WecIcing FALLIS- MACRAE Miss Eleanor RamsaY. sis- ter of the bride. was brides- niA pretty weddin was solem- ýmaid in a street - length pas- nzed on Saturday afternoonitel pink dress. The skirt was October 19, 1963, at 4 oclock0f tulle and the lace bodice \ when Estella Margaret Mac- was designed with short ae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sleeves. She wore a mnatching rUville Ramsay, Prince Ed- pillbox hat, and carried white rward Island, and Mr. Russell'lmums and pink roses with David Fallis were united in white satin ribbons. Little marriage. The groom is the Miss Lindy Taylor, the groom's son of Mrs. May Fallis, Tor- niece, was flower girl in a onto, and the late Walter frock of vellow tulle. Fallis. Rev. Campbell Mac- Mr. Bey Bruce of Bowmnan- Lean officiated, and the cere- ville was best man. mony took place at the home of the. groom's sister, Willow- A reception followed the dale. ceremony and was held at the The eddig muhome of the groom's sister. The wddin -mule was For the occasion the groom's played by Mr. E. Pane and' mother wore a dress of white the soloist was Mrs. Nina and royal blue silk jersey with Pane. matching hat and gloves, and Given in marriage bv her corsage of pink, roses. The uncle, Mr. Fred Ramsay, the;bride's mother was unable to bride wore a street lengthattend. gown of blue taffeta with fit-'.Foilowing the reception, the ted blue lace bodice. The taf- happy couple left on a wed- feta skirt was fashioned with ding trip to Prince Edward' soft fullness and the bodice Isîand. For travelling the had three - quarter lengthý bride wore a two - piece gray sleeves. She wore fingeriess suit, blue topcoat wîth white white gloves. Her headpiece:fur collar, white hat and: was a matching blue taffeta gloves. They will reside at 81 rose with brief blue veil, andiMarmot St., Toronto. she carried a bouquet of white A hairdresser, the bride at- and blue 'mums and pink tended school at South Mil-' roses. Graceful white satin to Prince Edward Island. ribbons, daintily knotted with Thegoowo tede n baouqueath fIfo h tario St. School, Bowmanvî île, I bouquet.is employed at a paper miii. MTIL CHRISTMAS YOUR CHOICE OnIy $4995 .810,01110DREAM 17 jewels. Exquisite eodpl*es hOld two ohimmerint dia- fionds, ln yellow or white. MET CLIPPER Rugged il 31l outdoor'î- 17 ,ewels, self.windtig certfied wateç. "troof', shock reststant. FREE DOLL! ($7.95 value) with the purchase of any Bulova valued al, $45.00 or more! MARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop Phone 623-5463 39 King W. Bowmanville Mr. anid 1Mrs AIf PickclH, Martinî Road. clehcated thirr ED ONGolden Wedding Aninivccaacx KEDRONon Saturdav atteriunrn, No- 'ennbec 9tlî ai theînrhomie (tended for last week) where thev r ceceîve(d maux%, At their October meeting rotai vos. 1n e i g h b o i sa ai'i trie 2lst Scout and Cub Motri- fciends. ers' Auxiliary, Mrs. Ronald Mr. and Mca. Bickel xi Love installed trie officers for marcicd in Blackstock. 'Frc trie new x'eac. Holding office bride was trie former Nancv are: President. Mrs. Nelson Dean. daugritcr of the lare Mcý Wright; First Vice President, and Mca. Setri Dean. and trie Mrs. William Elliott; Second bridogrocos threson oft hýŽ vice President. Mcs. Grant late Mr. and Mrs. Georgec ,Watson; Secretarv, Mrs. Stan- Bi.kî-ll. 1 eV Ogle: Treasurer, Mrs Opent House x'a tint on tie Bruce Annand. Plans are be- occasion oft tre 50111 ,\nî- ing made for a drive ta col- versarY of tieir We(ddîng- ai leot pop bottles as a means of iricîr home fîom Iwo o'cloik raising funds, and notices are being sent out to advertise trieI next apple drive. Games and R c n l contests were enjoyed. TrieRec n y next meeting will take trlie form of a Pot Luck Supper at 6:30 on December I lth, at trie ch urcli. Trie Doubles' Club or Ked- con United Churoki enjaved 3 Halîawe'en costume party an trie evening of November 2nd. As trie guests arcived trie' ,were eonducted by Bill Wecrv trirougri a chamber of horrors.: with eerie saund effeots which conjured up visions of ariostsý and witches. The costumes:- .wece judged, and prizes werel given ta Mc. and Mrs. Douglas! Love. Mrs. Robert Dale and Mr. Decek Barnett. After a' peciod of games and eantests,ý trie new president, Bill Ras-l nak weicomed trie memberi and eandueted a short busi-, ness meeting. Mrs. Charles! Thomas arovided music fori trie worsh4,p service, and Mrs.ý Stanley Ogie gave a reading.ý After a lunch of pumpkin pie,! trie meeting closed with a' friendship circce. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee en- tertained about 26 members ofý trie Young People's Class for a dinner party an Sunday.1 Special guests wece Mr. andt Mrs. Orval Jackson, Rev. Ron- aid Love, and Rev. Hugh Cro- zier. Aftec dinner trie voungý people put on a skit depicting' Jacob's dream. Mr. Crozier' spoke, and answeced several questions that had been sub- mitted ta hum beforehand. Trie lass members went an to Nortriminster Churori in a bod.v ta attend trie Hi-C Mis- sionacv Rally. At trie regt,îlar mocning -se- cu.....,.4-, Wedding Inivitations W eddînz and eagmetnnî[iui'ernîntz hith anootunre- menit-. çînrnuit inn ns tiiion-. gelhileîi and -iI er arnnuter.'ary announcenients. Mtc Iiîerrno-engraving lit [ISD LETTERING) W-eoA's and JeI. like the fineuct hand engraving. The lettera hive an elegance and individualitv oni> t he finest band en. gra-ving can match. Thermo-enpraving (RAISED LETTERING) Co.r.s about hla n rrîh as hand en raving, hecauige it elimin. airs thecopj'er plate triat nakeshand engravingsoexpensive AND ITVS RF.ADY WITHIN THE WEEK Of rourr ~von can rider maît'htng Pnt'to-tsrp rard*, reception. re'.rîoîue, îlîank %iu and ti ahonme tard-, Pic. >ele-(tt rons ncîr gianu i ataloglie> f aule-1vi ".s' nr'et papers. Il dîîii ti- h . nit f Ituprtng. Up~illitip! prît'-d a'.10%tAs'. ')0 ji ot $<i tX and tIt l',r $11.-10, triu. piete wiîh doubrle e-nîeope'. and îî'.-ues. available at "ýCanac/ian Statesman Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Aif Biekel n rie a ftecnoon until fixe arrangemnt s of goiri anîd x o'clock. Trie gucsts were ce- with a gain ('andelabra -,ii!h cîiven b 'vtrie tamily. Trie taIt golden tapera, and a Iiree- brid' of '-) Years ago lookcd tier wcdding cake necoratcd ioe'n a dress of blue flow-' with ' ellow and gold. ced hlack silk with touches Tea xvas secvedti,îîn txx n of pale gr'een. liec corsage gýoldcoj services b", Mca, Ross vas of vcllow roses. Mr. and Wesjtlake. oldest nicce of Mc- Mc-S. Biekell have trirce Bickcl. and Mca. Mabot Thick- daîightcrs, Mrs. Isabel Jorins. son, a long tinie, friond of then Oshawa: Mrs. R. Williamson, famuv.- Tries' hotri xore coc' Toronto. and Miss Jean Bick- sages. ot pink and whiîtc car- et], ai home. and txvo solSns tos Deaii Bickeil, Oshawa, and Lorne Bickel. at hoame. Tlieý taiaxe iplit gî'anidctîildî cii and mil Pierceaýt gi'anidchildr'cn. Tr"(,ie lre xxas bcau[titltV dccocated xxiih t\wo nattractivxe mxxý 'muinis, and xvas ccotred Ma rried ýJiiJVVw l ininH Lt.'dl/S", t o are/Ltt i . nct i s. i Russell David Vallus xhose marriage tuok place on Saturdav aftcrnouni, Octoher 19, 1963, at 4 o'clock. Formerly Estella Margaret MacRac, the bride is the daughter of Mi-. and l\Irs. Orx'illc Ramsay, Prince Edward Island, and the gi'uorn is the son of Mrs. May Fallis,- Toronto, and Ilie late Walter Fallis. YELVERTON (Ilenntedi foc la'n xxeck Thîe Hallowe'cui Pari v - r011- sorcd bv C.G.I T asdri itlor- ers.xx-th ococeei go' g oi UNICEF. xt'ss-eil a ed lv trie usual molitecv ggca tion ut' wiord mristit a, bu tt1cal ;i ghost. Apparcnitlv glo: ai-e allervie to buidiix' -tli' firist Most xx diure lx'c silice therie 'ztorOclbc c. 1o1o-lig re Grand M,î cch. Parade of t'hre Stari-, or xlii hax,(, voc.. Alex T,îvloc setected tt' ii/exxi litr '.iý foiloxx ' :Best di',se2d ho% Jitrînîx Striîc . ai] tX'ack ii blit, l". itctc xx 1 î ori sarstal 'ri]. Pe t ',drci " Miss Piggx' li ' l:Fanrrî'i costunrî'. MiSa îrcrîiMa!-~ coln. n i'ici'in: n Stme. \1 Rusael Kerri, as E:s- ie ,on- xx'e beliexe. cntrce xil i lia r ton: Be5 a nxxceî raiu" ML ý lfer M CGi.11 lirM original en-ilinie. Nr p amci Sîi';oîi. a urîrieI Irîhi ni aid. Pnva.t1iloilta. r lc dreF.- cri roi p'il .>î s- N m!n- and Barbaas W .11 'a h d annd -room. i(Pourt'\umi harti Miss trie srIoxxw ricain co' bv Mc suid ' 31 n: ledBi't Trie halan1c <iof the'w cciiiý_ en <rds wxi ti..îx'lîil uw, Cel.ý x-vice a! Kedi t L'iriedCtiirî'iu two chlidren xxere iccix!dl hapt.tý,ii. Tri cîrdc hap- !ize(d xxiccc Paîti ! Kt'îaia1i Jici- Sen. soit or MI: aîild NMr , Chcîsteuî M. .icii, R.R. 2. Oshiawa. and Todd Marix Woodw,%ard. suri of Mr. sut Mca Wuiiam J. Woodward. R R. .. ,Oshnws The 251,liGît devs i!,' i 'oxx - tes Ma10t Iler.;'A.s'.c la ' in i' making plaiu for a niance r rthe Cornoni'nît ix Hall tii- unontri. Mu5ic xii! re psx r't bx' Orxval Sclleck's cdan(r baii. ThrecIliridnet o ýla xx\%-c Heighif Scýo00 roc c'd -i lîtîle Mare titan S70 focrUNI- 'CEE on Hallowe'en de,3pile the bad weather. rlaitev'e tic re tîlI m,, e wa t cli eni trie trngc o tirouigli tlii naces, The txx'st. tailnr- ent escr In h us or lier ouv-ini- nli%-îrlîîal taste - une as eracp- fui as,; azelles. atiothtor as lîip. ha pv y a s a Iiippapotamnt. Thonî t irexx'asa atotîter i.i xx'iuclrthefe tcappeared glucd on thec tloor and then'bodiv anixecdsd txxitiried lîke a hoise x':iiî sa flv piobleni, <jr perlîatia soniebodx' stippc 'I sontie itclî inîî poxvdet into ttîeï i BVDs. Wliicliex'cci, lte "eid- ci bi oirteceni onit lie gt'o- te tu h crne e ofuttiis nid Ii alielu g r a ni. (a i i r e il 'nîrîe unch snd tesai-on- ciiierl ie heîîvciîrg. A i uit ler fronithiii.; cmii- itiiv atinied the lart,:e ta î'cx'n't paît\v lid ini Be' t- aux \ iti Fr ida n ex'ctî) i rt g lin ofut Dr. Situart and Mi' n Spciler atid chldntru, prior tii tien' înnxitugto iheir new in- Vi-s itni mPeticboroîîgh Tii rirl -C'enbpIliiicj-, 1. foc trie fiiýt rtinîe rui i 11 fo r v we tlink, icax es ont itownshîip ut Man'- vecr-xxicltoiit an incumbrn' doctor. A si;tuationi not in trie brzi iniecests f ut' îc resdent.ý pacîci(uiaclv the nolder geileca- t lui xxiilhoion neans o! triansz jinctaiîotî, II k ltaped triai tu ret effort s lu atiraet 'i pxsiIa o to ur taownshipxn-":H riesucsft Mr. and Mc-S. lwacd rip ot' Torotnto voec xxeeketînl Lziicis ut Mr. and NMrs, t\V.J. ýNIa Icoiîn sud fanîîx.\- Belated sxýmpsth\'-uni mthik <-omnmutîtix' is extended to NIîr '. BetActioti of Peterbor- otgr2hin i le suddett deatri ut hec rIrtahaudýr. Tre Actîno p- w'ere tram i bac figur es ino or:!c ~ n tva t t he, homr tîeo!t r' se !f Mcr. std Mrs. Rugit Mc- Gi'!. Wr ai Malcotrs rtoeH Stnî afte"-nootî wýtltNi MrIc .\dp Nasato and Mr aid Mca-Ia Boon and fait- .1 es of Port Credit and Cooks-i vin.e, Titose wrin aisied ni mserv- ing, wce Nî rs. George Van Bridger. Mca. Editri Clapnmn, Miss Veca Hfinte. Miss Rose Palmer, Mirs. DanBickett. iVrs. Dean Bickeli 1and AMcs. F. Joina. .M a iix îti ad fjt'lnx' i x cc cecoîx cd ri'Mcr. and)rimi-S. BRckclt. aniong thent 55in gotd '1 cins tioni trie tam ilv, and a beatît ftId bouquet fî'om trie Toxxn u oxxf avtc Messages of congratulations wcu',,(cceixed troniflite Gov. erno,: Genecat of Canada andb Madame Vanirr. Hîs Worship. Maxor Ixan Hlorih. and Mis. Holbs. Primne MinUster L. B. Pearson, FRussell C. Honey, Mt'.P. for DuirhiamniConîv. anild Mi's. lloues', John Dieebaker, M.P., Leader ut trie Opposition, and Mca. Dief"tnhaker', Miechael Star;.. M.P. toc Ontario Counntv, and Mca. Star. Premîi'r John Robacts, Atex Carcuthters, MV.P.P. foi' Dtiria ni Couîîtv, and NcaCacuttcrLeoirard Reill 'v, M.P.P. t'oc Egiriitoni, 'laronto, Oîîtacîo rydro Cont- missiont Chairnian W. Ros Strike. Q.C.. and Mca. Sicikc. and A. 'alavor, an officiai of Local 222, Osriaxx'a. Among trv ie aîts'guîjets were ftieMax \or and MlVlc' an Horits, Alex C amîr i ti t li e r M.P.P.. sud Mc-S. Ccîtîî Councîltor and Mca. Glir iholmec, Hughers. Couneittor aîîd Mi. Ken Hoaper, W. Rusa Strike, QGC. and Mca. Strike, Lawrecnce C. Mason. Q.., and Mc-S. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Miltoni Elliott, Mc. aînd Mca. C. G. Morris, Don Morr'is, George Vant Bridger.,nmanager of trio P.U.C.. and Jrin M. James. Io tue ce'iiîg th(, famil.,' and fricnds gattîerced foc a mack weddiîîg ai tie rnsîdcn(c of their danglîter. Mis. 1. Johnos, Osawxxa. The niastr of cecemonues toc the occasion was a grancisor otftîMr. ant Mrs Bieketl, Fred Jothns of Osttawa. xvto 'ead the tbIc- grams and nihor messages of congratulations. Otd tume mus- is xvas played hY ScottY Smitri and Witlîe Fnllrton, xxîtto play' iii thre Oid Coitrt c Club, Osha- \va. Guecsta xvic tîcescnri coco Toronto0, Whilî trx Boxvnaiiil,, Gcinîshy. Linrisax', Kînniiont, Newxtonxillc, Port H opo. Peter- hoî'oîgtî, Hiaiton, Ostax and lie-pole r' Doit Bickiî anîd bis xxi te. îad tome frnm WîînîipcQ hY aîrpiaîîcfoc lits gcandipaceiîts Golden Wedding An versarc'. The Canadian Statesman, towxnanville, No;v. 20, 1983 3 ELIZA ETH ILLE wjth Miss Beryl Thickson. Church and Sunday School On Friday evening the Boy was hield as usual. Church was Scouts Dance was held at aCanton. Campbellcroft and most of the Recently Alan Trew and Scouts and their families at- Garý. Fovler conducted Sun- tendcd. 1 __. .- - uy School wnîae tne superin- SevCeral are attending thie tendent was absent. Tobacco Dinner and Dance at T h rou gh Rotary's 11.611 that Rotarv plaved ain impiorý- Mrs. Il. Quantriil and Mrs. Cobourg on Tuesday evening. clubs in 129 countries limit- ant role durioR* World War 1 H. Thickson attended the Cen- The Muldrew's of Oshawa, less oportunities for interna- when there were 5,000 Rotary ira! Ontario Area Convention were at Sunnyside for the tional service are offered, clubs in existence. He point- ot th1e VW.I. in Toronto. Mrs. weekend. District - Governor Robert E. ed out that the realization of Quantrill wvas district delegate Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beat- Day, Toronto. stated in his its tremnendous influence as a wnile Mrs. Thickson represent- ty entertaîned Mr. Clarence address during his officiai world wide movement with- cd the branch. It was a three Barkwvel1, Man., and his sis- visit to the BoNmanv*ille Re- out political affiliations came daY affair whieh was very ter from B.Ç.. on Saturday tarY Club at il-- luneheon after World War Il. Througil much enjoyed by ail. Dr. Gra- ýmeeting held in the Flvin-, Rotarv men ail over the ham, Minîster of Agriculture Dutchman Motor Hotel* on xvorld* are bound together tn Stewart. and Minister of Edu- E C Fridav. further peaceful r e 1 a t i o n s cation, Davis, were among the \\HE S The president, Dr. G. Edwin among nations. gucst speak(ers. The theme wasl EL Man nrdueiteDitit hepeoealgot fEducation. Our speakers spoke: BOIL S Mann inrodcedtheDisrict Thepheomeal rowh ~along that line aiso. Education Governor, who is a past pre- Rotary has taken place dur- through music, Educa t i on PIMPLES sidcnt of the Toronto Rotary ing the last 20 y'ears. During through travel and Education 1Mcca ontment relieves painî.clears up Club. District-Governor Day. that peri 'od 643 new Rotary as the Government secs it. ntection. and promnote% is the president oK the Bulova!Clubs were chartered in 79 Miss Gloria Quantrill, who fast healing. Sold at alt jWatch Company Limited. Top- cotrntrîes of the total of 129 wrsa eebruhCt drug couniters.c onto. and is a native Toron- countries where Rot.ary flour-' Hall.,xvas home for the long'Sohn O tonian, Dr. Mann said. ishes. he explained. w'eekend. Antiseptic He also told the club mcmn- "Rotar * is in a strong posi- Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock vis-' bers that the District-Gover- tin o t meet today's challenEgc. ie ih rin Ms .Le,.B nor is a director of thie Health Civilization bas corne a Ikng Peterborough, recently. League of Canada and of thie distance, yet now there is tre M.br ethesran'7 North York Metropolitan Geii- trireat of nuclear war. We, Miss Suzanne Thickson visited.__ eral H-ospital. must be constantly on guard "He is an advisorv commit- ta preserve international un- tee member and past presi- derstanding and goodwill. dent of trie Association of "We must get ail Rotarians, served as a directar of Hum-'to 'destruction. While the Ro-1 ber Memorial Hospital, Toi'tary programi is a continuiný! ointo, president of thie Cana- one it is gcared tn changing dian Jewcllers Association. 5 tlimes. Rntar,\ was in orbit 1 love wtýonien." the famnous a past president of the Jcwel- before the satellites. More lecturer told his ferniine au- 7ý Irrs 24K Club. and a former than 500.000 Rotai'ians R*- dience. 'whether they are chairman of the Canadian ready to take off on service' charming or beautiful." Jexv-cllers Institute,- Dr. Mann proiects. "ad The Rotar.\~ climate is good "What's the difference?" Distrirt-Governor Day7 spokp. and its phlosoiplv cao be a camne a voice from the enrap-e ot' the excellent committee re- saf'eguard agaiost destruction. ports ho hiad heard presented We nmust take advantage oftured audience. at the Bowmanville Rotary Rotarv's resources," trie Dis- hees utadifrn. Clu Asembv o ThrsdY trict-Goveî'nor stated. He dis- cvening. Ho paid special tri-lcussed the progî'am of match-,dear lady. You sec, a beauti- bute to trie work of Gen. Vicci ing clubs in different parts of fui womnan is one vnu notice, as; a director of the Rotarv. the world which is being held while a charminz one is one Foundation, and pointed ou[ this ycar. wontcsyî! triai three k ot another Ro-,"This will give a forceful wCarltiLeslie! arian in District 70î whn bas thrrst to ail Rotary Clubs'CaiLse donc miore thian Mc. Vice lias work and will improve inter- COHSCR iT for this nundcrtaking. natinnal undertanding," thFýCOHSCR IT Eaoh Rotarv x'ear the Presi- speaker declared. ln the Vour Appearance Is alway% erisp and fresh when inou have dent of Rotary-lInternational matching prograrn. Rotar'y your clothes cleaned regularly. Send them to vour local and ils board of directors take Districts throughout trie world,ý drycleaner. a long look at Rotary's ob- are paired with other Rotary' .icctix'cs and plan what Couldr uinits in different nations, he TRilNITY CHURCH FALL FAIR bc done to deepen their et'- pointed oui, and recalled thRt Friday, Nov. 22nd- 2:30 5 p.mi. fee-t*on thie ]ives of Rotarians, District 707 here is pairied, and on their comnmunities, trie with District 476 in Chile 1 speaker totd thie club. Rotarv wi]l realize its fullest -The goal for anc objective potentýial through spreadingi1 is a constant challenge. Ra-: its ideals, lie predicted. 5, A. tarv is now in its 59th year,ý "To build international un-, and the empriasis is on com-' derstanding and co-oiperation nlînitv and club service, and we must enlist nur Rotary - our internatrional service has manppower in this endeavor attained a greater signifi- ta increase goodwill amang cance. nations. Let us hope that the Distriet-Governor Day said good in each heart will be! people of another nationality 47 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 Langmaidlet -us alwa.ys consider wl'atl funites uis, not what divides us., FREE HOME DELIVERY Carl Miller, the presîdent ofý Brooks Clan Rotarv-International sold aý culd devote ail lis time dur- P O RK SPECIA LS 'ing his year in office to Ro- H as Reunion tary, District Governor Dayý LEAN, FRESH, TASTY On Nov'. 9, trie Langmnaid - pointed out. During trie pre- 1 PORK Brooks clan got together for'sent Rotary-International pre- j l a re--unioni in the forti of a pot, sident's world tour he has: C BUT * luck suIpper ai 6:.30 p.m. in ýreceived Il or the highest! BUTT b H PSl Ebeniezer Sunday Sohool 'Hall.! awards in many countries, the B TT 9 1-HO S '5 1 About 80 were present. Sick' speaker said._____________________________ niess, business and numerous: Distniet-Governor Day also'ý Lean Meaty Fresh PorkI Christie's Brooksid& other ceasans kept man 'v more spoke to the local Rotarians I fcom being there, but ail wha about the formation of Inter-ý SPARECI BREAD wer', there enjoyed the re- act Clubs. The title refers taA union very much. international action and th&rý RIBS 4 9 b 6 24-oz. Loaves $ 1.00 Afttcî a mast bountiful sup- mnembership is composed of' _____________________________ per secved by the executive,, students in their last threeý Mr. Coty of Oshawa, led trie years of Higli School. Each' Lean, Store Sliced Fresh, Meaty ehildren in a number of enjoy- Interact Club is sponsored by~ f able gamnes. Trie adults visited, a Rotacy Club, and trie organ-, Breakf ast C PORKC playeci cards, enjoyed contests ization was started in New'! AC Nlb H CK b aoc] other games. Mc. Coty was! Zealand bxi a past Rotary.In-' B C N 6 1b O K 5 ablY assisted by Mr. John ternational President, Howa'dý Ashton, trie Presîdent. Thomas. Amnong trie adults, who have A vote of thanks ta District-! HOME FREEZER SPECIALS heen faithtut atte n d a n t ý; Governor Day for his inspir-ý wf' edrdBe wbcnc'vcr possible and wha ing address was moved by SitsTndrdBe ail welcomed heartily, werc!r Johin Bain, Trie presîdent, Dr. FRONTS SIDES HINDS Mr-. and Mrs. Harry Grooms. Mann ,also expressed rlis per- A Toronto; lMisses'Florence and sanal apypreciation to trie Dis-'32 Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, and:trict-Governor. lb M i Mrs. Claude Smith, Pait Ar- Te3 9chdyso Pesdet'b&I5 9'bJ? l thîThe Mann adaysernar Hodent Thr party broke tip ah-nul, ere celebrated by their fe- SIDE 0F PORK c 9:3t0 p.m., trie childî'cn tircdlow Rotarians. Guests' present 3 9 l but. happy, trie aduits in a re-,at, the luncheon meeting wereý 60- 70 lb. average miniscent mood. thinking! of Charles Elliott, Dr. CIaude i Cut and Wrapped Frep thc rnaoy wbo used b meet Vipond, Robert Hegadoro. ahIý with nis, and ail looking 'oc- otf Oshawa, Dr. R. A. Heston-j BUDGET TERMS ON FREEZER ORDERS ,,van-t to out' pirnie on trie last Cook. Ocono. and Phil flud-~ S 1ns y n lune, 1964. ! son, Toronto. I____________________________ PERSONAL LOAN frm CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE Today, when you can buy almost anything you want 'on tinie', you may not have thought of the advantages of our Pei'sonal Loan Plan. 1. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU RAVE CASHf ON RNDMI ...you hax e 1heîfreedom tosahop and'bargain wherevervou w'îsh. 2. WITH A PEF SONAL LOAN YDU PAY LOW INTEREST ou ubee ~i roian ad emomica Ca îea.n of fimnning your purchase. Loan Plan to Canadians. Wiha Bank of Commerce Personal îLoan yo When you'd like to enpoy the practiSalewoom anW ith ormnyqikl.Rpyet r ical difference between hoping and having, alwayu in~ak obtain your moey thekBankReoaynommercar rranged to fit your own budlget. Best of ail, yoù'UInaelorfe tj ti ako omre ý A , - - 1 - 1 - I I r, I Overl26O brandhu to MWv 3o 'Dist. - Gov. R. E. Day ,Guest Speaker af iRotary Luncheon îmnd your local orancn manager nelpfuJ, under- standing and interested in having you for a eus- tomer. It's aIl part uof a tradition we sta3i'tpd 25 yea a a.Qaaa& " ery " "t an O Ka aIeraouai P i-ýhnln nro TUr mtir] -k/frý