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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1963, p. 10

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10 nhe Canadian Statesman. Rowmànville, Nov. 13, 1$)63'while their parents were~ hi s away. v. able tlxbridge. On Tuesday, Octo-' DirE NSLTN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biggs ber 26th. same frty Nesteton T e " it " Ch r ab e F u dio ofh (Itnddfo as ee) and entertained Mrs. Les Lan- Bar-B-Q in honour of the 251i1 Cori Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal- sing of Caesarea and Mrs. Mr- Wedding Anniversary of Mr.f men colmn and Miss Emma Hen- Lean of Bowmanville on Sun- and Mrs. Fred Crawford of t ieaS ders called Sunday on Mr- day for the annversary. Port Ferry, formerly of Nes- o f Oo n dl Ele esit Mri ad M. n rs lffr Ytleton. The surprise evenirig t Tle. ebtMrinad M.adMr.Cifr y was arranged by their daugh- io Mr. and Mrs. Larmen EHv- landToronwto, Mre unday r Mr Lu adEl:Statement of Purpose and Policy 0 land were Sunday visitors viirwt hyl r. iand Mr and Margaret Wilson. T with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- !turHlad Afte a surnptuous meal Cha Mullen and Carl, Ballyduff.* Mr. Stanley Malcolm le fit. with anniversary cake and ieD D attel Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee ald'last week for Brandon, Flani- cream, Mrs. Alan Wilson cA RT-1 on" ~ Debbie spent the weekend in da. to spend the winter in hils ed on*each family ta reminisce the Scarbornuglh with Mr. and trailer cabin. about their early acquaintan- 0ro Mrs. Jack'Booth. Anniversary Services wereices with the Crawfords. She1 On the 7th day of January1vised. to rerelv turm thisland those who follow us in the1ried out. On the 10th da > v0f for Mrs. T. G. Langfeld lf this, held in the Presbyterian then read a short address Of 1961, Robert Smith Little, aS75,000.0fl over to any lcgallxy future of this last final, htt-iMay 1962, a Charter %vas tanc weekend to spend the wintem Church on Sunday, with spe- congratulations and g o o d lifetime resîdent of thie Town-~ recognized Clharlty carrying manie and giaciaus intent of * Fnb heHooral Po In hem cabin trailer in Tampa, cial Thankoffering. Rev. Fred wishes and presented a purseship of Clarke, passed away, out its objects anýd activities Mr. Little ta serve the comn- Procant e teHory ablin-Adt Florida. Swann delivemcd twa fine ser- of money from those assem- leaving ta the citizens of Or- in this Village. The Word munity at large. They also Ptr o iiScetary andfMin- vis'( Mr ad rs CaresGit on ad hechirwa asit-bld ndseerlfiends un-, ana the bulk of bis familys Charity in law bas been de- felt that what was done ise of iteshp fO- were In Peterborough ta visit cd by Mr. Mel McCoy, accom- 'able ta attend. Fred and Ha-i financiai savings in the man- ie aicuefu eyds hudb iigtig otaio in tspin sac Te Li- 90fl Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Richard- panied by Miss Bragg, in two'zel made graciaus replies and ner that this money, amount- tinct categories or channels of extend inta the future with- tIc Charitable Foundation of!cogr gon and family and get ar- splendid solos.' invited evcryone ta tlicir~ ing ta approximately $75,- human endeavor as foilows: out end, if this could be ar- Orono with these abjects: "To tiai quainted with their fourth Mrs. Henry Sheffield of' home ta view their lovely 000.00, and the income derived (1) Advancemcnt of Educa- complished. Thcy feît that a receive and maintain a fund em« great-grandchild. Oshawa is visiting Mrs. Wil-Igifts and have a piece of wecl- therefrom was ta be expend- tion; (2) Advancement of Re- mere gift ta an organization or funds and ta apply fromor Ariniversar 'v visitors wîth ford Jackson and family. iding cake. ed upon such charitable pur- ligion; (3) Relief of Foverty; in existence for which a r2-Itime ta time ail or part there- mea Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson Mr. and Mms. Maurice Nes-1 It was a jolly evening when poses in this community at (4) Advancement of purposes ceipt would be receivcdfrfad the income therefrom or( were Rev. Fred Swann, Mcs.srs bitt spent a holiday in OttawalaId friends rcnewed mast hap- such times and in such man- beneficial ta the community. fiiing away, would flot ahefrf ad al proe i h-defi LUrne and Ralph Lamb, En-1 visiting her brother, Mr. Llovd1 py acquaintances, wishing fror ner as% bis Executors deemed It would have been quite sim- the Orono personal acho vchhaitbe upoesittecori niskillen, and Mr. and Mrs.lIHeaslip. Mrs. George Heaslipithe Crawfords many more advisable. This bequest plac- ple for the Executors ta have Mr. Littie's Wili seemed tao' i sali Normnan Lyons and Lorie of1 staved with the cilîdrenivears of good healthedacsirberepnii-witnachueateOooidiae This Charter further pro- mou ty upon those Executors ta Banch of the Salvation With these things in mind, vides and doclares -that the ing seek out the best and most Armv, if there wcre one, or the existence of other per- corporation shail be carried the advisable objects in the cir- to one of the local Churches. sonal charitable v e n t Li r e s. on without the purpose of the cumstances by which it wouid If this had been donc, thcy such as the Lang Memoriql gain for its members and any exis N O M IN A T I NhendeEL CTIO Nf the com- ol av ofrte o-ChaDel, some imagination was pro fit, or other accretions t..)Litt N OIN TI N nd EL CT O Nmuiy o ho i ws ef res aTax hoitetheal kne i shaîlectos hbeo-ortun hed whe wi All f te lgal nd spe so alld -hree Levls"and heysetabout in thougit1 in promnoting its objeets: -that hav( cîally tax implications o u ol have been happy tat carryou their ideas. Thirthe Directors shaîl serve with- was present day life have be-ýn low the proper exemption and minds tumncd ta the nccddoueto compensation, and no Dii - mirî hounding and trying the in- the money could have been impravemnent of facilities ta ctr shall, directly or indir- goVE genuity adptec of thsespntwihot urhe ado. ectl y, receive any profit from Act, N 0 C Excutrstheir advisors and Mr. Little had, however, inl quate medical service ta this other now associated with the other provisions of his community. This necd was Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors teni bringing about the Will provided bequests tO endorsed by the local physi- i charitable ventume created, these other existing Chari- cian and by ail others with MT R I of the Corporation of the whenth late Mr. Little sign-tal Organizations i the whom the mte a ics ed bis Last Will and Testa- community and inth situa- sed. Local organizations hadp ment. It is difficult ta' ima- tion the Executors felt that. been for yeams cndeavouring ~ N gine why, when a persan de- they had been bcstowed a ta enîist the services of a Den-. ON cides ta do good for feliovr greater and more exacting me- tist in this area without suc-' T o w n h ip f Drlin to nmankind, that the road is sa sponsibility. They felt that cess. Dr. McKenzic indicated that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, The easy way for the Execu- of monoy involved, some me- with the increasing medical' a meeting of the scid electors will take place in jhave been, as they were ad- should evolve ta remind us. The Executors, therefore, believed that possibly theïr L r . Municipal Building, Huampton BLS O CK be directed and cridoti tbis area under the fourth on (Intended for last week) ýnoon. That evening Dr. Ken- heading of Charitable abjects, To beTi Jeffrey James Buma, in ýneth Fnacr gave a most inter- the advancement of purposes held atTR fant son of Mr. and Mrs Hon- esting and informative ad- beneficial ta the communit. mwich is on the Scugog Rû ry Buma, received the Sacra- dress on Agriculture in Africa This was their decision, rîght- suho lcsoko ment of Baptîsm in the Unit- in the Christian Education ly or wrangly made, but cor- suho lcsoko FridayN ov. 2,19 6 3cd Church Sunday morning. Centre. Dr. Pearli Fnac was tainly with a profound desire W com encng t te Iourof 2:0 o'loc, nonsu'bject for his sermon, "Par- Church on Sunday, Oct. 23md, Orono, we have a fine, attrac- and continuing until 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purpose As customary on the tirst: ag ogeain Sorr asngtredcos fices Sunday in th e month, the your reporter was away and and a dental surgean's office WVe are offerinz a useful grou of nomninating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, three Sacramrent of Holy Commun - d id not get this for last weok). with al the most up ta date olds, as well as a number ol Councillors, and three nienibers of the South Darlington Area Publie ion was administered in St. The Friors, who weme mký- and modemn canvoniences, both John's Anglican C h u rech. sionaries in Africa for 30 with further accommodations Dn isTi p School Board. Canon Ashmome delivemed an years, have had a vast amouint for expansion in the medical o'MisTsOp _____________________________________excellent_____sermon.___ of oxperiencos and bath speak and dental fields in the fu- ACCREDITED - Sexe lent deron. e enMost fluently. At present thy tur. This edifice belon'gs, 'in i THEPOL S HAL BEOP N 'btane fo Cubsthi v ares living in Victoria and ho fact, ta the Orono Community. The majority are read) Leadrs ow re:Akea, l s aField Secretamy for World AI] of its benefits of every eiil oe Leaer no ae: keaM 5- Missions. nature, including financial. lgbet, f rom 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Carl Adams; other leaders T' t-~ ~hr tpjbln ath iiesa r ï" & ~uii qposition as such: reason- Province could and wasaibis le expenses incurred by nyta exercise certain discretion rector in the performance, in the circumstances. After his duty may be paid; -that several attendances at vari- en the dissolution of the1 ous Government offices,\v.U rporation and after the pay- siderable correspondence. M- nt of ail debts and liabili- terviews and persuasion on ,.its remaining property behaif of aur cause, the ner- all be distributed or dispos- essary discretion was given of to charitable organiza- and the gift ta Orono was In which carry on their~ exempted fram payment of )rk solelY in Ontario." !Succession Duties in an esti-A Thenecssty orsuc amated amount of between *hrer a neessit for suheathirteen and eighteen thous- ýert was lthed ecta fl1e-and dollars. much ta the satis- lemal by themEecuto r Up faction of those who have Leghaabl e vseentuta brrng worked so relentlessly toward chriabe enur frthis and muceh ta the benefit )fon within the provisions of the people of this corn- rexemption from inheri- munitv. ce tax. as provided by the l T ecniud iciland Federal Taxi- (ob oniud s in this field. These pro- ons in short state that anY' FINE QUALITY F made by a deceased per-1, MONUMENTS AND nto any existing and r0n- MARKERS gnized Charitable organiza-ý )nin Ontario shail be ex- s e "hkeI. h'y. ipt from such tax. The term (U k a nization is defined ta OF STAFFORD ca - chartered orgcanization BROS. LTD.' otherwise constituted witii mfiite abjects stated and I ntrolled and in this case,.$4urie llv charitable. Having sur- Ilthrie uLnted this hurdle and hav- m cour chartered foundatiori, uouB thr ènext difficultv was that lStafodB thr eFoundation was not in! istence at the lime of Mr. ' I 'iD tle's death, the date n' Monuments iich the gift was deemed tno *e been made. Herc. thero <ý,l. ia difference in the Do - 31 Duniids St. f-. lWhitbv nion and Provincial laws Plumoe %Whlthy verning. In the Provincial Nfhw tthe Treasurer of, this.3 EWHAVEN bIGNMENT SALE Vovember 28th 1963 - 1:00 p.m. IEWHAVEN FARM LTD. toad 15 miles north of Bowmanville and ½ý mile 7 miles east of Port Perry via Higbwav 7A. EOFFER PURE BRED 50 STEIN CATTLE HEAD )up of Fresh and Springing Young Cowvs and 2-year- of Yearlings and Calves fer Caif Club prospects in h senior and Junior classes. )portunity to Purchase Your Caif Club Caif. VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED dy for Immediate export. All cattie tested or enter listed or certified area herds. IR "F.1.11 DF.I'1F.UiD 1<141. AIT .lk JLIEtiiAT 1.UU i .vi. m

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