~~'1 14 The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvllle, Oct. 30, 1983 Six ife  ÀL n e eie irtLJ Corag s'ion M flIsplig ~retedn Pretautumn wahr o 3CW .pesdtak 7 epaong with U.C.W.mmesothZongupnbhafo from Enfield,Eia an thviios veoeexr- Reports from ~ ~~~~~~Hampton made theOtbrsdtehp htmr et Re o t r mmeeting of the ZionUCW nslk hsol n ol (afternoon unit) a ms n earne v h uue joyable occasion.Th laism edt th W omen's Institutes About 50 ladies,icudnSnaychoirmshe-> two of Zion life-ebrasca ci-ra n uc Intended for last weekj and as some of the ladies had Mrs. John Balson adMs vsejyd isotbsns men working there, they alil etGapi n eea e eso a ed olw Newtonville W.1. waited for news on the radio folk, gathered in Zio hrhlnhpro ymmeso The Women's Instîtute met bfr on oe pca to hear a well planer-orgop In vr rw attehm f r.Fakvote of thanks was extended p o dssrcadmatyo j ZintPesientoMr. Crlfed.,Oct 3FrhaReprttive Gilmer, Newtonville, on a to Mr. and Mrs. Low and th Zo reiet others takîng part who made Bradley extendedasncrfom tem secmiee most beautiful Fail afternoon, it sch an interesting even-weoetoal-hn sed ecio toîucse Wrl October 16, 1963, with sixtee thsu e Enfe tld ru t aeFred-fo1h xpoes members present and four in& __i__ t hae Efeldorhp pr oe o htasn visitors. iod. Mrs. Rod Simpsnirs.lae o . IT a at Mrs. Olive Henderson, pre- MIAPLE GROVE .I.brs. GielSrivig ei--_____ sident, with words of wel- meet- rre par on-"Tlent corne, opened the meeting and The regular monthly et- ail repeated the Ode, Mary îng of the Women's Institutepead pron Stewart Çoîîect, and Lord's wasthed inthecurc base-, candyour hands," O IU R Sertry Ms id a- The meeting opened withÉ were presented to usi n h caserorted theminutrsan thfeetn fteLr' urther continued i h et fAfe rc Prayer p.m.rend f thieinfomationnvaofLFtheI k COSSLE Business conducted- plans Pae nuio.Teri pae' drs hc o-Coseaei 6 curda for bus trip to convention; clTAwiprat aei o Sd.Por HpeFIpial n on mv life" brought many inter- -IurySln ais-Ms.dyOtbr2,16.H a the Golden Piough Bazaar singases h iue Mura Vice and Mrs avy was rouht o or ateni were read and treasurer's re- One of the highlights of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary's l7th Somerscales, Mrs. Annie Clapp, Mrs. Mary Hayes, Mrs. Minnie 1eiwe agalvi u~beni alrghat o h anemebane Dtatserviceor gven. birthday party recently was the presentation of beautiful corsages Wiseman, Mrs. Elsie Bruton and Mrs. Annie Wright. Mrs. Jack i Yelowles hihws no- oninH e onhMh was planned for November it was decidcd ta sponsor to six life members who are shown here, lef t to right: Mrs. Violet Poolton, the seventh life member, was flot present. I ed by ail. wstesn'ftelt a- 17th; Card party was pianned our chiid for another year. It___- Speaker for thismetna iiead Yrn Cosev for November. :was voted that $10 be sent to, A ton, Mrs. C. White, Oshawa,' ily, Zion, at the football dance murphy. Bowmanville. Iformer pastor's wifadaadatne inSho.O Mr. oyFaro, itze- Mental Health again. :w .E 3K~x.ere Sunday visitors with the ýheld on Friday evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis lady we were delihe oMy2,10,h are h ship convenor, had charge of, 'Taklo'crd eera atter's brother and wife, Mn ,Newcastle Community Hallla n d family, Bowmianvillehv ihu giIIs .fre aiî lio h the meeting and had Mrs. SA rom the Junior football teamý Maple Grove Home and reading about school. The and Mrs. F. R. Stevens. Mrs. Arthur' Pascoe, Osh- were Sunday visitors with her J. Reed. Using as brteepeeesdhm Lancsterintrduc thetwo or rangs an pop alo frm ScoolAssoiatin hed teoeMrbusnes par.ofnhewmetig MrndL.C.aowdnaan Mr.awauwasa Thrsdy latvis!-: aretsen.tadMsMrLoyandnd is orkLontiuet"- Tethae 1Vir.CrosofySive visitors from Bethany, MissEleanor Walls who received 2nd meeting in the West was opened and conducted byiBob Snowden were Sun-day tor with her cousin, Mrs. Snowden and Miss Betty L'u(asthtieofabkig-he hoefhslfenth Muniel Neals and Mrs. Ralph: the W. I. Grade VIII Award'School on Wednesday eve'n- the president, Mrs. D. BOW- 1supper guests with Mrs. L. B. Cecil Jeffery and Mrs.' Steve nod'.. 'recn)ommneuagxeletfampopr: terRoeer Preston. for Achievement. 'ing, October 9th. The pupils man, by ail singing "0 Can-. Williams, Bow'manville, Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beechredieng)bouh a orkow ii rsdngwt isdu Iita iss eas veareot o tea aMetndbaaradteoldtencoassradese5 nd aninMres'gdent rleadg the objes of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russelil Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snow- and Miss Bonnie Beech werel ge mWAny ecdos frmtrorfe easAfrm, Io Miss eals gie a reprt of ltea andbazaapastthe.Gldrecords, prbackedto Mr.erCrossleet rretiredhe12jecearo her recent bus trip in companyI Plow Lodgc on Oct. l9th. We~ and informative skit on "No Home and School. Afterward, and famiîy spent Sunday with den and famiîy, Bowmanvilie, j unda.y visitors with Mr. and several hùndred year.Teeao ewasamme i with other 4H groups to Wash- are going with the Bowman- Comment." Then the parents the Lord's Prayer was repeat- r her sister, Mrs. Eric Freeborn, were Sunday afterno on visi- Mîs. Clarence Hicks, W elling- excerpts, plus Mrs.Redsh-ZoCur-. ington and the experience they ville W. I. on the Wednesday i divided into discussion groups,1 ed in unison. The minutes Of Lindsay. tors with the fonmer's mother,' n rîc Ewn on- morous comments, wr h ei uvie yhsduh encauntered and the m any;to th e Convention. Sauina'l after which they reported the September meeting were Mr. Bert Snowden, Presi- Mrs. Allan Snowden, sister On the way home they cald cause of many chuci s etr r. caiIwn(ae places of interest visited. Of bazaar was aiso mentioned.1 back ta the general meeting. read by Mrs. Glenn Bamber dent of the Bowmanville Kins- and husband, Mr. and Mrs. at Port Hope Hospital to vîsît marvelied at the dtriaiOee.RR ,Pr oe the tdne at a asession of I a gre*acae ate n1 . omncodce n and approved. The treasurer's men, attended the Fali Coun- Ron Rogers and family. bis brother, Mr. Everett Beech tion and ingenuity o hs rnsn a~a riRR the United Nations in NewlRtary Ladies Night in Janu- renjoyable g e t - acquainted report wvas given by Mrs. M. cil at Sudbury on Sunday. Mrs. H. R. Folcy attended Wh saptettee former membens, woli .Pr oradagad Y'ork. Along with picturesr ay. game, the prize being won by Goodmunphy. The new By- Misses Barbara and Joyce Salem Harvest Home services Rev. Stanley 1Snowden, B.A., the corner stone foradhsduheM .Nra al and explanations it was a 1Mns. Ron Brooks, convenor Miss Heather Thomas. The laws were read and approved, Milis were visitons on Sunday on Sunday and was a supper B.D., and Mrs. Snowden, Milli remained, staunchsupr-(hmaofda rnost interesting talk. Mrs.'foHiticlRsahao; roorn count winnens were Mr.j and the 1963-64 budget was with their aunt and uncle, Mr. guest with Mn. and Mrs. Ern- brook, have accepted a caîl t-1 ens of the church. huea evc ~ R. Preston 15 ane of the lead- charge of teD.lowLepr- woo s' and Miss Loyst'sr accepted. Refreshments werc-and Mrs. Gordon Shunk, Port!nest Twist and famiiy. r1hwîl, ubc a aee- Aitho' nnw knownavhredo hrdv coe 4 ers of the 4H Club and was gram. Mns.Brooks read alrom.Mrs. MeNeil gave aisenved by the mothers of Mr. Pry n e ros rsdn ec tEse.Uee hrhWmn terfa h a uea oe juslyprudofMispeas.pom' ntofd AMiidsse NLeis'rom nda ocaltiarMrbadr: M.rlak.ewlafnshwaChate BrbrLMn.adC.s L C Whtear cntnuth DnigandPat op, r.d ascodute She also showed a pnize wn a Grandmother."Ms.JMa would like for my garden next was enjayed by ail. and famil ' , Cannington, wene Shop, attended the Barber rvisited relatives at Elizabeth-,Iat appropriate time, tiryRv T~mn ecm nig oseri te ecntiNeil commented on the montita, a.' Ms .Fasrra n Mnand Mrs. Elwood Haw- Soundy istns wt hi hp ovnin i Bri'vlenCbugadPrtHp aks inteyrs Eebyra-Crgnd1v.AetLa. Safety NLookMeeting cousinsMn. and Mrs. Haroldiover the weekend. .aven the weekend. ig ie yMs an ih fOhw.1tretwsi "Look back andetinive thanks, interesting letter from theý kins, Detroit, Michigan, Milr Stevens and family. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Roger-s Mn. and Mns. C. P. Swallow,-er and Mrs. GerryGaseWlcm Chrc Cmtey Mis. James Caswell, in ber look forward and give cour- Bilton Institute in England.1 and 'Mrs. J. Cochrane, Nele--ý Congratulations ta Maple and family, Mrs. Allan Snow- ýwene in Toronto Sunday t i including a versionoch aîern ess Get By" with Mrs. F. Gilmen give thanks for cbildhoad and l chair for.- the pragram. Mrs.I tons with their f riend of longwrel ru n nrs-up for the tro- Sunday guests with Mrs. <Mns. Fred Ashton) 9th ber by five Hampta aisHlCyo ifrGog et the plana. the canefnee days of vouth Roy Langmaid commented on!standing, Mrs. Bob Preston. ohv, and neceived the trophy Snowden, daughter and hus- birthday at the home of Mr. and accampanied byMs.TmHnes Chney ab ad the batchet, don't mark the teachers and Sunday schoo] er owes its success to the fact ______--____ani,-dnat.- yth eihfm-bnM.an r.BbGod n rs .A esen oiwelrnee spot" was very ably given by teachers, as well as tbank that it uses its head." Mrs., Mns. F. Gilmer and made God for the gift of life. It Langmaid's comments were! each one think. takes courage ta face tomor- veny' suitable and she finish-, Durrng lunch Mrs. Melville row with ail its problemrs. We1 ed with a paem by Edgar Jones expressed appreciation must live each moment as it1 Guest, "Success". for ail ta the hostess andf cames, realizing it migbt bel Thene was an attendance of cammittee for the fine after- aur last." ffy n.E rdra n faon. Mns. M. Wade won the[Mn L C.Snwde rad Mis lds. .CYeaesan- contest, lucky cup pnize wasI r.L .Sodnra isGay elwesfv won by Mns. T. G. Sowden the poemn "Old Age is Gai- areci with piano duets. and nearest birthday ta is den."MnHaldYlaesws Neals. A box of pickles and Mrs. W. H. Brawn introduc- honored by the Institute wi.h fruit was ,collected for a fire ed Mr. Reg. Hanrding and Mn. the presentation of a silver victim family. Herb. Richards of Bowman- tray in recognition of his hav- ville who were ta show us the ing completed twenty-two film "Stratfard Adventure." Agicultural 4-H- Clubs. Mrs. Kendal W.. This film deait with the idea Chas. Langmaid read the ad- of ane "Tom Patterson" who dress and Mrs. Stan. Millson The Kendal W.I. met Wed-, was behind the idea of the made the presenfation. nesday evening, Oct. 16, atI Stnatfard Theatre and how it Mn. Doug. Powell, Durham the home of the President, came about. Mrs. Ron Brooks County Conservation Officer Mrs. A. Law, who took charge moved a vote of thanks ta Mn. of Orono, showed two films. ef the meeting. It was open- Richards and Mn. Harding. "Wings of the Wild" and ted by singing the Institute Meeting closed wîth the ne- "World in a Marsh." These Ode foliowed by repeating the peating of "The Collect" in splendid films were thorougb- Mary Stewart Collect. In the unison. Lunch of pumpkin pie1 ly enjoyed by ail. ubsence of Mrs. H. Foster, and whipped cneam, tea and' Mn. and Mrs. E. Crydenman Mns. Tunansky read the min- coffee was served by the showed pictures which they utes which were adopted as graup In charge. had taken at aur 60th Anni- read. Ini the business period____ Mrs. Couroux reported that I versary of the Institute in the pins fan the pupils pass- SOLINA W. 1. June and wene veny much ing fromn Grade 8 ta 9 wouid r appreciated. cost about $1.50 minus a dis- The Octoben meeting ofr Lunch was served in the count. They are ta be secur- Solina W. I. was husband s' lowenr bail by gnoup five and ed for this year as weîi. In night. The meeting was held a social time enjoyed by ahl. was noted that Fairfield and in the Community Hall at 8:15 The next meeting will be an Sans have sold out ta ana- on October ltb. Navemben l4th and will take ther firn- under the name Mrs. Ralph Davis .opened the form of a social evening. *The Blanket House of Can- the meeting and pnesided fori ada' who are stiîl canrying on the business. Mns. Wm. Ash-ý the business. Those wanting tan, secretary-treasuren, read, BETHANY ta send woollens for biankef s the minutes, communications,ý are ta leave themn at Mrs.,and gave the financial repor-t., The Bethany Milkmaids 4-H Çouroux's the last week of Mrs. Wesley Hills will be a! Club met at the home of Mrs. October. Clean cottons may! delegate ta the Convention in' Ralpb Preston an Saturday. be sent. The Area Convention Toronto at the Royal York on Miss Marlon Waddell, hame is being held at the Royal! November 6, 7 and 8.ecnmtfoDuhmC ny York, Taronto, Nov. 6, 7 and Te short course on "Des- Was guest at the meeting, tain bow many could go but ber 12, 13 in the Community general. we hope ta be represented. i Hall unden the leadership of___._i --. Dianne Smith aind Kh eliing Basket. The penny cal- son, High Outer Guard Hilda ed the Archdeanr metg lection was taken up and thle Humphrey, Campanion Nancy in St. Lukc's Anglican Church, meeting brought ta a close Calmer, and Companian Annie Peterborough, iast week. Mrs. with the Mizpah. Wright attended the three- H. G. Watts, president of the Mr. Low then ententaincd day annuai convention of the Toronto Diacesan Board Wo-A NIE$R the ladies by showing a fine High Court Cirele on Wed- - men's Auxiliary was guest collection of coloured slides nesday, Thursday and Friday.'speaker.ANV ESR of fiowers, autumin scenes an'.d Ch jef Companion Dickinson Mn. and Mrs. Carl Parks of pictures of local interest. Mrs. was a memben of the Jurîs- London, Ont., spent the past Turansky and Miss Stewart 'prudence Committee. week wîth Mn. and Mrs. Han- assisý'ed by aur hostess, Mns. Eariv on Thursday rnarn- ry Preston. Low, served a delîciaus lunch ing Companion Helen Park, Douglas Driver. New Tan- and the usual social chat was Pianist Audrey Bate and In- onto, visited with Mn. and enjoyed. Word had beenner Guard Bers-i Hughes left Mrs. Gervin Mulligan iast brought that the General Mot- Bowmanvilie by chantered, week. SL ors south plant was on fine, ! bus for Hamilton ta attend' Mrs. Ina Gibble, Lambeth, the day's sessions of the con- bas been the guest of Miss SL venion Threwere 25 mem- Laura Morton and Thomas M1.- bers of Queen Mary Cincle Morton. fnom Part Hope who also The Bethanv Ladies Orange T IIt D A traveiled ta the High Court Lodge met Thursday and plansT G NG Circle Convention by this were made for a series of pro- G1IM chartered bus. Companions gressive euchre parties: aiso of the Forest from ail parts for a social evening for al TO GIVE Jc f Canada attended the con- lodge masters and members oi) vetin.ofth dstic i te,.a LOFoliowing the sessions on future.___1 -___ ~ TTE Thursday an enjoyabie ban- Orboe Challice. Bing Iniet. WCT.. 3 1m NV u AT THE quet was heid in the evening was home for the weekend wihint xclln angam exctebslatelenstRchrd___________________of____________________________________________________ Richard________ IRED t entertainment afterwards. In- Challice. nen Guard Beryl Hughes was Mr. and Mrs. CreîghtonKI G S pnze, a beautiful Haddon and Lynda of Pictan. spent OSHAW A *SHOPP( INGCE T ST . WESTEAN Hall___ ai blanket. in the the weekend with Mn. and ______ Haiw o ..Mrs. Rosa Carr.