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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1963, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 20, 1963 the vltality and eagerness of Ing the universtles. Wi To realize the great advan- dents wili be ready ta e ces rmade in recent years in the universities than thet Ro ev o a ies Fine only necessar to look back 20 lions aonst oh thrs e peld aker d eh-patin nolent hee er r o l s ot er o kah t wl a p n ta be able to recognize com- will the universities capie pletely il that has been ac- the influx? There is the Courtice Commencement expansion of the Ontaria Edu- could become huge and iml cational System, its improved sonal, treadmilîs or facto Courtice High Srhonl Com-'training they are given, and rWordragen, Wayne Wri ght, ts dd S, bte tahn ;fc ortepodcin.fd mecmn Eecss eeteknowledge they acquire'and Jan Zavitsky. lities, especially in scientific "We ail hope that ibis truecemnt Eercses erethefields, the improved curricu-nfot occur, and that the1 held on Friday. Nov. Rth. and which. wili benefit them in thei Prizes for the students with lum, and the use af new teach- versities will remain truE the huge assembly hall of the. future and assist them in, the Highest ,Academic Stand- ing aids. the highest principles schoal was filled ta capacity avoiding dangerous shoals ing in each Grade, awarded bv for the event. Officer Cadet ahead. the Durhanm Counity District This bas ail resulted in the ýstandards of education," Robert Kazak was the Valedi- Cadet Officer Kniak spokeHigh Schoal Board, were won students realizing the great speaker assured his lister ictariari, and J. S. Pettigrew, of the graduates' gratitude ta by: Grade q, Melody Muir; valpe af their educational ex-, "Trent University will M.A., the Registrar of Trent the Durharm County District:Grade 10, Wendell Prime' perience. It has become appar- ready tai receive students University, Peterborough, was High Schaol Board for its pro-: Grade il, Jacqueline James; ent ta professors that students I the fall of 1964. Ail the pha the guest speaker. vision of the fine school build- Grade 12, Randail Prime, andý enîering universities in recent Iing has been based on the Appreciation of the large ing and equipment, and tai the Grade 13, Robert Kazak. The 'years know how ta use iheir'sumptiOn that high acade attendance was expressed by people ai the district for theiri presentations were made by knowledge, and have a deep standards and the indivic Clare Allun, a member af the'ca-aperation. W. Brown, a board member. interest in acquiring further students are ail important. Durham County District High On behaîf ai bis fellow Student Counicil Bur-saries, education, the speaker pointed wilI stress the qualities1 School Board. Mr. Allin told praduates bc thanked their awarded ta the students inut. 'are bteing ought f or r the large gathering that he parents, and the teaching staff;Grade 13 with the highest* Mr. Pettigrexv spoke af the based an the experience of was honored ta substitut(, as for their inspiration, patience. 'standing in: English, won by'expansion prohlemrs naw fac-,past. and the academuic1 chairman of the Commence- and helpfulness during ooe af Marilyn Picard; History, won'----- gram will be flexible. ment Exercises in the unavoid- the mosi influential periods, by James Rogers; French. w on Business Pttgrw ai able absence oi Forbes Hey- of their lives. by Lois Ashton; Bialogy, won, BusinesrsPetigew1ai land. Hie paid tribute tn the The presentation of the by Catherine Liptav. The bu r-I Trent University will bave Principal, J. E. Speers, for is General Course Graduation1 saries were presented b.v Bea-.A c c o u n f a n c y iprofed sos ay od 20tudi tive apcaîlity, adminitr- Dipiomas was made by Mr. AI- 'trice Mitchell, president of the: - Ile lecture system .wîll stndnga sudns.Mr lui, thé chairman, ta Kenneth Stdn oni,16-6,ad RYJ ILN abandoned in favor oi thei sadspgoe aithe achievMln'Beckim, Susan Bodoar, Mary were announced by D. Brad- Chartercd Accountant thods used with such g' Budai, Robert Burton, Jane 1 euccBA. I thChurch Street cf the other members of the De Coe. Gary Down, Allan Dominion - Provincial Burs-'-____623-3861 Cmress a h niexfrsiie teaching staff. Frasr,_Dn_________-enis CambridpeAe, and aOxford-- L. . Prke, cairanai rasr, onad ole, Dnni aresTye A, wre waredLEONARD JAMES BROOKS Englaod. L.he .Paru ram Catirict Gay, Norma Gearing, Carol ta Caroline Chiumbley and Chartered Accountant ehoetatefat tih Scham olBoarD isbrougt Greenham, Jean Hancock, Wil-! Catherine Liptay. The Atkin-. rseei anrpcy t e ephat zed atuT greigs om theBoard, and l bin Hasiuk, Gary Jeffery, son Foundation Bursary was 'Suite 205W 725-9953 University will attract an reine s ongthlbatio ntaEarl Keatley, Louis Lugten- awarded to Marilyn Picard.i Oshawa Shopping Centre ýceptionally good staff. and extended its congratulatio S tO burg, Carol Morton, Robertý The Valedictorian's Plaque elnsunt.Iwi b the craduateF. He urged tbem Nemis, Rae Pickell, Jean Pi- donated by the Oshawa Wood, WM. 3. fi. COGGINS cletsuet.I ilb ta continue ta take advaotage gott, Robert Plazek. Lynda'Products ta the Valedictorian Chartered Acceountant uated in beautiful country of ahl oppartunities ta further Pollard. Randaîl Prime, Ria Vinr16wspsteta Second Floor a magnificent site. 1 hope t their educatioon. Raport Crl ine.R n aer Kazk3byW ia r etd. New Libriry Building sorte ai the fine studeots fi "Commencement Imp ilt e S aId Ruskay, Tineke Sierbuis, 1The Student CouricilPIRCr in emeaceSsCour tcent.igb Schoo s the beginning of vour aduit Kathryn Slemon, David Stai;l uednte eneý;n- Phone 623-3612 -(oetaTn.Wew t carer ad hebordmcm tn, MagaetThesiîrge, donaed b hedesodents like those whase a barers ands h e, boasuccess 1 ionbat- Dianne ink icha gCoel Woînik it t S tudent Cil YALE, FRIEDLANDFR icvemcuîis we celebrateIh ber voiosu folloxin w andiann YunManl. iisdn fth tdn Cucl& COMPANY Ibis evening," Mr. Pettigi Mvr Pakrtiold the gr0w-adu- The Co mca leic 1 962-63, was presented ta Rab- Chartered Accotintants said in closing. Mt.nPastur lhu TeComria lei ert Burton by Mr. Speers, the Licensed Trustees Lois Ashton on bebiaîf eThnisergn apue wtCourse Graduates xeceived Principal. ii thrpeyIe Honor Graduates prese The singn o OCanda. 5ev- Ibeir certificates from Mr. AI- i aThetyCutieH th sngngof0Caad, e l in as follows: Doris Beau-' -h House Trophy, donated 64 King St. F . 728-7371 ed a gifi ta o rtc H eral enijayable selections were chamnp.Audrey Carýnachani,An-'by the Eastwood Construction Osbhawa, Ontaia Scbool. andl the presentat played hy the Cotce l-igh naCrsl orie Gil Company ta the wînning bouse -- - ai- eaultiful ail painting, School Baundtînder the direc- \îMaureen Miner, Donna Samin the minra-Mural pragram, MON ETHL & CO.TETH ift fram the Comminer tion of D3. Parkes, Mus,. Bac. Aln hr.Jye~Sms was won by tbe Cardinals, and REL& O radu;qtes, was î'csel)ted The piesentation ai tbe re SotJycS. Pierre, presented ta Robert Kozak for, 13,5 Sirmcoe St. N., Osbaa D is ' ucam. TP i Honour Graduation Diplamas and Donna Yellowlees. thb team.Tak and Field Tro Chartered Accountants Do, rSriBeaucbamp hrir was made by the Durham The presenitatian ar Inter- phies and Medals wilI bce 728-7527paM'Sprscprse County District Higb Scboal mediate Cerificates was made awarded fallowing the Trac Partners. pieciatian and tbanks ta Board Chairman. 1\r. Parker, hy G. Tubb, assisted by J. and Field Meet in May, 1964. Hon. .1. W. lVonteith, F.C.A. dnr o h us and they were announiced by Mýunday, B.P.H.E., the Assist- TeHye ritn io A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A.- the Principal, Mr. Speers. ant Principal. They were re-Iphv for Exçellence ai CaveriG.W. iehl, .A.Trustee- Lais Ashton, Caroline Cbum- Klaus Anelte.e E. Tretbewey, C.A. ,I\e\v Officier! 1CharleslWarburton. The presentatioul iR. F. Ligbtfoot, C.A. bley. Charlotte Courtice. Mi- Ashton, Bruce Baker, Dora- was made by C. R. Powers, B.RWacsCA che ikns oetKzak, 1Il v Baker, Erlyne Baron, Ber- !B.A. B. R. Wat rs, SEIcteÀb OwenPeterJo-Aue Berrim, udy Banton The Roy Nichais Award for Charcc canat I Own, Pcar Petersen, 'Mar- Larrv Broome, David Brown,'e tdetni raelds-11 in tEdatoshiawa nt. iyPiadand Gary Tubb. Heathei' Burton, Candace Col- - 14IigitiasOsaaOt In his Valedictorv .Addrepss vin, Lloyd Coak, Greg Couch, playing the besi personality Partners: Kiwanis C u Offier ade Roert aza. LndaCouî'tice, John Cousins,, and vatAd tmosi popular by Ronald F. 1D. Wilson, C.A. jamcs Coltis v aý eII (who i,,;naxv attendir1g the Joan Dalby, Ted Dabî'osbin- stbis ye a sAtsh'I'aon G . Emond îîrras, C.A. president lai Ihe owmanui Rayai Miltarv College i yWayne Down, Carol Ed Mhi ar y iAhto TeprePhone 729-7554 Kiwanis Club for 1963-64 Kingston). slid that a new ards. Marian Essery. Mar- Msentati awreadr.e yred -tednrmeigaibec plateau bad bren rrached by garet Estabrooks, Ra .ger Far- Oenios. < h mardon r a c c he Inniii ilerFîing oDthclm thle members ai the class ai raw, Leowýna Ferguson, Shai'- Owes. h rorac iHoed nthe lyi MnDax' N 1963. He referred ta their hap- an Fisher, Michael Gibbs, John The Bank ai Mantrcal Tron- EWN MNID. 4thterofcseetd piness an 1tbe1îr returi tao Gibert, Marilyn GlaspelI, An- Pby for speed and accuracy in G. ECWIrNprANNtor C .tbecmnhear er lc:Isi f' Courtice H-igh School ta re- dyv Goodwvin, Donna Goodwin, Typing was presented by Jam- Office: presîdent. John Brownlee, 2j ceive their diplomias. 'ý Donald Gorr. Donald Grabam, es A. Bell ta the winner, Ar-1EliStcrofHseS. c-psdnFe Tpi marks a new beginning for Rena Graham. Allan Griffin, lente Short. The Canadian Im- 15 hognet 623o,-550osey St.vcre-presiDn, FredTo i us." le said. Doreen Hainer, Edward Hane- peria] Bank of Commer'ce Trio- Office hor: pone 23559 ereare', Don Mouignj. Officer Cadet Kazak iikened -wîch. Gar.v Hanewicb, John ph.% awa rded ta the student Tl ircors for 1963- Couirtice High School ta a ship Hancock, Deanl Garrison, Gail abtaining the highest standing Th iwI e dRecBoks h and its vovage ta :,he pursuit Hîrcock. Denise Hoîder, Jim in Bookkeeping was won byDen axilbRoBrkst'ei af know.ledge. -The capt&in, l-lomcniuk, Joy Hoskin, Byron Doris Beauchamp. and was-- mediate past piesident, W aur dedicated Principal, '\r. Ho\wells, Douglas Hurrie, Shir- presented by R. G. Gropp. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. liam Cobban. Gardon Beec Speers, is at the usheci ta de- ley Johnston, W'ayne Jordon, The Rotary Club Prize, 75 King St. E. Bowmanvil]e John Morion, Cccil Alldrea terin th cur~. ndîS i-.TaesKig, osph azk.awarded ta the student with :Office Hours: Neil Metcalf, George Bebc ways availabie when advice Olga Krezanowski, Walter the bighest standing in Grade 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily li-ciiy Janzeo and Harold SI is needed," Valedictorian Ko- Krolewý%ski. Paul La Chapelle, -XIII Mathemnaties, was pre- Closed Saturday and Stunday plions. zak stated. Alex Laird. George Leadbeat- sented by the president, Dr. Office Phone - 623-5'i9O The Bowmanville Kiwar He considirred the memnbpis <r, Larry Le Blanc. Stephen G. Edwin Mann, ta the win.- House Phone - Newcastle .3551 Club is planning ta sponsor cf the teaching staff tn be the Liptay, Ance Lugtenburg, AI- ner. Robert Kazak.r DR. E. W. SISSON Dale Carnegie Course an E officers af the shiîp, wbo dir- exander Mackie. Lillian Malis-: The Lions Club Prize award-, L.D.S., D.D.S. Ifective Public Speaking, Hi ect the crew in ther endeav- zewski, Susan March, Gerald ecd ta the student with the Office in bis home man Relations and Manag ors. He compared the student Marsh, Lynda, Martin, Lynda Jhighest standing in Grade 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville 'ment Train ing. Past Presidei body ta the creu;' members. McGregor, Donald McLachian,'XIII Science was won by Jam- Phone 623-5604 Bon Br'ooks was appoint( and referredItathie valuable William McLean, Ivan Mîlîs, 'es Rogers. The presentation Office Hours: chaîrman iin charge af arrang Nancy Morrison. Judy Neil, was made by Russell Oke, prie- 9 a.m. tan 6 p.m. daily ments for the course. MT~' QUALITY Larnv Nemis, Wendy Nesbitt, sident af the club. Closed Wednesday - Sutiday Fr'ank Wardi, Toronta, a di MONUMENTS AND George Ormsirup, Christine The Kiwanis Club Prize DR. G. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Icto ailte Carnegie Course MARKERS Pamment, Louise Paterson, awarded ta the student with Office 'vas presented ai the dinn( Roseanne Paterson, Randee'the bighest standing in Grade 75 King St. E. Bowmanville mweeting, and discussed t] -4tc SII w sYmPeel. Paul Pelerson, Dougas XII Geograpby was won by Office Haurs: nîanv benefits ta bc accrued i: f p*e"wwo Pingle, Margaret Pingle, Bay- John Rekker. The presantatioîî 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily alwotk h ore 0 STAFFORD ne Potapchuk. Herman Prak- \a made by the president, Clasedi Saturdav and Sunday spoke afitis manyv outstandini BROS. LTD. ken. Wendell Prime, Jane Ron Brooks. Telephone: Office 623-5459 l uccesfî rdae.G Raapborst, Jerry Reynolds The Agricultural AMvard, do- -DR.- R. __ A. HESTON-GOOK eriM's su cribues ta ti Carol Robertson, Bernhart riated by W. H. Brovinr, and BODS., L.D.S. course. and il is a miust for a SRoth. Bevcriy\ Sailis, Linda awarded ta the strident in Office : Orono Ivedical Centre axKecutîvas and mnanagamei DIn Smale. Lînda Smith, James Grade 12 bavýing the biglhest Tclepnnr I189 personnel aI the campanv, h axxaraeo la0 te stUdent with -- -Mir.Ceeil PardivSunday af the bighest standing in Grade E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ternoon. J2 Commercial Subjeetsý, sB.A., LL.B. wo b Dnn Yll wlee , d BritrSlctrReniembraiîce Day service, won y DnnaYellwles, nd Brriter Solcitr will be beld next Srînday presented by Mr. Powers. King St. E. Newcastle Nov. 17th, ai the cburcb at _ The guest speaker, J,. Matns Phone 2246 adfloigtia PetireM..,Rgitrr fHors -5:30 - Wed., Sat., -1P-m-,an ooigiba spoe o Mr Pttirews ot-SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO H-ope Legiaîî wili assîst 1%itl, standing scbolastic career. Phone 1 r 16 mcmbcr.s aifîleir Banni, etc., The guest speaker congiraîrî- irsi Morigage Funds ait the laviîîg af wreatbs, pre- iated the graduates and urged Residences - Farms sentiîîg ai cabans. ihem ta recognize the respon- -BusinessPraperties- ! Womens Institute will haîr Sere rilkwit mels nd n-btwen~ t's sibilities that are naw theirs.' Mortgage maney available, thelu' regular mnoniblv meet- Serv inlk ithniels ad i-bewee! I's MnI. Pettigrexv said tlîat heý for al, purposes. ing aitue home of Mrs. C. M. the perfect health- and cnergy - building food had been pariicuarlY imipres- Let is arrange yoar farni Joncs on Wed., Nov. 2th, at sed by the Valedictory Ad- boan comiîîg due or a new loan. 2:30 p.m. for colder weather. Make sure there's plenty on dress given by Officer Cadet We can handle mortgages ai Hockev: The local hockey Robent Kazak, and added that evcry ecrpio.- tea o' topngecu- hand for '"refills." Ever3' glass you pour helps to he had a personal reason for HARO DeCrio. P VaLtr otses oning teoun special interest in sncb hAOD . IE afn igthampiaon ta the de- keep your fainily, the "pitcher" of health. speech because he had been Broker fendingschampon 7-erchanPor the Valedictonian ai bis own Newcastle 987-4336 Hope. Sundax' afternooni. StE- class in Higl, School. venson led bath clubs xith 4 Mr. Pettigrexv spoke af the 0Opi o m e f r y m ankers fon the wianers, fine nmodern scbools now avaîl- r__ ____wbile other Maerchant goals able for papils, anîd asscrtcd KIHA.B1ETOD were scored by Halford(2 ihat Courtîce Higb School is Optometnist and Douglas. Chnîck Tnim led G le n a e D 'iry at thc very top ai the list af 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville' Newton ville with the ha'- G le R a D a ry the excellent scbools that ho Office Hours: By appaintment trick, Quantnîll and Bah Rab- PHONE 23-544 hasinspected. Me paîd marked Telephone 623-3252 inson scaring the athrr twa- PH N 2.44tnibute ta the work oi the Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fni. goalQs The teams, splît 10f 98 King St. W. Bowmnanvillg Principal, Mn. Speers, and of 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. minor Panalties vnv with teachievernents o i ec- Thursday e-venings Netivl reiin one 10 in ta.ff, and he mentionecii Wed. anid Sat, - 9 - 12 1 minutte miScozlduct. Presented Proofs Thot nir sise yKinette JanTrinity Bibl Basd on Fact COllacutt. Te Christmas Clbae was Kinette Jean WilliamnsCee r s % To 480 W itnesses and h was asised by KiAnnverar have the answer ta ilsfolw1h cmand h er assistant was Kinettelonta. was the preacher ai the ib~~ God, B~1ib'qle Mche ommsaned ofhrisnt deîeBoh ~ ~ '~H .H teTn problemn's? \Vhat proof is thereJeu aioh 21: 15-7t Virginia Fairey. 18h Anvray Srie thleat odisresonilafr h "Feed My' Little Sheep." The Ev en i ng Aifiliated held ai Triniiy United Church Bibles acrînay. :Saturday afienoon six newiGroup ai the \V.M.S. ai St. recently. The subjeci ai bis Mn. J. MacPbenson, District ministers symbolized t hein de- Andrew's Presbyterian Chur- sermon at the morning ser- Supen'vison ai Jebovah's \Vit- dication ta their Creator and . hwsi hre iteta 'ce was '"The Modern De- nesses, prcsented proofs ta 480 Life-giver, Jebovah God. This1 whicb w'as eonvened b 'v Mrs adsa Gd" n "i He pensons assembied at Ne\w- svas pneccded by a discourse!IJames A. Bell, the president.lex-ening bis iopic was Hv casîle Cammunity Hall aitîhe sbowing the rneaning ai bap-1 Those who sited in e We Ai e the rinserv" e conclrîsion aifithe tbree-day tism andi that it canstitutes bngwere Mrs.Perey asvîiîîg. Rosheoorninhwa wsrvce assembly ai Jabovah's Wýit- iheir ordination date. On Sat- Boss. CBettonandshawa, was th. nasses, racently, xvban ha spoke undav evening the two -hour Kly.Tioeshoasiî u~ rest soîoist. He sang Gou Kelly was veryassite înîod's "O, Divine Redeemner", inthe subjact 'The Bible pnogiram wsveysnîccessfu]i he kitchen wene Mrs. A. M.nd"heBlndP11hm0 Triurnphs In A Scientific Mn. N. Nex'ar, Circuit Super- T!ompsonThrsBlioarcl Stu- b' Cl Worlrl'. vison-. intenviewed many full- r, Mr' arone.rrc Man% pensons today are rm- tima ministers. rcksr srsK.Gardon Striroci.-h Yrs. Lloyd Clifton. Mrs. F. R r. .Sî er'od a h fortunatehy bcing swung ta The convcention camne ta a 'Swann and Mrs. Fred M oois o teathr1'IWI evoîrition whicb is based anly close xitb instruction from ýson, GreatiY Rejoice" ai the even- ean ibeory. Mn. MacPhersoiu'vlr. Nevar rsing as bis srîbject, ___________ ng service, and Mrs. Sain said the Bible is definitaîx'hbas- "Spcaking The Tnutb Uniles". Black's hovelv sala) was "Faitb- cd on fact. As ian- as lufe is Mn. MacPbersun then followedý DTrYTTDVlI Shepherd Grilde Me" by conccrnied, scientisis rînder with cancluding remau'ks, UJ ITUkiiI1 Stickies -- -- controllcd conditions in a la- "Wiliingly Expand Your Min-ý boratory cannot force evolti- istnv-." HELENA MAE ROBERTS - -___ >ion n anv scaie. , r ssît nýe- mnainîs show ail]secetfliVe stai-t-,d srddenix , cavch nuese- cording ta their kiiîd. MVr. Macphierson a lo pain ted nut that scientificalîx' spvaking, ail orgaîîized canisi rrictjnn, re- quirca a canstructor. Thoen Mr'. Mac.Plitersonî ceu on ta showr that a stnîdv oF races, laiiguagcs, archaalogy, ail prove thai hife stanted as stated in the Bible in GGenesis 1:1 xxith Almigblt\v God. J(,- liovah. Aftier estahisiiii g ils a'utbeiîticitx', l\r. lichna spenît nemainiîîg lime slîox -_ inîg that the Bible bias te answers ta ail li e's 1pnahilers,i ofiernng real hope ai hife for the fuîtrre. Silic<'vuvi i ('10\scd e-1 penîds on hle froint God 1 sharîld 1hp xvurtilîe\,ic.tliiu lis. The fi rsi requît cmeletl tram Gad ta guiin ie is thujt ai takinîg in Kjnawleclge c! God and lus Suni Johnir173 t hen lP ppling mirîuliearts lu il. Knovd'idge leanîs to failliaur] %vitbaut ta ifli il is i us u Iu ploase Gad weil. (Hebnews, Ou FI-ida * \ eviilitg.:30)7 sans lI stened int ixt.\ as pe 'l Mr. Successful Bazaar HeId By Kinettes A most eijaabie Bazaar \vas lield bhv the Bownîanvil!e Kincite Club on Fniday, Nov. 8tlî iiSt. Aiîdîrw's Sunday, Sclunal Roatuîs. Kinettes Jean \îl liaius and Evelyuu Werr' veethe co-rolivanors oi the Churet'rit.v Kîîuette Em Stutt wai the Sbe is suri'vved by ber bus- onvanor ai the Sale ai Home band, ber moilier andrltxvu Rakin!z. Slie xvas assisted bv'rîiugbtars. Lviin and Mrs. E.I Kiiiîcte I.]]Hooper. #Tie Ap_,Young (Lais], both ai Wlîitbv:-l rin Pfîatlî',a. convencd b\' tree brotheis, Wilson ai Boa-l Kîueîic Aucîrev Sleep, and lier ver tan, Orville ai Seagrave, s.r:ntwas Kinette Bar~bara andi Donald ai Bo\vmaiîx'ille.l Conncîl. There ar'e four grandcbildren.1 'lTe White Elepliant Booth Tlîe deceased nested ai the' was convciued by Kinette Don- W. C. Town Fanerai Homne, athi' Passant. and Kinctite Wlîitby, foi- the frîneral ser- HleeîîDiin assistad ber. K],u- vice lin the chapel Tuesday, ette Gloria Cooka was toc Nov. 12. Rev. J. Smith offi-> canveuîar ai the Used Clotb- ciated. Interment was in, ,in, Boothi. Mounit Lawa Cemelery, Osh-j Tu1e Gift1 Table was conven- awa. The death ai Mirs. Garnet E.' IRabert.i occrîrred suddeiil%- at ber rvsidence, 21-9 Penny strci. Whitbx',-, Satnirda v, Nov.' 9, 196-1. Mirs. Roberts was in lier S2nd year. The lairmet' Helena -Mac Ba., Ilie deceascd was a claugbiter r ai Mis. Marnd Bac and tle laIe Mr. Alec Bac and xvas ba.n iai Seagrave. Ontar~io. lIn 1936 -sue mra'riecl Garnet E. Rabenis n Bo\xvmanv\ille and fromn Ilîc uuitil ber cleath lived in Xhii- bv. Mns. Roberts xvas a mani- ber ai SI. Mark's United CELEcTRIÈ LTDr7 f I.OTACTIG REtAift!M I16 Teinperance St. rie" * * * Save 1 O!-Fan< N ,q1<i n ity si i .ty le Green Giant CORN 31 Save ~ I!lapei- hpeet un WAGSTAFFE JAM Sasve 4 !-laslrý- MONARCH FLOUR Sa va fi(-2.5 fret hy 12 inche., Reynolds FOIL WRAP 15-oz. Tins for 49c 24-oz. jar 7-1b. bagr 67C roll 29c Save huc-Checse Spread 16-oz. jar CHEEZ PLEEZ 53c jSAVE 17c! - NEW - 3-PLY TISSUES KLEENEX Man Size 2 pkgs 49c' S.AVE Sc! - INSTANT lb. Un NESTLES QUIK L 57GC AJAX& CLEANSER 2 for 35c BONUS BIVY save 6(.! swee~t ýixci 16-0z. Jar BONUS Bl'Y! Save 4le! QI'ICK-36-.îz. or INSTANT, 32 oz. ROSE PICKLES 31c ROBIN HOOD OAS 9 Sae 4< Il t*S'I' -Rhi) IK 1,l j ar 1~3e BONI S BIV!Save Se BONU S B li " Save Se! 37-0z. Pkg. Red & Wi hte Homogei',z 16 oz. Jar Monarch" TEA BISK 45c PEANUT BUTTER 29c BONI S BUV1 Save 8v! Pkg. of f60 BONUS BUV Save 9c! Kellozzs 12-0z. Pkgs. Red Rose TEA BAGS 77c ilk Corn Flakes I pkgs 53c. r- - Sunspun Birds Eye New Vegetable Dishes Save 10e - Vour choice CORN AND PEAS with TOMATOES GREEN PEAS and ('ELF.RY GREEN PEAS and PEARL ONIONS 10-oz. pkgs. 3 for 89ci pint brickç Golden Hlonr 27c SUCKERS cello bag BAKED FRESH Weston or Sunbeam Reg. 39c-Pkg. of 12 Butter ruffs --- ---35c Supreme donuts doz. 29c Aunt Marys Sliced bread.... loaf 21 c FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS BAKERS DOZ. GRAPERUIT 3 for $1 Nutritious Bradford 3 lb. poly bat Garden Fresh V.S. Large Bunche% No. 1 Marsh Carrots 2 - 29c GREEN ONIONS, 2 for .19 FRSE and Tende Rlch Creamy Flesh Fresh Ocean Sprayr MUSHROOMS. b... L49c CRANBERRIES ... L29c Qt. Box 25ç, MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PORTERS RED & WHITE *.Maple Grove . .Orono Newtonville I. L--.WALfg TRICIAN-5AYS 1

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