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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1963, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmnanvi1le. Nov. 20. 1963 The Orono Newsc I Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mis EraBest and Mis. and familv ni King City were Wayne Hooey of Toronto Sunday dinner guests 'of Mr' apent Sundav with Mr. and Hector Bowen and nec sisterI bIrs. Horace Best and sons. Mrs. B. Thornton. rMr. and Mrs. Jas. Middletan Mrs. Robert Morton retura- ivere Sunday dinner guests of ed homne last week f ram Me- Mvr. and Mcs. Milton Wannan marial Hospital, Bowmanville. pnd Mrs. Jack Cawan. Congratulat ioans ta Mr.3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dionne, Cecil Powers who celebcated Gary, Jerry and Ted of Osh- hec 83cd birthdav Nov. l6tn. bwa visited her parents, M-. Mc. Bruce Tennant returned and Mrs. Archie Lunn Sn home fraca Memocial Hospital, day. Bawmanville. Dinner guests o! Mcs. D. G. Mrs. B. Thorntaa of North- Hooper wece hec weekend ville, Michigan, is spending guest Miss Nina Hodgson ai this week with her sister, Mrs. Washingtan. D.C., and Me. Hector Bawen. and Mrs. Dean Hodgason af The Clarke Township Tea- Ajax, Mc. and Mrs. Raymond ehers held their November Ciapp o! Tyrane. meeting on Monday and ban- Mrs. Mary Johns and Miss quet an Tuesday at Leskacd. Jean Baker of Tvrone visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gully Mrs. Charles Waod on Suni- and Miss Mary Aibin of Toc- day. onta wece Saturday visitars o! -Mc. -Reg Suttan has been 11_ Mrs. Charles Waad. Mc. and Mcs. Ed. Smerka, S. B. Rutherford substaa- Orono Chamber (oncerned Over Vandalism A good attendance was reg- !stered at the Orono Chamber of Commerce meeting ia-3t week, held at the Dutch Oven ]Restau rant. At the meeting, A. McLaren expressed concern avec van- dalism which has caused, he &stated, close ta $30,000 ta surfi- nier cottages near Kendal. 14e further stated that thesc cottages added greatly ta the economy of the area and feit gamething should be done ýa assist in the capture of those respansible for the extensive, damage. Cottagerç, he said, are get-ý ting ta the -point where thevý don't care whether they camne down again or not. The v'an-, igalism, if allowed ta continuc,' wilcetainly drive them: anlay. It was a1so said thatý ttage awnecs, flot affected wýere great]y concerned. IL. J. Skaife c. A.t Chartered Accountant Whitby P. O. Box 208 Phone Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 I an the part of the cottagers, and the excessive damnage bp- ing done. One cattager, he said, had alread >v said hie wasn't coming back. It wi1ý pointed out that there are thousands and thousands of dollars invested in these cot- tages. The Chamber authorized the secretary, R. Hazeiden, ta write the Commîssianer o.! tile Provincial Police and that a copy o! the letter be sent ta' Alex Carruthers. M.P.P., andý each af the cottage owners. L. Aslett. president of the, Chamber, welcomed two nev members, Dr. R. A. Heston- Cook, dentist at the Ocotio Medical Centre. and Mc. .Jack Garden wha recentlv purchas- cd the Ocono Tinshop. - _Times. BROWN'S The November meeting of Brawn*s H. & S. Club w.v held at the school on Tuesdav evening, November 12th. Af- ter a short business meeting~ and a discussion a! the cocari ing Chcistmas eatectainment, the meeting was handed over ta Vice-President Mcs. Gwer Hughes who conductcd a ganvz cj! bingo. Lunch wvas secved. Monda * evening, Novemiber lBth, Mrs. R. Robinson invited the boyi of the Senior Ron afid a few others ta hec home and each ane attending bcought alang a gift foc Henry Demack, replacing somne ai the things he lost when their home was bucned. Games wece plýayed and Mrs. Robin- son secved deliciaus refcesýh me nts. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hea cd, nec Donna BELL UNE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager LONG DISTANCE GIFT SER VI C E Ever thlnk about a gift of long distance service for son John in Montreal so he could caîl more often, or so he could keep in dloser touch with other mcm- bers of the family? Weil, a number of customers have not only thought about this but have corne right out and asked us about lt; and so, as a direct resuit, the Bell is starting something brand new: Long Distance Gift Service. For no additional charge, the Company ivili pro- vide a card to be sent to son John anywhere in Canada or the United States to tel hlm a gift amn- ount ls being credited to his telephone account for long distance service. Customers need only cali aur Business Office, tell us the amount of the gift they wish to make (minimum: $200) aiong with the namne. address and telephone number of the recipi- ent, and we'll handle ail the details. The new~ Long Distance Gift Service ks expected to be especially popular for occasions such as Christ- mas, birthdays, anniversarles, etc., wvhen aur fac- fluna families want to be together but cant always make IL. * * ADD CONVENIENCE AND SECUR1TY Almost anywhece la the house. an extension tele- phone is a good investmient la coax-enience and se- cucity. la the bedcoam, it cari summan aid quji-kl 'v ducing illness or ther emergencies. la the kitchen or warkshop, il's a grear step-savee. la the den, it adds privacy ta e-als. When vou start ta mul avec yonr Christrnas list. vou might givP a Ilhiînght ta an extension telephone for soneone vriîî want tn please al yevae round. Il wauld lic a constant re- minder o! yon. If ynti'v-egot teenagerx around the bouse. voti'rr mot likely famillar with *"telephonitus" a common teen-agre malady stemmîng from a strong desire to he sociable. We heard of anather case reccîilly. Typjcally, Mom or Dad aimost aiways found the line busy wlth 14-year oid daughters chatter. Deciding enough was enough. Mom took action. She placed] beside the phone a penciiled sign reading. "Is this rail necessary?", and hoped the message svouid strike home. But the next day Niom found a pen- cillied note beneath her message: H~ can I teil until I've made it?" * * e k~wX A Delightful Sample of 4-H Caif Club Love at his home past few days. At the morning service of the Orona United Churchonr Sunclay, Rev. Basil E. Long; administered the sacrament of baptism ta the following chl-, dren: Stephen Michael Gams-i by, son of Mc. and Mrs. James I Gamsby : Shelley Ann Rabin-1 son, daughter o! Mr. and Mcs.i Robert Robinson: M i c h a e 11I John Watsan, son o! Mr. and! Mrs. Johin Watsan: Duane' Russell Major, son o! Mr. and! 1Mrs. Russell Major; James' Richard Estabrooks, son of: Mc. and Mrs. Bernard Esta-' brooks; Donald James Arm- stcong, son of Mc. and Mrs.1 William N. Acmstrong: Todd, Michael Long, son of Mc. and'; Mcs. Philip Long; Cynthea' Anne Galbraith, daughter of! Mcr. and Mrs. John Galbraith.! Mllroy, wha wcre macried il i the Newcastle United Church . , ... .. on Satucdav, November l6th.ý The happy couple will be ce-' >sidine in Bowmanvillc whcre . bath are cmplayed. Mcs. Shirley Watson and daughter Donna returned bvi plane ta Cald Lake, Aiýberta on Sunday. 'Phey wece here, attending the Heard-Menlrovi 1wedding. at which Danna wasi an attendant. Mc. and Mcs. Wellington 1Farrow wcre recent supper, During the Oshawa Fail Fair held somne timne seen in th is acea. The Jersey's namne is "Stars" and it 1 uests o! Mc. and Mcs. Clar-'ago, this delightful picture of 13-year-old Maclene i von second prize in the shaw. Maclene is a niember Mn"c. alln . T .Wlo Downey and h er Jersey caif was taken by C. J. E]sey, of ijurîîam i.ountv 4-H i.alfclub anu a udaughter of \'isited an Satucdav night with'staff reporter-photagrapher of the Globe & Mail. Un- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dawney, R.R. 4. Mc. and Mrs. Elmer Goodhand, ifortunately, il, did not appear in editions that were Whitby. --__ Mrs. Lorraine Brown aadý cRoY speat the weekend in! Torîo nta. Mc. and Mrs. Tam Wilson o! Mv c. aSndyMrsThe"Littie" Charitable Foundation Welington Farrow. Mrs. Anale Stephenson con- rescence al hec homne. Hec par- o f O ro n o cals, Me. and Mcs. J. Hillir are spending a few weeks Mafath tDudas. Mcs. Lr, Stalemnent of Purpose and Policy wiîh their udaughtec, Mi-s »Reid, Brampton, gtaved with hec mother last week. P R 2 UbIUAKYAppi'oximalelv 4,000.0(l was hes.thelre are. Girl Guidesý r ~ ~paid ta the Dominion Gaverai-'Association o! Canada. thec Miss Mary E. Shackleton :ment howevcc. in spite of the Orono Commualitv Memociiali The death of Miss Mary detecmiacd effort o! aur nuca- Park, the Durham Central1 EdnaShakleon ocuredy ber, as the laws on this gov- En OShackGenal Hapital n crament level did not and do Agricultural Society, the Lang Ousaa. Nv. 1Hopi1963. not contain or peovide a simi- Memnorial Chapel. and th(, Miss Slackliscnetionacvvrelaxation variaus Chueches. Each o! issSakeon h iei for tax imposition uipon athese own real estate upon ai18 Grenville street, Osh-. ventuce such as ours which iniwhich the bulk o! their fciac-r sawa, was la her 76t.h eac. i ts verv y gni on otasaeceidoadl *Bora Januacy, 1888, la Pontv- rgni ud1tosaecridoadil *Pool, Manvers Townshipsh serve the needs of those samneleach case, the ceaI estate is1 was the daughtee of theat people this govecamnent is :exempt from taxation. Whyt I Rchad nd aca Sacke-there ta serve. 'not aur Medical Centre? R- ton. Much time, space and ink fer onl ' vta the abjects and Miss Shackleton came ta, could be expended here i0nditons upon whîch we opi- Oshawa la 1948. bringing ta x-ou detailed kaow-îerate; charitable purposes and She has no sucviving 'rela- ledge o! the steps that, haveiony such and not one nickel tives, but was predeceased vbentkninarefot. shahl be paid for personal twosisers Mc. L D en Weare cniaus gain, but on'lv foc the chaci-t two istrsMrs.L. ean We re onsiousof he acttable benefit "of the Commuai- (Lila) and Mes. P. Fishe,that many la aur communityýty. Are we not ia the samne (Elizabeth), and by six bra-'ma.y discredit anc achievze-<lasadderigo th * thers, Herman, William, Jack, ments and gasaspsila sad'eevngo h Jae.Aibet an Rihard notbeîgocaritale or facv same considecation from the? 'Jo, Aber an Rihar. ýot ein chritbleor ýrTowniship Authorit., Miss Shackleton restcd at other reasons. Evecyone must! Geccow Funeral Home whece agcee, we are sure, hoYwever,ý We have introduccd imb the ýfunecal service was held' that aur medical building isý the Communitv a Dental Sur- 'Fciday, Nov. l,5th. at 2 D.M. a credit ta aur community; geon, something that has nexv-1 The service was canducted by tha't at last we have the sec- le been donc befoce on a per-r the Rev. Arthur Magee, minis- vices of a duly qualified and, manient basis. This was amyv tee o! Centre Street Unitedj alceady widely acclaimed den-,1 possible by the Fauindationî Chucch. laterment was la SL. tist: thbat we are now well'bending avec backwards and1 John's Cemeterv, Blackstack. prepared for the cntcy vjintomaking considerable financialt this community o! another Iconcessions by offecing freec qualificd and acceptable Ph y-icent fac a peiod o! six mnonthst S OLINA sician, which even aur owo and theceafter cent at $100.00r Our eepet sypath ic Dr. MeKeaz7ie asseets we need; per month fac six months. andc Ou eeet ypah s ex. that ta the cantcarv o! what tîhen aftec the period o! onc i tended ta Mr. and Mrs. T. some quarters have* it. we are'year at the rate o! $150.00 pe rt Chant and family «0 Hampton la fart MOT providing Dr. in their sudden bereavement. MeKeazie with facilities_ at a ~O Miss Veca Stinsan, Toronto, nominal or chcap rate o! rent ~T Miss Marlon Stinsan, Enfield, 1 but, la fant. he is paying ý T ,visited Mc. and Mrs. N. Wot- the rate o! $300.00 per monthý1 B H t tefoir the samie; that we have,. Christoms Seals from aurU Fcîends of Mrs. Frank Gil- pending the future increase ofT tcîlssAscito r beet are pleased ta, knaw she needs la the medical and dca-lTbruoi soito r is homne from the hospital. ta] ficdds. offcced free o! eost, hece again. As usual the cam-% Mr-. and Mes. Roy' Grills part of our building foc the paiga has twa jobs ta do. One and Mcs. .1. Grills, Valentia. use o! our Ocano Public Lib- is ta get funds for pi-eventivet Mes. J. Yellowlees and Miss c:aex- Board,-d. xhieh foc, rco wr n h thri ak Glds Yellowlecs wece Sat- dosîbt well considcced ceasons,15al best !th fct ucday tea guests a! Mc. and wstui-ned down: that wCisabout fth a Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sonis. are pccpared to offee the same Mr. and Mrs. Harcy Knox accommodations for such other The !acts this year are not and sons and Mes, H. Tink communitv activilv t h a t as cheerful as usual. lai 1962 wece Sunday tea guests of Mr. wotild be compatible with the thece weee more dcaths andt and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Eben- ise being made o! the main more new active cases than la Mzr. adMs lodPetnfloor o! aur building: an, 161-heiCease la deaths Mc. faaM es. LwmalodPest thal wve have in !act cantel- was nat great- 16 ta be ex- andfaîl, owraniheVis- butcd lowards a better and act, but foc sa many ycaesý itcd the R. and C. Langmaid's. Maore pi-agressive Ocona in now thece had been a steady Miss Anne Wccry spent the oi il !edaor decrease we hart came ta ex-c weekend with Mrs. N. Met- ou'rfel fedcvu. pct it. The same with niewi caf shawa. MY\esYfrhrta cases. These alto werc Up by1 Mi. anîd Mrs. J. Dyer, Osh i s the hope and intcntiona a! epe etto624 Ti ' awa, visited Mc. and Mcs. Rae ','ie LIi-Caial ona being cefecred ta as -ceachingt Pascoe and !amily. ion o! Ocono ta expand into a plateau" but actually it, Mr. and Mes. N. Wottcn1 and otheP.r fields o! Communitv means a reverse. Mr. Francis Wotten visited w.ell'are and betterment anr Mrs. Arvilla Henry', Black. that, il w-ilt not be .lUSt this This state o! affairs is bath stock. , presriit Boaard o! Dieectors disappointing and alarning.e Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmier p.a\'Pening the course. Othci- The1 first reaction is toasakc Blackstock, and Mcs. J. yel- public minded and spiritcd why. The answer appears ta lowlces wece tea guesîs o!fN'i- citizems will be invited ta jain be that theî-c are quite a !cws aod Mrs. Harvey Yellowlee* with iis la aur cause. We wishn contributing factors but pub-r and famili- on Wednesdav __ Ia have the commuaitv' bac- lic complacency is blamedt t beng Wvne. secnd icth i h 1wr ta ucgcntly CMe first by most people and cpi-r dlay. l otiu a1 tan entdmics of other communicableè Met. A. J. Balson visited Mc. o! this Foundatian's bjects. disease came next.t and Mes. E. Crydermian las'. This bring-s us ta a discus- Betwecn mass sixcycys. ,weekead. sian o! another hurdle we arc which located patients longt M r. and Mrs. J. Knox and pcesenttv !acing la aur tire- family wece Sundav dinner same path. the marter of ceals guests of Me. and Mrs. Grant estate taxes. Don ndHaterEenze. IliScOmnl ko'nthtCourt 501 CO F Mc. and Mcs. Kcith Cryder- la respect o! municipal taxes, mari and MesuR. teman aitdMt crietablened iitu- TnCee Mr. a daugh . tcsvistd ostcritablereions ancirate f Prince Albert an Sunday. lions or priopeî-tv, are exempt.f Bradley's Community Club Prima Fadie (as ternmed 'la v'ill meeto « ay oem- taw) oc on the sur 1 'heAn nivers ary ber 21. Te pulie peak i-a no Medical Centre ul I con'est will be hcld at th; fies. but b'- ceasan o! possible1 meeting. technical. legat interpeetations The monthlv meeting of! Mc. and Mcs. Frank West- placer, upon the tise a! aur Kingswa 'v District Coau n ciý lake Ilr.. and family visited buildling. the exception mav C.OF. was held cecentlv ;tat Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Baw- be deemedi nolt t be applic- the home o! Mr. and Mcs. D. manville. able. W'e dont iatend hece ta Vice with Mc. Vice hostiniz forr Mc. and Mes, Frank West- present a legal argument on Court 501.r lake. Gardon and Shirley wcre the malter but onlv ta discus-ý While discussing future Ia-1 Sunday guests a! Mc. and Mrs. the same %vith a view o!f cia] events o! individualt Perey Vaillancouci, Lindsay, binaing ta the attention a! Courts, il was bcought ta ci--s The United Church Wamnen ail those interested. 'the cea- erv-one s attention that Cou'rt c will mccl on Monday night, sons we believe some thoughi 561 will' celebrate Uts 0th November 25. tawvards a disci-etionacv relax- anivrsarvy on Marh9 94 Several ladies atended the.atian should bcecntertained. annive na x c arche9, 196 Fpecial church serv i ce at Ia the Township o!fadClarake, 1trahe a Ham'pton an Sunday evening, are variaus Craiatoslakce laborate evening.1 w-hen the guest speaker was anc Foundation in the Chari- Aftec a short business mccl- Mrs. Dennis Clark, mission- table or Publiclv snppocted ing, a deliciaus lunch was ser- ary from india. ýfield. To mention smre o1 ved by cur host and hosteas. nmanth. We i-e pi-epa)re.cita cia the same foc anotheî Doc-tar thiat will corne itt the Vil- lage. We nced this tax ex- emnption ta be able ta do this. If we l'ail ta ceccive this con- sideratian, then w-enmust n i(- what is left a! aur princip.ýl manev ,-ta ineet expen ses which would he better spent on fur- ther and other charitable yen- tuîes in asie Communit. The opposition may' vsay thiat the use o! aur Medical Cýentre îs nat charitable. The peactice o! medicine and dentistrYis' not char-it v, based on the fat that maney changes hands for', services cendeeed. This is truc, but we submnit that the cx- change o! monci- is not the decidiag factor. We pav mon- ev ta swim in aur Pool la Ocono, but it being a Cammunity owned project, na anc suggests that taxes shouli be levied against ir. Moncy is paid ta the Church ta keep ils religions function ln aperatian and il. is stilt exempt. We be- lieve the impactant factor is ,that t.hc buýildingc or property%, awned is awned and operated bv or on hehat! a! the Com- mnunity. and the Communi'y anly«.vprofits and benefits froni t. This is exac.tlv the case of the Medical Centre. Thecefoce ai-p tinalen ttlecrl Lasti vcar anc tax situnation and pîca l' exLomptian was hraught br-fore th(, Caurt u)f Revision far its -anisidecatioi and that Court gave ta 11,za verv attentive and tînder- Standing hearing ia the mat-' ter and recomnnended a meet-ý ing o! aur Board xith the Police Trustees and the Taw- ship Council, ta setie the' mater by*Nagi-cernent. This meeting neyer camne about and no discusion or agi-ernent ever was accornplished. The Fouindation la the ciccum- stances would prefec flot Ia litigate this matter la the Courts but rather ta place its position befoce the veex' citi- zens il 1epresents. We asic vou. the people o! Orono, foc va0ur opinion. Are we not la an v wav entitled ro the relit-! foc which wc ai-e asking. Is nor this Foundcation, voue Foundation, doserving o! the sanie considecation as voue other public enterprises serv in-- the aeeds a! the Coin rnaty. We wsotitd be glad Li vour views. hac-kiag.suppo, and undeeslandiag in focwar ing ths public cause. Resîpect!uIlx-*\1subrnitted - DY the Drectai- of: TE LITTLE CHAR1T,ýLE FOINDATION 0F 0pD)NO. lateau in Canada hefare they wotild have gone ta their doctors, and dî-gs which marte them [etl fit in a matter o! manths, tirne in sanatorium shortened bcy' ond the rosiest drearns of the most aptimistic. Whcen patientfs sta ' ed in haspital fac only six mnnths, instead of from one ta thrc vears a sanatorium cauld treat twa or thîee, tirnes as niany patients as before. The waît- ing list disappeaied. there were cmpty heds then tome sanatocia weîe closcd. Those nat engaged la tuber- culosis woek read fac moi-e ilta the closing o! a sanatari- uni than the tacts wareanted. Rejoicing avec ernpty hedF thev faileci ta sec that thon- sands of becîs still hart TB ps.tîents iri then. The patients tan, lot nuch o! thieir [cr. Drugs must bc continued long aftcr the pa- tient gaes homne. It sounds simple, but 20 puIs a day ai-e not easily remembeced. Ail too many o! ihern get con'- placent and neglect their dî-ugs. They rail to gel check- ups at the clilal 100. Added ta this is the fact Itst thece ai-e always smne people wiho refuse ta attend mnas Bet ween neglci .to! drugs and checkups and the indiffer- ecte caused hy' N the idea thai TB i,; an its way out, quite a [cxx patients hav'e not beea fouad in rhc-eai-ly stages o! their disease. Quite a few othees hase hart relapses o! their disease because o!frail- cire ta keep up with their drcîg1s. Some proîvinc-es thought that an epîdemie of! fln hart rans- ed tome o! their aid cases ta relapse and becomne a source o! infection. It was a "meas- les \-ear' and if a child has been infected with tubeccula- sis an attack o! measles is, ta quote a pediateician "like kerosene on a riee." What it ail adds up Ioa s that for the !irst time since 1949 increases have been re- portcd instead o! derreases. ,rl,, prex-entin programme ",;not been pressed as d-g- orously as At should have beet The resuiLjt, sacibut pre- dictblc, is that weflaV~e had a et back. pr.exition xvas actectecd aad thleprîce vvas ave dcathis anci mare nexv Me oinrs'. doi x-ttr-î inIllte c-ing vcar. TiP way ta stact itob.v TB o-ristrnas Seals Ù1ONE 623-5356 Once more we are startiniz aur HobbY Corner and w&iýl endeavour ta keep you posîed about hobby activities jr. Bowmanvilie and the sur- rounding district, If voit should have anv i nteeesting information regarding vaur hobby w e would be very G-ET.7ASH TODAY FOR C'.D APPLIANCES through iTATESMA N .tLASSIFIEDS TIlephone 623-3303 RiCkobY0.9 pleased ta receive it to use ia aur corner. If there are anv hobby Quiestions 'vou would like ta ask. just send them in ta Hobby Corner. P.O. Box 1523, Bowmanville. Ont., or tele- phone 623-3587". 1 will do my best ta find the answers for -ya. and famnily vere Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herh Craig and farrily, Janet- vi lle. Club 50 ladies finishcd quit- inc a quilt at Mrs. F. Partner's on Wedniesdavý evening Symnpathv af the commtility 1:. extcndcd ta Mrs. Gary Chant and son, . Tyrnte, in the ~ad ioss of a loving husband and fathcc. Symi)athiv also ta Ili parenclts and famnilv. Mr. art Mrs. Tca Chant, Hamp- ton. NEED CASH' 1,L Loans $50 to $5,000. 0- 01 - the - spot Serv'i ce. NI -Mortgage Loans, lovv repaynment pl an. B - Budget Plans ta suit every incorne. A - Availahie Evenîngs after .5, dial 623 -2644. N - No delays - mie- call bans. K- Know your Loin. hank manager- cali hini anytime. FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL 623-3363 Open Friday Evenings LFinance h. ane I o omemb., fe MONCYli COLIN COOKE, Manager Home Decorating Accessonres HALLMARK FURNITURE AND WOOD FINISHES - WINDOW BLINDS CONTACT .. for counter tops, etc. DUNKIT BRUSI- CLEANER DUNKIT PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER WALLPAPERS.. . roils or room lots PAINTS AND ENAMELS THIX . . . "The Driplcss Paint" REZ WOOD FINISHES PAINT BRUSHES, SCRAPERS, ETC. Rerit Our Wallpaper Steamer to remove that stubborri paper. ABER NETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER '113 King St. W. Bowntanville 27 KING ST.' 7'(obby Corner by Helen Van Dusen LONG SAULT There's new warmth, ncw charm, new brilliance in the collection o>f COUTTS HALLMARK' CARDS now in our Personalized Greetings Albums. Corine In soon and select the one vou want printed with your naine. Let your fricnds know "you care enough to send the vcry best." b, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds and son Billy, Sudbury, wece Thursday afternoon guests ai Mr. and Mcs. J. Johnston and fam fly. Mcr. and Mrs. Ciavton Brown and Lynda were Sunday atter- mnn visitars of Mr. and Mrs. G. Browvn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cani- cran and famîly were Satur- diay siipper gucsts of Mc. and Mcs~. D. Oke, Oshawa. Mrs. G. Bentlcy, Port Pcrrv and Mrs. B. Simnpson. Willav -_ dale. wcre cecent visitors o! Mc. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis ana Jen- nifer werccr Sunday visitors ait the H-. Gibson's and the\7all v'isiter] Mrs. Bentley, Pori Per. Sunda ' evening. Mis. Bcnlleyv carne back with thern ta spend a wcck or twa wiflh her son, the R. Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gîbson spent Satîirday ai Georpetown whcre lhcy atteniicd the mcd- ding orf thecir nephew. Richard Thornpson,, ta Miss Nancy J. Jamieson, George- taown. The community xvclcoine.3 Mr. and Mr.s. E. DeJong and Whnl\-%io reccently irnoved law, the Carr's havinag movcd ta Ccooked Cceek. Mr. Lloyd Harmer and Beth wcrp Sunday* evcning guests of t!iv" Smiths and Nr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith. Bovyanviiie and Miss Gloria Smitt[. Toran- ia. were Saturday evening visitocs. Mr and IVrs. Johi V\anevk and famiiy wc'ee Sodav' sujp- pcr guests of Mc. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mc. and Mes. V. Vancyk < ited Mcr. and Mrs Paul Vanevyk and family SatirdiaY evening. Mc. and Mrs Paul Vander- brink and jîke, Couctire, were Sunday raliers of Mr. Robi. Sim. Mc. and lMS. Gabriel Ko- vacs and 1JuN wece Satudav evc -lng vis:oi*S of Mc. an'- Mes. Herb 'oweli, Bowman- ville. Mr. and-Mcs. David -CraigZ 4;ýe -,!e4 /. g nDTrrTT A 1DV

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