Local 189 Hockey Hornets' Win 3rd Straight *'Comets Defeaf Bruins 8 -4 The Hornets romped ',a their third straighit wmn and Cornets rcînained two poîfltý back in Local 18.9 ockej League double-header actbo.i Sunday rnorning a' thc M e m- oriai Arena. The powerful Hlornets fitrcd six straight goals to whio the Raiders i-2. alter bcbg,' held ta a 1-1 tic for More than haif the gaie Bob) Mar- jerrison openr'd the scorbngý et 11:45 oi the fiîrd period. but 'Hank- Laite Ced à le- than three minutes later and i', s*a'. ccl tiat '.'av o ti I Don Prout pushed Utch or10IneN S li front mîd-way througlî thrý Trhe lie for first wa> bi nken Thursday nîiJit. xs heu Office whipped Fun Be!,s 7-t0 î n laite shutoLii. nîo'.ng ,wov points in fronut of Tge-. 1 vietors ovel- He. Beî clirnbed to a lje for iIiîrcl v.:ýh Cornets, on the strength nof:a 5-2 decisîoîî over eia-wl ling Banbury, whie Combines upset Cornets bv the aine score, Laborator.v aîd Bajce wound up in fourth spoton a point back of the ird- Llacers, on 5-2 '.îrtorîe over ead Pres.ý and Machine Shiop respectivel 'v Ted Baglicît put ioget}îeît gaines of 288, 259 and 251 for thie high triple of 798. Other- Sbig ttals '.ere turned in blv 'Bud" Henning 77.5. Howard 'Bro'ell 7.58. Arnold Lobb î55, Frant Sarnis 7.52 .Jac k Bondi 720, "Joe" Piper 7'12. Donî Okc Sides -S*ae eccond ses:uon. Raye West made it 3-1 and ithe third captain Marjer- r:sýoii adclccj thrce more and pas.,cd 10 Ted Fairey for ano-tl:er. John Lunn counted tcli Raider other êgoal '20 seconds from the end with Lanr- assisting. Marjerrison wýouî,d up %vith four goals and iwo ,lssists, while West added tr(assists to his rnarker. G jrY Cooper conneeted on Ine first shot ai the gallié and s'.ent ta bag four more as Iie Cornets doubied the s(ore aver the Bruins 8-4. Don Masters put the ioseî's on e. ern terins in the lirs, -stariza, and clicked again to gî've the Bruis a short-livedi lead early in the second. The Cornets railied for -three and took a cornmanding 6-2 mai'- gin iin the first two min-: tîites; of the tliird. Alex Wiseman and Grant Flinloff each fired a pair of goals ta complete the Win- nersý output. Nelson Yeo and Lio:s'id Harnitton eollected the other Bruins' scores. Teani Standints W L T Pts. Ilor1nets 3 O 0 6 Coi-nets - 2 1 n 4 Bruins O0 21 1 i Raidiers 0O '2 1 i "Night Hawks", h81. Roii White 6,72 and K: Pipe:r 66-7. Joe Pipe: and Fred Sni o ircld h gh single lionou 'iriv. :'h a :1,14 garne. folio '(j b'. S:nnî :304. Heni:g,, 270(. Lob)b 290. Brorneli 260. Parkiî 27-)8. 266. Bo 26-5 .Mike Murph v -6,5. J: Petts; 264. Frank Wright Kempo 26:3. Jaclk Dun White 261. Oke 2,58. 255, ai Dont Bagne]] :25i. Teani Standings Officeo Laboratorv Braiders Machine Shop Hose Roorn Cominues Lead Press Fait Beits 'i7_4 :IGlos brighCy. k ' ~'Reversible HUNTERS' BOOTS Short Iaced. gure rubber, ivarrn, ideai for huinting. $ AMMUNITION.. .03SHIELLS 10c each Endii -si1.25 Extra Special 1 HEAVY FLANNEL Doeskin SHIRTS Aikl Colors, Alil Sizes FIEAVY PLAID JACK SHIRTS SPECIAL .$5.95 LEE ENFIELD RIFLES 'Piv c t cajî li f te t.oî Id s flîîots British riifle ~I N,, $ 1.9 JUNGLE CARBINES New - Spo)rtsiuanlis Special -BINOCULARS MARK 111$1 -9 7 x 50 $21.95 6i x 30 $1795 SPORTropuc.s Meet the Generals ýMinor Hockey Schedlule Atom nHockey8 Mondav Gaine aa- 50 .. - -d" -, - - Oshawa Generals, in action just &bout every Tuegday 5:5 in. . iiîght nt the Memnorial Arena. are surprising a lot of the Saturda * Gaine Times : ,h critics who relegated theni ta Iast place. The Generals, back gaine - 11.ý50 arn.; 8th gaine in the O.H.A. Jr. "A" after Il years currently hold uxxth 1:5pn place in the eight team Ioop. a àpot they must hoid ta make I-s.idasv ont the piayoffs. 2)nd. Rayais vs Bombers Nlariboros are by far the class of the league and it ap- 16---71h. Giants vs Hornets pears iikeiy that Peterborough, Niagara Falls and Montreal 18ts. BRanis vs Borns xiii take the next three. That leaves St. Catherines, Hamilton' 2nd, Barons vs Bisons and Kitchener cornpeting with tne Generais for fifth or sixth' 213-8th, Bisons vs Indians place. 2à- 1st. Indians vs Rayais '2nd. Bisons vs Giants Apart from the Marlies, this corner thinks Oshawa ean 30-7îth. Rains vs Rayais hold their own with the rest of the clubs. Montreal is tough, 8th. Harnets vs Bombers Srhedule Trnes: : but the Petes are a surprise to us- we think the Gens are oetter. The Flyers have iost most of Iast year's Memorial Cup finalists, but Hap Emms wi1l have them in there at the eod. Wren Blair, persanally responsible for sîgning Il of tht Generals, has assembied a pretty fair club in little over a year. In case you'rt interested Harold "Baldy" Cotton signed two others ta Boston contracts, with Roy Cast and Emms responsible for anather pair. Dec. 2-tsi. Barons vs Hornets 211d, Boinbers vs Ranis 7-8th. Barons vs Giants 9-1 st. Rayais xvs Giants 2nd, Bambers vs Indians 14-7ith, Indians vs Rains 8th, Rayais vs Bisons 16-1lst. Ranis vs Barons 2nd, Hornets vs B3isonis 23-1 st. Giants vs Ranis And %vho says yau can't combine educatian with sprs 2nd. Hornets vs Royais ni, Ladijes' League Al xcept one player -George Vail, are attending high 28-7th, Hornes vs Indians Octoher 28, 1963 The yauthfui Gens have an average age of 17 14 years, 2nd. Bisons v.s Bombers Teani Standing '.vlbîch gîves most of thein about three mort yeaî's of junior jan. 27r G Scoît 18 -A". They alintost unanimousiy wîsh ta pursue hockey as a 4--71h. Bar'ons %7s Royalz ai!, M1. Hodgson.. 14 career, but these young feliows are aiready thinkîng ahead. Ail Play.ers niust sign thenl 14M. Wiseman -.13 -college education and going into business. These hockey, O\fn narne to the score sheet. 6:3 S Coambes 12 players are getting sinarter al thet ime. tîve minutes before the start and v. Piekard 8 a f the game. 'High Single- G. Scatt, 28 6: Now you know about the Generals as a teamn, we thought. Players nat arriving on tinîc High Triple -XM. Hodgson 602' you'd like to inelt thein peî'sonaliy. With the co-operation ta sîgn the score sheet svill 41200 Ganies of Mr. Blair, meet the players.- not be eligible ta play that N.Hadgson 219, 206, 'NI Bobby Orr-.- Born in Parry Sound, 5' 9", weighs 150" Coaches will be- aiiowed ta SCrago 216, 202, C. Scott 2>86. M.Wisemnan 247, A. CoIwel.! ibs., in second yeai, witli Oshawa, only 15 years aid and a go on the ice with Iheir tearn . 231, -î Sedman 223 . Wii-l great pro prospect. Likes ail sparts and butchers in tht O)ff- 'during the gaine, for the first _9 ýschedule only. bur 221, V. Pickard 215, M . season. Pet Wtt Hockey Schedule 98Foster 213. J. Shearer 201, M Paul Domm- Born in Stratford, now resîdes in Owen Stra an uns s ,,-'Firth 200. audyGm Tie:1t Averages Sound, with Generals last year, 17 years aid, standout pitcher ý game, 7:00 a.. 2nd game.: G. Scott- 186' and catcher, played on Oshawa Legionnaires junior Ont.i7:45 arn.; 3rd garne, 8:35 a.rn.;ý .~M. Hodgsori 182, finalists basebail club during the past summer. ý4th gaine, 9:20 a.rn.: 5th gamne, CrG Bain 178 10:15 a.rn.: 6th gaine, Il ar. M. Wisemnan 176'y Chris Robert-- Born in London, England, now lives in:Nov. J. Shearer 174 Kingston, with Kingston Prontenacs, 16 years oid, Ont, Jr.ý 16-4th, Bruins vs Rangers M. Sedmna 11 172: -B" finalists last year, interested in electronics. !th, Canadiails vs Leafs ACiel1 68 6th, Wings vs Hawks 1I. Bissonette 167 Ron Buchanan- Born un Montreai, 6' 2", 170 lbs. 18.23-lst. Bruins vs Atorns ; F Allen 165> vears aid, second year with club,, enjoys bowling, golf and 2nd, Hawks vs Bears K. Campbiell 164 basebali. .rd, Leafs vs Wings Ml. Poster, 164 4th, Rangers vs Canadians S Coombes- 164 Jim Blair-- Born in Scotianci, residing n0W in George-. 30-4th, Bears vs Atois 31I. Firth...... 164 town, 5' Il", 170 1bs., 17 years of age, membet' of last year's fth, Bruins vs Leafs V. Piekard. 163 Georgetown Midget "A" minai Orntario champions, piays 6tii, Rangers vs Hawks L, Woodcoek 160 football, basebaîl, golf and track and field. De C. 1 Wright . 16>) 1-st, Leafs vs Ranigers * M. Crago14 Wayne Cashian- native cf Kingston, 6' 1",, 175 lbs., 18: 2nd, Bruins vs Bears. B. Wilbur 1,54 ,eaîs aid, piays softbali, likes reading biographies. 3 rd, Atoins vs Wings U 'Rîlîci-153 4th, Hawks vs Canadians J1 LuonI 13 "Mike" Dubeau -Penetang native, 5' Il", 170 Ibs., 1, 14-4tli. Canadians vs Atonis W. MeNeil 14() vears aid, %vith Generals last year, participates in many sports Sîli, Wings vs Bears L Burgess 145 and plays the drumns, wishes ta be a physical education 111h, Bruins vs H-awks J Woodlock ..142"ealer 1-Ist, Bears vs Canadians S wann' Robe rtson Rogers Paterson Turnbul] Coom lies miaii-s Parik er McLaughlin Mu tto n Mvoffatt Gibner Mitchell Bartlett Balson Lorusso 14:, 1 40 136 13 1:32 1:31 120 120 log 1(19 i10 102 Cet Cash Today For GM Appliances through STATES MAN C LA S 8S1P 1E D 8 Phone 623-3303 Bob Kilgeir--- Bor'n ini Cornw.all, 6*, [65 lbs., 19 years aid, wîth Knob Hill Farms in rMetro Jr. "A" iast year, plays golf, likes football and basketball. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 28-4th, 6th. Dennis Gibson- barn in Part Arthur, 5' 1l", 155 ibs. goaltendei, 19 years aid, enjoys hunting and fishing, playcd Jan. with Part Arthur North Stars .ir. "A" club last yeaiî. 4- Danny O'Shea- barii in Toronto, now lives in Ajax~. 11"il, 170 Ibs, 18 vears aid, piayed twa seasons with Peter- Lisi, .uîîu, 4rd, borough Petes in Jr. "A". At presentins Gen's top point-' Ail Players mnust sign their getter. pitches for Ajax intermediates in summer, wisheslown nine to the score sheet ta combine hockey and education.. five minutes before the startj awsvs La f s Bruins vs Wings Atoîns vs Rangers Leafs vs Atoms Rangers vs Bears Canadians vs WiiigS Wings vs Rangce-s Bears vs Leafs Atonis vs Hawks of Ihe gaine. Piaers flot arrving on til e ,o sign the score sheet wili ::ýot be eligible 10 plaY that gain e. Coaches \îfl l e allowed to zo on the ice %vith their, teain during the gaine, for the firrt, schedule onh. Bantani Hockey Sehedule Saturdav Gaine Tirnes: Itst gaine, 7:00 arn.: 2nd gaine. ,:4.5 arn.: 3rd gaine. 8:35 arný *th gaine, 10:1.5 arn.: 6th laine. 11:00 a&..;7th game. 1:0a.rn. Nov. 16- Isî. Pee Weecs vs FlYers 'nd, Cubs vs Braves 4 .3rd, Pirates vs Lions 23-5th, Huskies vs Lions, 6th, Pee Wees vs Braves 7th. Pirates vs Cubs ,30-Ist. Lions vs Cubs 2nd. Flyers vs Piratce 3rd, Hus~kies vs Pee Wee3 Dec. 7-5th, 7th, 14- 1st.1 2nd. 3 rd.« 1 - h.( 7t>8 1 2 ni d, Ail players mnust sign thehr own naine ta the score sheet fîve minutes before the stai-t of the garne. Piavers not arriviniz on time Fivers vs Braves Huskies vs Cubs Pee Wees vs Pirates Braves vs Pirates Lions vs Pee Wees Fivers vs Huskies Cubs vs Pee Wer.s Braves vs Huskies Lions vs Fiyers Pirates vs Huskies Cubs vs Fiyers , The r-an d li a e m t . ~ w ? a~ v n , ~ v , 1 8 10 sigo the score sheet will 1 Oth, Generals va Orphami 'iot be eligibie ta pla.v that 28-9th, Cornets vs Maroons g a in e .l t h B T S . s O r a n Midget Hockey Schedule Jan.'1tBTS.%sOpan Saturdav Gaine Timnes: 9thI 4- -9th, Bantains vs Generais gaie. 1:30 pin.: 101h Ramne, Juvenile Hockey Schedule 2: 1.5 Pin1. Saturday Game Times, Ioth Nov. .2:15 pi..,ilth game, 3:00 p.m. 16-901, Cornets '.5 Orpiîals 1Nov. IOth, Maroons vs Generals 16--1I 1h, Canucks vs ACes 23- 91h, B.T.S. vs Bantlanis 23---lIth, Aces vs Mt. RovalN; ]101h. Conrts vs Generialsli 30 111h, Mt. Roaas vs Can'k,, 3L)--- 91h. Maroons vs B.T.S. Der. l0th, Orphans vs Bantams 7-I îth. ALes vs Canucks Der. 14-111hl, Mi, Rayais vs Aces 7 t.Cornets vs Bantaiiîs 21 -11 th, Canuicks vs Mt. Roy. t th, Geocrais v- B.T.S. 28-1l th. Canucks vs Aces 14-91h. Orphans vs IMaroonis 'Jan. 101h. Conets vs B.T.S. 1 4-lOth, Aces vs Mt. Rayais 2 t.Bantains v.s Maroons 11Il -lth, Mt. Roy. vs Canuckcz FOR BEST RESULTS' WE HAVE INSTALLED AN AUTOMATIC CAR WASH Car Vacctumied and Cleailed to PURPLE MAGIt IWAX FINISH Free Pick-up and Dclivery Prompt Seric e - G;uaranteed Satisfaction Bud's Fina Station 146 Liberty S. S. - Phoiie 623-506~3 George Vail- born in iTmmins, naw lîves in Sehu- maker, 5' i1l", 150 lbs., 19 years old, scored 23 goals and add- ed 20 assists for Generals last season, likes waterskiing and swimrning, works for Oshawa lumber dealer. Ian Young- born in Glasgow, Scotland; naw resîdes in' Scarborough, 16 years aid, 6' 1", 175 Ibs. goal-tender, enjoys! ail sports. Rod Zane- born in Ottawa, 6', 165 ibs., 17 years old,; piayed in Ottawa Valley Jr. "A" league last season, playsi golf and pool, hopes ta attend college, Terry Lane- boro in Georgtown, 0', 15" Ibs. 17 years aid, member af Georgetown Midget "A" Minoî' Ontario iChampionship team ilast year, participates in basebali and golf. Bill Lasti- bain ini Toronto, 6' 1", 190 ibs., 16 yeareïi oid, played minai- hockey in Toronto iast year, hobby is: wrestiing, wishes to becorne mathematîcs teacher afler pro.' career. Bill Little-- born in Port Arthur, Y' il, 160 ibs., 1 years oid, piayed one year with Part Arthur North Stars Jr. "A" club, prior ta moving ta Oshawa last season, enjoysi playing basebail, football and repairing aid cars. Wren has taken over the coaching reins, along with his, mariagerial duties until a new coach la named by the Bostan! Bruies. Foliowing iast week's incident ie which Doug 'Williams: was ejected by the referee and subsequently charged byý Bowrnanviile police for striking a police officer, Williams re-! signed as coach., Doug, an Oshawa higli senool teacher is a pretty nic.e guy, but he gat carried asvay arnd as he stated he has to 'put! his profession first. Tht burden cf teaching and coaching wam, appareîîtly loo much, and we think lie has undoubtedly made' a wise decision. Wrong Dates- In last week's colurnn we inadvertently switched dates of a couple of dances. Il should have read,' Badmiinton Dance, Nov. i6tIî and Curling on Nov. 23rd. COF -BOWLING Pour tearns took ail 7 points thtrnîost improved mnan bowl- with tht Billy Westlake teara er from last year is Deiinis moving 9 points ahead of the Gibson. Bowiers are remnind-ý Gwen Deenis teamn by means ed that thteniost improved cof their sweep. Other teanis bowlers wili receive trophies ta sweep wvere Glenn Prout, this season. Bob Marshall and Mai-g Peu,-' Team Standing ris ttamn. W. L ptf. The big gamnes weî'e roiied Betty WeaUlake -201 4 47. by Glenn Protut with 776 mad"e Gwen Dennis. -16 8 18 up with games of 316, 190 and Xarg Perris la..1 il 30. 22.Glenn's 316 wvas hîgh Ron Brock -. 12 12 2ý9: single for tht night. Don. Glen Pout il 13 25 Bishop rolled 715 made iPlHarry Snowden 10 14 23' wvilh games of 195, 305 andýBob Marshall 9 1.521 215. Other big gamnes were Ray Westlake 5 19 1i rolled by Dick Dennis 236,To10Lde Bob Goodmnurphy 241, Har:'v TAve.Lie jSnowden 233, Marg Perris 222, Ae Jack Mantie 248, Betty WesL- Shirley Brock - 192 lake 240, Carol Roberts 280, Marg Perris ...........191 Sandra Goodmurphy 239, Ev i Bettyr Westlake .......... 88 King 236 and 241. Harold' B aVro l-CRn---------10 251. Bob Marshall 253, Maur-!CrlRbet 7 ice Stephens 280, Gwen Dennis --17.3 There were lots and lots of Sandra Goodmnurphy ..173 10w scores toc, with Marion - Marion Malley 179 * McNab really having a rough Ja isr 6 lime with a triple of 286. Tht Pat Marshall ,-.157 .iow game was rolled by Stla Top lé Men iHawkins 60. Other low scores, Ave. Shirley Bain, Chester Borek, R. West.la.kt 213 Lloyd Ellis, Elsie Prout, Mai'- Ron Brock .............. . 2,0 ion McNab, Eari Lake, Stella H. Snowden .. . ...... ..... 209 'Hawkins, Trudy Ellis, Joan'Bob Marshall---. ..-----203j Gibson, Edna Baker, Veima Everett King.....203 Luki, Nick Zondervan and DonBsop.- 19I Bill Hawkins. Ge Prout .................8 Reviewin.g the averages we, Jack Manîle .. ..8__* 6 a note tht most improvtd lady Jack Macnab.............. 183 bowler ta Gwen Dennis and Mtlt Da .n............174* ENG 17 IEER INGT'? Every GMC truck has engineering advances that earn and save in '64 ..plus a wide range of time-proven GMC engineering leadership fea- tures. Rugged (rames, sturdy cabs, safety wiring, a big engine-trans- mission selection make GMC for'64 your earning-saving leader, ½ TO 60 TONS... BUILI FOR EVERY TOUGH JOB O ?é'C ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED,. [66 King St. E. Phone 623-3396 BowmanvillI.,ý GOODYEAR BOWLING OeH.A. JUNIOR "A"i HOCKEY St. Catharines Black Hawks vs. OSHAWA GENERALS BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA TUES., NOV. l2th 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION ,Standing - s1.25 'Students and Children, %eats or stifiding - 7.3c Subscriber Tickets Nowv on Sale ai Arena Box Office H 5DQU5WIRTERs MEN'S GEORGEFSWA 42 KING STREET' EAST HUNTERS' STORM PARKA lci icr pelleit, ".îndproof, rev ersibie $ 4 9 HUNTERS' FLUORESCENT VEST Ties down r uvei'jacket. A mnust fur hunteîr's safety Fluorescent Cap çoeU1a ONE CAN OF BOOT DUBEIN with every purchase of hunting equipment li ......... ..... G-26de $1.79 $2-95 4 TO 60 TONS... BUILT FOR EVERY TOUGH -JOB