The Canadian Statesman. Boiwmanville. Nov. 13, 983 Vanier. wife rof the Governr- 1 Patterson: Best dressed lady, 'Ovenden and Mrs C.SmhterHalw'nptynte IGeneral of Canada, made the Kare f t A d ew sn Jones: Best dressed Their mother, Mrs. F.CoYal presentation to her of a Life, man. Mrs. C. Downey: Best wvas an interested ontokr rde' colppl a Mr5. Joe O'Neill1 Membership in the Ontario E ii couple, Mac and Glenn Rabb;l Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ik alw'npryTusa Association. iH old Succ ssfu Sal Hallowe'en costume, girls, Ist Neil and Herbie andMr.Hnih.Pze wrear .Mr. and Mr.,. T. W. Caw Wendy Ayre, 2!nd Sandra Pat- Tink attended HamptonHroteeppl:Bs rs H A e ~~~~~kri will celebrate the 50th' The annual Bazaar held by were in charge of the Fancy terson; Hallowe'en costume, vest'Home service on Sna uisGae1t .Rnl 0 00 0 Ø YS P lX SAnniversary of their weddlin2 the Ladies' Aid of St. An-|Work Booth, and those in bos, st Ricky Lovekin, 2ndiafternoon and were tea ussVcLryCyemn ra H s . A x l a y Hn rion Sunday, December Ist, and drew's Presbyterian Church'charge of the Canidy Table Jim Harper: Best national cos lof Mr. and Mrs. Percy eel4tvRslePrEi wil! hold'an Open House boih on Friday, Nov. ist, in thelwere Mrs. D. S. Fergu'son and tume. Cindv Lou Ayre; Bestland family.Bomnbetdsedau, ~~~~~~~~the afternoon and evenmng. Sunday School Rooms, was!Mrs. Peter Murdoch. 'junior pupil in costume, Su-' Several others fr-omn on enPr;bs rs3 ope e eeVOD gCmrs. Cawker has specially in- much enjoyed by a steadyv Mrs. James Covle and Mrs. san Ricard; Best senior pupillattended the church srieMroi rsotadEl vited all the auxiliary mem- streamn of patrons. Mrs. Alex Ari otct ee in in costume, Wayne Tayo. aHmpnonSdyafe-mih bstc iGen ber-; to attend." Mrs. McMur- Camneron, the president, was charge of the Apron Booth. Candv and treats were pro- noon. Mlsn otoiiilcs ter announced. 'the general convenor of the:Mrs. Honevman and Mrs. vided for all the children andci Linda Flett was aSudytmJyDensMr.G . W LHf ~ ~~~~Mrs. Cawker thanked the successful event. :Howard Gaud were in charge a vote of thanks given to Mr. tea guest of the C. Laaid.Ko cnute ga sad / O n i e e m erS I ~ ~~~~auxiliary "from the bottomý Th Sale or Homne Baking of the popular Touch an1oei n h ugs uc Mr. L. Squair, Salem a uc a evd of my heart for the honor!included a wonderful arrav ofiTake Table. was served by Mrs. Lane, a Sunday guest of given mei oot.I scks okebsutpies' The E v e n i n g Affiliatt ed1 Mrs. Brock and Mrs. E. Wood. Mrs. Roy Langmaid. record of outstanding service by giving her an Honorarylmove that in lieu of flowers iliat*ro e mo herial Hospitl s ecyPreMr.Hg ea, and its president, Mrs Bagg oeatew wo ran Witysed MrbanyMr to the Womnen's Hospital Aux- Life Membership at the same'a donation be made in mem- taTreivdheLfMm ely and Mrs. Alex Cameron1Jam;es A. Bell was the teaanoce th nxtmtigRFrsrndbvonS - iliary wàs lauded at a meet timne last spring as one wFs ory of Mrs. Storey to Memi- bership in the Hospital Aux- were in charge of this boo)thi.convenor. The tea tables werelfr Wednesday. Nov. 13th. Thie'day. ing of the organization held'conferred on the late Mrs. V. orial Hospital, and that a ]et- iliaries of Ontario Association. Mr.E rwod r.S .ec ete ihalgtdsnging of God Save thel Mrs. Wes Hills is ateni in heBoad oomofMemr-H. toeywh ha aso beenr b ett .Soetel-Friends from every part of Chartran and Mrs. Ross Stuittpastel colored taper in acry,-Queen brough the evening toithe W. I. ConventioninTr tal Hospital recently, a member for 43 year, but ing him of this," Mrs. MasonR.inN.Rwr rsn o -- a adetc.acoe no The president, Mrs. S. G.unotntl Mr Nllsde emocaSntse thevt'Ms.Cwbsna ENNISKILLEN Thosewhoasssed in sr- thea kend withHis1 p Mcutr rsetd Mrson that date. carried unanimoul meeting the members of the' Mrs. J. Strachan, Mrs. J. Par- SOLINA Ms.D. Craig. Tyront M rphn o y • Mr.O'Neill feelinganex- rs. Llod Ayre the cor-WoesI-sptlduiir (Intended for last week) iker, Mrs. D. Bradley ancd Mr-,.M1 brook, viitedEthThrt Hospital Auxiliary in recog.! pressed her appreciation of respondmng secretary, gave her zaar hld by the W.A. of St~. h ..W e t h oeN. Irvmne Those who assistedý (Intended for last week E. R. Taylors on Sundy tiiio o he 4 yarsofabethe honor accorded to her, report. She spoke of letters Ade' hrhi h u- of Mrs. Grant Werry on Octo- in the kitchen were Mrs. A.ý The United Church Womený Mr. and Mrs. F.R.Ck selo fleanddedcatso ed ok"AdIa eceinl ory sntdrm hepstm nthd S chlRoomsth Sn-1ber 16th at 8 p.m., with an M. Thompson, Mrs. R. B. Gil-1 met on Monday night in the1 and Mr. and Mrs. E.Co samebrMr.ONIll is that Mrs. Storey is no longer and read an mnvitation from day colRos attendance of 30. Mrs. E. Tre.. bert, Mrs. Howard Sturrocký, church basement, with Mrs.'Bowmanville, were Sna also a past president of the here. 1 wish we could startl the Bowmanville K i n e t t e - ---wmn opened the meeting with Mrs-. Gordon Sturrock, Mrs.iDon Taylor presiding in the!taget fM.adMeSEU O MOTN auxiliarv. our 44th year mn the auxiliarylClub to attend its Bazaar in ]Bsiness DrcoC a short reading, "A Hymn for Lloyd Clifton, Mrs. K. Fergu beceoihepeidnMr.Fakestlake Jr. anfa President MoMurter pointed together." Mrs. O'Neill said. lSt. Andrew's Sunday Schooll Thanksgiving." Mrs. C. Avery son and Mrs. James A. Bell. !E. R. Taylor. The groupdeilINUAC HEP. out that it had been planined "The people of the town Rooms on Fridav afternoon, gave the devotional, opening - - - cided to have a Vesper serv,î(ic Friends of Mrs. T'.Jakn were shocked and sa3ddened:!Novemnber Rth. Mrs. Ayre al- with hymn 577 followed b\. on December 15. The Chris-: formerly Nellie Hillie.w hnoravson. by Mrs. Storey's passing," so read a letter from W. prayer. The scripture was t 'ian Education Comm-ittee re-lbe pleased to knowse hn or ongtr ,t YIf i M lresidentMcMurter stated. Smith, president of Smith RCh J.i ILLINt nt taken from Philippians, chap-pre ht H....gru oeha mrvdinTs t oai...Wenyu en Il Y Ure6 a a "Mrs. Storey was a devotedlBeveragesrgrm eChuceore ter 1, verses 27-30, and chap- has been formed with Mrs. C.Idale Hospital, Sask.aehystrstdie.. worker in this auxiliary forPpi-oadipner tobe6381 ter 2, verses 1-4, followed by (Intended for last wveek) Laeada earan dMrs., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tikad We1or o rduhe 43yer and she will be placed in the hospital. Mrs. many worthwhile thouights on The annual Hallowe'en par- .Wto s sitn eder.duhes bnzr were ost ol N adte erod esagreatly missed, by us and by Ar oe h doto fLOAD JAMES BROOKS unity by Mrs. C. Avery. She t was held at the school on A Tyro group will be formed Sunday guests of Mr.anMr Ne adthevrboygtb the members of other organi.. her report, seconded by Mrs.1 Chartered Accountant closed with hymn 252 and Friday evening, Nov. Ist. Mr. in the near future with Larry Harry Knox and sons.,ahsae01yu hl tired a t b ek e, aPerilth zations, and by her many fri- Mason. Trse1nBnrpc prayer. Mrs. Trewin expres- E. R. Lovekin, wearing a Spires and Lloyd Broomne as Several Solina lade at evopntnrdusnw ilsr oly an, t a.t tap noy ends. Our sympathy goes out Mrs. R. G. Cowie, the trea- Suite 205W 725-9953 sed thanks to Mrs. Werry for handsome Arab costume, act- leaders. The worship service tended the U.C.W. Dessr e epniiiisfryu. condition ausbyil nary irrtatino to her faml, Mrs. McMur- surer, presented a satisfactoryl Oshawa Shopping Centre opening her home. Roll cal]l d as master of ceremonies was led by Mrs. Murray Vie. at Zion last week.repnilteshasoud Ilediscomfort. That's thetlime to ter said, and she asked the 1fmnancial report, _and movedi WM. J. H. COGGINS was answered with articles for fr the eveming. Mrs. Otto The topic on "Taiwan," pre- Mr. and Mrs. DonTalr bpovddfryexr- take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dod' help corresponding secretary, Mrs. its adoption. This was sec-, Chartered Accountant bazaar. Minutes of last rneet- Bragg provided the music and ýsented by Mrs. J. Knox, prov- and family attended th1 an ecdisuac oneig stimulate the Idny to relv this Lloyd Ayre to write to Dr. onded by Mrs. Glenholme!Scn lo ing were read. Treasurer's re- tose in costume paraded inied very interesting and in- dance Friday night i r rprydstndporn condition which may often cause back. Storey on behalf of the aux-Hughes. New Library Building portewashegive b rs. . et- va rou casseMs.T. Hrudge frmatve. Luchaslserved S and rnthys elyaeencsiyunomoeaCl ache and tired feeling. Then you feel iliary. ;Mrs. W. M. Rudel], convenor 1Cor. King & Temperance Sts. irtuil e. hel n e fer e- Qerer. and Mrs. CHafrd driThe scil hlf ur. built ars.N aten i.o sfra nuacrve better, rest better, work better. Get Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, of the auxiliary's Cook Book Phone 623-3612igwl ehl nteate-ury ad Mselfod Th oe' nttt ilM st. otten s.a re Dodd'sIdnePlla now. Look for th. the imimediate past president,. project, reported that sheha noon. Mrs. M. Stainton, Mrs. Mackin, all of Bowmanville. have a social evening in the ,centy us fMs .Rhe blue box with the red band at ailldrug mentioned that in Mrs. Stor- received a letter that mor- YLFIDADR A erMr.Cafr n rz inr ee sflalo hrdy oeb r yrn e, counters.YoucandependonDodd's.6o ley's death notice flowers had ing from the publisher con- & COMPANY Mrs. F. Toms have volunteer- lows: Pre-school girl, best 14. This was arranged by thel Mr. and Mrs. H. Freiacn been gratefully declined. "But firming the settlement of the Charterer Accountants ed to be a nominating com- dressed, Janet Lovekin:, Oshawa. visitedMranST A T R contract. Production of the Licensed Trustees mirte to secure an executive le school girlbsresd r.1.Lah Taunton, Mr.E1Cyemn1nSn book will begin on Novemberi in Bankruptcy for the UC.W. for the coming|1 st Linda Brock, 2nd Brenda has been staying with her! day. 11ith and recipes must be re-,6 t 2-737 year. Mrs. A. Werry was m .rock; Best dressed public! daughters, Miss Pearl Leachý Mr. and Mrs. KeithCrd- ltceived by the putblisher be-16 ing t E2 •7- charge of the program. Mr. school boy, 1st Stanley Lane, and Mrs. D.Feta Mrmnaddugesvitd Or forethat dte, Mr. Rudel Oshaa, Ontrio W.Thiesbrger showed us 2nd Eddie Wood: Characteri Leach is il] in Memorial Hos- Mr-. and Mrs. L. StaintoE-ISRNERA SA or ~pointed out. MONTEITH - MONTEITH some very lovely pictures of cstume, girls, 1st Linda pital, Bowmanville. niskillen. T W eekT The recipes received from. RIEHL & CO. Central and Northern South Brock, 2nd Carol Lovekin: Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. Baker's school pupishaaKigS.EBomni 00SOthe memibers so fair have been, 13.5 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa America. Mrs. R. Stenger re- Character costume, boys, !ý1 (and not Sr. as appeared last Hallowe'en party on Tusa particularly good, and include, Chartered Accountants ported from United Nations. Johnnie Lane, 2nd Maurice week) enjoyed an afternoon of afternoon and in theevngOfieRsdn ýwonderful dishes of every 728-7527 Mrs. L. Sharp read an article ,Wood: Most original costume, bowling recently with her sis-icollected a good sumfoUN6254 kind. The published cook Partners: on Christian Education. Mrs. Kathy Lovekin; Comic cos- ters, Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. R.ICEF. 6358 ny book will contain anecp o.J .MnetFCA.A er hne l h a e st Pat Rudell, 2nd Eric Land, Mrs. G. Mutton, Mrs. J. Solina school pupil a tionally varied collection oflA. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. helped with the program and recipes for all occasions, Mrs • .W ihCARIA meeting closedi with prayer. 64NNhRudel] said. She told the' aux-. (Licensed Trustee) Unit 2 served a dainty lunch, Nov. l t 10Nov. 1 th iiay thar e fCoosklBooks .E.TetheweC.A. pedcrrnpkin tarts and wip D e S before Christmas and copies -1.R aer . - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin 10%PUeof it will make perfect Christ- WILSON & BURROWS iand Donna Gail were Fridayý mas presents. Chree ccutns evening visitors of Mr. and' C E JNMrs. T. W. Cawker moved 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Mrs. Duncan Cameron, Osh-Z Ithat in addition to the 100 Partners:: awa . origrinally arranged, that the Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A· Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder-S A auxNGliaryC order 300 Cooký G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. mnadfml eeSna Books. This was seconded byl Phone 728-7554 te1ussa . titns Mad frm uicoftre--ipeedMrs. Ayre, and carried.ft • Miss Doris Wright, nurse-, Mrs. -Rudell spoke of eChir c i c -training, Oshawa Hospital,ý F1dfine reception accorded thie r p _ spent a couple of days with * lorida oranges. pblisher's agent when adver-- G.-EDWIN--MANN,-D.C. her parents last week, the E.i À tpising had been sought in theý Chiropractor Wrights. 20 oz. Glass Bottle Save 10c town and district for the cook Office: Mr4nlMs HretLih book. ~~15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. o, omnvleihdSn-1 Penny Saver!- Save 4c!- Solo Coloured 1-1b. pkgs. PenSar!-av25 -dpbowd2-z.ts Reg. 49c Value Mrs. McMuirter mentionedi Phone 623-5509 dav tea with Mr. and Mrs. SPCIL ............................nCot ave to a l teadverByApoinmetr. ntdVe rrs. KenRuntdle, M A RG A RIN E 2 for 4 .5c iLibby's B AS 1or SPCI ............................ 3 C ingi a member had to accomi- Dl Mr. Richards, Bowmianville,ý pany the agelit while this waýs were guests of Mr. and Mrs! Penny Saver! -- Save 7c! - 3 varieties9 pancake flour Penny Saver! - Sav5c-CrwBan done. Shie told the meetingD.-.--RDLLD.-S R Rowan on Sunday. Ne en RaeudeE.haBowmanville 1ýanMr iandCourtice.vKinswithîAunt Jentima 2 for 39c iCORN SY U34 G ien R a e ý~~~~~car and hiad spent four whole: 9 to 6 p.m. daily Mr. and Mr-S. R. McGill. PnySe!ýa, 3!wieo oordtsu ol days with the agent. She add-' Closed Saturday and Sunday We are pleased to report en ae!Sv 3!wieo oordtsu ol Penny Saver! - Sav6!-poc a ed that Mrs.CakrMr Office Phone -6359 the amount of the UNICEF = e D Mason and Mrs. A. L. Hooev Hous Phone - Newcastle 3551 here was $33.00. W hite Sw an 4 for 4 5c: Tw mnkle Cs ie o D a rY adea orh accoaid thv---DR. E. W. SISSON - Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton; agntrsE R haleay L.D.S., D.D.S. were Suinday visitors of Mr.! Penny Saver! - save 62c! - 40e off pack package Penny Saver! - Sav c -lqi Mr. . . hopsnse- Offien his hom and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Pet- Ph 63 44neymo\.'ed htte axla 100 LibertySt.N, Bowmanvile rorou* Mrs. Geo. Irwini K IN G SIZ E SU RF 97c JA V EX B EC 4 One - p~~~~~Rdel s car.gahiu ed n r 9a.n s: 6 p.m.daily awe e Su ny Iitoso ,n and:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,manaansmnssmnmnmsssnuag 96 King St. W. Bowmanvilie ried. Mrs. Rudell said thlat Closed wednesday - Suniday Mr. Wmn. Tripp, and tea guestsl SPECIALLY SELECTED - LEAN - PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER she appreciated the thought of Mrs. Anmie Justus, Bob- but would prefer that the DR. C. F'. CATTRAN, D.D.S. cyen t eywasi ed bY dhp .x-dmfi ndillye F.onms P O R KR O A S i 29 Oill, co-convn ork r.o hs eehoeaffcn355 d nMr.a MrsAmbr ose The Mtrea ethe rog e eds l Office r: n Me ia C nte vs os of r. T d M rr , fro mt h e proj et last mnth n. tuele p one 189 B s o m n ville. r sp ct CNARO US oovth Gf Sop- - - -- ----Mss es onie al.ýand Hilda OK OS <,- a àONil conven e ord ohatthe Lansd Surey gd Knay ,TrnoweeStdy i Noary ubli ý AthurRedkapp Newcastle ID ) M 10:0 m.Decmbr ad 4Maor Fok King St. W. - Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piperý 15-0z. Pkg. Toronto--Galbraith Bldg., University of Toronto 1 Phones: Office 623-5688 and family, Maple Grove, SRW ERE 1 0°."r 35St Gore t, oon 0220AThe residents of Hillsdale! Residence 623-5553 were Suindayý callers at K. RW ERISPk9.41 35t.eogetRom0220AManor, Oshawa, wvere enter-iSSAH -OGN cils 12-oz. pkgs. Whole Head BRCOISer29 10:00 am. December 11 and 12 taninied recently by a grouio B Parrser, o Gi Mr. and Mrs. Grant WerrySPN C2fo45 10:00 am. January 7 and 8 of studenits fromn The Burns Norite- Susan and Scott, were Satur- PN C o 5 School of Dancing in Oshawa. . tary Public .da evngvitostMr 10 :0 0 a m . J a n u a ry 1 4 a n d 1 5 T e s u e t r e e t d a 4 F r a n k S . B o w m a n v ill e ! a n d M rs . S . L ai s . F E oT U R E S CU N T P R C E 10:00 am. January 21 and 22 hour of variety dancing cone- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Mr. ad Mrs Ernet Lar 10:00 am. January 28 and 29 sisting of the following: B.A., LL.B. mer-, Blackstock, Misses Affie Easter Parade - Tap Daner - arrister, Solicitor and Annie Wright, Oshawa,1 Reguilar St.50 6-n's.hoitille. ,Aabtl These are initial, not fmnal, hearings. Briefs will be prei Cindyý Kowal, Anne MurICZelk,iKing S t. E. Newcastle were callers at Mr. and Mrs.1 RESDAN $1.29 DRSA Taes- -9c sented by a responsible officer of the organization con- Wanda Hulaj. Vickv Krouit,lHus:9Phone 2246,a.,9'N. E. Wright'ý..Rglr8c 0sRglr5.5 .. Robin McLaren, Debbie Leigh- HLr,:953 edSt,9.-1*Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill' euAA C!69 DISANMIT 9 ceredorth mivdul isin t mketh sbmss on. tn Lorraine Baird, Nancyý and boys were Sunday tea or their legal counsel. Participants may have expert wit- Reimer and Marie Whiting. rig es guests at Mr. and Mrs. Her-1 Regular 69e! Phillip's milk of hti.Reua33!Pilpsmkof2' nessaperfor them Winter Ballet - Christine ig.-- Man Haass, MAGNESIA 59C MANSATbes- 29 nessesappear em' ~~~Masternak, Helen Firka, Bren-ÎSADIE HAMILTON - ORON Mrs. F. Toms visited with ggge!eeegoggggsggee@e@eeee Participants will be asked to presenit only the summiaries da McNeely, Denise Lycezba,l Phone 1 r 16 Mrs. G. McLean, Bowmnan- Cip lly nai and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations. .Jenny Masternak, Sallv How-1 Frst Mortgage Funds ville. cIns, Fncy Gtrado . O A D Pe son. Rsiences -Farms Master James Werry spent AMll uose, Oantyadn.e pl a wetVlni usa They are free to elaborate orally and offer arguments. Pizicatto Polka - 88a11-r Business Properties _ the weekend with his grand- YLL rOW OIOnSaio 3. plb 2c R AGS ---dz45 Peron aperin bfoe he nqir my b eamne Det e athe Creyan Mortgage money available parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Garden fresh, no. 1. 10 oz. cello bag Gos re o directly by the members of the Enquiry. "n anmbr eeal for all purposes. iWerrywhen his parents were SIAH ---2fr2c UU BR o 9 pford by J Let us arrange your farm j to oggeal. ggees - -- 2eore 29cseeeeeeseeee Persons submitting briefs are perraitted to introduce ait h rmeTa . lneandee,, loan coming due or a new loan.1weiendElsie OkeMspentR eto*rSnba.rshBkd SURMeRUTCK the hearings supplementary information and material in ora Harper, Novelty omd We can handle rnortgages of Preston, Mpl GrveRieua res49c ecd-b lc -b lc written form. These,tt: .-known as exhibits, will be filed Tp and Balle W Ta zRDud E LL Mrt.rRobert Kozak, Intonal•BnnaG ETC KE 5 9 13 wieth te.ommsinnn.ubee nore f Elizabeth Zsmudski, Barbara Broker visited at 0. C. Ashton's over eeeeeeeeee presentation.Rymdzionek and Yasmin Rym- Newýcastle 987-4336 teweed REâMER-Briefs,(25 copiesion the proposed Medical 'zinskBuBnsaleTntertamned!andRobertMr , e whn n A P E G RVMARrT . a l r v Services Insurance programme must be submitted by the audience with a ballet tap ___ m f and Mrs. R Weaving, Ancas- MP E G O A RT November 15th to the Secretary. dance and a waltz. Two ac- KETH A. BILLETT, O.D. ter. cordian solos were played by' Optometrist Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Yen! Dit.J GER»ALD HAGEYT C. CLARAE,.Serretar Y Helen Firka and Susan SZak-i141 King St. E.-Bowmanvile and Neil were Sunday dinner' ON • MRE Chairman Roorn 418,67 Colege Si. acsi, also pupils of Miss Burns.!Office I ours: By appointment guests at Mr. and Mrs. Tedl Toronto 1 Douglas Johns, superintend- Telephone 623-3252 Yeo's, Whitby. Telephone 36S-4n24 ent of the manor. thanked Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. The annual canvass for theTRED &W E . . . N e t n il Miss Burns for the evnng3 9a.m. to 5 p.m. C.N.I.B. amnounted te $34.10); a PO T RRE& W HEa ientertainment and asked themn Thursda evenings special thanks to all the can- to comne back again soon. i Wed, and at. • 9 • 13 vassers. dr