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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1963, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvill Canadian Club Speaker Measure Clvii By Human C Nof by Mate The deerce of civilization iand of his apl Is measured flot by materiai Major-General progress but by that of human Staif of the AI conditions. Baron Guy Dauf- Tokio, and his rogne de la Chevalerie. Bei- sociate Directo gian Ambassador ta Canada, sion 1 of the Etated in his address at the at the time oi mreeting of the Canadian Club n San Franciý of West Durham held in the uei alsa gave Lions Commun)ty Centre last the guest spea X~d. Q~.23rd. He spoke ing career in ti on, the topic -Fac1ng a New lomatic Servic Vtorld." War IL. Tie prc:,idcnt Mrs. Edward "In the unix Sarnuel introduced the gucst sehoiars paced Epeakcr. She said that Baron ters and listen( ce la Chuvaierie was bor:n thinkers of th in. Brugc'z in 1904, a son of cogitations gav the loi-ner Commander in ideas and xidi Chier1 of the Belgian Forces. Baron de la C: She told the club that the ed out. He adc gueSst speaker is a BA. (His- long ago the su topy. and hiolds the De.cyree in knowledge was Pubflc Administration, and in about 50 yi aisa that lie rec'cived an Hon- more recently crary Doctorale from Sher- addcd same d, broaýke University this year. spaces on war] Before entering the Dip- '4Today we lomnatic Sei-vice of Belgium, and we have Baron de la Chavalerie spent scientific baggî 10 ycars at sea and is a Mas- 10 years. In fa ter sea-going Engineer, Mrs. ning sa fast t Safnucl statcd. She spoke of catch up with bis service with the free Bel- we had botter gian Forces durirmg the war, about it. We ol FINE QLJALITY MONUMENTS AND MA EKE ES ft tm f CI . fi f'£ o OF STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers LINMED Monuments Box 193 318 Dundas St. F. Whitby Phone hitby MOhawk 8-â552 * fot slow aow'î gress, therefore celerate tbc pac ing and widen aur mental ec speaker suggcs, "~Man doos bread alone, b. need beed. w'bhich eaunco xitbin a very, its problems se ed, tbc immer: human bcings 'Vet science hw increase agricul sucb pîoportici counitries spcnlî duction. try ta even destroyp "Science has death rate ta while lb book years ta reacd lion in populz I - ~me~ homne \\~iIi 5~5.~ ,.'s s""- *'~4'1. DOES THE RESI FREE ANNUAL BURNER-FURNACE CONI FREE MI-SEASON CHECK FREE 24 IIOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE THRIFTY REPLACEMENT PARTS INSURANI G ciTIrEs@SERVICE PHONI 623-3771 PYE&GRANT 0Ol 6 Mill Laue le, Nov. 6, 1963 AI 1 1 1 1 LE Sev e al a tne hefu'e- ELIZABETH VILL 1ceral !t orga theinus i- M ade. . nprovost, Instail Nvew warcien eral af the late Ken Cruse of Bleil.wr Sunday schooi and church Campbeiicroft. Mrse O.l erile cer er theMrwean- service were heid as usual.i.Ms .Mre oe h e ~~~~~~~On Saturday vnn r-fy most of the end. 63 30 CJourt 1/en ture GC JF' OStudyveigare comniunitv attended the funt-, h tng63-30 S Ssentation was heid for Mr. and eral of the late Mrs.MWcGahevl h utn season is on: The October meeting of Legion Hall. Mrs. David Foster at Camp-as. e !Mr.Rse ht again. Mr. Ross Russel and: for liz a Tio n Court Venture L 1892. C.O.r, Sr. Elsie Prout reported on' be lcraft Hall. They were Dre- Jerry Russel from Belleville' was held in the Ladge Hall the progress of aur Bazaar to sented with a bridge sei, a The we:comne raîn helped. are at Fowlers ta go huntingý WANTAD» p.m.\vih Pesient dnabe eidin te LonsCenre.SERVICE n d i io n 8 .m. wih PesientEda b hed l th Lins ente.sionai chair.1 Mrs. Moore and Donna re-, The Area Convention of the o n i i n Baker 'Inresidming.i The auditor's reports were, On Wedresday evening w-e turned ta Toronto on Sunday Institute is ta be held thisý D.D.H.C.R. Helen Twining read by Sr. Helen Devitt, and:had our annual turkey sui with Miss Beryl Thicksan and ýwcek at the Royal York. The of Oshawa was a guest and the report adopted. Sr. Faye 'per and a good crowd attend-l- Mr. De Koker. i reiaresemitatives from this aseaý during -the evening installed Allen agreed to convene Over $500 were taken in. The Muldrews of Oshawal are Mrs. Quentrili and M.,s.: ou r- Warden Olive Fowler, Annuel Spring Dinner andMrs. Wright entertained the spentthe weekend at Sunn.y-!Thickson. la i r'r<M> y ~ ~ ~ ~ was g o I talaio Ds ay n theLions bCenre.__ ______________________ ýpointment as a take aur generation only 15 month.i Sr. Jean Devitt was asked ----- ta the Germrai years ta add another billion Considerable business was'ta repsesent Court Venture on Ilied Pawcrs in ta those -we already have. dealt with during the evening. a committee ta be formed ta; swork as As- "Edlucators are anxîously Ou Secsetary Jean Jones xvas arrange a social night of or of Commis- searching for ways and means instructed ta write ta Chair- Bowling for ail the Courts in I' yu Dlir M k h otO t So n ivaCs tA 6 United Nations,'ta cope with the explosion of mani Carson Elliott, of thei Kingsway District Council. )f its formation sLhools and universities pp- Santa Claus Parade, and tell! Our Decernbcs meeting lias1 Seo. Mss. Samn- uainbt hto hetrehi m the girls would w.Illingly'been moved up ta December SI IKPW E IHPR an outline o!ad ul a trblionsbu what o b thr t with the Santa Claus: llth, psoviding the hall isi & R N OTN TL rVGTRA ker's outstand- 1975 xiii populate the world Parade Blitz, making and serv- available, and will be a party A P B A DBSO TL rVGTRA he Belgian Dip- outside of the privileged ing lunch ta the bands, etc.,' nighit. AIl gifts ta, be $1.00 ori e aftcs Worl et and decorating, floats. less. Baron de la Chevalerie dis-! The Childrcn's Christm-as, Following the business meet-orA N P G difficul- S hed o Stur:&n a IIc ANNlnc -PAsGEr versities o! aid, cussed the appaîîing d if fa elciusluchxvs er N .S r the quiet dlois- ties ahead in regard ta the : day, December 21st, in S-.' ved by Betty Westlake's lunchý id ta the great provision of materiai means ' Joseph's Hall. Sr. Betty West-' committec, topped bv a birth-'IL 'e birth ta new and colleges. He also spokeiOct. 26th, ta be held in the!cdent Edna Baker.I ler knowlcdge," of the necessary eim ta pro-: EN ded that not s0 ais, teachers, researchers, sav-; hevofalrie pulu t- duc thuiins, preso-'S haw ' C0un t sdaubled with- sential ta the continuous mat- w s C m m n t cars, and eveil terial and intellectual devel- hie himsclf had opmnent of humanity. folnuThirbe i a n as Farewell Part y id maps. ýo! charity in the sense of' 'Ai explore space, giving alms. It is anc of think- 1i9 ýage in the lest wor'd health, wosld educa-R a S m t F m iy ict we are sun-; tion," h guest speaker de-1 hat wc cannot clared. He added that while1 Twelve years ega an Sept., Rickard gave the address n, ourselves, and'these great problems wiîî nat ! 1st, Ray Smith came ta Shaws' which she voiced the appre-' A EC . II . rdo something be solvcd in a day it is tirne!commur'itv ta work as herds- ciatian a! those present ta Ray!S V 6cC ECF1 TIS .7 )bviously should naw ta begin thinking immed- man for the late J. T. Brown, 1and Evelyn for the active part i mteral ro-iatly f xhetcanbe oncinBsowx îew Fasmn Fiften days they had taken in the Shaw~s' i n aera rou- acteldyo! ach year ta hip, lates he w as married to Eve- community oves the vears.-------- e we houl in-their ys olutihyron. N 1 ln Hcpbtîrn ofKedron. Nowxv Ray was president o! the I-1. îce of aur learn- i hi ouin they hav~e three childrcn,' & S. Club for 1963. An en-ýýg u n the scope of Eleanar 10, Gladys 9 and Law-! velope containing a sum ofý quimen," he Ty~Ty-Imrncec7. moncy was prcsentcd ta Ray sted. ]B R E O efore they left ta work for ln vln not live by1 Maurice Bcaty, Lindale Jerseyý Mss. E. Gilbank, teacher, on! )ut stili hie does Ms. and Mrs. B. Berry, Osh-' Farm, Milton RR. 4, fricnds, behal! o! their sehoolmates' In this world a va, xvcse Wednesdlay guests and neighbours met at the 'prescnted silveir bracelets ta: w be circled o! MIvrs. Greta Bai1e. . school ta say farewell and to Eleanor and Giadvs and a! short time and ri. a* Mr. G e avrsow teretc for this' wailet ta Lawrence. cen and realiz- a nd famrily rcturned homne a!- family. The chairmani cailed an thc', ae undiy farag er spending a few days withi The comnmittee that aran- oiiowing ta voice theis p- areuidered friends inNew Brunswick.,o:e this gaherin-gwas Mr,,.:prciation: Mrs. J. T. Brow'n. ns tat ylsome Thursclay evening very quiet - Mis. Bill Rudeli and 'Mss.'ý Lewis Wood. )ns tha sorti No damnagýe donc in aur Garniet Rickard. The Smith' Mss. David Gray entestain-ý g k of over-pro- village .A number of people, fami]v w'cre eutertained fur cd with readings for bath )reduce it, and e ut in costume, but every- squppes at the haine of Mr. andî children and aduits. Lumnch, part o! it. thing w-cnt off in fine order.1 Mrs. Chas. Gilkes prias ta the-:xvas served, thei fascwells said: is seduccd theMs'. and Mss. Merwin Maunt,-'farewell part.y.'an those present left for! the extent that jov, Hanpton, were Fridayi Ms. Garnet Riekard was th'ý home with the feeling that' thousands o! cl innes guests of 'Ms. A. R.' very able and witty cflaiin, trulyv what was aur loss would ' Il its first bý!-1Hubbardat the Flyiîng Duitch-' of the vening. Annabelle be another community's gain. A&P Han7jdies Onily Mearts Purchused From Fea'erally Inyspoeted Pocking lieuses lation, it will man Restaurant, Bowvman\,i1le.!-- Ms. and MsIs. Walter Hicks MVandE !amilv have taken up5.ydn ey "Syd" Kleiman CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF NVILLE Sorry ta report that Msr. Walter Ferguson Ais ind o FeldStaf oriel Hospital, Bowmnanville.' Wc hope his condition willl Mr.__R._W.____________Secret- soon bc, improvedi. M Kre1ert Sympathy is extendeci a VPfNPasv Manages o! the Ontarmo' the Brown family o! Raglrin JIFediesation o! Agriculture an- :e-n the passing of Ms. Charles The Brent Family donated nounesAheSppomtmct o Mr. nd rs.Fre ]Eansalitminum railings for the Sydney "Syd" Kîimnan ta the Poutypool. Ms. Archie Winc-' steps in front o! Tyroue Unt Field Staff o! the O.F.A. Ms.SI L I OR W N ST A H H ~~gard, Toronto, wcre Friday, cd Chusch, in memnos o! their Kleiman's territary wil in- IL RORW GSTA guests a! Ms. end Mrss Rus-'parents, Ms. and Mrss A. H. ld h oniso sei Fowles.l Brent. Rcv. Chris Du.gan helud e oniso x Alarge gathering of people Ille Dedication serv ice after fard, Waterloo, Brant, Nor- BN,:lDE E f ~ t asscmbied et the Biackstocýk the marning service, in f r oi k Halimad, ellndROK UNDU STEAKl ftVM Recreational Centre in lhe a!O the church, Sunday. Lin c o]1 n and Wentworth, ,houas o! Ms. and Mss. Allan! Tyrone Church was wei1 where hie wili work under the 1 N L S PO T SI O N R A T ~Larmes (niec Gail Dafoe) wha' filled Sunday marunng when spriino r a e- were. married recently. The Rev. Chris Dugan prcachied asuevio o!M.RyHr evcuing opened xith a short, very interesting and helplul gott, Director o! Field Ser-BO E E S R M R A T bv Miss Jeanne Caulter ofj Mss. W. H. Merry, Milto-n. Mr. Kiieman, xvha is 35 Pantypoal, accompanied byîspent the wcekcnd with her years a! ege, bas been con- W ING O S Down s.LaeTapsn h dauighter and sor-in-law, Ms. nected witli !arming since he - si olos e ntild "A il W alk e-and Mss. Raiph His. was four ycars aid. Born in, side Youa" atrand " a um-1Ms. and Mss. Lloyd Skinner Toronto, the family moved ta! RMS ousmall Wete r."eohum- and family, Ms. and Mss. W. Norfolk County !ollowing the LEAN, MEATY, SIDE Wolfe; a piano selection byPak Sr. xver Stunday visitors death cf bis father. TbeY ' flcy Naucy reAgue; a solo en .-' o! Ms. and Mss. Eari Steph- have specialized in tobacc Mss. J. WA. Turd nbull ne-. i. s.FotrSo-o! Xmas trees. Syd attended PRK S PA RE RIB*S b49c titlned b Mr.kJH A . uriandeus, Suton faring adttheprodctio 1 K ~bull; reading given by MLýs.;end at Ms. and Mss. T. Plea- Taking an active part in -~ Manieod bM se. J AMr' n-, dsaneKernsen hewek coe Hnigh faisboandRO NiaC CKlbBurns or SX BrandSMKD-bcIopgj C Maroo MKe * s.Johnsnc.cmuiyaais nd ar Fresh, Choice Shoulder Cuts Arches was chairman for this Ms. and Mss. C. H MeQulun, orgeization work. lhe is. et mPIA.F rK ocaio.Ms . .Rie en s. ilam Bruce the present time, the Precsi- VYIEI 4 9C the address. Ms. Harvev John-' and Dean. Bowmanville, Mr. dent o! the Charlotteville S rn son and Ms. A. R. Hubbard: and Mrs. Ross Page an.d child- Towniship Federation o!, Ag- Choice Qualty S rn asite uprsntn ivi rnweeSn.yvsios i!rcur, ,,11 an -ý D - PrAsIent o!. ýMM M UMM aq au imPk Plik PUIvd £ dav sesv i ng ca!fee. bot do gs, - n Ms .Dv ntle enpos eti ng paeoplene. (4eOfea)RgPce$l-SV ANETA2 sandwiches ie t ' rs VandnnrtHephd. eein pTROPI0eOfCAL) eg Pie CHIQUITNAXTA o IES TOFRUITUIA RUT The Explorers xil mept and boys. Richmond Hill, He likes ta engage in dis- SURF DETERGENT king size box 109FNT NO. i GRADE ths riavnihtet7 .m ~-~speut Suundav ,vith Mr. a-id eussions a! farm problens the scîool. htat7p.. nMss. H. Stainton. ai-id is particularly intcrcsted rwnkle (7 Varieties) Reg. Price 2 pkgs 49c-SAVE 40 tu heusch s.alepasersho itp uct i n d. C K I E 5o k AAA Sundav Sehool et 10:15 a.m. Mr. and Mss. Hienr 'v Stain- in .edeshiAteinng an arn. A cordial invitatio is C. Eug]ish o! Bowniauviiie ta The Onitarlo Fedesetion o! Nucca Coloured (2c Off Deal) Reg. 2-Ibs 59ce-SAVE 10@ extended ta all., Brantford on Saturday. Agriculture now bas a' FieldlbkA .b The C.G.IT. and Explores 1Ms. and Mss. J.. Oliver, Ser-vice Dept. consisting of M RG RI E 1-lbpgs4 ci1 9 ~. ~ ~ : for a Halowe'eu pasey. Prizes Feus. wese supper guests o! bis staff o! six campeterit (aefo 0%Pr eeal 1 x ee n fororth thte r -hssePsMcovdFrime.-hrughths iedP.ailySie ub wthFr. Critms ani.Figrie)Onare oIdStraeBet or atnFielcdGad efdeCostumes, and judges we:e Ms. and Mss. Water Park, Staff the Federatian is pie- E S D N DENTAL CREAM st 1.n :33lbelobg35 I'Mrs L. R. Argue, Mss,. J. A. Mis-s Cecile Park and Mr. pared ta serve its Member- ODENT seU34JY A PPLIa I rrblMss. A. Carter, Mss. Ralph Baxvers xvisted Ms. and ship ail across the length Henley, Choice Quaity Reg. Price tin 43c-SAVF 40 A P E 5 Va' igwt.Mss. J. Park and Ms. and and breadth o! this Province. FU Californit, Fresh, New Crop, No. 1 Grade Ms' onhu a a s. George MacLellan, Pet- Member Organizations are 8f-ztn 9 gne dees hýuutiug in tbc erborough. urged ta utihize tbe services CASE 0F 24 TINS $9.36 - SAVE 96e D TES 12-z celo pkg 45C ITIONING Peteý amen. Betbesde Pubie S c ho o Io! the Field Staff. These men Puritan Reu. Price tin 45e--SAVE 110 D Msis. Florence Caughill. snent played their seconnd saccer are availaole ta rendes com- Ontaro, Grown, V.lIow Cooking, 13rushed Thusidav wilh Ms. and Mss. gaee t Euniskihlen Pubic petent assistance in sucb ercas BE FS E 24-oz tins79 and Potished, No. 1 Grade 1i You Pe most cirsdiallx% je-r he\-wonm 1-0. leaders'imp training, rural se- AE0.4TN 94 BV 12f II 4~5-lb cel la bag29 vted ta aur special Sundav Ms. and Mss. R. Wrighlt developmcnt, disputes oves Leaver, Fancy Quality O "* reN S ýCE AVAILABLE evenin" servi-e et 7:30 pi. werc dinnes guests o! Mss. S3. assessmcut, taxation, leasing, D AB IU TU C alfna on qudia'. e\rd:inz, Noveniber Rundle and Jean. Boxvmen- expropriation or esement of S A A U IS 2 20o!n7 CWne ag ie o rd 1 Obl. Guest speaker, «M,:ss ville, Sundav evening,. **a i2-l-ozmnsj< WnderLarg Sie- N. rad 11I'nrv of Oshawa. with speciai Ms. and «Mss. H. Windsos iems which mey canfront IEGt-TANi PCr E OPN T.P P E S: o 9 IE TODAY... s i, L1p.g and mnusie. spent thc weckend wihf1 ural peophe who are mem- ~~~W E P R o 9 'Mss. B. Hutbbard and 'Mr. ends et Windsor. bers o! locah Federabions or à 'au 4 11111114L I i] il I Cut Leef Extra Large Pot A. R. Hubbasd called on Mrs Ms. and Mss. Dav'id Drain. Member orgenizations. If and *il 1A 1Il 111 Pi 'anud 'Ms. Russel Davidson. Oshawa, _Mss. Edith Murphy wheii e solution cannot be . PH L D ND Oach 99 :Raglan. Sorsr- ta rDoart that w'ere Sundav visitors o! Mrss. fourid et bbe local level or re- P IO E D O I*d 'M. Russell Devidson is very Florence Scott. gianal level bth e mbers af ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH L L d Ilii,.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm the Field Staff xiii bring the SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1963_______________________ S- Comiug jzExeetlu se- lIere dîinner jrîîpctz rf \Mr. and mettes ta the attention of the Bowvmanviiie gards to aur Bazaas ou Wed- Mss. Alfred Grace, Bowman-, Ontaciao Federation of Agri- 'nesday evening, Nov. 13th. ville, Sunday. 'culure for appropriate action,1 .1,,~ NOW BEINO BUILT IN BOWMAI its. "Sunset Terrac Sub - Division LIBERTY STREET, NORTI * NO PIONEERING * ALL SERVICES IN * 1,100 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM HOMES From $14,300-$1,6501 BALANCE EASY N.H.A. TEl Ready for Christmas Occupas W. FRAN REAL ESTATE Lté Phone 623-3393 177 CHURCHI ST. BOWMAI comfort I, I

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