New Cffiz.-ers Installed at Eastern Star Chapter R Canadian Stategnan. Bowmyanville, Nov. 20~, 1963 Y1//À'J 'O "V The nexv cf cOs <o r lnam Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star are shown ahox e afier the impressive Installation Ceremnony heid n on'ursrlay, \îx\ mbe îwf h. Reading ft'om JeU to righ't, Front rov: Mrs. LIoda Frpeernt Treasurcir liait- Fî'eernan. Asso- dante fPatron; Ms ' sa ,p %Vrh larn; Earl VWalkelv, Worthy pal ren; \irsu. \,reia Sutti, Assuciate mation; Mrs. Beth Trepple, Secrrtary' Second t oxv: Mits. Nilie Pî'ing. Oî'ganist; Ml's, Accept Re5 Road Supc 0f Clarke Th m Tow!i hn r C larkc'h - if thmir Novombr rnc rfi -V l ote xà' ~ frornM r.î 'o e -'ii àignal ion X a i c i ,i d: I ci Iaî xv" dFrI wri-k i S IC fsor. 'ihe fuiel 1 ici vî1 c rolice.( f)r Ono a JegFllv set u t1 %;I ii 'i iin ifl a iiinihei f or .x . moeet ing bte v cn tlie v trust ces. t ýonx'iih p co c i] 0a f olicf -c' n1 0 lie fi- ma t hu' tlcc iin isoBURNER SERVICE Bus LUnes wag on haod at 1he meeting hto orce coicil t( signa tion pass a resoluition in support ti the franchise, w.hich il i. Two delegates attended h rin ,e nd ent meeting, the lirst fc'om 1he Ducrham Couintv Fediecatioc Ir rgcictulture, headed bx Char. lies Alli. Mr. Ail ici cdlrodut- T ow nshi ch Grant Wallacee of the 01n T o n h p iuiiio Federation of Arcl -lii'.'c' liI ol 'uuuucii lix' re ho orped coticii to ap- 'aws iîcih hect ii vlol 10lm Cg ta represeotatix'e t0,tii lawsli;(i rrepa îneî Inîeoý p Dur'ham Cotintx' coni-mi tee r h..*the Agricoitu rai Rehiahîlit'î- A tc c ii\\c unmeî ligonc a nd DeveiopcîîecîîA> Sse- tii ~ ~ iVl h"l x'negxi hree('latioci. COIîciloc'- R. A. FE'- r'0i,.nv'~otti ig cpthe al- tec' \&as a ppoin ted bx' coutnc'î "ecni '~ al 'c clea r iic'ut le second delegation xvis 'l'~~~~~îe3 cc'iure a x-îx 1headed ha A. O. Dalrxciîpl', 1-naiv dCine a"f[*FlagnîccîLltuclal cepreseuitctive fle 't'a 1ý..'ie a Lcliel oi aid gavpîDirlhani. w. h o init'odîiceý" iin alcitîco'i\Io itîpass- Owven Gcbh. agnIi'ulltc-Iî'ai ou ou ix .i ca ofc ait emor- gîîîeerccîg specialist. Mr. Gihý geccexadx'ised tounicil on the im- Ucoi i i'ic uoctcii1 0 poc-taIcte of t hor prov'incial u1v' 'uOvo ýi9s lcg'tr ix m.iioi'(' Farm 'lile Drainage Act.hî' thx ;cnxsblr tnhim01 xvil 0c- p'oxides morte *v for larno 'rih1i>iliv Fie Dcparî.menil drainage at a rate or 4 per c~ ~~~~o f'o"caiîip Ccl Carke. cent. A larmer, said M r. G1ibh, 'i'iic"'0 xvc' est h1i a fi'? ec'on borc'ov. as nîcch as, 75 per a i u. î le tîxcai in 1,11('ol cent of the total of an' i :~ ):coo.nid act i arca iprojecl, lias ten x'earis to iî'o cul"() dcv î'îîc 'tir)c an pax'vand niar' aliotho- agioîiîo the'txxeii lae pcoject belore lhe fias liiiish orl a ii loxx îîli î'toadiipt lic pa.viog for the fîrst. Grocii cdopa 'nit uo ror 111e -owve' e moue nociex s ou. tex'n: apnilii a fiureChier, made availahie ir cotîncil v xc' ' ii ciuiho'iîx b o nli passesý a bx\'-Iaw setting ccpa i:>e" lv iiCae f u iiCtdrainage at't .AilpoJocts gouîicvx andi oroxido for paî'il- mntiogî ovcihv ' tcil ci pition of t lic Grnioîîedpa rt - a bte aprovincil oen ciouin 'lin Colliiitx Mictucal ment and the plainr the pr'i- A id Ass'ceial 1loti.e)'tcî e pLcbi icized. Colcin Coinn' xvii n uix fo acil wotcld also hax'e to appoini gr-auttx'a d osîîtinn n inspector tb inx'es'igat' oieo Ici-e bail tiinc iGi ' xvs ock done acnd report to poi. iclie ue uîî terxot'kcolîncil. TPle ocît.v additioiic, ni'i.~iccii. Glinc' iec.'t'.~ 0 o '0.. 1 thie mncîcipalitav iil i nil i *,tioi( oqiceat foc' xxocl li e for Adm iilaInati 0' ia rc- 'ut a iliilli binai xxahOr and adx'erîisicig. ax.:ii forc ('rîuec acl rc t lu- cný i i)iimi i iipa' 'ocids. l'he mater lias bheon ulo"-- Biii'lox% Bic i iuos appi ld c'ed t<c ihe finîa ocial comi t- intu ýic Dt0'(a'kiig plcip tee which 5 10I'erport tn freonti îocîec luIllie Caiicdian coucîcil ati ils nexi. nîeiciig Naticcaiî Exhîibitioni. T h e December 16. Tiîmes. fî'ciui se liait ricoiusivbeen epposed hv Colonial - Coachî Icic... 'icilige i eclKENDAL liac a pprc'i h tle francisce, anîd (lo. Fcit it t of LIRtcCiV fTnip(iirl *, a. ixPL If iack of siu itlhe fi na ncing is resi ri'ting' the gro\i t li'of.'uur busî[ness or if' you are eonsidering staing a n;1 ecitcî'prise, 11DB inay bC able to assistL you. For muire information, cai ai the nrrst ID>3 office or write for a descriptive bookilet,. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE IDB BOOTH AT THE MANUFACTURING OP- PORTUNITIES SHOW, QUEEN ELIZA- BETH BUILDING, EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO, NOVEMBER 26TH-28TH. INDUS TRIA L DEVELOPMENT BANK 2.1 BRAt..,c 4e i.. >ACROSS vANAJA TORONTO( 250' 'îhii'NIN'Elsi- 1ui1Nu Annabelle iRiekard, Associate Conductress; Mr's. Fave Snlider, Adah; Mrs. Ma,,, Pickard. !Vartha; Mrs. Nora Colwill, Conductress; Mrs. Peggy Bo'vd, Electa; Mrs. Maî'jorie Dickenson, Warder; Wilson Pring, Sentine!, Third Rnw: Mrs. Amy Milligari. Chaplain; Mrs. Dorothy ' Mercer, Ruth; Mrs. Helen Coroux, Esther; Mrs. Helen Corden, lVarshal.1 l if [i .intinici r I~l ic iv'i'is MiaCather'ine S t e w. a n apent a Iew dax'avsiast week au Si. Catharines v.ith Mt's. W'att. Mrs. Marv Liixocu v.asvit icîg in Port Hope ci Iex vix icat week with Mca. Ra' Htîgiîes andi Mrs. I.crne Man- Mr. acîd Mca. ToeicDIs i< i acud Leaniieof Ottawa ,spv!ji the weekecid .ith bien pa'- enta, Mr. and Mcar. Bibi Jack- son' Mî'a. Manie Gantahucpie la ii be gucest speakerciltlhe '. . meeting bein.- heud next W'cel nesdav ex'ecing al the boni' of Mc'a. Mai-lin Mauideis. Su"- xiii speak acc i iplac Bc tonîs'. L.adiles are ail 'oc'dc' inîaiîeh to attencd, Reg Eilioti. Grntî"letl snd Hat-landi Fiott are doon bliuntinlui ic hePnva.sscn curc, Martin Niancders. har'Mai- hors. Eddie Counniux. Davil FoFic-i' ci Aiiari [rua 10 oit Sacuchax b hîcntalong tîco eige or Ali:gnuouiti Park. 'i1i"e uain and driz'zie of li!zix cl axhieç exce(,llent for- thelch ain cielvl ls a. v'asutitgon or rI conr ftie deer huitons unin tIi- xx' o niis. Mi'. anîd Mca. Rouilh Woocri alanîî nix mlax e cuîo'cd i thelr uucax' lihomee uution <i, Sixic ilife beside Mn'I. Niai - ui iga liuse. Rocb N iicots.xxliiilia s Ice.1 buiincgaiii addition to hils Icotse ibis s cî liu' a-c fiil, glut il iiclosed ccid ah iuIgbed. Alcu cxiii lias a garage ici - decr'(.ou1.a;t îctijoli, sereice wa's hrcid at l 1:1' oubi Sucuîda v. [n t he ahacuice if Rex R. C Wl:'e wlme axas al- tetluhing R fineuaI service a' Rrcbcavizeoil 'Stjnha' a 1 're- rnou, xxe bah the privilege .o Iieanin:ý Mr. Mr! 3nij'lh îý 'Sciihdax Scbool of the Ai"' oxnthe GsI-oal ah e t'onî Hia dise'ouctsc xvaa fol- hon\Pi xi'h greeci 'u'eu'o;' 'c lie <poke of the ogeai ueri o traJcnutcgr th iI'. 00 .:î hi", 0x(if Cod auîd oI ai(dcuîg lheîî ' co(nibat;np si", To ionoucr R nîu'nbraumce Dav'the seirvic enhiec'l uitlî 'Goëh Saxo ii Q ie cii'. Friecriis 'f h J 1eggie 'V- ditchi v'ei'e saddened I'cincatu of ber Passi.-SRtic dcv;'i Osbhaxw.4 bospiîc' a f, ci a ix' c-,v ci ..pc iix dliii Hox' (a, niocuc e o~' ie Mcul i' c. i B: lî"e ic li'c'iîi s c un ' IiOi iiber'o Ii' Vx 'c P lli Leuui 0. Bobi Boxxui.~'- Pver ci. Mcî of Osiiaxxa- a. .weI 1krcow.n for her maný aclZ Cottages Wrecked By Wanton Van dalism ln Area Near Kendali \Va ni of i des!t-nid ci n i inost 'tapgc's \X,'r 1-P entered. vw i 1h ;t o an iblval degree 'oas cottage- owned hv a ýMiss Lep-' hit a niccimhr of scrimmier col-' pington hemn- practîcalix' mui- tages in the see oiîliune area tiicitedi insidie. Hoies wxer'2' ofI Clarke 'Toxw'ns h ip, near chopped ito the plaster'cd Keiidal. 'l'lie daniage 10 Ihesc, w a1ls and wowik anîd -ottages lias heen estimatezi floor. An axe ivas aiso laken iii tIe thocisanida of dollars 10 a cerrigerai', elcctcit' xvithi ail ha v ig ta ken plac e stove, hal1h tiub and water lix with iiI tlle pat t wo weeks. t ui'es. Chic cks were knoclnd No cviies to diate have beeii 0111 of the lire place and pail!t st ilfcieci tIo determîne the uvas pou ced oxer t he c'upganid cul prit a whcc mai iciouaiv have amPa ced on the waiis. Fu ini desi mx cd t hese propertieue tuire xxas alsu odîced ir ie- Shotgliiîs andr axes haxve wood. Dam1ag(en this cottapr been tisodnii ra\-agîne t he alone amoinîed in sonne $500(j. surmmer d\vell ipýz wich WC'Cc A col tag-e ownced bv a M r. a pi-de of t he owaner.s. Gai lux,\a\ ax liso h1d thoîîsa cds A cottage ownec b *v Mr. of dollars dama.-e donc bo il Jac'k W hlit e, To ro0nI tb. %Va as f a i nii lac natuîre to 1ho ouiii tcat crilix' go i anid axe epc c nihomne. A M raý. xxhen 1) 1 a1,teglass v. iîdox'.- >Cook.- and a Mr. Leslip's wec"n xvere shot out and i lîepiace aiso eotc'red but diarnage w:'cs andr ncaitle axori aionyxvilh cil a basser nature. TheGas iiccîslîii'ua"(-' ixlturc's.Dai- 1home on the sex'enth was aiso miag-e vas o(xtecsix'o And iosp entered. n IcIltle $1000s. This cottage, lias heoîî the aittack of other Otir tha n tmv'o guic c of h- danaguî iltepa'St ing else \&as ;Otcil f'onu1-1\' v.licb lias heeiof great con- Or t01ProI'mise eteed cern Io t he <cxx'cîr. The Pr'ov'inciali Poli ce ar f o u r Iu'o o - ' ' g a î m s .- ENNISKILLEN il (nioiicleel for las, veok) Reg. W'eaxiig and Ricka', An' NIe\r. ndcii s. Flovei Rokeitt.c'asier. Vxax ucuIid VIa rie v.ere Scîi- NMe. ancd ies. Geix I rwýi1 hiax vlsitn s of NMe.caid Mc's. caid Rodtiox'wnrc Sucîdax' dir'- lie ersiPt7of Miss Kaihicen orl kiiidiioss gixeci uifh a amilo' Welîster. Mvarkharn. ancie a cheerinîcgxx crel. Slip v.aS N .a Ii d M c'..M ePnrvri *a mox'iiîg spccit in jgetiîî cîi ox', T-ampion. v'creP *tiiings ccpliiin xxas hahIxi MiS- Satoici>a' scîpper guest.s of girl x'lîpîishe lroI the cigli M rqsF. 'TOMS. hoelîood. Slie la% ici the VIoc- Me." and MisF. ~Wripht risý Fuicecal Barloues ici Boxv- cite li oî1id icx-viri g xxith thioir n 0î1x oocSi îd .t heu va dau]grlitec'. M i ,sa Ma i'giieri!e takei tic Tionto on MVIiiela.' Wight. SI. Catharines. wheî'e sesuc' Io hle iiîec'rei. Mis atimervsrn h Wp e xre pleiised to10 lar.ri \Miss Pa ii Vie ra da * hat Mca. Jack Stapletecci ixekl;wî le raîpr home frcccîî luo lic.'piia I and iý ects. Mc. and MiS. F. VV. fo'eliiiig muc'h botter'. wervx Mr. anud Mca. Jaick- Ficih M isg Briijda MOLaUcIiglli specîIthte uxechecid v.ith frî- Unilon. spocIIt he xxeekecîi enis ai 1.icihaax. v. 1h Miss Sanîdra W'errx'. Mc. and Mis. \'. N. Hecîc v. Mac'klacîi, xxccc Moîiav \-viac- ESILTONtors at A. Sharpas. NETETNMr. ande Mr.s. R. .1. Om~ ton bah SI1cciha\v diiirnec'xi l flioi od ur lâiciý x cel) Mc. and Mes. Wili Ashton. Visi'eics xx'uhi tho l acu, Glu- Capc'c xver s'îuh Nnîauu Pouner fcrn- Mrn.dciiMes. S. Kpise"., toc' ami-e'Me. aid M ns Gela oel IHa mptonî, v.erp Su uîhax'toc Rohuen. Me, ani Mi'. Loicc >s or Mn,. aci Mes. iH. Fpit" aici Eltine ccf Mitchell. Ashtnc. NMr. aîîd Mis. Fric iis Gi. Miss Naucci\\'ccci.Clxi Katlcrxn,'Mar.*vIn'cand Aiidccx icla. 0Glic. Vandi Mca. F. OI t.auigx i iton 'ihPethic'h and Rcini occ'i Mi. surI M-s. Chatrles Guat acndl xxee x'sitoc's ai .S. R. Petb- Mi'. aciii N. R. Dixi>ii. i c k';. M i >. J.Iciuio<Vi 'i' nofPecilil M r.a cielMrn..Viarj i Wecc'-ý spuu oxeu'a! hiWvulth h lier peuit aSt x'ehî ai Mon"'- 1i'ionthtu . \Ics. Nli-ciri Manluixa'. treat anîd \vuslcri 'r. and M. Mca. Pirank-hSvnions cil Roua- Ci ifocri Grvee. Hoî'nmitinforel cnïlcci'c i 'csuted x,Ihthlecîî. lisits Weiida Cox. Orouiic M raîî.an Cai'i Eliiot. xx'ni>a SLcuidcivcaleril Me. Davciix r id vib land Mr- aîîd Mia. C.A na ancd Mns. ('C1.rues G(Pst aisit-Ch Mn.and Mis. Gordion Ri- Swccuuin 'cP",teî bo'oîcgh v 'imientt in'e Phaîhis Howaei1st M r. qaid M'G ~arvx Rîchi ihscuîoneIt Foc Saka toonînic, Nox .13, Mie ancdMe.lo. d ho"'xx rs hocme for hisc; aie'sxx'eh - aid cioid ancd Mi. sud Mrc' . dic.lias retuciich ha' Plane i.ornie t.r'o au h faîîîlix 'iIti' ck ho Gt'i'uianvx llc.xccl's iiucthuc'.Mis. Eh- Mu'r. Mca. Niuîicu NMce, xxaid ire liRiii okiin 'Trenctonî. Nu'. aucd M is'. A. Ni r'. I ltiii ex' ;heffIieil. 0sI:- Kcuip, K ingstnc, spenci a fea acWcxci.xx-ic eli isonie liime, dca xx'XliiW. iloxeilis ac uxil h .lîs. W'i I tîîni cikscîuli avxe re' niýi od lionme. cchîI uic 'uc ciýai fi ida iti Mrndciii-'..Ro.>s Slicii'îc lit xhae acnd \xais dincîe'Gor'cdon ci ti x SIp'ît SIn- ifM îtcPcîî. dci'auii iii '. and Mes,. Bibi ýNtu andN i i tli i ifiov'Kax'. Toronitoc. i loi lîc't. ('lis1tiin a ri Ci Mris. F. Tl'irics ý,a I tcid.'rf LaicnL ii Nm Ir-. cind Mn .Rlai'kstoi'k Acriini 'ec'sci'\ accd George r.x ors suent h1v' xxa ii r cu itOf Me. and x'keîli Vnt ihBal',xxuil M ns. Cecjri-:tncx Gra ha m m r Mr u. a :ýd M 'g .ouî i e li a m t i. Plic pie Hli!;,. r~d an ".R'cc',:itcalIes Ir.Mr aun'c Sx'vuiipstix s x;r'ir 'o n M: .Aciso V'eu cx'% uvon- VM. Niný. .' 'li r vlc ad ,l aui ir. Sl'Io. R ,,Kehuon. deati o o"f ' M'. I-.Na- u' ac. n i"s ui Mller,. h ic Ha"' 1 - NoNich ~ lhxc- and'"i' l ';;dîli' nire'.ri e 'of Nr"u'l'o', iar[c YP .R:pnHui andl Rainh. Union,' Rc',. Puect Sxa suc ýnox'." -,'ci G"ci.i' MoI,ciighiin. -i 'lihv i:c "VIn .l.cee'B' h0 WKuxirep S a 1l 1ciha tePei."'. I, Ch1îcr;i.x(on 1o"'1 wSI za j' Mr. anrhC h"n îueuî ere anid ' ri ri ri g Boxa iaiu a'Ie. spcnc Sti- 'cIdol le A cciCic'iîuuidMrxn I. and Mc's. L. lic Rox'i 'o YHotel ci ILamub. W'eiiesiic ..\teud:cîg î orni 'Mi. and li'! ."Ivccl Rrock, Ne.A. NM Rpacock sýM"s i . MNiîi xxo S.iiia\ dhumer V" iave .M!-'ý A. Beucoc'k. Nt.andi NI"' Dai) et i" NiM! N 'hýe -'ce fiec-.i !i'îic Ni'- .'c.'..uuW"~iuu liant1lier a'*Nie. and Mu" tcuîStaici- Mrt'. ni 'laui !rnl'.oîl* t eu-ciM W cli.or c' i c'ig b Mi . N i ilii i1 - \ t v. i." e~ ~~llý 'of'n'u~,. nIcheu'-i - Satýina'i'-,e" '.-o ai tp-el, MIr S i ici 0 r f Me cnr M. uiJcir z 13i-ooi£lin. in Oshawa H-ospiaX'Port Perry i Jf',ý_, 3Meal Variety - ROAST - CHOPS - STEW Lamb .1 Basket SWIFTS PREMIUM FRANKS 1 lb. Pkg. DEEP CUT SPECIALS SWIFTS PREM Luncheon Meat 12 oz. tin AYLMR TOMATO i9 I (I Ti IMPORTED LAMB SALE FULL CUT Il a li 74Ibi SWIFTS PREMIUM BACON 1 lb.r pkg.J Thursday Night e SPECIAL.e 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. only Richmello Brand 7 FLAVOURS TO CH-OOSE IrROM Ice Cream PT, PILLSBURY GRAND NATIONAL NUT I ~~"~ ea CAKE MIXES M-oney Saving Specials Golden Dew Parchment Wrapped $ COLOURED 3 Pkg. 100MARGARINE 2 Ibs.53 T . - - *- 5 3 Clover Leat Brand Pink SALMON SOFT RITE BRAND Yellow- White - Pink - Aqua TOILET 2 2Roll 4 c SWIFTS 10c OFF PACK BEEF 24 oz. ORST S2 Tin69 IRISHSE.26- SWIFTS BRAND HAMS- AYLMER BRAND MIX'EM OR MATCH'EM FANCY Cream Corn Free Parking Ail nierchandise sold at , 'our Domninion Store Limited ig uncondition- all% guaranteed to give 10<1% satisfaction. ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. Tin 31C MIXEM OR MATCH'EM AYLMER IANCY soups 4Tins 69c Fresh Produce Specials Mexiiani (Grown - No. 1 - Si't'I176's Sweet and Itti49N Ca ln iii ( roa - No. 1 New Crop g carrots 2bnch, ï ARIZONA GROWN NO. 1 FRESH AND TENDER Green Onilons mGuaranteed Quality Meats LAMB SWIFTS PREMIUM SKINLESS BROOKFIEID Sa usage 1ilb. Pkg. 16 oz.59 Tin 5 t10 49 FANCY Asst. PEAS effective in Bownianville until closing tiine, Saturday, Novembher 23rd, 196:1, 6 p.m. 1 lil wl k, 1