7%e~h Canadian Statemman. Bowmanville, oct. 3n, igel EDITORIAL COMMENT Let's Not Shriek at Eac h Other Industry ïinistc Dorvstalks in Washington with the scc'avof Corn- n'erce, Mr. l-odges. anîd th*c under- aecretary of state. 1\lr. Ball. slîould serve furiher tb danmp dow~n t lie Amceri- cari outcry over ' 'aniada's dec'îsioîîta try to Cut autornoitv iluiporis ' N $200 million a ycai. dcclii s Tht' Montreal Star. When the plan to ifos>ter Canadiaji production and cexport of parts now imported fromi tl)c United States xvas first announccd ithere xvas ouitraged talk in Washiintn of lhaîîîng Canada before GATT. chargîinit~f \wîth a breach of the rules, and demanding compensa- tion. A closer look% at flic scheme, which is ant extensiont of oan alr-cadv in effect in the case of automatic tr'ans- missions and rrngînes, lias alreadv de- flated this tallk. It is ta be hoped t liai Mr. Drury has now succeeded ini planting thie first seed of the idea that Canada lias flot only the right but aiso an urgent need to reduce its adverse t rade balance with the United States. It is a seed that. needs %vatering. fertilizing and cuiltivat,înig. 0f laIe there ha\ve been li man v clssents bc- tween Washington atid Ottawa ovet' matlers which fait in the field of Canadiani autonomvy - wlieat sales, for instance, and flic Gecat Lakes shipping dispute. Canadian-Amerîcan ca-exis- tence is going through a tauchv phase. The trouble, basicallv, seemns root- ed in the fact Ihat the departments of the American goverrament act far more independentiv than do ours, not being directly answerable ta a parhiamenî. and that expressions of American de- parîmental opinion are often taken in Canada as staternents of governmnent pahicy, whieh they are nat. As a resuit. Oltawa's reaction to rach incident that looks like an in- vasion of Canadian autonomy is inclin- ed to be shriller than the case deserves. The reaction tends also ta be ad hoc. ta the individual point ai issue, when in fact each case is anly a facet of a single probleni. The problem is simply that of a small neighbor trying ta live ini har- mony with a much bigger ane and stîli retain ils individualily and independ- ence. A "sunmmd" meeting of Mr. Pear- son and Mr. Kennedy. such as Mri Diefenbaker lias proposed. is liaI the best approach 10 a solution. Better machinery already exisîs. Tiiere is a Joint Canada-United States Parliamen- tary-Congressional Commiltee whose %vark could well be expanded. There is an International Joint Commission whase inlerests cauld be exlended be- yond qu[eStionIs of boundary waters. Th e re are day-to-day contacts between civil servants of I1ictxvo caunltries on a hundred subjects. Il is througli tl,:s quiet rnachinerv that Canadian-Arnerican dissents should be settled. The two neiglibors cari stili gel alon g lagether without either spite fences or a billingsgale of mutual re- crimina lion. "When You Bury the Hatchet, Don't Mark the Who among us has nat ai ane tUnie or another, been guilty of sayiîîg af someone wha has donc uis whiat wve consider ta be an injury, "just wait until I gel the chance la gel even with her," or him, as the case may be. Yot, wheni we do, there is nal the feelinîg af satisfaction we cxpccted -- r'ather a bad taste, is lef t ini the rnouth. How much better, if we caut only leam ito be tolerant enough ta forgîve and for- get, let byganes be bygoîtes. Bettet' stili, do lhem some litIle kindness i place of retaliation. Remember what St. Paulti ld us "let us lay aside every %veight and sin, Spot" wbîclî clings so closeiy, and ici us run with persevex-atce the race that is set before us." Revenge is a heavy weight ta carrîy, as well as jealousiy and dis- trust, whicb hiîîdecs anîd pr-events us fî'om becoming the kmnd of persan \Ve rcally may be capable of growing lîtto. Memory is an excellent thing when put ta good use, but don't use ilta revive ancient quarreis, or fancied in- J ustices. Rathet-. bury the hatehet so deeply that there is nover a hint of identification left. Life is, after ail, to short foi- bitter rankling. -Motta pre- senled by Mrs. Frank Gilmet ai, New- tonvilie Wamnen's Institute. It may be a losing batile, but the highly respecled British magazine Justice af the Peace and Local Govern- ment Review feels that ftic legendary Robin Hood should be viewed as an outlaw rather thati a iîcîo. Ia hum- orous vein but wilh setiaus itîteni the magazine recently published the follaw- ing comment on a "Robin Hood Fes- tival" staged at, Nattingliain by a cloth- ing manufacturer wilh an eye ta draw- ing American taurisis: Having regard to the facl thai the chief exploits of the legendary hero were chiefly concerned wilh rabbiîîg the rich, under the speciaus motive of givîng ta, the poor (after deduclion of a reasanable commission for- services rendered), a funiction whîch, in mod- ern limes, bas been taken ovet- by the welfare stale - il us a question of some doubt wliether a R~obin Hoad Festival is nal contrary ta public palicy. The nurluring among the counîrys' youlb of admiration foi' an outlaw wbo had deserted his lawful wife for fun aînd gamnes in the greenwood with Maid Macian (wvbo as, apparently, no belter than she oughlta be, and cectainly no maid) is about as antisocial as the liera worship of a bold, bad bandit who did nai besitate ta discharge lethal weapons ai the posteriar of the local sheriff deputed ta arrest him -... If I-oad were alive taday, he wauld be eligible for a gaod long spel of prevenlive deten- lion". The comment raises a significat point' the question af the rnorality - individual or state - of taking fromn those who have il simply because the:' have it-C. J. Harriîs. What About the Canada Pension Plan? Of Mlany Things bv Ambrose His l've now reacheci the ag-e wvhere the vecy word "Pension" bias a lovely ring ta il, sa 1 read abotf the Canada conîribu tory wage ý- related Pension Plan in a sympalbetîc mood. I wauld probably flot have tao maîîy yaiîs in which I wouid ha I'o caîttribufe, but at retirement I'd have a ver-y nîce litile pensiont , . . mnosi aof if paid for by some- body else. Should 1 look a gift boise in the mouth' Well, manv of flic gîfîs 1 have iîadi in this life lîav' cost rme a great deal more Iban those tings I1xvenî oui and bought foi' myselif. Sa 1 did take a look at, this gifi lhorse, and 1 have gr'ave doubts about wlîetlici I wnt iil ot, iaI. Added ta ni\, own doubis ai-e tic words of experts inIlite actUatial ficld. They have said the plant is unsoulid. and Fin inclined ta believe theni. Poli- ticians draw attractive ideas out of polilical bals in oi'cer tb danigle plîtaîs befare lte voters. Tie-leave it Io the techiticai people. iii t lie 4a\'cîitiielit service. lt tr la wotk out te cletauis- and sametimcs ihase detauis can be uit- commoi-ly diffîcult. I recali thal the Unemploymneut Inusui-aiicc sheme 'vas aoie that j ust didn'i woî'k out as piaîîned; and 1 would not like ta sec Caîtadiatîs stant a pension fund that hiad cracks in il. The wbole tbing is far too im- poitanît, ta engage in withouî a great deal of tbought. Coîîtributioiis la sucli a plan couid take about 10 lier cent of a man's weekly wagc. I cannai bring myscîf ta belleve Iitat aîy political pariy lias my persoital welfarc 50 much at heau-t ltaI iwish- es, ai onîce, ta work oui a pension plan for me, and that ii will br'ook no delay in doiîg nie good. 1 suspect that this grîeal spced is due la a desire ta win Uxiomds aîîd influence voiers. Pcrhiaps Canada cati afford sone' soif of wage-deduction pensioni plan. Ceî'îaiiv we cannot affoî'd an uîtsound alto' While il may be attractive ta oldsieî's like me, il could be disastrous for our- sons and daughteî-s vho xviii have ta pay for il oui of their earnings. And if such a plan failed. it would be clisasit-ais lfor ail of uts. Iltscecîis la nie ltaiil wouid ho wise foi'lte govcx'nmeîîta odeîay titis plan until the experts have ail becît heaî-d. To force it on the public would bc a gi-cal misiake. REMEMBRANCE will be held at Bowman ville Cenotaph .on Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Ail veterans, service clubs and organizations, and the general public are invited to attend. We respectf ully request that ail merchants will co-operate in closing their place of business during this special Remembrance Service. In the event of rain thi% Remembrance Service wilIl hp held in the Town Hall auditorium. Ivan M. Hobbs, 3layor, Toivn of Bowinanville, THE FACTS BEHIND THE POPPIES 1. Why should 1 wcar a poppy? - Wben you wear a poppy or display a poppy, wrcath honour flhe war dead and you hclp the living. 2. Hoiw do 1I help the living? .vou -- Your contr'ibutionîs provide quîck help loi, needv xveterans. anîd ihîcir dependents. 3. Just wh at does this Iîelp consist of? -- Aîîy '. eari ntav appeal ta lte poppy trust fuiic for citcrcay'aid, sucît as food,. shelter ai' inedicai expeaseF. Ti"eare also boî'saî'îes for, tleiî cîtildrens edutatiori ii) deserv iag ancd needy cases. 4. Doesn't the (iovcrniment Provide pensions for veterans? Yes. la faci înany veteraîts do gel pensioins. But many ofliers. altiiough handicapped di oit. Ho\wcvor. no penisioni tait pîovidc for' evenlualities sucb as fii'c, a lonîg ilîîiess on flic part of the breadwinner or alter medical expeiscs. 5, Docs any v'eteran or dependent get Poppy fund help? - Yeý5-Intfact 75 per ceitt of all cases involve veîcrans whto are nol Legion members. 6. Docs ail the moncy raised through the sale of poppies and wreaths go into veterans welfare? - Most of if does However, expenses such as rosi aof pappies and ollîci supplies naturaliy would be dcducied. 7. Are campaîgn expenses high? --Canîpaîgît expenses are unusually low becauisE .all wark is voluntary. A. How much'of this money colecctd stays i conununlty? -- About 701 per cent. The cest hcips veterans by gaing ta the ntainîtenance af service bureaux acî'ass Canada. P. What are the Service Bureaux ? -They are Legian deparîments wbîcîî gîve aiy veterain ai' depenidnt heip witb pensions aîtd other problens. Tiley vlati ait bis behaif witîîlte Fcdeî'aI Goverri- ment. There is no chacge ta the veteran or depeuident. The experience af service bureaux iin bandling sucît. pî-obiems. enables the Legion la kcep a close check on veterans' legisiation and cccommend changes, wheî'e changes ai-e juslified, 10. Can poppy money be uscd for anything else? - No. The Legian's constitution stresses Ihai these fonds must bebc eid i trust. Tbcy are subscribcd ta by the public. They aie held in a bank accaunt separate froîn tbat af the brantches. and cannai bc used for, any aiher purposes titan stipuialcd above. IL. How much should 1 givce? --We suggesl Ibat you gîve according Io tbe dîclaies or youî conscienc:e. You mighl î'emcmbcr that the cast af aItli te fîiîgs tbe poppy fund provides 's mucb Itighter lodas fbdîî il used tn be Therefore il takes maie la do ibe saite job. SUGAR aný Sp'ý - - B i Bll Recenil1.ita ve atIeuîdcd "wo foîterais. This is about txva more Ibaît niy osuol lIt- yeor quota. 1 doî'tIkitow whly IliaI c avoided fucierols alluny lite. ibing. but more a malter of It basaI hbecna aconsciaus luertia. And il aiwovs secun- ed foolisit. înokinîg a fuss over lite cia ' v 'heit the spirit Iîad lied. Weil. V've chaîîgcd nîy mid. 1 didn't knoiv' îvhat 1 was mlssing. There ks somnething intenscly satisfying un fthc humnan drama iuîvolvcd in a funeral service, and 1 herebv promise ailiniy friend% ihalt1 Mwill attend their funerals, if hurnanly> possible. That lis, if 1 don't beat thcm lao the punch. Bath af these services I was aI wero for people 1 admiredi anid respected. but there the simiiaritv cnded Orte was for an eldei'l\x lady, a simpLe Lutlîeu'oî service in a small cbuî'ci. The allîcivas for a comparatîveix vaouag maît, ait clahai-ateRoanitCaîbalic ser- vite in a large chuuctb. Eaciî tîad uts dignifv and. ai tîmes, oeauot \. I!Iicidc:ttol\x. 1I earued sanie- ttîîîg ai haut ,The Luthei'a!iŽ siîîg itfîitclown and pro'; stanidiing up. Anid Ileeîs:î'l '-utc ofita ut nit\îgli scîîooî Lat i, bIft. 50 that I1 welcante il,!, news frai-n Romue titat R.C.1 services xw'ill haccoaducted in he nativoetlotgue, Btut tiîe's a lot îtîoie toa a funeaitlan thic tiurch scm -4 v'ice. Tltec es the ,slow filiing tîp of the cîhtuenb. witii evcrv- ane a:t a tîrafty ,look araunci 0'o ao \hii taiglit at TIhsre i% h#,le Iuij, tiuourii- #an Mubia tha.t put. Fou inW d ,CE Smiu ey funera] lad; ers are froc lthe coals f( excessive c taste of son- 1 doîî'îthtinP Un de rtake rs caterers. If plate Specia And if voni course delînx Iused ta ,just- pit -me- a nd- throw me fellows. er. When 1 go, Row îîpon friends and wreaths. A With Me," breakîng d about the rn andl verse. And a gi back at the One more il would bç range, but F led Sitting i Joyv il ail. Zion (Hop ( Iîîeîîded Harold Casý %vcre Mr. ait er cif Maple. Miilsap, recel Iran, speit t end witb theî giviigdinarý Mes. Keith Ca Tîte Wesîer of Cobourg1 W., beld ai W an Wedaesdé Wel atlendei xvas perfect casiait. Muci lion xvas ce( speakers on The guesî afternooîî wa, Nigeria. wIîc privation tter under wlî i She also ret tomrc*otis cI Ituniorous. soi Thtoso altoe wcrc. Mis. Mes H-arold Hilda Raby, Mr's. Ada Gcîi eiiiey. Me. Fredir %~by, Mis iC Mr. Roy Be:s Mi'. Harîy Ri ccii fiy. Mr. and iM and Katby Sp( wîth. Mes. Rat aiîd Mis. Har wick. qucknig f emo s heCou rti< minister or priest rustles i. There is the awkward, touch- SeesG ing Procession of relatives of the "deceased," some weeping, 'The Mim'ac. sonie white-faced with strain, Valley a file some red-faeed w~ith the un- Saufti Courti accustomed attention. scîtoo! Oclob( Anîd theu t teî-e is te ei - is a filui a traîîce of lte coffin. glcii. xas xhoxvjiî I soucidleslv ou itis xvbeelcd lte'ýy ot Ucee frait. siureouded hx' six good îlîui x ioved mca and truc. This is the nita- wha',.cou hai mentt of truth fox'-lte speci.a- et,)* ries arej tors, as tbcy realize with a il was foîcifi joît Ibal Ibis is the end of thal eîtcrîaiiug. persan, and tai tbis is tha Tlife filai v. end ta wltîci we ail shail Mr. flirolil came. by M'i. Cltaric Spirits lift slglitiv yw iti t1ti' Audlcv saîRd beautyv of the chants, anîd subject wîîich plunge close ta lte maudliî There is alwa: wbea wc are asked ta joinin and lte wrouî "Abidie Wîlb Me," and tear-. xway and the sport beyand roason. thx'oat- do aii'lhiuig. develap lumps as large as goîf Mr'. Fred Wi baîls. gramme(chalu Wbcît il j' ail avec. I thlîît' Mr. Arche Ca cverv.,one feels cleanscd aid dote Me. Au uplifted. rallie' than depres- saud. is a safi sed. There is anl xmperceptible Gencerai NIotc awakening of life, an eager dut'y Io ntak( lurning ta discussion of the ards ar'e takeî wcalbeî'. thougli we relai:. torx,. la make foi' a drecuit interval, ou: !-ta work. Mr. mouuîî'fu! looks. Evervone fec slitaci uuuOu\ yca like a tpop f Iea or a goani. balet. He Ns stiff drink. '.ur1C onaîufîrst There is a lot b lie said foi' J-e also tau-h glving a fellow human being, Ci'o>xs and St. who entered the world in a autte. -Mr. Robe rather scranîbly fashion, and cd Me. Audie did the best of which hle wal dei-soi, anhi capable. the dignity of a de- and Schaol. cent sendoff. li'..Alviut Personally. i wotild ratho; -duiced the Ba ,go ta a good funcral anv do- telle. Four in than foa a%-cdding, whicl ai- Buliecy, Loît tonl degencrualez ia : B'als arnd Thei i cal1 (i ri.1 aut e 'ci' 'iU.c criticiaoe over- the cobt ci a Mrs. Arçhie la, and undertak- uentiy raked over 1 r catering Ioa tii' lmancds and baà -e -f ttýîr rIpnICIL Ibtis is quite fait'. Veteran members of Pa qare tust that- liarnent desoribed Monda:ý yuwant the bliîe marchi on Ottawa by tl ilvourangelil.S.I.U. as lte most oi'der I. waou ('ans ell demonstration ever seen( xvaat the SCCI Parlianient Hill. Two thou oe.thy'l gveYO.iand seaien, drawn from pai across easlern Canada wit be One of the"' drew at 4:15 on Mondaya -n- a - pine - box- teinoon with aimost militai some - dirt - over- precision. At that point thb But flot any long- bad been standing on tl front iawn of the Cent 1 want the works. Block foi' aver four hours. raw of weeping The generai good condu relatives. Lots of of te seamen underliîîed tl ful choir. "Abîde statement of S.I.U. Presidei aad everybodY Hal Banks that the last Ijir i a w n hopeless:v ý'he vanted aI that point wi niddlc af the sec- "tr'oublc with the caps". also undcrlined the disciplîî 'eat big receptîon exercised by Banks and h bouse afterwards' S.I.U. officers aver membe: î'equest, 1 know of the union wbich he contrc edifficult toaiar- witb an iran fist. 'd liko ta be bur'- The men showed a total dý îp. so i couid on- vatian ta Banks as he movE among theom like a demi-goi expecling and receiving tI tributes that rnigbt be a( pe Township) cardcd ta the divine chief saine î'emate tribc. Chai for hast week î smoking cigarettes whioh lI itb Mrl. anîd Mi-S. gî'ips between bis teeth "Priai wellon FidayHal*' spoke oniy lbrough cier ýd Mrs. Paul Snid-cedeth Also Miss Eilecn Speaking ta nîernboi's of th 'itly returned from S.l.U. il xvas readily appai ho holiday wcek- cnt that they had been coi n and had thanks- vinced. almasl beyond hope c er with Mir, and iedemplion, thatla Bank ,aswell, Port Hope. was the beginning and tl en Regional Raliy end. While there were a tei Preshyterial, U.C. members, such as ane scama -esieyvtlle Churoh fram Windsor with whom laY, Oct. 16 was spoke. who altendcd throug ed. The weathet' teai' af retaliation fî'om Bank foi' such an oc- il was obviaus that the greë 'h bclpful informa- majority of tbe delegatic ceived from the were there because of a cor variaus subjeots. ditioncd reflex of doîng wba speaker in the Banks ordered them ta do' s Dr. Pearl Prior. The seamen had not cea ospoke of the the Nýorris Repart-- tbey ha ,re, ancd conditions flot. lookcd aI the Trustee Ac ýl they wor'ked. __tbey wcrc nat inteî'ested i aIed some of ber the l'acIs. They xvere handc mx ce nc sorter ie a iiiînciographed slieet issue nie g froi Zioby S..U.Headquarters de: Robeg rt Maron. ciibing lIte S.I.U. versiono Robaset Misson the labour dispute and coi 1 C .c îrw, iss talning a distorted and coni .0w, .C.flen iheTr'ustee legisiation. Tlie. Rab'. MiF ilda inawci'e quite satisfied wtti CMeaciliex' and the Banks ver'sion of the dis ns were visiling pute. Wy lisien ta the ofiic aby Sli-ing.iC~ Meanwhile iin the House o àrs. chas. 1Raby Commons. Mr'. Pearson re ent Tbanksgiving affirrned thal the gavernmer by's parents, Mr. wouîd mccl the challenge c i'ry Travcî', Fcn- Bank-s. la ibis mave he ha( the support af organîzed la bar wbicb bas been embarras sed ind damaged by the bran( of trade unionism practice. beHy&S Hal Banks and the .U rI mcinbers would have ta b( M . Fil M r-dct They would bavE ao be shown the advaîulage5 leof Paradise of dlean and democratie tradE ii. was sbown ai. unianism. 'Tbey will have tc ce Home and be shown ibat tbey cannai ýer meeting. This with impunity, damage IhEi M satety' wilich cause of arganized labour aný hrîough lte tour- teii , ational inlei'esl", the ýr Motors. Thtis Pritne Minister said. veî'y graphically Anoîhor challenîge W d ppenl if the saf- tbrown aI lite governiment as tiot follawcd, yet Mr. Diefenbaker moved a nto- Lii cnlough ta ho confidence motion, i'eadiing 6d Joungnanis Cotuinn Mcst readers are farnîliar with the fact that at Sunrîy- brook Hospital. Toronto, Can- adian ex -servicemen receive splendid treatrnent, but fev of us ever acquire a sumimary of one person's impressions of it, sa your scribe thought you miight appreciate sharing a re- cent missive frorn the secret - ary of the 19th Battalion As- sociation. He is a sevent\ - ý-ear-old veteran of the Fir:si World War. and a retired rail- raad engineer. "Your obedient servant. the Secretary, got his heaith pro- grarn ail mixed up late in 1962 and spent a goodly por- tion of bis timne (of wibe bas pienty) running back and forth ta the Medical Officer, wvho finaiiy got tired lookin.g at him and shat bim into Sunnybrook. On arrivai at, the adi~ttn station. man.\ ques- tin ee asked as to finai-- Ciai status. next of kmn. and wh 'y were we theî'e in the lirst place. The admitting Medical Officer then taok bis whack and if there wsany part or the anatainy he failcd ta caver with bis innurnerabie questions. we are at a lass to know what it is. In due course we arrive at. a Ward, assigned ta a raom, and a bed. told to gel into it and stay there. Next camie the Ward Medlical Officei'. any questions that the filrsi gent lhadl missed. t lhi: onc remenibcred. ail of which Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. tests that finally diagiîosedi the heart as the main wveak- ness: other things cropped up toa. but they werc minor. Oui* introduction to life il Sunnybrook xvas o iheig The patient iý always refer- red ta as Mister regari'dess af i ank. The Wardi doctor is *'Do(-'*. The (bief of eacb floor 1. detînitl'v Doctor, and i dion'i gel tamiliar w~ith hîwi. The top nurses can be adidres-1 seas Sîster. Nur>c, or just1 plain Miss (Lunless sbe happcils1 ta be a Missus). The Ward1 ,irls cti be Jackie. Maggie. Patsý or Hlone , . depcnlding on Ille disposition and the V italI statistics. Maie ordeie,,is are. as a î'nle, rougit and toulgb: tll *ev have ta be in man v (asc;ej bccause some -"aid s ir patienlts c(1itbc, real nasýIv watcbîng tlbe orderlicls pr- i luri 15an eoducai ion, forii n stance,. a certain pat icn t hao: ta ave gids ail arounicilhi-, bcd ta keep lm ftrailing1 eut. The Orderi hbrings ia basin of wvater ai 6 ar.., sec il on the locker besidr the bed, gîves the patient a ýdhakc.1 says "get waslied, but doesn't, expiain how the poor devilis ë expected ta i'each the watei througli the grid. The maief cleaners a re fun ta wvatch. c.. a pittow falîs off a bec!r onto the flooi'; a 'claer. \Vitht ?~ thrce foot wiîde Iroomi skiii- t lswCeps. thec floor ail arouîîd the, pi llo\\: wlicîîaský he replies, "that's the Order- lies job." There is a daily rest PeîY :od betwveen 12:30 and 2:Qý pin. wvben orderlics draw tw drapes acrass the windows. so aill an have a nap. This seins ta be the signai for a uge electric polisher ta be applicd ta the corridor just (ut11side your cloor. air an Order- 1 'v (the s-aine anc who drew the window dr'apes) cornes ini Ia ask if vour 'bawels maved today air a nurse cornes in ta ,Iab a needle into your back- side. or take vour temperaturis. Duing th1e first heat spcll of suminer. we found that aur widw opening was limiteci ta ei-lit inches and weî e toid i n a Il seriousness that, they, \vere constiucted tbus ta pre- vei patients heaving theni- selves through theni. Pcriodîcali'. a gaggie or 0a000orS gathei'ed around the beci tor a conference about the patient. As the discussion xvas impersonal and carried en in teirnis of -nmedicine and science.~ tbe poor blighter on the bcd cilt like a beetle pin- îîed ta a board. I-owcver, riglit after the final conference, 1 xvas aliowved ta terminale my five wcck sajaurn and go boni-. Home"' is a great placet lin ver ' vgrateful taor the line tare I received ai Sunîîvbrook: il fao. is a great place. Veterans arc fortunate ta bave il, so readily avai as îîieseîîtecî b' Audley ossisted s Anîderson. Mi. fliat safet v ius a ilias cia endiîîg. iys the rughtt rw', g way, the safe' uiisafe xvay la ýrgbî 'hun s pro- emaît calied ait armpbell ta iti- udiley. xvho IF fety hispector un ors. It is tbeuî :e sure aI] bai.- ti out f athIe fc- il a sale place Audley. hie said. ârs expei'iette Iii i peominenît Icu- ald iin Oshiawa. iî sialety ta Red .Joliti«tsAmbul- art Slarey tbauîk- v anîd Mr. An- chaif af Hante- Metcaif unIra- rberslîap Quar- i Accord, Ken Cienient.lRoui Elincr Dow '. ;i utiju\ ed. Canipbefl open- cd iiiç-teteing %vitb '0Cant 1ada' fallowed by lte Lord'.i Prayc r. MrS. Jack Collier eead thse treasurer's report, sccondcd by Mcs. Alian Tani- blyn. The budget, pcesented lasI week, was discussed. Mes. Fred Wright moved accept- ance ai the budget. Secondeci byv Mes. J. A. Baker. Caeried. Mes. Bruce Lusb's raom woni the roant touaI peîînant wîth 92 poinîts. MeIs. Camtpbelli iead te UNICEF notices. nîoved by Mes. Maurice Biekie, second- cd by Mes. Keith Ormistoci tîtot the chilienin ay parti- cipatc. aul).ect ta tbe plea- - ue of the School Board. Mr,. Biekle, Mu's. Baker of- Ieî'cd ta look aller the boxes. Mes. Campbell announccd nexî coutil meeting, Oct. 22, aI 3 o'clock, a Leadership Train- ing worksbop. The November rneet i ri g %vîll be the graduation party for flic 19 Grade 8 students. This will be held November 4th aI 8:15 in the Chrisliati Educatian Cenire of Ehea- e/rci-Cltîur-cîî. A Il are axi'itrtr !rt atir :id Tl" ",'. h , -'. ' wil h e Quceit, folio\,.ed bý lunch. [ho ly r v iy Aie tre Jic ht e ntg las nie le- i.n -le ne te ir- oifc ks h z. 7'1 ýd(Nov'. 3. 1938) (Nov. 5, 1914) 2d Nies. .Iessre Iluitf. Scugog Mr,;. C Belle, Couri't c. xc ý5 Strect, toutous for pter jersey c'eîitîl vîsiled heî' aunt, Mci, Ofcows anîd Devoitslire crecain, Wiil CeaxaI], ai, Brookimn. t- agaii gels thec spoîliglit hy Mrs. M. .1. Pope, Moittreal, i'- briîgîag lte edîlor saine sec- lias becît visiting lier niece, Of oîîd .growliîsirawberrics. Aies. Edgar Butson, Liberty se Depufy Reeve C'. G. <Tedi Street N. th Morris aîong wilit Dr. Wesley Miss M. E. Stevensý who has 5- Langatnaid andd ailier Oshawa 'c iiiîgle'brtran r huitfCu anieîtiheî's rc Oitex-ofhîci relatives here bas ganle fîter atatai cci htîîiiage;-ta Buffalo for the winter willi if ediionni om-hor Onari. .lier cousin Mrs. Hall. Me. M. L. Roeciîgk, Strai-' Ifard; M iss Elia Collacott Mes. (Dr.) Dandeno reluin. f Torontto, Mvs. H. T. Huinby, edi on Saturday fromn a month'a ,d Mr'. and Mes. Chas. Rablia all iîc bt ler son Dana in son Ft'cderick, IHamilton. IiecVMisDrs cc - ýweckeutd visitors %vitli Mr. and paniedfber mother and bath d Mes. T. Il1. Kîtiglît. greatiy cnjoyed the trip over d Me. anîd Mrs. Fred Boîters, Ctal.c ..R n l h Pennit ait, N' ., xi h Iave Cptl h. ecîtan a îîotoiutrip titrougli rE .Galp h a OEaster'n Canada. isitcd Me . spe t e Sommer wilh bier eaîîd Mî's. A. H. Flecher. Mi'. soliun Bawmanviile, left Tues. ýs.and Mes. BolIers jived iii Bow- day nîorning for Saskatoon, emanvilie iieariy 40 years ago liter-home b.eing wilh hier eld-. 0 iii the ue liuse pie b est son, Me. E. H. Gallup, Mr.andMr, F Joc ce byformerîx' witb the Dominion Mi' an lIr5 F i.MichelGoverciment iru Ottawa. Clîu'c'h St. Me, Butte.;%was iteatplnvee offlic Diriaiti A te let cter is ta baud eRobher Ca. tlin, PI. Rager Bird. Rager' AI 8 pi.. )î'îîl. pt(,t % flr in 'Il"Company, Royal 1-1. Elmer Giecît of Wbithv Candi'd" Regiment, Prospect spertaemed flic atarniage cere- Bau iacks, St. David's Island, nocuy for Ellecît Ethel, daugît- Bermuda, B.W.I, teri of Muioad Ms.F'ak Mes. Edward Wrenî, Division Pui'îtx. Bowiiiti\t'lic. aitdiMr. SI . bas eccoýiveel art unteresl- Roy (r'ii îtrSiaî'u, Mu i of Mi-il11Gti 1r fintSalisburiy Plain, an 1i Nlv n' C'l iar1lî-rS Iu r o0f Eitgîaic. front lter' son, Pte. r iav. ITtry v v're attcldn!d AlecWren, .with Tranîsport mn b,v Miss Velîtta DowIson aitd coaîîntd of Licol. Joncs, 2îîd Mr. Frantk Davis of Oshîawa. Baiiaiiout. tsi Brigade, Calt- 1The bride aitd gi'ooni wulii adiai Conttingent, dated Oct. :make teur home iin Oshîawa. 22. He speaks of Pte. Clarence Poluce .c'rc' caileci oui (if Hall anîd says hie is doing fine. lte l\asoîtîî nîtnece Iist wci- 'Tlic slutolose adjoining eda tîghIilt b aîswei calis Dr' Alex Beiîb's office soulh oif Itvo huia;iéls. one ini Dan- aof Roy al Bank was set on fie iiîgtort Township andi lte iter S av oeuxg about 6 ai Wilkins SQCIter Station, (>clo('k and gaI moch head. Bowmanvile. way before the alarm wau On Thursday evnng lte given. The building was de. Ladies' Bridge Club, of wiîich stroyed and Dr. Beith's office Mes. R. E. Logant was a itema- danîaged hy bath fiee anid ber-. \vas eut,ýt:'i'ttîd aiIie water. Mi'. Marsh, railway honte of Mr.s. Keunth E. Cox contractai', is the heaviest ta honai' Mr. and Mes. Logaît laser, lîaving a quantity Qç end faeciîy who are movicig ta bools, possibty $I,000, stqi d Orono ici the near future. there. By te quick action of Towards the close of lte even- lthe fiee brigade and the splen- ing, Mrs. P. E. Greenfield, on did water systemn the town bebaif of the club, presenîcd was saved a seriaus loss by Mes. Logani wifh a solid wal- fire. nul occasioitdl chair anîd Mî's,. M r RolIt. Yoile motored Cox read an address sigaed on Ibrougi totwn Saturday morn- bebaîf of lber frîends by Elva, iag enroule for Pittsburg, Pa., Millie, Mary, Wiidrcd, Evelyn, afler having spenit two weeks Arînie. Verna, Ida. Caca and witb friends ici Cobourg a Rubý. V ai 'vtatii. t n -11 q ~uuel aI Sunderland, id drill at Tay. Saturd1ay . .or'S Rink Friday night. Ibat "itis gaveraniit. bc. cause of ils confusion. iii- consîst ency anrd pusillaiious dawdling and delays in fak- ing effecetive ac'tion lias ein- couraged chlaos approachin- aîîarclîy la devoiop on liite gm'ea', lakes, the seaway. anîd ini :everal Canadiait po!'ts. lhei'cby causiîig disruption ini sluipping aîîd the placing in .jeopardy of essetitial trade ini general. anîd in paî'ticulai' con- tracts for delivery of wheai ta foi'eign countries." Speakiîîg on ltheatationt of no-coiîfi dence, IMc. -Pearson said, "We itust shtow that Canada, anîd fr'ee aîîd respan- sible trade uutianisati in Can- &da, is bigger than Mr. Banks, and thaI a Canadian gaveî'a- nient is nal going ta be ici- limidated by lthe illegal action and pressure of anc who bas destroyod denîocî'atic gavera- ment it bis owît uniont.'* If Mr,. Diefentbaker had cx- pected support from lthe small- er oppositionî parties he wvas soon ta be dîsappointed. The. nexl speaker N.D.P. leader, T, C. Douglas said. "I do not shtare lthe vic%' lthai the gox'- eme'nat lias dawdled iii the niatter of deaiag witl thte Noî'ris Report. 1 tbînk lthaI up unlil now they have taken the wise course tif oxainining and exploriîîg evei'y alternative i k Il i ini the hope that itrmay flot be necessary ta take tbîs very radical and faî'-reaching step." Contining, Mr. Douglas ur- ged the goverrnent, "now, when ahl hope of a privato trusteeship is gane, not ta hesilate any longer but ta act decisively and, above all, ta acl !tumanely in the inlerests of the warkers concerned." Speaking for the Social Cî'e- dit Party (Tbompson variely) H. A. Oison said Ihat his party would flot support the vate of na>ca,îfidetice. "If there eveî' was a lime wheii there was need for full sup- port of the governmenl by Parliamcnt, il is now.' The newest group in the 1-buse, just thal day accord- cd a seating arrangement whicb identified them as a separate group, also refNsed Io support the Conservalive motion of no-confidence. Cre- ditiste Leader Reai Caouette said that tbe motion moveci hy Mi'. Diefenbaker would do notbing ta assist a quick set- tlement of the difficulties. The farmal division of the Hotnie Tucsday evening show- cd only Conservatives sup- porting the no-confidence mo- tion. N.D.P.. Social Credit and Ci-editiste parly joined witlh lthe Lîborals ta defeat -th. motion 137 ta 79.à A CIVIC SERVICE 0FI November 9th Hero, or Outlaw ~be nabin eattte1rnan Durham Caunty's Gîcoti'Fammly journal a# Estab!shed 109 ycars aga un 1854 Also lncorporating The Newaî e Ndeenwsn 'he BewanleNdewmne c bThe Orono News (É . «Authîoru,.d as Second Cos& bt'ilu by ltme Post Office Dept.. Ottawa, and ir paymeni et i iIn tris"' Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bowmanvilîe, Oniamo JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHA4M GEO. P. MORRIS EDnTOR-PUBLîSîiu ADVTG. MANAGEN BUSINESS, MGit. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, alrictiy ini advance $550 a Year in the. Unsied Statesn Aiîhouqh every precarution wi b. taken tô( avoid Aiar. The. Canadiain Sialebman accepîs avieItuu th ifs calumna oun the.understandinq tual it wii nal b. fiable for anv error if an'>'advertiserent vu2àblhereunder unleus a proot of uS advezuiammnî ust requesred un wninq by th. adveruur.ei and roturned to The Canoicdian Siateamnan busiessioffice duiy siqned b'>'the advertuspr and w'nh ,îîch eror or correction pliuniy noted in writinq therean cand in tuni cse If auuy erra, no n'Dîedn ~nt, CaOrr.cId hy The Canadmon Siateâmcui i-,liibiliuuy ihal cuturua eed qur h rui rir i t. oen r r el such odv.rtis.ment as3the &race n.cupied hy the ncied crio'hp !mc, h.th ie l*r-.,* "riliien by such adv.rtisement. 1 7!5 VEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO