'Orono Forestry's Operation Described at Rotary Club À graphie account oi re- *tentation, and the growth o!l -taies from seed to maturlty -'vu given by W. R. Buntin, :Ontario Reforestation Super-ý latendent, Orono, i an illus- trated address at the meetingc *of the Bowmanvile Rotar; Club, recently, in the Flying Dutchmnan Motor Hotel. *The guest speaker was In- troduced by AI Witherspoon wbo told his fellow Rotarians that Superintendent Bunting w as born in Pickering and ne- eeived his eariy education: there. "lIt is not o!ten that one uneets a truly public spinited Citizen, but Bil Bunting cen- *talnly is one," Mn. Wither- spoon stated. "Mr. Bunting served in the ItCAF !from 1943 to 1945, and then tudied Fonestry at the University o! Toronto frorn 1946 ta, 1950. In 1950 he be- came Assistant Supeintendent of Reforestation at Onono, and,- seved In that capacity unt!il l is appointment to the posi-j tion of Superintendent at St.1 Rt makes sense te "Package" puKr hmisInsurance em lfonmoncs Policy ai- kmv you to combine your *e, thcft and personal lia- biiity covenages into one broad, economical policy vitia thcse important advan- tages: substantial savings a packaged convenience ... tmilorcd protection. You can bouy t en our easy Premiuni laymient Plan which aHows you ta sprcad the payments over a period of months,, CUI us -for details JAMES4 KOILNC REAL ESTATE Bowmanville Residence 623-5493 -Williamis, Ontario, i 1954. E"IAter headlng reforestation for seven years at St. Wil- liams he became Supeninten- dent a! the Reforestation De- velopment at Orono in 1962. It is a pleasure to have hini in the Clarke High School area. Two or three times a vear he takes our Grade 13 bioiogy and botany students ta the Reforestation develop- ment," Mn. Witherspoon point- ed out. He added that Mn. Bunting also plays the music for square dancing at the Clarke High Schooi dances. The Reforestation Nursery in Orono was started in 1923 on 350 acres o! fairly sandy land, Mn. Bunting told the club. He said that he wished there had been as much know- ledge then about the type o! soul required for seedlings as is known tpday, because the Iight sandy soui acks nitro- gen, phosphorous, and organie matter, and these require- ments must be added to this land iiow.1 fThe nursery at Orono waE established to reforest thE sandy Oak Ridges, north ci iOrono, that extend from Ton- ~onto to Brighton, and to makE *this land, which had becomE deforested, productive again, the speaker explained. "In 1922, 2,000 trees were started. Now 8,000,000 trees a year are shlpped from our reforestation project ail over Ontario," he pointed out. The first o! the colored slides presented by Supenin- tendent Bunting was an air depicting the central part of the nursery complete wit'- green Iawns and beautiful flowers. This picture was shown first to oientate the audience. Slides of the old home nur- sery came next, and o! some acres just east o! Orono. Oth- ens of the 1,000 acres pur- chased later, of which 250 acres are in production, wene next shown. There wene also excellent slides o! the trans- plant and seed-bed compart. ments. The formation of seed-beds was shown step by step. Firsi a picture of the seed-becl R O YA L 6358 This Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Nov. 7.- 9 "The Nutty Prof essor" Jerry Lewis, Stella Stevens (color) also "Love in a Goldfish Bowl" Tommy Sarids, Fabian (color) Fun-fiiied Weekend Entcrtainment SAT. MATINE- "Nutty Professor"l 20e Sun., Mon., Tues. and W.d., Nov. 10 - 13 One Complete Show Nightly at 7:30 "G iean t" (Color) Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean %iLFor Two Weeks OnIy! Nov. 4th to Nov. 16th 100%Pure ORANGE JUICE Made fromn juice of tree-ripened Elorida oranges. 20 01. Glass Botti, Save lOc former made of sheet steel iwith two wings that scoop soil and roll it ready for seeding. The fumigating o! the seed-beds was also shown. This is done from a tear gas itank on the back of a tractor 1which also unroils polyethy- lene tarp out over them to seal in the gas which kills weed seeds and disease. The seeder, a machine like a lawn fertilizer spreader, puts in 80 to 100 seedlings per foot, and they are then noled ini. The seed-beds afterwards are cavered to a depth o! one- eighth inch with soil by a box sander. Stnaw is piaced over this soil to a depth o! two inches for winter protection and also to hoid moîsture close to the ground when the seed begin to germinate in the spning. Over the straw, wooden 10- foot coven with legs fold up are placed. In the spring the legs of these covers are set up, and the covers then sup- ply 50 per cent shade over the seedlings. Phone 62354 96 King St. W. Bowmanvlle a ferred ln recgnition of I recipient's goodwil, g oo cheer, friendship, and ou standing duty at Carnivals.(î That when he attends ar meeting and function of sa club, he shall be properlya tired. (b That he wilI abic by ail the By-Laws of the sa' club." This declaration wi duly signed by President E, Stutt and the Imxnediate Pa President, Jean Williamns, ar fealed. The birthdays of Geoi Vice and George Stepli were celebrated by their fe low Rotarians. Keith Billh the immnediate past presider led the singsong, and Ja( Reid played the pianoa companiment. The hockey draw winne were Dr. G. Edwin Mann ar Dr. Charles Austin. Gues present at the luncheon mee ing were Dr. W. J. Rude Guelph, the father of Dr.N M. Rudeil, Ken Gibbs, Nobl ton, Ont., Ken Markle, FrE Lewis, Ed Bouckley, BE Hegadorn, ail of Oshawa, ar Dr. R. A. Hleston-Cooke, Q ono. Business Directory Accouniancy RAY J. 1VILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street .623-3861 LEONARD JAMES BROOZ Chartered Accountant Accountants - Auditors Trustee ini Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-99. Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. 3. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King & Temperance SI Phone 623-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER & COMPANY Chartered Accountantp Lieenscd Trustees in Bankruptcy 64 Kîng St. E. 728-7X ___Oshawa, Ontario MONTEITH - MONTEITII RIEHL & CO. 135 Simcoe St. N., OshawE Chartered Accountante 728-7527 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.L.A. <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. WILSON & BURRlOW9S Chartered Accountants 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Or Partners: Ronald P. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-7554 lb "After the seedlings ha, f germinated there is not mu r- else to do during the fit ,year except to water, vee Le and feed them," Mn. Buntii rsaid, and he showed slides this work. Weeding durit ,the !irst six weeks is done1 ýhand, and then chemical wet Ir control is used. Nitrogen rPut into the ground by ta: injector for feeding. Ti spraying programn is carnii d out by a 200 gallon tank truc 1- and the wooden covers a: Lmoved for this operation. EThe story o! !eeding, wate mng and weeding is much tl same during the second yea !Tests are made for the rig] eamount o! fertilizer. In th year the injector is not use but instead ammonia suipha eis placed from a tractc spreader. At the end of the secor year the seedlings are thinnu out and two methods are us( for this process o! transpiar ing, hand and machine. 1 the first method it is possib 1 to do 5,000 trees per man pý ýday. By machine 15,000 treý ;peýr man a day are donc. Sul d enintendent *Bunting aiso d scnibed the treatment givE ta, seediings that are shippE directly from the seed-beds. Once the seedlings ha' been transpianted 100 per cet chemical weeding is used, a though in some instances hari weeding also has ta be dor for those weeds that have e caped the chemical spray Watering and feeding is coi tinued as before. The treatment of crac] that appear In the grour around the seediings' roc was outliined by Superintei dent Bunting. He also told( how tree counting is donc E taking sampies and niakir an average. Ia this mana( a total is obtained that is a( cunate within five per cent. A!ter five years the tre( are ready to ship. Sid( showed how machines loose the earth around the noots1 aliow the trees to be gent] puiled out. They are place in bundies a! 25 with ail the. moots pruned to a len.gtiî o! inches. He also described th methods o! shipping, trailei tractor and raiiway.' Me! Dale on behal! of th Rotanians and their gues, moved a vote o! tlîanks to Mý Bunting for bis most interesi iag iilustrated talk. The pr( sident, Dr. G. Edwin Man aiso, expressed his person, appreciation to Mr. Buntin for the informative and fa; cinating address, and present ed hlm with a book, "Seve: Paths ta Peace," as a souveni of hie visit ta the club. President Mann then ta] the club o! an honor whic' has been conferred on anec its members. He unrolled great scroll and read its con tents as follows: "For thos present let it be krxown tha William Thicaburger is hen' by hoaorabiy ac'cepted i the Bowmanville Kinette Clu' as the first -ird only mn: 'Hon orary Member. "This Mem bership is con OBITUARY »RS. WM. A. LAYTON iThe death o! Mns. Wmn. A Layton occunned suddenlya Newcastle on Tuesday, Octo ber 29, 1963. She was in he 85th year. Born la Newcastle, the for mer Eva Louise Barrett wa the daughter o! the late Mi and Mn.. Jas. Barrett. In 189! she married Wm. A. Laytoi who predeceased ber. The deceased attended New * castie schools, and rcsided th whole o! her life la Newcastl or its vicinity. She -was menîber of the United Church Surviving are three daugh ters and one son, Violet (Mrç Norman Drew) o! Tonontc Irene (Mrs. Roy Burley) Greta (Mn.. Russell Yeo), ant Harry, al of Oshawa. teresumm cet current e"~nts.T o- On display were the two sai*H l T e n ()4-H Club girls which won a Kn eports f"' first prize at rnwt aid its theme "'Cari youstpi Lions adesDa c at- time?" featuring a red stop ail Wyo mn ens Inst~itutes of tail-gating. This poster now The Lions Ladies Dance Mrs. Laurence Goddard andf vas goes on to compete with held on Sat., October 26, at Mrs. Jesse Van Nest, who ail- Ern1 (Intended for last week) an explanation of our present neighbouring counties at the the Lions Community Centre though her husband is not 'a ast demnocratic formi of Govern- zone raily in Peterborough, was a gala event, and every- member of the Lions ClulT knd NESTLETON W. L. ment which is ruled by the October 29. The second one one who attended had a most ngreed to help. Her ideas ano:. Nestleton Wonen's Institute people, listing the duties andientered under the Bethany deightful evening. Excellent assistance in carrying them rge 1edterOtbrmetn 1epniîite ftoeeet W.l. and which won third' music for dancing was pro. out were greatly appreciatud, ien the United Church with vIi ed to Dominion and Provin-1 prize was h wr ! r.vided by Ted Taylor's seven- Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James el- tors from Bown-anville and cial Parliaments, City and R. G. Preston, who donated piece orchestra from Ajax. land Mr. and Mrs. James Marr ewtoniltrnce. M County Councils, municipal the prize nioney to the Insti-, Hallowe'en was the motif of formed the Prize Committee, Ht ertnViercesenws councils, schooi boards, etc., tute. the marvelousiy effective de- S. R. James was the able 11C, Herer Vith ei, ad res. n, aw- listing the names o! the pre-b Mrs. Vincent Jackson wifl corations. A huge scarecrowl and Ross Stevens was in a0 rncMacmpriddt the centirpresetativs. Lw e the officiai delegate to the wa:îcdi h nrnecharge of tickets at the door, Hec a comond rganInconlusonMrthRoanArea Convention in Toronto hall to welcome the guests Taneh ie win er o s.fedo Hars n rsdnt ncnlsoMs oa next month, with Mrs. Harry and on the right of the corri-DneprzsweeMs.Fe nds The prsdn welcomned said "To be a good citizen a Ryley and Mrs. R. G. Pres- dor opposite hlmn was a beau-. Cole and Milton Corson. The sts sinCertr r.Aebr anadian~ must flot only belton also attending. tiful arrangement of orangeiElimina t ion Dance prizes everyone on the happy occa- obedient to the iaws, but mTust' Mrs. Hector Morton expres- colored chrysanthemums. were won by Mr. and Mrs, st- Beacockerea themins Ade actively participate in the1 sed the thanks of the mem-: Jack Mu'îday. The Enfield et cored e ue s everad government of the country by bers to the hostess for the The guests were received at, wlcrepndne eea voting intelligentiy and wise- use o! her home and to alÈthe door of the ballroom bv Uned C heur c oun cat- ie- thank-you notes were read, ly and by knowîng the work toewohdp~cptdPeietRseiOe aî rdfrtedlcoslnh de-cnrboweean d o m ni y Lwsafetevr idviulnthe progrd tilam. lresOe, nd Rusie-resan- and the serving table was cen- edcotiuin o! ony er and methods of government.intepormMs.O , and ltVe-rsýtred wvith a loveiy arrange- ah tes ! usies itrdued.bu echO! hs sar Lunch was served by Mrs . mGdd Th*nent o!fifowers in approp- i temso bu e i uilt was but in chosin uswhalasshar iE. McQuaid, Mrs. C. Rowan rs. Goard. Te room ývs iae Hallowe'c orsan Th Bterl qil aso i cosigwht as hlMirs. T. Jackson and Mrs. R: festive with orange and blackrit'n oor.ac 3'display and a price of $25.00 be made and only by votingiCarr. .streamers. On the stage at, t as i crd ystall anes -was set for It. mte]ligently can we Çan-1 the far end of the spaclous -____i______ anletiks Members were reminded o! adians meet the responsîbility I i roomn there was another enor- the Retarded Chiidren Even- which democratie government i E FIL mous and amusin¶ scarecrow, -ng the Rug Dispiay i Port imposes." N IL and a wonderfully colorf ul' rPerry, the Department of Ag- Pictures of Parliament in Sunday morning, Enfield'array o! harvest fruit and riculture Senior T r ai n i ig.session were shown. Sunday School held their pr-1gtbe, fakdb al W R R U fTI School, the Durha m County 1 Miss Muriel Neais of the: motion exercises, which have cornstalks. j Safety Night at Orono, andi Bethany 4-H Club, who had! been deiayed due to churchi Cleverly carved Haliom-t'ni PACtlr-AND CAN the Homnebaking and Sewing, complete 12 units of club work renovations. pumpkins were arranged with T/ZUTk;'FUL £Y SA Y on Oct. 23rd under Miss Viola land won her Provincial hon- Attendance pins, along with.l other traditional Haflowueen -Ashton's supervision at the ors and who had been chosen attendance %?rtificates, were manifestations around t h e' r _,_____l_ i geg i:ii Solina Fail Bazaar. Members t ersn uhmCutipeetdt i hs with no walls of the large roorn. Each 'fA ï -/ W. to aten wlen pssile. i gave an excellent account of!more than two Sundays' ab-lo! the tables that ringe1l thoi~ The request from UNESCO:lier recent trip to New York.1sence during the year. .dneforhdamrcos PFÎ for clothes with six months' In company with 34 boys and Those receiving pins with centrepiece composed o! srnaîtl 53wear - cardigans, snowsuits, girls she visited the 4-H1 no Sundays absent were: Kgn, replicas of pictunesque H Ai- dark quilts, etc., wili be fui- centre at Washington, The Kelly Sim.pson; Pnimary, Mark lowe'en chanacters, witches,. filled; donations to be lef t at White House, Maryland Uni- Simpson, Malcolm Simpson; elves, imps, and others, with Nestieton; Mrs. R. Davison versity, Gettysburg Memonial Junior, Marlon Prescott, Rol-1 gay and comical faces amidst and Mrs. G. Thompson to take Park, National Art Gallery, a1Bwa;Itreit, snl ontlsfakdb charge of articles. A quilting the FBI headquarters, an Ex- Donna Samis, Sherwood Kos- stooks o! cornstalks. ;swas planned at the home O! perimentai Farm, enjoyed a satz.- Mrs. Russell Oke wv a s Mrs R. Davison. boat cruise around Manhat- Those receiving pins withî chairman of the conimittee in - Two invitations were ac- tan Island, the Rockefeller one Sunday's absence were:J charge of arrangements for I cepted for November. On Centre, NBC studios, attended Kgn, Dianne Prescott, Elaine the successf'ul event. Mrs. Nov. llth the ladies will bc a baseball game at Yankee Davey; Primary, Kathy Oke, George White was the ticket guests of the Maple Grove Stadium and listened to a Karen Oke, Janice Prescott, convenor, assisted by hAns. W. I. when the Public Rela- session at The United Nations David Prescott, Marvin Pres- Byron Vanstone and Mns. H.' EETI T tions convenor -will be In in New York City. Miss Neais cott; Junior, Jimmy Oke, All R. Moses. The decoration on 7charge and Nestieton is asked showed many pictures of the bert Samis, Stewart Samis, mittee was composed of Mrs CONTRACTING REPAIRS to supply four numbers. On places visited. Erie Bowman; Intermediate, Robert Mut t o n, Mrs. _Oke, " h Nov. 14th, Janetville W. I. has Mrs. Harry Ryley presided Laura Bowman, Beveriy Sa- invited Nestieton and Reabono for the business session. Thelimis. wedding anniversany *o Mr. 16 Temperance St. >abranches to a social evening, roll eaUl was answered by the' A few friends and relatives and Mrs. Len Stephenson. Seach to supply two numbers. name of a woman famous in fromn here attended a party at Freda Schnellar, Baden, Members offered to drive and Canadian hlstory. r.Er Tynone Hall on Saturday ev- was a weekend guest at the, as many as possible will at- McQuaid gave aninteestngening to celebrate the 25thî Pascoe home. tend these functions. Mrs. L. Malcolin and Mns. A. M. Bea- cock wili supply prograi numbers. S venor o! Hîstorical ResearchEHOY U SA Ea RD& WHT -and Current Events, had ar- ae1-ib' ac ult 0o.tn ranged an interesting pro- Sv 4Lby ac ult 0o.tn gram. The roll caîl was "What nt. I should like to do when I re-0 tire," and Mrs. Fred Dayes TOMATO JUICE 6 R'79c dwelt on the day's motto,, "Evets f toay ill e hs-'Save 4c-2e off Pack-Quarters Coloured Margarine 1 lb. pkg tory tomorrow." Mns. Beacock -gave reminiscences o! an old person - a journey throughC -place at 5 years of age. She Sv c lvrLa alTn ciosed with an appropriate Sv c lvrLa ac ult alTn poema and this statement, St. "Millions have their luxurles nt Mrs. Win. Milligan, DistrictPI K S L O57 -President, brought greetings Save 5c- Pineapple Grapefruit Drink 48 oz. tins fnom the District. Mns. Per- e f I r ~ fect of Bowmanville sang two. benutiful sacred numbers, ne-0 colm, "'Hearta ch es" and~ Save 19c-The Economny Toilet Tissue Rolls "When Jesus Cornes."1 Mrs. V.! Save e- Wlth Pork ty Hudson read the "Good Old In Chili Sauce 20 oz. tins Days" and Mrs. Park of Bow-0 51 manville gave two humoroug O U I S E8s5 c the Telephone" and IlWilliek' Be n 2fo Save 14c! Speaks." FROZEN FOODS le Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm fav- Save 170- Faney Quallty 15 oz. tins A E L SAVE 6c0 ored with a fine organ solo,FI Qucen closed this part of the Regular 333's , meeting. AIl gathered ia the F kI 7S CI PS ÀSunday --ho room we a Sv 5! Red & White Brand 9 oz. Ja 3 pksW9 . sumptuous lunch and happy Sae1. 24 oz. p le social hour was enjoyed. Mrs I S A T (fE E 9 Clubhouseg. 59 o! Nestieton Sunday Sehool, SufdMnaui urm b cnm ygave a fine piano solo, and I OLIVES P A a 9 9' Mrs. M. Wiseman on behaîf Save lOc-Faney QuaIity Libby's 48 ozý tins Save 8c! Loose Pack E Sb g 4 c C fthe visitons extended grac- Juce fo eious thanks to ail. Tomato J ie3 fr89C 8I oz jar --31C-o- le le )r MISS APHA 1. HODGINS as Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public r. 14 Fnank St. Bowmanville 99 n E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. ,le Phone 2246 a Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 ih. a, SADIE HKAMILTON - ORONO 1,Phone i r 16 d First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms 6 Business Propert les a Mkontgage nioney available of for ail purposes. 8Let us arrange your farrn Ican coming due or a new loan. r-We can handie montgages o! as every description. d. HAROLD C. PEDWELL nt Droker Newcastle 987-4336 ed Optome r y Mi KEITUI A. BILLETT, OW» h 141 Ki-ne t . omavl ur Office-ffours: By appoîntnent e Telephone 623-3252 tr Mon- Tues. - Thurs..- Fr1. d O .m. to 5 pa. d Thursda evenings research was in change o!f' Mrs. Thomas Jackson, who gave comments on the a.ven- ing's motta "Our YestendaysI are the rocks on which wve build our tomorrows" relat!tg it ta the debts which we owe'l our pioneering ancestor3.J Mrs. Clarence Rowan gave an informative taik on "TheJ l-istory of The Dominion of: Canada" beginning with thce 1 irst French settiers in 1629 and the early government of the Company o! One Hiindred Associates which ended in 1063, At this tîmne the system o! Royal Govennment comi- mences and lasted' for 90 years. This Sovereign Coun- cil included the Govern or, who was nesponsible for de- fence and negotiations wltn the Indian tnibes. The Intend. ant was responsibie for trade and industry; the Bishop wasJ interested in the reli gious lifeJ o! the colony, in the sehools and hospitals which were en. terpnises of the chunch and in the missions amnong the In- dins. Far seeing, courageous' and devoteti leadership was the secret o! Royal Govern- nient's success in ît's eanîy years. Of the most noted lead- ens wene Jean Talon, Francois cleLaval and Count Frontenac. English immigrants did not a1 gree with the Frnch systemn o! government, but the Eng- lish were a minority gnoup until 1749 when the British took the !irst step by !ound- ing Halifax, N.S. England and France went ta war in 1756 beginning The Seven Years War which ended wlth the Peace o! Paris Treaty ln 1763. Mn.. Rowan dlscussed the comning of the United Empire Loyalisa; the Constitutional Act of 1791 establiahlng Uppet and Lower Canada-, the caus- es and consequencus o! the war o! 1812; the lncreaslngJ nurnber of immigrants, the. Fathenu of Confedenatlori and the joining o! the provinees to be knawn as The Do *loni o! Canada on July 1, leb. 1 The speaker çontinued with a Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Branded ROUND- SIRLOIN - T-BONI 4SOTEAKS .Ib 79C Wefl Streaked Rindiess TREND BACON Pare Porkt Trend Sausage lb 65c I1lb 55c1 Mfeat Loaves or Rurgers Ground Beef 21bs85c MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PORTERS RED & WHITE - k f s A O - ' N THE FINEST 0F ALL CHIQUITA ~ Bananas 2 Ibs 29c Direct (ram Spai, genuine No. 1. pkg. of' 2i ouons SPANISH ONIONS ea.29c Criçpy, No. 1, Jumbo sire stalk FRESH CELERY Garden, No. 1. large size FRESH CABBAGE Purpie top, No. 1 WAX TURNIPS Save 20c!- 10e Off Pack 28 0 LESTOIL Pine Scett< Select Brand Feature- Dessicated, 8 oz. 25- 7 oz. Shredded COCOANUT 1j Feature! Pride of New Orleans 4~ou. SHRIMP SmaII Baked Fresh!- Weston or Sunbeam Crisp 'N' Serve Rolis Regular 29c! Pkg. of 10 Suprefle FRESH DONUTS 19CI IL7c IL 7c oz. si»e 69C 13c 2. in 39c 25c do&. 29c &0Maple Grove a a a Orono1 e eNewtonville1 (*, iý Reg. 49C Value SPECIAL ......................... ......3 c Glen Rae Dairy C h ir opr a c ic G. EDWIN MAWN, DC. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor, o! Horsey S Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By Appointme: D entfal DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S, 75 King St. E, Bowmanvil Office Hours: 9 a.ni. to 6 p.m. daiiy Closed Saturday and Sunda: Office Phone - 623-5790 Hanse Phone - Newcastle 35U JDR. E. W. SISSON * L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in Uis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvîll Phone 623-5604 Office Hours. 9 a.m. to 6 p. daaly Closed Wednesday - Sunlda DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.1 Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanvil Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday ànd Sunda: Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. A, A. HESTON-COOJ B.D.S., LUDS. Office. Orono Medical Centr Telephone 189 LandSurveying- DIERRILL D. BROWN- P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box lf;5 Bus. and Res Telephone ______623-7251 L eg a STRIKE aud STRIKE Barristerý, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A, Edward C. Wildman. B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmnanvill Telephone 623-5791 LAWRENCE C. MA SON> Î-4 Barrister, Sol icitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvilli Phones: Office 623-5688 Residence 623-5553 See How You SAVE