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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1963, p. 9

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for their ptirchases of wrcaths or sprays duri the animal Poppy Appealu Local 189, U'.R.C.L.P.IW.A. U'nionn Goodyear "ire & Rubber C'o. <~~~ommanville Public Schnols nmBomanville High Schooi St. ,Ioseph's R.('. School Tow~n of Bow-nanville liîons Clubi Kinsmen(Cluib Kihvanis Club Specialty Paper Knox School Cou rtice Schoolus NIrs. J. WVilson Mrs. C. Alloway Robt. Bayes Sheehan FamlIy Rundle Family Mlrs. C. Hall Keith Y'en Fuel% Flaxman Famuly C-..IV. S HE E H AN, My. CONI',AY. Poppy Preside ('hairm, 25%1 MORE TABLETS! You bav'e 257, on every bottie of Rexali Super Plenamins Canada's most popular muiti-vîtamin and minerai tabletl NOW! 18 extra tatilets wth 72, ..ail for $ 4.98 You save $1.49 36 extra tablets wth 144 ..ail for $ 7.98 you save $2.89 72 extra ta blets wtb 288...ail for $13.98 you save $498 Speccal offers for a limited time only. Big savings on the 8 oz. and 16 oz. Rexali Super Plenamins Jr. Liquid too! JURY & LOVEL IVE DELIVER Phonle 623-t3361 ing Teenage Leagui Bantam Girls Sellers .5, MeMurler 0: A.v 5, Ev-ans (0; Lvle 3, lenniiuîS TeanuStandiung A vre .............. Evans Hcnniîg .................. 1 Selleu's . ........ ... McMurter High Sinîgle J. Seilers 1t: F. Heîîuiug 174. Higli Double J. Sollers j,-) F. Henniuîg 273. Junior Girls Burnis 5, Selleis o: roi 3, Goodw-bn 2; Mutton Lewibs ). BrsTeani Stauudiuîg 3 ian. Muluon Leu-is Goodwin ...... B ro undil Il lu iu gl -N. EJ iioiuc sou2:,S. Mitchell2:8,C Iuitoi24D5ub24e Jtmiior lBoys Soi 5, .lusîi! 4; l'rik - Pipern1) TIeauuî Stanîdinig Nowlan.................. 4 Bî'ock........... .......... -, Piper ............ -_..... ) Preston ............ 2 Wilson marshili Ihich SinîgIe - W. Mci- 264~ G. Wilson '214. lligb DuLcube W Airci'4,53 D. Nowlan 34!i Senior NMixed leaguie Ku:sO1ý 5. *inuîie 2;:Col)!\:! 7.Bacuprie 140':Calaîî 5,'Jet frrv 2; Oke 7, Conînbes 4 Teani Stanîding Callan . .-....1 K:ýon .....................- O k . ..... ................. 3 Beatipnie Coonibes High iSiule - -S; Oke28 R. Bi-otiiil 25. R. Pr'rf(-c 22 24,D. Kimg 57 C. Brad. 202, J. Beiîîue*tu 2>47. S, tl. "I1, J. Bh1uuit2M,. K. Oke 2 2 10. P. Rit-bards 216, W. B:ur- gC.ýýS 251 . Hligb Triple S. Oke 62-9. K. K Oke 6 (45. Si.Nov-. :30) Bauuaii Gr1l v'ubowl iah eî u i witb Saunta Ciacis, ail ahr noon bowling A-ill be catie- ville led. Inten-town u ,Leôgîue 2 p.n 1. sharp. Luberuv Boivi, Bow%- manville. for the service. r m (w,,,I;rr1 Mrlon uttry w-- ogan-1,1ram Tecauadian stitesman, Bowmanvme, Nov. 27, 18 Men) Moy. LaurenceGri COF OWLI G waq '!'.-Mý-er ofC COF OWLI G mnnie.z and M~ G. Ca:i- P, Ve;z!':akf, ad ( - Bock 248. Earl Luke 2,37. Bob read the address prez-er rar ' -îrn a'ch oai!!Goodmurphv - 2.38. H a r, r -.-he nc\wiv.e witac 7~. T.- 'i:-: ?bc-t Snowden 227 and Jim Smith for-able chiair and has.z ûliI brs; thr fact that Bet*ty , 220. Edna Baker had the low James Low7ervýs. St1an Wcstakes tçam wi w%-n to.-' game of 38 but stili did ni)' the Farrowvs and Helen Wc fi: : -i c'i:p and !he right top Grant Mallev's 33 bomled yoktrs npain fo to -(r'" tho w!r.ncr of the sec- last September.' Onlv other dancing. ,.&ÊicI l hcdiîio foir 'he Cabh.7,01 game bowled under 100 .vaz r W. Mercer. Mrs. Va L~~h.W'* h lon1v 3 weeks Bill Hawkins. Carol Robe,-,; Alien and Mrs. H. Pari f remain-1nc. Beitvs teami nas and Jack MacNab now leacd blave Thursdavý to go to1 a Ir'ad of 14 pont-s over :.he the most improved bowlers. denton. F1orJda, where G":n c.nnY-earn. An inter- Teami Standing Mercer plans to remain est ing note isz the three trip W. L. Pt1- the m-inter. trnzarr' a!! cap*,aîned bv 'Betty Westlake_ 27 6 64 With Mrs. W. 'Mercier, S 1adies' . On!': bowlers bit 600 Gwen Dennis ...21 12 .50 da v. were Mr. and Mrs. CI th: w cr-k xvth Jack Mantl 1e Marg Perris .... 21 12 49 le Roach and familv of La ]eald!n2 the wvav A-ith 696 with Ron Brock 16 17 38 ewadMsVnc A 9-rneS of 2-U, 22! and 220, Harrv Snowden .. 16 1 _î37 and Mrs. Partner of Oron 0O'hor.J a ('1 MacNab 669 Glenn Prout .. ... 14 1 ' A dance m-as he!d Fri (208, 2.59 and 203), Harold Bob 'Marshall ... 10 _3 eveningi« n ClarkcE 1 Bau i6'21) (271, 203.5, and Rap 6ettaehe 7 ehool i stutcde B'vWestlake 61.5 (195, 246 6~teKna tdns and 174,, n".bcr g!od sconres Ladies Top 10 John Thompson lias sold Ca rol Robcr',. 223. Ev KnSireBrc.....Ave. truck to Bill Hale but has 1224, Harold k ain.......G..n.194 accompaniv hlm on the ti Drrnnis 2.36. Llovd Ellý.sar P2r2........191 uintil the' licence is recei Marg Perrîs -2-48, 'Shirlfev, Vera King ....... ...... 1?4 in Hale's name. Betty Westlake .. .... 184 Wednesdav evening the Marion Mallev........... 179 meeting was held at the h< Sandra Goodmurphv .... 178 of Mrs. Martin Mandersv Croi Roberts............... 178 Mrs. A. Low presiding. -wen Dennis.._........ .... 172 Eleanor Foster read the nr N E E D Joan Gisn............ 6 utes and orsndce MnTop 10 ettes are availahle for the Ave t use at banquets, etc. C AH ? Rav Westiake ............ 214 nid x-Olnsit be in Ron Brock ................ 209 fore Saturda 'v as thie blanli 1,-Loans 5 oHrvSodn_.......21aebnggthn W 0O On - the - Spot BbM'Sal.. 13' h eirctzn iG Service. Don Bishop.................. 202 den Plow Lodge at Cobou M - Mnrtgage Loans, Jack Mantie................. 197d Gift-s must be labelled for Jack MacNab ............... 187 lady or a gentleman, and; low repaynient Glenn Prout ............... 18.5 to be given i0 at Our ni plan. Jim Smith ---_.........174 meeting. B -Budget Plans to Miss C. W. Stewart int suit veryincoiec uced our guest speaker, -Y suitevcr Incme. PETfAT Marie Gartshore, wbo for A - Availahie Evenings past four vers has made c after 5. dial Mrs. Eddie COuIroux and leeti ng buttons ber bob 623-2644. Mrs. George Mercer were in Shie belongs to a group of n Preston Saturdav taking the who have formed a Buti N - No delays -one.-woles n'n securing, socîetv and hiold ïneetiî cati bans. afie unh f lnuketsetc.'She shored LuS a finle displ KKnov your Loin- Tuesdlav evening. memýbers o manY kinds of buIttc han mnaer cîlfrom here attended the Offi- srne verY oid and sonie m( bati illnagr - allc-l Board meeting held at er, but ail vers- prett'. TIi ham h !were arranged in various p aMrme hio. adMs m as ,terns on cardboard and mn Po* * r.Hand, Mr. Bsevn-'h ave taken infinite painsa I'Ï) PR MPTPor Hoe. ereguets un-time to do. Mrs. Gartsh( 1 011 PROMERVPT day with Mr. and Mrs. Hat- had secured maniv of themn EFFICENT SRVICE cher Foster. Mr. and Mrs. bler recent trip to the CALI, 623-3363 JerrY Byers were dinner World and had amusing an( Must r. and Ms. arri Mecerdotes to tel in connecti OpenFriay Eenigs Or nvsd Mrs. W. Merer,' itb tbem. 0f special ni Ornopistd Ir.W.Mr-ition were ber pictures Opn Saturday inornings cer and Mrs. Mary Luio flowers made with buttoi Until Christmas front 9 - 12 SunidaY afternoon. A bearYvt fapeit Recent guests with Mis. ' oeofapeit asgiven Mrs. Gartsho Alva Swarbrick were Ross. The roll cal] was 'Bring soi * ~Rouglilev and Miss Talmadgebutn togv Mr.G of Osawaand Mr. and Mrs. i utshoe'. rs G Rov atto ofOrono. 1Mr uasytxk nt 1We were pleased to hear M.Trnk oku tha Pre Brlv s mi ,Penny' Collection. A' tea co thgandercvoutlev is mprov- itest waS held bv Mrs. Coi ~~ hein g enand soutw rm un oux, with Miss C. 1W. Stewi theoxyen 0w.and Mrs. Henderson beiîîgi whiten the ground Sundav wnes heewr w niorning and had flurriesý members and three visitc tbrughut he ay ut hes presenit. We were pleased F inance truhu h a'ybttrWhv L1enebr was littie left by niglht, Novhvi e îebr 7he Parre -a remember tor moNt yi 24th.. Henderson, join our W. I. ai iA prespntation was hold in aiso to have Mrs. Florer COLIN COOKE, Mantager ;the Orange H-all Fridav eve .-i-' Ferguson visit uis. A delicio îng for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, lunch w-as served b ' Mi -. Garland Cathcart and oi hostess Mrs. M.anders, whom we extcnded a lîcar vote of thanks for bier ho pitalit,'. The December mee Branc 178ig is to be at the home bohW. and U.C.W. ne Bowm a nvilie ings are scheduied att cember it, bas been decided boid îhemn on the saine nigl, Royal Canadian Legion M110H aepltnanng on Mrs ttaepletand Mais. i a film on the Santa CIai The Poppy Conmnittee of Branch 178, Royal paae.A ecîag o i among the ladies is also to1 Canadian Legion wishes to thank the following hed ha Ilia attack be died v'ery Reynolds; Catering Coox-enor, f. MEN'S VL D 1sidlîl.The 1I-'uited Churc-hMrs L. Welsh. wva-i filled ',0capacitv oui Fnl- Lunch was servei and a H D O P R A 'ý l , af:c-rnuon wlen Peopi social time enjoyed. I - IK li A r- ui fac anîd near came to Mn. and Mcs. W. Craig re- 1%, 'iWWU UBAN Water Repellent 1- '. thir i'uepct 1 this fine eived a cable fnom Mr. and tf A *HayD k ouî iaun. Iuteruiieut was i Mrs. Bob Davies in Austrahia, He. \>uc .Me(Cu-avt Cemeteu'v-. To t o-c to say that bis father passed w u *Wo Lne t ý\v!npaithv Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn Fabic.Reg-Icavy to ý: Mrs. W'. .aîîes Bogg-s passed anîd Bnian were Satucday vis-FarcRg$49 ,mouîtls iilîîess Fuuueial was Bcock, Hamilton. SPECIAL 9 lueld froin Haw Fiîneu'aI Home Several from this conmmun- .*Light WeightHev i u Millhu'ook oui SautuLdari ity attended tha Royal Winter Heand ar i i iuternîiî li Liffoi d Fair' last week.Pli Ceieeuv. We extend oui:' (lntended for Iast week) ~ Beautiftil Shadeq li Iov Iptlv l le hisband, Ou Sunda thie church dau,,liter andc sisters. service w-as ini charge of the Re. 299 r uee and sons. Osbawva. werc Welsb gave the Cali ho Wor- i1~' CHRISTMAS lSie Sudav' is iuors w'itlî the sbip, announced the bymn and ' PCAL *Ail ColONs l imie of writiuîg it lookcs Scripture lessons were cead' 4 -Reg. $3.99 iike Mauîvers will have a coui by Roberta Craig and Margan- j; YA 'test for the Reeveship. Mn. et Shackleton. Prayer wasý 9 9 CH IT A j CHRacomI16STMASgve y ahyTis.Mr l:Ree ýv b pl bp%,vMr ivBob a and isMrion SEC_$~2,99 cLeis MeGilI, Couuîculor for Buittery favoured witb a duet. 1963 and a fou-ner Deput,; The ebldren's stocy was told Reeve oif the township. Elect- by Bob Blackburn. The et fer- SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F GIFT ITEMS ... cd bv' acclamation were: Dep- ing was received by Lacry! itv Reeve. Nr Roduîev Pon- Welsh and Bruce Richards. DRESS SLACKS GLOVES- SCARVES - BELTS - HANUKERCHIEFS le,-: Couuî-uior Messrs. Wi'- Rev. . Dug-an's message for son Heaslip, Abex McMaster the young people was "The. and R. John Payne.i Chance of a Lifetimne". Miss' - ýe A lu J R" ; i lu ui r>. is ,pectacular Savîngs on ISUPER PLENAMINS! Iiw-.~u IIhaPlrIu..'-WM "i SI. E. ria y y CE 1 ggluvi 1 g W Lit 11 lMr. and Mrs. J. Hall ce- Last fail it was "Georgeý Commencement Exercises, onl Wed. Der. 4, at 8 p.m. Unit turned home on Tuesday and Margaret":ths tailit5 Fridav night. !Leader Mrs. Edna Elliott will ' i nhEb fui. teîns took to the trouble with heavy ice owing afer spending the weekend "The Curious Savage". It is Mr:. and Mrs. Bob Wood and ýbe in charge of the program. :ck beTuesda'.-, November 191,h, to the high temperature for with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall the Bowmanvbl!e Dr a ma fam il ' , Gooderham, w e re Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, H-.-for the firzt of the scheduled this time of the year. and family, Chatham. Worksbop's first production, week*end visitors with Mi;s Mrs. Arnold Wade. Mr. and nons games this season. Thursdav, the ice was im-' Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist an.d for this season. thr- - T'he skips leading their proved a .s the temperature family were recent visitors Many of ils capable cast Anne Neqbitt. :Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Warde-i 'eamnF to the firsî vicuorN w-ere dropped a littIe. The winning with Mr. and Mrs. W. Laird, w'ihî be familiar faces - Bar- Rentcies ihMcanadMr.ElWakv er sneMesdames Woodlick. B el]. teams were skipped by Mes-Maple Grove. r. oh g lzbt rwr Mrs. M. Kimbali included Mr. among those attending the *tner Burk. and Morris. Some of dames Woodlock. Kr a mp, Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery. Barbara Bethiine. John Ames- and Mrs. John Lockhart, Nia-' Commencement Exercises. o., Bra-lie girls wece having a littie'Burk and Fletcher. Oshawa, Mr. and Mcs. Lew' uy ogOk.WnWna gara Falls, Ont., and Mr. and;Friday niglît, at Port Hope M rs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~Rundie, town; Mrs. F. Black- cottý, and Helen Neiles. ThereMr.WladLcatN-,HhSbo. rdn ake for '- m o u mburn, Mr. Bob Blackburn, are new-comecs tW the cast gai-a Falls, N..presented the Utnited Courities M ixe M aj r Le gu 'Miss Norma Griffiths were too, - Ken Dennis. Mary Me- Miss Bertha Thompson basý Scholarship Awacd for Grade Sun-~J. Saturday supper guests of Mr. Gibbon. Doreen Kitney and gone to Toronto for the win-;_13. bair- and Mcs. L. Welsh. Jiini MacMillan. ter. i______________ ake- Team Standing 1 233, B. Budav 230, R. Wright Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist were Louise Orme. the director, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilniî)ur1I lien Pts. Pins12211 B. Hearl 219, . OEFtcher Sunday visitors with Mr. and and the cast bave been ce- and famiiv were weekendl o. Bickell----------.. _24 35789, 219, J. Now-ian 215, J. Carter Mrs. F. Twist, Whitb. hearsing now for mnany weeks. visitors with Mrs. Lena Ovens;.' da ' Terr.v ............ 21 35057'!214. B. Trimble 214, B. Hol- Mr. F. Blackburn and Brian The scenervY and propecties Mr. Ravmond Bruce and' 11bEtcher............115 34038' royd 214. attended the Maple Leaf promise to provide a set friend took in the Roval Win- jol bvJ ......15 340W6 High Gamies - B. Heari 303, hockey game in Toconto on which w-ll be one of the most ter Fair on Saturday. aiid Beauprie......... 12 39349i319, D. Joli 337, 269, B. Bu- Saturdlay night.. attractive s-et. The plaY is vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Chachie bis Mairs ... -Il 33003,1 day 320, G. Elliot 303, P. Dob- UNICEF collection in this filled with charmi and humo., Watters over the %veekend. sto 111gb Single- D. Joli 337 bins 273, 299, H. Burgess 298, community amounted to $27.52 caiculated to niake its audi- Mr .and Mrs. Trueman Hen-i ýrp Hg ril B erl83 .Wight 2284. J. Nowlan 264, and the Blind cavs,$5.5 nce laugh. and to make it ake on thefail week- Pyramild ved Low Single- M. Mairs 117 'E. Perfect 264, B. Barter 261, think. Kennisis a olyhewee at High Average - P. Dobbinsý B. Colwell 259, J. Murphyý The dates are Thursdav. end. Wl 243,__D. Joli 236, E. Perfect' 253, B. Brown 252. ____ BETHANY Fridav, Satîîcdav, December Mran Ms.CrecHa' your irme 5 6. 7. Foc furtber details wood came dlownî fcom Orillia '.uth I U T M Mrs. George Page xvas ad- s5ee the inside advertisenîent. to be present at Rex'. and Mrs,., rail travel savings GO DY AR B W LINGInitdorii Hsit],Pt- ionetheprosident, Mrs. Whitesweddiganniversarv'wt 1 t Machine Shop beld league-1 emSadnsaboknamsfee i Other visîtors at the Manse wt rvi- ieading Office to a 4-3 win pts fall at bier borne. Her many I were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewý,is, W. . Thursda.v night, but Tigers Office-------------------..........59 fciends wish bier a speedy ce- TJ1Ill1.UTT and sons from Roseneath, and P i Ai isd an opportunity to Bel ts ..............44 covery. NEWTON~LVÂI.LJ r.rturTomso f be- close thega. he Betts Lbrtr........ The sympathy of the corn- Mr. and Mu-s. Don Elliott. edl e(ts handed tlîem a 7-0 pasting to! Machine Shop------------... _41 munity is exteiided to James V are take over the runîîer-up posi- .Ties----------1Bgsnthdatofisif with Mr. and Muý-s. George Fl- Mr. and Mrs. RonBurleY ifls tion. In another upset, Com- Combines ._.......... ....... 4() the former Josepbine Davis. liott attended thîe Antique Car Port Hope. wvere Sundavvsi lot- ets just about dropped out of Bu'aiders .......................... 40 The funerat. serv-ice was held Club banquet and dance -iu tors at Mr. Cecil Burle s F R S V R PA Licg,. contention, bcbng belted 7-0 by Lead Press .............. ..... 0ý7 on Saturday fcom the J. . w the FIl>xing Dutchman Motel Mr. and Mrs. Jin Curson r a Braiders. Cornets.................._.... 3- Haw Funeral Home i~ n Mil-eceutily'. wr udvspe -e areý Laboratocy stayed in third Fan Mrs. James Caswell. Pbhîp with Mc. and Mrs. Clinto.i Seyoraenoa iext on the stuength of 5-2 win of, Hase--------------------......... 29inald Rose of Betban.y. Bunial, aiudfo- BereeendaTheChristTarontotinowof cellar-dwehling Banbury, and Banbury .....................27 was ini St. Mar's Ceiietecy a veekaofo'te -ckd TeChstasm tig f tro-in e___________a acionMc. and Mrs. John Earl, and thie Sauta Clauis panade. the U.C.W. wilh be held in the, vIrs. Lead Pcess sbut out Fan Betts London, visited witb lier par- Mrs. Willis Fanu-ow was; ad- United Clîucch basement ii the 7-0 and Combines downed A,~ ents Mi'. and Mrs. Morgan mtted to Memorbai Hospital______________________________ col- Iose 52. Friday M îlternoont Bigelow during the weekend. las3t Tuesda '-, anîd Mrs. S. J. )by. "BLd" 1ening wakedoffMiss Winnifu-ed Nesbitt and Lanîcaster ou Thui'sdav. W'e by.e "ud"h alte nu al of ng!_ rs. Annie Cheshire w-ho have wish botb tbie.scladies a tongaies f 35. 95 nd 04 o' eIf patients in Civic Hos- speedy ie-ov-er. ýton ganies of 35, 295 and 20pitaladPeterBwlug wt i- Mis.Arniold Wade ted 0 H e JU I R 'ii n gs. a liuge 824 tribple. Arnold Lobb ptlPerbouhwi n- Iavsta-ved close witb a 790 total, 200 Games juries foliowing a car accident tbe U.C.W. ba-zaar and tea at ns,!inade uip bY- games of 297,2251' O. Patfield 265, E. Richards on Thursday, wene able to u'e- PottHope United Cliurcb on iud- anîd 242. Leon Connors got 250, M. Yeo 245, M. Cowail 227' tuin to their homes here on Wednesda. m hcvy into the act too, cecordiîîg a D, Paeden 226, E. Coombe.ý,Monday.. The re-uiar iionitil.v nieet- îust 262 anud 219 scores. Jack Bond,225, W. Coombes 216, R Hît- Toronto, spent the weekend, i Newtonville School Wcd-OCE anîd î'olled itp 719, foliowed by Ted chinsoni 21.1, L. Martvn 20, with bis parents, Mr. and Mcs. uesday vubug hetuc Addison Scott. tr'ustees, whose turu it w'as ýore Bagne]]. Rus.s HateiY 701, J. Lobb 209, W. Brown 206. Pt.Jh Jako saioedfcrieeut rr-letn on onWhte 1,Bil Jîl69, verages with the Canadian Army ait tlîis veau', uanielv Trueman TO RONTO M AKLBOROS ()Id Brban Mart'-n 676, John GoodelO. Patfield............ 204,bondon was home for the Hende rson. Jack Kimbaht anîd ec- 65ê, Jack Geddes 654, andE.' Etcher ...............-...2-031 weekend with bis parents, Mc. Reg. Elliott, wcre ail re-eleot- VS. ion Kaî'l Piper 653. M. Malley................... 200 and Mcs. Vincent Jackson. 'ed bv acclamation, at the eu- Othet' top sinigles weiit to 'L. Marty-n---------------... __185 The Ladies' Orange Lodge Nomination at Orono. Fi'iday. of Stu Carson, Ross Hately 281, V» Martyn ................... 184 sponsored a euchce paî'ty on Mc. and Mr.s. Geor'ge Staple- S A A G N R L us. Johin Goode anîd Ted Bagneli B. Sellers..................... 18-3 Fciday night in the Orange ton attended the Royal Win-OS A A G N RS on 278, Kari Piper 273, Mucra. 'Lob... ................. 180; Hall. Ficst prize winners ter Fair on Fuida.v. ne. Graîît 272, Ron White 266,1M. Yeo.................-- 180 wcce Mrs. Cau't Porteous and Tliere were 12 tables In play nie 244, Farewell Black.burn 263,:M. Cowan _................. 178,Bruce McGihl. Consolation at the card partY Fuiday even- ct- R. Kemp 258, Floyd Bradd W~ Coombes ....... ...... 17î8 pnizes went to William Phil- ing, spoîîsored by the Wom- BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA 955, R. Clack 2.54, John Lux-:M. Colville........... .... 1781 lips and Lewis McGill. en's Instituite. Prbzes went to blie ton 252, Aif Randhe 252 and E.' Richards .... ........... 176 ______ Mrs. Florence Ferguson fr on- Bill Joli 250. M.Gbo........7 Li-M. Fibost .....r............... 1617 NEWTONVILLE - high lady; George Stapleton,ý ar' [Mw s . Richrds-------------... ....1696PAnsîes BOWIN high man: and for the draws, T U ES., D EC. 3 rd KLu. Dodds .................166 SAKILEBW iNG Bea Joncs, Wallace Boughein, "N Ight f w S" . RBhroos...... ........... 1667iForgset- .-nots..-221 26197, Florence 1-alloweil, Robent 8:00 P.M. c': S. roo s ......... _ .. ..... 5î'Foret- e-tits . 2 2637 Tmlach, Iva Farrow, Wilfced 0 17S ~~T. Eby........................157 Asters ............ 12 23972, Wood; and door pnize toi to a is'L a u D. aD en.... .........156 Sunflowers . ...Il 2.3658 Frank Gilmeu'. Lad es Regu . Dwson ..................155 Over 200 Games - Bai'neY' Several of the Young people ADMISSION Ed ilrlR.Hutchinýon.............. 150 Boisvert 307, Marg. MacDouî- attended tbe Sadie Hawkins Sides - $1.50 Ed 12 c'e Team Standing D. Perfect ................ 149 aId 238, Marion Hante-Ma x- 'Dance at Clarke Higb School Standing - $1.25 us G. Bain . . ........ 31 N. MeFeeters-----------1481well 224, Martha Farrow 214,, Little Gien MacDonald is il nsc. G. Scott .................... 2)8 A. Hodgson.................. 147 212, Marie Trim 20,5. patient in Bowmranville Hos- Students and Children, seats or standing- 75e )Lu' i M. Hodgson ............... 18 W. Brown ... _ ............. 142 Hîgh Single Banne,' Bois- pitl. bo M. Wisenman ............ ..... 17 E. Mitchell................. 141 vert 307. Congratulations to DocotbvhTikt NwonSl tv- S. Coombes ..............._17 M. Tippens................. 140 Higb Triple- Bacney Bois-lElliott, Fcanik Stapleton and SubscriberTikt o onSl 's- V. Piekard ............ .. 9 E. Coombes..................1,38 vert 689. iGrant Wadc wbo received' at Arena Box Office et- High Single- J. Mutton 263 D. Rogers.................. 1,8 High Average Joan Hall' their Intermediate Certificates of High Triple- M. Wiseman 611 M. McDonald-----------...._ .-17 178. a h otHp ibSho __________________________ lid,200 Games B. McDonahd------------.....l;33 >4 e- M. Wisemîan 2017, 210; A. R. Cowan...........2 .'........ ......-12l' Ile Coiweih 2101, 2(19; J. Mutton L. Graham--------------.......120~ 63; G . Scott 226; F. Paterson M . W h ite ---------------........ 116 .M t216: F. Allenî 213; K. Camp- 1. Green .................. _... 108 RMiE';N t. el29 .Bin21;J an E. Moore----------------.......96 li l2 0:G Ban28 J.Mi07; . W ight 201. M. Quiuîney ................89OGf 4 E* A0rge . Richards ......_.......8 îg Aea Teamis Standing.. 3 OM N IL uls G. Scott ........... 187 Games Won No. Pin.ý4 K N S . E 'ts G. Bain - ......... ....... 182 Lobb . 15 16894,-4 I G S . O M N U L bM. Wisemnan...............182 Patfieîd 14 16389 ý1ý M.. H-odgson................. 176 MeDouîiaid . 12 F6705ý J. SIlearer _ . ...............1"d.5 Ftchcr. .... 9 15802. M . S c d m a î î ý. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1 7 1 1 M a r \ n . . . 61 4 8 K. Campbel............ .170 ~IFee- . 46 e .Aln................. 169 MFe___ .. l1l .A. CoIwcll . ................ 168 M. Foster-................. 168 eM. Bussouîette . ............ 166SA E 2.V Pîckard ...............16.7 S. Coombes...... ...... ..... 164 Salein U.C.W. held their 1. Wrigit..-----_....... ...... 161 Novcmbeî' meeting at the 29 M. Fii - -------b-_.... 1604 churcli. Mu-s. Ross Lane, presi..- M. Ciago....... 160) dent, opened the meeting with 18 L. Wondc-ock............... 15 8 the theme hymn. Mrs. Doug 14 .1. iiii....... 156 Reynolds and hiec gnoup were J. Wondiuc-k................. 155rho charge. Scniptuce was cead W. MeNeil ý..................152 by Mrs. K. Fletcher. Devo-- MEN'S MEN'S C. Ruter .. ....1,51 tional readbng by Mrs. W. L Buîrnes.........18 Craug .5ev cal bym> Bo%%-stiaii% -- 'q

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