicli- for their ikiag. iin wben hup on )tes andi -k. Rem- ý26 days te, evcry s evcry gan! BETHANY (Intenderi for last wcek) Donald Scott, Newburgh, spexît last weekend wifh bis parents, Me. andi Mes. Adidison Seatti. Mes. Clarence Neuls is a ipatienît in Civie Bospital, Pet- Seboroughi. Ber mauîy fnierîrs -au-e vishing ber a speedy re- covery. Dr. Wm. Martichenko, Mes. -Maeticlîeîko andi thein clîild- ren Lanry andi Mary' Lyna ai -Timmnîs. xxere guesis xiîl Mn. andi Mes. Frank Marti- Ichenko on Manda.. Leoîîaed Drixer, who lias been ireiplaveri ai Pou-t Arthutr Ifor the somm-er returned home -last Saturday. Miss Sli'rlo ý,Aun Deyell, IToronto.~sPent several da -vs Nea ls. *Fiaris xill be pleaseci ta know Iliat _Mes. l-Itîgh DeGeer is home feom Pc.terhýoroug.h Hospitat. Willai Slieea is lianeie again ieom five wýeeks lioli- duys doeing whicli lie spent sane ie urnl Sydiney. N.S., Summerside, P.El., Amherst,j * \onIreul. Ottawa, NonitiiBa. At Tiuimins, lie visitcd witin De. and Mes. Wm. Mueticlien- ko then ta Cochrane aîîdj Hearst where a weekeuid was spent witb Rex'. andi Mes. Wm. Dufi. Frani there he went ta Banrie, Owven Sonund, Gtuelph,1 London andi Sarnîia, x\-hce he xisiîed witb Me. anîd Mes. KarI Monk andi Alex H.1 Monk; reeueniuîg via Torantoa andi Oshawa xvhenc he vusitpcdý with Me. and Mes. Art UI-1 chin and Nie. andi Mus. Mas-r sic Keeler. Orioe Challîce, Bing lîîlet.1 was home fan the weekendc with lus mother. Mes. Richardi Challice. Mr. andi Nies. Lloy\d Cap-1 stick, Robent Cupstick and 1 Miss Sharan Capstîck. Lx-i bridge, speat the holida,, weekend witii Mes. Miltont Weatheeilt andi Charles Wea-c theilît. Me., andi Mn,. Carl Smit.î1 andi family andi Mes. T. J. Jackson weee guesîswith 'MnI. and ri s. Ross Hall at Whitby for Thaaksgiving. Robent Pîeecy. .who is at-t fending Toronto Unix-eesitv, was home for the holidayv weckcnd wîth bus parents,P Rex. Wm. adMîriMs. Piercy. 1 Miss Evelyii McKinn o n, Montreal. Que.. was homeh for Thanksgiving with ber parents Me. andîriMs. JamesSI MeKinnon.i VCW MeetingM The United Cburch Wamneuir met mn the Sunday Sehoal ti Hall for their October meet- ii KENDAL Bob Vouagman is ini Mr- criaI Hospital eecovering feam, an openatiaxi on bis kcee Îwhich bias been botheriag Ihim 1for sometime. We hope if will 1bc ln goari shape now. Me. andi Mes. Eddie Cour- aux and family, andi Me. and Mes. Carl Langfýtaff4 Linda and Debbie xxcre la Cache' Bay for the weckend attend- ing the Golden Weddiîîg an- niveesary ai their parents, Me. andîriMs. A. Couroux. The W.I. meeting was beld Wcdiîesday evening at the home ai the Peesideîît, Mes. A. baw. Mes. M. Mandees gave the tapie an Decarato: Plants and gave a demon-c tstratian an making a Cacti garden. Me. Low showed a collection ai cotoueed slides whieh weee very pnctty. AI laîl accoLIîît may bc found in the W. o olumn. Mes. Bob Youagman visier Bob Saturday wlîcn she andi ber daughtees went on ta .,pend the weekeid ,vith bier parents, Me. and Mes. Black ut Osliawa. Allen Foster starteri steipp- ing lus tobacco last week. Tommny Foster who bari bis icg heaken xxhile lie xas play- uig bull wus ta Memorial Bas- pifai Satueduy and had a new catput 0a1 if. Yies. Florenice Wrighît \who wus visiting hiec duughter1 ;Mes. Leîî Falls lias gone ta ,pcîîd sorne turne with lier soui \illis. Mes. W. Meecer speîît Weci- nesday aiteraooîî witlîMes. May Mercer and Mes. Stani Meeccr ut Gai don Hill. MeIs. Gcaey lias agaîn beenj in Mvemnal H-ospital. We bope sIc i. feuliuig botter agaiiî. Mrs. Fart Burtey x'lîo un- deewent an operation ut Bow - nianville speiit last xveek i-e- cuperating at the home ai ber sister. Mes. Geady Cox, at Columubus and returneri ta ber home boeean Saturday. .Johîn Gordaon wbo bas heeni visitîng bis family andi bro- ther, Spence Gardon, leu for lus home un Oxford, N.C., Sunday-. He visited Mr. andr Me.Percy Burley Saturday night. Guuists witli Ni. and MNis. Peey Burley were an Thurs- diay, Me. and Mes. John Bird and iumily. on Sunday, M.r and Mes. Sid Bueley andi Dar- lene ai Toronîto andi Mes. D. Vaniuatto andi Cecil ai Bow- nianville. Cecil Buelev ulso vusited bs brother Perce who iaok axiother bari speil re- ceat il. Niers. Garr d a niLangstaff, Daîîny and Danna spent the %veek wvith bier i jiher at Sirnoe and retuni cd home Sunday %with Gardon. Sarne feom bore a teuded the Annîx-ersary Service at Shiloh Sunday atternoon anîd enjoyeri heaeing De. Wood- bouse andi the Sbilah choie. The weathee mi a îi favoured xvulî a lovety aiternoon. We hope lu. will be as nîce for aur Annix-ersary Services next Sunday at 11:15 and 7:30 when Rex-. Long andi Rex. Porter -will bc guest speakers. Please remnember that a goori dona- tion xvould be greatly appe- .ated as it is really needed. pMitchell's The Canadian Statesman, flowmanvlle, Oct. 23, 1963 - 7. ing courses available. Sheilowing report regarding the showed a sample copy of the:shipment taken ta h e H & S H-olds rew magazine '*Quesf". which. Cross warehouse in Toronto the Association is publishing. last week. She also express- Mes. Jean Adair graciously'ed sincere thanks to the vol- Firs M ee ing hanked Mes. Edmunds for'unteer workers whose excel- Mitchelî's Corners Home and Mrs. Peeling lot raduced the sewing madie the fine ship- Sebool Meeting was brought principal and teacher of Grades ment possible. ta arder by President Mes. 7 and 8, Mr. Murray Griffith,ý The articles taken ta the LucyPeclng nd oenedby-who la fuen introduced hisRed Cross warehouse includ-* siingeing anda. o em teaching staff, Mes. Gertrude'c w aissal;tv singig 0 anad. A arrnHewie, Grade 1: Mes. Margaret, welcmc vas xteder ta ld mmon, Gade2; Ms. ar-pairs af sacks, size two years;ý and el lie . gareteddtood et Par, Grade ; Mrs Mr-five panty dresses, two years.' Mn e VitrWie. Rcrdgarbt ar an, Grades 4:anis5;10 red panty dresses, 12 years; ing , Vecto roghiîte.or- adbMe. Jon or, Grades n ;five pairs ai rose overalîs, ing ecrtar, bougt a, u andMr.Joh MoreGraestwo years: fwo boys' xvine cal- ta date by ber report and Mrs. 5 and 6. ored sweaters, eight years; Milton Fountain gave treas- Mes. P-eeîing introduced ber four boys' xine colored sweat- uirer's report which showed executive, and the Grade 1 ers 12 years: aine pairs of the Association has a bit of a raam, Mes. G. Hewie, won theipixie foot warmers; 12 casha- xvorking capital. Membersbip banner. Grade mothers werebias. and two 16-piece lay- fees wer increased and ap-:selecteri. The meeting was etfes. praved for Parents' Memiber-' adjaurneri with "Gori Save The! ship. Qucen" andi lunch was enjay-1 Mrs. Rundie aiso reported Mes WllamCok nfoded. f hat the quilt for National cdMs. Rossldmuo ndVc- .Competitian made by Club ai Mr oshawanDstrVie-SOC.50 andi the TyTone Red Cross Hoeiant oOl shaasct rworkers has been remnoved Hooed chollng ocaion,,from the IGA window, where fuonoeling o theRarois it has been on display through laetonn oefd eA, ochiastionoul the cauetesy ai Don ilgn inteFdrtodating as'hp It ig and takea ta Tarant o ta be fue back as 1920. It is tbrough ;enfercd in the coatesi. The the efforts ai this association To T P\judging aif the quilts irom ahl ellin wavposonhedicines, heH hismoth thatn we haveo thedpraper lab - Toronto i o vec Canada will take place medical hcalfh check up in hsmn. the sebools and many, manyý The Wamea's Work Chair-; Anyane înterested in akaîti- cither achievements. Mes. Ed- man ai the Bowmanville and iîng. cquiltiag, sewing, or mak- rnLInds also poinferi out the District Braach ai the Cao- ing surgical dressings is ask- aexv wonkshops. now in effeci, adian Red Cross Society, Mes. ed ta please contact Mes. E. ýand also the leadership train- Ed Rundlc, submitted the fol- J. Ruadle, telephone 623-5430. CHRISTMAS CARDS - -- 51 Assorted Cards 9 8 ABSORBINE JUNIOR --------------1.25 Vaiue.O9 Lady Patricia Sapo----1.75 Value 87c LIMMITS -. -- Ail Flavours93c M INERAL OiI.....D.A. Brand - 16 oz. 69c 54c NOXZEMA Skin Cream ------ -----------99e Vaue87c VICK'S VAPORU 64e Vaue49c ALKA SELTZER-- --- --- 78e Vaue 69c PARAMETTE SYRUP ------------------ 5.50 Vaue399 DRISTAN TABLETS ---- ----- - ..5 sVauel.07 AQUA VELVA 1.25 Valuel.09 EXPORT Buy By The CIGARETTrES Carton and SAVE! HALO SPRAY SET 1.25 value 11819 Fee I Stronger Fast with 5.49 value GERITOL Liquid 24 oz.47 GERIT L orTa blets 80's7 COLGATE Dental- Cream with G-(ardaI. ~SMITH BROTHERS VVatch i ~BACK~ for aur 15cOUGH DROPS - Fail Sale 1.09 value coming Oct. 28 - Nov. 2I STRI.DEX ORA Fixe IuoIds dentures fast... aII day! 49c 89c Thé "ROMau in NEUTRO(,ENA. But 15 in unlîke any somp you've ever used r Many uomen uith drv akis Just wont use soap. rheyve Irarned front experience lsat some. soapa dry their skin - removing the natural oils as they ean. But INEUTROC.ENA's glyrerine formule douesflot de-fat the skin. NEjI2TRO- <GENA la non-alkaline, mild, and an pure itts transparent! Yes. NEUTROGF.NA conta il a rake, bet what it do.. î.a pricel.,,! Medically developed pads help WIPE OUT PIMPLES without embarrassment 1.2.5 Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies Alex. McGregor e DRUGS e 5 King St. W. - Phone 623m5792 ,.Bayer Aspirin moi's 59C -w- Alr, .ANYTHING!

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